Characteristic signs of Pokritos. Vіdmіtnі signs of pokrytonasіnіh

What are the signs typical for the Pokritonic growths?
= What peculiarities of life and life of the Pokritos have brought their prosperity on Earth?

\u003d Why did the Pokritonian Roslins occupy a camp on the Earth?


1) In kvіtkovyh (pokrytonasіnnyh) roslin є judiciary - naydoskonalіshі wire elements of xylemi.
2) Є a ticket for sawing with clods. The most important of the basic methods of sawing.
3) In the case of subvariant occlusion, one spermatozoan ovum will emerge as a diploid germ, and another spermatozoon will enter the central diploid clitin, and a triploid endosperm will emerge. Polyploidy allows the endosperm to accumulate more spare speeches.
4) Today's call is a fruitful one, which can take a part in the defense of that rose of the present day.

Why do the evolutionary changes of the covered critonic growths appear in pairs with the fern-like ones? Specify less than 4 shifts.


1) For seeding, water is not needed, the spermatozoa reach egg cells during the sawing process (comax, wind).
2) The female gametophyte is found on the sporophyte and is taken from the new life speech.
3) Expanding for help for the present, as if I have a supply of life-giving speeches and good protection.
4) Judges - found the proving elements of the xylem.

What is the significance of underfloor flooding in flower roses?


The process of subvariant flooding produces not only a diploid zygote, but also a triploid endosperm, which avenges the reserve of living speeches for the embryo.

Vykoristovuyuchi little ones, to know the signs that bring the validity of the flower growth to the class of water-flowered. What type of root system is the little one shown? Explain why this type of root system has developed in the growth.


1) Sitchaste leaf venation.
2) Five-membered ticket.
The tiny root system is depicted on the little one. What could have happened to the fact that the growth grew not from the present, but from the voice; tse appendage of the root, which grows like a stem.

Find pardons from the pointed text. Indicate the numbers of propositions, which have broken pardons. Write down the number of the speech correctly.
1. Two trees of porous dews are seen: monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous.
2. Monocotyledonous growths look like dicotyledonous ones and may have richly folded rice.
3. The bud of hydrocots is formed from two sim'yadols.
4. Leaf blades of hydrocots sound with parallel or arcuate veins.
5. Monocotyledonous growths sound like a mossy root system, a three-membered type of flower.
6. The majority of monocotyledons - all herbaceous dews.


1) You can see two classes of porous dews: monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous.
3) The germ of hydrocots is formed from the germinal stem, the germinal root, nirka and two germinal leaves - sіm'yadolіv.
4) Leaf blades of hydrocots sound with pinnate or similar veins.

Find pardons from the pointed text. Indicate the numbers of propositions, which have broken pardons, explain them.
1) At the Roslin family, rose flowers were picked from the flowers of the ear.
2) Leaves of roses can be forgiven and folded with common venation.
3) Roses often enter into symbiosis with bulbar bacteria.
4) Larger roses - windmills.
5) For rose flowers, characteristically folded and hybnі fruits.


1) For the Roseflower family, the spike is not typical.
3) In symbiosis with nodule bacteria, Legumes often enter, and not Roses.
4) Most of the Roses are sipped with lumps.

Bobov is a good supporter for other agricultural crops. Explain why.
= Why do you need to grow strong spodar crops in the fields, where bean plants grew earlier?

Pererahuvati all pokritonasіnnі roslini, perhaps, is simply impossible. You can name that, you can see that it is the most important value in nature and the life of people, you will do it smoothly. Aje tsi roslini have long been of the most important practical significance, and their representatives are known as grub, technical, ornamental and fodder crops. What are the signs of maє vіddіl Pokritonasinnі? The salient characteristic and significance of these roslins will be examined in our article. Otzhe, let's do it.

Biology: Viddil Pokritonasіn

All of us grow up with a low quality of life’s features, like to make them pansy on the Earth. All the stinks were blamed in the process of evolution as a result of the adaptation of organisms to the minds of the superfluous medium that change. Vіddіl Pokritonasіnі, for the sake of taxonomy, for the given period there are over two hundred and fifty thousand species. At that hour, like їхні operedniki - viddіl Golosonasіnі - less than vіsіmsot.

The main signs of the Pokritonic ones:

Availability of the ticket;

fruit molding;

The development of the embryo in the middle of the new rudiment;

Podviyne flooding;

The presence of nasinnya, honed by the fruit.

In marriage, all the signs signify those advantages, for example, the representatives of Pokritonas were able to expand around the planet, having mastered the minds of different climatic zones and belts.

Golota Pokritonasinnі: similarities and vіdmіnnostі

Ale, let's turn to the winds. Mustaches of nasіnnєvі roslini unite at two vіddіli: Golo - i Pokritonasіnі. Examples of the first systematic group are more importantly represented by Tseroslini with the majestic importance of the wooden life form, with the shear root system. Leaves are represented by thin leaves - needles. Zavdyaki їm and the presence of tar walks, yak zabіgayut zayvomu viparovuvannya, tsі rosliny zavdjayutsya evergreen stretching fir rock. Ale, the head sign of which was the birth of the flowers, and therefore, the fruit. For the time being, they grow cones on the small patches, they stink, they are not protected by anything. To that, the ability of the stench to germinate is not so great, the shards of living speeches are not enough for anyone.

Iddel pokritonasinnі ob'єdnuє rosliny, in which a ticket is established, and apparently, and plaid. The middle part of the present day is overwhelmed by the presence of some unfriendly infusions of the insipid middle, keep it safe with the necessary supply of living speeches.


Pokritonasіnnі - vіddіl vyshchih roslin, yakі mаut impeccable pluses. Crim for the protection of the present and the creation of friendly minds, the development of the germ before them can still be seen to be extended to the width. For example, the fruit of the maple can make special shovels, the smell of stench is easily carried by the wind. And the box of poppies itself rises when ripe, growing wider. The savory fruits of the fruit trees are spreading like creatures, like they give them away, and you see the leftovers of hedgehogs on the singing forest. Voices do not bear fruit. Їkhnє nasіnnya to be found in cones, yakі zovsіm not є fruits. Tse vydozmіnenі pagoni, scho to serve as a mold for molding and rozvitka nasіnnya. No stock of the necessary development of the germ of speeches, no expansion of the population and expansion of the growth of the stench may.

Features of the classification

Vіddіl Pokritonasіnі ob'єdnuyut at two classes. The main sign of this birth is the number of sim'yadols at the birth of the birth. Families of the Pokritonic families – One and the same Two-family – may have other characteristic features.

Vіddіl Pokritonasіnі: the main characteristic of Monocotyledons

Vіddіl Pokritonasіnі, class Monocots, including over 600 thousand species. Zhittєvimi forms, yakim representations, є more important herbs. Krym one sim'yadoli in the bud of the present for representatives of this class is characterized by the presence of simple leaves with parallel, and more - with arc or pinnate type of veining. Cambium - bichna stalks, in monocotyledonous growths it is daily. That is why the stench does not satisfy the tight trunks. The class of monocots includes sprats of other systematic singles - families.

Cereal family

The characteristic rice of all cereal growths is the presence of an empty stem. Wine is called straw. Such a stalk is formed so that the illumination of the fabric is rotting at the knots. The representatives of the family are wheat, rye, barley, corn, piriya and other plants. Another characteristic rice of cereals is an unimaginable flower, in which the vine turns into meadows. The number of larvae varies from three to six, sometimes more. Such non-divided tickets are selected in the flower - volat or folded ear. The ovary is covered with two carpels. Sedentary leaves of cereals without petioles, are composed of three parts: pikhvi, uvula and without a middle plate.

