Therapeutic dose of vitamin E. Vitamin E: what is it useful for, what foods contain, how to take

Trade name of the drug: Vitamin E Zentiva

Dosage form:



1 capsule contains vitamin E (tocopherol acetate) 100 mg, 200 mg or 400 mg
Excipients: sunflower oil, gelatin, glycerol 75%, methylparaben, crimson dye Rubor ponceau 4R (E 124), purified water.

Red, oval capsules filled with clear light yellow oil.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:


ATX code: A11NA03

Pharmacological properties
It has an antioxidant effect, participates in the biosynthesis of heme and proteins, cell proliferation, tissue respiration, and other important processes of tissue metabolism, prevents hemolysis of erythrocytes, reduces increased capillary permeability and fragility. It is necessary for the development and functioning of connective tissue, smooth and skeletal muscles, as well as for strengthening the walls of blood vessels. Takes part in the metabolism of nucleic acids and prostaglandins, the cellular respiratory cycle, in the synthesis of arachidonic acid. It is a natural antioxidant, inhibits lipid peroxidation by free radicals. Activates phagocytosis and is used to maintain normal erythrocyte resistance. In large doses, it prevents platelet aggregation. It has a pronounced positive effect on the human reproductive system, slows down the development of atherosclerotic vascular changes.

When taken orally, 20% -40% is absorbed (the presence of bile and the normal functioning of the pancreas are necessary). With increasing dose, the degree of absorption decreases. The optimal concentration in the blood is 10-15 mg / l. Excretion is mainly in the feces.
Less than 1% is excreted in the urine as glucuronides and other metabolites.

Indications for use

  • prevention and treatment of vitamin E hypovitaminosis;
  • in complex therapy for hormonal treatment of menstrual disorders, degenerative and proliferative changes in the joints and ligamentous apparatus of the spine, with muscular dystrophy, with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis;
  • conditions of convalescence after illnesses;
  • inadequate and unbalanced nutrition
  • increased physical activity.

    Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, acute myocardial infarction, childhood.

    Carefully - in patients with severe cardiosclerosis, myocardial infarction, with an increased risk of thromboembolism; hypoprothrombinemia caused by vitamin K deficiency may worsen with vitamin E at a dose of more than 400 IU.

    Application during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
    During pregnancy and breastfeeding, taking the drug only on the recommendation of a doctor.

    Method of administration and dosage
    Capsules 100 mg: adults, 2-4 capsules per day.
    Capsules 200 mg: adults 1-2 capsules per day.
    Capsules 400 mg: adults 1 capsule per day.
    In case of menstrual irregularities (as an adjunct to hormonal therapy) 300-400 mg every other day sequentially, starting from the 17th day of the cycle.

    Side effect
    Allergic reactions; from the gastrointestinal tract: diarrhea, nausea, gastralgia. Rarely, patients with a predisposition develop creatinuria, increased creatine kinase activity, increased serum cholesterol levels, thrombophlebitis, pulmonary thromboembolism, and thrombosis.

    High doses of vitamin E (400-800 mg per day for a long time) can cause visual impairment, diarrhea, dizziness, headache, nausea, severe fatigue, fainting, white hair growth in areas of alopecia with epidermolysis blister.
    Very high doses (exceeding 800 mg for a long time) can cause bleeding in patients with vitamin K deficiency; they can disrupt the metabolism of thyroid hormones and increase the risk of thrombophlebitis and thromboembolism in sensitive patients.
    Treatment: symptomatic, drug withdrawal.

    Interaction with other medicinal products
    Strengthens the effect of glucocorticosteroids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, cardiac glycosides. Increases the effectiveness of antiepileptic drugs in patients with epilepsy (in whom the content of lipid peroxidation products in the blood is increased).
    Iron increases the daily requirement for vitamin E. Vitamin E enhances the effect of anticoagulants if doses exceed 400 IU per day.
    The simultaneous intake of other vitamin complexes containing vitamin E is not recommended in order to avoid predosing.
    High doses of vitamin E can cause vitamin A deficiency in the body.
    The simultaneous use of vitamin E at a dose of more than 400 IU per day with anticoagulants (coumarin and indandione derivatives) increases the risk of developing hypothrombinemia and bleeding.
    Cholestyramine, colestipol, mineral oils reduce absorption.

    special instructions
    With congenital epidermolysis bullosa, white hair may begin to grow in areas affected by alopecia.

