Im'ya is yours - a bird at the rutsi. Analysis of M.Tsvєtaєvoi's verse "Im'ya yours is a bird at the hand" Im'y your bird at the hand's hand

The verse of assignments to the name of Blok, the cycle of sixteen verses to A. Blok (1916-1921). In three stanzas, Tsvetayeva describes the name of Blok (not naming him) phonetically and graphically; matching the sounds of the name with the sounds of nature; induce emotional association with the sound of a kiss. One warehouse, five letters (in the pre-revolutionary spelling "Block"), "one-single rukh lips" - and the whole world, elusive and hanging: tse "ptah u rutsi", yak axis-axis purkhne, "kryzhinka in the language" , yak mittevo tane, knowing. In another stanza, the light of the ethical images of Blok is revealed: “a stone that is thrown at quiet rates” (mushing of nature, the calm lover sadibi of Shakhmatovo), “the clatter of the night saves” (the block’s image of rice, to fly, over the failure of eternity; three , what to bring happiness to the eta), “trigger, scho clicks” (tragic “ terrible world» Block). In the third stanza, Flowers are sung in a kohanna sing, pulling on the image of Yogo the Snow Mask (“oh, you can’t!”, “Kissing in the snow”, “crying kovtok”). Її hour by hour (when it is written at the present hour) propositions are performed. The syntactic parallelism of the first and third stanzas adds to the wholeness of the composition of the verse. Material from the site Meta-phori of the first stanza (“bird at the rutsi”, “kryzhinka on the tongue”, “ball, sleepy on the fly”, epithets (“lower cold of non-robust winds”, “key, crying, blaky kovtok”), oli-creation (“a stone of skhlipne”, “name a trigger”) - all these stitches will give the image of Blok, roar him richly. Poet.

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On this side of the material behind the topics:

  • de it is written v_rsh im'ya your bird u rutsi
  • analysis of vіrshuvannya - im'ya willow bird u rutsi
  • kvitaєve im'ya your bird u rutsi voice
  • quitaeva virshi to the block im'ya your ptah u rutsi analiz
  • analysis im'ya your bird at ruci

"Im'ya is yours - a bird at the hands ..." Marina Tsvetaeva

I'm yours - a bird at the rutsi,
Im'ya is yours - kryzhinka on the tongue.
One single rush of lips.
I'm yours - five letters.
M'yachik, sleepy on the fly,
Silver bubonets at the mouth.

Kamin, throwing at quiet rates,
Skhlipne so, what's your name.
At the light clatter of the night hoards
It’s better for me to make up your makeup.
I name yoga for us in hiding
Dzvinko clattering trigger.

I'm yours - oh, you can't! -
I'm yours - a kiss at the vechi,
The lower part of the body is cold and unruly.
I'm yours - a kiss from the snow.
Klyuchovy, crying, blakitny kovtok.
For your name - deep sleep.

Analysis of the verse of Tsvetaєvoi "Your name is a bird at the hands ..."

Marina Tsvєtaeva was even skeptical about the creativity of her well-known poets as a single person, like she adored in a direct comprehension of the word, buv Oleksandr Blok. Tsvetaeva knew that there was nothing sane from earthly and everyday life, the stench was written not by a human being, but as if it were brought by a mythical reality.

Tsvetaeva did not know Blok very well, although she often visited me at literary evenings, and she never ceased to marvel at the power of the enchantment of a non-transverse person. It is not surprising that a lot of women died in the New Bulo, among them the close friends of the poetess stumbled. Tim is no less, about his feelings before Blok, Tsvetaeva never said, but in this situation, you can’t talk about kohannya. Aje sings for her unattainable, and nothing could belittle the image, the creations in the woman's face, so to love the dream.