Mustache cereals are even richer food crops. Most of them are vicorous for the preparation of cereals, boroshn, and spices of various varieties of bread. One of the representatives of cereal growths is the sucrose reed.

that Liliyny

A characteristic rice of representatives of this family is the presence of an underground species of vtech - cibulini. Itself in nіy there is a supply of lively speeches, zavdyaks to such a qi grows save life for a long unfriendly period. Chasnik and leek cibula are typical representatives of the family. And the axis of the lily growth is also made up of cibulini, and other rhizomes. Tulip, sprout, hyacinth, convalia, hazel grouse. Until the present dry period, the stink of vigor and vivacity rises. Then we will see the above-ground part of the world, and the cibulina under the earth will be deprived of the life span of the last period of the foundation of representatives of the Liliyny family.

Class Dvodolni: characteristic signs

We continue to look at the Pokritonasinn, classify everyone as good as you know. To the point, the waterways are the most common of them. The stench mayut two sim'yadoli in the bud of nasіnnya, strizhnevu root system, simple or folding leaves with pinnate, palmate or arcuate venation. At the stalks of water-borne rotting of the cambium, there is a flare of textile illumination. Vaughn fools their growth of carers. That is why such growths are characterized by such life forms: herbs, chagars and trees. Families that belong to this class are numerical. Therefore, we can only look at the deeds of them.

Family of Roses

There are three thousand species of fruit crops. Apple, pear, apricot, plum, quince, sweet cherry, peach - the axis of only a few representatives of Їx is easy to distinguish among others for characteristic signs: a five-membered flower with a faceless ovary and a subvariant inflorescence. Sucvittya - a brush or a shield. And the main types of fruits are the kistyanka and the apple. People's cultures live in canned and canned food, even if the stench can be rich in savory taste.

Bobov's family

Tsya systematic loneliness maє sche one name - Motilkovі. Tsі grown up to wear yoga budovі budovі kvіtki, pelyustki kakoї raznoї і zvnі nagadut blizzard zі folded wings. And the first name of the goiter stench refers to the type of fruit - bean. The wine is dry and flared with two chairs along the seam. On the skin of them rozashovuetsya nasinnya. Before the family lie medicinal, olive, fodder, grub and decorative plants. Their typical representatives are soybeans, peas, kvassola, stables, licorice, acacia, peanuts and other plants.

Paslon family

The most famous crops, which represent the family Paslonovі, krіm of the same name growth, potatoes, tomato, eggplant, licorice pepper and tyutyun. These flowers are also five-membered, ale sepals and pellets are grown, and the types of fruits are berries or a box. The greatest importance of the state among them lies in vegetables and technical crops, to which tyutyun and shag lie. And the axis of paslonovі dope, henbane and belladon є brittle roslins, building viklikati strongly inflicted on the human body.

Kapustyan family

Tsya is a systematic loneliness, named after a similar rank of a zavdyak to the most typical representative, also known as Khrestotsvit. On the right, in the fact that the flower can be chotiri pelyustki, roztashovani on the contrary one of one. Zovni tse guess the shape of the cross. Crimean different types of cabbage are known to them as relis, ripa, radish, horseradish, gyrchitsya and rapak.

Significance of pocritons in nature and life of people

Vіddіl Kvіtkovі (Pokritonasіnі) roslini nasamper before є nevid'emnoy part of practically all groupings, lanka in lanceuzі zhivlennya, the basis of green organic mass.

Representatives of the Zlakovi, Bobovi, Rozotsviti, Chrestotsviti families are especially important among the kharchovy cultures. Rich roslin vicorist for the preparation of medicinal preparations. Tse licorice, marshmallow, valerian, tansy, zvіrobіy, celandine. The fruits of the flower roses are rich in vitamins, especially S. Tse sunytsya, blackberry, viburnum, shipshina, chasnik and cibulya.

The cultural landscape of Joden cannot be seen without decorative flowers, among which the most common are trojands, daffodils, georgia, aistry, petunias, daisies, lilies, tulips and others.

Rich cultures є melliferous. These flowers have a pleasant aroma and licorice nectar, which adds to the coma that they sip. Among such roslins one can name a variety of vidi acacia, linden, buckwheat.

And the axis of the deaky kvіtkovy people still have to fight. Tse evil weeds: pirіy, loboda, sow thistle, wait and іnshі. They trap and see rubbish. So, with the wrong zastosuvanni chistotil, the building call is strong judgment, and dope - hallucinations, lack of control of information and madness.

Characteristics of the Pokritonas’s leader to tell about their high organization, as it allowed them to take a leading position in the system of the growing world.

Pokritonasіnnі, or Kvіtkovі - vіddіl vіdіl vishchih rosliny, yakі hid in the other half of the Mesozoic and quickly occupied a camp near the dewy cover of the Earth.

Signs of the Pocritonian Roslins

Note 1

The most characteristic signs of porous roslins are the presence of flowers and fruits in them.

From the beginning of the ticket, a plaid develops, in the middle of which there is one or a lot of us. Oskіlki nasinnya is protected by navcoloplidnik, which is established from the walls of the ovary, vinikla called the vіddіlu - Pocritonasіnєvі.

Among the other signs, the power of the flower roses, you see this:

  • podvіyne zaplіdnennya, after which the germ is established and develops a special life-giving tissue - triploid endosperm;
  • more greater, lower in holonasinous, reduction of human and female gametophytes and their accelerations of development;
  • different anatomical budova;
  • presence near the tree of right vessels (tracheae);
  • high building up to vegetative reproduction of the seedlings of the presence of various species of vegetative organs.

Reproduction of pocritons

The peculiarity of the pocritons is characteristic - the presence of an eight-core (eight-cell) germinal bear, in which there is a sublime flood - a process that is definitely not repeated in any of the other branches of the dewdrop world. As a result of subvariant flooding, an embryo develops from one zygote, which, after all, is a triploid (secondary) endosperm. In golonasin, the endosperm (female outgrowth) is the first. The state of the generation (gametophyte) of the polycritons was even more reduced in pairs with the golonas.

The human overgrowth is composed of less than $3$ cells, including $2$ in gametes, then, forgiveness to a minimum. A woman's outgrowth of representations by $8$-children's germ bear.

The flowers in most of the pocritons have coloration, simple or subvariant, often brightly infested, tares and uterus or queens. Most of the covered clods are drunk (entomophilia), as well as in the wind (anemophilia) or water (hydrophilia), and more (in the tropics) birds (ornithophilia).

Note 2

Podvіyne zaplіdnennya - the main feature of the pokrytonas.

For state reproduction of flowers, the plants do not require water, but the unruly human cells - sperm, which are found in the eggs of the flower, are delivered to the female eggs, stoked in weavers. A piece of skin is a file that a mother eats on a roller, to avenge two sperm. One of them fills the ovum (moisture filling), and the last one - the central clitina (secondary nucleus) of the germinal bear. The germ is established from the zaplodne ovum, and the endosperm from the reserve of the living rechovina for the germ is likewise from the central clitina.

Covering the most highly organized and most numerical group of the middle roslins, there are about $250$ thousand species, which are combined at about $10\000$ and $300$ families. The stench is the most wide on the earth's backbone and the most important for a practical (economical) look. To this end, the taxonomy of pocritons, nourishing their evolution, and development may be of great theoretical, and even more important practical significance.

Flower plants can be important for the state as a grub, fodder, technical, medicinal, honey-bearing and decorative plants.

Pokritonasіnnі (kvіtkovі, uterine) in an hour appeared on the Earth the youngest and at the same hour the most highly organized group of roslin. At the process of evolution, the representatives of the first person appeared later for the others, and the stench already quickly occupied the camp on the earth's backwoods.

The most characteristic feature of the Pocritons is the presence of their own organ - the flower, which is common among representatives of other major roslins. That is why pokrytonasinnі are often called flower roses. The seedling is attached to them, it develops in the middle of the pistil, at the ovary of the ovary, therefore, the pocritons are called otherwise pistil. The saws of the Pocritons are not captured by sim'apes, like those of the golonas, but especially by the adoptions - the Rilts, which will end the mother. After the ovules are planted from the ovules, they are settled now, and the ovary grows into a plaid. From the same time, now, among the Pokritos, it develops in fruits, to which the roslin grew and is called Pokritons.

