Do-it-yourself charm for husband and wife. Is it possible to give amulets? Star and Astrology Magazine

From time immemorial, husbands, fathers, sons who went to war, to work in the field or on a journey on the road were given a talisman. They were made by women. Each of them wished well and prosperity for her husband, son or lover. But more powerful were considered amulets created by blood relationship - mother, sister, daughter, son, father, brother. The amulets made by the bride or wife were valid only in cases when sincere love and harmony reigned between a man and a woman.

Among the Slavic peoples, amulets were taken very seriously. For the residents, he was an invisible helper and protector. There were rules and conspiracies for making it. For each of the amulets or talismans, special days were determined, and the time of day when they could be made. For the manufacture of amulets, a special material was chosen, it depended on the purpose of the amulet. Just like the material, color and shape were of particular importance. But the most powerful among all were the amulets that were performed by hand.

Sewing patterns

A mother's hand-embroidered clothing for her son has always been valued more than the same shirt purchased at fairs. When the amulet was created, the strength and energy of the person who did the given thing were settled into it. The clothes were embroidered with figures of animals, food, plants, and each figure meant something. Husbands embroidered on clothes:

  • nuts, which were a symbol of good health, like all medicinal herbs;
  • poppies ensured the fulfillment of desire;
  • pepper is a sign of male health;
  • garlic stood guard against evil spirits;
  • the sunflower endowed the owner with cheerfulness;
  • horseshoe acquired the status of happiness and good luck.

When creating embroidery with your own hands, make sure that you have exactly those colors at hand that will become necessary for you to create a talisman:

  • white symbolizes purity and holiness;
  • gold is associated with the sun;
  • red is the color of fire and blood. The color of solar energy and vitality;
  • black is the color of the earth;
  • green symbolizes life and prosperity.

A woman among the Slavic peoples considered it an honor to embroider a shirt or other clothes for her husband. Many traditions existed among our ancestors, but the most basic ones must be remembered and applied when making amulets for men with our own hands.

  1. When embroidering patterns, try not to create knots. When pulling the thread through the fabric, leave about an inch on the inside. Don't tie it. The knot in the embroidery has a negative impact and negates your efforts.
  2. The embroidery of flowers on the shirt was carried out with colors of bright red shades. If you look at the patterns of our ancestors, you will see that when embroidering flowers, one color was chosen and the whole flower was executed with it. Adhere to this tradition and then the thing will have maximum energy.
  3. If you have a desire to save your husband from aggression and to defend in difficult times, your pattern should have a blue shade.
  4. Your husband is in business and often deals with financial transactions, then embroidery in green colors should appear on his clothes.
  5. A green spruce or the image of a tree on clothing brought its owner great and strong health and willpower. Many legends speak of the family tree and the tree of life. This is exactly what this pattern will symbolize. To be sure of the loyalty of your lover, it is worth embroidering patterns consisting of orange or red on his shirt.
  6. Before embroidering, be sure to swim. Thus, all the negative energy is washed away, and you start embroidery with clean hands.

Getting to work should not forget about the material of the threads. The thread material also matters when creating a talisman. Cotton creates consistency and durability in the fight against evil eye and spoilage. Flax will bring peace and quiet to the owner. Symbols of great cult significance are embroidered from linen threads. Moving up the career ladder and during negotiations to bring success is guaranteed by patterns embroidered with silk threads. To cure evil spirits and during illness, silhouettes of animals were embroidered with woolen threads on the clothes worn by the husband. Drawings were made in the neck, heart and abdomen - in the most vulnerable places of a person.

In the old days, a woman, performing work, strengthened the energy capacity of the future amulet with the help of charms-conspiracies. In this way, by combining in one pattern a couple, or even three protective or preserving properties. Conspiracies were both runic and verbal.

