Mural autumn bouquet of natural material. "Autumn Tale." Pictures of natural material

  Tatyana Muzykantova

For my students this is the first autumn in kindergarten. During walks, we watched with them fading plants, collected dry leaves, made up autumn bouquets. In the classroom, a variety of applications and crafts from leaves, acorns, chestnuts were made.

Autumn is coming to an end, by tradition, an exhibition is being held in our garden autumn works, and I decided as a keepsake fall  make some paintings  for the exhibition and further for the decoration of the group.

In my work I used dry natural materials, stones, moss, reed. And it would seem unpretentious nature materials  helped me create a mysterious fairy worldwhich my pupils really like.

I invite you, dear colleagues, to get acquainted with my works and evaluate them.

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Autumn fantasiesWith the advent of autumn, nature is simply overflowing with all sorts of interesting things. This is a variety of colored leaves, and round.

Autumn is the goldenest time of the year, it is not for nothing that poets and artists sing it in their works. Autumn gives us a very beautiful natural.

Golden autumn has come, the time of deciduous trees and autumn rains. Our children did not remain indifferent to the beauty of nature and decided to bring a piece.

Autumn is a wonderful, bright, unusual season, when walking along the street with a child, adults can not only collect a bouquet of yellow.

Autumn is the most wonderful and rich time. Recently, in the Filipok kindergarten, which my granddaughter visits, there was a competition of crafts made from natural.

On the autumn theme, you can create a large number of crafts.

Many natural materials, including leaves, acorns, dry branches and cones can be used to make beautiful paintings and figures.

Here are some interesting crafts on the theme of Autumn that you can do with your children:

Crafts from natural material on the theme of autumn: autumn decoration

This craft is so simple that even a child can make it, and so beautiful that it harmoniously fits into any interior of the house, on the porch or in the country house.

You will need:

Different leaves, cones and other gifts of nature



A wicker bowl or something that can hold all the jewelry.

1.   Lay out all the gifts of autumn on the table.

2. Cut the thin wire so that you have several segments to which autumn decorations can be attached.

3. Start attaching leaves, cones and more to the wire by wrapping the wire around them.

4. When all the decorations have been added to the wires, attach your blanks to a wicker vase or other similar item.

  We make a craft on the theme "Autumn": traces of autumn leaves on paper

You will need:

Leaves of different shapes and sizes

White paper

Spray paint or magnificent brush and watercolor paints.

1. Collect the leaves and lay them on paper.

2. Start spraying the paint on top of the leaves and around them a little, or you can spray them around the leaves with watercolors using a magnificent brush.

3.   Carefully peel off the leaves and let the paint dry.


Such pictures can be hung anywhere, thereby decorating the interior.

  Natural DIY crafts on the theme "Autumn": stained glass window from autumn leaves

You will need:

Small leaves of different shapes

Self-adhesive film or baking paper and glue

Colored cardboard.

1. Attach the leaves to the film or paper.

2. Cut out several strips of colored cardboard and attach them to the paper so that you get a frame.

3. The resulting stained glass can be glued to the window so that sunlight passes through them.

  Children's crafts from leaves: a maze

Such a maze can be done in a forest or park.

You just need to collect the leaves and distribute them so that you get a maze from which the children will look for a way out.

  Crafts on the theme of golden autumn: tree in autumn

You will need:

Paper bag


Maple lionfish ("helicopters")

Rowan berries

1. Take a simple paper bag, remove the bag handles and twist it so that it looks like a spiral: one end is on one side and the other is on the opposite.

You get a tree trunk, which should have a thickening in the lower part, where the roots are - so the tree will be more stable.

2. At the top of the twisted package you need to make branches. Just gently tear the paper and "unfold" the branches and twist them in a spiral.

3.   Use the bag handles to wrap them around the tree trunk and seal them. So you will make the craft stronger and more stable.

4. Prepare clay or glue and start attaching the autumn leaves to the branches of the tree.

* If desired, you can attach lionfish to the tree.

* If you want to “revive” a tree, you can make eyes and a nose from the caps of acorns by gluing them to the trunk. Plasticine can be used for pupils.

* From the berries of mountain ash you can make a mouth and your tree is ready!