Pokritonasіnnі (Angiospermae), or kvіtkovі (Magnoliophyta) - bred the most well-done roslins that can make a flower. Previously, they turned on up to the vіddіlu nasіnєvih roslin at once from the hollows. On the vіdmіnu vіd vіd sіmіkh sіm'yachatki kvіtkovyh laying in the ovary, studded with carpels, which grew up.

The flower is the generative organ of the porous roslins. Vіn is folded from quotations and vouchers. On the rest, there are ovaries (simple or subvariant), androecium (stuffiness of tartarids) and gynoecium (stuffiness of carpels). The dermal stalk is made up of a thin stalk thread and a widened pilon, in which sperm are ripened. The carpel of the flower roslins of representations is a queen, which is formed from a massive veil and a long stump, the apex is expanded part of what is called a rilce.

Pokritonasіnnі mayut vegetative organs that provide mechanical support, transport, photosynthesis, gas exchange, as well as the storage of living speech, and generative organs that take part in state reproduction. The inner fabric of the fabric is the most foldable of the old roslins; sieve elements and phloems are sharpened by companion clitins; There are a lot of representatives of the Pokritonian sudini xylem.

The human gametes, which are located in the middle of saw grains, are eaten on the ridge and germinate. The gametophytes of flowers are very simple and miniature, which significantly speeds up the trivality of the cycle of reproduction. The stench is reduced as a result of the minimum number of mitoses (three in a female gametophyte and two in a human). One of the peculiarities of the state reproduction is podvіyne flooding, if one of the sperm is angry with the egg, facilitating the zygote, and the other - with the polar nuclei, facilitating the endosperm, which is the reserve of living speeches. Nasіnnya kvіtkovyh roslins are laid in a plaid (stars of their other name - pokritonasіnі).

The first flower growths appeared on the cob of the creid period about 135 million years ago (or to recall the Jurassic period). The nutrition of the ancestor of the Pokritonic ninth is overwhelmed with water; the most close to them were vimerly bennettites, protea, more humovirno, which, together with bennettites, pokritonasinnі cremated in one of the groups of these ferns. The first flowers grew boules, maybe, evergreen trees with primitive flowers, relieved pelusta; xylem stench is still not small vessel.

In the middle of the crade period, in just a few million years, the conquest of the sub-Critonian sushi took place. One of the most important minds of the swedish broadening of the pokritonic bula їх is supralingually high evolutionary plasticity. As a result of adaptive radiation, conditioned by environmental and genetic factors (zocrema, aneupolidia and polyploidization), a large number of different species of pocritons, which are included in different ecosystems, have become established. In the middle of the creid period, more modern families settled down. The evolution of terrestrial savts, birds, and especially coma, is closely connected with flower roses. Remain playing a critically important role in the evolution of the flower, zdijsnyuyuchi zapilennya: yaskrave zabarvlennya, aroma, natural pilok or nectar - tse zaluchennya komakh.

Flower growths are wider in the whole world, from the Arctic to the Antarctic. The basis of their taxonomy is based on bud flowers and flowers, saw grains, nasinnya, anatomy of xylem and phloem. Mayzha 250 thousand species of pocritons are divided into two classes: two-cotyledonous and monocotyledonous, which grow, forward, for a small number of simidols at the buds, bud leaves and flowers.

Flower growths are one of the key components of the biosphere: stench vibrates organic speech, binds carbonic acid and sees molecular sour into the atmosphere, from which most of the pastoral lances of life begin. A lot of flower roslins are vicorated by people for preparing food, living life, preparing various state materials, with a medical method.

Pokritonasіnnі - the largest type of roslin, to which more than half of all species can be seen, - are characterized by clear, sharply distinguishing signs. The most characteristic of them is the presence of a queen, established by one or two carpels (macro- and megasporophils), which grew with its own edges, so that in the lower part of the uterus, it settles into a closed empty container - ovary, in which megaspores develop ). After the flood, it grows into a plaid, in the middle of which there is a present (or one present) that rose from the symbol. In addition, for pocritons, it is characteristic: eight-core, or later, germ-bear, podvyne zaplodnennya, triploid endosperm, which only settles after the ploiding, the rilce at the pestle, which traps saws, and for the most important quill - less - less. From the anatomical signs for pocritonal vessels, the presence of the right vessels (tracheas) is characteristic, although the holonasal vessels have less tracheitis, and the vessels are more rarely serrated.

Looking back at the great number of transcendental signs, we should allow for a monophyletic trajectory of the Pokritonic species, which is the larger primitive group of the Holononic ones. The most early part of the excavation of the remains of pokritonic (saws, wood) in the Jurassic geological period. From the lower creidic deposits, there are also a few significant remnants of pokritonic ones, and in the clades of the middle of the creidic period, the stink stinks in great numbers and in a significant variety of forms, yak everything lies up to the richness of the rіznіh sіmey, nіvіv live.

Different groups of lower roslins in the system of roslins were indicated as transferring ancestors of the Pocritonian ones - keytoniev, nasinnі fern, bennettiti, gnitomi. The Keitonic boules had an ovary, a riltse, but in them the ovary was molded differently, lower in Pokritonic ones; they didn’t have the like of flowers, their sporophiles are simple and, perhaps, the stench reveals the blind head of evolution. The Bennettites had their own "flowers", but there were no queens, and now they were no longer attached between fruitless patches, and were not found in the middle of the fruits, which were made by megasporophiles. Our ferns didn’t have blooms, didn’t have pocritonity.

The theory of similarity of critons with gnome allowances, which is the most primitive of critons with small small single-stated slips without coloring or with inconspicuous coloring. And yet, with the low marks, the most primitive tickets are respected by the great, bisexual tickets. It can be assumed that the ancestors of the modern pocrytonal boules were wimerli, even primitive holonasine with two-state flowers of the cone type (strobiles), in which, on a long flower bed (osi), there were spirally ruffled leaves of a single, single ocsporophytini, nezsporophyllina, tichinki) and megasporophiles (carpels). In the system of golonasinths, the group is guilty of standing between the most common ferns and even more specialized bennettites and cycads.

Pokritonasinnost undoubtedly represented a great advantage in the sense of protection of the present and the present, which develops, in the face of all sorts of unfriendly outward ripples and in the first black in the dryness of the weather. But one thing, it is still important to explain the Swedish, strained development of the archegonial roslins covered with critonic and embossed by them, which were previously planted on earth. Russian botanist M.I. Golenkin made (in 1927) a hypothesis about the causes of the defeat of the Pokritonic in the struggle. Let me admit that in the middle of the crade period, for some serious cosmic reasons, there was a sharp change in lighting and moisture around the Earth. Dense gloom, which had previously grieved the Earth, rose and gave access to the bright sleepy exchanges, at the link of which the dryness increased sharply. Majestic is the greatness of the archegonial growths of that hour, which did not stick and did not grow up to bright lightening and dryness, began to fade, or sharply speeded up the area of ​​\u200b\u200bits breadth (coniferous, most xerophytic).

Navpaki, pokritonasіnі, scho were already surrounded by the wideness of that manifestation of a small number of forms, virobe zdatnіst good tolerating the brightly drowsy light that dryness of the air. This environment, as well as the supra-divine evolutionary plasticity of them, the building up to the age of vindication of the various archeological minds, and zoomed in on the expansion of the archeological archetypes across the whole Earth.

The victory of the Pocritonians caused changes in the creaturely population of the Earth; Bula is especially guilty of being recognized in swedish evolutionary clods, savtsiv and birds that eat clods, then huts and frugivorous ones. For their part and for the Pocritons, they progressively blamed in the process of evolution the indistinguishable changes in form, chemistry and functions in the connection with the collapsible tares of mutually compatible mutual relations between them and the world of creation. The victory of the Pokritonians was a turning point, a deep revolution in the share of the entire created population of the Earth.

