A conspiracy for various occasions in life. Protection from the enemy

The feeling of happiness is what people need in order to fully enjoy life. A conspiracy for happiness will help you find this wonderful feeling and fill your life with new colors. This rite helps a person to open up powerful energy flows that attract positive emotions and joyful events into life.

A conspiracy for happiness helps to find inner harmony, learn to enjoy life and live for your own pleasure.

The main types of rituals

There are many rituals in the world that help a person find true happiness. To carry them out, it is not at all necessary to contact professional sorcerers and magicians. If a person believes with all his heart and fulfills all the conditions of the ceremony, then you can perform it yourself. Conspiracies are of two types:

  • Self-directed - help to solve their own problems. Thanks to such rituals, a person attracts positive emotions and events into his life.
  • Aimed at loved ones - performed for someone to help them find well-being.

Conspiracies for happiness can have various effects. Some are done in order to attract happiness into life, regardless of how life develops - good or bad. Sometimes rituals are aimed at returning lost happiness.

How to properly perform the ritual

Conspiracies and prayers for good luck and happiness must be learned by heart, then the action of the ceremony will be effective. The words of the prayer should be read in a whisper. During the ritual, you need to completely relax, concentrate on what you want and be imbued with the belief that it will come true in the near future. This rite is best performed during the waxing moon.

Good luck conspiracy

“Wednesday, Sereditsa, use your word for water. I am baptized by Christ, I am covered by faith; I am guarded by the Guardian Angel. My angel, guardian have mercy. Sit on your right shoulder, Guard me from morning to evening: From the beast and the wolf, The spoken needle, From evil people and forest animals. From judgment and punishment, From knife and poison, From witch's pinches, From gossip whispers. Lord, add my century, And at death, save me from torment. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

A powerful ritual to bring happiness into your personal life

You should prepare well for this ceremony. It is necessary to read this conspiracy at such a moment in life when the heart is ready to accept this happiness. When attracting magic, the soul must be opened towards new changes in fate.

For the ritual, you need to plan a trip to the church. Read the prayer that attracts happiness three times: the first time - before going to the holy temple, the second - in front of the church, and the third - in the church itself, by the icon. The sacred words are pronounced in a whisper:

“There is a saint's temple with gilded domes, and in that temple a silver throne is installed, and above it is a speaking icon. The face of the saint from the icon looks at me as the Servant of God (s). I will come to the saint's church with gilded domes, I will stand under a silver throne, I will bow to the speaking icon, the gazing Virgin Mary. I will ask you: give me happiness, Mother of God. At this moment I will take happiness with my own hands and I will become happy for the rest of my life. And I will leave the church with my own feet. Amen".

To talk to yourself for happiness and improve your own life, you can use a conspiracy in the church.

In the temple you need to light twelve candles for 12 apostles. You can put all the candles in one place or under different icons, to which the heart will reach. For the ritual to be effective, a 40-day fast should be observed.

Water conspiracy for happiness

This powerful conspiracy for happiness will bring harmony to life, as well as get rid of the existing misfortunes that a person could inherit during his life. This ritual is performed on a specific day - men do it on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday, and women on Wednesday. It is imperative to read the prayer on the full moon. Water is poured into the basin. They say the following words:

“The water is pure, your holy power, cleanse me, drive me off all drifts, drifts, all stumbling blocks, all troubles and misfortunes. Amen".

After that, you need to wash yourself with this water and wipe off with a new towel made of natural fabrics (cotton or linen). On the same day, at two o'clock, go to the cemetery and hang a towel on the branch of a tree with the words:

“I’m not hanging a towel, I’m working my way from earth to sky. All the dead go to heaven, stand before God, keep the answer. Likewise, you, the servant of God (call the name of the one in whose honor you were named), you will go to heaven, you will stand before God, hold the answer. Take all yours with you, and leave me, the servant of God (name), with my fate. Amen. Amen. Amen".

You cannot tell anyone about the ritual done, otherwise it will not work.

Mascot conspiracy to attract good luck and happiness

The strongest stone that is capable of attracting good luck with its energy is agate. In order to speak the talisman, you need to take agate or any piece of jewelry with it and rinse it under cold running water. After that, grip the stone firmly in your fist, bring it to your lips and say three times:

“Help and protect. Bring me luck. "

Always carry the talisman with you. It so happens that after some time, the stone fades. This is a sign that the stone has already given up its energy. In this case, you need to speak another talisman, and get rid of the previous one.

A ceremony that brings happiness to the house

To create harmony in the family, you need to carry out the following ritual. To buy a new thing specially for the ceremony, it can be any unbreakable item that will serve the owners of the house for a long time. Best of all, it should be a family heirloom that can be passed down from generation to generation.

Perform the ritual in a secluded place so that no one interferes. Scribble your name on the red candle. The purchased item is placed on the table, a candle is placed next to it. Take a match from a new box and light a candle, then say three times:

“I light this candle for my happy and prosperous home, for my family, for my children, for our good luck, always and everywhere. Illuminating our home and happiness with the flame of the saints, and joy will forever dwell in it. "

Conspiracies for happiness normalize the climate at home, make it possible to live life without anxiety and loss.

After uttering the words that attract happiness and good luck to the house, you need to sit in silence with your eyes closed. Present images of all family members with happy and joyful faces. Then the conspiracy is read:

“The flame of a candle is life-giving, burn everything bad in my house - chertyakino. I conjure with the Holy Cross, I pray for the glory of the Father Almighty. Holy water, giving life to all creatures, cleanse my house from black creatures, take them into loose sand, and into dark earth. And always protect my house from them. Amen".

