Wishes on valentines short to girlfriend. Short valentine's day greetings

On Valentine's day I wish
For the love of all the harvest.
Let it bud in the beds
And always let it be sweet!
And yet, in life: "Bitter!" -
Everyone at the wedding can only hear.

Today we are with the third, but he is not superfluous.
For lovers with Valentine - joy and calm.
I wish you love for a hundred years
And I believe that we can live our whole life without troubles.

Valentine's Day
A new feather bed.
Light candles everywhere
Let your evening be languid.
Let love burn in my soul
Let the passion excite the blood.

Happy Valentine's Day
I wish to drown in feelings
In the belly is always yours
Let the butterflies flutter.

Happy Valentine's Day!
Let everything be stylish in love:
Not one arrow, but two
And languor in my head!
Not one diamond, but two -
To make your head spin!

Happy Valentine's Day!
May the mighty avalanche
Sighs, oh and "love"
Will overwhelm you at the root!

Happy Valentine's day! You love
Take care of your feelings
Find out happiness, joy, passion,
Do not allow silly quarrels
Don't decide who's right or wrong
Calm your ardent temper!

Valentine's day has come
And we are not afraid of frost,
He blossomed with hot passion!
Congratulations! Chin up!

Wishes for February 14, short general (for a couple)

Let hearts beat in unison
Lips ache from kisses
Not only on Valentine's day,
You looked so in the eyes that.

Happy Valentine's Day, congratulations
I wish you happiness and love
Be you a couple up to a hundred years old
Live without sorrows and troubles.

I am immodest fantasies to you
I wish you on Valentine's Day
Feelings - deep, real,
The eyes are only burning with each other.
Let love lead through life
Let thoughts be one.

Valentine's Day
I wish you to live happily
May the love of your heart warm you
Let the bodies melt with passion.

Happy Valentine's Day, congratulations -
Tender years and love to you!
May the affection be great
Will help you on the way!
Let her help you
Believe in your heart - not in words!

Happy Valentine's Day!
Let everything be cute for you:
Honestly, sensibly, well,
Gentle, true and easy!

Happy Valentine's day! Your couple
Everyone likes it so well,
You don't have an ounce of falsehood,
Super fight and super lady
You always live to your heart's content
To make life really good!

Happy Valentine's day! Let in hearts
Your joy will sparkle
To soar in the clouds
To fall in love again!

Funny wishes for Valentine's Day for a girl (beloved)

On Valentine's Day, the heart asks
Confess my tenderness to you
To throw love at your feet.

Don't kill me with indifference!
Let Valentine help me
Find a quirk pattern
Sweet whims for no reason.

I'm not jealous of Valentine, congratulations and loving,
I promise to get the stars from the sky only for you.
I'm ready to make your desires come true,
Happy Valentine's Day, dear! I want to live my life with you.

My beloved, dear!
Happy Valentine's Day, all the best.
I promise you for life
Wear it all the time.
My witness is a bunch of roses
What I brought you modestly.

Happy Valentine's Day, dear!
I wish you bright stars
So that one of them is a star
Has brought you happiness
Illuminated the way home
She guarded your peace!

Happy Valentine's Day, dear!
I wish you a hundred moons
A thousand suns and a thousand stars
And not a drop of sad tears!

Happy Valentine's Day my dear
I only dream of you
I confess my feelings to you
Only you I see in a dream.
I'm burning in a hot flame of passion
I am all yours, I am always in your power.

Happy Valentine's Day
Congratulations, my angel.
I'm fascinated by you
And captivated by you alone.

Happy Valentine's Day, fairy tale lady!
I need your affection so much
You always give it
And take love in return
For you she is in the heart
All my words to you!

Darling, let the years rush into the distance
I will adore you forever
Happy passion day! February brought it to us,
Hurry to hug me, desired one!

Cool wishes for Valentine's Day for a guy (beloved)

Saint Valentine take my heart
The one who has reigned in it for a long time.
Coquetry with others is only by inertia,
My feeling flies to you.

For the holiday of lovers I will give you
Your humble gift is love
And I kiss you passionately and sweetly.
Prepare your tenderness.

My beloved, the only one, I adore you.
And on Valentine's Day, of course, I wish you.
Your beloved, more health and good luck,
Children in perspective - like this, and not otherwise.

