Blogger Varlamov biography. Selling pedophile

Ilya Varlamov is a person who causes controversy and controversy among users and the media.

The man who founded "iCube" and the blog "zyalt", which occupies a leading position in popularity among the Livejournal portal.

Known as a travel photographer and active civil and political activist. Not a single important event takes place without this "curly" one. The main principle is to do only what is interesting.

Startup "Life": childhood and adolescence

Born in Soviet Moscow on January 7, 1984. In a family of graduates of the Moscow Aviation Institute. Parents were the Soviet "intelligentsia": my mother participated in the development of the Buran space rocket, while my father worked as a logistician.

They learned about their son's craving for art and advised him to enter the profession of an architect. He did so after graduating from high school in 2000.

The guy developed his creativity. By the third year, an entrepreneur woke up in him. At first I took "one-time" orders for design layouts. One of the customers was Vyacheslav Priborkin.

As the young man recalls, it was difficult to work only because the “boss” was a deceiver, and it was hard to get the money he earned out of him. At the end of the cooperation, Priborkin owes 300 $.

In 2002, Ilya and his partner, Artem Gorbachev, together with another young man Igor, organized an architectural design studio, which worked in the then new field of 3D modeling.

The name spoke for itself: “D.V.A. in a cube ”- design, visualization, architecture. Why cubed? Because the firm was founded by three young people doing 3D.

The architect recalls his first eerie office with rotten floors, dirty windows, frayed linoleum, and supported renovations. The largest customer was Don-Stroy with a visualization of the Alye Parusa housing complex.

Becoming a businessman

The firm was expecting a high-quality rebranding. The guys changed the format. Now the architectural project is becoming an advertising and development company called “iCube”.

Annual revenue grew: it was no longer 50,000 rubles, but 3 million. The staff is not 3 people, but 50. And the office has ceased to look like an abandoned apartment, now it is a working office, 500 in size.

The entrepreneurial activity did not end there. In 2009, he founded a new company that resells advertising photographs. Dmitry Chistoprudov became a new partner, who suggested the name "28-300" - one of the focal lengths of the "Canon" lens.

Ilya's projects

The next significant act for the development of the media personality was the "Glass Bolt" anti-award. He "awarded" it to the Moscow officials who made, in his opinion, stupid decisions on the arrangement of the city.

In 2011 he founded the Internet media outlet "Ridus", which would later be called the portal of "public" journalism. Not only editors of the edition were published in it, but also ordinary users, for whom a separate section was allocated.

In the same year "Citizen Mayor" won the primaries from the "Political Omsk" publication and decided to participate in the elections. But his team was unable to get the required number of votes in support of the candidate.

The journalist has always openly expressed his frank opinion regarding domestic politicians, situations in cities, and negative aspects. Shoots videos in the format "Good or Bad" and "10 Reasons Why I Hate ...".

The Urban Projects Foundation was established in 2013 in order to introduce modern methods of urbanism into urban development. It was founded by Maxim Katz together with Ilya, since 2017 director Peter Ivanov.

Blogger and public figure

Back in 2006, he started a personal blog on the LJ - Live Journal portal. The invented word "Zyalt" became the nickname, no one knows what it means, but the star believes that it is correct to read "Zyalt". At first, the blog was devoted to photography and personal art, but later it was called "Author's Media".

Because of this designation, Varlamov was often ridiculed by publications, but Ilya is not embarrassed, says that “being a blogger is much more difficult than a journalist” and that “he doesn't need to study for 6 years to be a professional” in this area.

For 2018, this blog ranks first in the LJ rating and is one of the most read. The monthly traffic of this page reaches 4 million users.

An active civil and political position pushes the blogger to participate in all rallies. He has covered and photographed many significant events:

  • protests in Russia 2010-2011 ("March of Dissent", "Day of Wrath", "Manezhnaya Square", "Unrest on Bolotnaya");
  • kiev Maidan 2013-2014 (published 29 materials, including scandalous articles about the annexation of Crimea to Russia);
  • trips of Vladimir Putin.