    Release form
    Capsules 100 mg, 200 mg: 30 capsules in dark glass bottles.
    Capsules 400 mg: 20 or 30 capsules in dark glass bottles.
    Each bottle, along with instructions for medical use, is placed in a cardboard box.

    Storage conditions
    At a temperature of 15 to 25 ° C in a dry, dark place.
    Keep out of the reach of children.

    Shelf life
    3 years.
    Do not use after the expiration date printed on the package.

    Dispensing from pharmacies
    Without recipe.


    "ZENTIVA as", Slovak Republic
    Nitrianska 100, 920 27 Glohovec, Slovak Republic

    Moscow office address:
    119017, Moscow, st. Bolshaya Ordynka, 40, bldg. 4

  • Vitamin E is a vital biologically active substance necessary for the full functioning of the body. Tocopherol has a positive effect on the entire body. The component improves blood circulation and muscle activity, protects blood vessels from changes that occur during atherosclerosis. In case of insufficiency, the corresponding symptoms are observed.

    In the absence of a balanced diet, the body needs additional doses of nutrients and active compounds. Forms of vitamin E release are different. It is prescribed in tablets, capsules, oil solutions. Liquid tocopherol acetate is also used externally.

    Tocopherol has antioxidant properties. He takes an active part in biochemical processes, tissue respiration, and prevents the destruction of red blood cells. Vitamin E reduces capillary fragility and helps to reduce their increased permeability. The component is needed to maintain the functions of connective tissue. It is necessary for the exchange of amino acids, the synthesis of arachidonic acid.

    With clear signs of deficiency, the daily dose is increased. Whatever the form of release, the required dosage must be selected. Preparations containing tocopherol in red capsules and in liquid form are prescribed when planning pregnancy and while carrying a child. Vitamin E is available over the counter without a prescription. Before buying it, the release form should be checked with a doctor.

    About popular forms of release

    Most often, the component is prescribed in the form of red capsules, liquid solution, lozenges with a pleasant taste. When taken orally, preparations containing tocopherol are washed down with a small amount of water.

    For therapeutic purposes, solutions based on olive and peach oil are also used. They are injected intramuscularly. This form is often prescribed for diseases of the oral cavity. How gum disease manifests itself can be seen in the photo in literary sources.

    Popular forms of release:

    All drugs are accompanied by instructions. In special cases, additional recommendations are given by the doctor. When taking tocopherol acetate separately, you should not take complex preparations containing vitamin E. This leads to an overdose and the appearance of side effects.

    The most common form of release is tocopherol acetate in red capsules. The instruction describes the dosage. Usually it is no more than 400 mg. The number of capsules taken per day depends on the dosage of the drug.

    About vitamin E capsules

    The contents of the red capsules are a light yellow oily substance. Synthetic vitamin E capsules are fully adapted to human needs. The use of the drug in capsules is effective in the treatment of diseases of the skin and mucous membranes.

    The dosage is selected individually for each patient. Vitamin E is prescribed both as a separate preparation and as part of vitamin-mineral complexes. Tocopherol is a complex fat-soluble substance. It tends to accumulate in body tissues. For assimilation, fats are needed.

    Each pharmaceutical product comes with instructions. It contains detailed information on side effects, indications and contraindications for use. When symptoms such as pain in the epigastric region, disruption of the urinary system and liver, upset stool appear, it is better to reconsider the dosage.

    The use of tocopherol prevents the development of serious diseases. If it is insufficient, the facial skin looks unhealthy. Red blood cells are destroyed, which leads to oxygen starvation. Muscle tissue undergoes degenerative changes. The shortage can be judged by the photo of women's facial skin.

    The work of the nervous system is disrupted, as can be judged by a decrease in the conduction of nerve impulses. For all these violations, tocopherol is prescribed in capsules. At the discretion of the doctor, another form of release may be recommended.

    Tocopherol in capsules is indicated after previous illnesses against the background of the accumulation of excess heat in the body. The body's need for vitamin E increases with intense physical exertion. The component helps to eliminate vascular fragility. It is an excellent prophylactic agent against diseases of the cardiovascular system.

    In red capsules, the compound is prescribed to troubleshoot the reproductive system of women and men. In gynecological practice, vitamin E is used for menstrual irregularities, menopause. Preparations with its content are effective in the treatment of breast diseases. In men, with insufficiency, the functioning of the sex glands is disrupted. Therefore, it is indicated for infertility.

