Reputable Internet Service Provider. Choosing a home Internet provider - which one is better? Swedish provider's search

Rest visit: Polina

contract number: 94791024

“Our booth is undergoing a major overhaul. They changed the electric switchboard, for the whole day they switched on the electrician in the mustache booth. After that, as they pointed out, the Internet was born. "Diagno..." Troubleshooting" on the computer, it looks like: "DNS server is not responding." The router was reset, there was no result. Investigative people, building storage 2 and 2, building and understanding that they were able to understand each other, and now it became possible for the booth in the course of these electrical connections and replacements, NetByNet practitioners don’t see such things until Friday Friday, I literally described the situation of technical support and asked for a maystr to correct the situation. wound (Especially welcome! Spіvrobіtniki elementary rules garni tone not trained to dorimuvatisya or they have, "if you get up, then it's early"?) I phoned the young man, kind of pleading z'yasuvati, what happened Doba: Shvidka reaction, right? Give more ... You start to tell me that I have everything on "Na Bashilivtsi" I think I live at a different address, and I don't just live at a different address, but: th agreement (and vіn I have є in a paper look), in Russian in white a new address was written, - having gone to the support service last time, I already stumbled with it, that I “live” in Bashilivtsі and nibito just when I change the telephone number there already rewrote the address to a new one. After that, as I was fooled (On the third turn of the service, it is possible to fix the addresses of subscribers, nі? Overwhelming task?), young man, having begun, after this words, again make changes to my address and now check again for the correct address. After telling me that it is necessary to viїhati maistru (Axis of novelty! Unsupported, so unsupported!), and immediately switch over to complete the application. After listening to music (The company started listening to music on the phone, I think it’s correct - the other day I heard the melody of 10 hvilin, until it got nabridlo) the girl noticed and began to fill out an application. "So, you have Nova Bashilivka ..." I already started crying in what place, I know! What the hell is smoking there? How does the database look like? Addresses of subscribers manually in the journal recorded in the line??? Why does the clerk have his own handwritten copy, and not just one copy from everyone??? After a black emotional look at the topic of my address, becoming an apotheosis: I was called to the arrival of the maister the day after tomorrow - at Mondays on the day! If I want to work on weekdays and I don’t sit at home in the apparition of the master’s appearance to the people, but I can call on Wednesday after April 16. Guys, do you know? Courtyards of the 21st century. I can be delivered for five years and serious faces for a day. It's a good hour for me. And you suggest to come and try to repair the Internet in 5 days after the application??? You live in the countryside, you move around, and you have a staff of two people?! Tse is not serious. Obviously, for the first time, I already settled with another provider. Tomorrow at 9:30 am I will come to connect the Internet. NoByNo - no-no, bye-bye!

If you choose which Internet is better for connecting to your home, the options can be significantly improved - fallow in the cost of living, financial opportunities, and other factors.

The simplest food is for the bagmen great places, Skladnishe - for small settlements, there is no way to find a good provider, and there are more cottage villages.

In spite of the modern technologies and the breadth of the services of the Internet, the problem of skin potency coristuvacha with connections to the mesh is completely viable.

From that hour, as soon as a mobile and satellite link appeared, whether it was possible to take access to the border for the help of a router or a receiver, it was impossible to put a wireless Internet into the booth.

In case of tsomu, it’s like living in the borders of the place, sometimes it’s more accessible and connected in the same way.

That's for the help of fiber optics, which provides more security and, as a rule, traffic limits.

Features of choice

When choosing a specific option for connecting to the Internet, the sorcerer's house varto check the visibility of the cover.

As a rule, the skin provider may for this special form on the official website.

I want to be in front of him, like to speed up with her, I want to know approximately, like operators to serve this place in the region.

You can also find out about it in the merezhі, having connected to it in another way (for example, from another booth or by phone).

