Why did the pregnant woman lose her appetite? What to do if there is no appetite during pregnancy? What symptoms should alert

Basically, after conception, a woman begins to eat for two, less often there are situations when there is no appetite during pregnancy. This does not always indicate a pathological process, more often this condition is associated with addiction to pregnancy, caused by hormonal changes in the body.

Why does appetite disappear during pregnancy?

A woman's nutrition is an important aspect during pregnancy. The body must receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals from food so that the fetus inside the womb can develop normally. This factor is especially important in the early stages, when all the internal organs of the embryo are laid.

Lack of appetite in a pregnant woman in the first trimester is mainly associated with the formation of toxicosis due to a surge in female hormones. Changes in taste preferences are observed, the sense of smell is exacerbated, together with a feeling of nausea, poor appetite appears.

In addition to toxicosis, the causes may be associated with other factors:

  • a lack of folic acid and B vitamins can provoke a decrease in appetite, therefore, during the period of gestation, doctors additionally prescribe vitamin complexes with a high iron content;
  • stressful situations and negative emotions suppress appetite, which negatively affects intrauterine development;
  • excessive production of progesterone reduces the function of digestion, while stopping the feeling of hunger;
  • the presence and exacerbation of chronic diseases of the kidneys, liver or gastrointestinal tract.
Loss of appetite in the second trimester is associated with a significantly enlarged uterine cavity, especially if doctors have identified a large fetus or multiple pregnancies. The uterus exerts strong pressure on the colon, which is accompanied by constipation and, as a result, poor appetite.

In the third trimester, not a small number of women complain that their appetite has disappeared, compared with previous months. This situation is also due to the active growth of the child, which squeezes many organs, reducing the feeling of hunger. The appearance of late toxicosis, which is quite dangerous, should not be ruled out.
Therefore, in the case of a pathological lack of appetite and in the presence of other symptoms, it is necessary to consult a doctor in order to reduce the likelihood of complications in the fetus with a lack of food.

If a woman is not the first child born with a small age difference, then, of course, there may be a lack of hunger. So, in the third pregnancy, the appetite cannot be adjusted for the reason that the body has not yet recovered its strength from the previous delivery.

What to do if there is no appetite during pregnancy?

A reduced feeling of hunger should not negatively affect the child, and you should not eat for two. It is enough to diversify your diet so that the menu contains all the necessary nutrients.

If there is no appetite during pregnancy, then you should irritate the feeling of hunger with the help of small tricks:

  1. long walks in the park in the fresh air will help "whet your appetite" and get a little hungry;
  2. moderate physical activity contributes to the loss of energy, which the body will subsequently need to replenish with food;
  3. eat at the same time every day, which contributes to the creation of a habit, and later the body will independently demand food during this period;
  4. creating a meal ceremony with a beautiful setting and serving dishes will help distract you, create a festive mood, and with this your appetite will return;
  5. the diet should be dominated by vegetables and fruits with a large amount of protein;
  6. meals with the addition of ginger, cinnamon or cumin will help increase salivation, which will signal the brain that the body is hungry.
Only positive emotions and constant walks in the park or in the forest can increase appetite, in the absence of pathological factors. When diagnosing other diseases, drug therapy will be required under the supervision of a doctor. Loss of appetite during pregnancy When pregnancy occurs, most women notice an increased appetite, and this causes fear to gain weight and harm their health. However, the reverse process is not uncommon: with the onset of pregnancy, a woman notes a complete loss of appetite. Often in the first trimester, a woman may not feel hungry at all. And, if you look at this problem from one side, it may seem good, but the other side is not so rosy. Very often this becomes a large deviation from the norm during pregnancy. What can cause a lack of appetite, and is it necessary to sound the alarm about this?