“Bereginya is coming, she is leading the bitch thread! Spinning, weaving, tarsi rock, Bereginya helped. "

“And from damage-yellowness, and from pain-oppression, And from a black lake, from a bad evil eye-words. Bereginya walks, the thread leads the life-giving! "

Each of us knows what a rune is. Rune is a symbol or sign that has magical and energetic power. Wives with their own hands on certain days and at certain times tore birch branches. Before going to bed, they smoothed the corresponding rune from such branches and placed a vessel with water on top. A chain or ring that belongs to the spouse was placed in the vessel. In the morning, the thing was charged with the energy of the rune on which the vessel stood. These are perhaps the lightest amulets that you can make with your own hands.

Body amulets

Amulets made of flour, salt and water were also given. These three elements were combined in a special proportion, each of them had its own energy and meaning. Each of you is able to create such a charm with your own hands.

The main thing is to know what you want to create. We took just such ingredients due to the fact that:

  • Flour is a symbol of prosperity.
  • Salt is protection from dishonesty.
  • Water is an informational medium.

The main thing is to remember that when creating a talisman, while adding water, you must think about who you are going to present it to. About what he will protect the owner from. After making the material in the proportion: flour - 2 units, salt - 1 unit, water - the required amount to create an elastic mass. You have to make a figurine. It is the figure that will determine what property the amulet will have.

  • Horse - symbolizes support on the road and acts as a kind of magnet to attract good luck.
  • A figurine in the form of a spoon will not let a man fall into poverty or go hungry.
  • The self-sculpted image of a beaver will give your loved one strength and good luck in any endeavor.

The several charms presented to your attention, which were made for husbands by their beloved ones, can be made for you. Every man will appreciate such a gift. And you will be able to protect and protect him, being at a distance, just with the help of your positive energy invested in the amulet.

Choosing a non-standard thing as a present, you involuntarily have to think about what impact this gift will ultimately have on the owner. This is especially true of objects, one way or another related to esoteric knowledge. Is it possible to give amulets? To answer this question, you must first understand what it is and what function this object performs.

What is a talisman, the difference from amulets and talismans

As the name suggests, the main function of the amulet is protection. This is its fundamental difference from and, which have a slightly different meaning. To protect the amulet is intended, first of all, from external negative influences, for example, from damage, the evil eye, etc. Its action can be aimed at protecting both the individual and the whole house.

Amulets were very common in Ancient Egypt. Often they were made in the form of scarab beetles, spirit eyes,. Amulets were sewn on clothes, hung at the entrance to the dwelling, placed in tombs to the deceased. This subject was also popular among the ancient Slavs. To this day, many people believe in the miraculous power of these intricate objects.

Should I give a charm?

Yes, it is, and why not? This item is designed to provide its owner with protection from everything bad, which means that this gift will benefit him. However, you need to remember that the amulet works only when they sincerely believe in its power. If a person does not take such things seriously, there is a risk of disappointing him with his gift, which is of no value to him.

Another problem that can be encountered when choosing a talisman as a gift may be the discrepancy between the materials from which it is made and the personality of the gifted. As you know, each person has his own metal, stone, totem sign. Having decided to present the amulet, it is imperative to own this data so as not to cause dissonance between the protective symbol and its owner.

Do-it-yourself amulets have the most powerful properties. But it is important to know that you cannot do them for yourself. You can make yourself a talisman or amulet, but not a talisman! Moreover, the power of this magical item largely depends on who makes it and for whom. The most powerful are charms created for the closest blood relatives, for example, a mother for a child. It is imperative to make this object with love and constant bright thoughts about the person to whom it is intended.

The values \u200b\u200bof amulets

These magical items can be created from different materials and have different meanings. The meaning of the most popular Slavic amulets is presented below.