Having distinguished yourself by this method of z'ednannya with a fence, it is necessary:

  1. Choose the most suitable option for the swede and price, as well as their dekilka;
  2. Get in touch with the representatives of the Internet provider and do it with the drive of the opposite option and the necessary for the robotic possession;
  3. Get the service of connection and purchase (or rent) of equipment.

After that, the merging has been carried out, and the robot has been paid, it is necessary to fix the computer, router and 3G modem (this is why it is necessary).

And then we’ll start using the Internet, virishuyuchi zavdannya, for some of them they connected.

If you need to go to the account frequently, you can add unlimited tariffs or accept such packages of services, which will ensure a significant increase in traffic.

Ale, as if the merging is needed more periodically (for more strength, it’s more like, for example, more often at the weekend), it’s better to choose options with a limit.

And even more briefly - tariffs, in which payment is charged less than the day when you enter the Internet.

Where to take the Internet, why is there no yoga? Internet for local// Internet for dachas

If you live in a private booth outside the city, then the company does not want to pull the Internet to you. In this video, I tell about those who got out of this situation.

Provided Internet

The most popular option for connecting a private booth to the gate is the dart internet.

If you want the possibility of yoga to be carried out, it is far from being at a private skin booth - you should forget it at the district of the zamіska.

Nasampered, to the fact that the provider pays for the arrangements for the maintenance of the services outside the boundaries of the booth.

The less potential customers there are in the region, the less sense there is to run a cable there.

At the same time, as in the booth, you can secure wide-range access, the maximum speed increases to 100 Mb/s and more.

In addition, the correspondent can choose one of two connection options:

  1. Direct connection with a computer (PC or laptop) - go to the booth for more than one outbuilding;
  2. Wi-Fi router, which can transmit data to other technologies - smartphones, laptops, computers with Wi-Fi, tablets and TVs.

Mal. 1 Drotov connection to the fence.

High speed and daytime limit, typical for a wired connection, allow you to watch high quality video, hold Skype conferences and IP TV broadcasts.

And the only shortfall of such a connection can be called the fussiness of the fence before the singing month.

So, for example, turning home after a trip to the dacha, the koristuvach cannot enter the fence for the help of the same link, as it is possible to work with a dartless access.

Direct connection

The option of direct connections at the merezhі is the best.

The speed of the measure can reach 100 Mbit / s and reach 1 Gb / s (if such a meeting is unlikely to encourage companies, it is possible to conduct a measure in private booths).

Most of all, the direct connection of vicorous sacks of a low-surface dwelling in the boundaries of the town of dacha cottages, stowing nearby large settlements.

As a rule, such services are offered only by operators on a national scale.


Another way to connect to a private house is a digital ADSL line.

Vіn become possible for the presence of a telephone line, which allows you to secure a speed of up to 60 Mbit / s.

Advantages of the option - call the average tariffs of telephone providers - packages with unlimited traffic.

And the swedishness to dosit is great for cherishing for the help of the Internet, it’s practical whether it’s a day.

It is possible to call a small area covered by such a measure as small, especially at a time, if the number of subscribers in telephone companies is progressively decreasing.

Mal. 2 ADSL modem for Internet access.

Dartless Internet

Dart-free technologies allow you to take a greater level of mobility of the coristuvach mesh.

So, with one and the same tariff, with different 2G, 3G or 4G modems, you can use it in the city, in the village, and in the country.

One of the shortest options can be called instability and equally correct data transfer:

  • 2G-svyazok, accessible to the Vlasniks of practically any mobile phone, allows you to take the speed of no more than 64 kb/s;
  • 3G-link is the most important parameter for dozens of times - up to 3.6 Mb/s;
  • modems and telephones with 4G connections provide practically the same capacity, which is wired - up to 100 Mb / s (inode - up to 1 Gb / s).

Mal. Testing the speed of a 4G call.

Vtіm, no matter how bad the maximum indicators of speed, the real value is most often richly less.

And for yoga, for example, a router with connections to a 3G / 4G modem will be needed with outbuildings.

