May Bogachikhin - Humanology: a person can do everything. Cancer Treatment with Qigong - Traditional Cancer Treatments Qigong Therapy for Cancer Treatment

Oncological diseases and tumors, to the great regret of doctors all over the world, continue to only tirelessly gain momentum.

That is why non-traditional medicine is increasingly replacing medicine, and here the qigong technique has managed to recommend itself - it has begun to be used more and more often against cancer. It is not very difficult, but, according to experienced practitioners and esotericists, it is able to heal literally all diseases.

Chinese Medicine Cancer Treatment

The healing power of qigong is based on one simple law: everything living in our world is a product of energy Qi, and we are its physical carriers. Diseases and ailments in the human body arise for the only reason - this energy does not circulate well in the physical body or is blocked by something.

Qigong is designed to rid a person of these invisible blockers - thanks to regular exercises, points of a kind of energy blockage are eliminated, and health improves significantly, immunity becomes strong, the disease recedes, and then disappears altogether.

In fact, it is logical to explain the healing power of Qigong is very simple - after all, even this word is formed from the word “ Qi", And in Chinese energy Qi literally sounds like "air" or "breath".

Thus, working on the qigong technique, everyone can get the opportunity to heal, fill their body with the life-giving primordial energy of all Qi... Its entry into the body is very simple, because qigong is primarily a breathing technique of the ancient Taoist monks, and they knew for sure that oxygen is the main source of energy Qi.

In other words, thanks to simple manipulations with our breathing and simple physical exercises, we can literally "drive" invisible currents into our physical shell Qi, and already they, getting into our body, get to work and ... can heal the body even from cancer! An effective alternative method always exists, and qigong in oncology is clearly worth a try.

What you need to know to heal with Qigong

First, the healing qigong technique itself has a number of specific features that you should be aware of. So, it is necessary to practice either in the fresh air or in a well-ventilated room in order to provide inhalation with fresh oxygen of the same powerful invisible flow Qi.

  • In addition, the clothing of the practitioner according to the old Chinese method is also important. She must be comfortable and not restricting movement. Ideally sewn from cotton.
  • You should practice qigong for medicinal purposes regularly, namely, every day and at the same time.
  • You need to start classes when there is no moral decline in your soul, you do not experience bad emotions, nothing oppresses you.
  • Since the main therapeutic effect of qigong is determined by the respiratory system, it is important not to forget about the need for proper breathing and monitor it.

If the disease has already hit the body and caused serious harm to health, then it is better not to waste time, but immediately resort to the help of an experienced health qigong specialist. The practitioner will help you quickly master all the rules, learn the lessons, and also make sure that the exercises and breathing techniques are performed correctly and with the required accuracy.

At the moment, it will not be difficult to find a qigong club or such courses, because they open all over the world, and the number of adherents of this healing technique is only growing every day. Correctly mastering qigong, leaving cancer forever in the past is a chance given by ancient oriental knowledge and skills that have developed in secret from the whole world over hundreds of years.

There is oral evidence from practitioners, according to which it is argued that one of the experienced qigong practitioners was able to heal his sick spouse from cancer by simply directing energy flows into her during classes. Qi.

But that's not all. Many of us have heard out of our ears about the inexplicable skills of Eastern monks and Chinese warriors. And this is not a myth. Having mastered the flows Qi, Chinese monks are able to break bricks into crumbs with their bare hands, endure blows with a huge sledgehammer without any harm to their own bodies, and also walk on hot coals with ease.

Until now, qigong is used by the modern world as a hardening of the physical body and soul in martial arts wushu.

How to Get Started with Therapeutic Healing Qigong

If you decide to practice qigong on your own, then you should first get a good desktop manual, or study ready-made courses on a virtual network. This is necessary in order to avoid mistakes in the technique of performing the exercises, to insure yourself against wasted time.

But do not regret it to study the philosophy of qigong, or at least familiarize yourself with it. The more you know about the history of this outlandish healing method that came to us from China, the more likely you will have a chance of a successful outcome.