Family life

Has long been happily married to Lyubov Varlamova. A native of the city of Izhevsk, she moved to Moscow, where she met the star. At the moment, she is managing the iCube project and helping her husband in everything.

The couple have 2 children: a little daughter, Elena, and a son, Lyubov, from their first spouse. The family did not comment on this. The guys live brightly, arrange family photo sessions.

The journalist has received many awards. The most important, in his opinion, are the "Silver Camera" and the victory in the nomination "Best Photographers of Russia" in 2012.

Varlamov now

Described in many sources as a scandalous person. He is often accused of "working for the authorities", talking about paid materials. In addition, he is awarded a non-traditional orientation and love relationships with Maxim Katz, whom he helped in the 2014 elections to the Moscow City Duma (lost).

In April 2017, the blogger was attacked: doused with brilliant green, sprinkled with flour and beaten right at the Stavropol airport A criminal case was opened.

In 2018, he presented his program for the future elections of the mayor of Moscow, but a month later he left the list of candidates.

Ilya Varlamov maintains not only his blog, his other projects are also popular.

". Together with Maxim Katz, he is the author of the Urban Projects project, whose activities are aimed at studying the problems and improvement of conditions in Russian cities. An activist of the bicycle movement, since 2013 he is a co-founder of the Koleso-Kolyosiko company - the official distributor of Peugeot, Gitane, Definitive and Puch bicycles in Russia.


In April 2013, Varlamov, in an interview with, said that he was no longer related to iCube:

As of May 2013, Lyubov Varlamova is listed as the head of iCube in her own Facebook profile.


As a blogger-photographer, Ilya Varlamov maintains a popular blog (formerly Zyalt), as well as Twitter. During various political actions of the Russian opposition, the LiveJournal blog often becomes a popular source of information and illustrations of current events. In particular, Varlamov took photos and posted them to his blog online from the events on Manezhnaya Square, near the Evropeisky shopping center, from the March of Dissent, Days of Wrath in 2010-2011.

In March 2011, the government-owned Rossiyskaya Gazeta reported that the information that appeared in Varlamov's LiveJournal that airlines had raised ticket prices to Tokyo had sparked widespread discussion among bloggers. During the protests in Kiev in early 2014, he actively covered what was happening.

On June 7, 2015, Ilya Varlamov announced the closure of the blog, which later turned out to be a move to the domain.

Coverage of the activities of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin

On March 19, 2011, Varlamov again went on a trip with Putin to Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. On August 1, 2011, Varlamov was invited to cover Putin's trip to the Nashi youth forum on Lake Seliger.

Awards, nominations


  • "About Moscow / About Moscow". 2012; Languages: Russian, English; circulation 3 thousand copies. - ISBN 978-5-88149-528-2


He is married and has a daughter, Elena.

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  1. ... (May 20, 2011).
  2. Ilya Varlamov ... LiveJournal (October 9, 2013).
  3. Ekaterina Drankina . № 10 (667) ... Kommersant Dengi (March 17, 2008).
  4. Ilya Varlamov ... Live Journal (August 21, 2009).
  5. ... Kommersant FM (September 1, 2011).
  6. ... (April 18, 2012).
  7. Ilya Varlamov ... LiveJournal (May 2, 2012).
  8. Ilya Varlamov ... LiveJournal (June 26, 2012).
  9. Alice Poe ... The Village.June 4, 2012.
  10. Ilya Shepelin ... (April 11, 2013). ...
  11. ... Retrieved May 15, 2013.
  12. ... (2014).
  13. ... (December 22, 2010).
  14. Anton Blagoveshchensky ... Russian newspaper (March 19, 2011).
  15. ... (June 8, 2015).
  16. Nikita Likhachev ... TJornal.15 Jun 2015.
  17. ... Lifenews
  18. ... (December 22, 2010). Retrieved May 31, 2015.
  19. ... RIA Novosti (March 19, 2011). Retrieved May 31, 2015.
  20. Ilya Varlamov (unavailable link - history) ... LiveJournal Digest (August 2, 2011). ...
  21. ... (December 14, 2009).
  22. ... (December 17, 2009).
  23. ... Union "EZHE". Retrieved December 2, 2011.
  24. ... RIA Novosti (March 2, 2011).
  25. (unavailable link - history) ... (December 30, 2010). ...
  26. (unavailable link - history) ... The Best of Russia. ...
  27. (unavailable link - history) ... The Best of Russia. ...
  28. ... Kommersant FM (October 12, 2012).
  29. (unavailable link - history) ... The Best of Russia. ...

