How many children does Natalia Korolev have. Royal Natalia

Natalia Korolevskaya is considered the favorite of Yulia Timoshenko. She is beautiful, charming, enterprising and purposeful, like Yulia Vladimirovna. For two years of staying in BYuT, Natalya Yurievna managed to take one of their worthy places next to Yulia Tymoshenko.

Natalia Korolevskaya is considered the favorite of Yulia Timoshenko. She is beautiful, charming, enterprising and purposeful, like Yulia Vladimirovna.

In the 2006 parliamentary elections, she received a deputy mandate on the BYuT list (No. 79).

Natalya Korolevska took 66th position in the “Top-100” of the most influential women in Ukraine, which were identified in 2006 by the Focus magazine.

In the 2007 elections, she was elected to the Verkhovna Rada on the list of Yulia Tymoshenko's bloc (No. 65).

Natalia Korolevska took the 40th position in the Top-100 of the most influential women in Ukraine, which were identified in 2007 by the Focus magazine.

Chairman of the Committee on Industrial and Regulatory Policy and Entrepreneurship of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

In 2008, Natalya Korolevska took 68th place in the TOP-100 of the most influential Ukrainians, who were identified by the magazine Correspondent.

On December 23, 2011 she was elected as the chairman of the Ukrainian Social Democratic Party (USDP). On March 21, 2012, the USDP was renamed into the "Party of Natalia Korolevska" Ukraine - Forward! "

On March 14, 2011, Natalia Korolevskaya was expelled from the BYuT-Batkivshchyna faction. The official reason is violation of factional discipline.

In the 2012 parliamentary elections, she headed the electoral list "Forward Ukraine!" The party did not make it to the Verkhovna Rada.

On December 24, 2012, President Yanukovych appointed Natalia Korolevskaya as Minister of Social Policy in the government of Mykola Azarov.

Business empire

According to the weekly "Contracts" Natalya Korolevskaya is involved in the creation of the following enterprises:

  • JSC "Luganskkholod" (TM "Korolevskoe ice cream");
  • agency "MS-Group" (security services);
  • media holding LLC Media Engineering Group (radio Skyway and Realnaya Gazeta);
  • LLC "Agrometa" (breeding of riding horses, pigs, cows and growing industrial grain crops);
  • OOO Holodinvest (production and storage of frozen semi-finished products).

At the end of 2006, the main owners of OJSC Luganskkholod were the private enterprise Luginvestkon (24% of shares) and LLC Holodinvest (12.5% \u200b\u200bof shares). The founders of these companies are Natalia's parents - Yuri and Larisa Korolevski. Another 18.6% is owned by Luganskprodinvest, which is controlled by Korolevskaya's business partner Tatyana Bunina.

In addition, Natalia Korolevskaya's structures oversee the construction of the Oxford housing complex in Lugansk, which is being conducted by the Moscow Investment Construction Company.

Now Natalya Yuryevna denies her involvement in business: “I no longer participate in business management: 90% of company executives are hired management, whose activities are coordinated by their spouse” (“Contracts”, July 16, 2007).


Natalia Korolevskaya for:

  • cancellation of tax invoices;
  • tightening of licensing conditions for gambling;
    creation of the Constitution of relations between government and business;

    reduction of VAT from 20% to 15%;

  • introduction of an imperative mandate;
  • a moratorium on the closure of mines that have not exhausted their resources before the legislative definition of the development strategy for the coal industry;
  • the abolition of value added tax and the introduction of an end-user tax;
  • creation of a joint Ukrainian-Russian coordinating council of investors.

Natalia Korolevskaya against:

  • re-privatization;
  • amendments to the law on scrap metal, according to which you can buy scrap for cash.


“I am friends with many businessmen from Russia, as I lived and worked in Moscow. My brother works in the team of Moscow Mayor Yury Luzhkov, ”says Natalya Korolevskaya.

According to the weekly "Kontrakty", Natalya Korolevska has good relations with the former chairman of the Luhansk Regional Council Viktor Tikhonov.

“For me friendship means a lot in life, I take it responsibly. Friendship, like a home flower, requires care and attention ("Focus", November 16, 2007).

Two sex symbols of the Ukrainian parliament - Natalia Korolevska and Mykola Katerinchuk

Natalia Korolevska was one of the first among Ukrainian politicians to start a diary in Live Journal. True, now she does not update it.

Compromising evidence

Elephant smuggling

Seven years ago, Boryspil customs officers seized from Natalya Korolevskaya a small golden elephant, which her husband gave her, considering this thing to be contraband. Natalya Yurievna was taken off the plane and interrogated at the airport for more than six hours. Then there was a trial at which the Royal Court argued that she was not carrying contraband.

The story ended well. Natalya Yurievna proved her innocence, and her husband bought the golden thing at the auction.

Luzhkov's arrival in Severodonetsk

The media actively exaggerated information that Natalya Korolevskaya, through her brother Konstantin, facilitated the arrival of Yuri Luzhkov to the famous "separatist" congress in Severodonetsk in November 2004.

Natalya Yurievna denies this: “I have a good attitude towards Yuri Mikhailovich Luzhkov, and when he came to Severodonetsk I really met him. But these relations do not give a reason to say that I invited him, and he came, ”said Korolevskaya (“ Skhid. Info ”, November 14, 2005).

Financial situation

He prefers suits of the Silin, Valentino, Louis Vuitton brands.


Laureate of the national program "Person of the Year 2004" in the category "Leader of Medium Business".

Member of the permanent delegation of the Verkhovna Rada in the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS member states.