If you want, for example, calls are made, for example, through a smartphone or a tablet, which mobile device can also act as a router.

At the same hour, the companion's link may appear richly stable and equally swedish. However, this option will be more expensive.

And the koristuvach can connect to the Internet, it’s less like going to the booth, where such a network has been carried out.

Natomist satellite can provide cover at any point of the world - navit there, where you can’t speed up with a telephone call.

satellite internet

A satellite link may have the following characteristics:

  • constant (and not changed by the duration of the day and in the fall depending on the number of subscribers who connected) speed up to 20 Mb/s;
  • I’ll cover it with a be-yakim city, a summer cottage village, and navit with a fox;
  • a high varity of victoriousness that, as a rule, reveals a limit.

In addition, for the operation of such a system, a special road is required - an antenna, a receiver, a satellite modem and an additional set for transmitting information (which is a necessary call).

As a result, the connection to the satellite should be chosen only in quiet weathers, if there are no other options to get a stable sound from the moon.

Mal. Satellite Internet at a private booth.

Internet 3G

One of the best options for the price and quality of a call is the 3G Internet.

Yogo can be connected via a modem or a smartphone that supports this technology (a tablet with a 3G module).

Vartіst vikoristannya services lie in vіd shvidkostі access and obyagu traffic.

To reach the most viable option, you can get connected to unlimited packages - get a high price for the stench of buildings and secure the robot in the least amount of buildings.

If you want to connect a 3G modem to a router, then you can do it, the versatility of some 3G modem is higher, lower at a sizable router.

Yak possility 3G Internet at the dacha and in the village

Do you want to increase the speed of 3G Internet? This video will show you exactly how you want to.


Internet GPRS, which can be used to speed up the transfer of old mobile phones, without providing high security access, more stability.

However, for the obviousness of such a link, one can enter the border beyond the borders of settlements, paying a small sum in equal amounts.

In addition, low speed to rob not such a low traffic limit - as a rule, on the day for the help of such a link, you can transfer or take no more than 100 Mb of data.

Mal. Structure of the GPRS network

4G/WiMAX call

The option of using 4G technology is becoming more and more popular in the last hour.

High speed, connected with wires (10-100 Mbit/s), compensates for the variability of such a connection.

Only one serious shortfall, through some kind of link until there is no need for extensions on the territory of the Russian Federation - it is possible to achieve a great cover.

In addition, there are not so many operators in proposing good services.

yak robiti 100% 4G internet

What kind of Internet is faster than a connection for a home! Ker_vnitstvo how to correctly choose the type of connection fallow in the place of residence and finance.

Features of choosing a router

Choose a router for the selected network next to the connection option.

And, for example, for a dart and satellite Internet, a decent router is sufficient, without a dart for the purchase of special equipment.

Robot routers have no other powers.

For 3G and 4G networks

Buying a 3G or 4G modem, for the help of which you can use a wireless Internet, you can secure calls to only one outbuilding.

The first way, which involves singing vitrates, is still more efficient.

Even with the help of an okrem (but not a chi not built-in chi brought to the computer) router, the signal will be strengthened by more than 10–20 dB.

As a result, it is possible to build a fence with a fence on a distance of a few dozen meters from a signal.

For droto internet

If you choose a direct connection to either an ADSL modem, the problem arises when you use a standard router - with 4 LAN sockets for wired communication and one or more decalcom antennas for a wireless connection.

The signal can be boosted by connecting additional antennas (skin acts as a booster by 3-5 dBi).

Porada: The larger the area of ​​the booth, the stronger the signal can be. So, for 100-150 sq. m і, more than two-or three-over-the-top, it is better to use a router with 3 antennas. And install a varto router closer to the center of life.

Likewise, at the dealership, a sprinkling of living quarters or a summer kitchen is stashed, so you need access to the fence, you can connect one more attachment - a repeater.

With this help, the signal will be strengthened, and the area covered will increase by tens of square meters.

And even more friendly for a large territory, the method is to install an additional access point (for example, another router).

