Calendar-thematic planning group "Skillful hands. View the contents of the document "Calendar-thematic planning circle" Skillful Hands "." value orientation testing

The material is useful for teachers leading classes in extracurricular activities or a circle in the artistic and aesthetic direction. KTP circle for students in grades 3-4 classes at the rate of 2 hours per week.

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   "Calendar and thematic planning group" Skillful Hands ""

Calendar and thematic planning

mug "Skillful hands"

(3-4 class, 2 hours per week)



Software tasks

Activity Requirements

of students

Module 1 "Decorate the room, apartment"

Introductory lesson. Safety in the classroom.

To acquaint children with a variety of natural, waste materials and its use in the manufacture of handicrafts. To learn to see the unusual in the ordinary, using familiar design skills, to develop imagination, creativity, ability to work in a team

Be able to

Rules for procurement of natural material.

Be able tol:

Watch objects;

Independently establish a sequence of actions

The concept of composition.

Panel of natural materials (seeds, bark, leaves, etc.)

Lesson-fantasy "Where is the button useful?"

Be able to  realize a creative intent in creating an artwork

Button applications

Teamwork "We are going, going, going ..."

Be able to

Crochet. Story. Knitting techniques.

To expand the circle of children's knowledge of the world around them, working with a variety of materials. To teach to add to the basic that which is lacking before the embodiment of the intention; learn to think creatively, develop artistic taste.

Have a presentation

about the properties of the material (yarn), about devices for knitting

Patterns of knitted chains

Be able tomake a chain of air loops, select a sketch, color to create a composition

Papier mache. History of occurrence, types. General stages of work.

Be able to  under the supervision of the teacher to build the process of completing the task, follow the instructions clearly.

Handmade art paper.

Layered papier-mâché.

Panel of pencil shavings. Procurement material.

Be able to  to organize and plan their own work

Teamwork "Bird of Happiness"

Module 2 "New Year on the threshold"

Volumetric modulation and design of paper and cardboard.

To consolidate the knowledge of children about the properties of paper (cut, bend, tear, stick together), about various types of paper (corrugated, tracing paper, etc.)

Have a presentation

about the properties of the material (paper).

Be able to  to analyze the sample, plan and control the practical work (notching, folding paper)

General stages of preparation for work. Tools for work. Instruction on TB.

Volume crafts with notches

Fishnet toys

Be able to  to analyze the sample, plan and control the practical work (pattern marking, paper folding)

Garland with repeat

Modular origami. Postcard "Christmas tree branch"

Cabinet design

Be able to  negotiate, distribute work, evaluate your contribution and total result

Acquaintance with the “Iris-Folding” technique

Develop creativity, fine motor skills, artistic taste.

Be able to  under the supervision of the teacher to build the process of completing the task, to know the rules of working with scissors and a knife.

Preparing the material to create a postcard.

Christmas card "Ball", "Christmas Tree"

Christmas angel

Learn to think creatively, develop artistic taste, foster neatness.

Be able to  implement a creative idea in creating an artistic image

Module 3 “Give your family a holiday!”

The dough is a plastic universal material. The composition of the test.

Be able to  conduct sample analysis, plan and monitor practical work. Be able to observe, notice the details.

Work with the dough. Photo frame

Embroidery. Art history.

Tools and fixtures. Stitches.

Embroidery as a gift

Teach children to work with fabric and thread; teach to perform chain stitch, cross stitch; develop fine motor skills of hands.

Have a presentation

about the properties of the material (fabric, thread). Be able to

work according to the instructions; bring to the end.

Fabric painting. History, different types

Free painting

Cold batik.

Painting on salt

Get acquainted with the techniques of painting on fabric. Develop creativity, fine motor skills, artistic taste.

Be able to  to work according to the instructions to realize the creative intention in creating the artistic image

Volume modeling from fabric. Different types of stitched toys.

Cutting out the details of the toy

A toy for a friend. Sewing volumetric dog, elephant

To acquaint with the techniques of sewing toys made of fabric, to promote new creative possibilities of children in the work of cloth

Have a presentation

about the properties of the material (fabric). Be able to  to analyze the sample, to plan and monitor practical work, to observe safety precautions.

What is a charm? Meaning of characters

Create a charm

To teach to create conceived, to add to the main what is missing before the realization of the plan; learn to think creatively, develop artistic taste.

Promote the development of friendly relations

Be able to  observe, notice the details, independently establish a sequence of actions for solving a practical task

How to create a holiday?