Pin spell

Thanks to this ritual, a person acquires a powerful talisman that brings good luck, happiness and protects from the evil eye. This ceremony is held on Sunday at noon. Light a church candle in front of the icon, and when it begins to melt, substitute the pin so that the wax flows through the pin's round hole. At this time, a spell for happiness and good luck is read:

“The spell of spirits will penetrate this object. Through this hole, I conjure the spirits to remain in this object, I conjure the spirits to protect me with their strength. I conjure the spirits to bring me luck through this object on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Morning, afternoon and evening. Amen".

Any ritual that helps a person to attract happiness into life must be saturated with faith in his own strength, as well as in the effectiveness of this rite. In order for the conspiracy to take effect quickly, three things are needed: unshakable faith, knowledge of the text of the conspiracy, and the fulfillment of all additional conditions. A person who does not believe that the ritual will help him will never achieve a positive result.


Let us turn to the meaning of the word "prayer". This is a spoken aloud or mental appeal of a person to God or gods. Prayer includes: confession of sins, requests, thanks, vows. Prayer is an attempt by a person who feels his weakness to call or tune in to higher forces and receive help from them. Therefore, I sincerely hope that this book will help you in difficult times.

Here are collected strong conspiracies, prayers, amulets for all occasions. They will help you protect you and your family from misfortune and enemies, maintain respect at work and mutual understanding in the family. Here are also collected conspiracies that will help strengthen your health and protect your family and friends from diseases. You will learn what damage can be and how to remove it; how to increase your condition and protect it from envious people.

At night you will go - you will be invisibly guarded by a shield of amulets; you will give birth - the pain will not torment you; and old age will not disfigure your face, for God's prayer will adorn you with fine features.

Having learned my teaching, you will receive rare, priceless knowledge. If you are patient, do not give up what you started, you will be rewarded: you will be able to speak with spirits, master hypnosis and read the thoughts of others. And this will help you get out of any seemingly hopeless situation. Let this book be your friend and helper for many years to come.

If some of you don't quite understand what I'm talking about right now, please be patient. Study my work, and do not hesitate, I will keep my word and reveal to you all the knowledge that I own. All those of you who come with me to the last stage of training will learn truly incredible things. You will live a long time, having learned from my books how short life is reported. And when the angel of death comes for you, he will carry you in his arms and pray for you before God.

The book is divided into four sections, which represent the four most exciting topics for all - "Luck and Success", "For health, from ailments", "Love and family" and "From spoilage, from the evil eye."

I share with you the knowledge, experience and skills accumulated over many generations and passed on by word of mouth.

I am often asked why I reveal my secrets, because it would be much more profitable to organize courses or a health department.

The thing is, my dears, that the Lord God has endowed me with sincere love for people. My grandmother taught me this too. In short, I will say this: I really want you and your loved ones to live happily ever after, and this is where my books should help you.

Having collected all my books, you will build a protective wall for yourself that no enemy will be able to break through. You can always protect yourself and your children with the great power of holy life-giving prayer, which means that your days will multiply, because protected people live much longer!

My dear readers, followers and students, write to me, I will answer all your questions, I will be very glad to help you and give you advice. Everything you learn from this book will bring you luck, success and prosperity.

I thank everyone who congratulates me on the holidays. It always worries me very much. I sincerely pray for those who respond to someone else's misfortune. It is gratifying to read letters from people who ask not only for themselves, but also for strangers. After all, the Lord himself said: a merciful heart will be received with mercy.

I bow to everyone and say thank you for your support in my work.

I wish you health and long life.

Respectfully yours Natalya Ivanovna Stepanova

Luck and success

Conspiracy for happiness

It has been checked many times that those people who came to me in tears, complaining that there was not a single happy day in their life, having done everything as I told them with this conspiracy, seemed to be born again. Happiness turned to face them, and life changed for the better.

So, read this conspiracy three times: once before you go to church, once near the church and the third time - after returning from church.

Upon entering the church, twelve candles are lit in honor of those who walked with Christ. Put to any icons where the soul pulls. And forty days - a post, after you read the last time.

There is a golden church
In it is a silver throne,
Above him is a talking icon, looking at me.
I will stand in the golden church
Before the silver throne,
Under the speaking icon, looking at the Mother of God.
Give me, God's Mother,
From this day on, become happy.
I take happiness with my hands, I go out with my feet.

Conspiracy for luck

Luck in life is also important. Now I will tell you in detail how to improve life not only for my children and myself, but also for those whom compassion will point you to. This conspiracy is read on a full moon Sunday. They read by looking at themselves in the mirror. The mirror should be hanging on the wall, or at least leaning against the wall. There should be no mirror on the table!

The one that lies in the coffin and guards its own coffin.
You walked the earth boldly
You did your witchcraft.
I collected happiness and took away from people,
I stole luck and bestowed it on myself.
Give me good luck, ghoul.
Give me, sorceress, happiness to boot.
I command you the fortieth psalm
And psalm forty-one
And from Black Magic the first.
I'm taking your luck and happiness to boot.
Amen. Amen. Amen.
How to get your luck back

Read on black bread and morning water. They eat bread and drink water.

How true is it
What the Lord gave five loaves
And that Jesus Christ is God's son,
It is so true that the Lord is merciful.
Turn, Lord, luck
From west to east
From North to South,
Give her not three ways
And one road
To my doorstep.
And you, misfortune,
Find your way
Into the snake's womb.
There you belong
There you live
Yours is there.
And I will dress myself in a talisman,
I will tie myself with gold and silver.
I can't count the money,
Do not know grief-misfortune.
I close the lock with the key.
I throw the key into the sea.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.
Conspiracy for well-being

When you wash, you must say the following conspiracy:

Christ is Risen!
I am baptized with the cross, I fast for fasting.
Mother of God, overshadow me with the Holy Cross,
With your Most Pure Finger.
And how smooth is a testicle
So that everything in my life would be smooth.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

How to get rid of misfortunes

Millet is boiled at midnight and, as soon as it is ready, they go with it to the river. There, they take a handful of millet with their left hand and throw it over their shoulder into the river with the words:

Misfortune, misfortune,
You are seventy-seven, here you are all, eat, swallow,
Don't bother me anymore.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and forever and ever.

