Walkthrough Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare. Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Achievement Guide Call of Duty Infinite Warfare Walkthrough

"The sun, the moon, the stars could have disappeared long ago ... if they were within the reach of the grabbing hands of man."

- Havelock Ellis

After watching the plot cut-scene, the player takes control over Wolf... He, as well as his comrades Tee and Sipes must get to the storage with the prototype weapon and start the self-destruct process so that enemies from SDF... Getting there will not be difficult. We are introduced to the basics of control, such as jumping, then landing, melee attack, and using a bloodhound grenade.

We get to the complex, fight the enemy soldiers, actively using bloodhound grenades and antigrav. Through the research center we get to the arsenal and go to pick up the weapon - the prototype F-SPAR.

Now you need to get out of there. We fight with opponents, one of which is a robot. It must be destroyed to clear the way for the F-SPAR. We shoot at the legs, if we want to immobilize him, and then we destroy the rest of his parts. Reaper, with which the hero was in touch, starts self-destruction. There is a countdown, one minute remains and it is necessary to evacuate. Sipes says the F-SPAR is operational. We use it and watch the cut-scene.

Black sky

After watching the plot cut-scene, the control of the main character, the lieutenant, passes to us Reyes... First, we need to get to the ship. During this segment, we get to know the characters who will accompany us:

  • Lieutenant Salter
  • Ethan, tactical humanoid E3N
  • Admiral Raines.

We watch the plot cut-scene after which our next task is to climb the tower AATIScaptured by soldiers SDF, and regain control of the guns. Further, there will be a long skirmish with the SDF army. Do not forget to use fragmentation grenades, we are getting acquainted with new possibilities, namely:

  • Breaking into - during the battle, Ethan gives the hero a hacking module, which allows him to control enemy bots and destroy the rest. A very valuable thing.

  • Calling fire from the air... We mark targets, and then our allies attack them from the air.

Using this method, we destroy the enemy ship's shuttle and penetrate the tower. We get into the room with the SDF operatives, deal with them and ruin their plans. Watching the cut-scene. Further, the battle continues outside the atmosphere. Now you have to control the ship. To begin with, we destroy the "quickies", SDF fighters, actively using traps, then we attack the destroyer, and then our target is the super cruiser.

After the battle with him, we go to "Retribution" landing. This concludes the chapter.

Port defense

Retribution: aftermath

After watching the cut-scene, the player will have to walk a little through "Retribution"... We follow the comrades, listen to dialogues with plot details and find out the next goal. We also use the terminal and select the equipment. Next, we proceed to the operation "Port defense"

Operation "Port Defense"

The enemy has surrounded the port and our main task is to return it. We sit on an all-terrain vehicle, deal with a soldier SDF... Further, the all-terrain vehicle crashes and you have to continue without it. To begin with, we go into the emergency gateway, then we penetrate to the SDF soldiers and deal with them in various ways, including using the environment. For example: windows, which we shoot through, cause depressurization.

Shootouts with opponents will not take much time, it is only important to be able to pick up a weapon. For example: an ordinary machine gun is suitable against soldiers, but electric weapons are better against bots. We alternate them and move towards the goal. Perhaps they will complicate the battle with the bot with shields, you can use antigrav against them and shoot them while they are not able to do anything.

After the shootout, we watch a cut-scene in which the main character's oxygen mask cracks and it is necessary to get into the hangar as soon as possible in order to survive. After we sneak into the arsenal to arm the hero. Then there will be another skirmish with the SDF soldiers, now we use shock grenades in battle. After capturing the hangar, we go to "Jackalam".

A battle in the air will begin. Everything needs to be cleaned up to regain dominance, which is the only way to keep the port. We shoot down all the "Shustryakov" and fight the attack aircraft. After the victory, the main character decides to board the enemy ship.

Invasion plan:

"We leave at the bow on the port side and fly to the bridge

Having penetrated aboard, we jam the bridge and stern weapon systems

Then we leave through the cargo hold "

Having penetrated into the ship, we go down the elevator shaft and head to the aft post. The helm station is located on the lower deck. After a small skirmish, Ethan goes to turn off the auxiliary weapons, and the main character needs to hack the terminal, then we go to the exit, kill several soldiers, and then the ally reports that it is necessary to withdraw the group from the ship. Three minutes are given for this. After a long firefight, we sit down in the "Jackal" and set off for landing. This concludes the chapter.

Burning water

This year Call of duty came out difficult. In addition to the main storyline company, there are also separate additional tasks that can be selected on the captain's bridge. But the next plot task we have is operation "Burning water", for which we must go to Saturn.

So our target is Saturn's satellite, Titan, where the SDF filling station is based. We need to destroy this gas station. Watching the cut-scene. After viewing, we disembark behind the guarded perimeter and then have to go secretly. There is nothing complicated about this, since the monitor can track the alertness of the enemy. We move from hangar to hangar in the SDF labor camp, silently kill the guards and do not shine in front of the robots. It is necessary to clear the territory and find a place for the landing of reinforcements.

Now we will be accompanied by Si-12, battle tank. With the help of a wrist computer, we use the guidance system and deal with enemy soldiers until an enemy appears "MEGA", which must be dealt with with the help of missiles, which, in turn, must be collected around the location.

After the battle appears "Olympus" and it is necessary to avoid his shots, run from cover to cover, then get to the door. After a short dialogue, Ethan and I will take the elevator up to the roof. Air support and our "Jackal" have already arrived, we sit on it, destroy the enemy attack aircraft and land on the turbine. We penetrate inside, deal with enemies and turn off the protection of the turbine. We return to the "Jackal" and destroy the tower. We watch the plot cut-scenes and this is where the episode ends.

Dark quarry

Our next story mission is operation Dark Quarry... The bottom line is this: communication with the mining colony is lost "Vesta-3"... It is necessary to find out what happened and report to the admiral. To begin with, we go to the arsenal for the weapons necessary for the task. We have a new gadget - ATAD - a homing drone that shoots in the same direction as you. After we watch the plot cut-scene.

