Simple crafts in the garden on the theme of autumn. Autumn crafts in kindergarten: ideas. Crafts about autumn for kindergarten in the form of fairy-tale little men

Through creativity at an early age, a child gets to know the world around him by performing crafts "Autumn" in kindergarten   he studies new materials, learns to work with them and with auxiliary materials. During the creative process, the child has fine hand motor skills, which is very useful for overall development. Being engaged in creativity from an early age, the child receives a comprehensive intellectual development, and even develops a speech apparatus.

That is why it is important to instill a love of creativity from an early age, as soon as the baby can work independently with the safest materials. At the first stages, he will definitely need the help of his mother, and then he will already do the original and independently. And let the parents not think that creative activities are only entertainment for kids or a pleasant pastime, because everything that preschoolers do with their own hands forms their personality, and it depends on their parents whether they can discover the creative potential of the child.

When a child works with his hands, whether it is modeling or drawing, or he develops fine motor skills of hands, which stimulates all the centers in the brain of a preschooler, including the center responsible for speech.

It is important not to dwell on one type of needlework, for example, if you chose modeling for a child, then you should not give preference to working with clay, because there is also clay, self-made salted dough, as well as seasonal outdoor entertainment - modeling from snow and sand . Working with each material, the kid studies the specifics, because somewhere you need to knead the plastic with effort, and some materials are very malleable and plastic. Thus, the mobility and strength of the fingers is changing, the coordination of movements is improved when working with small elements.

The creative process is so fascinating to the child that he becomes focused, diligent, more goal-oriented, because with the help of his parents he will surely bring the matter to the end to show everyone crafts in kindergarten theme "Autumn", photo   the very first success of your baby will be stored in the family archive.

Even performing a simple application, a preschooler will learn to sort objects by shape and size, by similarity, if he works, for example, with autumn leaves, and you can also invite him to make a mosaic using various seeds, grains and legumes.

In the process of learning different materials, the baby will understand how certain things are made, for example, a snowman will now be not just an incomprehensible figure of snow, but cobbled together three balls of different shapes.

Contribute to the development of imagination and imagination, accelerates thinking processes, because if for the first time a baby will think for a long time what form the leaf needs to be taken, then with time he will perform all actions instantly.

Crafts "Autumn" in kindergarten

Crafts autumn in kindergarten with their own hands   always accompanied by a fun journey, because to gather the necessary materials, you need to go with the whole family to the forest. In the fall, in the deciduous or coniferous forest, the necessary tools for creativity literally roll under your feet or hang from tree branches.

Adults at this time can search for mushrooms or pick berries, and children will put in their little basket even colored leaves of various sizes and shapes, large and small cones, acorns and their caps, small even twigs and Christmas tree needles. All these simple materials, so familiar to us in everyday life, can open up a completely new world to the kid.

It will be interesting to work with multicolored little leaves throughout the year, during the cold winter months, when walking through the street becomes impossible due to bad weather, you can cheer up the whole family if you offer to do it together.

Collected from autumn leaves should be expanded between the sheets in a thick book. Thus, they dry up, remain even and retain their color. If you need to quickly dry only plucked or collected leaves, then you can use the iron. It is necessary to walk several times on the leaves with a hot iron, and they are ready to perform the application.

Crafts in kindergarten on the theme "Autumn"

In one crafts you can combine several types of creativity. For example, you can take autumn materials and clay and perform original figures or make a picture using not only paints and markers, but also yellowed foliage.

For the smallest craftsmen, you can offer to work not with whole leaves, but with small pieces that will simply be poured on the surface smeared with glue.

Dried leaves should be cut or broken into small pieces of arbitrary shape. It is better to take a multi-colored foliage, then the application will be bright, colorful.

Paint or pencil should be on a piece of paper to draw the trunk and branches, then glue the fluff that part of the tree where the crown should be. Sprinkle this area with crushed leaves and lightly press down with your fingers. The krone should turn out volumetric and tracery. For example, for a crown, you can take a mixture of yellow and red, and under the tree to make a lawn of green chips. When the material is glued to the surface, it is necessary to turn the base, so that all the extra elements that are not stuck, crumble down.