According to a poll of an Internet beauty contest among people's deputies, Natalya Yurievna was named the most beautiful woman parliamentarian.
Author of 11 scientific papers on economics.


Husband - Yuri Solod.

Natalya Korolevskaya and her husband see their son off to first grade. Photo: TabloID

“Despite the fact that my then-future husband and I were born and lived together for many years in Krasniy Luch, and, moreover, even worked in the same business, we only met on vacation abroad. We took off from Luhansk in one plane to rest in Cyprus, and upon arrival the company - the organizer of this tour provided us with one transfer for two to the hotel. In general, this is how our love story with Yura began in a foreign country, which continues to this day, ”recalls Natalia Korolevskaya (“ Komsomolskaya Pravda in Ukraine ”, February 21, 2006).

Son - Rostislav (born 2001).

In March 2008, Natalya Korolevskaya gave birth to another son.


Korolevskaya met Yulia Timoshenko in the fall of 2005.

Now Natalya Korolevskaya calls herself a member of the team. “I prefer to follow the instructions of the party leadership,” she says (Kontrakty, July 16, 2007).

During the 2006 election campaign, Luhanskkholod released a heart-shaped ice cream called Yulia.

“Of course, in Ukrainian politics, I like Yulia Tymoshenko. As a female leader who has experienced high ups and downs several times in her life. Each time after that, she found the strength to defend her positions and her team. Earlier, perhaps, I was not entirely positive about her, but after the last resignation, when she did not hand over her team and fulfilled her obligations, I changed my mind. I have met this person many times, and apart from the crazy energy and the positive that comes from her, I do not experience any other feelings. " ("Skhid. Info", November 14, 2005).

"I realized that this is an outstanding person, and not only as a woman politician, but also as a person."

“Yulia Vladimirovna is an incredible workaholic. Sometimes it seems that she works around the clock. She can be in the office even at 6 am. It can be embarrassing when you are 9 am late for a meeting. You fly in - and the leader has long been in place. "

When asked if she is ready to head BYuT, Natalya Korolevskaya replies: “Yulia Tymoshenko is the politician of the future. And to dream of something like that is unreasonable. I want to be a member of the team of the Yulia Tymoshenko bloc ”(“ Gazeta po-Ukrainski ”, March 23, 2007).


Loves to ride horses. Natalya Yurievna is the owner of the stable. Her horses participate in various international competitions.

Natalya Yurievna loves to ride horses

He collects figurines of elephants, candles, and enjoys mountain skiing.

Attends fashion shows. Owner of women's hats.

“I consider the“ Royal Ice Cream ”trade mark as my pride, because it is a quality product. We have never played with quality. "

“I headed a company that included a holding of enterprises. They did a lot, from construction to my favorite child, ice cream. But for two years now, I have retired from business and plunged headlong into politics. You can't sit on two chairs at once. "

“I am not fashionable, I do not follow the latest collections. As for Louis Vuitton, I only have a couple of things from this brand. "

“For four years I was a deputy of the regional council in the Luhansk region. She clearly understood the powers of local deputies and deputies of the Verkhovna Rada. In principle, it is impossible to solve problems that turn into a social catastrophe at the level of the regional council ”.

"I am sure that the future belongs to the Yulia Tymoshenko bloc."

“I never hid the fact that in the presidential elections, although I was not in Yanukovych’s team, I was a deputy of the Lugansk Regional Council, and we supported Yanukovych.”

"I respect Yulia Vladimirovna very much and I think that today she is the number one politician in Ukraine."

"I believe that politics and female jealousy are absolutely incompatible things, even in theory."

“I studied well at school, dreamed of teaching. However, perestroika began, friends and classmates went into commerce. "

“I am sure that we will be able to envisage the implementation of our main promises in the 2008 budget and people will really feel the growth of salaries and pensions.”

“I really live in a region where 70% of people support the Party of Regions. I understand this mentality. I often hear the slogans of the Party of Regions not only on TV, but also live, but I absolutely do not want to look inside again " .

“I believe that the most important thing is the goal. And the achievement of this goal depends on our willpower, how much we have enough of it. And if someone's nerves fail, the willpower has pumped up, and personal ambitions still prevail, well, hand over your mandate, organize your party - no problem. This is not prohibited in our country. And we, I am sure, will succeed. "

"I am confident that Tymoshenko's team will be able to change the situation in Ukraine, for the better."

Sergey Rudenko

Natalia Korolevskaya is a prominent representative of the cohort of women politicians in the political arena of Ukraine. The heroine of our story is on a par with such influential ladies as Natalya Eresko, Natalya Vetrenko, and, of course, Yulia Tymoshenko.

Biography of Natalia Korolevskaya

Of course, our heroine is still far from the level of power during the heyday of power of Yulia Tymoshenko Natalia Korolevskoy still far. But Natalia Korolevskoy - undoubtedly, a strong woman, given the prevailing political situation in a certain way - and similar tasks on the shoulder. All the makings for this have Natalia Korolevskaya there are ...

Natalya Korolevskaya is not just a deputy of the Rada (former). This heroic woman is associated with a number of the following….
Ukrainian political scientists call Natalia Korolevskaya\u003d2575 is almost a gray cardinal in the world of Ukrainian politics.
The start of the political career of Natalia Korolevskaya refers to the early noughties. Then Natalia Korolevskaya entered the representative bodies of the Luhansk region. Before that Natalia Korolevskaya was in business.