You need to understand what energy is Qiwhy it is so important to our health, how to manage it and how to use it purposefully to heal our own ailments.

After you familiarize yourself with the basics and history of Eastern culture, the methods of which you are going to use, you can go directly to the practice of healing qigong. It is best to do it according to the ready-made scheme given in the books on practice. The following publications are very popular: Won Kyu Kit "The Art of Qigong", Jin Tse and Hu Zhangui "Universal Qigong Therapy".

In the first manual, much attention is paid to the history of the origin of Eastern practice, its philosophy and roots, the importance of awareness and acceptance of the subtle world, inaccessible to our eyes. The second book is a direct guide for home use with the aim of curing physical diseases and strengthening the body.

An important rule to follow when practicing qigong for the purpose of healing from physical ailments: when working with energy Qi (while doing exercises and breathing system) mentally focus your attention, directing the flow to the place of your body that needs healing.

So it will be easier to cope with the flow Qiif you visualize it in your head: imagine that Qi has texture, color and weight, that it is a powerful stream of light or warm flame that penetrates your body through the larynx, visualize it.

To a large extent, the effect of Qigong practice will depend on your own faith. The systematic execution and correctness of the technique is great, but you have to connect all spheres of your existence in order to get a really strong and healing effect, and not just the physical shell.

Qigong against cancer is an effective and real remedy, according to most experienced practitioners. In our world to this day there are many things that science is unable to explain, but which really exist. And the positive feedback from people around the world is a clear confirmation of this.

Ecology of health: Our texts say that the use of natural medicines allows you to minimize possible side effects during treatment and optimize the healing process.

Our texts say that the use of natural medicines allows you to minimize possible side effects during treatment and optimize the healing process. ©Dr. Namgyal Qusar

Today my report is devoted to cancer treatment according to the principles of Tibetan medicine.

I would like to give you a brief idea of \u200b\u200bhow we treat cancer according to the principles of Tibetan medicine, namely the main stages: control of the disease in the initial stages, local control, and detoxification of the body and restoration of its energies. The next stage is healing, harmonization of body and spirit. At all these stages, four main integrative methods are very important. As well as diet, lifestyle, herbal intake and all other complementary therapies.

Let me give you an example of a story that happened to my patient. A Tibetan woman over the age of 60 has contacted me for five years. So ... we know each other well.

After about four years of dating, I noticed some changes on her face. I found a little education. The mole on her face became larger and changed color, became darker, brown and asymmetrical, no longer round. I have done some research and we have discussed in detail what is going on. I told her that I found some changes in the body, on her face, and they should be investigated immediately. In my understanding, everything should be fine - her digestive and genitourinary systems are working normally, her pulse is normal. But we should definitely check it out at the hospital. We discussed this with her daughter. I told her that it looks like cancer, but nevertheless, if it is not cancer, it is good, but if it is so, we should not disturb the patient ahead of time.

The hospital took a biopsy and found neoplastic changes, confirmed the presence of cancer cells. And suddenly everyone panicked. I said no need to worry, we need to find out more in more detail ... I turned to her husband and daughter with a request to exercise local control, carry out all the doctor's prescriptions, and then continue the treatment with the use of Tibetan medicine.

The patient was examined for other complications. Fortunately, it was an uncomplicated, localized cancer. The doctor suggested surgery. The patient went into shock, not knowing what to do. They came to me after this consultation and asked my advice. Yes, since this is a local formation, it must be removed immediately. But they still couldn't decide what to do. They turned to our Tibetan lamas for advice. And even they said that they had to operate immediately.

Until the moment the patient went to the operation, she and her family were very worried, and I tried to support them all the time. I asked them not to worry, saying that the woman's energies are in optimal condition, and therefore she can easily cope with this operation. Ultimately, they decided to undergo surgery. The tumor was removed.

Two or three days later, the woman returned home and visited me. The doctors who operated on her confirmed that the decision to consent to the operation was timely. Of course, after the operation, you do not immediately feel healthy, you need some time for rehabilitation.