Composition "Gifts of Autumn" - crafts in kindergarten, which can be prepared for the exhibition of children's creativity, and it is always held in October, so that the children can demonstrate their creative achievements. In addition to beautiful handicrafts, you can make functional baskets, which not only will please the eye, but everyone can be treated with ripe fruits - apples or pears.

The basket itself can be made from a large pumpkin, removing all the pulp with a spoon and drying the fruit on a warm battery for several days. On the peel, you can cut drawings or ornaments with a sharp knife, and the edge of the cut can also be made not carved, but even.

You can fill the basket with grapes, paradise apples, small pears, dried apricots and other small fruits, and you can also decorate it with sprigs of mountain ash, beautiful yellowed leaves.

Of course, a child will not make such a basket without parents' help, because it is difficult to work with a pumpkin, besides, it is necessary to use a sharp knife, which is not safe for preschoolers.

But from the usual plastic bowl you can make an original basket for the autumn composition, using acorns and hats from them. Acorns and caps should be glued all over the plastic base, leaving no gaps. The handle for the bast basket can be made of several twigs of the vine, interlacing them together.

No doubt such crafts for the fall holiday in kindergarten   occupy a central place on the holiday table, which parents will cover for children.

Handicraft "Golden Autumn" in kindergarten

The tree of happiness is bright crafts "Golden Autumn", in kindergarten her child can make a preschooler with the help of mom or older sister. We know that various topiary today is one of the most popular types of needlework. To create them, they use all kinds of materials that are on hand: coffee beans, pine cones, acorns, autumn leaves, and a child can make his first topiary with rowan berries.

These can be performed by the whole family, having fun time. In addition, the baby will perform only the simplest stages of the artwork, so you can not do without the help of adults.

You can not only demonstrate a tree at a school or kindergarten competition, but also put it at home by adding bright colors to your interior, you can see how beautiful it turns out crafts "Autumn" in kindergarten, photo   and be sure to submit your results in the comments, it will inspire other skilled workers.

The basis for topiary will be a foam ball, if you have not found it in the store, then you can cut a spherical smooth shape from any thick piece of foam.

We will make the trunk of a tree out of a long, flat stick or a branch (you can fasten several skewers), and then you need to decorate the trunk by wrapping it with a rope that has a natural texture, so it will easily fit into the concept of your natural craft.

Handicraft "Autumn" in kindergarten: photo

To do crafts "Autumn" in kindergarten, it is necessary to prepare in advance all the necessary materials and think over all stages of the work. In addition to the trunk and foam crown, which we will decorate with berries of mountain ash, we must also find a pot, where we will plant our tree. A small cup, cup, decorative plastic pot, iron tin can will do for us. You can also decorate the pot with a harness, stick coffee beans on it.

To fasten the berries on the foam base, we will be using stationery or sewing pins, and you can also use small studs. Each berry must be pierced with a pin in the middle, and when all the elements are prepared, you can attach them to the base. Pins fit easily into the foam and hold it securely.

To hide the white base, you can pre-paste it or simply wrap it with gold or orange crepe paper. The pins should be fastened as tightly as possible so that the base is practically invisible, for this it is necessary to prepare berries of various sizes and fasten them in a checkerboard pattern.

Near such a bright tree you can plant a hedgehog made of pear in the meadow, because the kids really like to do crafts from vegetables in kindergarten, autumn   gives us a huge selection of various fruits and berries.

You will also find a lot of ideas for autumn creativity with children, the main thing to remember is that you can use absolutely any materials, because if you show your creative abilities, then you can make an original decorative figure from an ordinary plastic bottle, not to mention various open fluffy cones and leaves which even without additional decoration look just charming. Be sure to make a wreath for the autumn festival, which would decorate your front door, and it will be replaced by a Christmas wreath on the eve of the New Year.