  1. Brownie - protecting the house from guests with bad intentions, guarding the acquired property.
  2. Domovitsa - female happiness, protection of the economy.
  3. The troublemaker is a home, protection of nepotism.
  4. Sherochka with Masherochka - mutual understanding of the spouses.
  5. A friendly family - protection from quarrels in the family, mutual understanding among household members.
  6. The gnome is a talisman for children.
  7. Girl - attracts good grooms.
  8. Summer is fertility and prosperity.
  9. The sun is the happiness and health of the family.
  10. A money bag is a talisman against financial problems.
  11. Bannik - hang in a bath or bathroom. The symbol of cleanliness and health.
  12. Merchant - business protection.
  13. Uncle Sleep - protects during sleep, drives away nightmares.
  14. Gingerbread man - attracts good people, a symbol of fun.

How to use amulets?

Amulets are hung in a house or apartment, carried with them, sewn on clothes. There are special gift options in a beautiful design. The main thing is a sincere belief that the use of this item can really bring goodness to the house and protection from all bad things.

The amulet is a kind of protection for the astral body. He can attract luck or money, protect from evil people and misfortunes. Making a magic symbol with your own hands is not difficult. It is much more important that such a product will protect the house, car, child. Protect from the evil eye, damage, disease. There are charms in the form of an ornament or embroidery, made of metal or wood. They are created with love, in a good mood.

While the amulet is being prepared, a person charges the craft with his energy, positive emotions. It is necessary to believe in the protective power, then the magical properties of the product will fully manifest.

First you need to determine the purpose of the future product. For what or for whom is it created? The amulet, unlike amulets and talismans, can protect the whole family. Therefore, magic items for a house, an apartment are so often created. They bring love and prosperity with them, relieve quarrels and misfortunes.

A charm for spouses is necessary for a happy family life. He will protect against betrayal, jealousy. Will give peace and harmony. Such a magical symbol is often presented for a wedding or anniversary of marriage. It should be hidden from prying eyes, not shown to anyone.

The amulet for the child will protect against diseases, support spiritual and physical development. It will save you from peer attacks, bad deeds.

The amulet for love will attract new fans, make the aura attractive for the opposite sex.

The male amulet will protect you on the road, in war. Warn about danger. It will save you from diseases, troubles, and evil people.

All magical actions are performed in complete solitude. Making a craft is a certain ritual. No one should see the process of creating a talisman, one should not be forced to make it. Everything should happen on a whim, with inspiration.

It is best to do the amulet with your own hands at night, by candlelight. Or during the day, in bright sunlight. Be sure to put your whole soul into creating it. Charge with positive strength and kindness. Usually, the amulet is made for relatives, less often for themselves.

Put the finished product under the pillow at night. So the amulet will gain full strength, saturated with the necessary energy. Before going to bed, you should think about who the magic symbol is being made for. Imagine how he will protect his owner.

The next day, give a charm with kind words. It should be worn closer to the body, under clothing. If the protective craft was intended for the home, it is better to hide it in a secluded place. Then the evil eye will not harm, will not knock mental information from the product.

Product cleaning

The amulet is made from natural materials - wood, leather, metal. If fabrics and threads are used, they should be woolen, linen or cotton. Baking powder or food coloring is not added to dough crafts. But the finished product can be decorated, painted with paints.

All protective crafts accumulate negative energy over time. Natural materials are able not only to keep positive and negative waves for a long time, but also to return them back. Therefore, after conflicts, quarrels, diseases, accidents, the product should be cleaned. To do this, use the power of four elements - fire, water, earth, air.

Fire... Hold the amulet over a white candle. Best of all, if it is a consecrated, church candle. It should only be used once - to clean the product.

Water... Rinse in running water or sprinkle with holy water.

Earth... Bury the amulet and leave it overnight. If this is problematic, you can bury it in coarse salt. In the morning, take out the charm, throw away the salt.

Air... Highly understand the amulet on outstretched arms. Turn to each side of the world, exposing the product to the wind. Or light a candle and hold it over the smoke.

Charm of herbs

The simplest amulet is a sachet of herbs. You can prepare the dried herb yourself or buy it at the pharmacy. It fits into a bag (you can hang it around your neck) or sewn into a small pillow (it is better to do it at home).

