What can you do with coconut flakes? Coconut flakes: analysis of the composition, benefits and harms to the body, storage conditions

Coconut is a delicious and nutritious tropical nut. It is used in many recipes. But in order to use coconut for culinary purposes, it must be cooked.

How to open a coconut?

  1. So let's take a coconut. If you look at it, you will see several depressions in the peel, located side by side. Place the coconut on the table so that these indentations are on top. To pierce them, you need a lot of strength and dexterity, if in doubt, entrust this matter to the stronger sex.
  2. When you poke holes in the coconut, drain the coconut water into a clean, suitable container, prepare it in advance. Coconut water has a specific, but pleasant, aroma and almost no taste, most often it is salty. It can be drunk immediately, it can be mixed into various dishes, from juices and cocktails to sauces for meat and fish dishes.
  3. Coconut water will add a new flavor and pleasant exotic aroma to all dishes and drinks. It is most convenient to make holes in a coconut with a corkscrew, a screwdriver or a straight knife without extending the blade.
  4. When you have drained the water from the coconut, you can continue on. Getting the pulp out of the coconut requires patience and a small hammer.
  5. Tap the coconut from all sides without using too much force - the nut should crack by itself. If that doesn't help, increase the load and tap the peel harder. When the coconut is cracked, you can remove the pulp from its walls.
  6. Take a large knife and divide the coconut flesh into small squares. Separate them from the shell, peel them of brown crusts, which are often at the point of attachment of the pulp to the shell. Coconut can now be eaten raw without cooking. Use the coconut pulp as a separate dessert. It is delicious with juices and milk, as well as non-alcoholic cocktails.

Coconut - coke shavings recipe

You can make a seasoning from coconut for different dishes - the famous coke shavings.

  1. To make the shavings recipe, grate the coconut pulp or grind it in a food processor.
  2. To cook coconut, preheat the oven, the optimum temperature for cooking is 180-200 degrees. Spread the foil on a baking sheet, you can use special paper for baking pastry. Spread the chopped coconut pulp on a mat, place in the oven.
  3. Cook the coconut until golden brown, about 10 minutes. Tip: do not cook shavings if fish or meat was cooked in the oven before, and it smells of spices and other extraneous dishes, otherwise the shavings will instantly absorb the smells. Then it will become unusable for adding to most dishes.
  4. Store ready-made coconut flakes in a tightly closed container in a dry and dark place. Do not store coconut shavings for more than six months.

Coconut milk recipe

You can also make milk with coconut water.

  1. To do this, just pour the chopped pulp with clean boiled water.
  2. Pour in as much water as you have coconut pulp. Let it brew for about half an hour, after which you can drain the water through the filter. The filter is easy to make from gauze by folding it in several layers.
  3. Coconut milk is immediately ready to drink in its pure form. It can be added to drinks or sauces.

Coconut milk, widespread in East Asian cuisine, has conquered Europe with its delicate delicate taste: on its basis sauces are prepared for both spicy and sweet dishes, exotic soups are made and fruit cocktails are made.

There are some very interesting and delicious African, Indian and Brazilian dishes that include coconut milk, butter or coconut flakes. You can buy these coconut treats at the store, but it's perfectly possible to make coconut milk, coconut oil, and fresh coconut flakes at home.

Coconut milk is best made with fresh coconut, which is heavier. When choosing a coconut, you need to weigh it in the palm of your hand, and then shake it, check for the presence of coconut water in it. Make sure that the 3 "eyes" of the coconut are always closed when purchasing. The shelf life of opened coconut is 1-2 days (in the refrigerator). You can store the pulp of fresh coconut by filling it with water in the refrigerator for up to 5 days. Cooked coconut milk has a shelf life of 24 hours in the refrigerator.

How to crack a coconut at home

You will need:

1 coconut
boiling water (as needed)

Roll up a tea towel, place it over the sink drain and place a coconut in it (or place it in a coffee can or other container). Using a screwdriver and hammer, pierce the dark indentations (“eyes”) on the top of the coconut. Turn the coconut over a bowl to drain the juice. Try the juice. It should be sweet and smell good. A sour taste indicates that the nut is spoiled. Throw it away.

