Accounting software for catering. Overview of automated accounting systems for catering

Setting for the program "1C: Accounting version 7.7" for automation of food accounting at catering establishments.
Basic customization options:
1. Posting of food products with primary documents and their payment.
2. Based on the transactions carried out in the journal for posting products, the following reporting documents can be generated:
- report on the warehouse of products for the specified period;
- register of receipt of a separately selected product by dates and by invoices;
- register of receipt of products from a specific supplier;
- debts to suppliers in the context of documents.
3. Drawing up calculation and technological cards of dishes indicating the amount of food products used (price and amount are generated automatically if there are products in the warehouse). Calculation cards are stored in the business transactions journal in the form of documents.
4. Drawing up a menu-plan for the day and printing out a menu-plan for the kitchen with a calculation of all the listed dishes, with the simultaneous formation of requirements for the warehouse of products, indicating the list and quantity of necessary products. When saving the menu plan in the journal of business transactions, transactions are formed to write off food products spent on the preparation of the listed dishes. In the absence or insufficient quantity of a certain product, the program displays a warning message and offers to promptly change the cost estimate of the dish.
5. After drawing up and forming the plan-menu for the day, you can print the plan-menu, the requirement for the warehouse, the menu for the day.
6. It is possible to write off food products without making a menu plan for the day. For this, a document “Product consumption” is generated.
The given version of the program is designed for the configuration "Simplified taxation system, revision 1.3 based on the 1C: Enterprise 7.7 platform. There are a dozen varieties of this program for various catering establishments operated until now.
This setting is intended for public catering enterprises using no more than 150 products and no more than 100 dishes in their assortment, which is typical for children's health camps, schools, hospitals.
In contrast to well-known catering programs, the proposed setting "Menu-77" is integrated into a typical accounting program, it is easy to learn and operate and does not create problems when updating the release of a typical program.
All accounting entries generated by the documents of this setting are involved in the formation of accounting and tax reports.
All business transactions that are not related to food products are recorded by standard documents of a typical configuration. If you enter data on calorie content, content of fats, proteins and carbohydrates in the "Products" directory, then it is easy to automate the calculation of these parameters in dishes when forming a calculation card or a menu plan.
There is also a setting for the configuration "Accounting, edition 4.5" with an assortment of products over 500 and an assortment of dishes over 300. In this development, inventory control of products is implemented with the movement of products between the warehouse, kitchen and bar, using several units of measurement. Costing cards have additional parameters such as "Hot working type", "Processing factor", "Seasonal factor". Complex pricing cards with included dishes are also used, for which there are their own pricing cards. The basic principles of the program are the same as described in the description of this setting.

The automation of social and work processes is increasing every day. Catering establishments also do not stand aside, this is especially noticeable when looking at the work of actively growing private fast food chains and canteens of large enterprises.

The specifics of production and a sufficient amount of funds allocated to rationalize the work of staff are decisive in the idea of \u200b\u200breducing the loss of staff time and achieving high standards of customer service.

Why automation is needed

Automation of any of the establishments, be it a canteen or, will help solve several eternal problems of public catering:

  • facilitating the work of personnel;
  • minimizing the number of errors when transferring orders;
  • suppression of most of the abuse of staff;
  • accurate recording of all balances in the bar, kitchen and warehouses in real time without constant revisions;
  • obtaining complete recorded information for managing the institution and correcting its personnel and pricing policy;
  • coordination of the work of each member of the team.

But the most important condition for both canteens (school and factory) and fast food outlets is the speed of customer service, because it is this value that determines the throughput, and ultimately the company's profit.

In the case of canteens, it is also a high-quality and error-free system for working with food coupons, calculating the necessary subsidies and special meals. Naturally, a huge responsibility falls on the shoulders of the accounting department, and who, if not her, is most profitable from the automation of production.

Features of automation in the use of technology and software

A full-fledged complex automation cannot be imagined without a wide range of electronic trade equipment, such as:

  • service printing printers - reliable mini printers designed for instant printing of receipts and orders;
  • fiscal registrars designed to issue checks with extended information;
    programmable keyboards with high functionality, containing up to 70 characters;
    touch screens;
  • barcode and magnetic card readers;
  • buyer displays;
  • mobile terminals based on Pocket PC.