The daily cycle on an asteroid is unstable and the time of day changes too quickly. If you crawl out into the light, you can burn out, so you need to get to the lock only at night, moving in the shade. The task itself is very simple. We follow the advice, move in the shadows, from the enemies we have only bots, and during the episode Kasima gives us an effective weapon against them from the arsenal.

There is also a moment when the door has to be broken open and during burglary to shoot bots. Then we go to look for the survivors and as soon as we succeed, we evacuate them. Watching the cut-scene. The episode ends.

Black flag

Act operation Black Flag happening on earth. We watch the cut-scene with the details of the mission and return to Geneva. Conventionally, this episode can be divided into two parts: the chase and the capture "Olympus"... In the first part, the pursuit of Captain Rye is no big deal. The location is linear, there are no frames, only the only obstacle is the many enemies that will prevent us from passing. We destroy everything in our path, catch up with our goal and watch the cut-scene.

After the screening, a new task awaits - the capture of "Olympus". We sit down in "Jackal" and we are heading in his direction, we follow all instructions (ejection and acceleration) and find ourselves on the ship. Now you need to find admiral Kotch on the bridge and kill him before he activates the ship's self-destruct. There will be many enemies and a sub-boss in our path Si-12, one of which we encountered in the episode "Burning water"... Here, in the same way, we collect missiles at the location and shoot at it until we destroy it. Finally, reaching the bridge, we find that the door is locked.

We use hacker charges to control the technobot. We hack it, and we attack the admiral, destroying other soldiers and bots of SDF along the way. After we self-destruct and control again passes to the main character. Ethan manages to disable the bots, and we go to the dying admiral and there will be a little dialogue. Olympus is captured, the admiral is dead, and we are going to Mars. The episode ends there.

Bloody storm

The final episode of the game. Starts on Mars after capture "Olympus", having penetrated to Mars, you need to get and destroy the shipyard. We destroy SDF ships using the Olympus cannon until the ammunition runs out. After that, there will be a firefight with enemies both on the ship and beyond.

Then we sit on "Jackal" and the following goals are:

1) Destroyers SDF... Qty: 3

2) Ases... Qty: 3

3) Shustrya SDF

After destroying them, watch the cut-scene. We find ourselves on the surface, go forward, and then we find Brooks and Kasima. We watch a lengthy cut-scene, go to the arsenal for weapons and go to the orbital platform to climb to the shipyard, but first we need to destroy three anti-aircraft guns so that the aviation can support. We move around the location, shoot at the opponents and indicate the trajectory of the missile strike on the anti-aircraft guns. As soon as all anti-aircraft guns are destroyed, we get to the platform and watch the cut-scene.

After we move along the gateways, shoot the enemies and, after walking a little, watch the next cut-scene. Now our task is to turn on the weapon system of the destroyer, which can destroy the boar. To do this, you need to get to the guidance system at the headquarters. On the way, we fight the SDF soldiers. This is followed by a dialogue with Ethan, who informs us that he will not be able to unlock the relay and release the ship alone and asks the main character to hack it and take control.

Driving Ethan, we go to the hall with the core so that he arranges an overload. First, we take out the capacitor to destabilize the reactor. Further, in order to cause the core to ignite, Ethan says that he needs to self-destruct and we fulfill his request. Next, the main character, we activate the guidance system and mark the target. Watching the final cut-scenes. End of the game.

We watch the introductory video, which tells about the events taking place in the distant future, namely 2111. Since the planet has outlived its usefulness in terms of resources, humanity went to look for them on other planets, throughout the galaxy. But a new enemy appears, a new tyrant who is ready to bend under himself all the colonies of settlements spread across the galaxy in order to gain absolute power and destroy everything connected with the earth. It is called SDF, which stands for Colonial Defense Front. This is a military group with a combat fleet, so far without a strong leader. But if he appears, they will take over our homeland and the earth will end.

Mission 1. Approaching Threat (Training Mission).

Wolff (a fighter from the SCAR squad, for whom we are playing) comes out to contact SCAR-1. SCAR-1 is a unit for battles in outer space. SCAR-1 brings us up to date on the upcoming assignment. One of our bases is about to be attacked by SDF, their target is a prototype F-SPAR weapon. It is necessary to pick up the prototype and blow up the base before the enemy finds it.

We are approaching Europa (Cluster of Jupiter), with our guys from the squad - Ti and Sips. Initially, you need to get into the territory of the UNSA weapons base. We jump out with the squad and land on the surface of the satellite and move towards the base. Let's get acquainted with the character control system. We jump down with a knife to the sentry and move on. Then there will be another sentry, we destroy and enter the territory of the base. On the roof of the weapons base there are several SDF shooters, we will take on one, the rest will be eliminated by our soldiers. With the help of a double jump, we make our way to the SCAR-1 base.

With the fight we go through the base, using a rifle and special bloodhound grenades, which find the enemy and explode. We also use one more special grenades - Antigrav, capable of breaking gravity in a small area during an explosion. We get to the arsenal and take away the F-SPAR weapon. Ty gives us a mini prototype, the process of self-destruction begins. Infantry and equipment in the form of robots are advancing to meet us. We do not abuse F-SPAR on the infantry, we use it against the SI-12 robot. First, we shoot his leg to immobilize, and then we finish it off. On the body parts of the SI-12 robot, it is indicated, in percentage, at what stage of destruction this or that part of the body. We make our way further, there is little time left and a detachment from SI-12 still stands on the way. We use the big F-SPAR cannon to use the charge on all robots at once. Together with the SI-12 detachment, we also destroy the base gates, through which gravity carries us out.

We wake up already outside the base, together with our squad. Our air valve has broken, a colleague is going to help us, but we are attacked by an SDF detachment led by Admiral Kotch. Kotch gives us air and interrogates us. After that, he kills one of his own and gives the order to destroy our group. Wolf and his party are finished.

Mission 2. Black sky.