The shell needs to be broken. To do this, mark a line around the circumference, usually with a hatchet for beating meat or with a knife, then break the coconut wrapped in a towel with a hammer, trying to beat along the marked line. With this method of breaking the nut, two even halves are obtained.There is a natural fault line in the center of the coconut, if you find it, you can split the coconut with a few strokes of the knife.

Separate the flesh from the shell, cut off the brown shell with a knife. You can put the coconut in an oven preheated to 200 C for 10-15 minutes, it will become softer and easier to clean. Grate the white pulp on a coarse grater or chop it in the processor.

You can not remove the thin brown shell, but then the milk turns out with a grayish tint, and you just throw out the coconut flakes, you can no longer use it ...

Coconut milk preparation

Coconut milk is a thick liquid that is obtained by steeping the pulp of a coconut in water. This milk is a great option for flavoring fruit drinks. Using this technology, you can prepare vegetable milk from other types of nuts: walnuts, almonds, etc.

To prepare milk, pour boiling water over the grated shavings just to cover them. Mix well and leave for 30 minutes. The shavings should swell and absorb most of the water.
After that, throw the shavings with water onto a cotton napkin.
Squeeze out all the liquid (milk and butter) very carefully into a separate bowl.

Usually, coconut milk is divided into 2 layers (2 phases) during storage. The upper layer is denser and thicker, oily and the second is liquid. The more ripe the coconut, the thicker and fatter the top layer, the more oil it contains. Both layers are mixed and used to prepare culinary products. The shavings remaining from the pomace can be dried in the oven at a low temperature and used for making desserts, baking, etc.
Approximate product yield - 200 ml of milk can be obtained from 1/2 medium-sized coconut.

Coconut milk goes well with fruits that have their own distinct flavor, such as papaya or bananas. A mixture of coconut milk with pineapple, lemon or lime juice is very tasty.

The use of this product in cooking is very versatile: coconut milk goes well with many dishes. It is loved and appreciated for its versatility: it can soften even the most spicy dish and add a rich sweet aftertaste to any dessert treat. It's possible to make dozens of different sauces for meat, seafood, fish and sweet treats based on coconut milk. For these purposes, thick milk is often used. In desserts, it replaces not only cream, but also plain milk and flour with butter, which are usually added for tenderness and refinement of taste. Liquid coconut milk is used in many soups (in France, for example, coconut soup with shrimp is popular) and cocktails (often in fruit and non-alcoholic ones). It is also used in salads and main courses.

Benefits of coconut milk

Coconut milk contains a lot of vegetable fats, protein and oils. It is rich in vitamins C and B, as well as manganese and iron. This relatively low-calorie product is useful for chronic fatigue, lack of energy and vitamin deficiency. Regular consumption of coconut milk in food, as found by Indian experts, has a beneficial effect on the heart.
Since ancient times, coconut has been known as a natural aphrodisiac, stimulating hormone production and reducing the risk of impotence in men. One of the most important health benefits of coconut is its beneficial effects on our cardiovascular function. In particular, the consumption of coconut helps to restore blood quality and normalize blood circulation, reduce blood cholesterol levels, prevent atherosclerosis and various heart diseases, and so on.

Coconut products such as milk and butter have excellent cleansing effects, and the fats they contain stimulate metabolism and restore the functions of vital organs and systems in the human body.

Coconut oil preparation

Coconut milk contains 40% coconut oil, which is the most valuable dietary product. Its main asset is the unique lauric acid, which, in addition to coconut, is also found in palm oil and human breast milk. Lauric acid helps protect the body from infections and viruses.

To prepare coconut oil, chop the coconut pulp into large pieces and chop in a blender or grate. Then transfer the grated pulp into a deep bowl. Bring water (about two and a half cups) to a boil. Let the water cool slightly and pour the grated coconut (not boiling water) and leave until the water cools completely, stirring the resulting mass from time to time.

When the water has cooled, cover the bowl with a lid and place it in the refrigerator for ten hours. After this time, remove the lid from the bowl. A thick crust of coconut oil has formed on the surface of the bowl. It must be collected all, folded into a mold and melted in a water bath. If there are pieces of coconut in the oil, the oil itself can be filtered.

Put the mold with clean butter in the refrigerator again. This oil can be stored for up to two weeks in the refrigerator.