Extended terminal - a cashier's workplace in canteens and fast food establishments consists of up to five modules (cashier monitor, specialized keyboard with magnetic card reader, fiscal registrar and cash drawer) connected into a common system, the center of which is system unit.

Programs for the automation of catering establishments

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Automation of processes in catering establishments

Although it seems to many novice restaurateurs that a sweet smile of a waitress and a notepad in her hands is enough for the spectacular work of their establishment, in fact, this is a cruel delusion that costs many of their burned-out business. Modern establishments are aimed at getting results - big profits and use a variety of methods for this: excellent cozy design, cuisine with a quality, delicious menu, wide advertising, well-trained and sociable waiters and, of course, the most modern means to tie it all together. ... It is this function that the complete automation of the process of communicating with the client and the staff of the institution carries on itself.

Technique in the work of a waiter allows:

  • create a complete grid of orders for all tables, taking into account each individual guest - this means that no dish will confuse its owner;
  • to regroup guests - to distribute tables with a smile, without running with clarifications after other waiters;
  • automatically transfer orders to the bar and the kitchen - no more forgotten dishes and lost leaves;
  • track the execution time of the order - to have an instant answer to any question of the client, without wasting time on the trip to the kitchen and back;
  • print the preliminary and final invoices and, of course, the fiscal receipt;
  • control several rooms and a bar with a smaller number of waiters, since a reduction in trips with orders to the kitchen or for a check to the bar will save time and energy;
  • keep records of hourly services (saunas, bowling) in accordance with their rates.

Technique in the work of an administrator is:

  • automatic accounting of balances and expenses on technological maps in real time, which will help to avoid the problem of suddenly running out of products;
  • simplification of work with suppliers for orders and settlements;
  • accounting of proceeds with instant deduction of all necessary expenses;
  • calculating discount policy;
  • full display of the current situation in the restaurant with a report on tables, current earnings, cancellation of orders;
  • formation of daily and weekly reports for the accounting department and their translation, if necessary, in 1C with subsequent printing.

Difficulties in implementing automation

Oddly enough, the difficulties in introducing new methods of work are not at all technical issues, but human inertia.

From the side of the head:

  • unpreparedness for new changes or a desire to introduce the system by half, avoiding large spending;
  • inability to interest the main divisions in automation in the form of accounting or IT department;
  • excessive belief in overstated promises of equipment sellers who are ready to offer mountains of gold and overwhelming success in response to the coveted signature to start work;
  • staff turnover among management in the middle of the restructuring process.


  • lack of a clear work plan;
  • understating the size of the project or, on the contrary, artificial bloat;
  • overexpenditure of time and money of the enterprise.


  • lack of employee motivation and deliberate sabotage in the event of the loss of left-wing sources of income;
  • lack of staff training or smooth implementation of the system, which leads to unforeseen disruptions;
  • incompetence in modern technology and unwillingness of employees to learn.

Pros and cons of turnkey automation

The advantages of turnkey solutions for enterprises with a large staff, a complex billing system and high customer traffic are obvious:

  • Development of software that takes into account personal income and costs in relation to all employees of the enterprise who eat in the canteen, with the calculation of complex identification systems with linking mutual settlements to a personal account, with sending data to the general accounting system of the enterprise, which makes the final payment with the employee, subtracting food costs from wages. The system becomes more complicated if the company has subsidies or an internal loan, as well as the need to take into account the possibility of paying with cash or credit cards. It is not surprising that when creating such programs by forces of, say, the factory IT department, permanent problems are possible that require lengthy grinding.
  • Official license to use the software.
  • Professional assembly and adjustment of equipment by the company's specialists.
  • High-quality training of all employees of the enterprise in new technologies.

The disadvantages of production automation include the high cost of equipment, software and installation work.

Consulting and ordering line: 8 (83, 8 (83 tel./fax / answering machine),
0 (Megafon-Ural),
7 (MTS).