    During the period of gestation, capsules are assigned to expectant mothers. The use of tocopherol during the planning of conception helps the female body to develop a full-fledged egg. It is not recommended to take capsules at the same time as other preparations containing vitamin E. The dosage of vitamin e during pregnancy should be observed in accordance with the prescription of the appointed doctor.

    Vitamin E hard tablets

    The tablet form is less common. The drug in this form is more suitable for people who do not suffer from chronic diseases of the digestive tract. The tablets take longer to digest than the capsule or chewable lozenge. During the rehabilitation period, doctors prescribe vitamin E in this form. The effectiveness of the application is combined with minimal negative consequences.

    Regular use of tocopherol in any form of release is the way to prevent its deficiency in the blood.

    What products contain

    Vitamin E (for which it was useful for women was mentioned above) is found in the following products:

    Vitamin E when planning pregnancy

    To conceive a healthy child, as well as to prepare a woman's body for gestation and the stress associated with it, it is useful to take Vitamin E.

    It contributes to:

    1. Full maturation and development of germ cells, and both parents.
    2. Maintaining the balance of hormones in the female body and producing them in sufficient quantity for conception.
    3. Successful conception, as it helps the fertilized egg to attach to the walls of the uterus.
    4. During pregnancy planning, this vitamin can be supplied with food. It is also possible to take pharmacy drugs. In this case, the dosage is determined by the attending physician. For prevention, 15 mg per day is sufficient for both women and men.
    The body of a pregnant woman and a nursing mother needs increased doses of vitamin E. Pharmaceutical products can be used to replenish the need for this substance.

    If a lack of a substance is detected, a dose of up to 50 IU per day can be prescribed to create a stock for the gestation period. In this case, the fetus will not need vitamin E in the first weeks, when the woman does not yet know about her situation. If spermatogenesis has been established, then the daily rate can be up to 200 mg. Taking this vitamin prevents miscarriages and promotes healthy baby development.

    Vitamin E for those over 50

    For women after 50 years, the use of this substance is simply necessary. First of all, it has a positive effect on the reproductive system, stimulates the ovaries, due to which the production of such important hormones as estrogen and progesterone does not stop.

    As a result, the climacteric period is easier to bear. In addition, taking vitamin E strengthens the heart and blood vessels, reduces the risk of heart attacks. This substance improves the functioning of all internal organs, as it helps to cleanse the body of toxins.

    The youth vitamin helps slow down skin aging.

    It improves the process of cell regeneration and helps to maintain the elasticity and moisture of the skin, as a result of which the woman forms fewer deep wrinkles. For women over 50, to maintain normal life and for preventive purposes, it is enough to consume 10-30 mg per kg of body weight per day.

    What are the benefits for blood vessels

    Taking vitamin E has a positive effect on the circulatory system, in particular the arteries.

    This is due to the fact that he:

    Thanks to these properties, the risk of developing atherosclerosis and fatal heart attack is reduced. In addition, the vitamin is useful for those who have painful sensations and heaviness in the legs, as well as frequent cramps. By improving blood circulation, this substance eliminates these symptoms.

    To maintain the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system, it is necessary to consume 100-250 mg per day, depending on the recommendations of the doctor.

    How to apply for hair loss and skin

    Its application gives the following results:

    In order to prevent and treat hair loss, the vitamin is taken orally in capsules and special masks are prepared based on it. In addition, care should be taken to include foods containing vitamin E in the daily diet.

    The dosage and course of treatment with pharmaceutical preparations depends on the condition of the hair. On average, a dose of 10-15 mg per day is sufficient.

    To get rid of hair loss, you should prepare a mask, which will contain not only vitamin E, but also A.

    Several effective recipes:

    The human body at any age needs a complex of vitamins and minerals. Our article is devoted to vitamin E. Let's talk about its benefits, medicinal properties, how to take it and what products it contains.

    Vitamin E: benefits and harms

    Tocopherol, the scientific name for vitamin E. translated as "life-giving". It is an antioxidant. Trace elements of this group prevent cell destruction due to oxidation. The action of the vitamin occurs at the intracellular level. The healing properties are in the prevention of cancer, lowering cholesterol, which in turn reduces the risk of vascular and heart disease, the prevention of blindness and a decrease in reproductive function.

    Benefits for women

    Vitamin E is necessary for the fair sex for women's health and beauty. For medicinal purposes, tocopherol is taken in the following situations:

    • As an additional therapy and prevention of reproductive function.
    • In the presence of menstrual irregularities.
    • During pregnancy, in preparation for conceiving a baby.
    • During treatment, disruptions in endocrine function.
    • To increase libido.