You have to leave without looking back at the river, so as not to take misfortune as your fellow travelers.

Conspiracy from all sorts of dirty tricks

They talk about the water, which they wash with at midnight.

God's water, wash off, rinse
The affairs of witches, enemies, adversaries, heretics,
Cunning healers, drooling horses, evil people.
Be a guardian from any dirty trick.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
If you're being nagged

If someone is nagging you, you don't need to cry. Take a piece of bacon, stick a rusty nail in it and say:

Get away devil from my house
Get away, evil, from my corners.
How this nail froze in fat,
So the slave (name) will freeze,
Won't scream
Angrily grumble at me (name).
Conspiracy for a truce

Turn the pectoral cross onto your back. They read by looking at the table at which they usually eat.

Morning mother
Zarya Maria,
Evening dawn of Maremyan,
The mother of cheese is the land of Ulyana.
Have you seen the Queen of Heaven?
Are the paths illuminated for her?
How She carried Him in her arms,
I kept it more than anything in the world
She did not let go of her hands, she took care,
And the hour has come, I gave it to the world.
Be you, peace, truce
For the servants of God (names).
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Protected from troubles

Read on Wednesdays, before washing.

Wednesday, middle, take a word for water.
I am baptized by Christ, covered by faith.
I am guarded by a guardian angel.
My guardian angel, have mercy
Sit on your right shoulder
Guard me from morning to evening
From the beast and the wolf
The spoken needle
From evil people
And forest animals
From judgment and reprisals,
From knife and poison
From the witch's pinches
From gossip whispers.
Lord, add my century
And when you die, spare me from flour.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
To tame evil hearts

They say a word on poppy and scatter it in the pockets of a child, a loved one.

I sit in a sleigh covered with beavers
Both sables and martens.
Like foxes and martens, beavers and sables
Honest and dignified between gentlemen and priests,
Between the world and the village, so is my born son
I would be honest and dignified between gentlemen and priests,
Between the world and the countryside.
I'm driving on a reptile, it drives me too, but he is hefty.
The lords and judges have a yard full of pigs,
And I will eat those pigs.
Court - by court, century - by century!
Sow poppy.
All the judges will disperse, and they are sitting, eating me.
I won't be eaten, I have a bear mouth
Wolf lips, pig teeth.
Court - by court, century - by century!
Who will pick my poppy,
He will judge me.
I will hide my poppy in an iron pot,
I throw the cadi into the ocean-sea.
The ocean-sea never dries up
Nobody takes out my caddy,
And nobody picks up my poppy.
Court - by court, century - by century!
I close my teeth and lips to evil hearts
And I throw the keys into the ocean-sea,
Into your iron pot.
When the sea is dry, when the poppy from the cadi is eaten,
Then I won't be.
Court - by court, century - by century!
Defender shield

At your request, we return to this topic again. And indeed, how easy it is to slander a person, to make him false. And the rumor will bring everything to its black end. But there are amulets from such people, from their dirty tongues. Consider how many people died in the world who could not cope with the despair to which their slanderous words of evil-tongued led.

It is necessary that both you and even your grandchildren know these amulets in order to protect yourself from slander.

Each person in his home has a first aid kit in which pills are kept in case of a cold. Let all the prayers and conspiracies that my grandmother taught me, and her ancestors taught her, will be your shield in the house.

Read at midnight:

You go, arrow, from the black tongue.
Walk past me, past my horse,
Walk past my desk
My oak table, my stone house,
My righteous icons
Past perishable bodies, Past incorruptible souls.
My shield is strong
My sculpting plot.
You go, arrow, from the black tongue:
On a marsh hummock
To the devil's daughter
On a dry forest.
There you fall
There you go.
I bite with a tooth
I lock it with a word.
Go, don't look.
My kind of vegetable garden.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Conspiracy for the favor of ill-wishers

The minute the thunder starts, you need to cross yourself and shout loudly:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,
Always and ever and ever and ever. Amen.
How you, thunder, all people hear,
How do all people see you, lightning,
So that they revered me
They held for their relatives
All my enemies, all offenders.
Elijah the prophet we honor,
And I am respected at any threshold.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
And now and forever and forever and ever.

This conspiracy is really strong. Personally, I observed that those people who cause antipathy in others, after this conspiracy, easily establish good relations with others, even with their old enemies. This should be done without witnesses, in extreme cases only in the presence of the master. Time, moon, number do not matter, the main thing is that at this time thunder and lightning flashed.

Safe words for any dangerous situation

Angel-baptist, savior of my soul,
You save my soul
You close the doors to the enemy,
You come up to the bed, guard,
You drive the enemy foe away.
Have mercy, save, save and save.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and forever and ever.
To protect yourself from harm

The conspiracy is read aloud once, once in a whisper, once to oneself:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I am standing at the Cross.
The cross is church beauty.
Cross - praise to the martyrs,
And help the guards.
I will come closer to the Cross, I will bow to him lower.
Protect and defend from enemies and foes,
From their tongues, their batogs,
From their fire and sword, from their prompting.
Lord send blessings
So that I stand unshakable and indestructible,
Like the Holy Cross.
Amen. Amen. Amen.
Protection from the enemy

They take a worm from the stem of a mushroom, drip wax on it from a candle bought on Friday, and so, having sealed the worm, put it in a dug hole, pour a mound on top, like on a grave. They cross themselves and leave. Whisper as you drip wax onto the worm:

I put the enemy to sleep
Not on a downy bed, but to unleash.
You, enemy (name of the enemy), do not harm,
And sit like a worm in the ground.
As long as my seal is intact
I will not have an enemy.
Key, lock, tongue.
To make your enemy afraid of his own thoughts

If you know that evil is plotted against you, you need to read the conspiracy on water nine times, and pour the water onto the threshold.

