Bull-Libra man: characteristics and personality traits. Characteristics of Libra men and women born in the Year of the Ox Libra girl who is she

The Libra-Ox sign includes people born from September 24 to October 23 in 1901, 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021.

The Year of the Ox goes well with the sign of Libra. In this version, Libra and the Ox complement each other perfectly, reinforce each other's positive qualities and interact harmoniously.

In this combination, Libra smoothes out, and the conservatism and pressure of the Bull does not allow Libra to hesitate for a long time when choosing one or another path. This is a calm person, trying to solve all the issues in the world.

Libras born in the Year of the Ox are excellent partners and friends, reliable allies and family men, fair colleagues and honest employees. The environment of these people gladly accepts any of their ideas. Libra-Ox is a fairly balanced person, capable of healthy deeds.

A person born under the sign of Libra in the year of the Ox understands well the feelings and desires of other people, knows how to get along with the majority. They are very loyal to friends and always defend them.

Libra - Ox characteristic

According to the Eastern and Western horoscopes, Libra-Ox is a resourceful and sociable person. Thanks to his charm, he easily converges with people, masters in any team and quickly becomes the soul of the company. With the Libra-Ox combination, peaceful, fair and refined people are born. Their opinion is listened to and practical advice is appreciated.

The bull has a positive effect on disorder and disorder, adding to his organization. And Libra, in turn, adds loyalty, softness and flexibility to the stubborn Ox.

Therefore, a person born under the sign of Libra in the year of the Ox has a calm and balanced character. He loves order, harmony, peace and harmony in everything. But, despite the above qualities, a person who possesses them is not at all a soft and gentle person.

He has a strong character, and thanks to his calmness and self-control, he easily achieves success in almost any field of activity. He is able to solve complex issues, both in everyday affairs and in business. Libra-Ox is perfectly oriented in time and space.

He knows how to communicate with people and in conversations draws almost all the information he needs. But, it should be noted that for all its excellent performance, Libra-Ox needs comfortable working conditions and regular rest. He needs periodic entertainment and pleasure, the opportunity for a variety of communication.

Difficulties in life for this person are caused by his inability to say "no". He devotes a lot of time to friends, colleagues, solving their problems, but he may not have enough time for himself. It is this reliability that can fail in many situations.

As for the field of activity, the Libra-Bull can perfectly prove itself in psychological and pedagogical professions. Hard, physical labor bypasses and tends to humanitarian work.

At the same time, Libra-Ox is a multifaceted and addicting personality. If he finds a hobby for himself, he will devote his whole life to it.

In physical relationships, Libra-Ox seeks variety, tries not to take on unnecessary obligations, but if he already accepts such, then he takes them very seriously.

And when they find their love, they become loyal and devoted partners. Family relationships, as a rule, are built with people whom they have known for a long time.

Libra - Ox woman

Libra-Ox woman is very charming, romantic and sociable. She is open, honest, cheerful, tactful, very communicative, but firm and does not like empty talk. She knows how to enjoy life and at the same time work great, she is practical and wise in everyday affairs, a good housewife and an excellent organizer.

She produces a very favorable environment on others, sociable, has a good sense of humor, as well as a shrewd mind and foresight.

Born in the year of the Ox, and extraordinary. However, such a position often takes her away from real life, making her an exalted person. She should express her ideas more through art and any kind of creativity, so that life remains life and dreams remain dreams.

By nature, the Libra-Ox woman is a rather contradictory nature. She is energetic and ambitious, can achieve good results in any business. However, in order to become successful, she should not waste her energy on various side affairs and succumb to other people's influence.

It is worth noting that the Libra-Ox woman is not a careerist and can only do what she loves. And if the profession is chosen by chance or at the insistence of parents, then she will constantly experience disappointment. It is important for her not only making a profit, but also moral satisfaction.

