Teenagers and their problems. What are the main problems for adolescence: reasons and ways to overcome? Leaving home

Parents whose children are entering adolescence fear sudden changes in their child's behavior. Psychologists and teachers assure that there are ways to solve the problems of adolescents, but not all mothers and fathers can withstand this difficult period with dignity.

The student has no real problems, but he can create them for those around him. If parents and school did not pay attention to the changes in the character of adolescents, they would not feel lonely and would not try to show their independence and individuality in spite of everything.

Most of the problem situations are easily resolved through peaceful negotiations. But parents stubbornly continue to educate and guide the grown child. And he begins to persistently oppose this.

If you try to concretize the problems of adolescents, you will immediately see that they are different for everyone and do not occur in all polls. Strange behavior can depend on the situation, gender, character, personality, upbringing and communication environment of the child.

Experts have identified the most common:

If a teenager spends time with friends who have created a musical group or are fond of a certain sport, it is not so scary. It is dangerous that children after 12-13 years old feel a desire to try cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, and find attractive companies where such activities are fashionable. The desire to be "like everyone else" leads to the fact that the use of prohibited products occurs against the wishes of a person.

  1. Awareness of your gender.

Of course, children already know about the differences between boys and girls, but it is in adolescence that they realize their attraction to the opposite sex. Connections with peers and “older” friends can occur, active masturbation appears. Virginity is perceived as something shameful, which is why boys especially suffer.

  1. Communication difficulties.

The proliferation of social media in the last decade has exacerbated certain problems adolescents have in establishing relationships with others. The inability to communicate live leads to secrecy, isolation, and then to depression. The child spends a lot of time on the Internet, playing computer games, does not want to make contact.

  1. Desire to assert itself in society.

The main source of deviant behavior is the desire to defend their individuality and independence. Other people's opinions and advice from adults cause rage and indignation in a teenager.

Causes of problems in adolescents

It is impossible to understand when a difficult period for a child will begin. In addition, someone experiences it brightly and painfully, while someone does not cause trouble to others. The first signs can appear at both 11 and 16 years old. Sudden mood swings, changes in appearance, rudeness, aggression, theft, the desire to leave home and leave school - this is not a complete list that adults can face. From a calm, benevolent child, a teenager turns into an angry and cruel person.

What is causing this change?

  • The reason for this may be mistakes in raising a son or daughter. Excessive severity or permissiveness negatively affects the teenager. Parents are perceived as a kind of space constraints for a teenager. They create barriers to him in adulthood.
  • In fact, problems arise from changes in human hormones. There is a change in appearance, voice changes, sexual characteristics appear. Subconscious fear and misunderstanding of how to live with these changes and cause protest. Not always a teenager is satisfied with the reflection in the mirror. Big ears, the presence of acne, the appearance of hair on the body scares and irritates him.

What to look for when raising a teenager

  • A person gets the first experience of communication in the family. It is on the basis of family values \u200b\u200bthat character and behavior are formed. Modern parents devote a lot of time to work, so children often feel unloved. The abundance of toys and gadgets takes up a child's free time, but does not replace human communication. In a family where the events that happened to a son or daughter are regularly discussed, problems rarely arise.
  • The influence of the street and the Internet helps a teenager create a wrong value system, where parents are far from being in a winning light. Climbing with advice is dangerous. This will further alienate the child, who will perceive the desire to help as an invasion of privacy.

  1. Try to create a comfortable environment in your home. The moment will come and the child will remove posters from the walls or remove strange clothes. Friends will look normal. Take it for granted without ruining your relationship with your child.
  2. Try to be a friend. Do not pry, do not insist, but try to be near at a difficult moment.
  3. Don't compare a teenager to a peer. This will only lower his self-esteem. The child should know that he is the most beloved and the best for you.
  4. Do not humiliate his new friends and do not enter into open conflict with them. Of course, within reason. It is urgent to get the addicts out of the den, but it is not worth condemning the musical direction or hobbies without understanding it. The same goes for the first love. It does not matter whether you like the chosen one or not - let the teenager "fill the bumps" himself.
  5. Take time to socialize. Suggest a joint activity that the child will enjoy, invite his friends.

Remember that recently you also experienced this. Respect the individuality of the child, give the opportunity to decide for yourself, remove the lock from the cage, and he will not want to upset you.

Difficult situations in adolescents happen often. Accept it, but you don't have to give up. There are solutions, and they are not difficult. Help your child survive this period with dignity.

Psychological problems and difficult searches accompany the life of a child during the transition period into adulthood. They prove their independence to their parents, build relationships with their peers, develop new ethical and social principles for themselves, learning about the world from previously unknown sides. With a sense of altered self-awareness comes individual and collective responsibility, and this comes with many complications.