We are transported to the UNSA headquarters in Geneva (Switzerland), on planet Earth, where Admiral Reigns and Lieutenant Reyes are talking about the incident. It follows from the conversation that the main forces will not go on the attack, because the political authorities are against it. After the conversation, Reyes meets with Lieutenant Salter, and talks about what is happening on the "Europe". Further, our control passes under Lieutenant Reyes. We walk through the memorial hall and go out to the balcony, where the fleet parade takes place. We go with Salter to the ship, Ethan (robot E3N) meets us on board, later Admiral Raines comes, and together we go on board the ship retribution. Ethan notices that the AATIS guns are aiming at their ship. SDF have taken control of the guns and are attacking our ships. We are knocked out, we lose control and land on one of the shopping centers in Geneva.

During the landing, we see SDF units attacking civilians. A couple of them come over to us, we take a pistol and shoot two attackers. We go downstairs, we select the pistol machine gun "Karma-45" and shoot all the soldiers of SDF. Using the shelters, we move to the stairs and go upstairs, and then to the left. To upgrade the arsenal, we find Wolf assault rifles on some SDF soldiers. We go out into the street, and, going down to the gate, Salter gives us fragmentation grenades. Near the gate there will be an assault rifle "KBAR-32", we take it away and, together with grenades, go into battle through the streets of Geneva. We reach the square, take the bloodhound's grenades and use them in battle. Also, do not forget that these grenades are also used against us, so when a bloodhound is found, we shoot it until it reaches us. We pass further along the streets, in the houses we shoot stormtroopers and snipers. Pay attention to the windows of the upper floors of buildings, there may be arrows.

We watch as the warship "Nova" falls and the wave from the explosion deafens us for a while. We make our way further, in the alley several SI-6 bots attack us. We deal with them and go to the market square, near the entrance to the square we find a light machine gun "R.A.W." Blocks with SI-6 bots are dropped onto the square, we use grenades and a light machine gun in the battle. We move further along the destroyed streets and carry out a "cleaning" of buildings. We enter one of the buildings and do not let the SDF soldier kill the civilian. We run further, and the SI-6 bots are trying to break through the closed window. Ethan gives us a tool with which to hack the bot. We use it and go under the control of one of the bots. We shoot his allies and self-destruct. Again we control Lieutenant Reyes and move on with the detachment.

We meet more allies in the basement and move on. We now have access to an attack from the air, and in order to carry it out, we cover several targets and call the "jackals", they make an attack on the selected targets. We reach the enemy shuttle, attack it with an air strike. It explodes, and we further make our way to the AATIS tower, destroying the SDF soldiers.

We go inside, connect to the cameras and see that the SDF operative is going to blow up the AATIS systems. We run to the control room as quickly as possible, and with Ethan's help, we break in and eliminate all the soldiers, except for the operative. We are watching the video, the operative is Commander Akil Min Raya.

SDF retreated, go outside and sit in the "jackal". We rise into the air to finish off the remaining pilots of the SDF. We pass the stratosphere and go out into space to destroy the SDF ships. We switch between weapons, and also use acceleration to catch up with targets. We destroy the entire fleet and return to the base. On our return, we are attacked again, and Ethan is in charge. Now we need to shoot at all the cannons of the super cruiser that attacks us, if missiles are flying at us, we launch traps. We fly out of the cruiser, and with all our forces, together with allies, we attack the supercruiser. He retreats, and we land at the Retribution base.

On the "Retribution" we go up to the upper floors. We go to the main control room of the ship, there we will meet with the captain. The door to the point is blocked by a cabinet, we lift it up and go through. We learn that the captain is dead, now we are the command of the ship "Retribution". The captain of the ship "Tiger" arrives and later Admiral Raines contacts us. The admiral tells us that we have started an open war with SDF and "Retribution" with "Tiger" are the only ships in our fleet. Also, SDF attacked not only Geneva, but also a cargo port on the moon. Our next task is to return the port to rebuild the fleet.

Mission 3. Retribution. Results.

We come to the former captain's cabin, now it's ours. We look around and look at the stand with the wanted criminals, all of them are members of the SDF. As the main and additional tasks, for the complete passage, you need to kill everyone. Nearby there is a computer on which you can listen to audio files and view reports.

We leave to the rest on the bridge and activate the key for superluminal travel. We move together with Bots and Salter to the arsenal, choose a weapon for the task and modify it. We go downstairs, take away the jetpacks and together with the assault group we sit down on the all-terrain vehicles.

Mission 4. Operation "Port Defense".

We descend on all-terrain vehicles to the lunar surface and head to the cargo port. While driving an all-terrain vehicle, an armored personnel carrier with a grenade launcher appears, and in slow motion we kill him. We drive on, the all-terrain vehicle loses control and crashes into a building. We get out of the all-terrain vehicle, and go with the detachment to the terminal.

We pass through the emergency airlock and come across a heap of civilian corpses. We run further, use a jetpack to climb up. We also use a jetpack to run along the walls. We pass the main terminal and stumble upon an enemy detachment of soldiers, we eliminate them by shooting the windows so that the room is depressurized. We will not be thrown out of the room, since we are far away, and after a few seconds, the windows are blocked by emergency shields. We move on, in the same way we deal with the SDF soldiers. We find new weapons from the dead soldiers - the Hammer light machine gun and the Rogue shotgun, and they can also be found later in the arsenal on the shelves.

After we dealt with the soldiers and bots of the SDF, a block falls from above, from which a bot with shields comes out. We throw Antigrav grenades to break its gravity and attack it from the side or from behind. After finishing off the bot, we have the skill to activate the shield against armor-piercing bullets. We approach the gate, open it and engage in battle with the SDF soldiers, activating the shield. We jump up, take fragmentation grenades and use them against the bot with a shield. We run up to the robot and we select its weapon "F-SPAR Burner". We meet wounded soldiers, we are informed that opponents are approaching above. We move up the stairs, eliminate the soldiers. Passing along the corridor, we are attacked by a "nimble" fighter and we, together with the detachment, are carried out. We put on a mask, but when we fall, we damage it and our oxygen supply gradually decreases. Ethan helps us and we run with the squad for cover as quickly as possible. We pass through the emergency gateway and head to the weapons arsenal.