Three letters about the place of the first vindication of the Pocritons were discussed in different ways. Some people think that the stench first appeared on the hypothetical tropical continent, stashed between America, Asia and Australia, and happily zanuryvalis near the waters of the Pacific Ocean. Some of them are respected by the Koliska region of the modern arctic dry land, the third - by the mountains of the subtropical and calmly warm zones of the pivnichnoy pivkul. Most of the botanists at the present time are aware that the first botanical boules were village roslins, that there were few low-rising storms, monopodially laid out on a few tovstі gіlki. Larger trees have already sprouted from them, which sympodially groan, with numerous thick and thin needles. From the village forms at different times and different phylogenetic lines, chagars, dungarees and herbaceous forms, a bunch of bagatoric forms developed, then in different canopies near the link with specific minds of climate and locality - janitors and odnorichniki.

The plants of the great plasticity of the Pocritonas, in their process of evolution, the greatness of the expansion of vegetative organs, especially in the leaves, numerical metamorphosis, as well as the inexhaustible diversity in flowers and fruits, was vibrated. Flexibility and diversity of the chemical warehouse and physiological reactions are also characteristic of them.

The evolution of the ticket, on the basis of which the head rank is based on the taxonomy of pocritonal, seemingly zagal, and schematically looked like tickets with a long flower bed (like a cone) in both articles, actinomorphic with spiral roztashuvannyam vilnyh (underage) and not fixing the number of members with an upper tie and numerous seed buds - up to cyclic, zygomorphic, sparse buds, with a strictly fixed number of larger or smaller growths of members on a flat flower bud, with a lower one-nest ovary that is not rich, but only with one bud. Tsya evolution of the flower of the critons was taken from different evolutionary ranks independently of each other.

The widening of the cover of the critons everywhere may be the extreme inter-growths and signify the nature of the landscapes of creasing, crimson coniferous forests, peat bogs and some types of tundras.

In life and the state's diyalnist people, the role of the Pokritonic peoples is immeasurably greater than that of the lower groups of peoples. Zhzha, clothes, fodder for thinness, aromatic, narcotic, medicinal, tanning speech, rubber and gutta-percha, cork and richly come out of pokritonic; the material for the life, the fire-like materials, the papers are also supplied by the critons in the significant world.

Pocritonasinnі subdivided into two classes - bicotyledonous and monocotyledonous. Characteristics for bipods are: two sympathetic veins in the nasinn, ductile bundles (with cambium), preservation of the head root by stretching the life of the head root (in individuals that were born from the nasinnya), perista and venation of the leaves, 5-4-2-membered type of flowers . Monocotyledons are characterized by opposite signs: one sympathetic vein in the nasinn, closed vascular bundles (without cambium), early intrusion of the head root and development of the adnexal root system, parallel or arcuate veining, trinomial type of flowers. Okremi signs of one group can be used as representatives of another group, for this all the sign's worthiness is important.

Vіddіl kvіtkovyh roslins go two classes: dvodolnyh and monocotyledonous. The most important sign is the future day. However, there are signs of insufficiently assigned belonging to the growth to that higher class. It is necessary to know all the signs of growing.

The class of water-dwellings is the most numerous, vines include about 80% of the species of porous dews, which are united in 325 families. Families of flower dews are seen as the main rank of emerging flowers and fruits.

The class of monocots is close to 25% of flower dews. Tse is more important than herbs. Less often in poor families, wooden forms grow, and it is more important to live near the tropics. The largest group of monocotyledonous sacks is simply organized near water basins and swamps. Up to her one can see the arrowhead, chastukha, and weeds. Ale among monocotyledonous rich species that have reached a high level of organization, for example, cereals.

The typical family of monocotyledons is the family of lilies. In the middle of the growth of this family, bugatoric herbs, which have well-spread rhizomes of chi cibulini, lanceolate chi linear leaf shape with arcuate chi parallel venation, are overwhelmed. A lot of lily ephemeris or ephemeroides - may have a short growing season. The flowers at the lilies are large, of various kinds of zabarvlennya, singly or picked up in a brush. The coloration is simple, vinochkopodіbna, it consists of six growing or large leaves, rotting at two stakes. There are six chicks, also grown in two stakes, one queen bee (from three carpels). Plid lily - a berry or a box. Among lily rich decorative roslins (lilies, tulips), kharchovy (tsibula ripchasta, chasnik), likarsky (konval_ya, scarlet, kupena likarska) and in.

The largest homeland in the class of monocots is cereals. Available over 10 thousand. species of cereals. Widen the stench throughout the earth's backyards. This is a flourishing family that has reached a high level of organization. Mayzhe all cereals - herbaceous bagatorichnі, more odnorichnі roslini. The stench is to become the basis of the herbage of rich growing groups: onion, stepiv and іn. From woody cereals to bamboos. The growth of this family can be recognized by an empty stem - a straw with knots and inter-nodes. The knots are filled with fluffy fabric. The stalks of cereals grow near the dove and later rose under the clitin near the intervening nodes. Such an extension is called an insert.

Cereals can be recognized by the leaves: stench vuzki, dovgі, with parallel veins. The sheet has a wide base at the looking tube - pikhvu. It protects from the stupor of the lower cells of the intervening nodes, for the rahunok rose under the stalk of growth. For cereals, a fibrous root system is also characteristic. In this way, cereals can be planted in the trees of other families for the peculiarities of the vegetative organs (leaves, roots and stems).

Flower vouchers for cereals are dried, unearthly, picked into spikelets. From the impersonal spikelets, the succulents are established: a folded spike, a volat that іn A skin spikelet has 1 to 10 and more flowers. A flower for cereal can have three eggs and one queen, but in a new one there are no cups and that vine. Most of the cereals in the wine-growing plant. Cereals may be typical for this family plaid - grain, bagat for proteins and starch. Grasses are propagated on our own, and also vegetatively for additional rhizomes and pagons, which take root.

Cereals become the basis for the eating of people and strong creatures. Before them one can see the most important fodder and kharchov cultural growths. Wild grasses are the main food for thinness. In the tropics, overgrowths of bamboo and red cane are established. On plantations, zukrovu cane is specially cultivated and zukor, rum, alcohol and molasses are cut from it. Cereals are also harvested for the production of paper, for textile, chemical and everyday industries. In today's epoch, if ecological minds die, the deacons saw cereals stumbled under the threat of corruption. Chervon has 23 species of cereals listed in the book: kovila is stone-loving, kovila is drab-pubescent, kovila is shriveled, thin-colored, pyria kovila is leafy and in.

 Pocritonasіnі (kvіtkovі) roslini

Pocritonasinnі- the largest group of contemporary dewy svіtu completed it. Flower growths look like a group of dead algae, yak gave the cob to the everlasting ferns. In such a way, the holonasin and pokritonic growths - the parallel branches of evolution, which may have a sleeping ancestor, and then evolved independently one kind of one. Remnants of the first flower growths appear in the Early Cretaceous deposits. Starting from the end of the creid period of the Mesozoic era, the Earth begins to panuvati pokritonasіnі roslini, yakі pridbali low scores in povnyannі z іnshimi greater dews, including holonasіnimi. In the same period, the most wide clods, birds and savts fall, like lances living among themselves, attaching to reproduction that living in the same minds of the middle. Zhittєvі forms pokrytonasіnh represented by trees, chagarniks or herbs, which shows the greatest ecological plasticity and expansion on land in all natural areas and in water pools. The main vegetative organs are root, stem and leaf, which can be numerically modified, most specialized for everyday and functions. Pokritonasіnnі roslini, yak і holonasіnі, multiply for help now, ale nasіnnya їх are abducted navkolіdnikom, what saves them the shortest savings and the widest. And the appearance tickets - to the organ of our reproduction, which (in a snarl) is given to a new generation (reproduction), to put each one of the roslin at the camp of the most organized representatives of the roslin kingdom.
Morphologically, the rozmaїtya of kvіtkovyh is already great. Budov vegetative and generative organs they have the greatest foldability, fabrics are characterized by a high degree of specialization.
Kvitkovi - a single group of roslins, built up to the establishment of folding rich-tiered groups.
Vіddіl pokrytonasіnі divided into two classes - vodilnі and monocotyledons.