If a walk in the glittering gold and purple park does not inspire you to make autumn crafts in kindergarten, then this will certainly make the educators. For creative classes in a group, several classes and independent work are always allocated (read, task for children and their parents). We will take this as an opportunity to participate in the harmonious development of our children, as well as find an interesting activity for ourselves.

Autumn crafts in kindergarten: ideas

Enrich yourself with knowledge about autumn crafts in kindergarten, ideas, master classes are possible for future use. The subject of such products is not limited to purely natural materials. No wonder this time of year is considered the most beautiful, the most poetic, despite the cold, the rain and the spleen. The ability to notice this beauty is inherent in our children, from that, and their drawings, and applications, and other works are filled with a sense of celebration, the charm of this time.

I must say that large compositions with many elements are always favorably accepted by any, even the most strict, commission. Yes, and kids really like such compositions, because making them, you can come up with a whole fairy tale, in which several characters participate, each with its own character and story. In this work, you can combine several techniques that the child already owns: make trees using twigs, leaves and colored paper, a match bridge, a plasticine swan, a teddy bear from twisted jute twine and a turtle - decorated sea stone.

The best autumn crafts in kindergarten

We present to your attention one more work included in the number best autumn crafts to kindergarten. The spider sitting on its web is already preparing for its journey during the Indian summer.

It is possible to make a basis for a web from thin rods or from a rigid wire. The branches will be cheaper and more convenient to use the material. Eight elements are interconnected in the center, for this you can use safety pins that you stick in sections of branches. Additionally, we fix the place of attachment with wire or harsh threads. We will need them for the construction of the web of the web - we twist it clockwise, fixing the knots so that the threads do not crawl to the center. To the finished web with PVA glue, glue small leaves, yellow, red, previously dried according to all the rules. In the middle we glue the most elegant sheet, it will be home to the spider. It can be done by twisting the black wool thread around the wire, glue paper eyes or paint with paints.

For applications, you can choose a variety of materials, including a variety of cereals. This elegant tree is made with the help of beans, corn, pea- materials that you can easily get from your grandmother in the village or in any grocery store. For additional decor, we will use pasta wheels. On a sheet of dark dark cardboard we glue the string on the contour of the trunk of our future tree. To make the trunk larger, we twine the twine obliquely, and then its ends diverge upwards like branches. Sticking each element on the glue, fill in the beans with all the planned “crown”, alternating it with pasta. Bottom, the ground from which the tree grows, decorate with peas. Since it is quite small. That sticking it one by one just does not make sense. Apply glue with a layer and sprinkle peas, distribute in a single layer. After a while, just shake off any excess that did not stick.

The tree in the elegant decoration can be made with the help of colored paper. It can be easily made by kids who already know how to handle scissors. On the brown paper, the trunk is cut with branches and glued onto a sheet of thick cardboard. On the surface of colored paper cut out clouds of different sizes, they should be blue and blue for the clouds, as well as green, yellow and orange for the tree. They should be glued a little overlap, to give the impression of a solid crown, and to apply glue only in the middle of the cloud. Then the crown will be not only multicolored, but also voluminous, slightly rising above the plane of the leaf. The sun and clouds can be glued with the help of squares of double-sided tape. Bottom adorn to your liking - green grass, cut in a zigzag, flowers, fallen leaves, made from cut small squares. For the finished work, make a small frame and be sure to sign.

Autumn crafts in kindergarten - how to do?

On the basis of yellow leaves, you can come up with a whole bunch autumn crafts in kindergarten. How to make   the most simple we try to learn.

The leaves themselves, so beautiful when we collect them in a park or a forest, can dry out very quickly in the house and become useless. To avoid this, the material should be prepared for work. The leaves should be dried between newspaper sheets, leaving them there, under pressure for at least 10 hours. If you want to start work quickly, you can iron the sheets through the fabric with a warm (not hot) iron and then dry it.