In the arsenal we take whatever weapon we need, including the Hammer machine gun and the Rogue shotgun with various modifications. Also on the right side, in the arsenal, we use the terminal to improve the equipment. We engage in battle with another detachment of soldiers and bots of SDF. Among the killed enemies we find an EBR-800 sniper rifle and an SA3 Spartan launcher. We clear the hangar from SDF fighters and follow on. Together with the detachment, we go down the elevator to the "Jackal" fighters and take off from the base. Outside, on the territory of the port, we eliminate the enemy fighters using acceleration and machine guns. Then, we use the drone to replenish ammunition and repair the Jackal. In the battle against the rest of the fighters and a pair of attack aircraft, we use missiles, and do not forget about using traps to take away enemy missiles. After recapturing the port, we go into orbit to help the Tiger squad.

We land on board the SDF destroyer, move with the hook and destroy the SDF soldiers. We get to the bridge of the destroyer and blow up the window. Depressurization pushes people out of the bridge. Ethan launches life support and disables the destroyer's main weapons. Oxygen enters, we take the commander's pass of Captain Bradley Fillion (one of the list of wanted persons). We open the doors, go down the elevator shaft and, reaching the control room, we throw a grenade. We eliminate the remaining soldiers, Ethan turns off the auxiliary weapons. Then we pass along the corridor and eliminate a few more soldiers, we are informed by the radio that we have a little time left to leave the destroyer. Along the corridor, breaking open the door, we pass into the arsenal on the right and, using the terminal, we make an improvement for our equipment. Also, in the arsenal, we find the Kendall-44 pistol and the new Type 2 rifle. We move to the control point to open the hangar gates. We destroy the SDF fighters, near the control point we get another improvement for the equipment. We ignore the robot on the site and activate the hangar gate control point. All enemies are swept into space, we finish off the survivors with a hook and a weapon. We sit on board the "Jackal" fighter and leave the destroyer, watching as it is destroyed by the "Tiger" squad. After that, we return to the base of the ship "Retribution".

Mission 5. Retribution. Back in the ranks.

We listen to the decrypted message from Admiral SDF Kotch and follow Lieutenant Salter. We go upstairs to the main control point. If you wish, we go to the guardhouse and watch the news, we can also visit the weapons arsenal. McCallum debugs the equipment, we help her get out and take on the main control room. We have additional tasks, we choose one of them. In our case, the first choice is "Dagger Strike".

Mission 6. Operation "Dagger Strike" (additional task).

Our target will take place aboard the SDF destroyer Galaxius. It is necessary to free the hostages and return the weapons stolen from a secret facility in Europe. Choosing a weapon for the mission and modifying it. Then, we go down to the hangar and sit on the "Jackal", which is located in compartment 3. We fly out on a mission.

We leave the fighters and in open space we move to the destroyer "Galaxy", eliminating the SDF paratroopers. We storm the hull of the destroyer and make our way inside. We use the terminal for data transmission and find out where the hostages are. We move to the cargo compartment, silently eliminating SDF soldiers, or we avoid meeting them so that they do not kill the engineers. You can spot soldiers by activating the radar.

We penetrate into the territory of the cargo compartment, eliminate the soldiers, using weapons with a silencer or silent assassination from behind, and do not forget to turn off the blocks with bots. After the enemies, we move on to Lieutenant Commander Radoslav Barkov (one of the wanted list). After him, we move to the arsenal, eliminating the soldiers and bots of the SDF. We break open the door and, using the terminal, we get two improvements for the equipment, and also we take away the "P-LAW" launcher, which must be returned to the base. We destroy the remaining SDF soldiers and return to the base.

For the task we get a new weapon, we eliminate 1 target from the list of wanted persons and the "Quick Reload" perk.

Mission 7. Retribution. Do what you must.

We take the elevator together with Lieutenant Salter, go straight to watch new news from Geneva. After that, we go to our office to get acquainted with the new information. Then, we go to the captain's bridge and take the rest of the additional tasks or proceed to the main one.

Mission 8. Operation "Deep blow" (additional task).

It is necessary to eliminate the top of the SDF aboard the destroyer Ikariy. You need to act silently, we go together with Lieutenant Salter. We go to the arsenal, choose weapons for the task and modifications to it. Then, we go down to the hangar and board the "Jackal", which is located in compartment 3. We fly out on a mission.

The task begins with the fact that we are waiting on small asteroids for the arrival of SDF destroyers. After they arrived, we penetrate the "Ikari" through the technical hatch. We follow Salter, then we independently need to penetrate the barracks. In the barracks, noiselessly, we kill the soldiers and put on the SDF uniform. In the barracks we find a new assault rifle "R3K", take it and scan it, but since we need a silent weapon, we grab our weapon back. We do the same with the DCM-8 shotgun, which is on the counter in the barracks. Next, we need to get to the conference, but for this we need a certificate.

Salter sends data about the target from which you can pick up the certificate and we enter the hall. There are many soldiers in the hall, we do not kill them, so as not to raise a noise. If security posts are found, turn them off. We see our target - a technical officer, we are waiting for him to go up to the upper floor. On the top floor we kill him and the patrolling soldier. We turn off the security posts and take away the certificate. We pass into the next room and go to the designated point, avoiding direct contact with the SDF soldiers. We pass into the room with a conference room, Salter reports that a detachment has been sent to the barracks and, perhaps, they will soon find us. We climb into the ventilation and put the gas device there. Salter turns off the life support system and the top of the SDF is killed inside the conference room: Vice Admiral Caleba Tiesa, Captain First Rank Hoshi Siyada and Captain First Rank Oren Emin. We watch their death, and then we begin a battle against the SDF soldiers. By the way, disabling posts will play into our hands, and we will quickly get out of the destroyer. But first you need to kill two more targets, we move to the designated point. When the doors in the next compartment are opened, we are not mistaken for the enemy and are instructed to follow the SDF soldiers. During the skirmish, there will be three soldiers in the corridor and junior lieutenant Andrei Gavrilyuk, not dressed like soldiers. We kill them and move further beyond Salter to the emergency gateway, eliminating opponents along the way. We sit down on the "Jackal" and take on a battle against three aces from SDF. Lieutenant Matthew Tovar and Senior Lieutenant Omar Gatik are in two of the three "Quickie" SDF fighters. We destroy all and return to "Retribution".