Invitation tickets, room and table decoration

Competition lesson "Why do I need a spoon?" Plastic. Information about the material.

Provide children with the opportunity to use waste material so that it turned out to be conceived, recognizable, continue to develop creative abilities and fine motor skills of hands

Be able to  observe, notice the details.

Have a presentation

about the properties of the material (plastic).

Decoration for the kitchen "We want to eat!"

Amazing postcard.

To expand the circle of children's knowledge of the world around them, working with a variety of materials. Develop creativity and fine motor skills

Be able to  It is possible to perform the markup on the drawing itself; perform sample analysis, planning and control of practical work performed

Making a double postcard

Decoupage Art history, various types and methods of application

Decoupage canning

Multilayer composition

To acquaint with the decoupage technique. Promote new creative opportunities for children to work with paper napkins.

Develop creativity, fine motor skills, artistic taste.

Have a presentation

about the properties of the material (paper napkins). Be able to  work according to plan, supervise practical work

Final module “What we have learned”

Excursion to the museum

To promote collective activity, verbal communication of children. Develop artistic taste, the desire to carry out the work to the end and enjoy the result

Be able to  make value judgments about works of art

Teamwork "Flower Lawn"

Be able to  agree, distribute the work, evaluate your contribution and the overall result, implement the creative idea in creating the artistic work

Exhibition of Works

Be able to  make value judgments, rejoice at the success of comrades.


Crafts from all sorts of things. Shukhov S. - M: Irisspress, 2008.

Patchwork fantasy. Art application. - M: AST. 2009

T.M. Geronimus “150 labor lessons in grades 1-4: Methodical recommendations for planning classes”. 1997

M.A.Gusakova “Application”, Enlightenment, 1987

M.A.Gusakova “Gifts and toys with their own hands”, SC "Sphere", 1999

N.S. Voronchikhin “Make yourself out of paper”

N.V. Volkova, E.G. Zhadko "100 wonderful crafts from all sorts of things", Rostov-on-Don, 2009


And about. directors

DVR "Әulet"

T. Kirillova

"___" _________ 20 ___ g.



Educational program:

Оқу-әдістемелік бғдарлама:

Artistic word:

Group # 1

2 years of study

TEACHER: Parkhomenko Anna Yuryevna

1. Explanatory note

The change in the socio-economic conditions of people's livelihood, which occurred at the end of the twentieth century, inevitably led to a shift in value-oriented targets and the advancement of new requirements for basic competencies that must be formed in the younger generation. Fatherland needs independent young people with high personal activity, able to study effectively throughout their lives, have a good education, are subjects of their activity and development, meaningfully make choices in various life circumstances and are responsible for its consequences, purposefully building their way of life.

The priority direction of state policy is forming a request for a free, initiative, creative individual, with a high level of spirituality and intelligence, focused on the best final results. Therefore, the task of the “artistic word” circle is to implement the concept of modernizing the system of additional education and informatization. To help a growing person to develop their creative abilities, to promote spiritual and intellectual growth, all-round development and upbringing of children.

The work of the artistic word group is not only aimed at introducing new ideas into the system of additional education, but also creating an atmosphere of search and creativity in the team. The forms and methods of building club activities that we use contribute to the identification and development of the creative abilities of children of different ages. They teach them to make an independent choice, help each member of the club to realize and express themselves, to find their place in the system of extra-curricular relations and contribute to the identification and development of the latent creative potential of children who have not had time to open up and somehow manifest themselves. This program provides for the involvement in the creative process of students of primary school age, the identification of creatively gifted children already in elementary school and their involvement in the work of the circle as junior groups. Middle and senior students attend classes of this group with great interest.

Targets and goals:

Objective: to create conditions for the creative development of students, the formation of an active life and civic position, leadership qualities, communication skills, promotion of a healthy lifestyle.


1) to form the motivation to search for new material, the necessary information;

2) to comply with generally accepted moral and aesthetic standards;

3) the disclosure of the creative potential of students;

4) develop teamwork skills;

5) to provide an understanding of the rules of stage speech, stage and dance movements, acting skills.


1) the personal qualities of children;

2) awareness of each student of their role in the team;

3) creative and intellectual abilities of pupils;

4) communication skills.