Causes of poor appetite during pregnancy

The body of a woman during pregnancy can significantly react to various physiological and psychological changes. Therefore, increased or decreased appetite during this period may be just such a reaction of the female body to the beginning of life inside the womb. The reasons for this reaction may be:
  • toxicosis. As a rule, during toxicosis, appetite drops to the very minimum or disappears altogether. This is understandable, because after every piece eaten, the expectant mother may feel nausea or vomiting.
  • Then the need for a woman's body for nutrients is still there, therefore, in order to cope with toxicosis, it is better to take more liquid food. Such food will be better absorbed and also retained in the stomach;
    • lack of folic acid (vitamin B9). This vitamin is vital for the female body. Its deficiency causes a lack of appetite during pregnancy. Women, on the contrary, suffering from decreased appetite, should take vitamin complexes with a high percentage of iron in them;
    • a surge in hormones can also suppress appetite. Very high levels of progesterone have a suppressive effect on the functioning of the digestive system. As a rule, progesterone relieves hunger;
    • in the second trimester, when the uterus enlarges so that it already presses on the large intestine, constipation appears. They can be the cause of a lack of appetite or poor digestion;
    • if there is no appetite in the third trimester, the cause is most likely a very large fetus compressing the intestines and stomach of the woman;
    • stress is the main culprit for a pregnant woman's lack of appetite. Depression, bad mood - these psychological factors can cause a decrease in hunger and appetite;
    • exacerbation of certain chronic diseases during pregnancy can also cause a lack of appetite during pregnancy. As a rule, these are intestinal disorders, kidney and liver diseases.
    Thus, the reasons for the lack of appetite during pregnancy can be very different. Therefore, it is very important to regularly visit a doctor in order to timely identify and correct problems.

    Methods for increasing appetite during pregnancy

    Some women, after pregnancy and loss of appetite, begin to rejoice at this. However, it must be remembered that now she is responsible for her own health, and for the health of the unborn baby. He will need minerals and nutrients in order for the development process to proceed normally, without various flaws. In the absence of hunger, it should be increased artificially. If the reason for a decrease in appetite is some kind of chronic disease, you need to consult a doctor and get recommendations on the treatment of these diseases. As a rule, the lack of hunger in pregnant women is of a psychological and fickle nature, therefore, the following methods can be used to combat this ailment:
  • regularly remind yourself that a new person is growing and developing inside, in need of nutrition, wholesome and tasty;
  • take walks and long walks in the fresh air, it is better to walk somewhere further from the big roads;
  • you should sign up for yoga, visit a special fitness. Sports activities can help overcome depression;
  • it is known how a woman loves new things. A couple of new acquisitions will be helpful. Shopping brings joy, and if you buy things in red and orange shades, they will stimulate your appetite;
  • any meal should take place in a pleasant aesthetic setting. You should always try to set the table beautifully, think over the menu to the smallest detail, you can sit at the table with a light make-up. All this creates a sense of celebration and can help to regain appetite;
  • it is necessary to be more with friends or pregnant girlfriends. Visit the clinic together, walk together in the park, go to cafes and shops. This helps to improve appetite, because it is pleasant to eat for the company;
  • it is important to train yourself to eat at the same time. When the time comes - the body itself will demand food;
  • groceries in the store should be purchased independently, without giving this important matter to someone (mother, spouse, mother-in-law). Being around mouth-watering foods will make you hungry, or at least the feeling of trying a certain dish.
When preparing dishes, you should use ginger, cinnamon, caraway - these spices stimulate appetite, increasing salivation;
  • you also need to take vitamin complexes that are designed specifically for pregnant women. This will be a great help during a reduced appetite, and can improve the digestion process;
  • with reduced or lack of appetite during pregnancy, it is necessary to drink more herbal infusions. However, the components of such infusions should be discussed with a specialist in advance.
In many cases it is allowed to drink brewer's yeast - it increases appetite and causes hunger;
  • in the diet of pregnant women, it is necessary to include more green vegetables, as well as foods containing a lot of protein.

Warning signs: when is the doctor's help needed?