After about a year, she went to the hospital for control. Everything was clean. I prescribed several medications for her while the treatment continued. As you can imagine, controlling the initial state is very important. If I had not advised her to go to surgeons, but to start treatment with Tibetan methods, it would not have been a very smart decision on my part.

There are tons of cancerous conditions, according to Tibetan medicine, that we need to control locally. For example, stomach cancer, which is very common in Tibetan society. Tibetans must control this condition by monitoring the presence of H. pylori, because many of us have elevated levels of this bacterium, which leads to stomach cancer.

It is also necessary to control the risk of developing urinary tract cancer. If we practice Tibetan medicine for the sake of Tibetan medicine, this is not correct, it should not be so. We must practice any kind of medicine for the benefit of our patients, for the benefit of people. Therefore, we must first of all think about how to help the patient.

Diet and lifestyle are similar medications and are important in all stages of cancer treatment. Diet and lifestyle are always very important - we can live without drugs, but we cannot live without food. We live to live and do work, not just the one we enjoy. This is what our way of life is. Diet and lifestyle are equally important as prevention and treatment.

When treating cancer, the impact you get from the social environment is also important. It is important to support the patient mentally, to prepare him for possible upcoming trials: pain, sadness, nervousness, depression. In Tibetan medicine, we say that the patient, the doctor and the support group (nurses, family, environment) are equally important. The doctor must be professional and have sufficient skills in his field. The patient should be calm, confident and trust the doctor. And the support you get from your family or someone else should help, give the right food at the right time.

In addition, we prescribe herbal medicines to improve the quality of life of patients and prolong their life. Our texts say that the use of natural medicines allows you to minimize possible side effects during treatment and optimize the healing process.

In our medical tradition, heat is actively used. We apply heat at points that allow us to awaken energy and direct it to diseased organs and tissues ... I believe that the radiation therapy that we use now within the framework of traditional medicine and our heat therapy are very similar. The difference is in the intensity and aggressiveness of the treatment, and the choice of the affected side for treatment. The approach is the same, we have been using it for a long time. Treatment should be personalized and empathic, and each patient should feel supported.

From the point of view of Tibetan medicine, it is necessary to eat all types of food, but in moderation, whether we are talking about taste, consistency or something else. You must eat according to your constitution. Therefore, each diet may have its own characteristics, but we must determine if it is right for you or not.

If you have a Water or Earth type constitution, you should avoid large amounts of cold food, garlic in the morning, because if you eat garlic in the morning, it will make you even more tired. Moreover, it will make you sicker. You should eat the most natural food as it grows. This is our serious problem today. There are so many things today and everything looks so delicious, especially in grocery stores. But grocery stores are not for us, we shouldn't buy food there. They are created in order to sell, and we, in turn, must know what we need. If we know this, we are safe.

We are always told that it is very important to change consumer tastes, that there are tons of foods that we can eat. Marketers know that people's opinions can be controlled by presenting the product correctly. It’s not their fault, but ours - if we don’t buy, they won’t sell. If you go for more organic, naturally grown food, they'll have to sell it. And when we buy everything that is sold, we become victims. Unfortunately, we are all victims. Is always.

It is very important to eat warm food, which is what Tibetan medicine preaches. Not every time, of course, because sometimes we need warm food, sometimes cold food. Of course, a lot depends on age, season, weather, etc. But make sure you are not only eating cold foods, you should eat warm foods at least once a day. And you need to drink more clean water.

There are certain types of food that we all know - you can find them in any dietary book. This is the kind of food that I find healthy. I also recommend it because it warms and balances energies. In India, people consume many different types of vegetables that are considered harmful to the digestive system. As soon as there are problems with the digestive tract, chronic diseases, especially cancer, it is necessary to make sure that the person is eating the right food.