Mother river runs, erodes the banks,
He takes out the roots, exposes the sands.
Likewise, the slaves (name of enemies) have thoughts of blurring,
Fear your thoughts,
Do not return to me, slave (name),
Think about yourself, not me,
God's servant (name).
How to speak to yourself from all troubles, from all enemies

You've probably heard people say about some people: "Nothing ever happens to him: he is a charm." We will teach you this conspiracy. He will protect you from all daring and vain death.

You need to collect water under the bridge and go with it to the cemetery. Wait for the deceased to be brought and buried. When they leave, cast a spell on this water and wash over a fresh grave with this water. Leave the remaining water in the same place.

Lucifer, Astaroth, Satan,
I call everyone, I call out, I pronounce,
I ask everyone: "Take me between the two pillars
To the other side of life where there is the secret of the dead's sleep,
The secret of the sleep of the living, in secret - visible and invisible.
Where black ravens peck at dead eyes,
They drink cold blood
There is a hut, a monastery, where death, melancholy, rupture lives.
There is a secret cell,
In it sits the fate of a baptized slave (name),
A candle burns in front of her.
She will call to her at once three: death, melancholy, torpor -
And he will order them from this moment,
Protect the Lord's hour
To keep the "cup of salvation" of the servant of God (name).
Do not burn her between twelve fires,
Not to die from the great number of swords,
Do not sink in water, be bypassed by an arrow,
The thief will not notice her, the bad guy will greet her,
The enemy's arms and legs will be taken away,
In the night it will be like in the clear sun,
Diseases won't take her, melancholy won't crush her,
Damage will pass by, the beast will not touch, the snake will not bite,
Will not fall from a height, will not stumble on the ground,
The blood will not drain, the eye will be saved,
Hands forever dexterity, legs forever agility,
Joy to her soul, peace to her heart.
From now on, I'll put her on the Vladyka throne.
Spoken by the hand of fate
With three witnesses: death, melancholy, torpor;
With three guards: Lucifer, Astaroth, Satan.

If you want to speak your child with this spell, do it in the presence of the godmother.

From evil tongues

I'm not going myself
I fly like a black raven
I swing with a ring, I drive with fire,
I step on the threshold with my right foot,
I take away the language of my enemies.
So that they clap their lips and keep silent,
They did not gnash or chatter.
Lie around my body, circle.
From tongued, toothed,
Envious neighbors in the yard,
In the field, in service.
Don't let them, circle, let their tongues go free.
Like fish in water are silent
So people don't talk about me either.
Conspiracy from harm and violence

Read after three in the morning on women's day (Wednesday, Friday). It is necessary to read in one breath. On the ninth day after casting the spell, no one is allowed into the house, so as not to break the spell.

Three nails after the enemy
I cannot remove the spell.
Not to remove both two and three,
Not seven or twelve.
My word is strong: do not knock down,
Do not interrupt if on the ninth day
The door cannot be opened.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Conspiracy from a grumpy neighbor

Go to the door of your neighbor, close your hands in the lock and say:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
I will get up, blessing, I will go, crossing myself.
From wall to door, door to gate.
From the gate I will go out into the field, into a wide expanse.
A fast river flows in that field,
There are paper banks by the river.
I'll bend over, rinse
I'll rub off the heavenly height.
I will become a ridge to the west,
I will face east.
How you can't get sand from a deep river,
Do not chew all the paper banks,
So no one could say a bad word
About me, God's servant (name).
Paper shores, bake
Spiteful lips, shut up.
It would seem to everyone a mile of light
Look for all my words and greetings.
Luck and success

I knit my tongue, I turn my eyes.
Stranger, evil eyes, look past me.
And I'm going Basque,
People are affectionate to me.
How can people not love themselves,
So they will not be able to blaspheme against me.
God, Lord, I am to the world with Easter -
And so that all people were kind to me.
Be strong, my words.
Be, my deeds, sculpting.
The key to the word
Word to God.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and forever and ever.
Conspiracy for peace and good consent

Heat the bath. When you see that the water in the tank has boiled, say three times:

Water-water, river-speaker,
You came to me from seventy streams,
You wash all the yellow sands, steep banks,
You roll down, take off all human dirt.
Drain, take off, roll off me (name)
And from my daughter-in-law (name)
Everything is evil, abusive, offensive, kitsch.
Wash it off, flush out all the squabbles
All the gossip, nagging, bites,
Screams, silence evil, resentment, jealousy,
Longing, sadness, contempt, heartfelt languor.
Water-water, mother-earth sister,
Wash me and the servant of God (name) with your water.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Conspiracy for the current day

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
There is a holy ocean-sea
In that ocean-sea the cradle sways.
A maiden bird sleeps in that cradle.
Rise, bird maiden, wake up, rise,
Cover me with your wings from the haze
From fever, from gnat and bite,
Diseases, gossip, the enemy's envious eyes,
From fire, water, from a flying arrow,
From horror in the night, from ruts and ailments,
Trouble and witchcraft,
From demonic self-indulgence.
Cover me, maiden bird, with wings
Before all existing enemies.
My work is strong, my word is smooth.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.
Conspiracy for a good life

They buy twelve apples, every second apple will have to be given to a beggar, and six to be taken to the house. Then, the next day, every second apple of the remaining is given to the beggar at the church, and three are left at home. Let these apples lie at home at night, and then they are taken to church and placed on the memorial table, saying to himself:

Remember my poverty for peace,
And wealth and health are with me.
Conspiracy for a joyful life

If you take a black chicken egg on Wednesday, roll it in the dust of a road intersection, then give it to a dog to be eaten, then there will be more bright days in your life. You will feel stronger, younger, and luckier.