2) foster mutual understanding, mutual assistance, goodwill, respect, trust, responsibility;

3) the formation of a positive motivation to learn;

4) forming an i-in team;

5) promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

Progress Tracking Methodsin achieving educational results:

    the results of the participation of pupils in creative contests of the city level;

    testing the level of development of creative abilities of students;

    testing changes in value orientations.

Projected results

Mastering the basic rules of behavior in the group;

The development of communication skills, the formation of organizational skills;

The ability to find new, necessary information.

Forming sustainable creative teams

Self-determination in relation to the socio-ethical values \u200b\u200bof the association, the determination of its status as a member of the association

Formation of organizational skills;

The concept of a positive social behavior.

Design and organization of independent group and individual creative activity, the ability to analyze the results;

Mastering ways to effectively interact with social structures in the conduct of creative activity in the cultural, social and legal space;

Mastering the methods of self-education and self-preparation.

The main forms of organization of classes are group and individual.

Group: intellectual games, trainings, brainstorming, rehearsals of performances, preparation for the game and its analysis.

Individually: counseling on behalf of or preparing to speak.

The total amount of study load is 4 hours per week, the total number is 144 hours - 1 year of study.

The total amount of study load is 6 hours per week, the total number is 216 hours - 2 year of study.



2. Name of sections and number of hours

Section Name

Number of hours


Safety Instructions for Children

Training in the development of coherent speech. Vocabulary enrichment

Speech technology


Logical text analysis

Speech culture



3. Circle "_ Artistic word_"

Section. Theme

Number of hours



Instructing children on safety -4 hours

The rules of student behavior in the circle

Safety instructions in the assembly hall.

Training in the development of coherent speech. Enrichment of vocabulary-92ch.

Analysis of the topic of speech. Making skeleton performances.


Secrets of the text.

Analysis of a literary work.


The embodiment of the works in the sounding word.


Fostering the qualities and skills required for artistic reading.


A culture of speech.

Rhyme. "Hike for inspiration."


Poetry and stamps.


Speech styles.


Poetry and painting


Music in poetry. My poetic creativity.


Speech Technique.-52 h.

Respiratory articulation complexes.


Dictational complexes



Tongue Twisters


Orfoepiya.-16 h.

Pronunciation of vowel sounds in a shock and unstressed position.


Stunning and assimilation



Logical analysis of the text-40h.

The object of attention.


Verbal action.



Parsing works.

Execution of small stories or excerpts from stories from the first person


Culture of verbal communication.-10h.

Speech games


Summing up. 2 hours



4. The list of intermediate and final certification:

1) the participation of students in creative competitions of city, regional, national and international levels.

2) testing the level of development of students' creative abilities;

3) testing changes in value orientations.


Acting skills

Ershov P.M. Technology of acting. 2nd ed. - M., 1992

Ershov PM. Directing as a practical psychology - M .., 1972

Korogodsky Z.Ya. First year. Start. - M.: Sov.Rossiya, 1971. B-ka “To help the artist. amateur activities ”

Korogodsky Z.Ya. First year. Continued. - M.: Sov.Rossiya, 1972. B-ka “To help the artist. amateur activities ”

Korogodsky Z.Ya. Director and actor. -M., 1967.

Nemirovich-Danchenko V.I. On the work of the actor. - M., 1984

Stanislavsky K.S. Actor's work on himself. Col.Soc., V.2 - 1974

Tovstonogov G.A. The mirror of the scene. -L., 1984.

Toporkov V.O. On the technique of the actor. 2nd ed. - M.: WTO, 1959

Chekhov M. Literary heritage in 2 volumes. M .: Art, 1995

Scenic speech

Artobolevsky G.V. Fiction reading. - M., 1978.

Gukova V.I. and others. Stage speech: / Work on the text / Uch. manual - M., IPCC, 1986

Knebel M.O. That seems to me especially important. -M., 1976.

Kozlyaninova I.P. Pronunciation and diction. - M .: WTO, 1977

Komyakova G. Word in the drama theater. -M., 1974.

Morgunov B.G. The laws of sounding speech. - M., 1986.

Petrova A.N. Scenic speech. Teaching guide for theater institutes and dir. Dep. cultural institutions. M.: Art, 1981

Stage movement

Golubovsky B. Plastic in the art of the actor. - M., 1986

Graner V. Rhythm in the art of the actor. - M., 1966

Koch I. Fundamentals of the scenic movement. - l., 1970

Nemirovich-Danchenko Vl.I. On the work of the actor. - M., 1984

Nemerovsky A. Plastic actor's expressiveness. - M., 1976

Rutberg I. Pantomime, movement and image. - M., 1963

Stanislavsky K.S. Actor's work on himself. Sobsr.T.2 - M., 1974

  1. Introduction
  2. Guidelines for planning a circle.
  3. Planning the circle "National sewing".
  4. Development of extracurricular activities on the topic "Making the sketch" bile.