In a relationship, a Libra-Ox woman loves romance, is in love, can easily get carried away, although she is very picky in choosing a spouse. Her relationships are often summed up under a certain standard that has nothing to do with real life and is only in her imagination. She wants to see certain qualities in a partner, forgetting that everyone has their own shortcomings. In the family, she prefers the role of the head, but at the same time she is non-conflict and is able to wisely find solutions to everyday situations.

In personal relationships, a Libra-Ox woman is as honest as at work: an open and trusting relationship is important for her, where each of the spouses has their own personal space and at the same time is faithful to each other.

Libra-Ox man

A man born under the sign of Libra in the year of the Ox has absorbed the best qualities from both signs and, as a result, it is easy and pleasant to communicate and maintain relationships with him. By nature, this is a calm and hardworking person, slowly but surely moving towards his goal. The Libra-Ox man may have a non-standard hobby, but it will not harm the main activity, but, on the contrary, will give a charge of vigor and inspiration. He usually chooses a practical profession, since the practical side of any process is more important to him than the rest.

Born in the Year of the Ox, as he is well versed in market trends and the economy in general. Often plays the role of a mediator of different interests and desires, and can help all participants achieve their goals. He really looks at life and has sufficient purposefulness, flexibility and understanding of the current moment and knows how to get along with people and get what they want from them.

The Libra-Ox man can achieve success in work related to all kinds of consultations, training, education, as well as in trade, economics, and the financial system. He loves mental work, is very well-read, erudite and at the same time practical. He is an intellectual and a financier at the same time, so communication with him can be very interesting. He can achieve success in any area that arouses his interest. But he tries to avoid physical labor. He knows how to manage money calmly and without unnecessary spending, which allows him to make savings.

In a relationship, it may seem windy and frivolous, but in fact, it can quickly settle down and be loyal to the chosen one. He loves crowded parties, noisy companies, but with age there is an awareness of the importance of family and home comfort. He is always open to communication and honest. If he feels that a woman is not suitable for him, then he will not hesitate to break.

He has no shortage of female fans, since the Libra sign awarded him the ability to find a common language with women, seduce them and guess desires. He is also very attentive to the relatives of his future wife and always tries to maintain harmonious relations with them. He approaches the choice of a wife very carefully, since he believes that you need to marry only once. And once having chosen a life partner for himself, he will by all means protect the family hearth and good relations.

He is very demanding with children and his disadvantage in communicating with them is some callousness.

Happiness in family life for a Libra-Ox man largely depends on his life companion. If he chooses an emotional woman who expresses her feelings every minute, then he will be very happy. And if the spouse is cold and cannot give him recognition and romance, then he will become gloomy, gloomy and pessimistic. To be happier in marriage, you yourself need to become more loyal to your spouse and pay more attention to your children, giving them affection and love.

Since ancient times, learned astrologers have noticed that there is a relationship between the year, month, number, place of birth and character of a person, his predisposition to a certain job, or to building a family of a special type. Therefore, it is very important when interacting with people, or recruiting personnel, choosing a close friend or loved one, to pay attention to indicators such as the horoscope and the eastern calendar.

The eastern horoscope divides all people into 12 types of animals, depending on the year of the lunar calendar. Bulls are born in the period from January 1949 to February 1950, from February 1961 to February 1962, from February 1973 to January 1974, from February 1985 to February 1986 , from February 1997 to January 1998, from January 2009 to February 2010. The next little gobies will appear in 2021.

Bull women and men are distinguished by special tenacity, perseverance, fairness and honesty. They are fanatical about the rules. Perfectionists are in the details. They love their family and take care of it. The work is also appreciated and put a lot of effort into it. Below we will talk in more detail about women and girls born in the year of the Ox.

Bull girls are hardworking, show not as many emotions as representatives of other signs. Very sensible. But this is only on the surface. The bull woman is, in fact, a very quivering creature. She treats her family and friends with great love and care. If you become her partner or close friend, then this is forever.

