Posadova Regional Instructions. Robot as an understudy for the manager (regional)

Posadova instruction
region[Appointment of organizations, enterprises, etc.]

Dana posadova has been broken up and hardened in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulations governing legal work in the Russian Federation.

1. Headquarters

1.1. Oblikovets shall be referred to the category of technical vikonavts, designated for the landing of the Oblikovtsy and with her health by order of the chief executive officer of the industry.

1.2. For the landing of the oblikovtsa, a person is assigned, as I have a professional and technical education, without being able to work as a robot, or as a basic education and special training for the established program, without being able to as a robot.

1.3. Oblikovets is guilty of the nobility:

Provisions, instructions, and basic materials and normative documents for the organization of the operational area;

Basics of organizing virobnstva;

Organization of the operational area;

Forms of the original documentation, the order of the archive;

A few of them will be able to carry out the production of products, which will be released by the production enterprise;

Rules for the operation of technical equipment in the operational area;

Fundamentals of legislation about pratsyu;

Internal labor regulations;

Rules and norms of protection of labor, technology of safety, general sanitation and anti-fire protection;

- [enter required].

1.4. Oblikovets is ordered without ordering [enter the required].

1.5. Every hour of the day of the oblast (vidryadzhennya, vidpustka, ailment is too small.) A person has been given a statement of legal rights and not a certainty for the proper confirmation of those responsible for new obligations.

1.6. [Sign in to demand].

2. Zavdannya and obovyazki

2.1. We carry out robots on the basis of various types of operational area (processing of finished products, vitra sirovini, materials, paliva, energy, living with virobnists).

2.2. Conduct general records in the primary documents (orders, material and delivery orders, vimogas, invoices, etc.) For views of the field, in magazines or on cards.

2.3. Supply of pods and warehouses has been established with respect to quality, availability and maintenance.

2.4. Live the necessary calls for the victorious technical tasks in the robot from the young views of the field.

2.5. [Sign in to demand].

3. Rights

Oblikovets maє right:

3.1. Knowing about the projects is the solution of the enterprise's operating capacity, so that it can be of great value.

3.2. Introduce to the view the core propositions of the robots, tied with ties, which are transferred to the instrumentation.

3.3. Look at the middle-of-the-line benchmark about all the changes that have emerged in the process of identifying their own settlements in the shortcomings of the business enterprise (its structural components) and making suggestions for.

3.4. Provide especially for the instructions of a middle-sized standard from the baseline information and documents that are necessary for the presentation of their posadovyh requirements.

3.5. Vimagati is from the institution of the enterprise with the vison of its posadovyh obligations and rights.

3.6. [Sign in to demand].

4. Variety

Oblikovets not vidpovidality:

4.1. For unreliable vikonannya or non-vikonannya their posadovyh ob'yazkiv, transferred to the central posadovuyu instructions, - in the boundaries, vizmenennogo legislation of Ukraine about pratsyu.

4.2. For the law-enforcers, who are in the process of building their own performance, - in the boundaries, which are designated by the official administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For the zavdannya material shkodi - in the boundaries, by virtue of the official civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.4. [Sign in to demand].

Posadova's instructions have been broken up until [name, number and date of the document].

Kerіvnik structural pіdrozdіlu

[Initsiali, alias]


[number of months rik]


Head of Legal Department

[Initsiali, alias]


[number of months rik]

Instruction of knowledge:

[Initsiali, alias]


[number of months rik]



1. Oblikovets belong to the category of technical vikonavtsov, start a robot and play with the robot by the order of the organizer for the submissions _________________________.

2. A person will be appointed to the boarding of the regional office, who will give the average education and special training for the established program.

3. The region’s business leader has the following:

Regulatory documents for the nutrition of the viconuvanoi robots;

Methodical materials that can be used for food;

The Statute of the Organization;

Labor regulations;

By the orders and ordinances of the organization's core (without the middle core);

Tsієyu posadovuyu instruction.