My dear and dear,
I'm so happy with you
Happy Valentine's Day, all the best,
Only honey on the lips
And also my love,
And happy peaceful days.

Happy Valentine's Day, beloved,
Delicate, sweet and desirable.
I love you immensely
I admire incredibly.
Know, my glorious, I am yours,
My ardor is for you.

I confess my love, my dear,
On Valentine's Day.
I'm losing my mind from you
And in your hands I melt.

Happy Valentine's Day, dear!
You are the only one in the world -
Gentle, fiery, holy,
The smartest and most dear
The kindest on earth ...
Be happy! Come to me!

Happy Valentine's Day, my dear!
May the huge world be colored
Will be open for you
Covered with happiness!

Snowflakes adorn the world around
The heat of my beloved hands warms me
Dear, always, always be with me
And share the path of a glorious life,
And I will answer with sincere fire
Love! You from all lovers in the afternoon!

Happy February glorious holiday of love!
Let the blizzard and frost not scare you.
Desired, you always love me!
And I, believe me, love you seriously!

Happy Valentine's Day short SMS

Happy Valentine's day! A hundred kisses
And a small flock of hearts
Burning fire I give you
And, what I love, I confess, finally!

Happy Valentine's Day,
Great happiness and love.
To last a lifetime
You have emotions with your head.

I wish you wonderful feelings
The passion of the stormy red-hot.
I want to wish you happiness
I'm on a magical Valentine's Day.

Happy Valentine's Day, gentlemen!
Where are you from here?
We have traveled all over the world -
There is no better Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day!
By the brightest fire
Let love burn
For you again and again!

To Beloved Husband Friend Girlfriend Happy Valentine's Day

The angel struck us with one arrow,
He probably surprised all the brothers.
And now one heart - you and me,
Happy Valentine's Day, my half!

Let's share one breath for two
We will recognize each other's steps among thousands!
Erase love, let us time, distance,
Drawing the route is always one on the maps of fate.

Let the oceans of our happiness boil
From very hot endless languid glances!
We are halves that become part of one
Land of Love is great. Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day! Let your loving heart glow with tenderness and passion, warmth and inspiration, attract your soul mate and reciprocate. May Saint Valentine always be your patron.

May good Valentine without hesitation
Will fulfill all the cherished desires
In matters of the heart, happiness will bring
And a bright flame of love will light up!

Let your heart be filled with love
And joy blooms in him like a big flower,
May Valentine, on this wonderful holiday,
It will bring you a piece of paradise.

Let your feelings be only mutual
And as clean as fresh white snow
Let the moments of happiness be long
Success haunts you all your life.

Happy holiday - truly wonderful, truly wonderful, incredibly romantic! Happy Valentine's Day! I wish you incredible happiness, true harmony, complete satisfaction with life!

May Saint Valentine, no doubt,
Sends you inspiration
Gives joy, striving for the heights,
Achievement will send new goals
Well, I promise to give you again
Your tenderness, care, love.

On this day we all dream
That we will meet our loved ones.
Crimson brigantine
Valentine's Day

Will swim and it will become clear
That love is wonderful.
Never be discouraged
Believe, hope and dream!

Let us tell Saint Valentine today that it was not in vain that he connected our hearts! Snowy February is around, and you and I are hot because we truly love each other! I wish the light of our feeling to flare up brighter, more tender and tremulous.

Wish Valentine's Day
Forget about all the problems, every single one,
And, despite the winter excitement,
Feel the love touch!

Today is Valentine's Day
I want to throw the world at your feet.
Down with all misunderstandings, routine,
I will never give you to anyone.

I love your flaws
And from that I will always accept them.
Let everything be smooth with us
After all, I love you endlessly.

Valentine's Day. Hearts begin to beat joyfully. Warmth spreads in the soul and good old words about love come from the very heart. Let the mischievous cupids play with you their fascinating games, give flowers of eternal youth and fill hearts with sweet bliss.

May this Valentine's Day
It will pass in the arms of those who love completely
And let your other half
Tell you about his feelings boldly!

Let it rage, the blizzard is angry,
And the winds of February howl
Hearts in love with each other
The seas rush through the blizzards.