An excerpt characterizing Varlamov, Ilya Alexandrovich

- Disposition! - Kutuzov cried bitterly, - and who told you this? ... Please do what you are ordered to do.
- I'm listening with.
“Mon cher,” Nesvitsky said in a whisper to Prince Andrei, “le vieux est d" une humeur de chien. [My dear, our old man is very out of sorts.]
An Austrian officer with a green plume on his hat, in a white uniform, galloped up to Kutuzov, and asked on behalf of the emperor: did the fourth column go into action?
Kutuzov, not answering him, turned away, and his gaze accidentally fell on Prince Andrey, who was standing beside him. Seeing Bolkonsky, Kutuzov softened the angry and caustic expression of his gaze, as if realizing that his adjutant was not to blame for what was being done. And, without answering the Austrian adjutant, he turned to Bolkonsky:
- Allez voir, mon cher, si la troisieme division a depasse le village. Dites lui de s "arreter et d" attendre mes ordres. [Go, my dear, see if the third division has passed through the village. Tell her to stop and wait for my order.]
As soon as Prince Andrey drove off, he stopped him.
“Et demandez lui, si les tirailleurs sont postes,” he added. - Ce qu "ils font, ce qu" ils font! [And ask if arrows are posted. - What are they doing, what are they doing!] - he said to himself, still not answering the Austrian.
Prince Andrew galloped off to carry out the order.
Having overtaken all the battalions in front, he stopped the 3rd division and made sure that, in fact, there was no rifle line in front of our columns. The regimental commander of the regiment in front was very surprised by the order given to him from the commander-in-chief to scatter the riflemen. The regimental commander stood there in full confidence that there were still troops ahead of him, and that the enemy could not be closer than 10 miles. Indeed, there was nothing to be seen ahead, except for a desert country, leaning forward and covered with thick fog. Ordering on behalf of the commander-in-chief to fulfill the lost, Prince Andrey galloped back. Kutuzov was still standing in the same place, and, sinking senile on the saddle with his fat body, yawned heavily, closing his eyes. The troops were no longer moving, but guns were at their feet.
“Okay, okay,” he said to Prince Andrey and turned to the general, who, with a watch in his hands, said that it was time to move, since all the columns from the left flank had already descended.
“We’ll have time, Your Excellency,” Kutuzov said through a yawn. - We'll make it! He repeated.
At this time, behind Kutuzov, the sounds of greeting regiments were heard in the distance, and these voices began to approach rapidly along the entire length of the stretched line of advancing Russian columns. It was evident that the one with whom they greeted was driving soon. When the soldiers of the regiment in front of which Kutuzov stood, shouted, he drove a little to the side and glanced around with a frown. On the road from Prazen galloped like a squadron of multicolored horsemen. Two of them galloped at a large gallop side by side ahead of the rest. One was in a black uniform with a white sultan on a red englised horse, the other in a white uniform on a black horse. These were two emperors with their retinue. Kutuzov, with the affectation of a campaigner at the front, gave order to the standing troops and, saluting, drove up to the emperor. His whole figure and manner suddenly changed. He took on the appearance of a subordinate, non-judgmental person. He, with an affectation of deference, which evidently struck Emperor Alexander unpleasantly, rode up and saluted him.
An unpleasant impression, just like the remnants of fog on a clear sky, ran over the young and happy face of the emperor and disappeared. He was, after ill health, somewhat thinner that day than on the Olmutsk field, where Bolkonski saw him for the first time abroad; but the same enchanting combination of majesty and meekness was in his beautiful, gray eyes, and on his thin lips the same possibility of various expressions and the prevailing expression of complacent, innocent youth.
At the Olmüts review he was more stately, here he was more cheerful and energetic. He blushed a little, galloping these three miles, and, stopping his horse, sighed with relief and looked back at the faces of his retinue, just as young, as lively as he was. Czartorizhsky and Novosiltsev, and Prince Bolkonsky, and Stroganov, and others, all richly dressed, cheerful, young people, on fine, well-groomed, fresh, just slightly sweaty horses, talking and smiling, stopped behind the sovereign. Emperor Franz, a ruddy, long-faced young man, sat extremely erect on a handsome raven stallion and looked anxiously and unhurriedly around him. He called one of his white adjutants and asked something. "That's right, at what time they left," thought Prince Andrei, observing his old acquaintance, with a smile that he could not help remembering his audience. In the retinue of the emperors were selected good fellows orderlies, Russian and Austrian, guards and army regiments. Between them, the bearers in embroidered blankets led the beautiful spare royal horses.