When this symptom appears during pregnancy, i.e. a decrease in appetite is felt, this should alert the future mother, and force her to seek advice from the attending and observing gynecologist. If there is toxicosis, lack of appetite is considered normal. However, if at the same time there is an exacerbation of some chronic diseases, it is necessary to consult a doctor so as not to aggravate the situation. Self-medication in this case is strictly prohibited. And slowing down with a doctor's appointment shouldn't exist either. Seeking medical attention immediately, should be with the appearance of abnormal weight loss. This is especially important if a similar process begins in the second trimester of pregnancy. It is necessary to pass urine and blood tests as quickly as possible, perform an ultrasound scan, then follow the doctor's recommendations, obediently and accurately. It is very important to remember that during pregnancy, the expectant mother bears a great responsibility for two organisms at once. Therefore, it is categorically impossible to self-medicate during this period. It is necessary to completely trust the specialists who will help to bear a healthy and strong baby, while not losing your own health.

Lara mama 08.07 19:02

Pregnancy is a happy time for every woman. It is at this time that a woman should take care of her health, since she is responsible for the health of the unborn child. But what to do if it is notedlack of appetite during pregnancy, and no desire to eat healthy foods?

Usually in the first trimester of pregnancy, many women develop toxicosis. If at this time the pregnant woman has no appetite, then there is nothing surprising in this. However, pregnancy is not a time when a woman can starve for a while, without harming her health. How to regain appetite if there is no desire to eat at all?

The reason for the lack of appetite

Usually, loss of appetite during pregnancy occurs due to a lack of vitamins, iron and B9 folate. In order for the child's body to form correctly, these vitamins and minerals must be consumed in their diet daily.

You can eat baked apples, buckwheat porridge (which can make up for the lack of iron), cabbage and salads (they contain folic acid). Also, folic acid can be taken in tablets - the dosage is prescribed by your doctor.

Features of appetite

During pregnancy, every woman develops unique preferences when choosing dishes:

  • pickles,
  • honey together with bacon,
  • mango with salt
  • ketchup cake.

Doctors cannot unequivocally answer the question of why women are drawn to such strange food combinations. Perhaps this is how the body “informs” that it needs a large amount of vitamins and minerals for the development of the fetus.

Advice! You need to listen to your body. With proper and balanced nutrition, there are usually no significant changes in eating habits.

Desires are different

Our brain may well be mistaken in its desires and needs. If a pregnant woman wants to gnaw ice, then her body does not have enough iron, and when she pulls on chalk, then there is a calcium deficiency. In our country, women in a position are drawn to salty, but in Europe, ladies prefer to lean on fatty and sweet food.

Experts say that a woman can eat chalk if her body lacks iron. If you crave sweets, doctors recommend eating a portion of protein food - and the need will disappear immediately, and you will not have problems with being overweight. Salty foods are eaten by women who lack protein in the body. It is better to replace ordinary table salt with sea salt.

Advice! If you want something sweet or savory, try to eat these foods in moderation. You can replace them with other, less hazardous products.

Strange desires

Usually, appetite starts to increase in the second trimester of pregnancy. Women sometimes shock men with their new taste preferences. What to do if your desires do not coincide with the norm of what is permitted?

  • You need to visit your gynecologist, who will prescribe you tests to identify deficiencies: vitamins, zinc and iron.
  • Try to improve your diet. Eat more fresh vegetables, fruits, lean fish, boiled meat.
  • You should eat on a regular basis without skipping meals.
  • Replace harmful products with healthy ones that have the same taste.

How to replace harmful products?