I wish you on Valentine's day
Miracles, gifts, magic,
You are my happiness, dear,
And a guiding star.

I wish you on Valentine's Day to receive that valentine, that heart that is waiting and looking for your heart. I wish you to fully enjoy the mutual feeling, to drown in the sea of \u200b\u200bardent passion, in the ocean of warmth and tenderness. And let the wave of love cover you from loneliness.

Alina Ogonyok Beloved Husband Friend Friend Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day, my dear friend,
May the holiday with happiness light up sooner
So that the whole district is overflowing with love,
Well, care with affection was drawn to you like a magnet.

Cupid sends arrows with a skillful hand,
So that people fall in love with each other forever.
Target today is his very first
Let your heart become, friend!

I wish to find my half
Learn the taste of love sweet only, the best!
Let on Valentine's Day you
Your ray will give great happiness!

Nice girlfriend! On Valentine's Day, all amorous desires come true, so rather dream about true love and female happiness. I wish the saint will help you meet a worthy man!

On Valentine's Day, I wish, friend,
Profitable work, pleasant leisure,
So that you have an ideal spouse -
Father, and son-in-law, and lover, and friend!

Happy Valentine's Day, faithful friend,
Happy holiday of love and beauty,
I wish to meet you a friend
And the lover of your dreams.

And also - you burn with passion,
Surrender to the sweet captivity of love without a fight
On the day when the Cupids are in power,
Happiness may stay with you.

Dear girlfriend, happy Valentine's Day! May the sun melt the snow today and cover all the paths with delicate flowers, along which you, like on a carpet, will walk towards your happiness!

On this holiday, Valentine's Day,
Do not be afraid of your tender feelings, do not hide.
Send easily "heartfelt" pictures
And in return, receive confessions in love!

Don't be sad on Valentine's Day, my friend
Better prepare your heart for feeling
Spring will come again, the blizzard will subside,
You will meet true love.

I wish you to be blooming and cheerful,
To give wonderful smiles to everyone
Do not know the sadness and fate of the injections
And boldly conquer all the peaks!

I wish, my friend, that this year Saint Valentine will come to you with expensive gifts - with a huge bouquet of red roses, a funny teddy bear and a large box of chocolates in the hands of the handsome prince.

February is dancing with the blizzard again
Don't be sad, my friend!
Smile, you are so beautiful
Young, slim, playful,
You love and be loved
Happy Valentine's Day!

To you, dear friend,
I wish you on Valentine's day
Love crazy and beautiful
With a great perspective

And the voyages of the sea,
And much more:
Health, joys, miracles,
And also happiness to heaven!

Dear friend, Saint Valentine has certainly prepared excellent gifts for you. Let it be: the fulfillment of dreams, the lightness of being, a meeting with a loved one. And may all the best be given to you quickly and simply.

May May bloom forever
Among the February stormy blizzard,
And meet the dawn on the Day of Love
With warm greetings from a friend!

You, dear friend,
I congratulate you on the holiday of love!
Let the heart, burning with feelings,
Will inspire crazy exploits!

Cupid will not let you down this time
An arrow will strike the heart.
Will find you a worthy friend!
And even better - a faithful spouse!

You, friend, like no one else, deserve a gift from Valentine. Let this gift be that long-awaited and the only one, beloved and loving, giving tenderness and care, sweet kisses and caresses. Love you mutual, beautiful, unique.

Alina Ogonyok

Valentine's Day (all lovers) is a Catholic holiday with pagan roots. It is named after a priest who married loving couples secretly from the Emperor Claudius due to the fact that at that time in Ancient Rome there was a ban on marriage for soldiers. This story is associated with the tradition of giving your loved ones postcards in the shape of hearts called "valentines" with love confessions. For everyone who at least once in their life has experienced this bright feeling - love, or even while only dreaming about it, Valentine's Day is the most wonderful holiday.