For any application, you need to outline the outline of the future drawing, approximately before understanding what will be located before gluing. You can apply book or magazine templates, or you can try to come up with a plot or a figure yourself. After all, they can become an excellent “simulator” of fantasy and artistic vision.

But this work can not be submitted to the competition, but without her not a single walk in the park with a young princess should do. It is easy to make a real wreath or even a crown out of the leaves, either right on the spot or at home. In the second case, the sheets can not weave for tails, and stick on the finished bezel of paper, which is then put on the head.

Autumn crafts in kindergarten from natural materials

Speaking about the leaves, we have already raised the topic autumn crafts in kindergarten from natural materials. After all, they are such, really autumn, and at other times of the year you will not find them. These are not only yellow autumn leaves, but also light acorns, glossy chestnuts, young cones, as well as various vegetables, berries and fruits ripening at this particular time of year.

The most beloved are men and animals made from acorns and chestnuts. This theme for creativity is simply inexhaustible, because you will not find identical chestnuts, therefore each such character for the game will turn out with its own individuality, its own character. You can tell your story about each of them in the course of doing the work. It is best to fasten the component parts of the figures with the help of ordinary clay and toothpicks. So that the mounts are not visible, you can cut the toothpicks into small pieces and sharpen them on both sides.

Garlands of colorful cones can be made for future use, and then used for New Year's decor. In order for the bumps to turn out so bright, they need to be completely covered with paint. In addition to the decorative effect, under the paint layer, the surface of the cone will be reliably protected from insects, drying out or rotting.

Vegetables can be the basis for both small and large crafts. As an example, here is such a brave sailboat with a plasticine team, the hull of which is a zucchini. For this kind of work, you will need a medium-sized zucchini or zucchini with a thick rind. With a knife, we cut the top of the zucchini exactly, but not to the very end, where the tail is, and the first half. We take a dessert spoon and begin to gently remove the pulp from the vegetable. When after gouging you got a boat, it means that you have already done half the work, it is time to draw up a complete ship. Take the skewers or toothpicks, they will play the role of the masts of the ship. They can put sheets of colored paper or squares of leaves for records. From the skin we made in the first stage, we cut a circle, pierce it with toothpicks, and we get a real steering wheel. We cut square windows on the sides, because we have a real warship. And such a sailboat can not do without a bold team, we sculpt it from colored clay.

Ideas: autumn crafts in kindergarten

A couple more ideas of autumn crafts in kindergarten   will appear before you. We will make them from felt and paper strips in the technique of quilling.

Such sticks, decorated with plants and animals made of felt, can be separate items, used for puppet theater or telling fairy tales for the night, and for decorating an apartment, for example, decorating a table for a children's holiday. To make them you will need sheets of colored felt, wooden skewers and stationery glue. On paper we draw the image of the first figurine - the mushroom. Cut the pattern and transfer it to felt - a hat on a red one, a leg on a beige one, and from white we cut out specks. We make all this in two copies, put the stick on the leg with applied glue, put the second leg on top to combine the part, and, holding it with our fingers, wait for the glue to work. Next, glue the skirt and hat in the same technique, glue the spots on the bonnet. In the same manner we make any fairy-tale characters that your baby only wants.

The application in the technique of quilling can be done with the child, it will be very fun for him to twist the tubes of the strips in his fingers. And then you glue these elements on a piece of paper and you get such an elegant maple leaf - a symbol of golden autumn.

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On the autumn theme, you can create a large number of handicrafts.

Many natural materials, including leaves, acorns, dry branches and cones can be used to make beautiful paintings and figurines.

Here are some interesting crafts on the theme of "Autumn" that you can do with your children:

  Crafts from natural material on the theme of autumn: autumn decoration

This craft is so simple that even a child can make it, and is so beautiful that it will harmoniously fit into any interior of the house, on the porch or in the country.

You will need:

Different leaves, cones and other gifts of nature



A wicker bowl or something that can hold all the decorations.