A woman who has an increased appetite during pregnancy should carefully monitor her diet. Try not to overeat, snack between meals, breathe fresh air, and exercise. Let's look at harmful foods that can be replaced with useful ones:

  • Ice cream - may indicate that you lack iron and calcium, eat frozen low-fat yogurt - it is very tasty and healthy.
  • Carbonated water - replace with mineral water with fruit juice. This drink will perfectly remove thirst and replenish the body with missing vitamins.
  • Fatty cakes with cream can replace coarse bread with natural jam or preserves. The cakes can be replaced with strawberries and cream or yogurt.
  • Fried potatoes and chips - popcorn without salt or Armenian lavash with cheese.
  • Canned fruit - fresh fruit or dried fruit.

Why does appetite increase?

When a woman becomes pregnant, strong hormonal changes begin in her body. A woman always feels what and when she needs to eat. Various desires and preferences for food appear. In the first trimester, due to toxicosis and morning sickness, the damsel has a poor appetite, but by the second trimester it begins to increase.

A woman's body needs a lot of strength and energy to bear a baby. You need to replenish your diet every day: proteins, carbohydrates, calcium, iron and vitamins. It is best to avoid overeating and eat healthy steamed foods.

Main products to eat

Many are interested in the question, why do some women have toxicosis in two weeks, while others suffer from nausea for two or even three months? The answer is quite simple: toxicosis is the reaction of a woman's body to male cells. After they adapt in the body, toxicosis and morning sickness will stop. Next, we'll look at what you need to eat throughout your pregnancy.

The first month

On the day you found out about your pregnancy, you need to say a resolute "no" to bad habits. During this period, the nervous system of the unborn child is laid, so it is worth consuming more folic acid.

The diet should include: beets, liver, avocado, asparagus, nuts, legumes (but they can cause bloating), fish, spinach, celery. Have you lost your appetite during pregnancy? It doesn't matter, this is the reaction of the female body and, starting from the second trimester, it will increase in you.

Second month

During this period, you must eat every two hours. Eat more protein and fluids to relieve nausea. Usually, kitchen smells can cause severe nausea - try to avoid them. A fresh green apple or a salty cracker can help. Drink natural juices and compotes.

Third month

During this period, it is worth consuming more calcium and iron-containing foods. Right now, there is an increase in appetite during pregnancy, so it is worth eating in small portions every two hours in order not to overeat. Every day you need to eat: cottage cheese, yogurt, sour cream, kefir or drink milk.

Fourth month

During this period, the woman begins to feel much better, as the toxicosis ends. You need to eat more carbohydrates.

Fifth month

During this period, a woman has an increased appetite during pregnancy due to the fact that the fetus begins to actively grow. In order to avoid anemia, it is necessary to eat foods that contain a large amount of iron. Include in your diet: cherries, citrus fruits, tomatoes, rose hips, prunes, liver, legumes, Brussels sprouts.

Sixth month

In women, appetite in early pregnancy is practically absent, which cannot be said about the end of the second trimester. During this period, it is better to avoid foods that can provoke the occurrence of bloating, since intestinal peristalsis is disturbed.

Seventh month

During this period, a strong appetite appears during pregnancy, but, due to the fact that the fundus of the uterus grows and begins to press on the digestive organs, severe heartburn appears. Eat more dairy products and try to exclude: radish, cabbage, onions, garlic.

Eighth month

During this period, a woman goes on maternity leave and her energy costs are reduced. You shouldn't eat for two. Many women have leg cramps, the following foods will help to cope with them: dried apricots, bananas, dairy products.

Ninth month

The kid is already fully formed. Some people experience loss of appetite during pregnancy, but not all. It is worth excluding: cakes, fried potatoes, fatty sauces, so that the fetus is not very large and the birth will be favorable.

Advice! The nutrition of a pregnant woman should be correct and balanced.

So, pregnant women need to carefully monitor their diet, it is worth consuming more proteins, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. If you want your baby to be born healthy, try to eat regularly and correctly.