The words that need to be pronounced, giving the dog an egg:

Egg - for a dog,
Help - to my Guardian Angel.
Purchase for a happy life

Put a piece of pie in a cemetery, on someone's grave, put a crinkle of milk and scatter coins.

Bow down three times and say:

Remember, deceased,
Everything is dashing from me, everything is bad
Now, forever, forever.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and forever and ever.

Leave without looking back.

For those whom fate does not favor with luck

If you realized that luck did not come to your house, if everything is so bad for you, do this: buy eight eggs from five sellers. There is an icon of forty saints. These forty purchased eggs speak in front of this icon, and then the eggs are given as alms. If you do not have this icon or you are not confident in your abilities, contact a strong, knowledgeable healer. They say this:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Forty holy men walked
Forty eggs were carried for Easter.
They carried them and dropped them,
The testicles are broken.
So would my troubles and misfortunes
Crashed to smithereens
They wrapped themselves in a ball around me.
Oh, you are holy hands,
Take my torment.
How will these eggs be broken before eating,
So my torment and misery will go away from me.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.
Conspiracy for a happy fate

Word for word, case for deed.
I will pray to the holy forefathers:
Jacob, Joseph the Beautiful.
How are you, Jacob and Joseph the Beautiful,
Passed before Pharaoh the king of Egypt
And how he could not sit still
And I gave honor to you more than anyone,
So that I, the servant of God (name),
All ranks, all princes, boyars and all earthly sovereigns
We kindly greeted and saw off
They gave me honor and glory.
Their hearts would be tamed
The authorities would always forgive me everything.
Would they value me like a soul in a body,
An eye in your forehead
All days, all daily hours,
For months born, months shortened,
Flawed and complete.
Shine everywhere and always, my God given star.
Key, lock, tongue.
A conspiracy for good luck in all matters

My angel, my archangel, my patron,
You lead me, you help me.
I will go on a bright path.
The doors would all open to me
People would all smile at me
All my deeds, all my thoughts have come true.
There are three fish in the blue sea,
Those fish have three crowns.
Who counts the teeth on those three crowns,
Only that one will interrupt my luck.
My first word, second thing,
And my enemies are no business.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.
To always be held in high esteem by people

When they go to people, they speak poppy and hide it in their bosom.

They say this:

Mac is small, but God gave him to people.
Who takes a poppy with him
Not a single thin rumor will take that.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.
To achieve our goals

Pluck from three different trees on a twig, then add to them on a twig of three different brooms and add to them from three brooms per bush. Throw the "bouquet" obtained in this way at the crossroads. Before attributing, speak to him:

How Solomon achieved his goal,
So I, the servant of God (name), will achieve mine.
Morning dawn with the sun, sun with evening dawn,
And the evening dawn with God's moon,
And God's moon with the first star.
And I, the servant of God (name), in the fulfillment of my desire.

They read it three times.

Dream of the Most Holy Theotokos

There are many amulets, but among them the so-called dreams of the Mother of God stand out. My grandmother knew seventy-seven dreams. The dreams of the Mother of God not only heal and save, but also protect you from going to those places where something can happen to you.

Dream of the Most Holy Theotokos

In the temple of Jerusalem of Judea
Tired, slept and dozed
Blessed Virgin Mary.
Our Lord came to her
Jesus Christ and speaks to Her:
- Mother My beloved, are you dozing,
Are you asleep or see Me?
She answered him:
- My child,
I did not sleep, but dozed off.
Dozed, but saw a prophetic dream.
In the month of March I saw seventeen days
You are covered in blood, the Jews betrayed You for execution,
You were crucified on the cross with the robbers together,
Crucified by Pontic Pilate.
You endured all sorts of abuse,
They spat on your holy face,
Thorny thorny crown crowned you,
They gave you vinegar, they burned your body with fire.
The warrior broke Your rib with a spear,
I saw how you suffered and suffered.
Your blood flowed from huge wounds,
And I wept and suffered at Your cross.
Then thunder and lightning rumbled
Stones from high mountains fell down,
Those who died from this thunder rose from their graves,
Crowds of people around the cross trembled.
The sun and the moon have lost their light,
And there was darkness all around from six to nine.
Joseph and Nicodemus have taken off Your most pure body,
They covered with a clean shroud,
In a new coffin, having closed, they laid
Your hands pierced on your chest folded.
- Lord, God, my Jesus, - cried the Mother, -
I am afraid to tell and remember this dream.
Her Son Jesus Christ said:
- Oh, my dear Mati, this dream is true,
And who will read it,
Who will have it in their house,
My angels will not let Tom die early death.
He who has this dream will be saved
Protected from the fire and water of the flood.
Who will take this dream with him,
The beast will not touch that, the enemy will not kill,
Evil spirits will not take his soul,
My angels will carry him to Me and save him.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and forever and ever.
Prayer before leaving the house to St. John Chrysostom

I deny you, Satan,
Your pride and service to you
And I am combined with You, Christ,
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Prayer if all goes well

Psalm of David 121

Rejoice over those who told me: let us go to the house of the Lord. Standing byahu our feet in your courtyards, Jerusalem. Jerusalem is built like a city, its communion together. Tamo bo, ascending the tribe, the tribe of the Lord, the testimony of Israel, confess the name of the Lord, as there was the seat of the throne for judgment, the throne in the house of David. Ask the same about the peace of Jerusalem: and the abundance of those who love Thee. Be peace in your strength and abundance in your pillars. For the sake of my brothers and my neighbors, the world is about you. Home for the sake of our Lord our God, good to you.