2.4.3. Installing the software update .. 12

2.5. Program components .. 13

2.6. Launching the program .. 13

2.7. Acquaintance with the program in demo mode. 14

2.8. Registering the program .. 15

2.9. Sets of rights. 16

2.9.1. Updating data in windows. 16

2.9.2. Exclusive mode .. 17

2.10. Storing information in a database. 17

2.11. Program window, toolbar. eighteen

2.11.1. Program window .. 18

2.11.2. View menu. eighteen

2.11.3. Toolbar "Standard". 19

2.11.4. Operations toolbar. twenty

2.11.5. Setting a password. 22

2.11.6. Working with nested windows. 22

2.11.7. Getting help information. 22


3.1. Transition to version 4.0.0. 23

3.2. The procedure for working with the program. 23

3.3. Work with reference books, documents. 25

3.3.1. Selection of rows in tables. 27

3.3.2. Printing of reference books and documents. 28

3.3.3. Working with templates in Excel 29

3.3.4. Data import. 29

3.3.5. Search for the necessary information in reference books. 31

3.4 References. 33

3.4.1. The order of filling out reference books. 33

3.4.2. Working with reference books. 35 Currencies .. 35 Types of culinary processing. 36 Menu types .. 37 Types of contented. 37 Meals. 38 Units. 38 Vitamins and minerals .. 39 Product groups. 39 Suppliers. 40 Planned days. 40 Warehouses .. 41 Products .. 41 Fortification journal. 84 The register of the movement of goods in the warehouse. 84 Analysis of the menu plan for compliance with nutritional standards. 86 Chemistry reports. 87 Diet control sheet. 87 Turnover balance sheet. 88 Supplier card. 89 Balance sheet by supplier .. 90

4. Working with the database .. 91

4.1. Create a new database. 91

4.2. Open the database. 92

4.4. Compacting and restoring the database. 92

4.6. Copying a database to a removable disk (flash) 93

4.7. Database recovery from removable disk (flash) 94

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If you are working with the electronic version of this user's manual, you can hold down the Ctrl, aim mouse to the desired line and press left button mouse - you will be taken to the beginning of the corresponding section of the manual. In the text of the manual, you can hold Ctrl, hover the mouse over the hyperlink, and click left button mouse - you will be taken to the desired section of the manual.


The successful development of the public catering sector from the standpoint of a modern market economy and management proceeds from the growing role of a person as a consumer and manufacturer of products in this area. In this regard, it becomes necessary to create and constantly improve public catering services at all stages of production and service.

The use of modern computers in catering will ensure more efficient functioning of public catering enterprises.

Organization of production is the most time-consuming process of work of such enterprises: it is accounting for products in the warehouse, calculating balances, ordering food, and calculating the composition of dishes, and drawing up a menu plan, as well as a menu for the day, editing a menu-requirement, etc. of the above, the program "Nutrition of 1000 dishes" was developed.

It is possible to customize the program for your company, namely the possibilities:

· choosing the duration of the working week: 5-, 6- or 7-day;

· maintaining, if necessary, an additional "Free Menu";

· inclusion of the reference book "Nutrition standards" and reports on them.

Program simple in the development, as it inherits familiar user techniques and methods of work, the standard window view and interface.

Program reliable in work, since the program has mechanisms for reliable storage and backup of data.

Program customizable - You can correct document templates in Excel, thereby expanding the capabilities of the program.

Program documented - this user manual contains information not only on the use of ready-made features, but also a description of a technical nature.

Our programs are constantly being improved, so please send your suggestions. This will make the program more functional, convenient and most consistent with your expectations and requests, dear colleagues.

With respect to you and hope for fruitful cooperation,
author and developer of the program "Food 1000 dishes",.


2.1. Purpose and capabilities of the program

Computer program "Food for 1000 dishes" designed to automate the work of employees of public catering enterprises in the field of production.

Program features:

1. Maintaining a reference book of technological maps, which contains about 1100 recipes. There is a possibility of printing cards, as well as a calculation card.