Problems of adolescents appear from 13 to 16 years old

The main problems of adolescence are associated with relationships with parents and peers.

Causes of emerging problems

Parenting mistakes are one of the most common psychological causes that cannot be called diseases in the conventional sense, but they are akin to them. Often they come against the will of the child, and when he most of all wants understanding and support, instead of them he receives condemnation and pressure.

Adolescence starts at 11-12 years old

The behavior model of a child at this age depends on the type of his character, the society that surrounds him, lifestyle, material wealth, family composition and many others

The teenager pays attention to those values \u200b\u200bthat help him determine and form his own attitude to the world around him. It is good if he is satisfied with the present and at the same time is looking into the future. But this is not always the case.

The main problems of adolescents

It is easiest for him to communicate with peers, and if this is not so, the child remains deeply traumatized. He wants to get acquainted, to be liked, to share the interests and norms of the group he likes, to maintain his independence and individuality, to express his feelings and express his opinion without fear. As soon as possible, a teenager strives to become an adult, it is important for him that everyone understands this. An example to follow is an active and successful person, aiming at achievement. The teenager dreams and fantasizes, comes up with his own laws and condemns the behavior of the adults around him.

Reasons for inadequacy and fears

Psychological inconsistency is characteristic of adolescence. Often they cannot articulate what they really want. Shyness and aggressiveness can coexist in one person, he gravitates to extremes. Faced with dangers, a teenager overcomes difficulties and, with their successful passage, accumulates new experience. With the development of awareness, he better understands others and gradually gains support for further growth.

The inconsistency of adolescents is one of the reasons for conflict

At this age, a teenager fully begins to understand the categories of the past and the future, he discovers that being is finite, and this causes him anxiety and fear. Only the awareness of his independence and individuality inspires confidence in him. At this time, it is important for him to find understanding, the ability to reconcile his own feelings with the mood of others and adapt to established norms.

It is especially dangerous when a big difference is determined between the feeling of one's ideal “I” and what it really is.

What affects teens

For this reason, problems of early adolescence and abnormal behavior in society appear. Psychologists explain this situation by the lack of a positive attitude towards oneself, the mandatory components of which are:

  • positive attitude towards other people;
  • confidence in your strength;
  • a sense of self-worth as a result of communication and activity.

Otherwise, after mistakes in communication, the teenager declares that no one needs him, they do not understand him and do not like him.

Adolescence - the main signs

At this age, a person, along with mental maturation, undergoes a global restructuring of the physiological state. He has increased attention to his body, he is worried and disturbed by the comments of other people. He tends to exaggerate even minor flaws in his appearance from accepted norms. Any opinion from others is part of his self-image, be it a compliment or criticism.

Self-esteem and its effect on behavior

Conflicts are often associated with the attitude of adults towards adolescents, whose opinions affect their self-esteem. Awkward, inadequate and abusive attitude causes aggressive or depressive behavior of the adolescent, and in some cases, they turn into chronic neuroses.

The formation of self-esteem is influenced by a sense of belonging to a particular social group and an awareness of one's own significance. Belonging is always security. This important feeling arises from infancy, and during the period of growing up it is tested for strength by rebuilding. A sense of self-worth strengthens the approval of others and competence in any field of activity.

Self-esteem of adolescents - how it is formed in different ways

Low self-esteem can be the result of past violence, incorrect mental attitude, dependent on the opinions of other people, and indifference of loved ones. It is important for parents and educators to know about its meaning for a teenager and about the consequences of its violation. To a child, the whole world may seem hostile to social manifestations, he perceives everything as a threat to his safety, life appears in black color, which he does not try to correct. He does not know how to build relationships, he is ashamed of his appearance and is prone to condemnation of others.

Adequate self-esteem makes a person gullible and benevolent to the world. Difficulties for him are an opportunity for growth. He is sure that it will not be him, the world will become worse.

The formation of self-esteem is a long-term process; both parents and teachers take part in its development.

Irritability and irascibility

Adolescents strive to change, but due to their minority they cannot perform actions typical of adults. Sex is the most accessible means of self-affirmation, everything else is still closed, and adolescents feel left out. Unconsciously, they sense injustice and are ready to flare up at any moment. Another reason for irascibility is changes in the hormonal background of the body, the state of which can be compared with premenstrual syndrome.

Almost all teenagers are very irritable.

Aloofness and lack of communication

Conditions that are associated with the conflict between the child and society. He perceives the assessment of himself and his behavior on the part of others as an indisputable characteristic, not taking into account that his peers or adults from his environment may be biased or ruthless. The child feels like an outcast and, without feeling support, constantly finds confirmation. This forces the child to hide and seek protection in order not to get another psychological trauma.