Mal. 7 Repeater to strengthen the Wi-Fi signal.

Delivery of bags

If you choose the best option, you can connect to the Internet by purchasing the power of purchase.

And after that, as soon as the Internet appears at the booth, to deal with the problem of yogo transmission to the entire territory, it is necessary to secure access.

If you want to understand the situation, it’s easier to understand the situation by the connections themselves.

Internet at private booths

Internet at private booths, let's take a look at 4 ways to connect to the Internet at a private booth, sit or sit at a place

In the era of various online technologies, the Internet for the home has become such an invisible attribute, like dakh chi parkan. Navit more: as if half-mania parkan (as a rule) does not care to organize a cultural meeting with friends at the dacha, then going to the Internet booth can be a good way to send moods to the usual bagmen of fazendi.

And in this article, we can see which Internet is better for connecting to a home, and by some criteria, you can be wary in such a difficult diet.

Which home Internet is better than connecting: choose without choice

With the latest level of power technology, which Internet can be connected to a private booth, it would be better if you can’t turbulate the mind of technically unprepared coristuvachiv: choose the optimal tariff and enjoy life.

Unfortunately, it's not that simple. Really, the possibility of connecting to the Internet without intermediary to lie down in the form of roztashuvannya koristuvach, and zokrema - in the form of presence in this area of ​​various communications networks.

Under the power of "connect to the Internet" most of the wires can be laid on the street, including the laying of a tethered cable to a private booth. However, the formulation of nutrition is incorrect: in the first place, it is necessary to choose the optimal one. connection method to the all-world information measure, and then choose which Internet provider is more likely to connect, the range of services, tariffs, etc.

At the given hour (2016 rіk) for a private booth there are three principles different ways Internet connection:

  • - cable connection to the all-world information treasury;
  • - "mobile" connection for additional 3G and 4G technologies;
  • - satellite connection to the Internet in the private sector.

Given this, it is unambiguous that such an Internet could not be any better here: the leathery appearance of the day may be good and short. Let's talk about the skin type of connection to the home Internet.

Which dart internet is better than a connection?

Before the "conductive" types of the Internet lie:

  • - Connecting to an auxiliary tethered cable (twisted pair);
  • - Optical fiber connection;
  • - Connection via coaxial (television) cable;
  • - Connection by telephone line.

However, regardless of the solid “range”, it is important to choose which Internet is better for connecting for a private booth here simply: the “best” option is to connect for additional fiber optics or (as this technology has not yet been “dead” before you) with a mesh cable.

The communication network based on twisted parity and optical fiber is practically present in all places of the country, and most of the great providers are engaged in such services.

- When connected to the Internet, the pair will use the Ethernet technology (based on the TSP/IP protocols). Here, for the creation of an Internet connection, the company's specialists will extend a cable from the network provider (switch) to your booth.

In this rank, the koristuvach otrimu see the line with high quality and speed of transmission of information.

However, the signal is weaker on the great stretches of the bet, and the internet speed is declining. In this way, if the commutator is located at a distance of more than 100 meters from your donkey, it is necessary to install dodatkove possession(otherwise twist the other cable).

With the use of a cellular Internet, a wired cable can be:

Connect to the computer without intermediary (if you use the Internet, it's less on your PC);

Connect to your home router for (to connect to the Internet for as many as you like).

- The problem of signal failure is eliminated by fiber optics. However, the skin coristuvach does not have pennies for this connection: it’s not only the fiber itself that is expensive, but it’s all the same equipment that is victorious (media converters, SFP modules, routers and switches with optical roses).

Internet access with fiber optic connection is more comfortable.

So, although on a 4-core twisted pair (with a distance of no more than 100 meters) you can reach a maximum of 100 Mb / s, on an 8-core - up to 1000 Mb / s, then by fiber, the speed of the Internet can easily reach 1000 Mb / s on be any kind.