It is necessary to know if there is black lentil in the patient's diet, it is also called Magendal (dal - lentil). Also rajma - brown beans, potatoes, cabbage. All of these foods are believed to lead to gas in the stomach. Make sure patients with digestive problems do not consume these foods. All Tibetan doctors advise patients to avoid potatoes, white rice, and cabbage. The reason is that when cancer develops, our body goes through a stressful phase, and during this time, food that provokes the formation of gas is harmful.

In turn, berries must be included in the diet. For example, a berry such as terbu or goji. Today they are very famous throughout India and even in China. A lot of research is being done on these berries. We have been actively using them in Tibetan medicine for many centuries. They are not so popular in Ayurveda, but now Ayurvedic doctors are actively researching the beneficial therapeutic effects of consuming this berry. Especially aqutino has been studied for its benefits in the fight against cancer.

In Indian medicine, this berry has no name. The Hindus began to call it charma, but it is a Tibetan word meaning thorn. We have a Tibetan name for this berry - "terbu", and there is a synonym - "lauzerma". Since this plant has thorns, they simply named it with a Tibetan word to somehow denote a plant.

Terbu or goji is one of the most important ingredients in cancer treatment and is also used as an anti-inflammatory.

It is recommended to pay attention to keeping the digestive tract warm during treatment. Spices provide this perfectly. Turmeric is well known to everyone, it has an anti-toxic effect. It also perfectly removes toxins from the body, heals wounds. Coriander also has an anti-inflammatory effect in the digestive tract. Cinnamon improves digestion. Ginger has a similar effect and also adds strength. Cardamom is especially beneficial for improving blood circulation and metabolism. It is actively used for kidney cancer. Garlic and onions are good at relieving stress, soothing lung energy. Black pepper is also helpful.

There are no papayas and avocados and other healthy vegetables and fruits in Tibet, but now we live in a world in which all this is easy to get, so they also need to be eaten. In our opinion, these fruits are warm in nature and light on the stomach. Pomegranate is especially famous for this - we often use it in our Tibetan formulas because it keeps the digestive tract warm and keeps the mucous membranes healthy. We believe that this is the best fruit because we know that all five elements are harmoniously combined in it.

In Tibetan books there are separate chapters on cancer treatment, which say that very sweet, sour, salty foods should be especially avoided. They act like a toxin, like a poison. It is clear that everyone has their own tastes, but everything should be used in moderation. Especially sweet! You need to reduce your intake of sweets in any form, because if you eat a lot of sweets, you consume a lot of the elements of Earth and Water, and in excess they are toxic. Eat more natural foods and avoid excessively hot foods, alcohol, coffee and large quantities of carbonated drinks. Sauces, mayonnaise, foods with excess fat - all this should also be excluded.

We also do not recommend eating fried foods. We recommend that you give preference to cooked or steamed food. These are some dietary guidelines for everyone, especially cancer patients.

Physical activity.

And finally, our main recommendation, at all stages of cancer disease, is regular exercise, regular movement, because our modern society is a victim of a sedentary lifestyle. Of course, exercises such as yoga or tai chi are especially good, because the main purpose of yoga is to balance the five basic energies of the body.

I am personally very familiar with tai chi, because I had a student who learned this gymnastics from the best master, and I studied with him for a couple of years. Unfortunately, I'm not a very athletic person, I stopped exercising after he left, and now I just don't remember what to do. But it's a great sport! Whenever I practiced Tai Chi in the morning, I felt completely different - young, fresh, even my memory improved. So we must move, this is important.

You also need to control your weight. When a person has cancer or heart disease, the first priority is to lose weight. And we can control it by playing sports, of course.

As a result of my research, I found that it is very important to reduce the intake of carbohydrates, white rice, bread, etc. At least when we talk about diet, carbohydrates should be up to 30%, and vegetables - the remaining 70%. I think it's a wise decision to keep track of your weight.

Bad habits, addictions, drugs, chewing tobacco - we all know that this leads to cancer.