Under the rule of Yanukovych Natalia Korolevskaya ... she performed in the orderly ranks of the political party Batkivshchyna, Opposition Bloc
After the fall of the Yanukovych regime Natalia Korolevskaya did not leave the political scene, Opposition Bloc
Experts associate Natalia Korolevskaya with such a figure of the eastern regions seized from Ukraine (Novorossiya project), as Igor Plotnitsky and Oleg Tsarev. with such figures as mutually beneficial cooperation with

We will follow the fate Natalia Korolevskaya, but for now the official biography of this Ukrainian politician:

Natalia Korolevskaya - People's Deputy of Ukraine of the 5th and 6th convocations from BYuT, head of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Industrial and Regulatory Policy and Entrepreneurship (since 11.2007). Vice President of the Ukrainian Taxpayers Association. Co-chairman of the group for inter-parliamentary relations with the Russian Federation.

Korolevskaya Natalia Yurievna.
Born on May 18, 1975 in Krasny Luch, Voroshilovgrad region, Ukrainian SSR.
Birthday: 05/18/1975
Place of birth: Krasny Luch, Voroshilovgrad, Ukraine
Citizenship: Ukraine

Childhood and adolescence of Natalia Korolevskaya passed in the Red Ray.

Natalia Korolevskaya's education

Graduated from school Natalia Korolevskaya with a silver medal. Two higher educations. Author of over 20 scientific papers on economics.
In 1997 Natalia Korolevskaya graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the East Ukrainian National University, specializing in production manager.
In 2002 Natalia Korolevskaya graduated from the Donetsk State Academy of Management.

Business activities of Natalia Korolevskaya

1992-1993 Natalia Korolevskaya She worked as a manager at the Spanish-Ukrainian joint venture "Etko" (one of the co-founders of which was her older brother), and in 1993-1998 - the financial director of the company "Meta". During 1998-2001 she was the commercial director of META Company.
2001-2006 Natalia Korolevskaya She served as Chairman of the Supervisory Board of OJSC Luganskkholod. During her leadership, a complete modernization of enterprises was carried out, departments of logistics, sales, marketing, quality, strategic development were created.

Based on the results of the national program "Person of the Year 2004" Natalia Korolevskaya became a laureate in the category "Leader of Medium Business".
2003-2005 Natalia Korolevskaya - Member of the Council of Entrepreneurs of Ukraine under the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, coordinator of the Luhansk Regional Commission of the Council of Entrepreneurs of Ukraine.
Since 2003 Natalia Korolevskaya is the executive director of the Association of Producers of Lugansk region "WE" (on a voluntary basis). During its existence, the Association has devoted a lot of time to protecting and supporting local producers, coordinating their activities, establishing intersectoral integration, interaction between government authorities and entrepreneurs, and shaping public opinion.

Political activities of Natalia Korolevskaya

2002 to 2006 Natalia Korolevskaya She was a deputy of the Luhansk regional council, the secretary of the standing commission on industry, construction, housing and communal services and trade. She took part in the development and implementation of regional programs for the creation and development of special (free) economic zones and priority development areas. She was the head of the commission on the analysis of activities and the search for ways to improve the Donbass-Anthracite holding.

Since 2006 Natalia Korolevskaya - People's Deputy of Ukraine of the V convocation, Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc. Member of the Political Council of the Batkivshchyna Party. Secretary of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Economic Policy, member of the Permanent Delegation to the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS Member States.
Since 2007 Natalia Korolevska is a People's Deputy of Ukraine of the VI convocation, Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Industrial and Regulatory Policy and Entrepreneurship.
Natalia Korolevskaya - Co-chairman of the group for inter-parliamentary relations with the Russian Federation.
Natalia Korolevskaya - Vice President of the Association of Taxpayers of Ukraine.

On December 23, 2011, she was elected leader of the Ukrainian Social Democratic Party (USDP), which is part of the Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc. On March 14, 2012 she was expelled from the BYuT faction for systemic violations of the faction's internal charter. According to Korolevskaya herself, her exclusion from the faction took place without the consent of Tymoshenko by decision of Turchinov and the leader of the BYuT parliamentary faction Kozhemyakin. Later, on the air of the Inter TV channel, Alexander Turchinov confirmed this information and said that there are serious problems in communication with Yulia Tymoshenko.
On March 22, the Ukrainian Social Democratic Party (USDP) was renamed into the Party of Natalia Korolevskaya "Ukraine - Forward!" The corresponding decision was unanimously supported by the delegates of the IX Congress of the USDP.

During his speech at the party congress Natalia Korolevskaya noted that, despite the renaming, the ideology of the party, as well as the political position, will remain the same. “I am convinced that the social democratic ideology is the only one that is capable of leading Ukraine out of the terrible socio-economic state. Therefore, the party's ideology will remain unchanged, despite the renaming. In addition, I declare with responsibility: we were in opposition to the Yanukovych regime, and we remain in opposition to the Yanukovych regime. I fought for the release of Yulia Tymoshenko, and we will continue our fight, ”said Natalia Korolevskaya.

Legislative initiatives of Natalia Korolevskaya

Natalia Korolevskaya - author and co-author of over 215 bills. Topic: increasing the competitiveness of the Ukrainian economy and developing the domestic domestic market, stimulating the development of small and medium-sized businesses, as well as improving the investment climate in the country.

Co-author of the Law "On increasing the prestige of miner's work", author of the Law "On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine Concerning Simplification of the Conditions for Doing Business in Ukraine", co-author of the Law on Amending the Law of Ukraine "On the State Budget of Ukraine for 2009" (on financial stabilization coal industry enterprises), etc.