Protect from evil - clover, juniper, dill, rosemary, mountain ash, St. John's wort. Basil will bring love and wealth... Carnation - luck, money and healing... Oak - longevity, childbirth... Mint - wealth, healing, love... Garlic - protection, expulsion of evil forces... Sage - healing, welfare... Laurel - strength, healing, cleansing... Cuff - preservation of pregnancy.

You can decorate the sachet with decorative ribbons. Buttons are also a magical element. If you sew them on a bag or pillow of herbs, you get additional protection. The photo shows different ways of how you can sew on buttons and their meaning.

Making dolls

Products in the form of dolls are necessarily created for the growing moon, with a good mood and good thoughts. When making dolls, try to use stabbing, cutting objects to a minimum. This can negatively affect the properties of the product.

Tie knots on threads and ribbons an even number of times. As a rule, the face of the amulet dolls is not drawn. This is done so that the misfortune with the doll (fell, torn, broken) does not affect the person.

In addition, do-it-yourself amulets in the form of dolls can be molded from wax, clay, salt dough. After that, as you can see in the photo, they can be painted with paints or decorated with ribbons.

Women's days for making dolls - Wednesday, Friday. For men - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. On Saturday and Sunday, it is better not to engage in protective crafts.

If the doll is ready, light 4 candles, put the product in the center. To activate, read the conspiracy:

How to make a doll amulet

The doll "To health" is made of thick linen thread. Such a talisman brings health to the house, healing. The ancient Slavs believed that flax takes the negative energy of the disease onto itself, helps a person to get better.

The whole doll is palm-length (15 cm). During its manufacture, read prayers, wish a person health.

Step 1. Prepare soft linen threads. For harnesses - red.

Step 2. Cut cardboard (or other suitable material) to the length of the doll. Make 3 windings without breaking the threads. Thick winding for the body. Thinner for hands. And the same as for the hands - for the braid.

Step 3. Cut on one side.

Step 4. For hands - weave a braid, tie at the end with a red thread. For a braid, tie a simple knot.

Step 5. Take a red thread (1 m), mark the neck. Do not pull off the thread.

Step 6. Put the braid into the head. So that the strands do not get tangled, tie the top of the head with a thread.

Tie a knot on your head.

Step 7. On the head - braid. Tie the braided arms crosswise, mark the waist.

Step 8. Tie on the head - a rim. There is a belt at the waist. The doll "To health" is ready!

Charm bracelet

A charm in the form of a bracelet can be made of thread, beads, wood, natural stones. One of the simplest is a red woolen thread tied around the wrist. Seven knots on the bracelet will protect you from evil forces and the evil eye. Pictured is a bracelet made of intertwined leather cords. They strengthen the human biofield, eliminate the negative.

Shambhala bracelets attract good luck, protect from misfortunes. You can take both wooden and glass beads for the product. Weaving bracelets like the one in the photo yourself is an art. Here, each knot has a certain meaning and spiritual content.

Wooden figurines are another important piece of protection. Animals or fish in products have a certain meaning. They symbolize courage and courage, strength and wisdom. It is important to find a figurine that you like - then the amulet will take on special meaning. So, in the photo - a swimming dolphin symbolizes freedom and joy.

How to make a Shambhala bracelet

To make a bracelet, beads are connected with a cord using a "flat" knot. Beads can be made of wood, stone, metal, with or without rhinestones. It is important that there are no more than 9 of them. This is due to the legend about the mythical land of Shambhala, which was surrounded by 9 mountains.

The thickness of the cord should match the holes of the beads. So that the cord easily passes through the hole (especially silk), its end can be greased with glue.


  • Beads (9 pieces, 1 cm in diameter), spacer beads with rhinestones (8 pieces);
  • Bead on a clasp with a large hole, 2 beads (7 mm in diameter) for “ponytails”;
  • Cord (1.5 m), leather, waxed, silk or linen;
  • Glue "Moment";
  • Plastic tablet with a clip;
  • Scissors.