It is very important to go to bed at the right time. In fact, the formula here is simple - as soon as it gets dark, we have to go to bed. At the very least, we should fall asleep earlier and get up earlier. This is especially true for cancer patients.

The patient should immediately change their lifestyle as soon as the diagnosis has been made. The patient himself, his family and friends must be prepared to face these challenges. One of the most important is psychological preparation. You have to be psychologically ready! Once we have made a decision and started mentally preparing ourselves, we will find a way to defeat cancer.

And let's try to make life as simple as possible. Emotion management is very important! As soon as you wake up in the morning, wish everyone well. You all know that the Tibetan people are poor, but when we pray, we pray for the welfare of all mankind. It’s not because we don’t have cancer, it’s because the well-being of others is more important than our own. When you have such a mentality, it will help you minimize problems in the event of a serious illness, minimize suffering. The simple practice of training the mind is very helpful. I will voice this phrase: we must motivate ourselves with the thought that all living beings are more important than us, and everything has a higher purpose. When I am in a company, I consider myself the lowest of all, and sincerely perceive others as smarter, stronger and more important ...

In each of my actions, I will appeal to my mind at the moment when my emotions take over me. I will stand firm against them, as they can harm both me and others. When I see a creature who is sick by nature, suffering from a disease, I treat him as a rare and priceless treasure.

When someone attacks me out of anger, I will give up and let them win. If I really believed in someone and had high hopes, but they did not come true, I will perceive this person as a true spiritual teacher.

As you know, Tibetan medicine is part of Buddhist philosophy and practice, and Tibetan doctors are obviously Buddhists. But our duty is to heal not only Buddhists, but everyone. And this kind of mind training that I talked about earlier is suitable for everyone. Whenever we come across a patient who is not a Buddhist but wants to find his way, I always recommend this mind training. You don't have to believe in Buddha for this. With the help of this practice, a person opens himself, opens his heart. When we open ourselves, we go beyond limits and limitations.

The last stage of cancer treatment in Tibetan medicine is healing and harmonization of the body and energies. You see, we use a lot of multicomponent drugs. We are talking about integrative medicine, so we are talking about integrated components. Some compresses are made with a decoction of more than 25 herbs. The main reason for this multicomponent approach is that we need to harmonize body and mind.

I would like to mention one of the components that has been researched in the laboratory and which has proven to be very strong anti-carcinogenic effect. If you go to the website of our university, you will see a publication about this research. Compliance with dietary and lifestyle recommendations will help not only you, but the people around you, those you trust, those who are mentally stronger than you - they can also help you prepare for treatment. When we are mentally ready, we know how to best manage and deal with our emotions. In my experience, when a patient is prepared, he responds well to any treatment, including Tibetan. Tibetan medicine is primarily an integrative approach.published

II Conference on Integrative Medicine, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSpain
translation with minor changes -

Tumors are common diseases. Their distinctive feature is the emergence of formations from rapidly growing cells in any organs. Tumors, depending on their nature, are divided into two large classes - benign and malignant.

A benign tumor develops slowly and can retain its original size for a long time. A membrane is formed around the tumor, and it does not metastasize. Surgically, the tumor is easily removed completely, usually without recurrence. The most common benign tumors are adipose tissue, fibromas, angiomas, and smooth muscle tumors.

The malignant tumor grows relatively quickly, often spreads to nearby organs, easily metastases, and therefore it is difficult to remove the tumor completely. The probability of recurrence is very high, the danger to the body is also extremely high.

Of course, the idea of \u200b\u200bbenign and malignant tumors is not at all absolute. So, if a benign tumor grows in any of the vital organs, for example, in the brain, then a serious threat to human health is also possible. Moreover, some benign tumors may tend to become malignant. For example, the occurrence of polyps in the large intestine (tumor polyps) is referred to as a benign tumor, which, however, easily turns into a malignant one. Therefore, the prevention of this disease is extremely important.