However, for single-button coronation, the capacity is 10 Mbit / s, and organizations, with a lower population, are more often corroborated by the Internet via fiber optics. Even though the Crimea has a high connection to the Internet, there is a proportionately high and sixty-four-hour subscription fee, as it is charged for “simple” access.

According to the tariff plan, the Internet here, as a rule, is supposed to be unlimited, and the number of services can be found in the limited accessibility of the Internet connection.

Internet for dacha: what is the best?

The optics are a twisted pair - great, good. And what kind of Internet is better to connect in the village, to what kind of communication facilities “did not reach”? It is irrational to pull an expensive optical cable into a hole for the sake of a dozen potential subscribers.

І here “for help” come other “reversed” communication technologies: for example, in the private sector, you can connect the Internet via a coaxial cable (cable television) and a telephone cable seen line).

Such an Internet can be carried out practically in any private booth: a modem is installed at the subscriber, which distributes the Internet for one of the following technologies:

- via TV cable - using DOCSIS technology. In the middle, here you can have a speed on the reception - 42/38 Mb / s, on the data - 10/9 Mb / s, the speed is given on the speed for the whole channel, so that in the private sector on the same cable "sit" a lot of subscribers , then the speed changes depending on the interest of this line.

- via a telephone cable for the help of merging technologies ADSL, Dual-Up and ISDN (if Dual-Up and ISDN connections were also established, these technologies are outdated). Theoretically, the speed of an ADSL connection can reach 24 Mb/s, but in practice, these figures are rarely reached: the actual “speed” of a telephone line is indicated.

However, for other equal ADSL connections, it will be far from being the largest power supply, which is connected to the Internet in a private booth. All the same, the cable connection to the all-world information network is richer and more stable than its non-drot analogues.

What kind of wireless Internet is better than connecting home?

Krim cable z'єdnannya z elektronnym pavutinnym, connect the Internet to a private booth can also be done with the help of wireless technologies.

The most accessible and popular here is a mobile connection to the information system for 3G and 4G technologies, which is hoped by various telephone operators.

This is the “universal” Internet, which connection can be found in the village and in the distant village: as a merezhev, style telephones (like GPRS modems) or special USB-modems

The advantage of the mobile Internet is that the coristuvach can freely move between the operator's radio stations. However, such a connection is very undesirable, and there is a lot of traffic here, lower than the "classic" cable connection.

If you need to connect the Internet at the dacha, far away from civilization, when a stylish phone is often displayed “beyond the access zone”, then you can only use a satellite dish to help you in this situation.

The possibility of installing such a facility is not weakly “hitting the gut”, that rich online add-ons with such a home Internet appear to be inaccessible - the satellite system has “problems” due to a blackout signal: skype and online cinema "galmuvatimut".

And in Denmark, the variant of the varto virishuvatisya only at the vipadku, if you plug in for the booth, the Internet doesn’t seem to be any shorter.

If you choose which Internet is better for connecting to your home, the options can be significantly improved - fallow in the cost of living, financial opportunities, and other factors.

The simplest food is better for the baggers of the great cities, the more complex - for small settlements, there is no way to find a high-quality provider, and, more importantly, cottages and summer cottages.

In spite of the modern technologies and the breadth of the services of the Internet, the problem of skin potency coristuvacha with connections to the mesh is completely viable.

Whenever a mobile and satellite link appears, whether it is possible to take access to the gate for help or a receiver, it is impossible to wind it into a booth.

In case of tsomu, it’s like living in the borders of the place, sometimes it’s more accessible and connected in the same way.

Having distinguished yourself by this method of z'ednannya with a fence, it is necessary:

  1. Choose the most suitable option for the swede and price, as well as their dekilka;
  2. Get in touch with the representatives of the Internet provider and do it with the drive of the opposite option and the necessary for the robotic possession;
  3. Get the service of connection and purchase (or rent) of equipment.

After that, the measure has been carried out, and її the work has been paid, it is necessary (for this reason the presence is necessary).