1. Availability of the ticket. 2. The presence of the ovary of the fetus, which preserves the seeds of that birth.
3. Washed down with wind, clods, water, birds. 4. A woman's outgrowth is an eight-core embryonic bear without archegoniums. 5. Human growth - pilkove grain (pilok),
what is composed of two clitin - vegetative and generative.
6. Inferior occlusion: one sperm inoculates the egg, the other - in the second (central) nucleus of the germinal bear. 7. The podvіyne plіdnennia culminates in advancing transformations: from the ovary the plіd is established, from the sіm'germ (nasіnini) - the nasіnnya, from the zygote - the embryo of the nasіnnya (diploid), from the zaploid secondary nucleus - the secondary endosperm.
8. Endosperm representations of tissue with a triploid set of chromosomes. It is formed overnight from the germ of the day, in the new one there are reserves of food speech (proteins, carbohydrates, fats). 9. When sprouting, as soon as water enters the middle of the soil, it begins to swell, the reserve of speech passes at the rozchinnі form, available for the seedling to be wetted. Part of the reserve speech of the endosperm is split by dihal enzymes. What generates energy (like ATP), the growth of the germ is necessary.
10. Triploidity of the clitin nuclei to the endosperm, which carry the decay information of the mother and father organisms, promoting the attachment of young growth to the middle minds of the middle. 11. From the germ of the present growing sporophyte
an empty diploid generation), which can be imagined with a life-like form - grass (one-year-old or baguette), chagarnik, tree, liana. Whether life is a form of growth and may be the main organs - root, stem, leaves of those species, as well as life, nasіnnya, fruit.
Monocot class .

The name of the class "monocotyledons" is inspired by the fact that in the bud of the present day there is only one family. Monocotyledonous succulents are seen as dicotyledonous ones behind such signs:

1) the root system is weak, the root may be the first budovu (some people have cambium);

2) leaves in greater simplicity, whole edges with arcuate or parallel veins;

3) conductive bundles in the stems are closed, scattered, and all other stems.
Family Cereals (more than 6 thousand vids). Biology of the family: herbaceous growths (vinyatok - bamboo). The stems are simple, sometimes gilliast, cylindrical or flattened, separated by knots, and most of the growths are empty in the inter-nodes, filled with fabric only at the knots. Such a stalk is called a straw. The leaves are linear or lanceolate, with fir in the base. At the point of transition of pikhvi into the plate there is a growth-tongue, the form of which is a sign of the presence of cereals. The flowers are yellowish-green, frizzy, picked into spikelets, which make the ear, penzel, ox. At the base of the skin spikelet, two spikelets are attached to cover the spikelet. A spikelet has 2-5 flowers. The color is formed from two flower luska, two plumes, At the two-state flower there are three eggs and a queen bee with two feathery ridges. In okremih vipadki 1-6 spicate and flower patches grow, 2-6, rarely 40 tichinok. Plid - grain (pot or berry). Gospodarske meaning: 1. Wheat, rye, barley, oats, corn, rice, sorghum, mohar, cane cane - bread, technical culture (they contain zukor, alcohol, beer). 2. Vіvsyanitsya, thinnig, timofіїvka - fodder grasses. 3. Ocheret, bamboo. The stems of vicorist are at everyday life, for the obedience of the paper, like a pale. Cereals are widely vicorous for fixing piskiv, schiliv for decorative kvіtnikarstvo. 4. Pirіy pozuchy, rushing, bristle, ozhin - weeds. Liliyny's family (nearly 2800 species). Biology of the family: one-, two-bagatorical herbs, napkins, chagars near the tree. The presence of cibulin chi rhizomes is characteristic of bagatoric herbs. Tickets are double-stated, or rather single-stated. The coloration is mostly vinochkopodibn, sometimes calyx-like, with more or less adult leaflets. The number of chicks shows the number of leaflets in flowers. Tovkach alone. Plid - trignizdova box or berry. Gospodarske meaning: 1. Cibulya, chasnik, asparagus - vegetable crops. 2. Konvalіya, aloe, hellebore - syrovina for likіv. 3. Lily, konvaliya, tulip, hyacinth - ornamental crops.

Water class

A systematic sign of hydrocots is the presence of two sim'yadols at the foetus.

Vіdminnі risi dvodolnyh so:

1) the root system of strizhnev, with rozvinenim bichnym roots;

2) the root and the stalk make a second budova, є cambium;

3) vessel-fibrous bundles of the stalk of a crooked type of rotting concentrically;

4) leafing as simple as it is more folding;
5) tickets of the five-membered type;

6) endosperm in mature mature growths in a number of species: paslon, parasol and others. Ale in legumes, Compositae i. others (for example, peas, kvassola, dormouse, rozvineniya weakly or zovsіm vіdsutnіy, and reserve zhivnі speechovina znajjadný in sіm'yadoli of the germ).
Family of roses (nearly 3 thousand species). Biology of the family: widened in the lands with subtropical and peaceful climate. Dzhe rіznomanіtnі for budovoi kvіtki, svetіt, plodіv that leaf. The peculiarity is characteristic - a kind of Budova gynoecium and a flower. Remaining may trend to growth. In some species of roslin, parts of a flower, like a queen, grow with foundations and make it grow, flower-laying a fleshy cup - gipanthium. Flowers with five-membered podvіynoy otsvetinoy, chicks rich, roztashovanі stench on the stake (їх number is a multiple of 5), the uterus is one or kіlka. The ovary is upper, lower or middle. Fruits - kіstyanki, gorіshki, often khibnі chi zbіrnі. Komakhozapilnі roslini. Gospodarske meaning: 1. Shipshina. The fruit is rich in vitamin C, 1-8% zucru, up to 2% starch, 1-5% nitrogenous speech. Root bagate on tanning speech. Vykoristovuyutsya in kharchovy (medical preparations) and perfume industry. 2. Troyandi, raspberry, sunnitsa, apple tree, pear, gorobina, plum, cherry, apricot, peach, almond are ornamental crops that are vicorous in food, perfumery, and pharmacological industries.
Bobov's family (nearly 12 thousand views). Biology of the family; stems are erect, curly, creeping. Leafing folded with sheets. Budov's vouchers are typical: a calyx with 5 sepals (3+2), a vine with 5 petals (the back one - a windshield, two flanks - introduced, two lower ones grow at the upper part - a bell). Tichinok 10 (out of them 9 grow and establish an unknown tube). Tovkach alone. The ovary is upper, one-celled. Plid - bean. They drink coma. Gospodarskoe significance of representatives of the family (astragalus, camel thorn - napkin, vіka, peas, stables, alfalfa, kvassol, soybeans, lupins): grub, fodder, honey, decorative plants. Plants of bulbar bacteria, sideritis, (grub and fodder quality decrease through the concentration of glycosides and alkaloids), play a significant role in the molding of the dewy curve.
Paslon family (nearly 2200 species). Biology of the family: herbs, more like napkins, chagars. Leaves chergove, without leaves, simple, with a whole but rossic plate. Quotes are correct or incorrect. Vinochok is spicy-pelustian, tubular. 5 eggs are attached to the tubule of the vinochka. Tovkach is one of the top two-needled zav'yazzyu, to avenge the numerical nascent rudiments . Double tickets. Komakhozapilnі roslini. Plid- berry chi box. More pastlon revenge trash alkaloids, yakі in small doses vicorist for otrimanna likіv. Gospodarske meaning: 1. Nightshade (black nightshade). From the leaf they possess citric acid, drugs, from the last tyutyun - tyutyunova oliya. 2. Potato, eggplant, tomato, pepper. Vykoristovuyutsya at the kharchovіy industry. Z. Belladonna (Belladonna), Scopolia, Datura, Black Henbane - medicinal plants.
Family of Christflowers (nearly 2 thousand views). Biology of the family: one-two-, bagatorichnі herbs, napіvchagarniki with chervil leaves, іnоdі zіbranim at the basal rosette. The vouchers are two-stated, selected in racemes. Otsvitina subvіyna, chotyri-membered. The sepals and pellusts are tucked into the cross. Tichinok6 , 4 of them are dowsh, 2 are short. Tovkach alone. Plid - a pod or a pod. We have 15 - 49.5% olії. Gospodarska meaning: 1. Wild radish, surepіtsya gritsiki, polova zhovtushnik, zhovtushnik - weeds. 2. Cabbage, radish, turnip, brukva - urban culture. 3. Girchitsya, ripak - olive culture. 4. Levkoy, nocturnal beauty, matіola - decorative plants.
Family Folding color (bіlya 15 thousand seen). Biology of the family: single and opulent herbaceous growths, dungarees, chagars, small trees. Leafing chergove or opposite, without leaflets. Type sign - sucvittya cat. On the flat or swollen day of the cat, the okremі kvіti is stashed. Koshik may have a rounded edge, which is formed from a modified top leaf. Type vouchers are two-state, with a lower tie, to which a calyx is attached, a tongue-shaped rim, trumpets, liychas; zabarvlennya white, blue, yellow, black and other. Tickets of one state (persons or women) are transported, last tickets are often free. Tichinok 5, the stench grows like powders into a tube, through the yak to pass a stompchik that you carry a rille. Plid - a sizable sim'yanka with a hairy forelock, or a fluffy crown.
Sawing cross or self-sawing. Gospodarske meaning: 1. Lettuce, chicory, artichoke - kharchovy culture. 2. Dormouse - olive culture. 3. Jerusalem artichoke - fodder crop.