But the objects of heart affection may not necessarily be representatives of the opposite sex, because we all love our loved ones and friends. Many of us have a best friend who is sometimes referred to as "she's like my sister." In no case should you forget about it! therefore happy Valentine's Day greetings to your girlfriend will be very helpful. It is better to prepare them in advance, it can be romantic poetry or prose. Choosing such holiday greetings in conjunction with cute presents is a very pleasant duty, and therefore you cannot do without the pre-holiday fuss. Prepare for this celebration in advance, carefully thinking over everything. After all, it has long been customary to hand over some secret gifts and messages of "special significance." Do not forget to send your friend an SMS with wishes. You can also congratulate relatives, friends, acquaintances, work colleagues and wish them all to find love or preserve the existing one.

Poems to a friend in sms

May you, girlfriend, be very lucky -
And you will lose track of your luck!
And I also wish beauty in life,
A beautiful dream come true about love!

May the chosen one be cheerful and rich
And let him give flowers every day in a row,
To make the mood just class
May your beloved save you from sorrows!

My dear friend,
I want on Valentine's Day
Wish you success and kindness
Be inspired by happiness!

To appreciate everything that is in life,
To love family and friends!
To be wise is not to listen to flattery,
Actions, pure thoughts!

You deserve to be loved
So that love for you is hidden in my soul,
So that flowers are always given to you,
About love so that phrases speak.

You haven't met yet, friend
Sincere, tender love.
But let Valentine's Day be cool
Your life will turn over without words.

I want to wish my friend
I am so happy on Valentine's Day
I didn't know what to do with,
Love, luck, peace, passion!

Divine beauty
Always be different, dear!
Good luck! Great joy!
And smile, smile!

Girlfriend, on Valentine's Day
Pour good wine into a glass
May you go to love long road
But in life she will definitely meet!

And he will come - the only one, beloved,
And he will carry you in his arms!
And your life will become unique
I wish you happy to be!

Valentine's Day
I wish my friend
Be fun and beautiful
To live with no worries at all.

Let love be so -
The strongest in the world!
Let the beloved not forget
About this holiday gift!

Love is in the air today -
Everyone is celebrating Valentine's Day!
I am sending this congratulation
To her wonderful friend!

I wish you to be always irresistible
Find your man soon!
And with him you feel loved,
And to find true happiness!

On Valentine's Day to my friend
I wish to fully enjoy
Passion, joy, live more fun,
And be surprised at your luck!

Let everything be good in life!
Let the dream fill reality
So that your loved one comes with a gift,
Emphasizing your ideality!

In the old days, lovers confessed their feelings to each other through songs, dances and poetry. With the advent of such a holiday as Valentine's Day, there were notes with declarations of love, which were later called "valentines", they were secretly passed on to your beloved man, girlfriend or girlfriend. February 14 is the day when it is customary to talk about your feelings and bring congratulations on Valentine's Day. It can be whole poems, odes about your love, or there can be cool short poems that will tell you that your loved ones cannot say in their own words.

Funny greetings on Valentine's Day on February 14

In recent years, it has become more and more popular to give funny congratulations on Valentine's Day. After all, they cheer up two partners who are in love and to the one who chooses them for loved ones, and to the one who receives them. And most importantly, they can be completely used if you do not know whether your half will reciprocate or not.

Examples of cool congratulations on Valentine's Day

For such a bright holiday, we have collected the most beautiful congratulations on Valentine's Day of a cool nature, which can be presented to your loved one in a valentine card or read at a meeting on your own in order to bring a smile on your beloved lips.

Came together once in day one
(For us now it's old)
Saint handsome Valentine
And the prostitute Magdalene.
Now it doesn't matter who
Desire came first
But Magdalene ... well, that ...
Well served Valentina.
And her question was simple
And he was asked carefully:
"Oh, Valentine! You are a saint!
Tell me, is it possible? "
To which the saint waved his hand
And he answered her carelessly:
"Today is ... such a day!
And so - no, of course you can't ".
Until nightfall, their tandem
Moaning quite definitely
That's what they called this day
Bashfully explaining "lovers"

I wish everyone to love, fall in love,
Marry, have sex.
Then multiply, multiply,
And also have sex.
Surrender to work with ardor,
And then - have sex.
Enjoy the blessings of life
And zealously engage in sex.
All that I dreamed of, wait,
And still have sex.
And don't give up before age!
Grow old, but have sex!
It's time, perhaps, to wrap up ...
Called to have sex!
Happy Valentine's Day!