Views and assessments of Natalia Korolevskaya

Natalia Korolevskaya stands on the position of economic patriotism, believing that this is the only platform for politicians to “drop ambitions and work ... We must focus all our attention, first of all, on the development of Ukrainian industry, the Ukrainian economy, leaving aside the disputes that divide society. And only then, when everything works, it will be possible to return to the solution of ideological issues ”(from an interview with the Fakty newspaper).
Economic patriotism in the current realities of Ukraine is, first of all, a readiness for cooperation, for partnership, for joint actions on a mutually beneficial basis. This refers to cooperation within the industry between different enterprises, within the region - between different districts and enterprises of different industries, throughout Ukraine.

Fund "New Donbass" Natalia Korolevska

Natalia Korolevskaya is the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the New Donbass Charitable Foundation, established in July 2008. As part of helping socially vulnerable people, the foundation cooperates with public organizations of disabled people "Danko", "Boguslava", charity organizations named after Mother Teresa, "Sofia", the society of patients with diabetes, the society of the blind. The foundation also took over the patronage of one of the nursing homes and a children's boarding school; develops volunteer movements in the region, takes part in regional actions for the prevention of alcoholism, AIDS and drug addiction, helps children's libraries.

In 2010 Natalia Korolevskaya took the 15th place in the TOP-100 rating of the most influential women in Ukraine, compiled by the Focus magazine.

In 2008, in the "TOP-100" of the most influential Ukrainians, who were identified by the magazine "Correspondent", Natalia Korolevskaya took 68th place.
According to polls of Internet publications, Natalia Korolevskaya has been firmly established for several years the status of the most beautiful woman parliamentarian.
When filing a tax return in 2011, Natalya Korolevskaya indicated her annual income of 167,640 hryvnia (about $ 21,000). It also indicates that she is the owner of real estate in Kiev (with a total area of \u200b\u200b758 m2), a 3.6 liter Range Rover (in total, the family has 5 cars: one Range Rover 2008, three Mercedes "2008, 2006 and 2001 years of release, one" Mitsubishi "of 2008) and has 23,171 more hryvnia (about $ 2,900) in various bank accounts.

Family of Natalia Korolevskaya

Natalia Korolevskaya's father - Yuri Vasilievich Korolevsky - director of the mine.
Mother Natalia Royal, Larisa Petrovna Royal - a teacher at school.

The older brother of Natalia Korolevsko is Konstantin Yurievich Korolevsky (born October 16, 1965). The following is known about him:
In the period 2004-2008, he served as Deputy Head of the Moscow City Planning Department.
2008 - First Deputy Head of the Department of Road, Bridge and Engineering Construction in Moscow.
2010 - Deputy Head of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation.

Personal life of Natalia Korolevskaya

Natalia Korolevskaya's husband(second marriage): Yuri Vasilievich Solod, a fellow countryman in the Red Ray. We met in Cyprus.
Children Natalia Royal - two sons: Rostislav (born 2001) and Yaroslav (born 2008).

Hobbies of Natalia Korolevskaya

Natalia Korolevskaya collects figurines of elephants, candles, is fond of mountain skiing and equestrian sports.
IN BYuT Royal came in 2005 after the resignation of Yulia Tymoshenko from the post of prime minister. Loves to ride horses. Natalya Yurievna is the owner of the stable. Her horses participate in a variety of international competitions. Natalia Korolevskaya is an ambitious person.


She was born on May 18, 1975 in the town of Krasny Luch, Luhansk region. In 1997 she graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the East Ukrainian National University as a manager in the industrial sphere. In 2002 she received a diploma from the Donetsk State Academy of Management. She began her career in the ETKO JV, one of the shareholders of which was her older brother, Konstantin Korolevsky, who is now the first deputy head of the department of urban planning policy, development and reconstruction of Moscow.

In 1993 JV ETKO was engaged in the trade of coal and metal. One of the business partners of Konstantin Korolevsky was Vadim Gurzhos, the current deputy chairman of the Kiev Regional State Administration. My brother and I are independent people. I started to build a career in his business, but I had to do a lot so that I was not considered his protégé. However, Konstantin is still my advisor, - says Natalya Yurievna (Contracts, July 16, 2007). In 1993-1998, Korolevskaya was the financial director of CJSC META (this is the name of JV ETKO after renaming. - SR) Then - the commercial director of the JV META Company, which was owned by her together with her brother Konstantin. The company was selling scrap metal. For some time Korolevskaya lived and worked in Moscow.

In 2000 she started producing ice cream. Natalya Yurievna claims that the regional administration offered her to buy out the shares of Luganskkholod. I bought the plant only out of love for my native region: I don't eat ice cream, - admitted Royal (Kontrakty, July 16, 2007). In 2001-2006 - Chairman of the Supervisory Board of OJSC Luganskkholod (TM Korolevskoe Ice Cream), an enterprise that is one of the five ice cream producers in Ukraine. Coordinated the Oxford investment and construction project. She was a deputy of the Luhansk regional council, executive director of the Association of commodity producers of the Luhansk region WE, a member of the Council of entrepreneurs under the Cabinet of Ministers. In the 2004 presidential elections, she supported Viktor Yanukovych. In the 2006 parliamentary elections, she received a deputy mandate on the BYuT list (No. 79).