    To maintain youth and attractiveness, vitamin E is used for the following purposes:

    • In skin care.

    The substance prevents skin aging. After applying the product to the dermis, the skin becomes elastic, tightened, and the water balance returns to normal.

    • For.

    Masks, shampoos and wraps with liquid tocopherol seal split ends of the hair, improve blood circulation, eliminate hair loss, and protect the scalp from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.

    Benefits for men

    The male health benefits of vitamin E are as follows:

    • Cleansing the body.

    Tocopherol helps to remove toxins.

    • Stops old age.

    Rejuvenates the skin, cells of other tissues.

    • It is a means of preventing diseases of the genitourinary system.
    • Increases the activity and motility of sperm.
    • Prevents eye diseases.
    • Increases libido.
    • Helps the production of insulin.
    • Supports hormonal balance.
    • Increases efficiency, efficiency of sports training.
    • Keeps blood pressure at a normal level.
    • Eliminates the effects of smoking.
    • Normalizes digestion.

    Benefits for the child

    Lack of vitamin E is dangerous for the child's body from birth. Tocopherol is indirectly related to immunity. Without a vitamin of this group, children develop hemolytic anemias, mental activity decreases, and there are disruptions in the development of the reproductive system in adolescence.
    The benefits of tocopherol for babies from birth are as follows:

    • The work of the thyroid gland is normalized.
    • The body and intelligence are developing normally.
    • Strengthens muscle tissue.
    • Normalizes blood pressure.
    • Regenerates tissue.
    • Increases hemoglobin levels.
    • The number of ARIs decreases.
    • Improves blood circulation.
    • Calms the nervous system.

    On a note! The need for tocopherol in children increases with age. For newborns, it is enough to take 3 mg daily, and for adolescents already 10 mg.

    The harm of vitamin E

    The beneficial properties of the vitamin turn into harmful if the rules of intake and dosage of tocopherol are not followed. Exceeding the average daily dose for adults, which is 200 mg with normal health, can lead to the following unpleasant consequences:

    • Diarrhea.
    • Stomach pain.
    • Nausea.
    • Visual impairment.
    • Nervousness.
    • Decreased alertness, concentration, memory.
    • Fatigue.
    • Blood clots.

    With prolonged systematic intake of tocopherol more than 800 mg per day, scientists note the destruction of bone tissue, an increase in bone fragility.

    Vitamin E or tocopherol acetate is an indispensable and powerful antioxidant capable of providing adequate oxygen uptake at the cellular level, as well as preventing the development of disorders in the functioning of organs. One form of vitamin E release is in capsules. It is necessary to use the drug according to the instructions, including for the face.

    The drug is available in the form of oval soft capsules with a transparent light yellow substance inside. The shell contains gelatin, glycerin, methylparaben and one of the dyes: carmoisin or Ponso. Due to the fact that the active substance is classified as a fat-soluble and rapidly oxidizable component, sunflower oil is necessarily included in the vitamin.

    Tocopherol is produced in various dosages: 100, 200 and 400 mg. Taking capsules is clearly described in the instructions.

    Useful properties of vitamin E

    Vitamin E is an antioxidant. The main property of the drug is to provide tissue protection from free radicals.

    Other properties of the drug:

    • strengthens blood vessels;
    • reduces spasms in muscle tissues;
    • actively participates in the supply of cells with oxygen;
    • improving blood circulation, prevents the formation of blood clots;
    • cleanses the body, helping to eliminate accumulated toxins;
    • blocks the aging process and smoothes wrinkles;
    • normalizes performance.

    In addition, experts note the usefulness of capsules for the reproductive system of the female body. Tocopherol acetate is important in planning pregnancy, carrying and developing the fetus. It is noted that vitamin E is an elixir of youth and beauty. It has a beneficial effect on the skin and hair.

    Indications for use

    The main indications for prescribing the drug:

    Which manufacturer is better

    When choosing a complex of vitamins, you should pay attention to the manufacturer of the drug:

    • Russia - vitamins of domestic development "Evalar" are distinguished by their natural origin.
    • USA - the well-known brand "Vitrum" - a biological additive of synthetic origin.
    • Slovakia - a proven brand. Inexpensive capsules "Zentiva" contain an oily solution without additives and auxiliary elements.
    • Germany - German vitamin "Doppelherz Forte" - in addition to the active additive, the preparation contains polyunsaturated acids.
    • Ukraine - production of inexpensive soft capsules with tocopherol.