Female bull personality characteristic

Bull girls have fundamental character traits that cannot be confused with any other sign of the eastern calendar:

  • Perseverance;
  • Stubbornness;
  • Strong personal beliefs;
  • Fanaticism for work and family;
  • Comprehensive care for others;
  • The fortitude of her love;
  • Workaholism;
  • Practicality;
  • Reliability;
  • Leadership skills.

There are many celebrities among bull women who have worked hard to achieve success. Princess Diana, Margaret Thatcher, Madeleine Albright, Meryl Streep, Jessica Lange, Jane Fonda and Barbara Cartland, to name a few.

Profile characteristics of a woman born in the year of the bull:

  • Favorite color - blue, purple and its shades, red;
  • Favorite numbers are one and nine;
  • Favorite flowers - tulips and peonies, also a woman with a zodiac sign loves the smell of sage, pines, firs, she likes rhododendrons;
  • Favorite time of day - from one in the morning to three, and they say about these predawn minutes - "Time of the Bull";
  • Favorite time of the year is winter, and especially January;
  • The sign of the zodiac is related in characteristics to a woman's bull - Capricorn, a brother in stubbornness and stamina;
  • Countries that correspond to the Bull in astrological disposition, and in which the bull girl will feel comfortable - from the Southern Hemisphere: New Zealand, Venezuela, from the Northern Hemisphere - Nigeria, Syria, Jordan, Palestine;
  • Signs with which there is compatibility - Rat, Pig, Rooster, Cat;
  • Poorly agree with those born in the year - Goats, Snakes, Horses;
  • Unloved colors - white, green, black;
  • The bad numbers are three and four.

Woman Born in the Year of the Ox

Everyone is trying to make friends with a woman with the characteristics of a bull. She is attractive, like a friend and girlfriend. She is honest, faithful, does not like to gossip and does not support when others gossip. She can be trusted with any secret, and she will not go beyond your conversation. The bull girl will support both advice and deed. If you have become a close friend to her, then you will not find a more reliable accomplice.

There is really a minus. If you betray her once, then she will not forgive you. And will stay away from you. And do not try to prick her yet, the girl's anger, the bull, is terrible and dangerous. Fear!

How to win a bull woman

If you liked the bull girl, do not try to conquer her with the help of machismo. She does not like unnecessary smartness. Better to charm her with sincerity and care. Wrapping her with a warm blanket and bringing aromatic coffee, or making a delicious breakfast for her - this is something that a female bull will appreciate and will be grateful to you. Make sure that she is with an umbrella on a rainy day, so that she has time to have lunch, so that she does not wander around late at night if the boss detains her at work. A pleasant SMS or a bouquet of flowers will also please her.

But all this will only work if a woman born in the year of the bull herself is supportive of you. If such a beauty has not defined you as "her own forever", it will hardly be possible to reach her. Such girls try not to waste their time on trifles, and will not flirt just like that. A bull woman is looking for a permanent partner and stable relationship.

Also, you should not waste money, because of its excessive practicality, the Ox-woman cannot look at Marnotratism without pain. It is important for her that the money does not run out, and there is always a reserve for a rainy day. Such a girl does not tolerate Motov. Better to give her a new phone or a practical branded handbag than to show off at Michelin-starred restaurants.

Horoscope female bull career

Although beautiful bulls have leadership qualities, they do not strive for leadership positions. They are hardworking and diligent, able to work for the good of the company free of charge. They put their souls into all the projects in which they are involved, but if they no longer feel comfortable with the team, they will leave. And there is nothing that is not able to stop a girl on the zodiac sign of a bull. She works better alone than with people who are stressed about and without reason.

As for money, this is not an unimportant factor when choosing a place to work. Even if the profession itself does not like the bull to the girl, but will bring no small income, she will choose it without hesitation. Such women do not strive for diamonds and Chrysler cars, but money must regularly drip into the account and, in the long term, ensure a comfortable old age for her and a good education for children.