Prayer if things go wrong

Psalm 37

Lord, do not expose me with Thy wrath, punish me with Thy wrath. Like Thy arrows unzosha in me, and Thou hast established Thy hand on me. There is no healing in my flesh from the presence of Thy anger, there is peace in my bones from the face of my sin. As my iniquity has surpassed my head, as a heavy burden is heavy on me. My wounds have become whitewashed and burned from the face of my madness. Suffering and slush to the end, lamenting the walk all day. As if my love was filled with reproach and there is no healing in my flesh. I was embittered and humbled to evil, roaring with the sigh of my heart. Lord, before Thee all my desire and my sighing are not hidden from Thee. My heart be troubled, leave me my strength, and the light of my eye, and that is with me. My friends and my sincere ones are directly approaching me and stasha, and my neighbors are far less stasha and needy, those who seek my soul, and who are looking for an evil verb for me, vain and flattering all day I will take it. But as if I did not hear deaf and as if do not open your lips with it. And it would be as if a person did not hear and did not know in the mouth of his accusations. Yako on Thee, Lord, hope, You hear, O Lord my God. Yako rekh: yes, not when they will rejoice mine; and always move my feet, you speak loudly to me. I am ready for my wounds, and my illness is in front of me. For I will proclaim my iniquity and take care of my sin. Oppose mine, they live and grow stronger than me, and multiply those who hate me without righteousness. Those who reward me with an evil carriage, good slander, take care of merit. Do not leave me, Lord my God, pursuing benevolence. Don't leave me, Lord my God, don't leave me. Take in my help, O Lord of my salvation.

Prayers when lost courage in trouble

Psalm 126

Unless the Lord builds the house, laboring in vain for the building. Unless the Lord keeps the city in vain bde stregy. In vain you eat matineevati, you will rise up after graying, eating the bread of illness, whenever you give your beloved sleep. This is the property of the Lord for the sons, the reward of the fruit of the stomach. Like arrows in a strong hand, like the sons of the shaken. Blessed, whoever will fulfill his desire from them. They will not be ashamed when they speak with their enemy at the gates.

Psalm 139

Change me, Lord, from a deceitful man, save me from an unrighteous husband, who thinks untruthfulness in my heart, all day I will fight in battle, sharpening my tongue, like the snake poison of asps under their mouths. Save me, O Lord, from the hand of sinners, from the unrighteous man, take me out, whoever thought of the commander of my foot. Hiding the proud net of me, and already interfering the net of my feet. Along the path, lay down temptations. Reh of the Lord: Thou art my God, instill, O Lord, the voice of my prayer! Lord, Lord, the power of my salvation, you overshadowed my head on the day of battle. Do not betray me, Lord, from my desire to the sinner: if you think in me, do not leave me, but not when they are ascended. The head of their entourage, the labor of their lips, will cover me. Coals of fire will fall on them; if I cast them down in passion, they will not stand. A pagan husband will not be corrected on earth: a wicked unrighteous husband will be caught into corruption. Know that the Lord will create judgment on the poor and revenge on the poor. People who are righteous will confess Thy name and dwell in righteousness with Thy face.

Prayer for all weakness

O Lord Almighty, Physician of souls and bodies, humble and uplift, punish and heal packs, visit our brother (name) who is weak, with Your mercy, stretch out Your arm full of healing and doctors: and heal him, restoring him from bedside and weakness, forbid from him every ulcer, every disease, every wound, every fire and shake: and if there is sin or lawlessness in him, weaken, leave, forgive Thy for the sake of humanity. To her, Lord, spare your creation in Christ Jesus, our Lord, with Him you are blessed, and with the Most Holy, and the Good, and Your Life-giving Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to enter a new home

God our Savior, who deigned to bring in Zakheev's shade and the salvation of that and all that house, the former one, Himself and now this life delighted, and we are unworthy of our prayer and supplication, keep safe from all harm, blessing those dwelling here, and hate those stomachs keeping ... Amen.

Prayer for the foundation of the house

God Almighty, who created the heavens with reason, and founded the earth on its firmament, the Creator and Supplier of all, look at Your servant (name), who has deigned Your fortress in the power, to erect a house in a dwelling, and erect it with a building: establish it on solid stone, and Establish it according to Your Divine Gospel voice, which neither wind, nor water, nor anything else can harm: be pleased with it to be brought to the end, and in it those who want to live from every libel to resist freedom. Like Thy power, and Thine is the Kingdom, and power, and glory, of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer for residence in a new home

God our Savior, who deigned to bring Zacchaeus into the shade, and the salvation of that and every house that was formerly: Himself and now this life is delighted with, and we, and unworthy of Your prayer and supplication, from all harm, keep intact, blessing those dwelling here, and hate keep those belly. Like all glory, honor and worship befitting You, with Your beginningless Father, and with the Most Holy, and good, life-giving Your Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer during the attack of robbers to righteous Joseph the Betrothed

Joseph was attacked by robbers during his flight with the Virgin Mary and the Divine Child to Egypt.