Alienation of adolescents manifests itself in ignoring adults

Assessment imposed by peers, educators and parents is extremely difficult to change at this age.


Adaptability and lack of principle make the teenager be the same as is accepted in his group or his environment. Striving to be fashionable is a clear manifestation of conformism. In the atmosphere of advertising distribution, this feature is very common.

In adolescents, conformism takes on an exaggerated content, sometimes he is afraid to be different and to fall behind the rules of the group to which he belongs. This mood makes the child dependent on peers, and at a distance from them he feels uncomfortable. By adjusting, a teenager can do things that are harmful and illegal.

Adolescent conformism is shaped by the environment

To prevent this from happening, it is important for the child to be able to say "no" to what will hurt him. It takes courage and confidence. He needs to know that being able to say no is cool and respectable. The one who knows how to defend his position is most often a leader. Should a teenager refuse at least once, his confidence in his abilities grows.

Drugs and drug addiction

Everyone knows about the dangers of drugs and the harmful effects of drug use, however, the problem remains. Conformism is often to blame. It is difficult for a child to refuse if everyone he considers to be his friends is doing it. It seems to him that, having refused, he will be considered a stranger. For the sake of confidence and stability of his position in the group, the teenager first tries drugs and after that he cannot stop.

Adolescent protest translates into prohibited activities

Drug addiction at this age is especially dangerous because the part of the brain that determines the creative direction of activity is not sufficiently formed. Drugs stop its development and it is extremely difficult to reanimate the ability to be creative without medication.

Addiction of adolescents - a way of protesting

In adolescence, the child revises his scale of values, accepts those that help him enter a new stage of life. Ideally, over time, the child socializes, his goals become more conscious and aimed at everyone's benefit.

Hello everyone!) My name is Katya. I am 14 years old. I want to tell you about the problems of teenagers. And about the ways of solving teenage problems, because with a teenager it is very difficult. Yes, and it is not easy for him. I know from myself.

When we talk about adolescents, we usually mean that they themselves are a problem for parents and teachers. But no one thought about how the children themselves feel at this time. After all, adolescence is a period that is a thin line between a child and an adult. On the one hand, there is rapid physical development and puberty, and on the other hand, changes in psychology, plus first love and difficult relationships with peers.

The world of a teenager is changing before his eyes, and it is very difficult for him to adapt to these changes. Therefore, you should not solve controversial issues with a shout and constantly point out the mistakes made, because he has a bad soul without this. Better to find out what problems teenagers have and try to hear them.

Many of the problems of adolescents manifest themselves in communication and relationships. And adults, not trying to understand their child, find excuses: "He has become uncontrollable, we are not an authority for him!" It is not right! The relationship with your child has remained the same, just a teenager is not a child, and there is no need to manage him: under pressure, the teenager feels uncomfortable.

Problems of adolescence: why there are and solutions

  • Problems of adolescents and parents often arise due to the fact that parents do not give their child the right to privacy, trying to control it.

The teenager thinks that you want to harm him and tries to contradict and do the opposite. Understand that teens don't like being controlled by their parents, especially in their personal lives! And the main way to solve the problem with your teenager is to start trusting him.

  • A child should have a life that teenagers do not have to let their parents in.

This can be a room that the teenager has arranged himself, or some kind of purchase. To parents who gave their child freedom of choice, children themselves tell the details of their separate life. Previously, the family was the whole world to a teenager, but now it is just a part of it.

I had problems with my parents, but I was lucky: I was able to make peace with them, and soon my parents began to trust me. To do this, I began to behave consciously and listen to their opinion. If my parents start to press or shout at me, I deliberately say that it is unpleasant for me and reasonably explain my position on this score.

I appeal to all parents: trust your child, and especially if he is a teenager. And then you will see, as it is said above, that the teenager himself will tell you what interesting happened, and may even turn to you for help.

  • Relations with peers and classmates are no less painful.

Everyone grows, and at the same time in each class a struggle for leadership will begin, they will come up with all sorts of nicknames. A teenager is unpleasant when, for example, he is in class - the subject of ridicule. And it is doubly difficult for a teenager to cope with all his problems if his parents do not understand him.

I had, and still have some problems with specific classmates. These are 2-3 people, and I already know how to deal with them: for example, if someone yells at you, just ignore them. If a classmate touches you (pushes, hits), turn to your parents and believe, they will help you, and you should not be afraid to tell them everything, because such problems can drag on and go very far. Do not be afraid.

Communication problems are not the only ones or the most difficult for all adolescents. Many problems of modern adolescents in the head of the children themselves:

  1. “Why doesn't he like me?”;
  2. "How to find a common language with this or that?";
  3. “What can I do so that my parents understand me?”;
  4. “Why are almost all people two-faced?”;
  5. "How can I figure out what to do?"