Step 1. Measure the circumference of the arm, just above the wrist. Add the approximate length of the braided clasp. Add the length of the "ponytails", with which the bracelet is tightened on the arm. You will get a piece of cord about 50 cm. Attach it to the tablet with a clip, as shown in the photo.

Step 2. Cut the cord into 3 pieces. Two - 25 cm each. One - 50 cm. Weave 5 "flat" knots. " The diagram shows that one knot is knitted from left to right and from right to left.

You can replace cords 1 and 3 with one piece (25 cm) folded in half.

Step 3. After 5 "flat" knots, string the main beads and the beads-spacers with rhinestones on the main cord alternately. String one bead onto the cord. Secure it by tying one “flat” knot and one simple knot.

Fix the knot with glue, cut off the excess ends of the threads.

Step 5. Take the second piece of cord (25 cm). Weave 5 “flat” knots on the back of the main cord. Fix the last bead, cut off the excess ends.

Step 6. Thread the ends of the main cord into the fastener bead.

Step 7. Take an additional piece of cord (50 cm). Fold it in half and wrap around the ends of the bracelet. Now the ponytails are the main thread. Weave 5 “flat” knots up to the clasp bead, braid the bead, weave 5 more “flat” knots. Fasten the thread, cut off the excess ends. Fix small beads at the ends of the "ponytails".

From time immemorial, husbands, fathers, sons who went to war, to work in the field or on a journey on the road were given a talisman. They were made by women. Each of them wished well and prosperity for her husband, son or lover. But more powerful were considered amulets created by blood relationship - mother, sister, daughter, son, father, brother. The amulets made by the bride or wife were valid only in cases when sincere love and harmony reigned between a man and a woman.

Among the Slavic peoples, amulets were taken very seriously. For the residents, he was an invisible helper and protector. There were rules and conspiracies for making it. For each of the amulets or talismans, special days were determined, and the time of day when they could be made. For the manufacture of amulets, a special material was chosen, it depended on the purpose of the amulet. Just like the material, color and shape were of particular importance. But the most powerful among all were the amulets that were performed by hand.

A mother's hand-embroidered clothing for her son has always been valued more than the same shirt purchased at fairs. When the amulet was created, the strength and energy of the person who did the given thing were settled into it. The clothes were embroidered with figures of animals, food, plants, and each figure meant something. Husbands embroidered on clothes:

  • nuts, which were a symbol of good health, like all medicinal herbs;
  • poppies ensured the fulfillment of desire;
  • pepper is a sign of male health;
  • garlic stood guard against evil spirits;
  • the sunflower endowed the owner with cheerfulness;
  • horseshoe acquired the status of happiness and good luck.

When creating embroidery with your own hands, make sure that you have exactly those colors at hand that will become necessary for you to create a talisman:

  • white symbolizes purity and holiness;
  • gold is associated with the sun;
  • red is the color of fire and blood. The color of solar energy and vitality;
  • black is the color of the earth;
  • green symbolizes life and prosperity.

A woman among the Slavic peoples considered it an honor to embroider a shirt or other clothes for her husband. Many traditions existed among our ancestors, but the most basic ones must be remembered and applied when making amulets for men with our own hands.

  1. When embroidering patterns, try not to create knots. When pulling the thread through the fabric, leave about an inch on the inside. Don't tie it. The knot in the embroidery has a negative impact and negates your efforts.
  2. The embroidery of flowers on the shirt was carried out with colors of bright red shades. If you look at the patterns of our ancestors, you will see that when embroidering flowers, one color was chosen and the whole flower was executed with it. Adhere to this tradition and then the thing will have maximum energy.
  3. If you have a desire to save your husband from aggression and to defend in difficult times, your pattern should have a blue shade.
  4. Your husband is in business and often deals with financial transactions, then embroidery in green colors should appear on his clothes.
  5. A green spruce or the image of a tree on clothing brought its owner great and strong health and willpower. Many legends speak of the family tree and the tree of life. This is exactly what this pattern will symbolize. To be sure of the loyalty of your lover, it is worth embroidering patterns consisting of orange or red on his shirt.
  6. Before embroidering, be sure to swim. Thus, all the negative energy is washed away, and you start embroidery with clean hands.