And then we’ll start using the Internet, virishuyuchi zavdannya, for some of them they connected.

If you need to go to the account frequently, you can add unlimited tariffs or accept such packages of services, which will ensure a significant increase in traffic.

Ale, as if the merging is needed more periodically (for more strength, it’s more like, for example, more often at the weekend), it’s better to choose options with a limit.

And even more briefly - tariffs, in which payment is charged less than the day when you enter the Internet.

Where to take the Internet, why is there no yoga? Internet for local// Internet for dachas

If you live in a private booth outside the city, then the company does not want to pull the Internet to you. In this video, I tell about those who got out of this situation.

Provided Internet

The most popular option for connecting a private booth to the gate is the dart internet.

If you want the possibility of yoga to be carried out, it is far from being at a private skin booth - you should forget it at the district of the zamіska.

Nasampered, to the fact that the provider pays for the arrangements for the maintenance of the services outside the boundaries of the booth.

The less potential customers there are in the region, the less sense there is to run a cable there.

At the same time, as in the booth, you can secure wide-range access, the maximum speed increases to 100 Mb/s and more.

In addition, the correspondent can choose one of two connection options:

  1. Direct connection with a computer (PC or laptop) - go to the booth for more than one outbuilding;
  2. Wi-Fi router, which can transmit data to other technologies - computers with Wi-Fi, and navit.

Mal. 1 Drotov connection to the fence.

High speed and daily limit, typical for a wired connection, allow you to watch high quality video, hold conferences and communicate with IP TV channels.

And the only shortfall of such a connection can be called the fussiness of the fence before the singing month.

So, for example, turning home after a trip to the dacha, the koristuvach cannot enter the fence for the help of the same link, as it is possible to work with a dartless access.

Direct connection

The option of direct connections at the merezhі is the best.

The speed of the measure can reach 100 Mbit / s and reach 1 Gb / s (if such a meeting is unlikely to encourage companies, it is possible to conduct a measure in private booths).

Most of all, the direct connection of vicorous sacks of a low-surface dwelling in the boundaries of the town of dacha cottages, stowing nearby large settlements.

As a rule, such services are offered only by operators on a national scale.


Another way to connect to the gate at a private booth is a digital line.

Vіn become possible for the presence of a telephone line, which allows you to secure a speed of up to 60 Mbit / s.

Advantages of the option - call the average tariffs of telephone providers - packages with unlimited traffic.

And the swedishness to dosit is great for cherishing for the help of the Internet, it’s practical whether it’s a day.

It is possible to call a small area covered by such a measure as small, especially at a time, if the number of subscribers in telephone companies is progressively decreasing.

Mal. 2 ADSL modem for Internet access.

Dartless Internet

Dart-free technologies allow you to take a greater level of mobility of the coristuvach mesh.

So, with one and the same tariff, with different 2G, 3G or 4G modems, you can use it in the city, in the village, and in the country.

One of the shortest options can be called instability and equally correct data transfer:

  • 2G-svyazok, available for the Vlasnik practically anyhow, allows you to take the speed of no more than 64 kb/s;
  • 3G-link is the most important parameter for dozens of times - up to 3.6 Mb/s;
  • modems and telephones with 4G connections provide practically the same capacity, which is wired - up to 100 Mb / s (inode - up to 1 Gb / s).

Mal. Testing the speed of a 4G call.

Vtіm, no matter how bad the maximum indicators of speed, the real value is most often richly less.

And for the yogo vikoristannya, a router with connections to .

If you want, for example, calls are made, for example, through a smartphone or a tablet, which mobile device can also act as a router.

At the same hour, the companion's link may appear richly stable and equally swedish. However, this option will be more expensive.

And the koristuvach can connect to the Internet, it’s less like going to the booth, where such a network has been carried out.