O holy righteous Joseph! Thou art still on earth, you had great boldness towards the Son of God, who is blessed, out of will, to name your Father, like your Mother's betrothed, and listen to you: we believe, as now from the face of the righteous in the habitation of heaven, you will hear your petition to God and our Savior. In the same way, resorting to your protection and intercession, we humbly pray to you: as if you yourself were delivered from the storm of thoughtful thoughts, save us also, by waves of confusion and passions overwhelmed: as if you protected the All-Blameless Virgin from the slander of humanity, from all the defenses and slander of us in vain: as if you kept from all harm and anger of the incarnate Lord, now, by your intercession, keep His Orthodox Church and all of us from all anger and harm. Weigh, holy God, like the Son of God in the days of His flesh, having need for bodily needs, and you served them: for this we pray to you, and for our temporary needs, be in good luck with your intercession, giving us all the good that is needed in this life. We ask you more, ask us for the forgiveness of sins from the named Son, the Only Begotten Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ, and deserve to be the inheritance of the Kingdom of Heaven, create us by your intercession, and we, in the mountain villages with you who are enthroned, will glorify the One God Trinity , Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer from the fire to St. Nikita of Novgorod

With one prayer, Saint Nikita put out the fire in Novgorod. Saint Nikita, the hermit of the Caves, Bishop of Novgorod, is prayed in the face of danger of being killed or struck by lightning, in case of fire, in the absence of rain or drought.

A person who practices folk magic knows that there are situations when protection is imperative, for example, and the words of the necessary conspiracy have left their heads. Anyway, do you remember all of them? You need to be a true fan to remember thousands of conspiracies, and even at what moments they should be used. Of course, an ordinary person will not keep such voluminous information in his head.

To provide yourself with magical support, you need to learn only a few universal conspiracies. They are, as a rule, short, but quite effective. For example, most people automatically remember about what to spit in order not to jinx it or knock on wood. You can develop the same habit with a few small conspiracies. There is little work, but you will attract great strength to your affairs!

A conspiracy for all occasions

“My angel, I believe that she is with me! Lead me with your reliable hand, protect me with your wing, clear the way! Amen!"

These phrases are said when they leave the house, when they are about to start an important business and when they are afraid of something in the dark. Always! Simple words create incredible protection around a person. Just keep in mind, a conspiracy is not a panacea. If, by fate, you are set to fail or trouble, then they will happen. The conspiracy will help smooth out and minimize losses.

Conspiracy for good luck in life

These are the words spoken to the first star on any day. It is not necessary to prepare for the ritual. You will see an asterisk, a conspiracy has come to mind, you know, it's time to pronounce it. With practice comes understanding and awareness of magic. Some special feeling appears. And at first, it is recommended to take the habit of speaking several times a month. That is, to control yourself until the ritual becomes a habit.

The following words are spoken to the first star:

“A star lit up in the sky, illuminated my life. You walk ahead of me, on a dark night and in broad daylight. Illuminate the path, bring good luck! Amen!"

Conspiracy for good luck in your personal life

Do you often go to work, shop, walk? So any walk can be used and good luck. It is only necessary to go to the "high road". That is, the words of the conspiracy are pronounced in a place where a road opens in front of you, leaving into the distance, without turns. Stop for a moment, look into the distance and whisper:

“We are not given to understand the Lord's ways. I will wait and believe that the Lord will measure me happiness! Amen!"

If you do not forget and say these words more often, then you yourself will begin to change inside. After all, personal life is not a grumpy old woman with an impossible character. You don't have to negotiate with her or ask for something. It will adjust itself as soon as you are ready for it. And this simple conspiracy will help remove all obstacles, begin to radiate attractiveness and positivity.

Conspiracy for a happy life

There is a simple ritual that everyone is encouraged to remember and use. Isn't it good when happy and satisfied people are around? Everyone loves it. When you see a red flower somewhere, then remember a simple conspiracy. It can be read on live roses or painted ones. Even jewelry or accessories stylized as flowers. The main thing is that they are red.

Look at the selected magic attribute. Imagine a ray coming from him into your groin and say:

“Three Angels overhead, they collect happiness, they water me with it! Let them fly, not go astray, let them shine, so that I do not turn away from happiness and joy, so that there are no enemies and nasty things in my life. Amen!"

Conspiracy for a rich life

People sometimes try to choose a more serious rite, so that they can certainly make millions once, then row with a shovel. Do you believe it happens? In this case, karma exists, limiting opportunities and giving chances. After all, it is important not to call heavenly manna on your head, but to create such conditions when you begin to receive exactly what you are supposed to. For this it is not necessary to go to monasteries or to serve black masses.

There is a simple ritual that is performed literally every day, or as often as you like. Do you go to the store? There, when you pay, say a few words. This will not complicate your life, but will open the money road. When you start giving money away, mentally say:

"I do not give, but I thank!"

And you will take change, say this:

"All mine remains for me, multiplies and increases!"

You yourself will not notice how your well-being will increase significantly.

Conspiracy for a happy family life

“Father the brownie! We are friends with you! You’re okay, I’ll give you chocolate! Let the clan bloom and please, and you guard the house and protect love! " Just do not forget to really thank the Brownie, do not deceive. In the evening before going to bed, put a piece of candy in a dark corner (behind a sofa or behind a closet) with the words: "Do not disdain, Master Master!"

And if you find a candy that the brownie didn't eat, take it to the yard and give it to the dog. Just be careful not to get a treat for a cat or (God forbid) a child. This is bad. The brownie will take revenge and make you scandals.

A conspiracy for a bad life

This ritual is not recommended. The fact is that by wishing harm to someone, you “exceed your authority,” as you would say now. That is, you take on the role of the Lord. Can you do it? Think hard. Will you bend under such a weight? Will responsibility put you down? Do you think that you can overcome everything? Then here are the words of the conspiracy.

