Economics colleges c. Variety of professions in financial colleges

Economic colleges in Moscow after grade 9 budgetary basis

Rating of economic colleges in Moscow after grade 9 on a budgetary basis. List of the best economic colleges, vocational schools, colleges and technical schools in Moscow after grade 9 at state institutions

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(establishments found: 19 )


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    British business education in Moscow after grades 8-11. 8 hours of English per week. Daytime and evening programs. British state diploma.

    The educational space of the college includes an educational and laboratory base, as well as enterprises of thermal stations and networks - branches of OJSC MOEK.

    Specialties: 0 Cost:

    Moscow State Academy of Business Administration was founded in 1992.

    Specialties: 0 Cost:

    Admission of applicants for training in programs of secondary vocational education is carried out on the basis of the results of mastering secondary (complete) general education.

    Specialties: 1 Cost:

    Reception conditions:
    - based on 9 classes - interview
    - on the basis of 11 classes - USE certificate
    in Russian language and mathematics; interview

    Specialties: 4 Cost:

Economic colleges are the guarantor of the stable development of the country's financial system. All of today's economy is based on various financial transactions. Banking and insurance apperceptions occupy a huge market share. Specialists in working with securities and trading on the stock exchange are in great demand.

Variety of professions in financial colleges

One of the most common areas that colleges teach is banking. In any developed country, the basis of the economy is banking relations. The number of banks is huge. Some are involved in work with the population, others finance industry, and others provide interbank transactions. Each bank requires a huge number of employees to work with documentation, negotiation and conclusion of contracts. Economic colleges in the shortest possible time can teach the intricacies of this profession. While studying in college, the student will have the opportunity to undergo an internship in the largest financial organizations, which will allow him to easily find a job in a large bank.

Lending is another huge segment. This is an offshoot of banking, aimed at lending money to individuals or businesses. A feature of this profession is the multifaceted work with loans and the marketing component. A loan is rarely beneficial for a consumer, and the task of a bank employee is to show the profitability and prospects of a loan for a client. Economics colleges will allow you to study together with work, which will allow you to test the material passed to colleges in practice. College graduates quickly climb the career ladder due to the vast work experience that they successfully put into practice.

The third largest financial segment is securities trading and exchange trading. Specialists in this field are called brokers or brokers, depending on their type of activity. For such a profession, college education may not be enough. And higher educational institutions are unlikely to prepare for such a difficult profession. To successfully trade securities, you must have extensive experience in analyzing the market and the world economy. The price of stocks and bonds depends on a huge number of factors, including human factors. A specialist needs to be able to foresee how the market will react to a particular event. To work in this area, you need to study the mechanisms of the exchange for a long time and have vast experience. But by becoming a professional it will be possible to earn huge amounts of money with this type of activity. And due to the growing popularity of this profession, you can organize your own seminars for teaching youth, which also brings a huge income.

Perspectives of Moscow Economic Colleges

Moscow economic colleges occupy a leading position in the field economic education... They are ahead of many non-state institutions. Many of these colleges are based on the largest financial institutions. This allows you to combine the practical nature of college education with the highest theoretical knowledge of institutions. In addition, a huge number of financial transaction centers are concentrated in Moscow. Graduates of Moscow economic colleges will always be able to find a place to work and provide professional growth.