Marina Tsvєtaeva dedicated a few verses to this poet, as if later they were framed in the cycle “Before Block”. Some of them wrote poetry for the life of an idol, including the TV under the title “Your name is a bird in the hands ...”, which swayed the light of 1916. Tsej vіrsh povnoy vіroy vіdobrazhaє those wider zahoplennya, like Tsvєtaєva vіdchuvaє to Blok, stverzhuyuchiy, scho tse almost - one of the strongest, like she vіdchuval if she had her life.

Im'ya Blok is associated with the poetess with the bird at the ruci and my krizhinka. “One single rush of lips. Your name is five letters,” the author affirms. Here it is necessary to bring clarity to the deaco, the oskilki nickname for Blok of justice before the revolution was written with five examples, that consisted of five letters. I moved on one breath, that I didn’t forget the meaning of the poet. Considering yourself worthless, in order to develop the theme of possible mutual relations with a marvelous person, Tsvetaeva nibi tries on the language of yogo im'ya and writes down tі associations, yakі they are people. “A little boy, sleepy on a fly, a silver bubonets at the company” - the axis is far from all the epithets with which the author rewards his hero. Yogo im'ya - the sound of a stone thrown at the water, a woman's sob, a chime accumulates and grumbles to thunder. “I call us yogo at the back of the trigger, scho clatters,” the poet says.

Regardless of his trepidation, setting up the Bloc Tsvetaeva still allows himself a little liberty and declares: “Your name is a kiss in the eyes.” Ale, in the cold sweat, even if poetes do not believe in those who can have such a person in nature. Even after the death of Blok, write about those who are not surprisingly tragic picture, and those who scrambled in the midst of great people, creating under this unearthly vіrshi, deeply and secretly hidden away. For Tsvetaeva, Blok became so full of a riddle-singer, the creativity of which was richly mystical. And the very same thing led Yogo to the rank of a deity, Tsvetaeva simply did not violate herself with respect, respecting that she was unworthy of navit perebuvaє order from the name of an unimaginable person.

Turning up to the new, the poetess is naked: "In your name - a deep dream." And in this phrase there is no pretense, to that Tsvetaeva rightly sings with a volume of verses to Blok in his hands. Їy mriyut wondrous light and the lands, and the image of the poet becomes obtrusive, which the author tries to catch himself thinking about some kind of spiritual connection from the people. Prote verify, chi tse so true, do not go into it. Flowers are alive near Moscow, and Blok is near St. Petersburg, their zestrichs have a rare and vivacious character, they have no romance and high stature. Ale ce not to bless Tsvetaev, on the yak verse of the poet є the best proof of the immortality of the soul.

I'm yours - a bird at the rutsi,
Im'ya is yours - kryzhinka on the tongue.
One single rush of lips.
I'm yours - five letters.
M'yachik, sleepy on the fly,
Silver bubonets at the mouth.

Kamin, throwing at quiet rates,
Skhlipne so, what's your name.
At the light clatter of the night hoards
It’s better for me to make up your makeup.
I name yoga for us in hiding
Dzvinko clattering trigger.

I'm yours - oh, you can't! -
I'm yours - a kiss at the vechi,
The lower part of the body is cold and unruly.
I'm yours - a kiss from the snow.
Klyuchovy, crying, blakitny kovtok.
For your name - deep sleep.

Analysis of the verse “Your name is a bird in the hands” Tsvetayeva

M. Tsvєtaeva with great trepidation, and with great trepidation, was put to creativity that very specialness to A. Blok. Between them, there were practically no budding, friendly stosunkivs. It is often explained that the poetess adored the symbolist poet, respecting him with an unearthly essence, as if forgivingly saw our world. Tsvetaeva dedicated a cycle of verses to Blok, which includes “Im'ya yours is a bird at the hands ...” (1916).