Often, expectant mothers are scared that in 9 months they will gain several dozen extra pounds, following the widespread principle of "eating for two." Such situations are not at all uncommon, but the opposite happens, when a pregnant woman refuses to eat at all, citing a lack of appetite. And if in the first trimester this state of affairs is most often explained by toxicosis and poor health, then what to do if the desire to eat normally does not return throughout pregnancy, because a properly composed and complete mother's diet is vital for the baby growing up in the tummy? Is the lack of appetite during pregnancy dangerous and, most importantly, how to return the pleasure from eating?

Causes of poor appetite while carrying a baby

The craving for food during pregnancy is very individual for each woman and depends not only on the period, but also on the physiological characteristics of the expectant mother. However, each trimester has its own factors that affect the appetite of a pregnant woman.

First trimester

In the early stages, reluctance to eat normally most often accompanies women suffering from toxicosis. By the way, these are the majority - more than 70% of pregnant women in the first months of the "interesting situation" to one degree or another face nausea, dizziness, general ailments and other manifestations of toxicosis. And even 30% of lucky women who are unfamiliar with early toxicosis cannot always boast of an excellent appetite - the hormonal background begins to change, and this cannot but affect the digestive tract. Progesterone, which is actively produced during pregnancy, blocks the feeling of hunger, and the expectant mother may simply not feel that it is time to eat.

Decreased appetite can sometimes be caused by a lack of vitamin B 9, more commonly known as folic acid. This substance is vital for the developing fetus for normal formation, so all maternal "reserves" can be spent on the child. It is with this that the fact that every pregnant woman is registered with the attending obstetrician-gynecologist prescribes high doses of folic acid, which should be taken up to 12 weeks. It is great if a woman plans a pregnancy and starts taking this vitamin in advance - such prudence often helps to avoid hypovitaminosis.

Loss of appetite can also be associated with stress. At the beginning of pregnancy, many expectant mothers experience anxiety about a new status for themselves and the state of the future baby. The situation is aggravated if the pregnancy is long-awaited or, conversely, unplanned - in either case, the stress factor is doubled, or even tripled.

Second trimester

By the second trimester, toxicosis, and with it loss of appetite, usually recedes. However, it also happens quite differently. Some pregnant women complain of persistent nausea all 9 months. In addition, appetite at 4-6 months may disappear for other reasons:

  1. As a rule, at this time, olfactory sensitivity is aggravated, and any sharp or unpleasant smell in the eyes of the expectant mother can completely turn away from the plate with mouth-watering dishes. Moreover, such reluctance can be caused not only by objectively repulsive odors, but also by pleasant aromas in an ordinary situation (for example, muffins, vanilla or herbs).
  2. The second trimester is the time when the body is under significant stress, not only hormonal, but also physiologically. This condition can cause an exacerbation of existing chronic diseases, which in one way or another affect digestion.

  1. One of the most common problems is lack of appetite due to the development of anemia. In this case, the situation resembles a vicious circle: on the one hand, by the 20th week, the volume of blood increases, which means that the need for iron also increases. In theory, it should enter the body of the expectant mother with a daily diet, but if there is no appetite, the lack of nutrition in any case will negatively affect the hemoglobin levels in the blood. Aggravating anemia is accompanied by weakness, drowsiness, and the same loss of appetite. In this case, you will have to eat through force, supplementing the menu with iron-containing preparations - and the ability to enjoy every piece you eat will return again!

  1. Stress disorders are another common cause of this condition. In addition to the upcoming motherhood, a woman may experience nervousness due to hard work, lack of free time, general overwork, etc. Do not forget that you can no longer work as before - all the body's reserves are directed to the formation of a new life, so the load should be reduced.

Third trimester

The final stage of pregnancy is the most difficult for a woman. The significantly enlarged uterus presses on all internal organs, including the stomach. As a result, severe persistent heartburn, nausea and, as a result, a complete lack of appetite can occur. Constipation - frequent companions of the third trimester - can also affect digestion.