Getting to work should not forget about the material of the threads. The thread material also matters when creating a talisman. Cotton creates consistency and durability in the fight against evil eye and spoilage. Flax will bring peace and quiet to the owner. Symbols of great cult significance are embroidered from linen threads. Moving up the career ladder and during negotiations to bring success is guaranteed by patterns embroidered with silk threads. To cure evil spirits and during illness, silhouettes of animals were embroidered with woolen threads on the clothes worn by the husband. Drawings were made in the neck, heart and abdomen - in the most vulnerable places of a person.

In the old days, a woman, performing work, strengthened the energy capacity of the future amulet with the help of charms-conspiracies. In this way, by combining in one pattern a couple, or even three protective or preserving properties. Conspiracies were both runic and verbal.

“Bereginya is coming, she is leading the bitch thread! Spinning, weaving, tarsi rock, Bereginya helped. "

“And from damage-yellowness, and from pain-oppression, And from a black lake, from a bad evil eye-words. Bereginya is walking, the thread leads the life-giving! "

Each of us knows what a rune is. Rune is a symbol or sign that has magical and energetic power. Wives with their own hands on certain days and at certain times tore birch branches. Before going to bed, they smoothed the corresponding rune from such branches and placed a vessel with water on top. A chain or ring that belongs to the spouse was placed in the vessel. In the morning, the thing was charged with the energy of the rune on which the vessel stood. These are perhaps the lightest amulets that you can make with your own hands.

Amulets made of flour, salt and water were also given. These three elements were combined in a special proportion, each of them had its own energy and meaning. Each of you is able to create such a charm with your own hands.

The main thing is to know what you want to create. We took just such ingredients due to the fact that:

  • Flour is a symbol of prosperity.
  • Salt is protection from dishonesty.
  • Water is an informational medium.

The main thing is to remember that when creating a talisman, while adding water, you must think about who you are going to present it to. About what he will protect the owner from. After making the material in the proportion: flour - 2 units, salt - 1 unit, water - the required amount to create an elastic mass. You have to make a figurine. It is the figure that will determine what property the amulet will have.

  • Horse - symbolizes support on the road and acts as a kind of magnet to attract good luck.
  • A figurine in the form of a spoon will not let a man fall into poverty or go hungry.
  • The self-sculpted image of a beaver will give your loved one strength and good luck in any endeavor.

The several charms presented to your attention, which were made for husbands by their beloved ones, can be made for you. Every man will appreciate such a gift. And you will be able to protect and protect him, being at a distance, just with the help of your positive energy invested in the amulet.

How to make an amulet of love with your own hands at home? All magic is the focused energy of your desire, expressed in verbal or material form.

Anyone can make an effective amulet for lovers, with a desire and step-by-step instructions.

The amulet will attract the energy of love into your life and drive away negative energies that prevent your dreams from turning into reality.

The amulet of love is made on the days of the growing phase of the moon, taking into account all the features indicated in the rite.

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If you are lonely and suffer from a lack of attention from men, a handmade amulet to attract love will make a difference.

To do this, you need to buy a small round mirror. You should buy in the morning without taking change.

At dawn on Friday, go to a location where the sun's rising disk is clearly visible. Aim the mirror at the disc so that the mirror surface can absorb the rays.

And as soon as the sun comes out over the horizon, say the words of the conspiracy 3 times:

“As the sun rises above the earth,
So I will surpass others
For beauty and attractiveness
Night and day
In the light and in the dark. "

Repeat these words while looking at the mirror reflecting the ascending disc. And as soon as the sun completely rises above the earth, say the following witch words in a chant:

"Harp helius lata
Astra moronius phat. "

Then wrap the mirror in a red cloth and carry it with you. The energy of the astral light will give you irresistibility in the eyes of people, attract attention and admiration of the opposite sex.