1. Introduction.

It is known that creativity can not be taught, limiting consumption or display. For this, an appropriate organization of the activity of the students of the circles is needed - this is the creation of a work program, its planning, and the preparation of a leader for work.

Before creating a circle, the future leader must develop his program, the content of which is determined by exemplary programs developed by methodological offices at the public education authorities. The structure and content of the program must meet the well-known didactic principles: accessibility, science, clarity, the connection of theory with practice, relevance, consideration of common (age) and individual characteristics of children, from specific interests and opportunities.

The program contains theoretical material and a sufficient list of practical work. Depending on local conditions and interests, the group leader’s students can make changes: reduce materials on one topic, increase another, exclude individual ones and introduce new ones.

The program of the circle reveals not only the content, but also indicates the predicted results - a description of the knowledge and skills that pupils will receive during the course, developed abilities and qualities of the personality.

The program is complemented by a study-and-educational, economic, and other work plan built on its basis, which is compiled for a year or half year. The plan for the month are based on the annual and semi-annual program.

Two types of plans are being developed: prospective ones for a number of years and current ones for an academic year. The general plans are the following sections:

  1. Work organization.
  2. Definition of objects of labor.
  3. Mass propaganda work (exhibitions, nooks, evenings, etc.).
  4. Strengthening the material and technical base.
  5. Improving the qualifications of teachers.
  6. Work with parents.
  7. Questions communication circle with the learning process.

Both of these documents (program and plan) are approved by the head of the educational institution.

Planning work circle begins with the choice of the object of labor. Therefore, a thoughtful choice of objects of labor in a circle is of great importance. It should be borne in mind that students are not always objectively assess their capabilities. They often tend to overestimate or underestimate their knowledge and skills. So, choosing the objects of labor, the teacher relies on the knowledge and labor skills that have been formed by the students in the classroom. An important factor is the level of knowledge of the basics of science.

A small help for the leader of the circle is the calendar-thematic plan, which provides for the dates of classes, the title of sections and topics, the basic concepts, the content of practical activities, methodological support and equipment. When discussing it with members of the circle, if possible, take into account their proposal and provisions. It is important that the guys themselves become the organizers of the life of the circle, feel the responsibility for its work, and the leader skillfully, tactfully managed their activities.

Based on the calendar-thematic plan, specific classes are developed and conducted. Willingness for each of them, the head of the circle specifies the content of the work, selects the required equipment and materials.

The main reporting document in the circle is a training magazine. At the beginning of the year, information about all circles is entered into it. Here the theme of each lesson is indicated, those present are noted In addition, the head of the circle is recommended to keep a diary of work, which usually fits into a lesson plan, reference classes, a list of products to be performed, and brief conclusions from observations of the work of individual children.

The results of the work group are summarized at the end of the school year and the people with an oral assessment of the achievements of each of the members of the group are supported by an exhibition of their creative works.

Writing to the circle is held by the supervisor at certain hours in the room where classes will be held in the future. One of the main selection criteria is interest in working in a circle. If the circle has been working for more than a year, then for the period of the recording it is recommended to organize a small exhibition of models, educational visual aids, products made by the circle members and reflecting the nature of his work.

Special attention should be given to completing the first year study group. It is advisable to conduct it in the second half of September, after the school schedule has already been clarified. Information about the group (brief information about the circle, the age of the enrolled, the time and place of recording) should be brought to the attention of students in a timely manner.

The leader talks with each of the newcomers, identifies the area of \u200b\u200bhis interests and level of training. The recording is carried out in a special journal or on separate blank cards. Recorded in the circle reported work schedule, time and place of the first lesson. In the first year in the circle, you can organize several groups for children with different levels of preparedness. By the end of the year, students usually gain sufficient experience, and in the second year of study there is no need for division into groups.

Acquisition of the circle does not end with the beginning of its work, it can continue even during the school year. This is because, on the one hand, there is a dropout, and on the other hand, quite often after the start of classes, there are those who want to join the circle.