    You can give preference to both Russian and foreign counterparts. The appropriate drug is selected based on the history.

    How to use during pregnancy - is it possible

    The need for vitamins and nutrients during pregnancy in a woman increases several times. For the normal development of the fetus and its bearing, doctors prescribe vitamin and mineral complexes, in particular vitamin E.

    Tocopherol acetate is the most important vitamin that helps to give birth to a healthy and strong baby. It protects against various infections, oncological neoplasms, and also prevents the development of anemia and muscle cramps.

    In the first trimester of pregnancy, taking capsules as directed by a doctor will help:

    • avoid miscarriage and the development of pathologies;
    • improve the function of the ovaries;
    • stimulate the production of hormones;
    • improve the work of blood vessels;
    • to prevent premature maturation of the placenta and its detachment.

    The dosage of vitamin E is prescribed by the gynecologist in accordance with the patient's health condition. Excessive use of the drug can lead to unpredictable situations. According to the experience of specialists, 1000 mg per day is considered a safe dose of vitamin for a pregnant woman.

    It is forbidden to take tocopherol in late pregnancy. The properties of the drug help to strengthen the muscles, which can worsen the course of labor.

    Step-by-step instructions for the use of vitamin E capsules in pure form for the face

    Vitamin E capsules (instructions for use for the face prescribe the external use of the drug for various skin problems) has an irreplaceable benefit to the skin. When using pure tocopherol for the face, prepare thoroughly.

    Step-by-step instruction:

    The procedure should be repeated weekly for two months. Then they take a break for 3 months.

    Adding to oils and cosmetics

    The unique properties of vitamin E have a beneficial effect on the entire body of the fair sex. However, not all cosmetics contain tocopherol. A useful trace element can be added independently to used masks, creams, shampoos or baths.

    Application examples:

    Daily vitamin treatment will improve the skin condition and refresh the complexion. It is important to mix the antioxidant in the palm of your hand before applying, rather than adding it to the jar.

    Vitamin E face masks

    Vitamin E capsules are used internally according to the instructions to achieve maximum results, and cosmetic masks are made for the health of hair, face skin and nails.
    Cosmetic masks, which include vitamin E, are used by cosmetologists for rejuvenation, nutrition, whitening and elimination of skin defects.

    Nutrient complexes

    For oily skin

    Anti-aging masks

    Glycerin masks

    Glycerin is a powerful moisturizer. With proper use and in combination with tocopherol, face masks will help restore the beauty and youth of the skin. Professionals have found that the main condition for the use of glycerin-based cosmetic masks is high room humidity.

    Method of preparation and use:

    1. 1 way - as simplified as possible: take 1 tbsp for 1 capsule of vitamin E. glycerin. The face is moistened with a mixture of ingredients. After 15 minutes, the skin is rinsed with water.
    2. 2 way ideal for aging skin. Parsley juice is known for its anti-aging effect. Modern cosmetologists in the season advise to enrich the skin with useful components by preparing the following mask. Take 1 tsp tocopherol, cream and green juice, add 1 tbsp. glycerin and shake thoroughly. Rub the face with the finished mass as it dries for 20 minutes. Remains of the mask are removed with a damp cloth.

    Mask for sagging and pigmented skin

    The following mask is recommended for women who have signs of facial aging - pigmentation and sagging. For cooking, you need 1 tbsp. dilute clay with 1 tsp. fresh cucumber juice and add 10 drops of tocopherol. If necessary, add a little warm water to get a mushy composition.

    The mass is applied to the skin, and then the face is rinsed. Upon completion of the procedure, it is recommended to moisturize the skin with a nourishing cream.

    Banana mask

    With normal skin type, it is enough to apply weekly gruel of chopped banana mixed with cream, with the addition of 1 tsp. vitamin A. The resulting mixture is aged for 20 minutes.

    Vitamin E in capsules (instructions for use for the face will tell you how to use the product correctly) benefits the female body, both internally and externally.

    Vitamin E hair masks

    Vitamin E deficiency can affect the health of not only the internal organs. Women, on the advice of beauticians, often use oily capsules for hair care. Thanks to its valuable properties, tocopherol acetate restores the hair structure and nourishes the scalp.

    Regular use of the vitamin will allow you to achieve healthy hair by:

    • acceleration of blood circulation;
    • saturation of hair follicles with oxygen;
    • moisturizing the skin;
    • stimulation of regenerative processes;
    • natural production of collagen, which is responsible for the elasticity of the hair.