The cupids got sick
They are throwing arrows wherever they go.
They put up hard barriers:
They will never bring us down.
Only I am not discouraged
There is only a lump in my throat.
I'm sending a valentine -
This is my love poem!
We'll be together anyway
I will kill Cupid.
I'm in a fit of revenge
I'll kill you with an arrow!

Congratulations to February 14 on Valentine's Day - cool short sms

In the 21st century, "advanced" youth came up with the idea of \u200b\u200bsending valentines by SMS. Agree to receive congratulations on February 14 on Valentine's Day in a cool short SMS. Especially if you are sitting at work and dreaming that the working day will come to an end. And then "tyrlym-tyrlym", and there is a cool declaration of love.

Examples of cool short sms congratulations on Valentine's Day

Fortunately for those who are not friends with the "rhyming" of lines, someone else came up with cool SMS. And the lovers only need to use ready-made blanks. Congratulations on February 14 on Valentine's Day, cool short sms, collected especially for you.

My bunny, my carrot,
My ladybug.
My bug, my worm.
I miss so much: smack, smack, smack.

I love you, my cat,
I kiss your tummy
And when I see you
Kiss even lower ...

To communicate with you for fun.
I want you like Coca-Cola.
Me like a hemp leaf
You lift off the ground.
I always stick out from you
And I want to be with you.

Valentine's Day
I'll bring from the store
not wine, not sausages,
and panties with hearts!

Congratulations on Valentine's Day on February 14 in verse

Besides valentines, there is a certain tradition of celebrating Valentine's Day. Of course, there are many scenarios, but flowers and a romantic dinner are an integral part of the holiday. To supplement the whole whirlwind of passionate emotions, you can walk under the stars, where lovers will read their congratulations on Valentine's Day on February 14.

February 14 - congratulations on Valentine's Day in verse

Initially, you should prepare a romantic dinner, and then think over congratulations on Valentine's Day on February 14. As for the dishes, the main course, dessert and low alcohol will be enough to "warm up sensuality".

  1. The main dish. This can be seafood salad, home-made pizza in the form of a heart, baked meat.
  2. Dessert. Chocolate and strawberries are mandatory attributes of a dinner for two on such a holiday.
  3. Alcohol. Red wines or champagne will be appropriate on the table. Last, it goes well with chocolate and strawberries.

And in order to surprise your soul mate with words, we offer congratulations below.

The holiday has come for everyone again
Nice Valentine's Day
May success await in love affairs,
To become the master of your destiny.
Happiness may love bring you
Will be a beacon in the night burning
Let her lead you through life,
It will be bright, clean, real!

There is an extra reason and reason
For the kindest, most tender words.
May Valentine's Day
Love will connect hearts.
May there be happiness in personal life
Have you for many years;
Let the tenderness be limitless
Love is strong and young!

Valentine's Day has come again.
All those who love celebrate the holiday
And may love always have enough strength
Let there always be enough warmth and light.
Let the soul strive for a soul mate,
To feel love, kindness and affection,
To understand how good she is
Our whole life is like a fairy tale!

It's still February, and jasmine is not blooming,
But from love the heart beats stronger.
Valentine connected lovers,
And the day of lovers is called in honor of him.
Always celebrate Valentine's Day
Together with my beloved, I wish!
Be cheerful, beautiful, young!
I sincerely congratulate you on this holiday!

Beautiful congratulations on February 14 with Valentine's Day to your beloved man

If you want to originally present congratulations on February 14 on Valentine's Day to your beloved man, then you should find a good beautiful text or poems. If possible, supplement it with your own words in order to put a piece of your soul, your love in the congratulation. You can prepare congratulations on Valentine's Day for your beloved in advance. Choose a text in poetry or prose, write it on a valentine card, read it several times or learn it so as not to accidentally get embarrassed.

Congratulations on Valentine's Day for your beloved man in verse

You can buy a valentine card in any bookstore, but a beautiful postcard with warm words made with your own hand will be much more valuable. Write congratulations on Valentine's Day on February 14 for your beloved man yourself, and you can "spy" the text for the postcard below.

February 14 is a wonderful holiday,
And the main day of all loving hearts.
To you, my unique chosen one,
Finally, I confess my feelings.
I consider you my half
My love grows stronger every day.
Take this valentine as a gift,
I always hope to be together with you.