Acquisition of groups should be carried out, taking into account the age characteristics of students of their knowledge and skills. Members of the circle should be close in age, the age difference can be no more than two years. The optimal number of members of the group is 15 people, if there are too many students in the groups, then they can be divided into subgroups, because otherwise it will be difficult to provide individual guidance to them.

The standards for the number of schoolchildren’s circles and the number of lessons per week are determined by the model provisions for out-of-school institutions, which stipulate that the first-year circle is engaged 2 times a week for two hours (144 hours per academic year). In the circles of the 2nd and 3rd years of study, the number of hours per week increases to 6 hours (216 hours per year). And classes in the school circle usually take two academic hours, then once a week (72 hours per year). However, this does not satisfy some schoolchildren. They can be practiced more often, but in agreement with the class teacher, who knows about the progress of each student in other subjects and the conditions of his life.

For regular attendance by schoolchildren of circle classes and the prevention of dropouts, the regulations of the circle are of great importance. The mode of his work should be stable, consistent with the schedule of classes and other activities at the school.

Every day of the week is better to take a mug to class? This question can be answered on the basis of the article by T. Pena. He says that on Friday a decline in the working capacity of children begins, so on Tuesday and Wednesday it is advisable to slightly increase the load, and on Thursday to “unload” children on walks and excursions. Days with the lowest performance - Monday and Friday - are set aside for active creative work in circles. Creativity creates a good emotional attitude. On Tuesday and Wednesday, children begin to learn much more productively.

A substantial help to the teacher in organizing the work of the group can be provided by the parents of the students. To do this, they should be familiarized with the tasks and program of the circle, reveal the possibilities of concrete participation in circle activities, involving children in them.

The success of any group depends on the enthusiasm of the leader, the proper organization of classes, the provision of necessary equipment, the regularity of classes. Important among them is the availability of the necessary material base. For the “National Sewing” mug, such a base is school workshops and labor offices. A permanent exhibition of students' work will serve as a good design of the office and visual material in the classroom. It is necessary to prepare in advance the place of employment, procurement and tools in order to conduct the organizational part of the training in a short time.

The theoretical part of classes in national sewing circles may include: the origin of sewing in Yakutia, familiarity with the elements of materials science, the laws of composition and equipment necessary for work, safety regulations.

And practical classes give the children the opportunity to express their creative imagination - to make sketches, sew unusual outfits, various objects. A significant role in the development of this craft is the availability of material. Students are happy to be involved in the work, the choice of products is inorganic - these are dresses, wall panels, napkins, beadwork, etc.

And another important point in the work of the circle is that in the circle of national sewing to complete the task takes a long time. In order for students not to lose interest in working on the same thing, it is recommended to sum up the results for each day, note the effectiveness and importance of work. In this case, the students see what they managed to do in one lesson. This will be an incentive for further work.

In the practice of extracurricular work there are many programs for labor education. Scientists of the republic have developed special programs for girls and boys “Knowledge of Work”, the program “Satybyl”, recommended for teaching labor in schools with the Yakut language, taking into account local national-traditional methods and ways of preparing the children of the peoples of the North to work.

The specifics of labor education in the republic are also set out in the Concept of Renewal and Development of National Schools “From Life and for Life” (19, p.16), which meets the traditions of the people based on the philosophy of folk pedagogy in the field of raising children by work and for labor. (29, p.39).

The experience of out-of-class work of schools, child-care facilities allows you to select interesting topics, forms and methods of organizing a sewing circle, put them at the service of modern tasks of training and education.

Execution is the completion and final performance of the work. It is very important that the performance for children is necessarily completed, even with the smallest and joyful experience.

3. The program of the circle "National sewing".

First year of study.

Thematic plan.

Theme Theoretical hour Practical hour Total
1 Organization of classes. 2 2
2 Equipment, tools and accessories. Safety rules. 2 2
3 Brief information on sewing techniques. Manual machine stitches. Exercises. 1 3 4
4 Ways to transfer the pattern on the fabric. 2
5 Basics of composition. Color science. Shaping. 2 2 4
6 Independent work. 4 30 34
7 Moist heat treatment of the embroidered product. 2 2
8 Performance of final works. 4 4
9 Excursions, work in museums, libraries. 2 2
10 Participation in festivals, exhibitions, fairs. 4 4
11 The final lesson. Exhibition. 2 2 4
12 Total 15 49 64

1. Organizational activity.

Acquaintance of students, a tour of the school, the story of the workshop. Acquaintance by students with the plan for the school year. Rules of conduct and requirements for students. Schedule for classes in quarters.