    For dry and brittle hair

    A nutritional composition of vitamin E and a complex of oils will help restore brittle and dry hair. For short hair, take 1 capsule of tocopherol and 1 tablespoon each. jojoba and burdock oils. The ingredients are mixed and applied to the hair, starting from the roots. The mask is kept under polyethylene for 1 hour, after which the hair must be washed 2-3 times. Course - 1 month weekly.

    For severely split ends and damaged hair, the following composition is recommended. You need to take 1 tsp. retinol and tocopherol, add 1 tbsp. castor oil and combine everything with whipped chicken yolk. Having distributed the entire composition through the hair, the head should be covered first with polyethylene and then with a towel. After 40 minutes, the hair is washed in the usual way.

    Fight hair loss

    You can stop hair loss and strengthen the hair follicles at no extra cost:

    1. You will need 2 tbsp. mustard powder, diluted with water, yolk, 1 tbsp. oils and vitamin E. The ingredients are mixed and applied only to the hair roots. Perhaps there will be a slight burning sensation - this is how the effect of mustard manifests itself. The composition is left for 30 minutes, after which the hair is washed several times.
    2. In case of hair loss, experts suggest combining coconut oil and vitamin E. Thanks to these components, blood circulation at the cellular level is activated, which stops hair loss. Coconut oil and tocopherol acetate are taken in a 2: 1 ratio. After heating the mixture in a water bath, you can start applying it. A light head massage will enhance the effect of the nourishing mask. After an hour, you can wash your head with shampoo.

    Anti-dandruff masks

    1. An onion mask can help treat oily hair and dandruff. To do this, 1 medium onion is chopped with a blender or grated. Juice is squeezed out of the resulting pulp by passing it through cheesecloth. Add 1 tbsp. vodka, olive oil and vitamin E. It is recommended to warm up the composition, and then apply to the roots. It is important not to distribute the mask along the entire length in order to prevent overdrying the hair. After 40 minutes, the composition should be washed off and rinsed with water and apple cider vinegar to eliminate the unpleasant odor. In 1 liter of water, 1 tbsp is diluted. The treatment is repeated within a month.
    2. A mask is also popular from a decoction of nettle. The plant strengthens hair and removes dandruff after the first application. The first step is to prepare a herbal decoction. Take 2 tbsp. dried or fresh nettle leaves, pour 200 ml of boiling water and leave for an hour. Next, filter the broth, add the yolk and tocopherol. After distributing the mixture through the hair, keep it warm for 30-40 minutes. A systematic herbal treatment will permanently get rid of dandruff.

    Nourishing masks

    Vitamin formulations will help weakened and dull hair gain strength and shine.

    How to use vitamin E for nails

    Technique for preparing and performing a wellness procedure:

    An elementary procedure for the restoration and strengthening of nails can be carried out daily:

    1. It is necessary to pierce the tocopherol capsule and rub the oily liquid into the nail plates. For the preparation of medicinal formulations, it is convenient to use tocopherol in a vial to measure the required amount of vitamin.
    2. The next mass to give strength to the nails is prepared from 1 tbsp. nut butter, 1 tsp. tocopherol and 5 drops of lemon oil. The tool is applied in the evening to the nail plate for 14 days daily.
    3. To solve the problem of delamination of nails, you can use a different composition. It will take 1 tsp. olive oil and 5 drops of iodine and vitamin E each. Cover the nails with gruel and leave for half an hour.
    4. You can enhance nail growth with the following procedure. It is necessary to combine 1 tsp. castor oil, tocopherol and red pepper. The vitamin complex is rubbed in once a week to avoid allergic reactions and redness.
    5. To soften the cuticle, beauticians choose a sweet composition. Take 1 tbsp. olive oil, 1 tsp. tocopherol and dissolved in the resulting oil liquid 1 tbsp. Sahara. Hands are pre-steamed in a bath, and then the prepared mixture is applied. Withstand 20 minutes, periodically rubbing the mask into the cuticle.
    6. Lotions based on carrot seed extract and vitamin E will help both strengthen nails and soften cuticles. For this, the ingredients are mixed in equal amounts and rubbed daily into the nail plate. During the procedure, the cuticle is pushed back with a special spatula.


    In the instructions for the use of vitamin E, its contraindications are also noted. An overdose or a single dose of the drug can negatively affect a person's well-being and cause negative consequences: poisoning, allergic reactions.