It was as if through the open window suddenly smelled of fresh field air into a stuffy room, so smelled of youth, energy and confidence in success from this brilliant youth who had galloped up to the cheerless Kutuzov headquarters.
- Why don't you start, Mikhail Larionovich? - Hastily addressed the Emperor Alexander to Kutuzov, at the same time politely glancing at the Emperor Franz.
“I’m waiting, your majesty,” Kutuzov answered, leaning forward respectfully.
The Emperor ducked his ear, frowning slightly to indicate that he had not heard.
“I’m waiting, your majesty,” Kutuzov repeated (Prince Andrey noticed that Kutuzov's upper lip trembled unnaturally, while he said I’m waiting). “Not all the columns have gathered yet, Your Majesty.
The Emperor heard, but this answer, apparently, did not like him; he shrugged his stooped shoulders, glanced at Novosiltsev, who was standing beside him, as if by this glance were complaining about Kutuzov.
`` After all, we are not in Tsaritsyn Meadow, Mikhail Larionovich, where the parade does not begin until all the regiments have arrived, '' said the emperor, again looking into the eyes of Emperor Franz, as if inviting him, if not to take part, then to listen to the fact that he He speaks; but Emperor Franz, continuing to look around, did not listen.
“That’s why I’m not starting, sir,” Kutuzov said in a sonorous voice, as if warning the possibility of not being heard, and something trembled in his face again. “That’s why I’m not starting, sir, because we’re not at the parade and not in Tsaritsin’s meadow,” he said clearly and distinctly.
In the entourage of the sovereign, on all faces, instantly exchanging glances with each other, a murmur and reproach was expressed. "No matter how old he is, he should not, should not have said that," these faces expressed.
The sovereign looked intently and attentively into Kutuzov's eyes, expecting if he would say something else. But Kutuzov, for his part, respectfully bowing his head, also seemed to be expecting. The silence lasted for about a minute.
“However, if you will, your Majesty,” said Kutuzov, raising his head and again changing his tone to the previous tone of a dull, unreasoning, but obedient general.
He touched the horse and, calling the head of the column Miloradovich to him, gave him the order to attack.
The army stirred again, and two battalions of the Novgorod regiment and a battalion of the Absheron regiment moved forward past the sovereign.
While this Apsheron battalion, ruddy Miloradovich, without an overcoat, in uniform and orders and with a hat with a huge sultan put on sideways and from the field, was passing by, the march jumped forward and, saluting valiantly, reined in the horse before the sovereign.
“With God, General,” the emperor told him.
- Ma foi, sire, nous ferons ce que qui sera dans notre possibilite, sire, [Right, your majesty, we will do what we can do, your majesty,] - he replied cheerfully, nevertheless causing a mocking smile from the gentlemen retinue of the sovereign with their bad French accent.
Miloradovich turned his horse abruptly and stood somewhat behind the emperor. The people of Absheron, excited by the presence of the sovereign, beat off their leg with a valiant, brisk step, passed the emperors and their retinue.
- Guys! - shouted in a loud, self-confident and cheerful voice Miloradovich, apparently so excited by the sounds of shooting, the expectation of a battle and the sight of the good fellows of the Absherons, even their Suvorov comrades, who boldly passed the emperors, that he forgot about the presence of the sovereign. - Guys, this is not your first village to take! He shouted.
- We are glad to try! The soldiers shouted.
The sovereign's horse jumped away from an unexpected cry. This horse, which bore the sovereign at the shows in Russia, here, on the Austerlitz field, carried its rider, withstanding his scattered blows with his left foot, alerted the ears from the sounds of shots, just as it did on the Field of Mars, not understanding the meaning of neither these heard shots, neither the neighborhood of the black stallion of the Emperor Franz, nor all that he said, thought, felt that day the one who rode it.
The Emperor with a smile turned to one of his entourage, pointing at the good fellows of the Apsherons, and said something to him.