I think that almost every teenager asks himself such questions and does not know how to solve them. It is much easier when you have the support of your parents, because they can always help you and tell you what to do.

In fact, it is not easy for a teenager to cope with teenage problems, because he is just beginning to see and understand what the world really is, and believe me, it is also very difficult for me to understand everything, because I am just like everyone else, a teenager.


It is unconditional that a child develops, becomes a teenager, a young person, a person and acquires certain patterns of behavior in the social environment that surrounds him. The highest mental functions of a person are initially formed as external and only gradually become internal. But adolescence is quite difficult from the psychological and sociological side, since at this time the child already has adult judgments, he understands what is changing, so he has a fear of many problems, both internal and external.

The relevance of the work lies in the fact that adolescence is the most difficult and difficult of all childhood ages, which is a period of personality formation. This age is characterized by the presence of a wide variety of psychological problems and difficulties, which are most often repressed due to the fear of awareness.

Adolescence is the age when a teenager begins to re-evaluate his relationship with his family. The desire to find oneself as a person generates alienation from all those who habitually, from year to year, influenced him, and this primarily applies to the parental family. The desire to be freed from guardianship by adults in a number of cases leads to more frequent and deepening conflicts with them. However, adolescents do not really want complete freedom, because they are not yet ready for it, they just want to have the right to their own choice, to be responsible for their words and actions.

Parents, being the most important people in the life of their children, directly contribute to the formation of certain character traits, personality traits, and abilities. Children, responding to the direct and unspoken demands and expectations of their parents, try to do their best to satisfy these demands. However, parents do not always realize which of their personality traits and properties affect the development of the child, the formation of him as a person, the formation of certain patterns of behavior.

The purpose of this work is to study the main problems of adolescence.

    To study the peculiarities of adolescence, based on the works of domestic and foreign psychologists;

    Consider the adolescent crisis as a problem of the relationship between the child and adults;

    Consider deviant behavior as a pathological problem in adolescence;

    Consider aggressive behavior as a form of deviation in adolescence.

Research subject: problems of adolescence.

Research object: adolescence.

The main content of adolescence is its transition from childhood to adulthood. This transition is divided into two stages: adolescence and adolescence (early and late). However, the chronological boundaries of these ages are often defined in very different ways. The acceleration process has violated the usual age boundaries of adolescence. Medical, psychological, pedagogical, legal, sociological literature defines different boundaries of adolescence: 10-14 years old, 14-18 years old, 12-20 years old. Turning to Russian history, one can notice that the age terminology concerning adolescents was also not unambiguous.

At the present stage, the boundaries of adolescence are roughly with the education of children in the middle classes from 11 - 12 years old to 15 - 16 years old.That is, approximately from 12 to 15 years (± 2 years), characterized by the beginning of the restructuring of the child's body: accelerated physical development and puberty. In the body, there are sharp changes in connection with the activity of the endocrine glands, in particular, the sex glands. The metabolism is intensified. Violation of the previous coherence in the activity of the body and a new system of its functioning that has not yet been regulated are the basis for the general imbalance of the adolescent, his irritability, explosiveness, sharp mood swings from violent activity to lethargy and apathy. The peculiarity of adolescence lies in the fact that outwardly and in terms of its claims it is an adult, but in terms of its internal characteristics and capabilities it is in many ways still a child. Hence the adolescent's continuing need for affection, attention, interest in games, amusements, and fussing with each other. Along with this, along with the feeling of adulthood, self-awareness, a heightened sense of self-esteem, and awareness of gender awaken and actively form in the adolescent. The teenager is characterized by increased criticality. If, as a child, he did not pay attention to many events in the world around him or was condescending in his assessments, then as a teenager, he begins to overestimate the long familiar and familiar, making his own judgments, often very straightforward, categorical and uncompromising.

But it should be noted that the main criterion for periods of life is not the calendar age, but anatomical and physiological changes in the body. Puberty is most significant during adolescence. Its indicators determine the boundaries of the adolescent period. The onset of a gradual increase in hormone secretion begins at the age of seven, but an intense rise in secretion occurs during adolescence. This is accompanied by sudden increases in growth, maturation of the body, the development of secondary sexual characteristics.

Such pedagogical psychologists as LM Fridman, LI Bozhovich talk about the problematic nature of adolescents. Teenagers are very sensitive to everything that concerns not only the assessment of their personal qualities, but also the assessment of the merits and demerits of their family, parents, friends, and favorite teachers. On this basis, adolescents can enter into a deep conflict with the offender. They can react to the loss of the authority of their parents or someone else, previously significant, in the most extreme and unexpected way: to withdraw into themselves, become rude, stubborn, aggressive, defiantly contradict, start smoking, use alcohol or drugs, make dubious acquaintances, leave at home, etc.