In recent years, a combination of both Western and Chinese methods of treating malignant tumors has been used in outpatient treatment of patients. Some success has been achieved in this area. In treatment, in addition to surgery, radiation, chemotherapy and drug therapy, an important role is played by the use of exercises that strengthen the body and increase its resistance to external influences. Training in the treatment of cancer * of the liver, stomach, intestines and lungs noticeably strengthens the patient's body, keeps the further growth of cancer cells under control, and prolongs the patient's life. Tumor training methods are listed below.

1. Relaxation method while lying or sitting. Use the method of concentrating on "good entities". Breathing naturally or using the deep breathing method.

2. Stand in a high stance with hand pressure down from 5 to 20 minutes.

3. Qigong in motion. Distance 500 m; it can be adjusted according to the patient's condition. You can also practice using the Qigong Movement Method developed by Guo Lin.

4. "Qigong of the Great Limit", one complex.

5. Perform the "ten pieces of brocade" complex while lying or sitting.

6. Influence with a complex of massaging and patting.

Qigong training for cancer treatment. - The use of qigong techniques for the treatment of oncological diseases requires extreme caution, however, the undoubted success in cases where all other methods were ineffective, cause increased attention to this particular area of \u200b\u200bqigong therapy. See: Anticancer qigong therapy // TsiS. - 1991. - No. 3, 4; Zhang Mingwu. Anticancer qigong therapy // Ibid. - 1993. - No. 3-6; 1994. - No. 1; Shi Chengyuan. "Contemplation" gave me a "second" life // Ibid. - 1994. - No. 1.

This discovery opens the way to new directions of research aimed at developing methods treatment metastatic cancer breast. Medical scientists led by Peter Zhou Professor of Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry in the UK ... or substances that can block the interaction of Snail and LSD1 and provide therapeutic pathways treatment metastatic cancer breast. Already scientists at the McKay Cancer Center have seized on this idea and started ...

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It can become the basis for new methods of cancer therapy. Cancer is one of the most difficult treatment diseases. Every case of the disease cancer is unique because it depends on a combination of various factors ... hair follicles divide very quickly and the drugs act on them too. Many scientists wanted to come up with a method treatment from cancer, similar in its action to a computer program, following the strict instructions of the conditional operators: kill only cancer ...

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Even blood poisoning. Therefore, with an abscess, wherever it is (on the skin or in an organ), surgical treatment - opening the abscess and emptying its cavity. To prevent abscesses, in case of damage to the skin and mucous membranes (cuts, injections, abrasions ... you need to make sure that a little brandy or alcohol. Then bandage your finger. It is advisable to leave the bandage on overnight. After that, the pus and swelling quickly disappear. III. Treatment abscesses by conspiracies 1. Pour into a cup ...

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Deaths between cancers in the UK. 36 thousand people are diagnosed with this disease every year. Most often cases of the disease cancer intestines are found in old age. Chemotherapy is sometimes used for treatment, as this can cause more damage to the health of the patient who is in old age and has poor health ...

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cancer and other serious malfunctions in the body. “It is believed that such genetic disorders can be corrected by genes from ... the brain. Thus, scientists were able to prove the possibility of using a combination of gene methods and stem cells for treatment treatment using conventional medicines. “Despite the fact that we have not a single patient yet ...

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Forms of cancer. Moreover, even after bone marrow transplantation, patients remain at high risk of developing cancer and other serious malfunctions in the body. "It is believed that such genetic disorders can be corrected by genes ... of the brain. Thus, scientists were able to prove the possibility of using a combination of genetic methods and stem cells for treatment a genetic disease that is not amenable to treatment using conventional medicines. "Despite the fact that we have not a single patient yet ...

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A well-known drug used for treatment HIV infection may prove to be an effective treatment against the human papillomavirus (HPV), which causes cancer cervix. The discovery of scientists from the University of Manchester could save thousands ... in addition, they believe that lopinavir is able to cope with other types of HPV. Clinical trials of a new technique treatment HPV will start soon. Since lopinavir is a well-known drug with well-studied properties, the authorization for ...