Kutuzov, accompanied by his adjutants, followed the carabinieri step by step.
Having driven about half a mile in the tail of the column, he stopped at a lonely abandoned house (probably a former inn) near a fork in two roads. Both roads went downhill, and troops walked on both.
The fog was beginning to disperse, and indefinitely, two miles away, enemy troops could be seen on opposite heights. At the bottom left, the shooting grew louder. Kutuzov stopped talking with the Austrian general. Prince Andrew, standing somewhat behind, peered at them and, wishing to ask the adjutant for a telescope, turned to him.
“Look, look,” said this adjutant, looking not at the distant army, but down the mountain in front of him. - These are the French!
The two generals and adjutants began to grab the pipe, pulling it away from one another. All faces suddenly changed, and horror was expressed on all. The French were supposed to be two miles away from us, but they appeared suddenly, unexpectedly in front of us.
- Is this the enemy? ... No! ... Yes, look, he ... probably ... What is it? - voices were heard.
Prince Andrey with his simple eye saw a thick column of Frenchmen rising to meet the Absheronians below to the right, no more than five hundred paces from the place where Kutuzov stood.

Ilya Alexandrovich Varlamov is a photographer, entrepreneur, author of creative public initiatives and the most popular zyalt blog in LiveJournal.

According to him, he organized his life in such a way that he spends most of his time on travel and sports, and only 20 percent on work. At the same time, he always worked exclusively for himself, adhering to the principle of never doing what he was not interested in.

He spent about six months on the road every year, having managed to visit more than one and a half hundred countries. He published his impressions and photo reports about the trips on a blog, and the most vivid of them he combined into the book "Travel Notes", accompanied by the words of Anatole France that often “one day spent in other places gives more than ten years of life houses".

Ilya Varlamov's childhood

Ilya was born in the capital of Russia on January 7, 1984. His parents are graduates of the Moscow Aviation Institute. My father worked as a logistician, and my mother even participated in the design of the Buran spacecraft. As a child, he loved to draw, so after graduating from school in 2000, on the advice of his relatives, he entered an architectural university.

While studying at the institute, Ilya, already in his 3rd year, began to engage in entrepreneurial activity. Together with Artem Gorbachev, he organized an architectural studio for the design and 3D visualization of objects. The first large order of young businessmen was the presentation of the skyscrapers of the Alye Parusa residential complex of the DON-Stroy Group of Companies in a convenient form for visual analysis.

Ilya Varlamov's business projects

Subsequently, the studio grew into an advertising and development company iCube Creative Group, specializing in visualization, computer graphics and animation, with an annual revenue of about $ 3 million. The success of this full-cycle real estate company was also evidenced by the size of its office of 500 square meters, located in the center of Moscow, and a considerable staff of 50 people.

In partnership with Dmitry Chistoprudov in 2009, Ilya organized the 28-300 photo agency, which got its name from the focal length parameters of the Canon lens. The excellent range and versatility of the device were intended to symbolize the excellence and empowerment of its founders. The agency was engaged in the sale of high-quality advertising photographs of shopping centers, factories and other architectural objects.

In 2011, Varlamov started publishing the online media "Ridus", the so-called agency of public journalism. It included two news sections. In the first, news materials prepared by correspondents of the editorial office were published, in the second, articles uploaded by Internet users.