    Reception of tocopherol is prohibited:

    • with individual drug intolerance;
    • patients prone to thromboembolism;
    • people taking vitamin complexes, which include iron and anticoagulants;
    • after a heart attack.

    With extreme caution and under the supervision of a doctor, it is necessary to take vitamin E, suffering from metabolic dysfunction and diabetes mellitus.

    Not everyone knows how to consume the capsule. The use of the drug inside according to the instructions will allow you to achieve an excellent result, which will affect the skin of the face, hair and well-being in general.

    Video on the topic: vitamin E capsules. Instructions for use for the face

    Instructions for the use of vitamin E capsules:

    What are the benefits of vitamin E for facial skin: release of a popular program:

    Vitamin E capsules for facial skin care:

    Thinking about your health, you should pay attention to the sufficient intake of all nutrients and trace elements. Any component has special qualities that have a beneficial effect on the course of reactions and the functioning of all body systems. One of the unique antioxidants is vitamin e tocopherol - an indispensable compound for beauty, youth, and, most importantly, childbirth.

    Vitamin E units

    Vit. E was first discovered in the twenty-second year of the twentieth century. Thanks to the development of medicine, synthesis became possible, which made a breakthrough in the prevention of the occurrence of many pathological processes. The component was chemically created twelve years after its discovery - in the thirty-eighth year.

    Fat-soluble formation, which is a combination of alpha, beta, gamma, delta elements.

    Vitamin E, as it is called differently, is the official Latin name for Vitamin E, tocopherol acetate.

    It has a code according to the ICD 10 revision - E 56, F 48, G 72, M 60-63, N 95.1, R 53, Z 54. In the description of the code, the international unit is designated, which is customary to measure the norm of a trace element (ME).

    Since in the pharmaceutical industry it is most convenient to synthesize a tocopherol compound, for general therapy it is used:

    • 1 IU, which is approximately equal to one milligram of the active substance or sixty seven hundredths of the pure component;
    • accordingly, with data of 1.49 ME - for acetate, the same rate is shown, for alpha type - milligram.

    When prescribing therapy, indicators are used - TE or ET, dosage equivalence:

    Although such a calculation is used less and less and is considered an outdated method. The main indicator for measurement is ME or MG.


    The degree of importance of a trace element in the body is enormous.

    For the reproductive system:

    • Increases sperm activity;
    • Increases the quality of eggs;
    • Eliminates the causes of ovarian dysfunction;
    • Normalizes the processes of placenta formation;
    • Stimulates blood flow;
    • Improves the synthesis of progesterone, estrogen, gonadotropin;
    • Reduces the impact of PMS, climatic period;
    • Establishes the mental cycle;
    • Increases the possibility of conception;
      prevents the development of fetal defects;
    • Facilitates pregnancy, reduces the severity of toxicosis.

    Beneficial properties for the circulatory system:

    • Strengthens the supply and distribution of oxygen, nutrients;
    • Improves the formula;
    • Increases hemoglobin;
    • Protects red blood cells from toxins;
    • Reduces blood clots;
    • Normalizes coagulation processes;
    • Strengthens the walls of the vascular system, increasing elasticity, firmness;
    • Prevents atherosclerosis, helps to eliminate plaques, expand the cavity of the bed;
    • Reduces the risk of developing heart pathologies.

    For face and body skin, hair, nails:

    • Improves nutrition;
    • Gives a radiant look;
    • Eliminates dermatological problems;
    • Prevents acne, inflammation;
    • Reduces signs of age-related changes, including pigmentation;
    • Rejuvenates;
    • Promotes the production of collagen, elastin, the preservation of hyaluron in the fiber.

    Benefits for the body as a whole:

    • Heals the nervous system, preventing signs of dementia, dysfunction of brain structures;
    • Normalizes metabolic processes;
    • Participates in the synthesis of protein compounds, hemes;
    • Promotes rapid regenerative recovery;
    • Protects cells from destruction, destruction, aging;
    • Improves the performance of the musculoskeletal system;
    • Increases endurance: physical, mental;
    • Stabilizes cellular respiration, blood and nutrient supply;
    • Strengthens the activity of reactions and mechanisms of resistance;
    • Normalizes the production of hormones;
    • Increases immunological protection;
    • Activates resistant cells.

    Beneficial effect as an antioxidant:

    • Protects membranes;
    • Reduces the level of free radicals;
    • Prevents unnecessary oxidative processes;
    • Helps to assimilate vitamins A, C, mineral salts: selenium, zinc;
    • Reduces toxic effects on the blood.