For the task we get 2 new weapons, eliminate 6 targets from the list of wanted persons and the "Fast Regeneration" perk. After returning to "Retribution", we watch the news in the guardroom and go to our room. We look at the wanted board and information on the computer. If you have looked through everything you need, we go to the bridge to complete the next task.

Mission 9. Operation "Grave digger" (additional task)

Our target is at the SDF dump, it is necessary to destroy the destroyer, several "Shustryakov" and pick up the scrap metal. In the arsenal, we select the available modifications for the "Jackal" and fly out on a mission.

To begin with, we destroy the "Hustlers", use traps against missiles and acceleration to catch up with the fighters. Next, we go to the destroyer, on board which is Lieutenant Sun Yup Kim. With the help of unmanned ammunition supply, we attack it with missiles and destroy it. Then, the boats of the SDF "A-Jack" appear, we attack them on the rear, with a volley of missiles. After two boats, Ace SDF appears - the commander of the air wing Ivan Perez. We eliminate the commander, and after him there will be no other enemy units. STRATKY summons trophyers for scrap metal, and we return to the base.

For completing the quest, we remove 2 targets from the list of wanted persons and get an improvement for the "Jackal". After returning to "Retribution", we watch the news in the guardroom and go to our room to view the wanted board. If you have looked through everything you need, we go to the bridge to complete the next task.

Mission 10. Operation "Phoenix" (additional task).

Our target is a prototype attack aircraft in the hangar aboard the SDF cruiser Cerberus. You need to steal a prototype and hijack it without a fight. We equip ourselves in the hangar and fly out on a mission.

Follow Salter along the asteroid belt using the grappling hook. On the way, we silently eliminate the soldiers, one of them has a new submachine gun "HVR". We get to the engines and install the EMP. After the explosion, we are fighting in space against SDF soldiers, covering Salter. One of the attack aircraft pierces the compartment of the cruiser, and we go down along it. Inside, we eliminate enemies, including junior lieutenant Cesare Mangan, who is stuck in a prototype attack aircraft. We sit at the helm of the attack aircraft and fly into battle against four aces of the SDF, three of whom are Major Nicholas Rad, Colonel Yong Kim and Lieutenant Commander Taras Emin. After destroying them, we return to the base as soon as possible, until the "Cerberus" shot us.

For completing the quest, we remove 4 goals from the list of wanted persons and get two improvements for the "Jackal". After returning to "Retribution", we watch the news in the guardroom and go to our room to view the wanted board and new information on the computer. We pass to the bridge for the next task.

Mission 11. Operation "Pure Threat" (additional task).

The destroyer "Solis" is in the field of asteroids of Europe, until help reaches it, it is necessary to destroy the destroyer. In the arsenal, we modify the "Jackal" and fly out on a mission together with Lieutenant Salter.

We are moving behind Salter in search of the SDF destroyer. We find the destroyer, we decide that it is abandoned, but it was not there. This is an ambush and we need to destroy three boats, two destroyers and SDF's "Quickie". In addition to this, there is also an ace - the captain of Hari Khalsa. We fly away from the boats and destroyers and begin an attack on the "Shustryakov" and Asa. After destroying them, we turn to the destroyers and SDF boats. Attack the guns and the rear of the destroyer. After destroying all enemy units, we return to the base.

For completing the assignment, we remove 1 target from the list of wanted persons and get an improvement for the "Jackal". After returning to "Retribution", we watch the news in the guardroom and go to our room to view the wanted board and new information on the computer. We pass to the bridge for the next task.

Mission 12. Operation "Safe Harbor" (additional task).

The destroyers surrounded the UNSA outpost, it is necessary to help them by destroying the SDF destroyers. We modify the "Jackal" and fly out on a mission.

We enter the very center of the battle between UNSA and SDF. To begin with, we take on the destruction of the "Shustryakov" and As - Lieutenant Karl Drone. Next, we go to the destroyers, on one of them we will destroy the senior lieutenant Attila Zalanya.

For completing the quest, we remove 2 targets from the list of wanted persons and get an improvement for the "Jackal". After returning to "Retribution", we watch the news in the guardroom and go to our room to view the wanted board and new information on the computer. We pass to the bridge for the next task.

Mission 13. Operation "Strychnine" (additional task).

Our main task is to destroy the cruiser Ellada. It is necessary to get there with a group of paratroopers and use chemical equipment to destroy the "Hellas". We take a powerful weapon and fly out on a mission.

On the way to the cruiser, on our way we meet Ases: Lieutenant Serzh Sargsyan and Lieutenant Rulon Raymond, as well as SDF "Shustryaki". After their destruction "Hellas" is going to get rid of us. We catch up with it, with the help of acceleration and penetrate, through the damaged hangar, inside. With a burst of machine gun and missiles, we destroy the SI-12 and leave the cockpit of the fighter. We move forward, and killing SDF fighters, we find a new weapon - the Banshee shotgun. We go into the door on the right and go left to the burning corridor, find the door to the arsenal and break it open. Inside we find an upgrade and two weapons: an RPR EVO submachine gun and an Oni pistol. We run further, kill the enemy soldiers and get access to the LSS, run further and start contactless hacking of the main arsenal. We fight off the SDF fighters, as soon as the break-in has passed, we go inside and take a sample of chemical weapons. We also take the improvement, the equipment we need and finish off the remaining soldiers. We lay the shells and run to the exit. On the way there will be a bot with shields, we destroy it with the help of grenades. We sit in the cockpit of the "Jackal", fly out of the cruiser and blow it up. Together with him we blow up Vice Admiral Vlad Dergachev. The task is completed, we return to the base.