4. Oblikovets is guilty of the nobility:

Regulations, instructions and basic materials and normative documents for the organization of the operational area;

Basics of organizing virobnstva;

Organization of the operational area;

Forms of the original documentation, the order of the archive;

A few units will be able to carry out the production of products, which will be used for organizing products;

Fundamentals of organizing pratsi;

Rules of exploitation of technical devices;

Fundamentals of legislation about pratsyu;

Internal labor regulations;

Rules and norms of protection of the law and protection of safety.

5. From the hour of the day of the visitor's obligation to the visitor, in the established order, an intercessor will be designated, who will never again be aware of the due visibility of those who are liable to a new obligation.

2. Zavdannya and obovyazki

6. For vikonannya lodgers on new functions of the region of goiters:

6.1. Lead robots from different views of the operational area (processing of finished products, vitraty sirovini, materials, paliva, energy, living with virobnitsvі).

6.2. Vibrations of the appearance of records in the original documents (orders, material and on-site orders, vimogas, invoices, etc.)

6.3. Live the necessary calls for the occasional technical problems.

6.4. Spriyati i spіvpratsyuvati of naymachem in spravі zabezpechennya health i Bezpieczne minds pratsі, negayno povіdomlyati bezposerednomu kerіvniku about cutaneous injuries vipadok virobnichogo i profesіynih zahvoryuvan and takozh about nadzvichaynі situatsії, SSMSC stvoryuyut zagrozu Health Protection i Zhittya for Demba i otochuyuchih, viyavlenі nedolіki i torn down protect prats.

6.5. Live the necessary visits to intervene the development of an emergency situation and її ї ї ї і і ідції, push the first help to the victim, come to live for a wiklik of high-level assistance, emergency services, fire protection.


7. Oblikovets maє right:

7.1. Knowing about the projects is the solution of the enterprise's operating system, so that it can achieve its efficiency.

7.2. Introduce to the view the core propositions of the robots, tied with ties, which are transferred to the instrumentation.

7.3. Otrimuvati from the cores of the structural components, information and documents required for the confirmation of their posadovyh obligations.

7.4. Vimagati is from the institution of the enterprise with the vison of its posadovyh obligations and rights.

7.5. Take part in the negotiation of food, protect the work, and go to see the meetings (conferences) of the labor collective (professional organization).

4. Vzaєmovіdnosini (tones behind the landing)
8. Oblikovets to order _______________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________. 9. Oblikovets in connection with food, which is included in his competence, with the workers of the offensive structural divisions of the organization: presentationє: __________________________________________________________________________; - from _________________________________________________________________: I will take awayє: __________________________________________________________________________; representationє: __________________________________________________________________________.

10. For the robot, the region will be able to estimate the bezposredniy kerivnik (іnsha posadova person).

11. Oblikovets does not mean:

11.1. For the failure to declare (unreliable) their posadovyh ob'yazkiv, transferred to the central posadovyh instructions, - in the borderlines, due to the meritorious legislation of the Republic of Bilorus.

11.2. For the implications in the process of building up one's own activity, - in the boundaries, due to the official administrative, criminal and civil legislation of Ukraine.

11.3. For the zavdannya material shkodi - in the boundaries, by virtue of the official civil legislation and the legislation of the Republic of Bilorus.

11.4. For the failure to follow the rules and norms of protection of practice, technology of safety, general sanitation and anti-fire protection - it is obvious to all the normative legal acts of the Republic of Belarus and local acts in _____________________.

Naymenuvannya planting the core of the structural pidrozdilu _________ _______________________ Signature Decoding of the signature of the Visa from the instruction of knowledge _________ _______________________ Signature Decoding of the signature _______________________ Date

Proponated to your uvazy typical butt of the posadovoi instruktsiya oblikovtsya, zrazok 2019/2020 rock. guilty to include the offensive distribution: the foreign camp, the regional regulations, the regional administration's rights, the regional administration.

Posadova Regional Instructions be submitted before distribution " Zagalnogaluzev_qual_physical_characteristics of the townspeople of workers employed at enterprises, in installations and organizations".