The field of activity, where you can apply the personal qualities of a workaholic bull, starts from the waitress and ends with the economic department in a large corporation. Women from characteristics of a bull by horoscopecapable of much. Be good salespeople, consultants, managers, hotel managers, art gallery curators, creative mentors. This wonderful, creative and enterprising lady can do anything.

Bull woman in love and family

A woman who is a bull by a horoscope does not like to show her feelings and emotions in front of strangers, so it seems to some that she is cold and inaccessible. But for the man who found the key to her heart, the Snow Queen will open from a completely different side. She will be passionate both in bed and at the stove. The female zodiac sign will not allow her beloved to be hungry both sexually and gastronomically. The beauty's kitchen delights can go so far that she will discuss with his mother those dishes that are best for the young man to cook, so that he feels comfortable, like at home.

The Ox woman is those partners whom everyone advises to marry. They won't change, they won't betray, they won't leave with your friend. You can safely rely on them, and leave the children under the supervision and the cat. They are able to fall in love once and to the grave. There are even times when they marry "first love" and live happily ever after.

You are easy-going, flirtatious, but at the same time practical and rational, although money itself is not important to you. Strive for beauty and perfection in everything, try to keep not only order around, but also many beautiful and expensive things.

There are always many friends and acquaintances around you, you easily find a common language even with the most reserved people. It is important for you not to be alone in order to realize your wildest life plans and ideas that are really interesting to you and that can benefit you.

Libra Ox Woman in Love

You are very romantic, love attracts you by itself, no matter how it manifests itself. It is in her that your most hidden talents are realized, you use all your charm, and at the same time you rarely become attached to your partner. Despite being in love, you rarely lose your head from love and commit unreasonable acts.

Libra Ox Woman in marriage

You strive to create beautiful and exemplary family relationships and get married only if your partner is completely satisfied with you. You can provide him with a wonderful life, excellent conditions, you will never put pressure on him and reproach him for something, provided that he does not try to limit you. Otherwise, you easily get divorced, even if you sincerely love the person.

Libra Ox woman in bed

You are gentle, loving and able to enjoy any relationship. Often you cannot resist the temptation to start several novels at once and you know how to perfectly disguise. It is in a frivolous relationship that you show your best qualities, so your partners appreciate you and do not want to part.

Libra Ox woman in career

Soberly assess your capabilities and know the ways to make your dreams come true. You rarely conflict and act aggressively - a combination of perseverance, determination, hard work and charm helps you achieve career heights. At the same time, you value your achievements and easily reach heights in psychology, the beauty industry and the restaurant business.

Libra woman in the year of the wooden bull (1925, 1985, 2045)

High efficiency, fearlessness and hard work help you reach heights, even if you do not have rich patrons. You are slowly but surely heading towards your goal, gradually reaching the pinnacle of professional excellence. In people, value decency and constancy; a happy family life and home comfort play an important role for you.

Libra Woman in the Year of the Fire Bull (1937, 1997, 2057)

You seem to many to be calm and reasonable, but as long as no one and nothing infringes on your interests. We are ready for any risky actions in order to defend what is dear, be it a career or a family. In family life, they are jealous, in love you are characterized by passion and incredible sensuality.

Libra Woman in the Year of the Earthen Bull (1949, 2009, 2069)

The strength of the character is perseverance, which in some cases easily turns into stubbornness. You do not like changes, strive for an active and vibrant pastime, but with difficulty change your habits and outlook on life. In family life, they are jealous, do not forgive shortcomings and can behave unpredictably.

Libra woman in the year of the metal bull (1901, 1961, 2021)

The most striking character trait is perseverance and rigidity to the point of cruelty. You can be gentle in communication and kindness as long as no one infringes on your interests. But, if someone decides to cross your path, your character immediately manifests itself both in your career and in family life. You are jealous, hot-tempered and try to protect loved ones in any situation.

In compatibility, the Ox woman has the main goal in life - home and family, where she feels very confident. She acts as the personification of a woman-mother, capable of protecting the hearth, husband, children and being kind, affectionate, charming.