Equipment, tools and accessories. Safety rules.

2. Familiarity with equipment and tools.The story about the appointment and use of tools and devices, their storage. Talk about the rules of occupational safety, fire safety.

3. Brief information on sewing techniques. Manual machine stitches. Exercises.

Theory: familiarity with the sewing machine: the device, purpose and principles of operation. Filling and care of the sewing machine, the classification of machine seams. Stitch frequency Types of manual, machine stitches, their purpose and application. Stitch length and width. Special stitches.

Practice: refueling sewing machines and the implementation of straight, oval, zigzag seams, edge seams. Performance of connecting seams, edge seams. Execution of simple sweeping stitches (sweeping straight, sweeping stitching, hand stitch). Hand stitches. Permanent appointment (secret hemming, looped, cruciform). Safety when working on a sewing machine, hand stitches.

4. Methods of transferring the pattern to fabric.

Equipment: carbon paper, tracing paper, threads, needles, pin, cloth, chalk.

Performing techniques drawing pattern on the fabric. Increase and decrease the pattern.

5. Basics of composition. Flower Studies. Shaping.

Theory: the concept of "sketch", "drawing", "composition", "ornament", "rhythm". The laws of composition. Primary colors, color compatibility, construction of plant and geometric ornaments. Form and proportions. Profession "artist-designer".

Practice: sketches of models, composition, color solution.

6. Independent work.

The choice of models for the selected sketch. Practical implementation of the sketch student, individual instruction of the teacher.

7. Wet heat treatment of the embroidered product.

Theory: types of wet-heat treatment. Technical requirements for implementation.

Practice: learning the initial techniques of wet-heat treatment (ironing and ironing the seams). Safety when working with an iron.

Second year of study.

Thematic plan.

Theme Theoretical hour Practical hour Total
1 Organizational lesson 2 2
2 Brief information on the technique of beading. Exercises. 1 3 4
3 The use of embroidery and beads in the performance of finishing mittens, high fur boots and in the decoration of modern clothing. Selection of products for the implementation of an educational project. 2 8 10
4 Children's national clothes. Independent work. 4 30 34
5 Performance of final works. 4 4
6 Excursions, works in museums, libraries. 2 2
7 Participation in festivals, exhibitions, fairs. 4 4
8 The final lesson. Reporting exhibition. 2 2 2
9 Total 11 53 64

1. Organizational activity.

Exhibition of student work. Acquaintance with plans and tasks for the new academic year. Requirements for students. Schedule for classes in quarters.

2. Brief information on the technique of beadwork. Exercises.

Theory: types of beads, their purpose and application. Simple beadwork techniques.

Practice: making simple bead jewelery.

3. The use of embroidery and beads for interior design and decoration of modern clothing. Selection of products for the implementation of an educational project.

Design and its role in the creation of goods and services. The use of embroidery and beads in everyday life (scoops, panels, cushions). Making and finishing garments with embroidery and beads (dresses, skirts, blouses, pants). The location of the embroidery and beads on the garment. Ways to identify the needs of society in embroidered products. Selection of products for the implementation of an educational project

4. Children's national clothes. Independent work.

Sketches (children's national costume).

5. Execution of final works.

Self-development of sketches of parts.

6. Excursions, work in museums, libraries.

Visits to museums. Acquaintance with new expositions. The guys in the museum under the guidance of art historians with exhibits of masters of antiquity. Sketching sketches. Work in libraries.

7. Participation in exhibitions, festivals, fairs.

Selection of the best student work.

8. The final lesson.

Reporting exhibition. Summing up the work of students for the academic year. Preparation and design of the reporting exhibition. Inviting parents and guests. Rewarding The job for the summer.

The third year of study.

Thematic plan.

Theme Theoretical part Practical part total
1 Organizational lesson. 2 2
2 Avant-garde style. Teamwork. 2 10 12
3 Technique execution quilting. 2 10 12
4 Independent work. 14 14
5 Preparation of essays. 10 10
6 Preparation of solo exhibitions. 3 3
7 Tours. 1 1
8 Work in museums. 2 2
9 Participation in exhibitions, festivals, fairs, competitions. 4 4
10 The final lesson. Reporting exhibition. 2 2 4
Total 18 46 64

1. Organizational activity.

The results of the work for two years. Acquaintance with plans and tasks for the new academic year. Schedule for classes in quarters.