1.   Lay out all the gifts of autumn on the table.

2. Cut the thin wire so that you have a few segments, which can be attached to autumn decorations.

3. Start attaching leaves, cones, etc. to the wire by wrapping the wire around them.

4. When all the decorations are added to the wires, attach your blanks to a wicker vase or similar object.

  We do crafts on the theme "Autumn": traces of autumn leaves on paper

You will need:

Leaves of different shapes and sizes

White paper

Spray paint or fluffy brush and watercolor paints.

1. Collect the leaves and place them on paper.

2. Start applying spray paint on top of the leaves and a little around them or you can splash watercolors around the leaves with a lush brush.

3.   Carefully remove the leaves and allow the paint to dry.


Such pictures can be hung anywhere, thereby decorating the interior.

   Natural crafts with their own hands on the theme "Autumn": a stained glass window made from autumn leaves

You will need:

Small leaves of different shapes

Self-adhesive film or baking paper and glue

Colored cardboard.

1. Attach the leaves to film or paper.

2. Cut out several strips of colored cardboard and attach them to the paper so that the frame is obtained.

3. The resulting stained glass windows can be glued to the window so that sunlight passes through them.

   Children's leaf crafts: the labyrinth

Such a labyrinth can be made in a forest or park.

You just need to collect the leaves and distribute them so that you get a maze from which the children will look for a way out.

   Crafts on the theme of golden autumn: the tree in the fall

You will need:

Paper bag


Maple Lionfish ("helicopter")

Rowan berries

1. Take a simple paper bag, remove the handles of the bag and twist it so that it looks like a spiral: one end in one direction and the other in the opposite.

You will get a tree trunk, which should have a thickening in the lower part, where the roots are - so the tree will be more stable.

2. In the upper part of the twisted package you need to make branches. Just gently tear the paper and "dissolve" the branches and twist them in a spiral.

3.   Use the package handles to wrap a tree trunk and glue it. So you will make the craft stronger and more stable.

4. Prepare the clay or glue and start attaching the autumn leaves to the branches of the tree.

* If desired, you can attach a lionfish to the tree.

* If you want to "revive" the tree, then you can make eyes and nose from the heads of acorns, gluing them to the trunk. For pupils, you can use clay.

* You can make a mouth out of rowan berries and your tree is ready!

   Crafts for the exhibition on the theme "Autumn": a tree in the bank

You will need:

Small jar with lid

Leaves (preferably artificial and small)

Superglue or hot glue

Small branch


1.   Take a branch and cut it so that it can fit in a jar.

2. Glue the branch to the inside of the can lid. You can also glue a few small pebbles around the future of the tree.

3. Take a few small artificial leaves and stick them in a chaotic manner on the branches of the tree.

4. Pour in a jar of glycerin and some water and stir.

5. Insert the lid with the tree into the jar.

* If you are afraid that the child may accidentally open the lid of the jar, you can glue this lid. But for a start it is better to leave it not glued, in case you have to correct the tree and / or leaves.

This hack will last several months. Then the water will begin to change its color from contact with internal materials.

   Handicrafts made from leaves on the theme "Autumn": a framed autumn garden

You will need:


Adhesive tape

1. Using the thread, join the 4 branches in a frame.

2. Use the buttons to secure a piece of adhesive tape to the frame.

3.   Attach the leaves to the film so that they stick well.

* You can tie the ribbon to the frame so that you can hang it.

   Crafts made from paper on the theme "Autumn": a card from autumn leaves

You will need:

Leaves of different colors (in this example, 35 leaves)

PVA glue

A4 Cardboard Sheet


Simple pencil


Scotch (if necessary)

A4 paper sheet

Thick book.

1. From each sheet cut the stem. All the leaves fold in half along the midrib so that the wrong side of each sheet is inside.

2. Put leaves between the pages of a thick book. Leave overnight to get straight leaves.

3. Take a sheet of paper and draw on it a leaf of any shape. Cut this sheet to get a stencil. In this example, a stencil of an oak leaf was used - its dimensions are 7.5 x 17 cm.