Most women born in are flawless, honest and capable of becoming ideal wives. But, unfortunately, not all Ox women are lucky in their personal lives.

Very often, the Ox woman can do without male support and she solves all the problems associated with the house and children on her own. She may look weak and indecisive, but she has a steel will.

However, you can't hide an sewn in a sack, and in most cases, when you meet even a confused-looking Bull woman, you quickly realize that there is a rock in front of you.

Since the Ox woman is a strong person, weak men come across her husbands.

She can solve her husband's problems with enviable persistence: treat alcoholism, help build a career, take on part of his responsibilities, face his laziness and infantilism.

But, despite the masculine character, she is flirtatious, pleasant to talk to and has many fans. Sometimes she even gives the impression of a gullible woman who is easy to deceive, but often the deceivers themselves fall into the set networks.

The Ox woman takes care of herself, knows how to dress well and tastefully. Truth does not show courage and imagination in clothes, but has its own unsurpassed taste. She doesn't care about new fashion items, she buys what really suits her, and not what the changing industry dictates.

And the basis of her attractiveness is the atmosphere of reliability and strength that she creates around her. Dishonesty, gossip and deception are alien to her, and she cannot stand these same qualities in others. A sense of humor is not her forte, and this one she is not inclined to forgive those who dare to tarnish her reputation. The Ox woman, like no one, knows how to calm and encourage the one who needs support.

The Ox woman is simply created to be a wife and mother. Family happiness is very important for her and she always puts the interests of the family above her own. In marriage, she manifests itself quite stable and confidently. This woman will not arrange petty quarrels and scandals and will try to do everything so that her husband's family life is the same as with her parents.

She will thoroughly study all the habits of a man, his favorite dishes and films, and will create stable family comfort with all the necessary attributes. Most often, she tries to save money, keep a budget and spend money optimally on necessary things for children, husband and for herself.

The Bull Woman is a neat housewife, she loves order in the house, she is ready to spend energy to maintain it. He always knows what is and where. She does not like gossip, she tries to idolize her husband, even if there is no reason. Often it is she who is the head of the family, but she dominates so tactfully, skillfully, and somewhere cunningly that the husband is sure that the reins of family government are only in his hands.

Bull Woman is a very good mother. And this role is perhaps the best in her life. She perfectly understands the child's soul and will never demand from the child what she cannot herself. In addition, she herself tries to set an example by her actions and tightly controls the studies and success of her children. For the sake of the children, she will make any sacrifices. And, as a rule, in the future, grown children respond to her with deep tenderness.

The Bull Woman practically does not quarrel, and if this happened, then for the first and last time. And if you take it out, a volcanic eruption will seem to you a mere trifle. She is heavy on her feet and it is difficult for her to decide on changes, but if she decides to leave, then nothing will stop her.

In addition to family responsibilities, the Ox woman does not like to take on any other obligations, therefore she rarely works a lot, and if she is forced to do this, she does not agree to take leadership positions, while remaining the center that holds the entire work process.

By nature, the Ox woman is a homebody, she knows how to take care of her hearth. A magnificent and attentive hostess, it is she who often drives the "family ship". Unfortunately, she is rarely understood by those around her because of her stubborn sectarianism. However, she loves her family and is proud of her children.

Ox woman compatibility with men

A Ox woman can have a very happy family union with a man born in the year of the Rat, Snake, Rooster.

You should not associate your life with a Dragon man, a Horse, a Pig (Cabn). And an extremely difficult family life lies ahead with a Tiger man, a Goat (Sheep).