Ilya also became the founder of the Glass Bolt anti-award, which is awarded for stupid, from the point of view of the Internet audience, actions of the authorities in the field of urban improvement. The first honoring of the anti-award laureates took place with the support of Ridus on the territory of the Flacon Design Plant on December 15, 2011.

The following year, the blogger won the Internet primaries for the post of mayor of Omsk and applied to participate in the election campaign. However, Ilya's headquarters failed to collect the required number of voters' signatures in support of him, so he withdrew his candidacy. Ilya later explained the decision to compete for this post with a desire to stir up passive Omsk residents, whose turnout in the elections for the head of administration was very low - about 13 percent.

Ilya Varlamov in Africa with Sergey Dolya

In the same year, 2012, Varlamov left the Internet project "Reedus", after which the editorial staff of the agency was completely renewed.

Among Ilya's undertakings of that period was the establishment, together with Maxim Katz, of the Urban Projects Foundation, designed to study existing problems and improve the appearance of cities on the basis of urbanism.

LJ Ilya Varlamov zyalt

Ilya's blog became a source of the most up-to-date information for readers (for example, about political actions), offered with an illustration of what was happening. Therefore, it is quite understandable that about 70 thousand representatives of the Internet community were subscribed to it (bringing the blog to the first line of the rating in terms of the number of subscribers), and the monthly attendance reached 4 million users.

In particular, Varlamov covered online riots on Manezhnaya Square in 2010, clashes between people of Slavic and Caucasian appearance at the Evropeyskiy shopping center, and made reports from Days of Wrath and Marches of Dissent.

Ilya's information in LiveJournal about the rise in ticket prices in Tokyo and the events on the Maidan in Kiev also found a great response among bloggers.

Ilya Varlamov and Vladimir Putin

In 2010, Ilya, along with the government press service, accompanied Vladimir Putin on several short trips around the country. Then, in his blog, he described the circumstances of the trips, the atmosphere, the rhythm of the activities of journalists covering the work of the current president of the country, calling such cooperation a kind of experiment.

One of the blogger's tasks was reporting after a joint flight to the Northern Capital. The following year, he took part in Putin's travels to Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, to Seliger, where the All-Russian youth forum Nashi was held, and published reports in his online diary.

By the way, Varlamov admitted in an interview that he always had a negative attitude towards the term "blogger" (considering himself a journalist), including that he was disgusted that the mass media called him Putin's personal blogger.

Personal life of Ilya Varlamov

Journalist Ilya Varlamov is married, his wife's name is Lyubov. She is also an architect by education; she came to Moscow from Izhevsk. She was able to build her career in design and architecture and now runs the iCube company.

The couple are raising a common daughter, Elena, and a son from their first marriage, Lyubov. He really refuses to discuss family topics in an interview.

Ilya has a number of awards, including the Grand Prix of the Silver Camera 2009-2010 photo contest, being recognized as the blogger of the year in the ROTOR contest (2011), and a victory in the Best Russian Photos contest (2012).

Ilya Varlamov and scandals

As it turned out after domestic hackers Anonymous hacked the mailboxes of Vasily Yakemenko, the head of the Russian State Committee for Youth Affairs, and Christina Potupchik, its press secretary, Varlamov was among the pro-Kremlin purchased bloggers who were paid by the authorities to publish certain posts in their Internet diaries. In particular, Ilya allegedly received a reward of 400 thousand rubles for the post about supporting Putin for the third time running as a presidential candidate and about his presence at the MAKS-2011 air show.

Evidence of the alleged venality of Varlamov was also made public by his colleague in the gosnikolay workshop, who suspected Ilya of working not only for the Kremlin, but also for the West. He found in the remark of the blogger "Who seizes the Crimea" an instruction concerning coverage of current events, containing the word "add", and concluded that this was a task of foreign customers.

Ilya Varlamov in Ufa: a conflict with the police

Rumors about Varlamov's allegedly non-traditional sexual orientation and about his close, more than friendly relationship with Maxim Katz, his business partner, were also discussed on the Web.