Adolescence, according to L. S. Vygotsky, is a set of conditions that are highly predisposing to the effects of various psycho-traumatic factors. The most powerful of them are the unworthy behavior of parents, conflicting relationships between them, the presence of defects that are humiliating from the point of view of the adolescent and those around him, an offensive attitude towards the adolescent, manifestations of distrust or disrespect towards him. All this not only complicates teaching and educational work with them, but also makes it sometimes almost impossible. A teenager on this basis may experience various deviations in behavior.

L. S. Vygotsky, like P. P. Blonsky, approached adolescence as a historical education. He believed that the characteristics of the course and duration of adolescence vary markedly depending on the level of development of society.

E. Spranger developed a cultural and psychological concept of adolescence. Adolescence, according to Spranger, is the age of growing into a culture. He wrote that mental development is an ingrowth of the individual psyche into the objective and normative spirit of a given era. When discussing the question of whether adolescence is always, age is a period"Storm and onslaught" , described 3 types of adolescence development:

The first type is characterized by a sharp, stormy, crisis course, when adolescence is experienced as a second birth, as a result of which a new one arises." I AM " .

The second type of development is smooth, slow, gradual growth, when a teenager joins adult life without deep and serious shifts in his own personality.

The third type is a developmental process when a teenager actively and consciously forms and educates himself, overcoming internal anxieties and crises by an effort of will. It is typical for people with a high level of self-control and self-discipline.

The main neoplasms of this age, according to E. Spranger, the discovery" I AM " , the emergence of reflection, awareness of their individuality. Proceeding from the idea that the main task of psychology is to understand the inner world of the individual, which is closely related to culture and history, E. Spranger laid the foundation for a systematic study of self-awareness, value orientations, worldview of adolescents, and also tried to understand one of the deepest experiences in human life - love and its manifestations in adolescence.

E. Stern considered adolescence as one of the stages of personality formation. According to Stern, transitional age is characterized not only by a special orientation of thoughts and feelings, aspirations and ideals, but also by a special way of acting. Stern describes it as an intermediate between children's play and serious, responsible activity, and picks up for him a new concept of "serious play". Examples of "serious play" are sports and participation in youth organizations, the choice of a profession and preparation for it, games of a love nature (flirting, coquetry).

In the concept of D. B. Elkonin, adolescence, like any new period, is associated with neoplasms that arise from the leading activity of the previous period. Learning activity produces a "turn" from an orientation toward the world to an orientation toward oneself. The solution to the question "Who am I" can only be found by colliding with reality.

The developmental features of a teenager at this age are manifested in the following symptoms:

    Difficulties also arise in relations with adults: negativism, stubbornness, leaving school, because the main thing for a teenager now happens outside of her.

    Children's companies (looking for a friend, looking for someone who can understand you).

    The teenager begins to keep a diary.

Comparing himself with adults, the teenager comes to the conclusion that there is no difference between him and the adult. He begins to demand from others that he is no longer considered small, he realizes his equality. The central neoplasm of this age is the emergence of the idea of \u200b\u200boneself as "not a child." The teenager begins to feel like an adult, he rejects his belonging to children, but he still does not have a feeling of genuine, full-fledged adulthood, but there is a great need for the recognition of his adulthood by others. The types of adulthood have been identified and studied by TV Dragunova. These include imitation of external signs of adulthood, alignment with the quality of adults, the desire to master different "adult skills" - social and intellectual adulthood.

Communication activities are extremely important for the formation of the personality of a teenager, because self-awareness is formed in it. The main neoplasm of this age is social consciousness transferred inside. According to LS Vygotsky, this is self-awareness. Consciousness means shared knowledge. This is knowledge in the system of relationships. And self-awareness is social knowledge transferred to the inner plane of thought. The teenager learns to control his behavior, to design it on the basis of moral norms.

Modern social life places different, higher demands on the adolescent's psyche than half a century ago. The flow of information has become more abundant, life experiences are more varied and richer, the pace of life is faster, and education is more complex. New programs for computerization of education have been introduced. All this requires the development of intelligence and ability. And if we add to this the collapse of ideals and the disintegration of teenage organizations (pioneers and others) and almost nothing created to replace this, it becomes clear why behavioral disorders in adolescents have become an urgent problem.

Personality traits of adolescents:

1. The central neoplasm of the adolescent is the feeling of adulthood.

2. Development of self-awareness.

3. Critical thinking, a tendency to reflection, the formation of introspection.

4. Difficulty growing, puberty, sexual experiences, interest in the opposite sex.

5. Increased excitability, frequent mood swings, imbalance.

6. Noticeable development of volitional qualities.

7. The need for self-affirmation, for activity, which has a personal meaning.

Thus, in the course of rapid growth and physiological restructuring of the body, adolescents may experience anxiety, increased excitability, and decreased self-esteem. Common features of this age include mood swings, emotional instability, and unexpected transitions from fun to despondency and pessimism. Therefore, adolescence has crisis features.