2. Avant-garde style. Teamwork.

Theory: the general concept of the word avant-garde.

Practice: come up with sketches of models on avant-garde style.

3. Independent teamwork.

Technique execution quilting.

Theory: several types of performance. Composing compositions, patterns and ornaments.

Practice: types and techniques of manufacturing. An independent choice of a pattern of compositions taking into account the law of contrast and harmony of color. Acquaintance with the samples containing an ornament from different forms. Sewing wall panels with the observance of the entire technical process.

4. Independent work.

Performance of work. Development of their compositions.

5. Preparation of essays.

Collection of materials for abstracts.

6. Preparation of solo exhibitions.

Selection of works, design, together with students of expositions, meetings with craftsmen on this type of craft.

7. Excursions.

A visit under the guidance of a teacher of new museum expositions.

8. Work in museums.

Independent work of students in museums. Participation in exhibitions, festivals, fairs, competitions. Selection of the best student work.

8. The final lesson. Reporting exhibition.

Attestation of students, summarizing the three-year study. Inviting parents and guests. Reporting school concert. Rewarding

The circle lays in them figurative artistic representations, fosters aesthetic taste, develops creativity, i.e. precisely those qualities that contribute to the intensive formation of personality. This is all the more important today when the information received by children has become so abundant and diverse. Properly organized classes contribute to the vocational guidance of schoolchildren, familiarizing them with the work of artists of specialists in decorative and applied arts.

4. Development of a national circle study on the topic “Making a sketch of bile”.

Theme:  Sketch "bile".

Type of lesson:  problem.

The purpose of the lesson:

  1. Educational - mastering the skills independently applied in the complex of knowledge and skills.
  2. Developmental - the development of drawing skills, creative thinking.
  3. Educational - the formation of concentration of attention and aesthetic attitudes.


  • for the teacher - tables with Yakut ornaments, types of bile;
  • for students - A4 formats, colored pencils, felt-tip pens.

Lesson plan:

  1. The organizational part is 2 minutes.
  2. A brief conversation about the ornament - 5 minutes.
  3. Sketching is 10 minutes.
  4. Independent work of students - 20 minutes.
  5. Summing up the lesson - 8 minutes.

During the classes

1. Organizational part.

2. A brief conversation about the ornament.

Today we will conduct a lesson in creativity, learn about the types of clothing of the ancient Yakuts and perform the ornament of bile.

First, let's take a look at the clothes of our grandparents. Before Yakuts dressed like that. Look at the screen. We see that the clothes are made of fur and cloth. For a man and a woman, the applied ornaments do not resemble each other. Mostly men have geometric patterns, while women have floral patterns. Now we will think that from the clothes of our ancestors remains to this day. And we wear it with pleasure. The answer: boots Right.

Now consider the elements of high boots. Who will wear these boots? Right woman. And these? Right men. How did you know that these boots wear only men? According to the element - fringe - bile - geometrical ornament.

But these women or girls wear. They are embroidered with beadwork or embroidery.

Bile is only on top of unts, with one vertical pattern or with two vertical patterns.

Basically the pattern of bile pattern is ornamental.

As you see on the poster, these are hearts, petals, lyre form.

Recently there is a bile with the image of a deer, snowflakes, roses, sardans, a man with a deer, Christmas trees.

Before you are the various elements of the Yakut ornament.

You see a table with geometric shapes. Suppose that you perform bile to someone, you must decorate them with a national Yakut ornament of your choice, i.e. You must be creative when performing this task. Everyone chooses for himself that geometrical figure that he likes and that ornament, which in his opinion is more suitable; some elements of these ornaments can be excluded and added from themselves. Therefore, you are doing an authoring project bile.

At the end of the lesson, pass your work on the assessment. When grading, the following criteria are provided:

  1. The correctness of the composite solution.
  2. Simplicity and concreteness.
  3. Individuality of execution, i.e. creativity.

3. Execution of the sketch.

Geometric shapes can be left the same or can cut corners. All sizes are arbitrary, performed on A4 format. Before making the bile pattern, you must select colors that match the color of the unte. If it is brown - red, ocher, green, white. If it is white - black and white, black, brown, blue, green, etc.

Now proceed to the design sketch. Then transfer one pattern to colored paper and cut out several patterns. After that on a strip you paste an ornament.

4. Independent work of students.

During the lesson, I check students' work, help with student advice.

5. Summing up the lesson.

At the end of the lesson we evaluate the work of students.