Faith and hope of success, together with clear intent, will release the witchcraft. This amulet can be made for men too!

The solar disk fills a person's aura with a bright shine, dazzling grandeur.

This energy is so strong that it will attract the eyes of the people around you to the carrier of this energy.

Lunar energy has a different shade: a shade of soft charm and magic.

To make a lunar amulet that attracts love, on one of the full moon nights, catch the reflection of a night star in a round mirror, look at it and say:

“Ibuya salenite kasel wahlak,
Naita asfedas raul,
Find a septadak pharma! "

Repeat the plot 3 times. After that, wrap the mirror in a blue cloth and keep it with you at all times. The energy of the moonlight will envelop your aura with fluids of charm, mystery and magic. These vibes will attract male attention to you.

To make this love amulet and perform the ceremony, we need the following components:

  • new needle;
  • new spool of white thread;
  • red matter.

You can make a powerful talisman with your own hands against all adversity that can befall lovers, protect your love from troubles.

You need to cut a 29 x 29 square from the red material and fold it in four. Measure a thread half a meter long and thread it into the needle.

Tie the ends of the thread in a knot and say:

“There is a needle in the thread, and a thread in the needle.
No one can separate them. "

Take the needle with your right hand and hold the thread with your left hand. Say the following words:

“I (name) is a needle, my beloved (name) is a thread.
Where the needle goes, there is the thread.
We cannot be separated. "

Sew the fabric folded in four with this needle, and leave the needle in it. Keep your amulet carefully, and it will be faithful to those in love.

This amulet of love can also be made by hand. It is used to strengthen relationships and to reconcile lovers.

To make this amulet of love, we need the following components:

  • juniper twigs;
  • dill seeds;
  • pink petals;
  • mortar and pestle;
  • a piece of red wax;
  • luben;
  • tablespoon;
  • small red pouch;
  • saucer.

Place the herbs in a mortar and crush them into a powder with a pestle. When you do this, you can say out loud what should be achieved from the amulet. For example:

"I want to be with him, our love grows stronger day by day."

If you haven't found a luben, you can do without it.

When the herbs are ready, melt a lump of wax in a tablespoon over the fire. Put three pinches of magic herbs in wax, then pour it into a saucer. After cooling the wax a little, mold a heart out of it with your hands.

When you sculpt a heart, imagine your beloved, fill the heart with your feelings. All amulets for love should be filled with bright emotions and love. You can wax pictures of your future together. The clearer and brighter these pictures are, the better.

Then put the heart, which contains your love, faith and hope for the future, in a red bag and hang it by your bed. And when your beloved returns, hide the amulet from him. This must be done in order not to betray your secret.

Attracting new love

If your beloved has left you or your love for him has faded away, then you can make an amulet that will attract new feelings into your life and keep them from any negativity (envy, anger and destruction).

To make this amulet and perform the ritual, we need the following:

  • bowl made of porcelain;
  • large mirror;
  • pink candle;
  • dry strawberry leaves;
  • red rose petals;
  • luben;
  • melissa;
  • lavender oil;
  • amethyst;
  • feather of a white dove;
  • pink pouch.

Place the bowl, mirror and candle on the table. Light a candle and sit opposite. Place the herbs and 3 drops of lavender oil in a bowl. Start stirring the herbs with your hands while staring at yourself in the mirror.

At the same time, repeat the words:

“I (name) mix magic herbs that will help me find my love, harmony and happiness.
These are the herbs of lovers who have found their halves.
I will also find my soul mate with their help. "

Put the herbs and other ingredients in a pink bag and do not part with it until you meet your soul mate. This amulet will attract many men in love with you, and you can make your choice. Good luck to you!

The parable of the lost love amulet