However, nervousness, overwork and stress should not be disregarded. If physical fatigue has become a daily companion of your pregnancy, and the loss of energy and apathy does not leave even in the morning, you should radically revise your schedule, completely eliminate all annoying factors and learn to enjoy the "interesting position" in which you are! Remember: the most important thing now is to properly prepare for childbirth, to provide the body with everything it needs and to rest as much as possible, because soon you will need the accumulated strength to take care of the newborn, which will require all your attention and free time.

Is a lack of appetite dangerous during pregnancy?

Only her attending physician can judge how dangerous a decrease in appetite in an expectant mother can be. If in the first trimester such a condition is considered a type of norm and does not require any intervention for short-term manifestations, then at a later date, a woman should definitely consult a specialist and exclude deviations that are dangerous for her and for the unborn child: exacerbation of chronic pathologies, hypovitaminosis, anemia, and other pathological conditions.

A clear criterion for assessing nutritional status is dynamics of weight of a pregnant woman... As a rule, the schedule for gaining kilograms can vary from 9 to 13 kg in 9 months and depends on the woman's initial weight, but it should not decrease in any case. If in the first trimester the absence of "stuck" kilograms is quite acceptable, moreover, some may even lose 1-2 kg due to toxicosis, then in the subsequent months of pregnancy the patient should gain an average of 200-300 grams per week (this indicator may fluctuate slightly depending on the term). If the weight stands still, and even more so it goes down, then it's time to see a doctor.

If there is no desire to eat for a day or two, it is early to sound the alarm, however, aversion from food lasting a week or more can lead to the fact that the body of the pregnant woman will lack nutrients, vitamins and trace elements from food. This state primarily threatens the expectant mother: if the child can get what she needs from the woman's internal reserves (if, of course, there are any), then they may simply not be enough for her herself. As a result - loss of strength, emotional and physical instability, dizziness, fatigue and other symptoms of poor health. To avoid this, try to regain your lost appetite as soon as possible!

The first thing a pregnant woman should take is to find out the cause of her lack of appetite and, if possible, try to stop it. If the problem lies in the exacerbation of chronic diseases, drug therapy will be required, possibly in a hospital setting. If the reason is hypovitaminosis or a lack of iron, it is worth revising the diet and consulting a leading gynecologist regarding vitamin and mineral supplements for pregnant women. If the lack of appetite is physiological and does not have serious medical reasons that require urgent treatment, try the following tips:

  1. Establish a clear diet. If the feeling of hunger has not visited you for a long time, it is worth organizing meals by the hour. Try to eat in fractional portions 5-6 times a day - perhaps at first such a regime will be a burden, but later the digestive tract will be rebuilt.

  1. If there are no contraindications, try increasing your physical activity a little. Walk more outdoors, try to walk, sign up for yoga or swimming. Doable sports during pregnancy will force you to waste energy, which means that the body will instinctively reach for its replenishment, and the appetite will return.
  2. Do not deny yourself small joys! A positive attitude will not only save mothers from the depressive state inherent in many future mothers, but also stimulate the desire to enjoy something tasty, which in your case will be very useful.
  3. Surround yourself with the "right" colors. Psychologists say that all shades of red, yellow and orange stimulate hunger, and with it a raging appetite.
  4. Communicate more with friends and family, go with them to cafes and restaurants. If the desire for a snack does not arise, perhaps you will do it just for the company. It is good if among them there are women "in position" - when discussing common problems, you yourself will not notice how the plates with the ordered dishes will become empty.
  5. Have small parties every day. Any celebration is strongly associated with a feast. Do your makeup, set the table beautifully, wear the best dress, light candles and have a romantic dinner. Such an environment will not only improve your mood and appetite, but also dilute your everyday life.

Remind yourself that during pregnancy you should eat not so much for two as for two: the amount of food may not increase, but its quality is definitely. The little man forming within you needs nutrients for normal development, and your task is to provide him with everything he needs.