At the posadov_instructions of the oblast, the guilty but the images of the onset of the points:

Regional regulations

1) Posadov_ obov'yazy. We carry out robots on the basis of various types of operational area (processing of finished products, vitra sirovini, materials, paliva, energy, living with virobnists). Conduct additional records in the primary documents (orders, material and delivery orders, vimogas, invoices, etc.) Live the necessary calls for the occasional technical problems.

Oblikovets is guilty of the nobility

2) Oblikovets is guilty of the nobility during the viconation of his posadovs' obligations: provisions, instructions, basic materials and normative documents, which are necessary for the organization of the operational area; the basics of organizing virobnstva; organization of the operational area; the formation of the original documentation, the order of the archive; odinitsі vimіru obsyagu products, how to be released by the production enterprise; the basics of organizing pratsi; operating rules for technical equipment; fundamentals of legislation about pratsyu; internal labor regulations; rules and norms of protection.

Vimogi to the quality of the region

3) Vimogi to the quality. Professional and technical education without prior notice to the work experience of the robot or to the middle (new) home education or the basic education and special training for the installed program without prior notice to the work experience of the robot.

1. Headquarters

1.the regional person is a person who can get professional and technical education without prior notice to the robot's experience, or the middle (new) home education, or basic home education, and special training for the installed program without prior notification of the robot.

2. Oblikovets to get to the landing і to go to the landing _________ (Director, kerivnik) organization for submissions ________ (posad).

3. Oblikovets is guilty of the nobility:

  • provisions, instructions, basic materials and normative documents, which are necessary for the organization of the operational area;
  • the basics of organizing virobnstva;
  • organization of the operational area;
  • the formation of the original documentation, the order of the archive;
  • odinitsі vimіru obsyagu products, how to be released by the production enterprise;
  • the basics of organizing pratsi;
  • operating rules for technical equipment;
  • fundamentals of legislation about pratsyu;
  • internal labor regulations;
  • rules and norms of protection.

4. In their own business, the oblast is sworn to:

  • legislation of the Russian Federation,
  • The Statute (provision) of the organization,
  • orders and orders of __________ (General Director, Director, Kerivnik) organization,
  • to the endorsement of the instruction,
  • The rules of the internal labor order of the organization.

5. Oblikovets to order without the middle: __________ (posada).

6. At the hour of the day of the oblast (vidryadzhennya, vidpustka, sickness, in.) 'lang.

2. The head of the regional organization

1. Veda robots on the basis of various types of operational area (processing of finished products, vitrati sirovini, materials, paliva, energy, living with virobnitsvі).

2. Viroblyaє vіdpovіdni entries in the original documents (orders, material and receipt orders, vimogas, invoices, etc.)

3. Live the necessary calls for the occasional technical problems.

3. The rights of the region

Oblikovets maє right:

1. Introduce the following statements:

  • a thoroughly detailed robot is tied with the transmission of the basic instructions,
  • about zahochennya pіdorodkovanyh yomu pratsіvnikіv ,,
  • about the attraction to material and disciplinary changes in the effectiveness of the workers, who have ruined the discipline of labor.

2. Vimagati from the structural subdivisions and practical information organizing information that is necessary for you to display your posadovyh regulations.

3. Know the documents, how to start the law and the regulations for the borrowed land, the criteria for assessing the quality of the documents.

4. Knowing about the projects is the solution of the enterprise's operating system, so that it can achieve its efficiency.

5. Vimagati from the institution of the enterprise, including the safety of the organization and technical minds and the execution of the documents that are necessary for the registration of the posters' obligations.

6. Інші rights established by the official labor legislation.

4. Variety of the region

Oblikovets does not differ in such cases:

1. For unreliable vikonannya or non-vikonannya of their posadovyh ob'yazkiv, transferred to the central posadovyh instructions, - in the boundaries, established by the legislation of Ukraine about pratsyu.

2. For the law-enforcers, who are in the process of their own activity, - in the boundaries, by virtue of the official administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For zavdannya material shkodi - in the boundaries, established by the honorable labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Posadova іnstruktsіya oblіkovtsya - zrazok 2019/2020 Regulations of the region, the rights of the region, the revision of the region.