In the Top-100 of the most influential women in Ukraine, which were identified in 2006 by Focus magazine, Natalya Korolevska took 66th position. In the 2007 elections, she was elected to the Verkhovna Rada on the list of Yulia Tymoshenko's bloc (No. 65). In the Top-100 of the most influential women in Ukraine, which were identified in 2007 by the Focus magazine, Natalia Korolevska took 40th position. Chairman of the Committee on Industrial and Regulatory Policy and Entrepreneurship of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

Korolevskaya Natalia

Natalia Korolevskaya is considered the favorite of Yulia Timoshenko. She is beautiful, charming, enterprising and purposeful, like Yulia Vladimirovna. They even began to call her Luhansk “Yulia without a braid”.


Natalia Korolevskaya is an ambitious person. She entered the business at the age of eighteen.

Since then, she has become one of the most influential figures in the Luhansk region. Although Natalya Yurievna modestly evaluates her achievements: “... I would not say about influence, perhaps I just have a share of respect” (“Blik”, February 25, 2007).

Delegation, presumably, is not the ultimate dream of Natalya Yurievna.

When asked what role she is assigned in BYuT, Natalia Korolevskaya replies: “I am the secretary of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Economic Policy. My task is to control the economic sphere and all legislation that is considered in parliament. In general, I am on guard on economic issues ”(“ Blik ”, February 25, 2007).

Natalya Yuryevna claims that the position for her is not an end in itself. “I think that the main thing is how effective you can be in this or that position, and what mechanisms are there to achieve the goals and tasks that you face,” she says (Glavred, November 5, 2007) ...


In 1997 she graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the East Ukrainian National University with a degree in "manager in the production sphere".

In 2002 she received a diploma from the Donetsk State Academy of Management.

She began her career at the ETKO JV, one of the shareholders of which was her older brother, Konstantin Korolevsky, who is now the first deputy head of the department of urban planning policy, development and reconstruction of Moscow. In 1993 JV "ETKO" was engaged in the trade of coal and metal. One of the business partners of Konstantin Korolevsky was Vadim Gurzhos, the current Deputy Minister of Transport and Communications.

“Brother and I are independent people. I started to build a career in his business, but I had to do a lot so that I was not considered his protégé. However, Konstantin is still my adviser, ”says Natalya Yurievna (“ Contracts ”, July 16, 2007).

In 1993-1998, Korolevskaya was the financial director of CJSC META (this is the name of JV ETKO after renaming. - S.R.). Then - the commercial director of JV "META Company", the owners of which she was together with her brother Konstantin. The company was selling scrap metal.

For some time Korolevskaya lived and worked in Moscow.

In 2000 she started producing ice cream. Natalya Yurievna claims that the regional administration offered her to buy out the shares of Luganskkholod. “I bought the plant only out of love for my native region: I don’t eat ice cream,” Korolevskaya confessed (“Kontrakty”, July 16, 2007).

2001-2006 - Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Luganskkholod OJSC (Royal Ice Cream TM), an enterprise that is one of the five ice cream producers in Ukraine.

Coordinated the Oxford investment and construction project.

She was a deputy of the Lugansk regional council, the executive director of the Association of commodity producers of the Lugansk region "WE", a member of the Council of entrepreneurs under the Cabinet of Ministers.

In the 2004 presidential elections, she supported Viktor Yanukovych.

In the 2006 parliamentary elections, she received a deputy mandate on the BYuT list (No. 79).

Natalia Korolevska took 66th position in the “Top-100” of the most influential women in Ukraine, which were identified in 2006 by the magazine “Focus”.

In early parliamentary elections in 2007, she was elected to the Verkhovna Rada on the list of the Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc (No. 65).

Natalia Korolevska took the 40th position in the Top-100 of the most influential women in Ukraine, which were identified in 2007 by the Focus magazine.

Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Industrial and Regulatory Policy and Entrepreneurship.

Business empire

According to the Kontrakty weekly, Natalya Yuryevna is involved in the creation of the following enterprises:

JSC "Luganskkholod" (TM "Korolevskoe ice cream");

Agency "MS-Group" (security services);

Media holding LLC Media Engineering Group (radio Skyway and Realnaya Gazeta);

LLC "Agrometa" (breeding of riding horses, pigs, cows and growing industrial grain crops);

OOO Holodinvest (production and storage of frozen semi-finished products).

At the end of 2006, the main owners of OJSC Luganskkholod were the private enterprise Luginvestkon (24% of shares) and LLC Holodinvest (12.5% \u200b\u200bof shares). The founders of these companies are Natalia's parents, Yuri and Larisa Korolevski. Another 18.6% is owned by Luganskprodinvest, which is controlled by Korolevskaya's business partner, Tatyana Bunina.

In addition, Natalia Korolevskaya's structures oversee the construction of the Oxford housing complex in Lugansk, which is being conducted by the Moscow Investment Construction Company.

Now Natalya Yuryevna denies her involvement in business: “I no longer participate in business management: 90% of company executives are hired management, whose activities are coordinated by a spouse” (“Contracts”, July 16, 2007).


Natalia Korolevskaya for:

Cancellation of tax invoices;

Reduction of VAT from 20% to 15%;

Introduction of an imperative mandate;

Moratorium on the closure of mines that have not worked out their resources before the legislative definition of the coal industry development strategy;

Abolition of value added tax and introduction of end-user tax.

Natalia Korolevskaya against:


Amendments to the law on scrap metal, according to which it is possible to buy scrap for cash.


“I am friends with many businessmen from Russia, as I lived and worked in Moscow. My brother works in the team of Moscow Mayor Yury Luzhkov, ”says Natalya Korolevskaya.

According to the weekly "Kontrakty", Natalya Korolevska has good relations with the former chairman of the Luhansk Regional Council Viktor Tikhonov.