Ilya Varlamov today

Being an active promoter of bicycles, since 2013 Varlamov co-founded the company, which exclusively distributes Peugeot in the Russian Federation.

Among his projects are the R&D Group for the creation of software modules for 3D Max (modeling, rendering in the production of films, games) and "Countries without nonsense", which demonstrates the possibility of combating violations of the rights and freedoms of citizens.

In the summer of 2015, Varlamov announced the transition of the Zyalt blog in LiveJournal to a media format with the domain name Reformatting, as Ilya explained in an interview, will allow the audience to get acquainted not only with his opinion about a particular event, but also with the statements of others. However, in contrast to large mass media, where a whole spectrum of different views and judgments is given, only those of them that Ilya himself considers important.

I don't know how much the curators of the pedophile exhibition paid Varlamov for a post in which Ilya called Sturges' work art:

No, I don't see anything seditious in such an exhibition. Sturges' photographs have nothing to do with pornography and pedophilia. Pedophilia is related to the people who are turned on by these pictures.
Ilya Varlamov

I don't know and I don't want to know how much the conscience of a modern blogger costs. How much is he ready to justify the propaganda of child pedophilia and call the organizers - educators.

Ilya has a daughter. A wonderful girl, very beautiful. Cheerful, groovy, playful. When Murzilka publishes another disgusting order, I always remember Lena’s photographs and think - well, yes, and he’s a fig, but he’s a wonderful father.

Varlamov has a daughter.

More precisely, his wife Lyuba has a daughter, and perhaps this is the whole point. If Helen-seven-year-old had been his child, Varlamov, perhaps, would not have been able to justify the pedophiles.

I do not love Ilya and never did. He took money from Potupchik and from those who shouted against the annexation of Crimea to Russia. Varlamov had no conscience, but he was sure that there were at least some moral principles.

As it turned out, they are not.

Ilya called the exhibition of the ideological inspirer of pedophiles art and cried over the fact that thanks to us it was dispersed.

The organizers of the exhibition do not want to go to jail, this is understandable. The only way to avoid punishment is to show that someone considers child pornography to be art. They say that there is another opinion in society about photographs of naked children.

And Varlamov obediently demonstrated that such sentiments exist.

Do I think Ilya is a complete pedophile? I don't care, let his wife think about it, who leaves her daughter with him. I'm interested in something else: is Murzilka able to prove that Sturges' photographs are art?

I am ready to believe in the sincerity of the words of the corrupt Murzilka if he picks up a camera and makes a photo session in the same poses and angles as Sturges.

Reproducing this “art” is not difficult at all, considering that Ilya is a photographer. To undress your wife's child, shoot and display it for everyone to see. At the same time, you can photograph naked and three children of the organizer of the exhibition Natalia Grigorieva, who bleats pitifully, making excuses in front of us.

After all, this is art, so why be ashamed, right?

Let the connoisseurs of beauty look, enjoy and be enlightened. For example, here are such opponents of censorship with beautiful spiritualized faces:

Photo: Facebook

Or here is such an enthusiastic admirer of human beauty, talking about the conditioning of nymphs:

Photo: Facebook

As soon as Varlamov does this, I will immediately believe in his sincerity. And I'll be happy to see what his wife Lyuba, as well as Lena's biological father, will do to him.

Why am I? Oh yes: all filthy perverts who cover up their pedophile tendencies with screams about art must understand that they have no place in our society.

Anyone who justifies pedophilia and its propaganda have no right to open their mouths at all in our society. Scum, filthy perverts, creatures - you all have to stick your dirty tongues in your asses and be silent!

What do you think about the people who justify the pedophile exhibition?

Bunnies, what would you do to your man if he made excuses for pedophiles? Guys, what would you do with a friend who would start talking about the beauty of naked children's bodies?