2. Drawing up a menu plan for any period using various technological maps. If necessary, you can use the opportunity to help draw up a menu plan - Analysis of the menu plan for compliance with nutritional standards,which calculates the approximate average daily consumption of food products for the planned period by type of contented and compares them with food norms. It is also possible to calculate the cost of the planned menu. It is possible to adjust and print the menu plan ( the printed form of the menu plan meets the requirements of SanPiN;

3. On the basis of menu documents for the day, menu requirements are drawn up for the issuance of a certain set of products from the warehouse. It is possible to correct the menu-requirements data, replace products. After various changes to the menu requirements, a printout of this document is possible;

4. Calculation of the chemical composition (calculation of nutritional value) of dishes, the function is necessary for technological control of nutrition, in this regard, the function of printing the menu for the day is provided;

5. Adding, adjusting the types of people content, for example, "General", "MSU employees";

6. Change in the base currency (the base currency is “Russian ruble”);

7. Using dishes as ingredients of other dishes;

8. Quick and easy search for information in reference books;

9. Lot accounting of products in the warehouse;

10. Formation of reports on the movement of products in the warehouse: waste of food products; cumulative statements of the receipt and consumption of products, including the cumulative total; register of goods movement in the warehouse; a statement of the balance of products and goods in the warehouse; turnover balance sheet ;

11. Keeping records in the form of a rejection log of finished products, a fortification log, a monthly report on the chemical composition of the menu, a Sheets of control over the diet;

12. Unique opportunity - Analysis of the menu plan for compliance with nutritional standards, which calculates the approximate average daily consumption of food products for the planning period by types of contented people and compares them with nutritional standards.

13. The program is filled with basic data directories "Products", "Product groups", "Replacement", "Types of content", "Units of measurement", "Flow charts" (1100 pcs.), "Recipes", "Vitamins", "Outputs", "Categories of dishes", "Meals", "Types of culinary processing", "Currencies", it is possible to adjust them for the user;

14. Provision is made for the recalculation of the chemical composition of the dish after making various changes to the recipe of the dish;

15. The reference book of technological maps contains 1100 names.

16. Input and import from Excel of the directories "Dish categories", "Types of culinary processing", "Product groups", "Vitamins", "Units of measurement", "Meals", "Types of people content", "Planned days", "Suppliers ";

17. Installation password to enter the program;

18. Possibilities of automatic sending of the database to the developer;

19. Ability to copy the database to flush, recovery from a flash drive for backing up or transferring information to another computer.


· Program comfortable in work, easy in development;

· Unique opportunity maintaining a fortification log, a dietary control sheet, as well as an Analysis of the Menu Plan for Compliance with Nutritional Standards, which calculates the approximate average daily consumption of food products for the planned period by types of contented people and compares them with nutritional norms;

· The program allows you to automatically write off spoiled food;

· Drawing up a plan menu for any period of 2 types: by meals and by categories of dishes;

· Drafting and editing the menu-requirements document (adjusting the dish output, changing the required amount of product and replacing products)

· It is possible to customize the program for your institution, namely the possibilities:

ü choosing the duration of the working week: 5-, 6- or 7-day;

ü maintaining an additional menu for meals;

ü inclusion of the reference book "Nutritional Standards" and reports on them;

· Maintenance and printing of technological maps;

· Drawing up a report of a cumulative statement of income / consumption of food products, a report of a cumulative statement of income / consumption of food products on a cumulative basis, a balance sheet, a journal for accounting for the movement of goods in a warehouse, a statement of balances of goods and products in a warehouse;

· Drawing up 2 types of reports on the chemical composition: on net and on gross;

· Automatic calculation of food remains in the warehouse;

· Possibility of using the dish as an ingredient;

· Fast and convenient information search;

· Maintaining a directory of currencies;

· Maintaining a list of control over the diet;

· Standard window view and Windows interface;

· Available user guide;

· Over time, the program is constantly improving and finalized versions are updated according to your suggestions;

Technical support by phone consultation lines and by email.

2.2. Program options and limitations

Program options

The program is available in two versions:

· working version - intended for the work of users who have acquired non-exclusive rights to use the program,

· demo version - designed to familiarize a wide range of individuals and organizations with the program.