Coconut oil excellent for skin care when visiting tanning salons, makes the tan even and velvety skin.
Coconut oil it has a high content of lauric fatty acids and triglycerides. This property ensures good absorbency coconut oil into the skin. When applied to the skin Coconut oil melts and absorbs quickly, leaving the skin smooth and velvety.
Perfect fit Coconut oil for skin care and prevention of stretch marks during pregnancy.
Coconut oil prevents the formation of small cracks on the skin of the hands and heels.

Coconut flakes

The squeezed shavings remaining after receiving coconut milk can also be used in cooking, and if it is planned to store it, then it must be dried in the oven at a low temperature (50 degrees).

The shavings are much more aromatic and tastier than those bought in the store. If you need shavings for decorating confectionery, it is better to grind the coconut pulp not in the processor, but to grate it.

Coconut flesh can be sliced \u200b\u200bthinly with a Berner grater or peeler and dried in the oven to create coconut chips.

Coconut cosmetics

It is also believed that coconut milk, taken both internally and externally - in the form of masks and lotions - improves the color and condition of skin and hair. Bathing in coconut milk was practiced, according to legend, by the Queen of Sheba.

Coconut is considered to be a powerful aphrodisiac that enhances reproductive function, and coconut oil, obtained by cold pressing from dried pulp, promotes rejuvenation.

It is recommended to be applied to the body before going to the beach - it not only protects the skin from harmful UV rays, but also perfectly evens out tan. Coconut milk perfectly nourishes the skin, saturates it with valuable vitamins and proteins, makes it velvety and soft.Moreover, using this tool you can take care of both the skin and face, and hands or body.Coconut milk perfectly moisturizes the skin of the face and body.It creates a delicate protective coating on the skin and protects it from drying out.When using cosmetic products with extracts from coconut, an excellent tonic and stimulating effect on the skin is felt, the elasticity and firmness of the skin is restored, wrinkles are smoothed, and acne rashes go away and minor physical damage to the skin is more likely to heal.

Coconut milk can also strengthen weakened hair, making it lush and silky.

Coconut Nutritional Mask Recipethat works well for dry and aging skin: First, mix 1 tablespoon of oatmeal with 1 teaspoon of honey. Then dilute the mixture with natural coconut milk until you get a sour cream-like mass. Apply it on your face and after 10 minutes wash off with lukewarm water.

For dry skin. Mix two tablespoons of coconut milk with three tablespoons of cream. Such a mixture is quite enough for application on the face and décolleté.

Important!!! With all their beneficial properties, coconut it is quite allergic, so it is not suitable for all people.

Coconut flakes: where to apply besides cooking? What harm does it cause to human health? The most popular producers of coconut flakes.

Coconut flakes can be found in many food formulations. Many cooks have coconut flakes on the shelf next to other condiments and spices. But are they keeping it right?
The composition, benefits and harms of coconut flakes and many other issues are discussed in detail in this article.

Properties of coconut flakes. Calories and composition analysis

At the time of drying the pulp of the coconut, the beneficial qualities are preserved.
Properties of coconut flakes:
  • Contains a large amount of minerals and vitamins
  • Removes toxic substances from the body
  • Reducing the risk of cancer
  • Has antiviral and antibacterial effect
  • Concentrates attention
  • Improves vision and memory
  • Lowering cholesterol
The composition of coconut flakes includes such useful components as:
  • Vitamins of group B, C, E
  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Fatty acid
The composition of the chips, of course, is not limited to this. But these are the most active substances with positive qualities.
The calorie content of the product is almost 600 kcal. per 100 gr. This is much higher than if you note the calorie content of fresh coconut pulp. Energy value of shavings: proteins - 13 g., Fats - 65 g., Carbohydrates - 14 g.

What is the use of coconut for the body and is there any harm

Any product brings both benefits to the body and harm. Coconut flakes are no exception.
What are the benefits of coconut flakes:
  • Improves bowel function due to fibrous structure
  • Strengthening the immune system
  • Normalization of metabolism
Positively, coconut flakes are not particularly active with minimal use. But the beneficial effect is still present.
Coconut does not have a negative effect on the body. If a person does not have a predisposition to allergies to a product and uses it in moderation, then there is no need to worry about health.