  Crafts for the exhibition on the theme "Autumn": a tree in a bank

You will need:

Small jar with a lid

Leaves (preferably artificial and small)

Super glue or hot glue

Little branch


1.   Take a branch and cut it so that it can fit in a jar.

2. Glue the branch to the inside of the can lid. You can also glue a few small pebbles around the future tree.

3. Take some small artificial leaves and glue them in a chaotic manner on the branches of a tree.

4. Pour glycerin and a little water into a jar and stir.

5. Insert the lid with the tree into the jar.

* If you are afraid that the child might accidentally open the lid of the can, you can glue this lid. But for starters, it's best to leave it un glued, in case you have to touch up the tree and / or leaves.

This craft will last several months. Then the water will begin to change its color from contact with internal materials.

  Crafts from leaves on the theme "Autumn": autumn garden in a frame

You will need:


Adhesive tape

1. Using a thread, connect 4 branches into a frame.

2. Use the buttons to fasten the piece of self-adhesive film to the frame.

3.   Attach the leaves to the film so that they stick well.

* You can attach the ribbon to the frame so that you can hang it.

  Crafts from paper on the theme "Autumn": a card from autumn leaves

You will need:

Leaves of different colors (in this example, 35 leaves)

PVA glue

A4 sheet of cardboard


Simple pencil


Scotch tape (if necessary)

A4 sheet of paper

Thick book.

1. Cut a petiole from each leaf. Fold all the leaves in half along the midrib so that the inside of each leaf is inside.

2. Lay the leaves between the pages of a thick book. Leave overnight to get straight leaves.

3. Take a sheet of paper and draw a sheet of any shape on it. Cut this sheet to get a stencil. In this example, an oak leaf stencil was used - its dimensions are 7.5 x 17 cm.

4. Remove your leaves from a thick book and carefully lay them out in a color scheme. In this example, all the leaves were arranged from green to red.

5. Take a piece of cardboard and lay it on the table. Move 1 cm from the left edge, attach your stencil and circle it. Cut a figure on cardboard. After the cut out figure, back off 1 cm again and cut it off. You will get a rectangle in the center of which a sheet is cut.

6. Fold the remaining sheet of cardboard in half - you will get part of the cover of the future postcard.

7. Put the rectangle with the cut out sheet on the cover and circle the drawing of the sheet.

8. Using a ruler and a pencil, draw a vertical strip directly in the center on the resulting sheet drawing, and draw veins from it. The distance between the veins is about 1 cm.

9. Take one sheet (folded in half), measure from its bend 1.5 cm and cut a strip with scissors. The remaining trim does not need to be thrown away.

10.   Repeat with other sheets. For each cut strip, cut one edge at a right angle.

11. The resulting strips need to be glued in a certain order to the drawn sheet, in accordance with the lines drawn. To do this, cut each strip so that it approximately repeats the outline of its place on the drawn sheet. After that, the strip can be glued.

12.   Continue sticking strips of colored sheets to the pattern. It is desirable to smoothly switch from darker sheets to lighter ones or vice versa.

13. You can glue a strip of sheet scraps and trim one edge. You can stick the strip to the edge of the postcard.

  Galina Brusentseva

Summer passes and the enchanting time of the year comes - autumn. Autumn fascinates, attracts with its unique colors. The combination of such different colors that make up the perfect beauty of each twig, each tree is amazing. Here you come to a birch grove and you can’t look away, everything is in gold. Gold coins hang on birch trees instead of leaflets, and it seems that they will start to ring immediately from a breeze. Golden trees just shine against a bright blue sky. Fallen leaves evoke a feeling of admiration, as if you are stepping on a soft multi-colored carpet. The paths are strewn with fallen leaves that rustle underfoot and you seem to be walking through a fairy-tale world. Oh! How great, just breathtaking from all this splendor. Indeed, this season is in vain, poets and artists sing in their works, paintings. It is this time that gives us a wide selection of bright material for creativity. To keep in mind all the colors of autumn, we decided with the guys to make a portrait of Autumn. For this, we collected beautiful leaves, various blades of grass, flowers, fruits. Many children brought from home. And the work began to boil. I helped to paint the face of Autumn, and then the fantasy of the children.

Here's a portrait of the fall we got.

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