Ox Woman - Rat Man

The Rat man and the Ox woman complement each other perfectly. This union can be quite strong and happy, even despite the fact that in this family the Ox woman will keep her husband "under the thumb". The love relationship of this couple will be full of refinement, brightness and openness. He is ready to give her romantic evenings, and she can always respond vividly to his desire to please him. The main thing that unites the Rat man and the Ox woman is the importance of family, family values \u200b\u200band traditions. And with the advent of children, everything becomes even better. The Rat man finds a new reason for pride - a son or daughter will undoubtedly bathe in his father's love ... \u003e\u003e

Bull Woman - Bull Man

A pair of male Ox and female Ox has good compatibility, he will be especially successful in terms of achieving a career. Moreover, a business relationship between two bulls would be much more suitable than a love relationship. After all, together they create an excellent team ready to fulfill the most difficult living conditions. They can be successful farmers, create their own production. Both spouses are hardworking and can harness and "plow like a bull." They are serious, hardworking, responsible and willing to do anything for their family. They are both conservative in their views and have a materialistic worldview ... \u003e\u003e

Ox Woman - Tiger Man

The compatibility of a male-Tiger and a female-Ox pair is very small. Due to the difference in temperaments, the spouses do not understand each other and constantly create various problems for themselves. The Ox Woman is conservative, slow, honoring traditions and respecting authority figures. And the Tiger man is active, prone to adventurous actions, and his strong craving for change and defiant actions infuriate the Ox woman, for whom such behavior is unacceptable. All aspirations of each of the spouses are based on opposing opinions and worldviews. Both are stubborn and cannot accept their partner's point of view ... \u003e\u003e

Bull Woman - Cat Man (Rabbit)

The family union of the male Cat (Rabbit) of the Ox woman can be very successful, provided that the Ox woman trusts her husband. Their relationship is based on strong friendships and easily turns into a love relationship. However, the male Cat (Rabbit) attracts the attention of many women. He is so diplomatic and charming that he easily charms not only the Ox woman. And if the Ox woman does not learn to trust the Cat man (Rabbit), then doubts and suspicions will torment her whole life, and at one moment she may not stand it and just leave ... \u003e\u003e

Ox Woman - Dragon Man

The compatibility of the Dragon man and the Ox woman is not very successful, since she needs a more serious and reliable partner. The Ox Woman will always try to balance her life and bring stability to it. And for a Dragon man, stability is not needed. He needs variety. Both spouses have a rigid system of values \u200b\u200band do not want to make concessions and change for the sake of the chosen one. But in such positions you cannot build a happy relationship. The different interests and stubbornness of both make this partnership unstable. The romance between the Dragon man and the Ox woman is always exciting and absorbing entirely ... \u003e\u003e

Ox Woman - Snake Man

The compatibility of a pair of man-Snake and woman-Ox can be called almost perfect. Each of the spouses is sure that he made the right choice, despite a number of minor flaws in each other. The Snake man and the Ox woman will be united by the similarity of temperaments, prudence and closeness of life aspirations, which allows them to effectively use the talents given by nature in order to achieve professional heights, achieve good material well-being and create a lasting family hearth. Both spouses are caring, responsible, practical, value family and home, easily solve various difficulties and are ready for anything for the sake of the children ... \u003e\u003e

Ox Woman - Horse Man

The compatibility of a male-Horse and a female-Ox pair is quite difficult due to the difference in temperaments and goals. The Horse man is very freedom-loving, selfish and independent, which, naturally, does not like the bossy, stubborn and too correct in her beliefs the Ox woman. These relationships can be full of a variety of emotions, and not always positive ones. The development of relationships and family happiness will depend only on the desire of both spouses to be together. It is worth noting that a lot depends on the Ox woman, who will need to understand herself and learn to understand and accept her husband ... \u003e\u003e

Bull Woman - Goat Man (Sheep)

The compatibility of the male-Goat (Sheep) and female-Ox pair is very difficult. The difference in worldview, the difference in temperaments and outlook on life is very strong. These two extraordinary persons cannot be together for a long time. For a Ox woman, family is the most important thing in life. She can become a good wife, mother and create a cozy nest for her loved ones. But the whims of the Goat (Sheep) man, his indiscipline, laziness, frivolity and irresponsibility infuriate her. In addition, a man born in the year of the Goat (Sheep) is unable to provide it financially and maintain proper order in the house ... \u003e\u003e