How can shavings be used

Coconut flakes are used in cooking.
Where can the product be directed in food preparation?
  • Decoration of ice cream, pastry, cold and hot dishes
  • Add to sauces and dressings
  • As an ingredient in cooking
Most often, coconut flakes are used in baked goods. Confectionery products receive not only an attractive appearance, but also a very delicate and pleasant taste.
Advice! If you add coconut flakes to the oil and fry the shrimps in this, then with such a dish you can hit all the guests on the spot.
Creative chefs use coconut flakes to complement meat and fish. You just need to make a breading of white shavings. An amazing taste will appeal to any gourmet, and the attractive crunch of the dish will make everyone around you taste it.
Decorating with shavings provides the most beautiful look to cooked dishes. At the same time, the coconut will definitely give its own shading flavor.
Some craftsmen use flakes of coconut in soap making. This allows you to add fragrance to the finished soap. And also there are small massaging and scrubbing effects.

Proper storage conditions

Many food preparation lovers keep all of their spice and seasoning bags in one place. How to store coconut flakes?
Store your purchased coconut flakes in a dry place at room temperature. It is advisable to protect it from sunlight.
If the package has been opened and the leftovers need to be saved for future use, then it is best to pour the product into a jar with a tight-fitting lid. This will keep the chips from moisture or foreign odors. If the product is left in an open bag, there is a risk of absorbing the smell of neighboring spices.
If the shavings were made yourself from fresh coconut, then it is recommended to use them immediately. The leftovers can be stored in the refrigerator for a short time, but after making sure that the shavings are well dried.
If the product was bought by weight, then before pouring it into the jar and removing it, it is recommended to dry it slightly in a dry frying pan.

Rating of the best manufacturers of coconut flakes

The best coconut flakes will undoubtedly be those produced in the country where the coconuts are grown. However, you will have to pay for such a pleasure much more than for a product of a domestic manufacturer.
The most common shavings from Vietnam in our country:
  • VILACONIC GROUP. This company has established itself in many countries around the world. However, this product cannot be found in the public domain. It will take time to order and wait for the parcel
  • COM DUA NAOSAY. The most popular shavings among confectioners in Russia. It also cannot be found on store shelves.
  • Russian producers of coconut flakes
  • ROYAL FOREST. The most natural product. Large, with a pronounced taste. Reviews about this manufacturer are completely positive
  • Parfait Decor. One of the budget shavings often found in grocery stores
  • Seasoning. The cheapest, but popular among many others
Important! Experts advise against buying colored coconut flakes. It is best to buy white and paint it yourself in the desired color.

How to make coconut at home

A large number of chefs and amateurs prefer to make such products on their own.
How to make coconut at home?
  • There are three small indentations on one side of the coconut. One of them must be pierced with a knife and drained into a glass of juice
  • Using a small hammer, you need to tap the nut to separate the pulp from the rind. The blows should not be strong. You need to tap long and hard
  • When cracks and chips appear on the peel, you can use a knife to separate it from the pulp. If the tapping was correct, then the separation will be easy.
  • Use a knife to remove the gray film from the coconut pulp
  • Cut the pulp into small pieces and grate on a fine grater. Alternatively, you can grind the pulp in a food processor, this method will take much less time.
  • Chopped pulp must be dried for a couple of hours in a thin layer on a towel or sent to a warm oven for a few minutes
The coconut flakes are ready. If you want to add some sweetness to the resulting product, then you can mix it with powdered sugar.

How to paint shavings: give a beautiful color

To decorate dishes, shavings of a bright and rich color are often required. In order not to run to the store for a new bag of groceries, you can paint the shavings yourself.
One way is to use food coloring. Dissolve a little colored powder in water. Drop the resulting composition into a bag with shavings and mix well. Put the shavings on a napkin and let dry. Helium dyes can be used in the same way.
Natural dyes can also be used. For example, put coconut flakes in cheesecloth and dip in beetroot juice. After a few minutes, dry the chips. But in this case, the colors will not be saturated.

Coconut production technology: video

Many people use flakes of coconut in their culinary success. But does everyone know exactly how it is produced? The production of coconut flakes is a very interesting process. You can learn about how coconut flakes are produced in Malaysia from this video.

Die Hard is definitely about coconut. A large nut with a snow-white pulp is not easy to crack so as not to break the shell. But those who do it will have really tasty pulp that can be eaten just like that, or can be turned into coconut, milk or something else with a unique and breathtaking aroma.