For completing the mission, we get two new weapons, two improvements to equipment and the "Cowboy" perk, and also remove 3 targets from the list of wanted persons. After returning to the "Retribution", we watch the news, the wanted board and listen to information on the computer and go to the bridge to complete the main task.

Mission 14. Operation "Burning water".

We launch a jump to the territory of the Titan satellite. We communicate in the arsenal with staff sergeant Jozef Omar and go out on a mission.

Our main goal is to destroy the SDF fuel tower. But first, you need to disembark and get inside the factory to mark the landing point for reinforcements. We disembark and, together with Omar, move to the enemy base. We use a jetpack to move along the rocky surface. We approach the dilapidated outpost, look around and find an exit in the wall. We raise the equipment to go through the hole and follow along with the platoon to the enemy zone.

To successfully bypass the first armed outpost, we divide into two groups. Moving silently, we use the radar in parallel to know about enemy movements. We go on the left side together with Omar, eliminating the SDF fighters. We follow Omar, meet Ethan on the way and continue moving together. We move carefully, without attracting attention, where there is an opportunity, we avoid meeting with SDF units. We liquidate the sentries along the way and go to one of the outposts. We open the door and make our way along the corridors to the landing site. We clean the area from SDF soldiers and install a beacon. Reinforcements arrive and give us a SI-12 battle tank to help us.

We leave for the tower, stop near the ridge to assess the situation and with the help of SI-12 missiles we destroy the enemy squad at the main entrance to the fuel tower. Next, we make our way to the tower together with the detachment, using SI-12 missiles against SDF soldiers. Soon, the MEGA combat vehicle, surpassing the strength of the SI-12 battle tank, stands in our way. He knocks him out of the battle and we have to fight the enemy machine face to face. We destroy it with a rocket launcher, moving along the balconies and picking up shells. After the destruction of the "MEGA", we activate our SI-12 and break forward. On the next territory, we, together with the detachment, are fired upon from the "Olympus", destroying our armored vehicles. We manage to escape together with the key characters. Further, we rise on the elevator together with Ethan, and we sit down in the cockpit of the "Jackal" fighter. "Olympus" destroyed our artillery, now we will have to attack from the air, namely, to destroy the turbine to remove gases.

We rise into the air and destroy several fighters, then an assault ship appears. We attack him on the turbines from behind, while using traps to avoid missile fire. After the destruction of the attack aircraft, we destroy several more fighters and sit down on the turbine site. We eliminate the soldiers on the territory and penetrate inside. We destroy the soldiers near the control point and turn off the protection. We return to the "Jackal" and destroy the tower of the oil refinery. We observe the ongoing explosion and return to the base. On the way to us and the ship "Retribution" attacked "Olympus". Our Jackal is knocked out, and we eject with Ethan. "Olympus" and "Retribution" go to another point in space and leave us. Captain Reyes disconnects and wakes up aboard the Tiger, led by Captain Ferran. We are sent to "Retribution" and for completing the mission, we get the Impenetrable perk.

Mission 15. Retribution. The rescue.

After Captain Ferran and I were rescued with Ethan, we find ourselves aboard the Retribution. We leave for the bridge of the ship together with Lieutenant Salter. We are contacting the Admiral, he wants to give us important information, but personally in our office. We go to the office, talk to the Admiral about the prisoner of the SDF agent - Raya, and view the new information on the computer. We go to the next main task or take an additional one.

Mission 16. Operation "Sudden Death" (additional task).

Our target is SDF stormtroopers "A-Jackie", which refuel on Titan. After the battle with "Olympus" they do not expect an attack from us, so we organize an ambush against them. We sit in the cockpit and take off on a mission.

We find ourselves in Titan orbit and the first target is five boats of SDF "A-Jack". We use a machine gun and rockets, and we attack on the back - turbines. After the destruction of the boat, the "Shustryaks" enter the battle. To begin with, we deal with the "Shustryaks", cover with the sight and start fire from the machine gun, do not forget about the acceleration. In the case of an enemy missile salvo, we use traps. We use unmanned ammunition supply, as it not only supplies us with missiles, but also repairs the Jackal. We go back to the boats and after the destruction of four boats, two aces come out on us: Lieutenant Sergio Gilles and Lieutenant Colonel Damien Nichols. We destroy them and the remaining boat and return to the base.

For completing the task, we remove 2 targets from the list of wanted persons and get the "Concentration" perk. After returning to "Retribution", we watch the news in the guardroom and go to our room to view the wanted board, and then to the bridge for the next task.

Mission 17. Operation "Dark Quarry".

The production column "Vesta-3" belongs to us, but recently there were no supplies from it and it does not get in touch. It is necessary to reconnoiter the situation and report to the Admiral. We leave for the Asteroid, after moving we go together with Salter to the arsenal. We are introduced to new equipment - ATAD (self-guided unmanned device). After that, we equip ourselves and sit on the "Raven" in the second hangar.

We land in the hangar, install the amplifier in front of the exit. Since when we go out into the light, the sun will fry us alive, we need to move on the dark side of the asteroid. Moreover, we move much faster, since the asteroid rotates, and at any moment we can be turned towards the sun. We listen to the advice of our colleagues and move from one hangar to another. We enter the station, we search the premises in search of survivors. The arsenal is empty, but Private Kasima finds new weapons for us.

We make our way into the next compartment, we find more corpses and a liquidated bot. Perhaps it was the bots who attacked the civilians and the convoy guards. We pass further, the bot attacks Lieutenant Salter, we destroy him and move on. We raise the door and eliminate all the bots that attack us. We pass into the next room and repel the attack of uncontrolled bots. At nightfall, we move to the doors to the headquarters. We activate contactless hacking and repel the attack of bots using homing unmanned devices.