The psychological approach considers deviant behavior in connection with intrapersonal conflict, destruction and self-destruction of the personality, blocking of personal growth and personality degradation.

The criteria for deviant behavior are ambiguous. Latent offenses (ticketless travel, violation of traffic rules, petty theft, buying stolen goods) may be ignored. However, abrupt changes in behavior when the needs of the individual do not correspond to the proposal; a decrease in the value attitude towards oneself, one's name and body; negative attitude towards institutions of social control; intolerance to pedagogical influences; rigorism in relation to drug addiction, prostitution, vagrancy, begging, associated with a special victim experience; Offenses are the most established signs of deviant behavior. It is unacceptable to label a certain kind of behavior as deviance under all circumstances.

If, when determining the norm and deviation, proceed from some approach, depending on the framework of the culture in which he lives, it is impossible to unequivocally determine what is the norm and what is deviation.

The phenomenological psychological approach allows us to note that in practice, psychologists often encounter not deviant, but with unacceptable, rejected, rejected behavior by adults. Thus, the label of “deviant” among teachers is carried by undisciplined children who constantly attract attention to themselves, cause the greatest anxiety by using foul and slang vocabulary, occasional use of alcohol, tobacco, and fights.

It should be emphasized that, from the point of view of the adolescent himself, certain age and personality characteristics make it possible to consider behavior considered by adults as deviant, as “normal” play situations, which reflect the desire for extraordinary situations, adventures, gaining recognition, testing the boundaries of what is permitted. The search activity of a teenager serves to expand the boundaries of individual experience. It is difficult to distinguish between normal and abnormal behavior during adulthood.

Therefore, a teenager can be called a deviant who “not just one-time and accidentally deviated from the behavioral norm, but constantly demonstrates deviant behavior,” which is socially negative.

With certain reservations, the category of gifted adolescents can also be attributed to deviants, since they both stand out sharply among their peers, both in real life and in educational institutions among the objects of frontal pedagogical influences. There is a certain affinity between creative and deviant individuals (especially those with addictive behavior). This is a special type - the "excitement seeker". The difference lies in the fact that for true creativity, pleasure is the process of creativity itself, while for the deviant type of search activity, the main goal is “the result is pleasure”.

It should be noted a teenager - a "botanist" - a kind of study fan, whose obsession with educational activities turns out to be an obstacle to the establishment of full-fledged intimate-personal communication with peers. On the other hand, such mono-channel activity of a teenager cannot be assessed as a kind of deviant behavior, since it is pro-social.

Some domestic and foreign scientists consider it appropriate to subdivide deviant (deviant) behavior into criminal (criminal), delinquent (pre-criminal) and immoral (immoral). These types (varieties) of deviant behavior are highlighted taking into account the peculiarities of the interaction of the individual with reality, the mechanisms of the occurrence of behavioral anomalies.

A person who has committed a crime is called a criminal. Murder, rape, inhuman acts all over the world are considered deviation, despite the fact that during the war, killings are justified.

Delinquency is traditionally understood as an offense or unlawful act that does not carry criminal responsibility. In German, the concept of delinquency includes all cases of violation of the norms provided for by the criminal code, ie. all legally punishable acts. Domestic scientists call the personality of a minor who has committed a crime delinquent; an adult - criminal.

A.E. Lichko delinquent behavior means minor public actions that do not entail criminal liability: school truancy, involvement in an asocial group, petty hooliganism, bullying the weak, etc. however V.V. Kovalev objects to such an interpretation of the concept of "delinquent behavior", equating it with "criminal".

Therefore, in relation to adolescence, deviant behavior is advisable to be divided into two types - delinquent and non-delinquent.

There is another point of view that defines delinquency as a fault, propensity, psychological tendency to delinquency. Delinquent are considered such characteristics of behavior as aggressiveness, deceit, absenteeism, vagrancy, extreme disobedience, hostility to teachers and parents, cruelty to children and animals, insolence and foul language.

Since the noted qualities are immoral (contrary to the norms of ethics and universal values), there is a certain difficulty in distinguishing between delinquent and immoral acts. In many ways, criminal and delinquent behavior are similar. The difference between all these concepts is that criminal and delinquent behavior is antisocial, immoral - asocial. Immoral behavior, reflecting character anomalies, predisposes to committing delinquent and criminal offenses.