All manipulations begin with cracking a nut. To do this, you first need a knife. They should punch two of the three holes “pressed” on the nut. Insert a straw into one of them - and the first course is ready! Drink coconut water and don't think about anything until you finish drinking. You can skip this step, but then prepare a bowl where you will pour the water when you open the nut.

Then mentally draw a line from the holes to the opposite coconut. Make a mental mark about the first third or middle of the holes. Place the nut on a flat surface (you can also do it on the weight, if you hold the nut exactly during the impact). Hit the mark with a heavy knife. Then turn slightly and tap again. A few blows will crack the nut. When this happens, insert a knife into it and, twisting, open the coconut or simply separate the two halves - whatever happens. Then you can take out the pulp and make anything out of it. We offer coconut flakes and milk.

Watch online video how to chop a coconut in just 13 seconds with a knife

Coconut can be cut very quickly, it only needs a knife315 560 https://www.youtube.com/embed/QAD7oO0sT0U2017-07-22T05: 49: 23 + 02: 00 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v\u003dQAD7oO0sT0UT1H0M0S

How to make coconut flakes and coconut milk

Let's start with what coconut milk really needs to do. Contrary to popular belief, there is no white liquid inside the coconut called milk, only clear coconut water. By the way, it was counted several years ago. And milk is a "side effect" of cooking coconut. Here's how to do it.

1. Use a knife to separate the coconut flesh from the shell. Most likely, it will have a brown skin on it. It must be completely cleaned off. Then rinse the peeled slices of pulp in running water.

2. Chop the coconut pulp. It can be grated on a fine grater or sent to a food processor if it has a grater-like attachment that can chop the coconut just as finely. Meanwhile, bring the water to a boil.

3. Place the chopped coconut in a deep bowl. Fill with boiling water so that it is level with the shavings and leave. Let stand for half an hour.

4. Strain the contents of the bowl through a strainer or cheesecloth. Better to do it in small portions. The coconut milk is ready. It is stored for a very short time - only a day, only in the refrigerator and in a tightly closed container. It may happen that the milk splits in two. This is normal, don't worry. Just heat the liquid slightly and it will become smooth again.

5. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Preheat the oven to 50-60 degrees. Put the strained coconut pulp on the paper in an even thin layer and place in the oven. While stirring occasionally, let the pulp dry completely by convection. If your oven doesn't have one, just open the door and dry like this.

It doesn't matter why a coconut appeared in your home - whether it is a gift of fate or your own whim, but you have to do something with it. Despite the rather harsh appearance, opening a nut is not such a difficult business if you know which side to approach it from.

How to crack a coconut

Of course, this nut is exotic and not familiar to everyone. But this does not mean that we will not be able to cope with it.

The fruit of a coconut tree is more correctly called a drupe rather than a nut.

To cut a coconut "like a nut", we must stock up on the necessary tools and follow a certain sequence of actions.

Preparing inventory

We will need:

  • hammer;
  • a nail or screwdriver;
  • a large knife or hatchet for meat;
  • glass;
  • towel.

Do not be intimidated by the abundance of the listed items. Some of them are interchangeable and indicated in case another item is not at hand. Which tool you use depends on how you open the nut.

Drain the juice

There are three dark spots on one of the "poles" of the nut. It will be easier to make a hole in these places.

Coconut water is often mistakenly referred to as "milk". Actually, coconut water (juice) and coconut milk are two different things. Water is what is inside the nut, and the so-called coconut milk is obtained from crushed pulp with the addition of water.

You need to choose the softest spot and make a hole in it with a nail or a screwdriver

  1. Place the coconut on a towel to prevent it from slipping on the table.
  2. Place a nail on one of the marks and hit it with a hammer. Calculate the power of the blow! If you overdo it, you will end up with a hammered nail, not a hole.
  3. Punch two holes to help the coconut water flow out more easily and tilt the nut over the glass.

Do not count on a full glass of juice, there is not much of it in a ripe (brown) nut.

We break the nut with our bare hands

It is difficult to imagine a Papuan walking under the palm trees with a set of carpenters. Coconuts have been eaten since time immemorial, which means that there are some “primitive” ways to bring sweet pulp to the world.