4. Take out your leaves from a thick book and gently arrange them in color. In this example, all the leaves were laid out from green to red.

5.   Take a sheet of cardboard and place it on the table. Move 1 cm from the left edge, attach your stencil and circle it. Cut the shape on the cardboard. After the cut-out figure, retreat once again by 1 cm and cut. You will have a rectangle in the center of which a sheet is cut.

Autumn time is a wonderful time when you can create wonderful crafts with your own hands. And all because nature itself gives us a lot of materials for free to create interesting things from them. However, before you start creating crafts, you need to collect this material and turn on your imagination. As you know, many in kindergarten, there are lessons of creativity. And therefore, in the fall, together with educators, children in such classes will be able to independently create unique gizmos. But what autumn crafts can be made with your own hands for kindergarten we learn from this publication. In this article, you can see wonderful crafts that every preschooler will like to make.

What autumn crafts can be made from cones

Cones are a natural material. In the fall of this material, we have a large amount. And it is from the cones with the guys you can make wonderful crafts. For example, in order to create such bears, cones are connected to each other with glue or threads. Also, you can just put the bumps on a hard stick. You can glue other natural materials to bumps as a decoration.

It so happens that the bump comes across very hard. And to use it in the work you just need to soak in plain water. The procedure is recommended for 2 days.

A simple handicraft of cones - a bird.

If your children are working with cones for the first time, then invite them to make such birds. Perhaps this handicraft is the easiest. For the manufacture of such crafts is recommended to prepare:

  • bumps
  • acorns
  • glue,
  • decorations.

To create such an article is very simple. To the stand, which can replace a piece of thick cardboard stick cone (torso). After that, an acorn is glued to the bump, which will be the bird's head. To the finished crafts stick the wings of bright colored paper.

Crafts from cones - deer.

The next piece of cones is a deer. Make it a little difficult. But if you look at the course of work, then you can handle it. It is worth noting that to create such a camel is recommended to prepare a flexible wire. It is on her that you should string a cone that will imitate the neck of an animal.

Handicraft of cones - lesovik.

This article will help you see the answer to the question of what autumn crafts to do in kindergarten. After reading this article, you will be able to choose a craft for making on the lessons of creativity.

Such a funny and kind woodsman is made from ripe and green cones. And in order to secure the hands it is recommended to use wire. But the forester's head is recommended to be fixed to the body with glue. Eyes create scales from the cones. And the needles are suitable for creating a mustache.

Crafts from legumes

The original decor of the bean with his own hands.

Autumn is the time when the crop is harvested from the garden. Therefore, from some of the fruits you can make interesting crafts. For example, now we will offer the idea of ​​creating an interesting bottle that kids can make together with their parents or with the help of a caregiver. So, for such crafts you will need a transparent bottle and beans of different shades.

If we talk about the process of creating such a bottle, then it is necessary to put the beans in layers in it and just close the cork. Looks like this handicraft is very attractive.

Handicraft of beans. Master class create chicken.

Beans can be used not only for cooking different dishes. It turns out that the beans are suitable even for creating original and bright appliqués. For the chicken application, you will need to prepare in advance:

  • scissors,
  • colored cardboard
  • pencil simple
  • 8 pieces of seed,
  • white beans,
  • corn kernel,
  • black and red plasticine
  • pVA glue.

Working process:

  1. First we sketch the silhouette of a hen on a cardboard. After which it must be cut.
  2. The silhouette of the chicken should be pasted on a sheet of colored paper of green color, as in the photo.
  3. Now it is necessary to pinch off a small piece of red plasticine and re-stick it to the bean. After that, this bean should be glued to the silhouette of a chicken.
  4. Thus, it is recommended to glue the beans with the whole silhouette of the chicken. However, in this work it is worth leaving space for the beak and the eye.
  5. Take the black clay pinch off a small ball and make an eye out of it in a chicken.
  6. Corn kernel is also fastened to the clay and glue to the chicken.
  7. Now from the seeds should make legs for chicken. It is recommended to use black plasticine.