The working version of the program works in the demo mode, and when you enter the registration code, it works in normal mode, in which all the features of the program are available.

When working in demo version and demo mode available all program capabilities, in addition to printing documents, entered information will not be saved when exiting the program.


In a programme not limited the amount of information entered into directories.

Note: In the demo mode and in the demo version, there are restrictions on the number of lines in reference books.

2.3. System requirements

System requirements:

· Minimum: Pentium-II (333 MHz), 32 Mb RAM, 800 Mb hard disk.

· Optimal: Celeron-633 (Pentium II), 128 Mb RAM, 2 Gb hard disk.

· Software:

Registration of the "Nutrition of 1000 dishes" program.

2.7. Acquaintance with the program in demo mode

The demo version of the program can only work in demo mode... It does not issue a registration code, cannot print documents, does not save results. If you are working in the demo version of the program, then when you start the program, a window appears in which press the button Open the program.

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Demo mode - this is a mode in which already filled out directories are used (products, food categories, types of processing, flow charts, types of contenders, meals, food norms, product groups, units of measurement, vitamins, replacement, suppliers) and documents (income, consumption, write-off). This data can be deleted or changed. All options for data entry are available to you, except for printing documents. However, after closing the program, the data you created will not be saved. IN demo mode there are also restrictions on the number of lines created in directories.

You can familiarize yourself with all its features without registering the program.

2.8. Registering the program

The program is equipped with an unauthorized copy protection system! This is to protect the developer's copyright.

To work in the "Meals 1000 dishes" program, it must be registered. An unregistered copy of the program works only in demo mode.

Registration of the program:

Run the program and write source product;

· Pass source by e-mail: ***** @ *** ru, if you do not have this opportunity, then by phone on the line of consultations and orders: 8 (8332),

· Get response code and enter it;

Press the button registration.

ATTENTION! If at each launch the program produces a different source code, then you need to provide the program full access to the folder where it is installed, or reinstall it in the My Documents folder.

Note: If the source code changed the next time you open the program, it will correspond to different response code.

Note: You can close the registration window and turn off the computer until you receive a response code from the developer. If you have full access to the folder where the program is installed, then the source code should not change.

Note: After registering the program, it is recommended to write the pit1000.ini file located in the program folder (C: \\ Program Files \\ Food for 1000 dishes) to an external storage medium (floppy disk or flash). The registration code is saved in this file. In case of malfunctions with the computer, after repair and reinstallation of the program, you can write this file to its original location, and the program will not ask for a registration code, provided that the equipment is the same.

2.9. Sets of rights

To ensure the safety of information and differentiation of access rights, the program provides directory Users... To open the directory, run: Directories / Users.

By default, the directory creates 3 user: Administrator, Operator, User with 3 corresponding roles of the same name.

A role defines a set of rights, that is, what program capabilities a user can use according to his role. In this version, the sets of rights cannot be changed, they are selected only by selecting the desired role. The list of rights is shown in the following table.

Sets of rights





Printing reports

Copy database to flash, restore database

Compress, archive, attach a database to a letter

Editing reference books

Change program parameters

Create new user, change username, role

Change your password

Change another user's password

Enter the program in exclusive mode

As you can see from the table, User can only view information and print reports. Operator can enter data into the program, change them, print reports. Administrator all possibilities are available.

Using accounting programs in public catering is an urgent need. Implementation special software in a catering establishment allows you to increase profits by about 30%. At the same time, the payback period of programs for calculating catering rarely exceeds three months. It should be understood that catering establishments can differ in a number of parameters. The size of the building, the opening hours, the concept, the list of services - all these must be considered.

In the institution, there is a constantly multidirectional movement of money and products. It is very important to track this movement using a monitoring and accounting system. Automation will help you balance debit with credit, and understand how much your institution is making or losing. It will allow you to effectively manage your business, speed up the service process and reduce the possibility of abuse by staff (primarily theft).

How do these systems work?