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The doctor can only determine the localization and size of any changes in the mammary gland. Unambiguously diagnose “ cancer"No specialist will undertake. Therefore, a sample of the altered tissue is taken for microscopic examination, so that ... the tactics of further treatment... The selection of cells is performed using a fine needle. The procedure is no more painful than a regular intramuscular injection. Contrary to popular belief, a biopsy cannot help spread cancer... And most importantly - ...

Treating cancer with qigong.

Qigong as one of the informational methods of influencing pathology.

A video on qigong treatment for cancer was filmed at the Beijing Clinic for Drug-Free Therapy.

The heroine of the tape is a sick woman with a gallbladder tumor with a diameter of three inches. The tumor is monitored using ultrasound equipment. During the experiment, doctors begin to influence a woman without physically touching her body. For 2 minutes and 40 seconds, they hold the image of this woman's perfect mental health.
As a result, it becomes visible on the monitor screen how the swelling gradually disappearswithout leaving a piece of dead tissue.
This method can also be called informational. Only the carrier of information in this case are thought forms or vibrational thought patterns.
In the literal sense, there is no carrier substrate, information is transmitted through some unknown channel, more precisely, the information field. But, nevertheless, the reality of such a transfer of information today has been finally proven. It would seem that this is the best of all the proposed information methods of influence.
Unfortunately, this is not the case, and its effectiveness is limited. The key to the success of this method is the patient's absolute faith in its effectiveness.
In this regard, material information carriers, directly affecting one or another system of the body, have a greater therapeutic effect. In my opinion, the future belongs to them.

Hado healing method.

A variety of qigong is the Japanese hado method. More details about him are written in the book: "The Healing Power of Hado" by Toyoko Matsuzaki.

The hado force can affect not only the essence of matter, but also the human mind and body. People call it healing. Hado power can reveal hidden symptoms of diseases and problems. This method is especially effective during postoperative rehabilitation of tumor patients. The power of hado is used to focus on the healing process. In this case, you need to follow common sense: this is not magic, this method cannot replace conventional medicines, however, if all conditions are met, the results can be miraculous.
The Hado specialist is able to identify abnormalities in the human body. In this case, the air around the affected area is heavy and dense - it is like a black shadow.

Healing with Hado can be performed with equal efficiency both in the presence of a person and at a distance. This is a noticeable advantage of the method. The only difference between direct and remote use of the hado force is that the direct effect is softer and wider, in most cases it is sent by touching the hands and fingers, while the remote one is much sharper, has a higher speed and goes directly to
and the place that needs healing.
By sending hado to the present patient, the specialist receives the hado energy back and has a connection
from sick, which sometimes helps to correct the impact. This phenomenon is based on the circulation of the hado. And its interaction with the energy of another person.

Some people can heal after a few sessions, while others take at least six months to see an improvement in their condition. The book provides the following seemingly incredible healing examples.

The woman with a laryngeal tumor was so weak that she could not swallow, she only took liquid food. Doctors gave the patient a life span of several months. The only salvation was seen in an urgent operation and the introduction of a tube into the stomach area for direct food intake. Literally one day after the exposure to the Hado energy at a distance, the patient was able to swallow normal food normally! Shortly thereafter, the scheduled surgery was canceled.

Here's another fairly telling example.

Patients with prolonged lung cancer are described. One of them the tumor disappeared after a couple of days after the hado power was sent to him, another's illness disappeared one day after the hado power was sent. In both cases, doctors performed double and triple X-rays and concluded that they could not explain this phenomenon from a scientific point of view.
Both patients reported that they felt pain when they received the energy message. This can be explained quite simply - since hado is not something magical, patients sometimes suffer from the pain of dynamic recovery.

With the help of the hado system, self-healing sessions can be performed.

Further - The relationship between alcohol intake and hypertension

The main reason for the occurrence of intervertebral hernia is a violation of metabolic processes, trauma, hereditary factors.
Subdivided into cervical, thoracic and lumbar hernia. Treatment is most often surgical.