  1. Oblikovets belongs to the category of technical visitors.
  2. At the landing of the regional office, a person is appointed who can get professional and technical education without prior notice to the experience of the robot, or the basic education and special training for the installed program without prior notice to the experience of the robot.
  3. Appointed for the landing of the oblast and soundness for her come by the order of the director of the enterprise.
  4. Oblikovets is guilty of the nobility:
    1. 4.1. Provisions, instructions, and basic materials and normative documents for the organization of the operational area.
    2. 4.2. The basics of organizing virobnstva.
    3. 4.3. Organization of the operational area.
    4. 4.4. Forms of the primary documentation, the order of the archive.
    5. 4.5. Only a few will be able to use the products, which will be released by the production enterprise.
    6. 4.6. Rules of operation of technical devices.
    7. 4.7. Fundamentals of legislation about pratsyu.
    8. 4.8. Internal labor regulations.
    9. 4.9. Rules and norms of protection of labor, technology of safety, general sanitation and anti-fire protection.
  5. For an hour in the office of the regional office, the vison is a person, appointed by the order of the director of the enterprise. A person has been given a statement of legal rights and not a certainty for the proper confirmation of those responsible for new obligations.

II. Posadov_ binding

  1. We carry out robots on the basis of various types of operational area (processing of finished products, vitra sirovini, materials, paliva, energy, living with virobnists).
  2. Conduct general records in the primary documents (orders, material and delivery orders, vimogas, invoices) for types of obliku, in magazines or on cards.
  3. Supply of pods and warehouses has been established with respect to quality, availability and maintenance.
  4. Live the necessary calls for the occasional technical problems.

III. rights

Oblikovets maє right:

  1. Knowing about the projects is the solution of the organizational structure, so that it can be done.
  2. Introduce to the view the basic propositions of the robots, tied with the instructions given by this instruction.
  3. Look at the middle-of-the-line benchmark about all the changes that have emerged in the process of identifying their own settlements in the shortcomings of the business enterprise (its structural components) and making suggestions for.
  4. Provide especially for the instructions of a non-middle base from the original information and documents, necessary for the confirmation of the last settlement's requirements.
  5. Vimagati is from the institution of the enterprise with the vison of its posadovyh obligations and rights.

IV. availability

Oblikovets not vidpovidality:

  1. For unreliable vikonannya or non-vikonannya of their posadovyh ob'yazkiv, transferred to the central posadovuyu instructions, - in the borderlines, by virtue of the righteous legislation of Ukraine about pratsyu.
  2. For the law-enforcers, who are in the process of building their own performance, - in the boundaries, which are designated by the official administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  3. For the zavdannya material shkodi - in the boundaries, by virtue of the official labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Dana posadova instruction translated automatically. Beastly respect, the automatic transfer does not give 100% accuracy, so in the text there may be some slight changes to the transfer.

Peredmova to Posadovo Instructions

0.1. The document came into force at the moment of its solidification.

0.2. Document source: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.3. Weather document: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.4. Periodic revision of this document is carried out at intervals, but not 3 verses.

1. Headquarters

1.1. Posada "Zootechnik s pedigree law" is classified under the category "Professional".

1.2. Qualitative vimogi - I will learn more about general training (special training) without being able to work as a robot.

1.3. I know and are stuck in business:
- laws, decrees, orders, orders, decisions and regulatory acts of state authorities and self-regulating authorities for food of the agro-industrial complex;
- anatomy, physiology, year of birth and breeding of animals;
- Advancement of science and advanced education in the tribal law;
- fundamentals of technology for production of products;
- vimogi to breeding animals and birds;
- ranked standards for the products of creation and tribal thinness;
- the basics of the market economy;
- organization of virobnitstva, pratsi and management;
- Legislation for the protection of the navkolishny natural center;
- labor legislation;
- the rules and norms of protection of pratsi, virobnichoi sanitary conditions and anti-fire zajist.