For effective work it is necessary to control the movement of each product on a specific site. For this purpose, as well as for calculating the cost and price of finished products, calculation cards are drawn up, which are based on data on the supply of raw materials and technological maps. The latter describe the technology for preparing semi-finished products and dishes, as well as the norms for laying raw materials. By law, any changes in bookmarking rates and in the cost of raw materials must be reflected in the costing sheet.

How was it done before? A separate card was created for each object. As a result, there were several hundred of them. To compile an elementary report, it was necessary to sort everything out and perform a huge number of arithmetic operations. It is clear that accountants considered such work a hard labor. But it is even more difficult to control the work of the kitchen. Even when using the simplest method - comparing the actual balances of goods at each site with the calculated ones, it was necessary to calculate the amount of products used.

But that's not all. For operational management, money accounting is also required. To determine the profitability of an enterprise, to find weaknesses in the management of the economy, you need to know the costs of production, part of which are the costs of purchasing raw materials. Agree that making such calculations on a calculator is more than difficult.

Today, success is largely determined by great service and efficient work of the staff.The combination of speed and quality has become a reality with automation capabilities. For successful work, the owner needs to have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwho is a regular at his establishment, what dishes and drinks customers prefer, what unpopular dishes should be excluded from the menu, what day of the week is the peak of visits, and when it is quiet, which of the waiters do visitors prefer and much other. It is practically impossible to carry out the analysis of a restaurant's activity by such a number of parameters manually. In addition, the issues of accounting and operational accounting for the sale and production of dishes are acute. Accounting for the preparation of dishes and their implementation is necessary in all catering establishments: in restaurants, and in fast food outlets, and in canteens, and in cafeterias, and in buffets, in bars, cookery.

In computer systems warehouse accountingdata entry forms are as close as possible to the original documents. They can be selected from the appropriate dictionaries (goods, units of measure, storage locations, correspondents) by simply pressing a few keys. In addition, data can be entered using barcode scanners.

Automation allows you to keep inventory and between departments of a catering establishment. The computer records a document on the internal movement of goods, which are written off in the source department and received from the recipient. The database stores both electronic copies of recipes and the history of their changes. Therefore, you can track the dynamics of changes in the raw material set and its cost and get a complete picture of the kitchen in a matter of seconds.

Production process and release of finished products reflected in pick-up sheets or invoices. By processing them, the computer records the consumption of raw materials required to obtain products, the arrival of finished products and calculates the cost. Documents on the consumption of dishes can also be generated automatically - for this, the cash register and the warehouse computer must be connected into a single network. As a result, all data on prepared dishes (including revenue) are entered by waiters and cashiers.

At the end of the working day, the information from the cash register goes into the computer database. On their basis, documents on the consumption of dishes are formed, and all subsequent documentation is built: consignment notes, acts of writing off products from production, etc. This is how analytical accounting is carried out. Then these documents are transferred to other systems, for example, to accounting, where its own synthetic accounting of monetary amounts is maintained.

Based on the data on the movement of goods, calculated balances are compiled for each department, and an inventory is carried out for control. Actual balances are entered into the computer using a barcode scanner, and after this simple operation, the result immediately appears: the quantity and amount"Surplus" and "shortage".

Pros and cons

Now, in most catering establishments, all accounting systems are automated. However, the problem selection of a specific supplier of automation systems there are both existing business representatives and newcomers. With numerous control systems in public catering, a difficult situation has developed. It seems that there are many suppliers of such equipment, but few satisfied customers.

Now on the market of software products there are about 20 systems of automation of accounting and control. Some russian developers occupy a leading position in this market. Among them, the most famous is the R-Keeper software product developed by UCS. This company was the first to offer its restaurant automation system. It is cheaper than Western ones and is adapted to the Russian business environment.

Prices and quality level of automation systems extremely heterogeneous. There are relatively inexpensive systems, and there are also very expensive ones designed to operate a whole network of establishments. There are some automation systems that, despite their high cost, are not capable of much.

This is mainly because the programs are developed by specialists who have not practically studied the features of this type of business. The programmer creates a certain algorithm that is designed to perfectly automate all processes. But, if for a programmer it is always 2 + 2 \u003d 4, then in public catering this is not always the case. Therefore, automation should take place with the help of not only a functional, but also a flexible system. This is one of the important requirements when choosing it.