Pregnancy is the most beautiful and exciting period in a mom-to-be's life, the time when you expect a new life to be born. It is then that great physiological changes occur in a woman's body, in particular, food preferences change. This is mainly a consequence of the fact that the hormonal background changes very much. Appetite during pregnancy may increase or, conversely, disappear altogether. Let's try to figure out why this is happening and how to deal with it.

Causes of increased appetite during pregnancy

Nutritionists say that increased appetite during pregnancy is normal, especially when it is the 2nd trimester. Since the fetus begins to actively grow, for the formation of organs, it needs useful substances that it receives from the mother's body. That is why pregnant women often want to eat foods to which in ordinary life (before pregnancy) they were indifferent. If, for example, you are drawn to salty food, this may mean that your child lacks sodium, and if you eat lemons in kilograms, this indicates a vitamin C deficiency. There are also cases when women "in position" actively eat chalk. This may indicate a lack of calcium in the body, because it is needed to build bones for an unborn child. If you do not replenish its reserves in the body, then the expectant mother's teeth will begin to deteriorate, hair will fall out and nails will crumble. To prevent this from happening, dairy and fermented milk products, which are rich in calcium, should be present in the diet every day.

If a woman begins to absorb sweets in kilograms, metabolic processes may slow down and blood sugar levels rise. And this is already fraught with diabetes and obesity. But what to do if you want to eat all the time and in huge quantities?

How to deal with the "brutal" appetite?

1. Try not to eat in front of the TV, otherwise you will eat the entire portion in one fell swoop and will not notice it.

2. Eat more vegetables and fruits. They contain a large amount of fiber, which quickly saturates the body. Thus, you will tame your hunger and get a dose of vitamins and nutrients.

3. Eat protein-rich foods such as milk, eggs, meat and fish, but do not fry them, but steam them.

4. Chew food thoroughly, try to eat slowly, without distraction.

5. Take food 5-6 times a day in small portions, and for snacks, give preference to an apple or a glass of kefir.

6. Drink a glass of water 20-30 minutes before meals. This will fill your stomach and eat less at the table.

Causes of decreased appetite during pregnancy

On the one hand, a lack of appetite during pregnancy can please pregnant women, especially those who are afraid to gain extra pounds, and on the other hand, the growing body inside her needs nutrients and vitamins every day. This means that the expectant mother needs to think about why the appetite decreases during pregnancy and how to get out of this situation.

A variety of factors can affect a decrease in appetite. First of all, this is a surge in hormones, namely progesterone, which stops the feeling of hunger. Also, the reason may be a lack of folic acid in the body, which is vital for the female body. Every second pregnant woman suffers from this. Another factor, starting from the second trimester of pregnancy, is the compression of the stomach by the grown fetus. What to do?

Methods for increasing appetite during pregnancy

1. Walk regularly in the fresh air. During a walk, you enrich your body with oxygen and expend energy, which you then have to replenish.

2. Eat at the same time. The body will get used to the regime and will ask for food itself.

3. Go grocery shopping yourself. Being among delicious food, inhaling its mouth-watering aromas, you may have a desire to eat.

4. When preparing dishes, add spices such as ginger, cumin, hot pepper to them. Buy or bake cinnamon rolls. These spices whet the appetite.

5. Before a meal, set the table nicely. Consider all the details in the menu. The sight of beautiful food sparks interest in food.

6. Eat vegetables and fruits of bright colors, they cheer up and stimulate the production of gastric juice.

7. If you are very reluctant to eat, remember that your child needs nutrients, and you simply have to give them.

In any case, if you have any fears or worries about appetite, do not hesitate and do not postpone the visit to the gynecologist. Only he will be able to correctly determine what your body needs or what should be excluded so as not to harm the unborn child. Perhaps you will have to pass tests to determine the level of vitamins and trace elements in the blood and replenish exactly those that are missing.

Take care of yourself, do not give in to stress, and the 2nd trimester of pregnancy will pass easily and calmly for you and your unborn child.