1.4. Zootechnician from the tribal right to be assigned to the settlement and to be assigned to the plant by order of the organization (enterprise / establishment).

1.5. Zootechnician from the breeding right to order without pre-order _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

1.6. Zootechnician s pedigree help the keruє by robot _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

1.7. Zootechnician from the breeding right before the hour of the day, to be replaced by a special person, designated in the established order, as it is necessary to build up certain rights and do not know about the correctness of the application of the liabilities.

2. Management of the provisions, management of the provisions of the provisions

2.1. To carry out a selection-breeding robot from the cultivation of breeding and productive qualities of thinness and birds, breeding young breeding stock.

2.2. Pidbiraє and іdbiraє tvarin for polishing breed yarn.

2.3. Provisions for the advancement of breeding-breeding robots and plans for the production of the herd and the implementation of the breeding population.

2.4. Conduct bonification of products and registrations of registrations.

2.5. Warehouse for the design of promising and current plans for selection robots.

2.6. Take part in the development of plans for veterinary and sanitary and prophylactic visits and monitoring visits.

2.7. Live visits to the development of the breeding stock, the improvement of the herd renovation and the improvement of the breeding of the young breeds on the basis of the advancement of science and advanced information, scientific organization of research and development

2.8. Providing zootechnical documentation on breeding rights, ready documents for entering breeds into the state breeding books.

2.9. The control over the protection of labor, the general sanitation and anti-fire discipline, rules and norms of protection by the forerunners.

2.10. Take part in attestation and rationalization of workmanship.

2.11. Take the fate of the robot by advancing the qualifications of the workers who have taken over the creatures.

2.12. You know, the reason and the stasis of the normative documents, that they should be able to do it.

2.13. I know and the vicon of the normative acts about the protection of the workers and the middle class, the rules, methods and acceptance of the safe vikonannya rob.

3. Rights

3.1. Zootechnician from the tribal right now has the right to live a child for zoopobigannya and usunennya vypadkiv be-any problems or inconsistencies.

3.2. Zootechnician s tribal right has the right to eliminate all social guarantees passed by the legislation.

3.3. Zootechnician from the tribal right now has the right to be proud of her family's duties and rights.

3.4. The zootechnician s tribal right has the right to vimagate the organizational and technical minds that are necessary for the registration of the posadovyh regulations and the necessary possession and inventory.

3.5. The zootechnician s pedigree has the right to know about the projects of documents, so that he can do it.

3.6. A zootechnician from the tribal right has the right to supply and clean up documents, materials and information that are necessary for the presentation of their posadovyh regulations and the order of capital.

3.7. A zootechnician s breeding right has the right to promote his professional qualifications.

3.8. The zootechnician from the tribal has the right to know about all the destructions and inconsistencies and the introduction of the propositions of the destructions in the process of their activity.

3.9. The zootechnician s pedigree has the right to know the documents, to establish the rights and regulations for the landowner, the criteria for assessing the quality of the registration of the landowners.

4. Variety

4.1. The zootechnician from the tribal law does not answer for the failure to acknowledge, for the unfortunate vigilance of those who are responsible to the owner's instructions, and (or) not on the right.

4.2. Zootechnician s pedigree should not be aware of the inadequacy of the rules of the internal labor order, protection of the law, safety technology, general sanitation and anti-fire protection.

4.3. Zootechnics from the breeding grounds should not be aware of the information about the organization (enterprise / establishment), which should be reported to the commercial premises.

4.4. The zootechnician from the breeding grounds does not have any evidence for failure to register or inappropriately vimogo internal normative documents in the organization (enterprise / establish) and the legal order of the capital.

4.5. Zootechnician s tribal rights carry out the responsibility for the law-enforcer, in the process of his activity, in the boundaries, due to the important administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.6. The zootechnician s tribal right does not hold the responsibility for the establishment of material school (enterprise / establishment) in the boundaries, established by the clerical administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.7. Zootechnician s pedigree inquire about the wrongdoing for the wrong service of the service, as well as for special purposes.