“For me friendship means a lot in life, I take it responsibly. Friendship, like a home flower, requires care and attention, ”says Natalya Yurievna (Focus, November 16, 2007).

Natalia Korolevska was one of the first among Ukrainian politicians to start a diary in Live Journal. True, now she does not update it.

Compromising evidence

Elephant smuggling

Eight years ago, Boryspil customs officers confiscated from Natalya Korolevskaya a small golden elephant, which her husband gave her, considering this thing to be contraband. Natalya Yurievna was taken off the plane and interrogated at the airport for more than six hours. Then there was a trial at which the Royal Court argued that she was not carrying contraband.

The story ended well. Natalya Yurievna proved her innocence, and her husband bought the golden thing at the auction.

Luzhkov's arrival in Severodonetsk

The media actively exaggerated information that Natalya Korolevskaya, through her brother Konstantin, facilitated the arrival of Yuri Luzhkov to the famous "separatist" congress in Severodonetsk in November 2004.

Natalya Yurievna denies this: “I have a good attitude towards Yuri Mikhailovich Luzhkov, and when he came to Severodonetsk I really met him. But these relations do not give a reason to say that I invited him, and he came, ”said Korolevskaya (“ Skhid. Info ”, November 14, 2005).

Financial situation

Focus magazine estimated the fortune of Natalia Korolevskaya at $ 243 million.

According to her, she rents an apartment in Kiev.

He prefers suits of the Silin, Valentino, Louis Vuitton brands.


Co-chairman of the group for inter-parliamentary relations with Russia.

Member of the groups for inter-parliamentary relations with the USA, United Arab Emirates, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Austria, France, Lithuania, Japan, Poland, China.

Laureate of the national program "Person of the Year 2004" in the category "Leader of Medium Business".

Member of the permanent delegation of the Verkhovna Rada in the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS member states.

According to a survey of an Internet beauty contest among people's deputies, Natalya Yurievna was named the most beautiful woman parliamentarian.


Husband - Yuri Solod.

“Despite the fact that my then-future husband and I were born and lived together for many years in Krasny Luch, and, moreover, even worked in the same business, we met only on vacation abroad. We took off from Luhansk in one plane to rest in Cyprus, and upon arrival the company - the organizer of this tour provided us with one transfer for two to the hotel. In general, this is how our love story with Yura began in a foreign country, which continues to this day, ”recalls Natalia Korolevska (“ Komsomolskaya Pravda in Ukraine ”, February 21, 2006).

Son - Rostislav (born 2001).


Korolevskaya met Yulia Timoshenko in the fall of 2005.

According to Mikhail Brodsky, Yulia Vladimirovna was recommended by Luhansk "governor" Alexey Danilov. "Says:" Look, a very smart and good woman. " I talked to her. It seemed to me that she is very promising and professional, she understands business. I recommended that Yulia Vladimirovna meet with her, and after the meeting, Yulia Vladimirovna put her on the list, "says Mikhail Yurievich (Ukrainskaya Pravda, April 11, 2007).

Korolevskaya denies Brodsky's words, claiming that she personally met Tymoshenko and Turchinov.

Now Natalia Korolevskaya calls herself a member of the BYuT team. “I prefer to follow the instructions of the party leadership,” she says (Contracts, July 16, 2007).

During the 2006 election campaign, Luhanskkholod released a heart-shaped ice cream called Yulia.

“Of course, in Ukrainian politics I am very sympathetic to Yulia Tymoshenko. As a woman leader who has experienced a high rise and a serious fall several times in her life. Each time after that, she found the strength to defend her positions and her team. Earlier, perhaps, I was not entirely positive about her, but after the last resignation, when she did not hand over her team and fulfilled her obligations, I changed my mind. I have met this person many times, and apart from the crazy energy and the positive that comes from her, I have no other feelings. "

"I realized that this is an outstanding person, and not only as a woman politician, but also as a person."

“Yulia Vladimirovna is an incredible workaholic. Sometimes it seems that she works around the clock. She can be in the office even at 6 am. It happens, and it becomes a shame when you are late by 9 am for meetings. You fly in - and the leader has long been in place. "

When asked if she is ready to head BYuT, Natalya Korolevskaya replies: “Yulia Tymoshenko is the politician of the future. And to dream of something like that is unreasonable. I want to be a member of the team of the Yulia Tymoshenko bloc ”(“ Gazeta po-Ukrainski ”, March 23, 2007).


Loves to ride horses. Natalya Yurievna is the owner of the stable. Her horses participate in various international competitions.

He collects figurines of elephants, candles, and enjoys mountain skiing.

“I consider the“ Royal Ice Cream ”trade mark as my pride, because it is a quality product. We have never played with quality. "

“I headed a company that included a holding of enterprises. They did a lot, from construction to my favorite child, ice cream. But for two years now, I have retired from business and plunged headlong into politics. You can't sit on two chairs at once. "

“I am not fashionable, I do not follow the latest collections. As for Louis Vuitton, I only have a couple of things from this brand. "

“For four years I was a deputy of the regional council in the Luhansk region. She clearly understood the powers of local deputies and deputies of the Verkhovna Rada. In principle, it is impossible to solve problems that turn into a social catastrophe at the level of the regional council ”.

"I am sure that the Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc is the future."

“I never hid the fact that in the presidential elections, although I was not in Yanukovych’s team, I was a deputy of the Lugansk Regional Council, and we supported Yanukovych.”

"I respect Yulia Vladimirovna very much and I think that today she is the number one politician in Ukraine."