The easiest way to open a nut if you have nothing but your own hands is to hit it hard on a hard surface. For example, on a concrete wall. The right hook will have the desired effect if you aim: hold the nut so that the blow hits the most convex part of the nut's equator. As a rule, one decent blow is enough for a crack to appear. The disadvantage of this method is that if the gap is too small, you cannot just break the nut into two halves with your hands and you will have to repeat the maneuver. And if you are so strong that you simply smashed the coconut against the wall, then you will not be able to enjoy the coconut juice - it will leak out.

How to open a coconut with a knife

If there is at least a knife, then this greatly simplifies the matter. It is desirable that it be a solid tool that inspires respect, for example, a chopper knife, hunting knife or "chef's knife". You can use it to cut a coconut in at least two ways.

Opening through the hole

If you have already made two holes in the shell and drained the juice, feel free to start cutting using the existing holes.

  1. We insert a knife into one of the holes with a tip.
  2. We hit the handle several times. You can do this with a hammer, or you can just use your fist.

This method guarantees that the nut will crack, but does not guarantee the symmetry of the resulting parts.

Video: cutting with a knife through a hole

Stabbed in the rib of a coconut

In this way, "full" nuts are opened, with juice inside. The first step is to assess the "exterior" of the knife and determine which is heavier, the blade or the handle. The sharpness does not matter, because we will tap the nut, not cut. If the blade is heavier, use the blunt side. If the handle is heavier, then take the knife by the blade.

  1. Find a natural break line roughly in the middle of the nut. As you remember, this is where the shells crack the fastest.
  2. Act accurately and carefully: with one hand, hold the nut in weight and constantly turn it around its axis, and with the other hand knock on this line with the blunt side of the knife.
  3. As soon as a crack appears, slide a knife blade into it and slightly push the shell apart.
  4. Pour the juice into a glass.
  5. Now unseal the nut using your knife more forcefully.

Video: how to split the shell into two equal halves

How to open a green "drinking" coconut

Green fruits are unripe nuts that have not yet matured. In terms of the density of the peel, they are somewhat reminiscent of a pumpkin, which means that you can easily handle a green nut with a kitchen knife. Just cut off one of the poles of the coconut like a cap and enjoy!

Green coconut juice reduces appetite, normalizes digestion, blood glucose levels, thyroid function and metabolism

Coconut water is low in calories, good thirst quencher, helps to get rid of bladder infections and restores physical strength after intense exertion.

Safety precautions when opening a nut

While coconut is easy to handle, be careful with sharp, stabbing, cutting objects. When wielding a hammer, try to protect your fingers. By the way, if of all the ways to open a coconut, you just decided to hit it with a hammer wherever you have to, then put it in a plastic bag before that, so as not to look for pieces scattered throughout the kitchen.

Peeling the tough skin and extracting the pulp

The extraction of the pulp will go faster if you take into account the following rule: the more shells, the easier it is to do this. Therefore, if you do not use any "life hacks", then the most difficult thing will be to pick off the copra from those very perfect hemispheres, which were discussed above.

Insert the knife blade between the shell and the edible part and separate the piece

The most primitive way to extract the pulp is as follows: insert the blade of a knife between the shell and the edible part, and, swinging the knife, separate the piece. Then another one. And further. The main thing is not to rush anywhere.

This meditation activity is not suitable for everyone. Things will go much faster if you use the following method:

We will not throw away the shell

If carving a coconut is so impressive that you want to remember these exciting moments, make a souvenir out of the shell. Most often, the halves of the nuts are used as a salt shaker, candlestick, plate for buttons, keys and other little things. If the shell is rather deep, then by turning it upside down, you will get an excellent eco-house for your hamster. Small and unsightly shards serve as drainage for indoor flowers.

Photo gallery: decor and household items from coconut shell

Candlesticks made of coconut halves will decorate any holiday The coconut shell feeder is very environmentally friendly Egg-shaped box - almost Faberge Cacti in a coconut planter feel at home

Terms and methods of storing coconut

One nut is usually eaten right there, so the question of how to store it is not even raised. It's another matter when, for some reason, these coconuts are “heaps”. Whole nuts are kept cool for up to three weeks. But if you do not work in the very store where you were tempted to buy coconuts, then you cannot know how long they have already lain on the shelf before you were tempted by them.