4. Kulbaba, polyne, succession, wood, chamomile - medicinal plants. 5..-Jorzhini, chornobrivtsi, chrysanthemums: - decorative growths, Bur'yani.

Pocritonasinnі, or flowers, roslini panuyut at the rosliny world of the earth's backwoods. This is the largest group, in which there are over 390 families, about 13,000 families and 240,000 species. Flower growths grow in all climatic zones - from tropical forests to tundra. The stench takes a significant place in the life of the people, the shards of the greater cultural virobiv ( vegetables, tree fruits, cereals) can be seen up to the pokritonic ones.

Vіdmіnnoy osoblivіstyu pokrytonasіnіh є nayavnіst fetal, kіtki i nasіnnya. In the presence of naked stinks, they are reminded that the sim'lings are laid in a larger, smaller closed empty ovary, which is why the stench took such a name.

In the midst of the flower bushes, trees, chagarniki and herbs grow. Nine number of species of herbaceous growths significantly outweigh the number of species of trees and chagarniki. To finish the leaves of the covered critons with different shapes according to the shape of the worlds. The stench buvayut yak forgive, fold.

The flower is a folding system of organs and serve for the adoption of fruits and nasinnya. Vіn rastashovaniya at the stem. A part of the stem under the leaf, ring out the leaves, are called a ticket, yak to switch to a shortened entire ticket - a short-cut. Parts of the flower are rotting on the flower bed: matochka, tichinki, pellusts, sepals. The collection of sepals is called filizhanka. It is made up of decals of sepals that sound green. Sepals can grow or not grow.

The main function of the pellets is to catch the clods and to accept the successful sawing. The succulence of pellusts is called a wine, rosemary, budova that farbuvannya, which is called great diversity. At the rich floral roses, the vіnochka is rottenly rozvinenі chi vіdsutnі zovsіm. The vine can be vilnopelustny or rostally pelustovim, if the pellusts grow at the edges.

The sepals and pellusts form an oval at once. Vіn buvaє podvіynym, akshcho folded from cups and vіnochki, and forgive, if the pellusts are in the daytime, or if there are no clear expressions of vіdmіnnosti between the sepals and pelyustki.
On the flower bed, in the middle, you can see the flowers of the stuccoed chicks. The tichinka is folded from a tichinkovo ​​thread and a pilovica, in the middle it ripens saw blades. The inner yard of the kvіtkolozha is occupied by a tovkachi, which is made up of a tie, a stovpchik of a rilce.
Quotes buy both articles, if the stink is to avenge the chicks and the uterus, and single articles, if you can either only the chick or the tovkach. Roslini, on which one-state papers grow, are called monoecious . Dvodomovo So you see, at some kind of roslin of the same mind, there are only people's tickets, and others - only women. Before them one can see willow, nettle, sorrel, dream, cat's paws. There are more tridomne regions.

Order and perebіg tsvіtіnnya roslin raznomanіtnі. Call the flowers already on the leafy pagons, and often at the rich roslins on the back the flowers are opened on the back, and then they leave. The main zaplіdnennya - tse hitting the file on the rollers of the voucher. There are two kinds of sawing - self-cutting and cross-cutting. Among the cultural roslins, there are a lot of samozapiluvachіv. peas, oats and.). Cross-cutting zdijsnyuєtsya for help clods and wind.

After that, as it began to bloom, the flower enters a new phase of development, as the formation of the fruit is completed. The fruit is different in shape, farbuvannyam, stench can be succulent or dry.
The flowers are divided into two classes: monocotyledonous and bicotyledonous.
The class of monocotyledons is close to 65 families, 3000 flats and 60 000 species. Wanting for all the parameters of the stench to give up the stench, but its role is superbly great, the shards of richly cultivated growths, the grain of bread cereals can be seen as monocots.

^ Liliyny's family
Mostly bugatoric herbaceous growths, often with cibulins and rhizomes. The stench can make a vinochkopodіbnu otsvitina with roztashovannymi at two stakes with volnimi or roschennymi leaves. Tichinok - 6, ovary - upper, which consists of three carpels. Plid - a box or a berry. In high and low tundras, in swamps, along the banks of mountain rivers and lakes, there is a small growth of growth. tofieldiya krykhitna . Tse drіbna roslina with rotting root. The roots of the leaves are shkiryaste, slightly bent, ruffled in one flat ruba to the stem. Quotes dribnі, bіlі, zіbranі at a simple brush. Leaflets otsvitini ugvіgnutі, blunt.
On the blue bows, on the marshy knots of the forest, along the banks of the mountain rivers and lakes, there is a great growth of growth. Cheremitsya Lobel. Trivality її life 50 years and more, blooming on the 20-30th rotation. One roslin can give close to 5000 nasin. Tsya medicinal roslin, in folk medicine has been known for a long time, vicorist for the preparation of soothing ointments and disinfectants. Damn it.

On watery bows, on stony and peeping miles of rivers and streams, you can often shoot Siberian cibula - tsіnna kharchova and likarska roslin. Yogo leaves are saved by kharchovі yakosі, ale only until the flower, after which it is rude. Tsibulya is an essential seasoning to zhzhі, to avenge vitamins and microelements. Tsibulya is a majestic power. All parts of the roslin avenge the odorous speech from the sum of the sulfur pure alіls with a characteristic cibulic smell, phytoncides and antiseptic dominance.

^ Orchid family
Most in the growing world. There are 800 flats and 30,000 views. Near the Murmansk region 19 species are trawled. Our pіvnіchnі orchіdeїє є small opulent herbaceous dews, kindly adhering to coma-polyuvannya. Deyakі from them mayut likuvalnі power ( platymisty palmate root, mosquito kokushnik).

^ Cereal family
Even greater is the family, where bugatoric, courtyard and single growths enter, more importantly grass. There are close to 500 and over 6000 species. Significantly take up space grubі fodder see. Expanded on the Kola Pivostrov zvivista pike, alpine spikelet, alpine timofievka and others.

The class of monocots for the number of species, the slopes of that family significantly outweigh the class of monocots. This is the class of flower roslins, which are characterized by the presence of two sim'yadols at the birth. The stems of such roslins have cambium, which sprouts the growth of the stems of the zavtovka. Leafing tsikh roslin may perista or palchaste veining. Two-family growths resonate with their different varieties, they can synthesize folded speech. This class is available close to 10,000 flats and 180,000 species.

^ Family of Christflowers
The species warehouse of the chrestocity is even more varied. You can see the true role of the growing slope grain, core . Pevne meaning may spoon grass. Representatives of the family can be seen before decorative floral roses rіzuha . Our region has alpine rosea growth. This is a more polymorphic family. Deyakі see chrestotsvitih roslin mayut the meaning of food.