Tvіr, vlasne, with a set of epithets, with which the poets endow Blok with a nickname. All the stinks vociferate on the unreality of the poet; Tsі raznomanіtnі vznachennya poednuє strіmkіst і ephemeral. Im'ya, sho folded from five letters (in pre-revolutionary spelling, for example, the letter "єр" was written for Blok) for poetry, like "one-single rush of lips." Vaughn compare yoga with objects (kryzhinka, little ball, tambourine) that are found in Russia; short, urgent sounds (“clattering ... saving up”, “clattering trigger”); symbolic intimate events (“kiss at the wife”, “piss at the snow”). Flowering doesn’t seem to be the name itself (“oh, you can’t!”), But instead of blues playing, by the way, to a bodyless essence.

The block of justice, having dealt with a strong lesion on the nervous girls, yakі often hid in the new. Vіn perebuvav in the power of the creations in his own vyavі symbols and images, which allowed him to inadvertently pour on otochyuyuchih. Tsvetaeva drank a drink, prote zumila saved the originality of her own creations, which, no doubt, went to the fury. The poetess was already subtly known in poetry and she saw the right talent in Blok's creativity. At the poet's verses, which for the unfinished reader seemed to be completely stupid, Tsvetaeva bachila showed cosmic forces.

Insanely rich in why the two strong creative features were similar, especially in the zdіbnostі vіdmoviti in the real life and in the world of their dreams. Moreover, Blok did not go into the name world. To that very Tsvetaeva respected the flooring and sweated the symbolist poet. The headliness of the poetess in the presence of different gentlewomen lied in the fact that a little about love could not be a movie. Tsvetaeva did not reveal herself, as if one could perceive something “earthly” almost to the point of ephemeralness. One, on which the poetess is born - spiritual closeness without physical contacts.

The verse ends with the phrase "In your name - a deep dream", as if turning the reader to reality. Tsvetaeva knew that she often fell asleep while reading.

Oleksandr Oleksandrovich Blok is one of the key articles in the literary process of the XX century. He was hooted that not all sings and prose writers of that hour. They talked about him like they were talking about a person underground, gifted burn. Yogo was regularly mentioned in various memoirs and biographies, he was assigned not just verses, but whole poetic cycles. One of these cycles is the selection of “Virshi to Blok” by Marini Ivanivna Tsvєtaeva, which is shown in the verse “I am yours - a bird in the hands ...”.

The cycle was created in the period from 1916 to 1921. As if marveling at the date of writing the skin verse, it becomes clear that Tsvetaeva did not plan to see the whole collection; This idea vindicated after the death of Blok. So, the first robots that have gone up to the cycle, the poets write in the spring of 1916, to the next group, and lie down "Your name is a bird at the hands." Farther the robot is interrupted by chotirma rocky, and Tsvetayeva again turns to Blok less in 1920, the rock at the top "Like a weak promin krіz black haze was inferno ...". Tse with the poet's voice at Moscow on May 9, 1920, the fate, for which there was a special one. 1921 Blok dies. As a guide to this tragedy, ten new verses become the result of a cycle.

Genre and rozmir

Versh "Im'ya yours - ptah u rutsi ..." reveals the cycle "Virshі to Blok" and, in spite of the expansion of the thought, is not a sign of Blok's death (guessing: it was written in 1916). Also, it’s absolutely pardonable to honor your kind epitaph.

“Your name is a bird in the hands ...” to carry a message with one’s own: a lyrical verse is addressed to a specific person (about what to say and the name of the cycle being performed). Vіrsh є uninterrupted acknowledgment of Blok's creativity, without intermediary hanging Tsvєtaeva's staging to the poet's lyrics. Also, the poetess regularly victorious borrower "of yours", which is typical for the genre of the message.

However, it is important to remember those who lyrical heroine to go beyond the bounds of the savage rozmov that animal, the verse “I am yours - the birds of the hands ...” does not convey the desired opinion, the message can only be sent to the genre with a low guard.

Vershovaniy rozmir: chotirichudarny dolnik.