    Daily requirement

    The amount of vitamin E that should be received per day depends on:

    • Age;
    • Paul;
    • General condition;
    • Indications for the use of medicines: pregnancy, postoperative period, part of complex therapy;
    • The fact of mental and physical overload;
    • Doing professional sports.

    Commonly accepted dosages of vitamin E are another name for tocopherol acetate. At its core, 1 ME equals 1 milligram:

    During pregnancy, take - 100 mg, to enhance potency - 200, with skin disorders - 0.2 IU.

    Deficiency symptoms (hypovitaminosis)

    The lack of intake of compound E may not immediately manifest itself, since the compound has the peculiarity of accumulating in the subcutaneous adipose tissue and, if necessary, spent on the needs of the body for the normal course of reactions, ensuring full functioning. But gradually this supply also dries up, then a characteristic clinical picture appears:

    • Headaches;
    • Fatigue;
    • Weakness;
    • Anemia;
    • Dermatological disorders: inflammation, peeling, acne, acne;
    • Disorder of vision, hearing, gastrointestinal tract system;
    • Muscle spasms;
    • Nervousness, depression;
    • Decreased sexual function;
    • Deterioration of the condition of hair, nails, skin.

    A constant deficit, as well as the lack of comprehensive treatment, can provoke the development of:

    • Oncology;
    • Infertility;
    • Cataract;
    • Violation of cardiac activity;
    • Premature aging.

    Lack of vitamin E during pregnancy threatens the appearance of anemia, complications in the form of toxicosis, edema, miscarriage. During menopause, the severity of signs of menopause increases. For puberty, a violation of the monthly cycle, soreness of menstruation is characteristic.

    Indications for use

    Only a doctor can determine the real need for taking tocopherol as a medicine, based on analyzes and the general condition of a person.

    There is a list of reasons why it is possible to prescribe trace element E:

    • Pronounced deficiency;
    • Violation of the cyclicality, duration of menstruation, soreness;
    • Climacteric syndrome;
    • Reproductive disorder;
    • Asthenia;
    • Nervous changes caused by overwork, high stress;
    • Pregnancy: toxicosis, threat of miscarriage, prevention of complications of the course and development of fetal malformations;
    • Muscle pathological changes;
    • Dermatoses;
    • To enhance the effect of drugs in the treatment of specific diseases: epilepsy, psoriasis, neuritis;
    • Rehabilitation therapy of the musculoskeletal system;
    • Elderly age;
    • Antioxidant agent in drug treatment.

    How to use

    However, it should be borne in mind that:

    • Tocol compounds are easily absorbed and accumulate, therefore, recommendations should be followed to avoid hypervitaminosis;
    • Drink with water when eating food containing fatty acids.

    For every person, the basis for the intake of tocopherol and tocotrienol is natural food.

    The second way of obtaining is by taking medications, the name of which contains tocopherol. Sources of vitamin e are drugs sold in the network of pharmacies. Has a variety of medicinal forms: liquid in ampoules for i / m injections, tablets in vitamin complexes, in capsules with the addition of oil, Mirolla with fish oil. Each medicine has detailed instructions.

    You can buy medicines at budget or high prices. Evaluation of reviews showed that low cost affects the quality of the product.

    Vitamin E (tocopherol) content in some foods

    A high amount of the vitamin is found in animal food, plants, oil.

    Fish fat

    Wheat germ

    Cow's milk, butter


    Soybean, spin




    Granular caviar


    Apples, pears

    Rye flour



    Tocopherol tolerates high temperatures, salt effects. But the effect of UV rays on the trace element is very bad. The compound breaks down and releases toxins. Therefore, it is best to store food and medicine in a cool, dark place.

    Interaction with other substances


    Vit. E interacts well with ascorbic acid, zinc, selenium. Perfect for complex therapy of neurological disorders, heart diseases, treatment of the reproductive system.

    Enhances the effect of: retinol, reducing toxicity, and some steroid drugs, NSAIDs.

    But it is not taken together with D3 and is not used for antibiotic therapy.

    Side effects

    Although tocopherol is a great "friend" for the body, hypervitaminosis damages the functioning of internal systems, manifests itself in:

    • Weakness, drowsiness, apathy;
    • Upset gastrointestinal tract;
    • Cramps and spasms in muscle tissue;
    • Strengthening the rhythm of breathing, heartbeat;
    • Violation of the cycle of menstruation, potency, hormone synthesis;
    • General malaise.

    When you stop taking a trace element, the condition is completely normalized.