"I believe that politics and female jealousy are absolutely incompatible things, even in theory."

“I studied well at school, dreamed of teaching. However, perestroika began, friends and classmates went into commerce. "

“I am sure that we will be able to envisage the implementation of our main promises in the 2008 budget, and people will really feel the increase in salaries and pensions.”

“I really live in a region where 70% of people support the Party of Regions. I understand this mentality. I often hear the slogans of the Party of Regions not only on TV, but also live, but I absolutely do not want to look inside again " .

“I believe that the most important thing is the goal. And the achievement of this goal depends on our willpower, how much we have enough of it. And if someone's nerves are losing their nerves, willpower has pumped up and personal ambitions still prevail, well, hand over your mandate, organize your party - no problem. This is not prohibited in our country. And we, I am sure, will succeed. "

"I am confident that Tymoshenko's team will be able to change the situation in Ukraine for the better."

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XVII ROYAL FAMILY Pomare is a dynasty that ruled Tahiti since 1793. The last king of this dynasty, Pomare V, abdicated the throne in 1880 and died in 1891. Encyclopedic Dictionary. The royal family is numerous. Maori royal blood can be recognized by a particularly large

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Natalia Korolevska is being admired by Yulia Tymoshenko. Vona is beautiful, charming, eager and straightforward, like Yulia Volodymyrivna. For two rockets, Natalia Yuriyivna zumila took one of Yuliya Tymoshenko's last weekends in BYuT.

Natalia Korolevskaya is considered the favorite of Yulia Timoshenko. She is beautiful, charming, enterprising and purposeful, like Yulia Vladimirovna.

In the 2006 parliamentary elections, she received a deputy mandate on the BYuT list (No. 79).

Natalya Korolevska took 66th position in the “Top-100” of the most influential women in Ukraine, which were identified in 2006 by the Focus magazine.

In the 2007 elections, she was elected to the Verkhovna Rada on the list of Yulia Tymoshenko's bloc (No. 65).

Natalia Korolevska took the 40th position in the Top-100 of the most influential women in Ukraine, which were identified in 2007 by the Focus magazine.

Chairman of the Committee on Industrial and Regulatory Policy and Entrepreneurship of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

In 2008, Natalya Korolevska took 68th place in the TOP-100 of the most influential Ukrainians, who were identified by the magazine Correspondent.

On December 23, 2011 she was elected as the chairman of the Ukrainian Social Democratic Party (USDP). On March 21, 2012, the USDP was renamed into the "Party of Natalia Korolevska" Ukraine - Forward! "

On March 14, 2011, Natalia Korolevskaya was expelled from the BYuT-Batkivshchyna faction. The official reason is violation of factional discipline.

In the 2012 parliamentary elections, she headed the electoral list "Forward Ukraine!" The party did not make it to the Verkhovna Rada.

On December 24, 2012, President Yanukovych appointed Natalia Korolevskaya as Minister of Social Policy in the government of Mykola Azarov.

Business empire

According to the weekly "Contracts" Natalya Korolevskaya is involved in the creation of the following enterprises:

  • JSC "Luganskkholod" (TM "Korolevskoe ice cream");
  • agency "MS-Group" (security services);
  • media holding LLC Media Engineering Group (radio Skyway and Realnaya Gazeta);
  • LLC "Agrometa" (breeding of riding horses, pigs, cows and growing industrial grain crops);
  • OOO Holodinvest (production and storage of frozen semi-finished products).

At the end of 2006, the main owners of OJSC Luganskkholod were the private enterprise Luginvestkon (24% of shares) and LLC Holodinvest (12.5% \u200b\u200bof shares). The founders of these companies are Natalia's parents - Yuri and Larisa Korolevski. Another 18.6% is owned by Luganskprodinvest, which is controlled by Korolevskaya's business partner Tatyana Bunina.

In addition, Natalia Korolevskaya's structures oversee the construction of the Oxford housing complex in Lugansk, which is being conducted by the Moscow Investment Construction Company.

Now Natalya Yuryevna denies her involvement in business: “I no longer participate in business management: 90% of company executives are hired management, whose activities are coordinated by their spouse” (“Contracts”, July 16, 2007).


Natalia Korolevskaya for:

  • cancellation of tax invoices;
  • tightening of licensing conditions for gambling;
    creation of the Constitution of relations between government and business;

    reduction of VAT from 20% to 15%;

  • introduction of an imperative mandate;
  • a moratorium on the closure of mines that have not exhausted their resources before the legislative definition of the development strategy for the coal industry;
  • the abolition of value added tax and the introduction of an end-user tax;
  • creation of a joint Ukrainian-Russian coordinating council of investors.

Natalia Korolevskaya against:

  • re-privatization;
  • amendments to the law on scrap metal, according to which you can buy scrap for cash.


“I am friends with many businessmen from Russia, as I lived and worked in Moscow. My brother works in the team of Moscow Mayor Yury Luzhkov, ”says Natalya Korolevskaya.

According to the weekly "Kontrakty", Natalya Korolevska has good relations with the former chairman of the Luhansk Regional Council Viktor Tikhonov.

“For me friendship means a lot in life, I take it responsibly. Friendship, like a home flower, requires care and attention ("Focus", November 16, 2007).

Two sex symbols of the Ukrainian parliament - Natalia Korolevska and Mykola Katerinchuk

Natalia Korolevska was one of the first among Ukrainian politicians to start a diary in Live Journal. True, now she does not update it.