The compositional subdivision of the verse is as follows: 3 stanzas, the skin has six rows each. The first and third stanzas are united by the refrain "I am yours":

It is also noteworthy that, as in the first to the third stanza, the dynamics of the verse change. As soon as it starts with neutral images (a ball, a bubo and so on), it ends with images that avenge the funeral semantics. deep sleep). Another stanza, perhaps, the most dramatic of all. Filled with sound images (splashing water, postril, grim, clapping the trigger), it is sharply seen on aphids of other stanzas, static, calm, may be silent. After the dramatic shooting of another stanza, a sumptuous rozvyazka follows, step by step accepting like “Oh, you can’t!” until kissing in the snow.


Vіrsh "Im'ya yours is a bird at the hands" to a kind of anthem to Blok. The lyrical heroine is more emotionally (in a flowery soul) and full of chomps with the poet, talking about those that wine means to her. Cryingly in the name of Blok, Tsvetaeva puts in qi “five letters” (“Block” for pre-revolutionary spelling) all that naming gamut of images and perceptions, connected with the creator.

Thus, Blok’s creativity for her is at the same time easier, more catchy, thinner, tenditne (“bird at the hand”, “kryzhinka on the tongue”) and a sharp manifesto, which lakaє viklik (“it’s better to make up your make-up”, “name yoga we have a secret”) // zvіnko clattering trigger”). At її eyes he sings - to stand above nature, may be irreal, unattainable. This seems to be created through the arc of the cicavia and the immeasurable imagery: maybe all the stench is immaterial. Only moments, sleepovers, mites, short hours and fleeting ones. Tse vіdgomoni that ice vіdchutnі dotiki. Tremtinnya of a living bird in the valleys, thrashing the lips of the cold skies, the sound pierces the calm water surface of the stone. Everything is cunning, everything is hanging. Do not anger the block and reach, do not touch. In this hitkist and elusiveness one can look at the sum total of the poet's swedish death. Tse rozkrivaetsya at the third stanza: “A kiss at the vichi, // At the bottom of the cold closed povek” - so kiss the dead, “deep sleep” can be like a metaphor for death.

Vіrsh, without regard for his small obsyag, the implication of the impersonal emotions of the different degrees of strength and tension. This childish joy of the first stanza with playful images (a ball, a bell), drama, dynamics and a high voltage of another, a cold calm third. Mabut, only a lyrical heroine of Tsvetaeva is able to harmonize in herself such a wide range of emotions and feelings, as if smoothly flowing one into one.

Enjoy artistic versatility

The head way of creating such fiery images in the verse is, insanely, a metaphor. Actually, the whole lyric TV will be on it. “Your name is a bird in the hands ...” May be more and more folded from the metaphorical imitation of the name of Oleksandr Oleksandrovich Blok. “Im'ya yours is a bird at the hand, // Your im'ya is my krizhinka, // One single ruh of lips, // Your im'ya is five letters” lean – all this is a metaphor. Tsіkavo are also those who are among the deacies, the antithesis is obvious. So, the name of the poet in Tsvetaeva is associated with something light and quiet, but at the same time make-up is out of the way.

Effective metaphors to break syntactic parallelism, which Tsvetaeva live to do often. Becoming propositions following one principle and going into anaphoria (single-chatting), the poetess adds all the new farbi to Blok's portrait, forcing the atmosphere.

I will not leave far the role of the created images of grace and epithets. Such characteristics, like "lower cold" and "thick im'ya" shatter the picture with richness and swelling.

When analyzing the verse, it is necessary to pay attention to the sound recording. Aliteration is a characteristic feature of the lyrics of Tsvetaeva and in the verse “Your name is a bird in the hands ...” there is also present. So, in the row “Guchne im'ya your make-up”, the repetition of the sound [p] creates a noise effect, and repeat the hissing [g] in the row “In the lower cold of the unruly povik” help to convey the sound of the viruvalnoy zaviryuhi, khurtovini.

The verse of the poet has a victorious assonance. At the final rows (“Key, screaming, black kovtok ... / / For your im'yam - a deep dream”) one can feel the dream itself lingering, dovge, yak, vlasne, the dream itself (repeat [o]).