There is another classification that distinguishes the following forms of deviant behavior: asocial (immoral, destructive, political crime), delinquent (criminal) and paranormal.

The third generalized classification identifies the following types of deviant behavior: crime, alcoholism, drug use, prostitution, and suicide. These types can be attributed to both painful manifestations and normal, and even be ignored if society is tolerant of them (as, for example, abortion and homosexuality in different cultures, in different eras).

The emerging term "addictive behavior" refers to the abuse of various substances that alter the mental state before dependence is formed, and auto-aggressive behavior is self-directed, associated with mental illness or severe mental disorders and is defined as suicide.

Belicheva S.A. among deviations from the norm, distinguishes the asocial type of deviant behavior; considers social deviations of selfish orientation (theft, theft, etc.), aggressive orientation (insult, hooliganism, beatings), socially passive type (evasion of civic responsibilities, withdrawal from active social life); believes that they differ in the degree of public danger, in content and target orientation. It distinguishes the pre-criminogenic level, when a minor has not yet become the object of a crime, and criminogenic manifestations are asocial behavior of a criminal orientation.

V.V. Kovalev identifies 10 main options for deviant behavior:

    avoidance of educational and work activities. Among schoolchildren, refusal to study, systematic failure to complete assignments, and absenteeism were partly explained by gaps in knowledge that made it impossible to continue their studies;

    systematic stay in antisocial informal groups;

    antisocial violent acts. They are expressed in aggression, fights, committing petty robberies, damage and destruction of property, and similar actions;

    antisocial selfish actions, expressed mainly in petty theft, petty speculation, extortion;

    antisocial actions of a sexual nature. This variant of deviant behavior is expressed in the commission of cynical, obscene acts of a sexual nature, usually aimed at people of the opposite sex;

    alcohol abuse;

    the use of narcotic and toxic substances;

    leaving home, vagrancy;


    other types of deviant behavior.

A.E. Lichko identifies the following forms of manifestation of behavioral disorders: delinquent behavior, runaways from home and vagrancy, early alcoholism as toxic behavior, deviations in sexual behavior, suicidal behavior.

Thus, deviant behavior should be understood as a system of actions that deviate from the legal, moral, aesthetic norms accepted in society, manifested in the form of an imbalance of mental processes, inadaptivity, a violation of the process of self-actualization, in the form of deviation from moral control over one's own behavior.

adolescence is also characterized by various types of impaired behavior. It is necessary to highlight delinquent actions common among minors - drug addiction, substance abuse, alcoholism, car theft, escapes, home thefts, hooliganism, adolescent vandalism, aggressive and auto-aggressive behavior, overvalued hobbies, as well as typical adolescent deviations that occur only with psychopathological type - dysmorphic dromomania, pyromania, heboid behavior.

2.2. Aggression as a problem in adolescence

In a difficult adolescent period, periods of aggression often occur associated with psychophysiological transformations in the adolescent's body. Many aggressive acts of adolescents that fall into the field of view of law enforcement and investigative bodies and require, due to their incomprehensibility and causal unreasonableness, psychiatric analysis, are the result of a personality crisis. Therefore, very often the aggressive behavior of a teenager is completely unexpected, inexplicable for his relatives, friends, peers and eyewitnesses.

In theories of the emergence of aggression in adolescents, we can distinguish two main trends. We are talking either about a predominantly biological mechanism, which emphasizes the role of neurophysiological mediators and the functional state of the deep structures of the brain, or the dynamic theory of aggressive behavior is highlighted, suggesting that the main mechanism of aggression is pathological personal development, especially during life crises.

Often, signs of personality disorder are manifested in the form of a painful attitude towards the perception of one's own "I" by the people around, loneliness and isolation from the world, inconsistency of one's "I" with certain, often false, ideals, a feeling of loss of the integrity of the inner world is accompanied by violent aggression.

Within adolescence, both boys and girls, there are ages with higher and lower levels of aggressive behavior. So establishedthat boys have two peaks of aggression: 12 years old and 14-15 years old. Girls also show two peaks: the highest level of manifestation of aggressive behavior is observed at 11 years old and at 13 years old.

Comparison of the severity of various components of aggressive behavior in boys and girls showed that in boys the tendency to direct physical and direct verbal aggression is most pronounced, and in girls to direct verbal and indirect verbal aggression. Thus, it is not so much a preference for aggression on the “verbal - physical” criterion that is typical for boys, but rather its expression in a direct, open form and directly with the conflicting person. Girls are characterized by a preference for verbal aggression in any of its forms - direct or indirect.

Speaking about the features of aggression in adolescence, it is necessary to take into account the fact that a teenager grows up in a family, the family is almost always the main factor of socialization, it is also the main source of living examples of aggressive behavior for most children.