We go inside and run to the main control point. On the cameras we find the surviving engineers, they are in the landing hangar above the mines. We send Salter to the "Raven" for further evacuation, and we move to the hangar. On the way, we engage in a battle with bots using an energy cannon and shock grenades. Moving to the hangar, we use the jetpack and get to the surviving engineers. We learn that the reason for leaving the orbit of the astroid is "Olympus", which fired a volley at the asteroid. In addition, the SDF programmed bots to attack anyone on the mining colony. We approach the lever to lower the heat shield. A platform with a bunch of bots opens, we open fire on them and after the battle, we sit down on the "Raven". The base starts to explode, and in the explosion we lose several engineers and Staff Sergeant Omar. The others manage to fly away with us. For completing the mission, we get the "Quick Change" perk.

Mission 18. Retribution. The price of victory.

We return to Retribution and go to the bridge with Ethan and Salter. We learn that Olympus attacked the Tiger ship. Ethan tells us that we received a message from the Admiral in our office. After listening to the message, the ship arrives at the destroyed ship "Tiger". Later, Admiral Kotch connects about an offer to surrender to Retribution. Captain Reyes makes a decision and this is the next task.

Mission 19. Operation "Tracer" (additional task).

Objective - To prevent the collection of SDF resources owned by UNSA. it is necessary to clear the fragmentation orbit from the "Shustryakov" and Aesov SDF. We equip the "Jackal" and, together with Salter, take off on a mission.

We are given time to destroy all the "Shustryakov" and Ases SDF, since we are at the sun. There is no priority, so we do not waste time and proceed to the destruction of targets. Aces include Senior Lieutenant Suresh Malakar, Senior Lieutenant Taylor Kurosaki, Lieutenant Tom Shakolchai, Junior Lieutenant David Shorn, and Captain Enal Ken.

For completing the task, we remove 5 targets from the list of wanted persons and get the "Electroknife" perk. After returning to "Retribution", we watch the news in the guardroom and go to our room to view the wanted board, this is our last stay on the ship, so we study and watch everything, as well as perform additional tasks, if we have not done it earlier. We leave for the bridge to complete the last tasks.

Mission 20. Operation "Black Flag".

We need to lure Olympus to the ground and destroy it. To do this, we need to organize an ambush for SDF, and in this we will be helped by the transponder built into our prisoner - Raya.

We move to the ground. We go down in the elevator and go into the arsenal. We equip ourselves, sit on a raven and fly out on a mission. Arriving in Geneva, we are told that the convoy carrying the prisoner has been attacked. We go to the rescue, we run to the truck and inside we find only one Major August. He says that they have left, we go in search of the prisoner. We destroy all the attackers on the way. We act quickly, take any weapon that is on the way, as there will be not enough ammunition points. We find a new KBS Longbow sniper rifle on the square and use it against shooters at a distance. We run to the square, where the prisoner passes through the gate and closes it. We eliminate the soldiers and, to bypass the gate, we climb to the right through the window. We find ourselves in the building, go upstairs, dealing with the soldiers and bots of the SDF. We see the prisoner, he throws the stairs up and puts out the soldiers. We destroy them and, with a jetpack, we climb up. On the way to the cover, we destroy the SDF soldiers. On the roof, we are met by a prisoner - Raya, handing out "lyuly" to us. In the end, he kills himself and destroys the transponder early.

Olympus fires in one gulp at the headquarters where Admiral Raines is located. We board the Jackal and, with the help of Lieutenant Kroc, make our way to Olympus. We find a new pistol "Oni", a submachine gun "ERAD" and a light machine gun "Titan". We take a machine gun and go into battle, shooting all enemy soldiers in our path. On the way, we take the SA-3 "Spartan", then it will come in handy. Having reached the end of the compartment, a couple of soldiers come out at the head of the SI-12 "MEGA". We attack "MEGA" using the SA-3 "Spartan" launcher. After destroying it, we move to the elevator and go upstairs.

We make our way through the cargo hold, the process of self-destruction begins. Everything starts to explode, we run as fast as possible and reach the entrance to the bridge. The door is locked, with the help of a hacker break-in, we contact the technical bot and attack everyone on the way to Admiral Kotch. If you didn't manage to kill Kotch, we break open the door and enter the bridge. Admiral Kotch dies, and we capture Olympus and go to Mars to SDF Shipyard.

Mission 21. Operation "Bloodstorm".

We leave on the coordinates of the "Shipyard" and attack the SDF cruisers. After an unsuccessful attack, we lose control of the weapon and the SDF paratroopers begin to storm the Olympus. We go down together with the detachment, equip ourselves and go out on the attack. We deal with SDF fighters, using all our equipment. We get to the door with Salter and try to open it manually. After they opened the door, they take us out behind the "Olympus". We attack the SDF paratroopers, using the hook, and sit down in the cockpit of the "Jackal" fighter.

We leave in open space and attack SDF fighters and destroyers. We also have three main targets - Aces of the SDF: Captain Rion Jones, Senior Lieutenant Hoa Le and Junior Lieutenant Moody Heimo (three from the wanted list). During the battle, Lieutenant Salt's fighter and us are knocked out, and Olympus loses control and crashes into Retribution. We find ourselves on Mars, we go forward, we find wounded soldiers, among them Private Kasima. We are trying to save him, but nothing happens. We move together with the surviving squad to "Olympus" and "Retribution". We meet with the rest, equip in the arsenal and move forward.

Our goal is to infiltrate the orbital platform and destroy anti-aircraft guns. We disembark, eliminate the soldiers and indicate, for the Olympus gun, the coordinates of the anti-aircraft gun in order to destroy them with a missile strike. We destroy one weapon, and we pass through the gate. Eliminate SDF bots and paratroopers. During the attack, Croc closes us from the shelling of the enemy attack aircraft and dies. We break through further with the battle, get to the second anti-aircraft gun, indicate the coordinates and destroy it. We penetrate into the next territory, jump onto the balcony on the right, kill the SDF detachment and take ammunition. Do not forget to use the Olympus guns against the combat SI-2 MEGA and other combat weapons.