^ Family of Roses
Combining over 120 slopes and 2000 views. Rich in rich vitamins, zucrams, organic acids and essential oils. The Murmansk region has a height of 11 and 52 species. Tse trees, chagarniks, herbs. Bagato who is worthy of them kharchovimi (zyabina Gorodkova, wild cherry, cloudberry, stone fruit, raspberry, sunnitsa, princess), medicinal (meadowsweet or komirnik, upright finger, hemophilus) that decorative(alpine cuff, driadi dotkova and eight-peled, cotoneaster) roslins.

Dryad - the legendary Pivnochi ticket. The new one has 8 pellusts, a woody stalk that spreads, from which bunches come out of its own leaves: dovgaste and wispy along the edge. Above, the stench is dark green, and below it, with an eiderdown feather, beats.

Kalgan (upright finger). A flower reminds an old Maltese cross: some of the most frequent pellusts make a symmetrical figure, which is unusual for a representative of the rozhev family, a characteristic sign of them - the presence of 5 pelyustok. Meadowsweet v'yazlista . The flower is made up of five small feathers and supralingually long chicks, so the flower is fluffy.
Gorobina . Gorobina zvichayna is a deciduous tree (up to 15 m of crown) or chagar. Natural mineralization - at the bottom of the coniferous, drab-leaved and broad-leaved forests, along the valleys of the rivers and streams, go near the river and mountain tundra. In our region, the appearance of the first leaves in the gorobini is seen in the middle of the grass, on the cob of wormwood. In Russia, specially cultivated fruits and decorative forms of gorobini are cultivated. Zvichayna gorobina stіyk until the wind is full, so it is often victorious for landscaping industrial centers, zokrema on the Kola breeding farm.

^ Bobov's family
For the largest number of species (12,000) - one of the largest families. Legumes accumulate nitrogenous speech in roots, and green masa and rich richness for proteins. Green fruits and mature bean plants. In the Murmansk region, there are less grasses growing with legumes. In the region there are 35 species, 11 species, and most of the legumes are alien.
Konyushina sang wind up the building to the windmill. Lie down to vologodubnyh roslin, good growth navіt with perezvolozhennі. Good honey plant.
In the area of ​​nabuw significant extension gostrolodnik gostruvatiy. Tse bagatorichna herbaceous roslin, which can have a hard root with unpaired leaves. Tickets were taken from the schіlnі bagatokvіtkovі head parts of the flower. Infestation looks pale yellow to blue. Ostrolodochnik - typical gіrnichotundra and tundra roslina. Good to be eaten by deer.

^ Family of flowers
Dvodomnі trees and chagarniki. Leaves are whole, with petioles. The flower is an earring, the flower is with a cool little leaf. The color is reduced, otherwise it is not clear. Tichinok are available in 2 to 5 and more. The ovary is upper, the stem is short. Sim'yapochki zvorotni. Plid - upper parakaryan box. Nasinnya with flyers from white hairs.
Iva. Great, polymorphic, important noble family. Roslin, who can leaf with two leaves. Bloom until the leaves open. The leaves are pubescent, sometimes densely hairy. Nectaries are at the base of the flowers. In the Murmansk region, 50 species were registered, from trees to dwarf chagars. Iva - roslina is light-loving. The widest view is the willow of a goat, volohat, gray-grass; from dwarf - sitchasta, polar.

^ Family of Vodyannikovs
Small, prostrate, evergreen chagars with narrow leaves, the edges of which are turned up in the middle. The flowers are double-domed, dark red. Plid berry-like juice (vodyanika dvostateva). crowberry (abo raven) swelled with a significant width. Її berries are eating a lot of creatures. Live in її і people.

^ Veresov family
For the extreme Pivnochi, there is a characteristic arctous (in the translation of the Saami "thunder-berry"). Roslina is a miracle with her phenological peculiarity: she starts the polar spring. Berries of black color. They live in hedgehogs with tundra chickens.
Brusnitsa - low-growing evergreens (height up to 30 cm) chagarnica with shkiryasty glossy leaves. Growth in the tundra, coniferous and wild forests, on swampy ridges. In our region, lingonberry blooms from the middle of the wormwood. Massive flowers plant a cob of linden. The first berries rise in the middle of the sickle, mass stagnancy sits on spring. Maizhe shhoroku at the spring at the lingonberry is marked by a second flower, but at the same time, it’s not. Brusnitsa likarska roslina. Leaves vikoristovuєtsya like a sechoginny and astringent zasіb.

Chornitsa myrtolista - deciduous chagarnik (10 - 40 cm fold). The leaks of the blackberry are not round, but with sharp edges, like step by step ruining with age. Zagalnovіdomi tsіlyuschi vlastіvost_ roslini. Dried berries are vicarious in case of sloughing diseases, leafing in case of diabetes. Pagons from leaves were previously vicorated for tanning shkiri. Crane. A small chagarnis spread with above-ground stems, with flowery little buds that rise, fluffy wintering egg-like leaves, with erysipelas flowers. The berries are large, bushy or pear-like, red-colored, hibernating. Blossom in linden, bear fruit in sickle-veresn. Zustrichaetsya on the pivdenny zahodі area, swamps, foxes and onions, on sphagnum moss. They are harvested from the great number of autumns and springs, for a long time they are taken from a fresh look, go to the preparation of jelly, morsiv.

Veres. The life span of growing up is 40 days. There, where the bushes of the faith live, the tormented kinsman settles down. At the curtain martyr's house, they always come to faith. She acted step by step to you with misfortune. Musuka shows the vinyatkovu stіykіst to the fire.

^ Family of Lipflowers
To finish a rich view of roslin, which can smell a pleasant smell and can likuvalni dominion. We have thyme, which, through its smell, can be called Bogorodsk grass. Tsikavoy є biology of yogo reproduction. The last tem'yana expands on small windows - 60 cm. For 100 rocks, the Bogorodsk grass protruded 900 m ahead of it.

^ Berezov family
Up to this family one can see the villages and chagarnikova growths, in the middle of which there are good birch, wilkha, lіshchina.
berezi - Leaf-falling trees (curls up to 20 and more m), and yet forms not with one, but with dekilkoma stovburs, which give a wild look of growth to the appearance of a bush, and chagarnikov forms grow. With the help of birches, the roots of the foxes are satisfied, and then the presence sounds like houses near coniferous and wild forests. : Birch is a wind sawn roslin. Human flowers begin to form on the cob of summer, until winter the stench will be more pink. Leaves, nirks, young chicks vicorist in medicine for the treatment of various illnesses.

^ Kizilov family
In the Murmansk region, only one species is grown - Swedish turf .Deren Swedish - napіvchagarnichok with bagatorіchny underground woody rhizome. Iogo rhizomes, strongly succulent, grow under the surface soil, and broadly give overhanging herbaceous above-ground wreaths up to 30 cm, like autumns die. In our region, it grows in forests, birch crooked, tundra, which is most striking on the sea coast. Directly by a human being, they don’t tug. Tsіkaviy yak decorative bagatorіchnik.

Voices (Gymnospermae) - the largest longstanding and dossi prosperous group of native roslins, which occupies an intermediate position in the world fernsі flower roslins. Previously, the elders saw all the new growths, which do not approve the tickets, in the okremium, they either succumb to the class of the new growths (Spermatophyta). In the present hour, a lot of vchenih are schilyayutsya to the extent that they divide a group of naked trees into sprats of independent vines.

All golonasinn - trees or chagarniki, often reach the great roses. Some golonasinn are strongly bellowing and bear a faceless, friable (sometimes lusciously similar) leaf. Other razgaluzheni weakly and may be large pinnate leaves. Most of the voiceless xylem daily judges, and in phloem- Clitini companions. On the other side, the fabrics of bare-blue wool are folded, the bottom fabrics are fern-like.