Ox Woman - Monkey Man

The compatibility of a pair of male Monkey and female Ox cannot be called ideal. These spouses in the process of living together can face many difficulties that will create various problems and mutual grievances. The first thing that will cause confusion is temperament. The Monkey Man is an extrovert. He loves and knows how to demonstrate his best sides. And the Ox woman is an introvert. She is more secretive and keeps many things to herself. True, this does not in the least prevent her from being straightforward, proud and categorical. She easily points out the shortcomings of her husband, which undermines his authority and causes anger ... \u003e\u003e

Ox Woman - Rooster Man

The Rooster man and the Ox woman are simply made for each other. Both have similar values, strive to create a family and just love relationships. They see a happy life in the same way and try not to be sprayed with extraneous things. As a result, they will be able to create strong and lasting relationships. Spouses get along well with each other and help each other to reveal the best qualities in themselves. So, the restraint, self-control and practicality of the Ox woman is enhanced by the frankness, courage of the Rooster man. And the prudence and thrift of a woman born in the year of the Ox contributes to the creation of a reliable family hearth, which the Rooster man needs so much ... \u003e\u003e

Bull Woman - Dog Man

The compatibility of the male-Dog and female-Ox pair is quite stable, but ambiguous. On the one hand, the spouses have many similar character traits, on the other, too different outlooks on life. For both spouses, such human values \u200b\u200bare important as: honesty, loyalty, devotion, seriousness. The Ox Woman is able to calm the ever-worried Dog Man with her stability and constancy. And the male Dog, feeling such genuine care of his wife, will repay her with his love and devotion ... \u003e\u003e

Bull Woman - Pig Man (Boar)

The family life of a man-Pig and a woman-Ox couple will not be cloudless. Spouses may have many disagreements due to differences in outlook on life, demeanor and temperament. Partners express their feelings in different ways, have different hobbies, and therefore all friction arises on this basis. The Pig Man (Boar) has a passion for waste. All the money that he earns, he can easily spend on entertainment, which constantly brings the Ox woman out of balance, for whom the house and comfortable conditions are important ... \u003e\u003e

Russian actor and singer Sergei Bezrukov. Soviet and Russian singer and musician Vyacheslav Butusov. French football coach Arsène Wenger. English politician Margaret Thatcher.
Ukrainian artist Andrey Danilko (Andriy Danilko).

In esy, the rampage of the Bull is pacified, at the same time, the effectiveness and pressure of the Bull do not allow him to hesitate for a long time when choosing one path or another. Libras, born in a year, are great partners and friends, reliable allies and family men, fair colleagues and honest employees.


Bull-Libra is an intellectual and financier man by nature. He is attracted to mental work, not burdened by numerous calculations, formulas and numbers. Such a man prefers mental work over physical, and in general, avoids physical overstrain. Ox-Libra-man will perfectly prove himself in the field of trade, economy, in the financial system. In his youth, he prefers casual acquaintances, crowded parties and noisy companies to serious relationships. With age, there is an awareness of the importance of family and home comfort. Having chosen his life partner once, this man will strive with all his might to protect the family hearth and good relations.


Bull-Libra-woman is open, honest, cheerful. She knows how to enjoy life, while she is able to work well and be a responsible employee. In the field of accounting or consulting, such a woman will certainly succeed. In personal relationships, the Ox-Libra-woman is as honest as at work: for her, open and trusting relationships are important, where each partner has his own personal space, but this is not at all a reason for "adventures". The Libra woman, born in the year of the Ox, loves to travel, have fun, change the environment.

In general, people born with a combination of the Ox-Libra signs make a favorable impression on others. These people are cheerful, companionable, have a good sense of humor, as well as a shrewd mind and foresight.

Libra - Ox
Libra - Ox