Natomist satellite can provide cover at any point of the world - navit there, where you can’t speed up with a telephone call.

satellite internet

A satellite link may have the following characteristics:

  • constant (and not changed by the duration of the day and in the fall depending on the number of subscribers who connected) speed up to 20 Mb/s;
  • I’ll cover it with a be-yakim city, a summer cottage village, and navit with a fox;
  • a high varity of victoriousness that, as a rule, reveals a limit.

In addition, for the operation of such a system, a special road is required - an antenna, a receiver, a satellite modem and an additional set for transmitting information (which is a necessary call).

As a result, the connection to the satellite should be chosen only in quiet weathers, if there are no other options to get a stable sound from the moon.

Mal. Satellite Internet at a private booth.

Internet 3G

One of the best options for the price and quality of a call is the 3G Internet.

Yogo can be connected via a modem or a smartphone that supports this technology (a tablet with a 3G module).

Vartіst vikoristannya services lie in vіd shvidkostі access and obyagu traffic.

To reach the most viable option, you can get connected to unlimited packages - get a high price for the stench of buildings and secure the robot in the least amount of buildings.

If you want to connect a 3G modem to a router, then you can do it, the versatility of some 3G modem is higher, lower at a sizable router.

Yak possility 3G Internet at the dacha and in the village

Do you want to increase the speed of 3G Internet? This video will show you exactly how you want to.


Internet GPRS, which can be used to speed up the transfer of old mobile phones, without providing high security access, more stability.

However, for the obviousness of such a link, one can enter the border beyond the borders of settlements, paying a small sum in equal amounts.

In addition, low speed to rob not such a low traffic limit - as a rule, on the day for the help of such a link, you can transfer or take no more than 100 Mb of data.

Mal. Structure of the GPRS network

4G/WiMAX call

The option of using 4G technology is becoming more and more popular in the last hour.

High speed, connected with wires (10-100 Mbit/s), compensates for the variability of such a connection.

Only one serious shortfall, through some kind of link until there is no need for extensions on the territory of the Russian Federation - it is possible to achieve a great cover.

In addition, there are not so many operators in proposing good services.

yak robiti 100% 4G internet

What kind of Internet is faster than a connection for a home! Ker_vnitstvo how to correctly choose the type of connection fallow in the place of residence and finance.

Features of choosing a router

Choose a router for the selected network next to the connection option.

And, for example, for a dart and satellite Internet, a decent router is sufficient, without a dart for the purchase of special equipment.

Robot routers have no other powers.

For 3G and 4G networks

Buying a 3G or 4G modem, for the help of which you can use a wireless Internet, you can secure calls to only one outbuilding.

To connect to other PCs, laptops or mobile gadgets, you need:

  • buying a router that works with 3G modems;

Mal. Router connected to a 3G modem.

  • I will add a quotation box for the "distribution" of these opportunities (a laptop or a PC). This variant is suitable for calling the telephone.

Mal. Antenna for strengthening the signal from a laptop or PC.

The first way, which involves singing vitrates, is still more efficient.

Even with the help of an okrem (but not a chi not built-in chi brought to the computer) router, the signal will be strengthened by more than 10–20 dB.

As a result, it is possible to build a fence with a fence on a distance of a few dozen meters from a signal.

For droto internet

If you choose a direct connection to either an ADSL modem, the problem arises when you use a standard router - with 4 LAN sockets for wired communication and one or more decalcom antennas for a wireless connection.

The signal can be boosted by connecting additional antennas (skin acts as a booster by 3-5 dBi).

Porada: The larger the area of ​​the booth, the stronger the signal can be. So, for 100-150 sq. m і, more than two-or three-over-the-top, it is better to use a router with 3 antennas. And install a varto router closer to the center of life.

Likewise, at the dealership, a sprinkling of living quarters or a summer kitchen is stashed, so you need access to the fence, you can connect one more attachment - a repeater.

With this help, the signal will be strengthened, and the area covered will increase by tens of square meters.

And even more friendly for a large territory, the method is to install an additional access point (for example, another router).

Mal. 7 Repeater to strengthen the Wi-Fi signal.