Ilya once banned me in his magazine promo so that I would not flicker in front of his readers. It seems to me that it was an ordinary fleeting impulse of envy on his part), no more. On January 8, 2016, Varlamov released a short post "Young punks who will wipe us off the face of the earth", in the title of which he described our relationship with him with extraordinary accuracy. Many people asked me if I would answer him with something similar? But I preferred to maintain my opinion of this person before publishing. 8 months have passed, and I am ready to reveal the accumulated thoughts about Ilya Varlamov.

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As soon as they do not call this person with a hairstyle that is very unusual for our latitudes: a dandelion, a long-haired one, a Kremlin singing along and the like. As a rule, people cling to their appearance when there is nothing else. But Varlamov has a very wide assortment of skeletons in his closet: from working for the structures of Vladislav Surkov, the chief Kremlin ideologist, to receiving money from the Moscow mayor's office for praising new sidewalks on Tverskaya. They even say that for 500,000 - 700,000 rubles Varlamov is ready to kill the reputation of some residential complex in Moscow or St. Petersburg, but personally I do not believe in this: the risk of losing his reputation for such a symbolic amount is too great.

First of all, Ilya Varlamov is indeed the # 1 blogger in Russia. As regrettable as it may sound, but it is Ilya who today has the well-deserved status of the most powerful blogger aimed at a mass audience. Someone will say that Navalny "knocks more powerful"! Yes, but Navalny has much better funding and strictly limited topics - political investigations dearly loved by the Russian people. Varlamov, on the other hand, builds his relationship with the reader, which is described by the phrase "Easy reading" about everything in the world "in exchange for your" quiet "loyalty. "Quiet loyalty" - this is when a fan does not tear a T-shirt on his chest with the inscription "Varlamov - my idol ", but just reads the materials of his favorite blogger every day.

I have already said more than once that the quality of Varlamov's materials on his blog is the highest in Russia. There is now no domestic blogger capable of posting as many and as often as Ilya does. Yes, there is Lena Miro, there is a genius Lebedev, but their content is either unstable in quality (such as Lebedev's questions, what finger to pick in the nose with), or in quantity. Of course, Ilya has assistants, there are editors, and in general, there is a department of those who "bring the shells", but personally I am convinced that the lion's share of Varlamov's success belongs to Varlamov himself.

Relevance. Still, blog - this is a diary. It must be relevant. Varlamov and his team manages to be relevant almost always. If any event of a federal or global scale happened, with a probability of 90% and higher it has already been described in the blog. Or there is a live information broadcast. It is very convenient and very difficult to implement. Ilya calls his blog an author's media: the statement is absolutely objective.

Disclosure of the topic.The same topic Lebedev can comment on some event of a global scale with one or two phrases. Yes, brevity - the sister of talent, but in LiveJournal, brevity is not always synonymous with quality content. There is Twitter for short. And Varlamov understands this. The materials are quite extensive, with a lot of photographs, the text often contains a background for those who are "not yet in the know", and there are also particular conclusions of Varlamov himself.

Blog personality. I like it when a blogger has some immutable rules in life that he follows without being ashamed of them. Varlamov likes beautiful and comfortable cities - He writes about this: they say, how long will Russia live in barracks? Or bicycles. Anything. Blogger principles - always an interesting spice to his work. Texts without personality - some kind of indistinct parody of blogging (look at how "gray" the authors have become on the main "LiveJournal", where personalities have long been squeezed to the sidelines of history).

Commercially successful blogger.I think the most commercially successful. The very fact of having a blogger who is much more successful than 90% of the country's journalists makes you wonder: is a professional blogger really a poor creature, dumb and unworthy of money? Rave. Especially if you approach the issue professionally. Varlamov masterfully uses the capabilities of "LJ" (with the consent of the site owner, I believe), but even this fact does not make his success on the reader's front less noticeable. Many bloggers from the top 20 rankings have a good readership, but their money is much worse.

Ilya Varlamov - this is a precedent when one person is able, for relatively modest means, to create an author's media that influences public opinion. Perhaps, at some points, Ilya allows himself too much (to strictly emphasize his unshakable status as a leader), but, in general, he can afford it. The gap between blogger # 1 and blogger # 2 is too obvious.

How do you like this narcissistic type with stupid hair?