Compromising evidence

Elephant smuggling

Seven years ago, Boryspil customs officers seized from Natalya Korolevskaya a small golden elephant, which her husband gave her, considering this thing to be contraband. Natalya Yurievna was taken off the plane and interrogated at the airport for more than six hours. Then there was a trial at which the Royal Court argued that she was not carrying contraband.

The story ended well. Natalya Yurievna proved her innocence, and her husband bought the golden thing at the auction.

Luzhkov's arrival in Severodonetsk

The media actively exaggerated information that Natalya Korolevskaya, through her brother Konstantin, facilitated the arrival of Yuri Luzhkov to the famous "separatist" congress in Severodonetsk in November 2004.

Natalya Yurievna denies this: “I have a good attitude towards Yuri Mikhailovich Luzhkov, and when he came to Severodonetsk I really met him. But these relations do not give a reason to say that I invited him, and he came, ”said Korolevskaya (“ Skhid. Info ”, November 14, 2005).

Financial situation

He prefers suits of the Silin, Valentino, Louis Vuitton brands.


Laureate of the national program "Person of the Year 2004" in the category "Leader of Medium Business".

Member of the permanent delegation of the Verkhovna Rada in the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS member states.

According to a poll of an Internet beauty contest among people's deputies, Natalya Yurievna was named the most beautiful woman parliamentarian.
Author of 11 scientific papers on economics.


Husband - Yuri Solod.

Natalya Korolevskaya and her husband see their son off to first grade. Photo: TabloID

“Despite the fact that my then-future husband and I were born and lived together for many years in Krasniy Luch, and, moreover, even worked in the same business, we only met on vacation abroad. We took off from Luhansk in one plane to rest in Cyprus, and upon arrival the company - the organizer of this tour provided us with one transfer for two to the hotel. In general, this is how our love story with Yura began in a foreign country, which continues to this day, ”recalls Natalia Korolevskaya (“ Komsomolskaya Pravda in Ukraine ”, February 21, 2006).

Son - Rostislav (born 2001).

In March 2008, Natalya Korolevskaya gave birth to another son.


Korolevskaya met Yulia Timoshenko in the fall of 2005.

Now Natalya Korolevskaya calls herself a member of the team. “I prefer to follow the instructions of the party leadership,” she says (Kontrakty, July 16, 2007).

During the 2006 election campaign, Luhanskkholod released a heart-shaped ice cream called Yulia.

“Of course, in Ukrainian politics, I like Yulia Tymoshenko. As a female leader who has experienced high ups and downs several times in her life. Each time after that, she found the strength to defend her positions and her team. Earlier, perhaps, I was not entirely positive about her, but after the last resignation, when she did not hand over her team and fulfilled her obligations, I changed my mind. I have met this person many times, and apart from the crazy energy and the positive that comes from her, I do not experience any other feelings. " ("Skhid. Info", November 14, 2005).

"I realized that this is an outstanding person, and not only as a woman politician, but also as a person."

“Yulia Vladimirovna is an incredible workaholic. Sometimes it seems that she works around the clock. She can be in the office even at 6 am. It can be embarrassing when you are 9 am late for a meeting. You fly in - and the leader has long been in place. "

When asked if she is ready to head BYuT, Natalya Korolevskaya replies: “Yulia Tymoshenko is the politician of the future. And to dream of something like that is unreasonable. I want to be a member of the team of the Yulia Tymoshenko bloc ”(“ Gazeta po-Ukrainski ”, March 23, 2007).


Loves to ride horses. Natalya Yurievna is the owner of the stable. Her horses participate in various international competitions.

Natalya Yurievna loves to ride horses

He collects figurines of elephants, candles, and enjoys mountain skiing.

Attends fashion shows. Owner of women's hats.

“I consider the“ Royal Ice Cream ”trade mark as my pride, because it is a quality product. We have never played with quality. "

“I headed a company that included a holding of enterprises. They did a lot, from construction to my favorite child, ice cream. But for two years now, I have retired from business and plunged headlong into politics. You can't sit on two chairs at once. "

“I am not fashionable, I do not follow the latest collections. As for Louis Vuitton, I only have a couple of things from this brand. "

“For four years I was a deputy of the regional council in the Luhansk region. She clearly understood the powers of local deputies and deputies of the Verkhovna Rada. In principle, it is impossible to solve problems that turn into a social catastrophe at the level of the regional council ”.

"I am sure that the future belongs to the Yulia Tymoshenko bloc."

“I never hid the fact that in the presidential elections, although I was not in Yanukovych’s team, I was a deputy of the Lugansk Regional Council, and we supported Yanukovych.”

"I respect Yulia Vladimirovna very much and I think that today she is the number one politician in Ukraine."

"I believe that politics and female jealousy are absolutely incompatible things, even in theory."

“I studied well at school, dreamed of teaching. However, perestroika began, friends and classmates went into commerce. "

“I am sure that we will be able to envisage the implementation of our main promises in the 2008 budget and people will really feel the growth of salaries and pensions.”

“I really live in a region where 70% of people support the Party of Regions. I understand this mentality. I often hear the slogans of the Party of Regions not only on TV, but also live, but I absolutely do not want to look inside again " .

“I believe that the most important thing is the goal. And the achievement of this goal depends on our willpower, how much we have enough of it. And if someone's nerves fail, the willpower has pumped up, and personal ambitions still prevail, well, hand over your mandate, organize your party - no problem. This is not prohibited in our country. And we, I am sure, will succeed. "

"I am confident that Tymoshenko's team will be able to change the situation in Ukraine, for the better."

Sergey Rudenko