Budova pine

Usі holonasіnі - rіznosporovі roslini; microsporophiles and macrosporophiles are strongly differentiated by shape, size and habit. In the most primitive native ferns, the stench grew freely on the most prominent pagons; at the reshti of naked stench they perebuvayut on shortened pagons - strobiles, sound, dividing. Microspores in native plants develop into sawdust and are called sawdust grains or powders. The stench is transferred to the female gametophyte, as a rule, after an additional wind, germinating in the middle after falling on the megasporangia. The middle of the megasporangium, called the sim'lingual, develops a megaspore; after filling with a human gamete, this language is transformed into a native. The woman's gametophyte, obviously, like the great world, lies in the batkiv's thicket, the protégé of the greater world, the lower gametophyte of the fern, resistant to the sun. The lively stock, which is now reminiscent of the present, is victorious with a zygote under the hour of germination; now you can be left in the camp of calm doti, the docks will not come in a friendly mind. The fruits do not settle down, but in the present day they can develop a variety of attachments, which will make it easier to widen.

Voice over from the top Devonian. IN carbonicі Perm the representatives of the greater orders are chiming in, and on mesozoic bring their rozkvit.

The most recent of these roslins are progymnosperms (Progymnospermophyta). The stench poednuvalis in their own evolutionary sticking out the bud stem with primitive vines, which little cheered at the pagonists of psilophytes. Instead of a right leaf, they developed forks without leaves. Progymnosperms, perhaps, were still multiplying by spores, and yet they were already on the molding path for the present.

Significantly collapsing behind the boules are the ferns (Pteridospermophyta or Lyginodendrophyta), which are seen at the same time in independent ferns. There were tree-like growths, with a splendid look and bud leaves, which were predicted by the right ferns, but they multiplied for the help of the present. The development of the foetus, which was better for everything, was already seen after falling down to the ground. Great stalks of our own ferns avenged their second xylem; pir'yaste the leaves were blown away from the right ferns, less than the bud epidermis, prodikhiv and stalks. Some of us ferns can be brought up to sagovnikov.


Vіddіl Holonasіnі

Significant characteristic. The first hollows appeared in the Devonian period about 350 million years ago; maybe, the stench resembles ancient fern-like ones, like it died out on the cob of the stone-coal period. In the Mesozoic era - the era of city creation, the rise of the continents і the weather of the climate - the hollows reached the rise, and yet, in the middle of the Kreid period, they gave up their Panic camp of the Pokritos.

There have been over 700 sightings of today's naked blues. Irrespective of the apparently small number of species, the hollows conquered the whole earthly land. In the pomirnyh latitudes Pivnichnoy pivkulі stench in the majestic expanses of coniferous foxes, called taiga.

Mostly holo-syllables are represented more importantly by trees, more importantly by chagars and even more rarely by lianas; there are no grassy roslins in that number. The leaves of the golonasinnyh significantly look like other groups of trees, not only for the shape and dimensions, but also for the morphology and anatomy. Most of the species have stench of bare-like (needles) or luscious-like; some representatives of the stink are great (for example, the velvets have a marvelous length of 2-3 m), pinnate, bilopathic and other. The leaves are sown one by one, two or two in bunches.

More important is the greater number of golonasin - evergreen, one- or two-house growths with well-spread stems and the root system, established by the head bichnym roots. The stinks are spreading to us, as if they are being formed from the sim's tongues. Nasinnєzabudki naked (stars named viddіlu), roztashovani on megasporophiles or on nasіnєvih lusks, taken in zhіnochі cones.

In the cycle, the development of the holonasal posters is followed by a succession of two generations - the sporophyte and the gametophyte with the sporophyte panuvans. Gametophytes are strongly reduced, moreover, human gametophytes of bare-and-pocritonian dews do not grow antherids, which are sharply audible in auscultate rіnosporous dewless dews.

The voices include six classes, two of which have appeared more often, and the reshta are represented by roslins that they live. The most preserved and most numerous group of bare-footed animals is the class of Khvoiny, which is no less than 560 species that foxes establish in the great expanses of Pivnichnaya Eurasia and Pivnichnoy America. The most species of pine, yelini, modrini grow along the coast of the Pacific Ocean.

Khvoyni class. All conifers are evergreen, more deciduous (for example, modrina) of a tree, or chagarnica with golcha or luscious (for example, cypress) leaves. The head of the leaves (needles) is thin, shkiryaste and zhorstka, cover with a cuticle ball. Buried in burial, covered with wax. All the features of the leaves are safe for coniferous trees to grow up to dryness, as well as in cold temperatures.

Conifers have upright stovburi, covered with luscious bark. On the transverse rose of the stem, one can clearly see the broken tree and the less broken bark and core. The xylem of conifers is 90-95% filled with tracheids. cones of conifers; roslini - often single-house, more - two-house.

The most widespread representatives of conifers in Belarus and Russia are the pine, which is splendid and yalina is sizable, or European. Growing, breeding, drawing generations in the cycle, the development of the development of the characteristic features of all conifers.

^ Pine zvichayna -one-house roslina (Fig. 9.3). At the grass base of young pine pines, bunches of greenish-yellow human cones are established with a length of 4-6 mm and a diameter of 3-4 mm. On the axis of such a cone are ruffled, richly spherical, luscious leaves or microsporophiles. On the lower surface of the microsporophils there are two microsporangia. file bear, some have nail files. Skin filed grain can be repeated two bears, which makes it easier to carry the file in the wind. The saw grain has two cells, one of which, when it hits the seed, forms a saw tube, and then it breaks down two sperm.

Rice. 9.3. Cycle for the development of pine splendid: a - needle with cones; b- woman's cone at the rose; in - nasіnєva luska z sim'yazachatkami; G - sіm'yazachatok at rosrіzі; d-person bump in rose; e - files; and - nasіnєva luska z nasіnyam; 1 - human bump; 2 - young female bump; 3- bump z now; 4 - a bump after hanging on; 5 - pilkovhid; 6 - twisted; 7 - saw tube with sperm; 8 - archegonium from ovum; 9 - Endosperm.

On the other pagons of the same roslin, women's cones of red color are established. On the head of the head, small gaps of small patches of light are growing, which cry out, in the sinuses of which large tovsts sit, woody patches of wood. On the upper side of these strips, two seedlings are sown, and they develop on the skin female gametophyte - endosperm with two archegonias with a great ovum in the skin. At the top of the tongue, the bell is protected by the integument, and the opening is pilkovhid or micropyle.

In the late spring, or on the cob of summer, ripe nail files are carried by the wind and consumed on the seedlings. Through the micro file of the files, the seed is drawn into the middle, de and grows into the file tube, as it penetrates to the archegonia. Two sperm along the pilk tubes, which have been hidden until one o'clock, are dragged to the archegonia. Then one of the sperm is angry with the egg, and the other one is dead. From the zaplіdneї ovum (zygote) the embryo is formed, and the germ is transformed into the nasіnnya. At the pine tree, they ripen for another river, hang from the cones and, fall off the creatures or in the wind, move to the significant forests.

For their importance in the biosphere and the role of the state activity, coniferous people occupy a different place after the Pokritonic ones, far surpassing all other groups of greater roslins.

The stench helps to enhance the grandeur of the water protection landscape, to serve as the most important tree of the village, syrovin for the possession of rosin, turpentine, alcohol, balsams, essential oils for perfumery, medicinal and other valuable speeches. Conifer trees are cultivated as decorative ones (yaw, arborvitae, cypress, cedar, etc.). Today, a row of pines (Siberian, Korean, Italian) vykoristuetsya in zhu, oil is also taken from them.

Representatives of other classes of holonasinous (cycads, gnetovs, ginkgos) grow significantly more slowly and less than other, lower conifers. However, all kinds of cycad decorative items may be very popular with gardeners in rich lands. Evergreen, leafless, low ephedra chagars (class of gnetovyh) - syrovini for the removal of alkaloid ephedrine, which zastosovuetsya as a zasib, which excites the central nervous system, as well as in the treatment of an allergic disease.