The fourteenth
Lovers all over the planet
Although winter is sweeping outside the window -
They are as happy as children.
You, my dear man,
Smile too today
We will be happy with you
Nobody can separate us.

Happy Valentine's Day
My precious man!
I wish you happiness,
And love, but only with me.
Let all bad weather go around
And the sadness side.
To strengthen our feelings
And they never went out.
So that love is to death,
And after that she lived.
To make all dreams come true
Even earlier than dreamed of.
So that hopes come true
Got everything I was looking for!

Funny congratulations on Valentine's Day to your girlfriend

Many girls are looking forward to the holiday of lovers much more than the New Year or Birthday. Why? Yes, everything is extremely simple. This day brings them another confirmation that they are loved, appreciated and treated with increased attention. They are given flowers, sweets, postcards and valentines. Congratulations on Valentine's Day to your girlfriend can be picked up in poetic form or you can find a cool congratulation associated with this celebration.

Cool short congratulations on Valentine's Day to the girl

Congratulations to your beloved girl on Valentine's Day can fit into a few words, such as "I love you ...", or you can be original and give a luxurious valentine, in which you can write your own poetic congratulations. Girls love such "things" and will appreciate the efforts of their beloved. At the bottom of the postcard, it will be superfluous to attribute confessions of boundless love.

Valentine's Day
The night will be terribly long
Let's be naughty girl
We will love each other

We will kiss gently
By all means, hug ...
Let it all be just dreams
But I dream of you at night

You shine a star on me
You are my Sun, my summer,
You are my dear mouse
I always want to be with you!

Beloved girl
The sun is dear,
My unique
Wealth is golden

I wish you
On Valentine's Day
On the day of February 14
The road is certainly long

Women's happiness
Passionate nights
Wonderful days
Flammable centuries!

I wish my bright
So that she was a gift
So that you can tie a bow,
So that I could kiss on the lips,

To burn at work
To give me care
To wash and cook,
So that you appreciate comfort

So that she gives birth to children
In reality, not in a dream ...
May everyone on Valentine's Day
It will be easy with the girl!

Congratulations on Valentine's Day on February 14 to girlfriend funny funny

Although the holiday is designed for hearts in love, one should not forget about the best friend. After all, a friend is the person who will always support, rejoice for you, and if necessary, and cry with you, over a glass of wine. On such a wonderful bright holiday, it is imperative to send congratulations on Valentine's Day on February 14 to a friend. For this, just by the way, cool and funny greetings are suitable.

Funny Happy Valentine's Day greetings to a friend

The text for congratulations on Valentine's Day on February 14 should be chosen by a friend based on her character. Perhaps your girlfriend is more suitable for a cute touching quatrain, but for the most part, girlfriends are more happy with funny funny texts. We offer the following options for congratulations.

Happy Valentine's Day dear friend
Let's sit by the familiar circle.
Valentine's Day, let's celebrate
And good luck, obviously.

May this holiday bring us good luck
And love, beautiful to boot.
Let cupid shoot straight
And bad luck rarely comes!

On this day, forget about sadness
And start having fun right away.
After all, there is no brighter holiday than this one,
We will find how to celebrate, we are a bright method.

Girlfriend, today I want to congratulate
And congratulations, send her bright ones.
To make all your dreams come true
After all, you are worthy of warmth.

May it always be warm in my soul
And inspiration in her to live.
So that this holiday begins brightly,
And it did not stop until the morning.

On this day, I wish you were sweet
And I inspire courageous actions.
For a reason to walk
And a toast to have someone to say.

I will congratulate my friend
On Valentine's day, wish a fairy tale.
To make all dreams come true
After all, you are worthy of heights.

On this day, may happiness be near
Will not turn its back on you.
Let you always want to have fun
And it will bypass, you are in trouble.

After all, this holiday gives joy
And life will come as sweetness.
This holiday gives a feast
And have fun, let the whole world.

It is quite difficult to choose congratulations on Valentine's Day for a man, girlfriend, girlfriend. Indeed, today the choice is so great that you can get lost in preferences, not knowing whether to write a cool short verse or devote a poem to your beloved man. February 14 is a bright day for all loving hearts, and valentines with cool texts once again confirm that love lives in our world.