They are pronounced in the back of the person to whom they wish a bad life. This conspiracy acts like damage. It is difficult to remove it, since it is difficult to figure out where it came from. Speak like this:

“Black crow on your side. Let the liver bite, won't let you live. Let it cover your eyes, but bring trouble! "

After that, spit after the person.

Be sure to immediately turn away and mentally say:

“What I said stuck, it stuck to me! Any misfortune past me to the grave! Amen!"

It's all kind of protection. This will not come to you if you turn out to be weaker than the one whose life you decided to ruin. Just think many times about whether it is necessary to do this with a person? Maybe the Lord punishes him?

I bring to your attention a strong conspiracy for personal happiness absolutely free.
It can be performed at any time of the day, regardless of the calendar phase of the moon.
For each individual person, happiness is measured in different units.
For some, this is a lot of money or a loved one who is faithfully close by.

In any case, you must first of all decide what you want to achieve.
Only after you clearly substantiate your formula for happiness, you can begin to whisper multiple times a strong conspiracy to attract him.

Conspiracy for happiness

Light 12 church candles. Place Orthodox icons of Jesus Christ and Nicholas the Wonderworker next to it.
Imagine personal happiness in your mind, identifying it with a specific situation.
Materialize your thoughts with the suggestion that everything will happen.
Start occult reading of a magic conspiracy for a person's personal happiness:

Nicholas the Wonderworker and God's Father, there are too many broken hearts in the world. Help me to find happiness forever, to take evil loneliness to hell. Let my dreams be embodied in a novel, it will be love, and not just a dope. I will write everything down on paper, and forgive me, God, that I often sin. Give me a happy life on Earth, then take my soul to you. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

Not just the strongest, but the original conspiracy for the happiness of a person, which is inherited in poetic form, has just sounded.
And do not be lazy to write out your canons of happiness on paper, to which you will unrestrainedly strive.

Human happiness is simply necessary for a comfortable life. This state of mind will allow you to enjoy life in all its manifestations. This feeling is not influenced by the weather, wealth or character of a person. Thanks to him, life becomes harmonious and fulfilling.

A conspiracy for happiness is a very demanded rite. It is used by people regardless of gender. Such a ceremony allows you to open special energy channels through which the desired events are attracted to life and from this it is filled with positive emotions.

There are many rituals with which you can attract happiness into life. But they are all simple to perform, and they can be done independently at home.

Conventionally, such rituals can be divided depending on their focus:

  • Self-directed actions;
  • Family-focused ceremonies.

A conspiracy for happiness, before using it in a specific rite, must be learned by heart. When pronouncing magic words, it is important to fully concentrate on your desire to become happy.

Using three keys

A ritual in which three keys are used as additional attributes is considered one of the most powerful. If carried out correctly, it acts very quickly and allows you to stabilize the internal state of a person, and therefore become happy.

Any keys can be used in this magical action. These can be newly purchased keys from new locks, or those that have been used in everyday life for a long time. It is important that the keys are different, not from the same lock. Also for the ceremony you need to prepare a woolen red thread.

A good luck plot is recommended to be pronounced at midnight in the waxing moon phase or at the onset of the full moon. You need to go to a separate room and concentrate on your thoughts of happiness. Three keys should be taken in the right hand, and a red woolen thread in the left. Closing your eyes, you need to think about your well-being for at least ten minutes. You should not allow thoughts to switch to any everyday problems. You should imagine, plunge into your own fictional world, where good reigns and there is only happiness, and relations between people are filled with sincere benevolence.

After you feel that peace has come to your soul, you need to hang the prepared keys on a thread and tie its ends with three knots.

In the process, you need to speak out such a conspiracy:

“Everything that I, the Servant of God (my name), is supposed to in life, I take for myself forever. And I lock it all securely with the help of three keys and tie it with a magic thread. Everything will come true and come true! From now on and forever! Amen!"

Words should be spoken not very loudly, but emotionally. This should be done for each knot tied. The charmed bunch of keys should be stored in an inconspicuous place at the head of the bed. No one should know about the ritual performed. Changes in life will already become noticeable in the first month after the ritual. It is important never again to use charmed keys for household purposes.

In this ritual, a very strong conspiracy is used, which must be read three times on the same day during the growth of the night star. The ceremony involves a visit to the temple. The conspiracy is read for the first time at home before going to church, the second time - before entering the temple, and the third time again at home after coming from church.

Magic words sound like this:

“I, the Slave (s) of God (s) (own name), am going to visit the holy temple. There is a golden temple, and in it is a silver throne, not simple. There, in the church above it, there is a speaking icon of the Mother of God. I will approach her, the face of the saint will look at me and bless me. Give me, Holy Mother of God, happiness from this moment and forever. Amen!"

It is necessary to put 12 candles in the church in honor of the holy apostles who were next to Christ. You can put candles near any icons to which your soul will reach.

Morning conspiracy

To attract happiness into your life, you can conduct a powerful morning ritual to bring happiness into life. It is very effective if a black streak has come in life and you are haunted by failures and bad luck.

Every morning for three months at dawn, immediately after waking up, the following words should be repeated:

“I, the Slave (s) of God (s) (my own name), invoke happiness into my life. I want well-being and harmony in the world around me. May my prayers be heard and everything that I have planned will come true. May all obstacles and evil people disappear from my path. I will no longer live with misfortune and misfortune under one roof. Sorrows away from me, my doors are open to joys and pleasures of life. From now on and forever there will be a smile on my face and calmness in my soul. Amen!"

With the help of any rituals that invoke happiness in life, you can build harmonious relationships in society and create a prosperous atmosphere around you.