The development of aggressive behavior in adolescents is a complex process in which many factors are involved. Aggressive behavior is determined by the influence of family, peers, and the mass media. Children learn to behave aggressively, both through direct reinforcement and by observing aggressive behavior, in an effort to suppress negative relationships between their children, parents may inadvertently encourage the very behavior they want to get rid of. Parents who use extreme harsh punishment and uncontrolled activities of their children may find that their children are aggressive and disobedient.

Numerous studies showed that families with aggressive children are characterized by special relationships between family members. Such tendencies are described by psychologists as a “cycle of violence”. Children tend to reproduce the kinds of relationships that their parents "practice" with each other. Teenagers, choosing the methods of clarification of relations with brothers and sisters, copy the tactics of resolving conflicts from their parents. As children grow up and get married, they use rehearsed ways to resolve conflicts and, closing the loop, pass them on to their children through a distinctive style of discipline. Similar tendencies are observed within the personality itself (the principle of the spiral). It has been reliably established that child abuse in the family not only increases the aggressiveness of his behavior in relation to peers, but also contributes to the development of a propensity to violence in a more mature age, turning physical aggression into a person's lifestyle.

The development of aggressive behavior is influenced by the degree of family cohesion, closeness between parents and children, the nature of the relationship between brothers and sisters, and the style of family leadership. Children with severe family discord, whose parents are alienated and cold, are comparatively more prone to aggressive behavior. Teens also receive information about aggression from communication with peers. They learn to behave aggressively by observing the behavior of other children (for example, classmates). However, those who are very aggressive are more likely to prove to be tough by the majority in the class. On the other hand, these aggressive children can make friends with other aggressive peers.

One of the most controversial sources of aggression education is the media. After many years of research using a wide variety of methods and techniques, psychologists and educators still have not figured out the extent to which the media influence aggressive behavior. It seems that the mass media does have some influence on the aggressive behavior of adolescents. However, its strength remains unknown.


As a result of this work, some conclusions can be drawn.

Adolescence is quite difficult from the psychological and sociological side, since at this time the child already has adult judgments, he understands what is changing, so he has a fear of many problems, both internal and external. This age is characterized by the presence of a wide variety of psychological problems and difficulties, which are most often repressed due to the fear of awareness.

Adolescence is the age when a teenager begins to re-evaluate his relationship with his family. The desire to find oneself as a person generates in alienation from all those who habitually, from year to year, influenced him, and this primarily applies to the parental family. The desire to be freed from guardianship by adults in a number of cases leads to more frequent and deepening conflicts with them. However, adolescents do not really want complete freedom, because they are not yet ready for it, they just want to have the right to their own choice, to be responsible for their words and actions. Parents are not always aware of what their personality traits and properties affect the development of the child, the formation of him as a person, the formation of certain patterns of behavior.

An alarming symptom is an increase in the number of adolescents with problematic behavior, manifested in asocial, conflict and aggressive actions, destructive and self-destructive actions, lack of interest in learning, addictive tendencies, etc. Adolescence is indeed problematic, since it is a transitional period when “ no longer a child ”, but also“ not yet an adult ”person. Psychophysiological transformations take place in the adolescent's body, which prepare the adolescent for adulthood, but on this basis many psychological problems arise. It is necessary to consider the main of these problems.

The problem with the identity crisis in adolescence is that he feels uncertainty in all areas of his life, and this scares him. The identity structure includes personal and social identity. Moreover, there are two types of characteristics in identity: positive - what a person should become, and negative - what a person should not become.

In the course of rapid growth and physiological restructuring of the body, adolescents may experience anxiety, increased excitability, and decreased self-esteem. Common features of this age include mood swings, emotional instability, and unexpected transitions from fun to despondency and pessimism. Therefore, adolescence has crisis features.

The crisis of adolescence is an absolutely normal phenomenon, indicating the development of personality, but in the presence of some unfavorable factors and conditions, this crisis state leads to pathological behavior.

Deviant behavior should be understood as a system of actions that deviate from the legal, moral, aesthetic norms accepted in society, manifested in the form of an imbalance in mental processes, inadaptivity, a violation of the process of self-actualization, in the form of deviation from moral control over one's own behavior.

The deviant behavior of a teenager as a category is an interaction with the microsocial environment that disrupts his development and socialization due to the lack of adequate consideration by the environment of the characteristics of his individuality and is manifested by his behavioral opposition, proposed by the moral and legal social standard. P adolescence is also characterized by various types of impaired behavior.

Thus, all of the above factors should be taken into account by parents, educators, psychologists and society as a whole when interacting with adolescents, because it is easier to prevent aggression than to correct aggressive behavior later. Methods and technologies of prevention and correction of aggressive behavior in adolescents will be considered in more detail in the next chapter.

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