Another problem with automation systems is service problem ... Single points or small networks with a modest budget suffer most from it. As a rule, aspiring entrepreneurs choose well-known systems that are widely available on the market. At the same time, they give little thought to what kind of service problems from the supplier companies they will have to face. After all, large suppliers of automation systems have no time, and it is not profitable to "sink" to servicing small points. They serve such customers carelessly and slowly. And malfunctions in any automation system are the norm. Therefore, large sales companies have huge queues for service. You have to wait for a specialist for weeks, and sometimes months. Thus, when choosing an automation system for his establishment, the owner should, first of all, have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhat he expects from it, what exactly he wants to get.

We also need to ensure that the chosen system does not restrict the development of his restaurant business in the future. Because the prospects of any enterprise can outgrow the capabilities of the automation program, and it will have to be replaced or modernized. And this will require not only financial costs, but also emotional and psychological ones. Because for the accounting department and other employees, the transition to a new automation system is tantamount to moving to another country, with new rules, laws and requirements.

Leading domestic automation systems


R-Keeper is the market leader in catering automation systems. The developer of this system is UCS. It has been present on the automation market since 1992.

Its main software products:

Delivery is a finished product delivery management system.

TimeKeeper is a system for planning and accounting for employees' working time.

R-Keeper StoreHouse is a warehouse accounting system.

R-Keeper is a restaurant automation system.


The Magic-Restaurant automation system appeared on the market in 1996. The developer of the system is the company "IVS". Today, more than 700 catering establishments in Ukraine and Russia operate on this system.


This restaurant automation system was launched on the market in 1998. TillyPad XL is a new generation system that has been operating in the restaurant business since 2008. Its purpose is to control the activities of network establishments. Thousands of public catering enterprises in Russia and the CIS countries work with this automation system. The main office of the company is located in St. Petersburg. The company also has a representative office in Moscow. Regional and dealer implementation centers are represented throughout Russia.


The developer of the Expert system is the AVERS technology company. The restaurant automation system "Expert" has been on the market since 2001.


It appeared on the restaurant business market in 2002. The main products of the "RST" automation system:

"RST: Magnat" - for network enterprises.

"RST: Restorator".

This system has been installed in more than 2000 catering establishments.


The developer of the Z-Cash automation system is Z-Lab Tech. This is a relatively young product that is intended only for restaurants. This automation system is based on intranet technologies. Requires a quarterly license fee.

Closest import competitors

FIT company(France Informatique & Technologie) announced the launch of the LEO system on the Russian market. This is a popular French restaurant business automation system, a solution for Orderman mobile terminals.

This automation system is designed for professionals in the restaurant business. LEO's automated customer service management system can be used to automate: theme restaurants, traditional restaurants, cafes, canteens and other catering establishments However, its main advantage over other foreign systems is its adaptation to the Russian realities of doing business.

Another imported product that domestic businessmen should pay attention to is Berg - accounting system for alcohol bottling in restaurants and bars.Berg Company(USA) is a manufacturer of automated systems, which has been a world leader in this field for 30 years. Berg Company products are represented in 67 countries around the world and are used by such global brands as Hilton, Marriot, Hard Rock Café, Alfredo's, etc.

Bottling control systems are primarily designed to combat theft in bars and are aimed at increasing the profit of the establishment owner. There are statistics: 30% of alcohol revenue does not reach the checkout, a fifth of the drink you order at the bar is stolen by the bartender, and in 50% of cases the beer in your glass is a mixture of fresh and expired, or a cheaper variety. The advantage of the Berg system over other imported counterparts is its full integration with the leading Russian system R-Keeper.

Catering establishment automation any level requires its owner to be aware of all the new products of such systems. After all, the market for this business does not stand still. It often happens that a familiar system quickly becomes outdated and no longer copes with new tasks. Therefore, it is better to always look ahead and, if possible, take the system "for growth", which assumes constant modernization and offers regular updates.

Vladislav Permin, specially forEquipnet. ru