Tsikavo? Save on your wall!

Blok and Tsvetaeva... Why does Tsvetaeva have a secret? What to rob її dissimilar to anyone and at the same time internally pov'yazuє from Blok? We are in front of the eccentricity of the specifics of the battle poets, the rebellious spirit, rebelliousness, lack of energy, reinforced tension. Freedom in the minds of everyday life was inculcated in the peculiarities of style. Tsі risi hung at the verses dedicated to Blok. Love recognition in them will unite with tomb weeping, sound like a big word. It's tragically obvious to Tsvetaev and Blok. For her, Blok is "two white wings", an angel, God's righteous man. Block - ce pіdnesene, lіkе, аlѕo mоmuє visliєі і intangible. Tsvetaeva praise im'ya Blok, love, hear, pray to you. In all verses of the cycle, written from 1916 to 1921. we vіdchuvaєmo gіrkota spend that hope on resurrection. Golovnym y tsikli є vіrsh "Your name is a bird at the hands ...". It’s marvelous, that in the new, which reveals the cycle, one time it’s not said to Blok, but all the same, without mercy, we figure out who to go about. The verse is composed of 3 stanzas. In the first Flower, the phonetic and navit graphic image of the word "Block" is created, the meaning of the skin is in the form of the image of the Block. "Your name is a bird in the hands" - in the word "block" there is only one warehouse, but we see the incomprehensibility of the mith. Axis of wines, bird, lively, warm, ale rozkrish doloni - to fly and not maє її. Echo tsoma i row "one єdine Rukh lips". Wimoviti word - fly away, do not turn. for Tsvєtaєvoї an important leathery sound is given to the name of the block. If "l" is left out, the image is blamed for something light, cold, black. So the row appeared "I'm yours - my kryzhinka." Kryzhinka - tse cold taєmnitsі, scho glossy, dotik to the deepest depths of the soul.

The musical palette of the virsha is oversized: here is the sound of a bubo, and the clap of a trigger, and stupidly accumulates. The word "block" absorbs all sounds, all farbi, so nicely applied to the canvas by the artist. Vіn i "a little ball, sleepy on a fly", and "a stone, thrown at quiet rates". So I want to repeat the words of the Flower from the third stanza, which make the sound of a kiss. Blok Tsvєtaєvoї - її kokhannya, love is spiritual, unearthly. Flowering almost seems to be near the sound of the poet's name of the light of the snow mask: "key, screaming, blaky" Symbolically and those who remain the word verse - "deep" - to avenge all the sounds of the poet's name and roam with him, even if he is the poet of the worldless, like .

The syntax of the verse is much closer to the syntax of the locale itself. The colors of vicorist's wordless syntactical constructions, which allow you to reach especially expressiveness in the transmission of your feelings. The propositions fix the present hour, but also the dominating peculiarities, hour by hour character. Stink on the immortality of Blok. Tse allows you to accentuate respect for the main one for her - the associative series. The axis is why the tension, the poet's stiffness is so great. Flowering victorious syntactic parallelism: prompting syntactic constructions 1 and 3 stanzas are scrambled to give completeness and coherence to the composition. Anaphora "I'm yours" betrays our respect for itself keyword and try to suffocate the poet. Navit dash at Tsvetaeva is syntactically poignant - it is necessary to pause. Helps color and inversion. Vaughn to rob the rows especially smooth: ".. at a light clatter ...". Zoro's image Helps Blok to create stitches: metaphors ("birds at the hands", "my kryzhinka") - the stench hangs emotionally before the poet; epiteti ("lower cold of unruly winds"); specialization ("called the trigger"), so that the image of Blok is more alive, so that it is remembered.

Rozpovіd is treated not so much by the plot, as by the energy of Tsvetaeva's monologue. Qiu energy gives the skin yoga element.