We destroy the SDF fighters and wait for the fighter to ram the third anti-aircraft gun. After we have destroyed all the anti-aircraft guns, reinforcements come to us, and we make our way to the orbital platform. We go upstairs to the "Shipyard", we destroy the protection and switch the gateway. We pass along the corridor, and we are trying to lay a charge on the launcher. The bot grabs us, but McCullum saves us and, together with the charge, explodes the launcher. We open the next gateway, and we attack enemies using antigrav. Then we open the passage for our allies and decide who is sent to activate the weapon of the guidance system.

We are the only one to leave. We leave the elevator, eliminate the soldiers and bots, until we reach the ventilation on the left. We pass along the ventilation shaft and fall down. Ethan saves us from the soldiers, we move on. Several soldiers get out of the elevator, we eliminate them and go up the elevator to the control point of the gun guidance system. The battle will be long, we supply ammunition and destroy all the soldiers and bots. We hack the terminal, but Ethan reports that the relays are blocked. Since we are running out of time, we move under Ethan's control. We go downstairs and enter the hall with the core. We take out the capacitor, but this is not enough to destroy the core. A charge is needed for a chain reaction that will lead to an explosion. Ethan needs to self-destruct, we detonate the core. Then we go to the control of Captain Reyes, activate the guidance system and mark the target - our control point. We are watching a video, where we are carried out into space and with a fight Salter destroy the shipyard. Shrapnel, the mask is damaged, and Captain Reyes is killed.

We are watching the next video, where the former lieutenant, now corporal Salter, stands near the honor roll of the fallen soldiers. She salutes and that's where the game ends. Congratulations, you've completed the game! By the way, we are watching the credits, there each of the dead soldiers transmit their last words.

After unsuccessful Call of Duty: Ghosts few believed that the studio Infinity ward recover from losses and create something as disruptive as Modern warfare... It became even worse for the creators of the series when excellent Advanced warfare and Black ops 3... The question arose: will Infinity Ward be able to keep the bar at least at the same level in the next game or raise it even higher?

CallofDuty:InfiniteWarfare trying to get away from a direct answer. On the one hand, the new part is an obvious step backwards, but on the other hand, it is one of the best games in the series.

The roar of the cosmodrome

Distant future. Humanity has long conquered space - though so far only within its native solar system. On Europe, the satellite of Jupiter, they develop the latest weapons, on Titan, which is next to Saturn, they extract oil, and on the Moon they receive spaceships - a special port was built there for this.

On Mars, the shipyard of the Colonial Defense Front, a paramilitary organization that has been developing and increasing military power all this time, operates. The Earthlings are aware of the existence of the Front, but ignore it - until Admiral Salen Kotch attacks a group of Earth military in a distant sector of the system.

The front caught the earthlings by surprise. For the sake of a big holiday, they pulled all the troops into one city, not expecting that someone would have the courage to attack the planet.

From that moment on, the story is briskly gaining momentum: the villains manage to break through to Earth, break its defenses and destroy the lion's share of the space fleet capable of repelling the invaders. Nevertheless, at the cost of hundreds of lives, the Front's attack was repelled.

We play as Lieutenant Nick Reyes, who, half an hour after the start of the game, is appointed captain of the surviving vessel "Retribution". Reyes is ordered to destroy the enemy supply station and buy Earth time to rebuild the fleet. "Retribution" becomes the main base for the hero, and space - the battlefield.

Sirens of Titan

Whoever says anything, but the setting is the main advantage of the new game. Infinity Ward has created levels in space before, but in Infinite Warfare, the developers seemed to throw off the shackles and give free rein to fantasy. The death of an astronaut from an atomic explosion and awkward skirmishes in zero gravity are a thing of the past. From now on, the authors use the chosen theme to the fullest, throwing the player either on the moon of Jupiter, completely covered with ice, then on the same Titan, where they want to distract themselves from performing an important task and photograph the rings of Saturn.

Sometimes Infinite Warfare is quoted verbatim Interstellar Christopher Nolan.

One of the most memorable scenes is the very mission to the asteroid, which the creators have shown more than once at exhibitions. For some unknown reason, the celestial body left orbit and now flies directly to the Sun. The problem is that the asteroid turns the necessary base to the star every few minutes, so we will run from compartment to compartment only in the "dark" time of the day - otherwise we will burn out.

At the same time, Infinity Ward cleverly plays on emotions, over and over again proposing situations that are noticeably different from each other in mood. A mission to an asteroid, for example, starts out as a horror and ends with an epic scene and a brawl between the heroes. The music written by the composer Sara Schachner also works to create the right mood ( Assassin's Creed: Unity).

And with "Alien" Ridley Scott's developers are familiar.

Robot Ethan, one of Reyes's teammates, has the lion's share of jokes in the game.

But working with characters raises questions. If Captain Reyes and the crew of Retribution behave like real people and follow understandable, if sometimes dubious ideals, then the same cannot be said about villains. It is generally difficult to say something sensible about them - they turned out to be so dull and uninteresting. It is especially offensive for Salen Kotch, played by Kit Harington (Jon Snow from "The game of thrones"). The actor himself coped with his role perfectly, another thing is that his role is a conditional antihero who appears two or three times per play. After wandering around the captain's cabin on the Retribution and reading the dossier on the top of the Front, you can learn about Kotch's youth, but this is too little.

The Martian Chronicles

If you decide to dive deeper into the Infinite Warfare universe and read the dossier on Admiral Kotch, you will find out that he aboutspent most of his life on Mars.

A person who grew up on the Red Planet is no longer a fantasy. Recently founder Spacexand head Tesla Elon Musk wants to send the first man to Mars by 2025. Of course, so far there is no talk of any colony on the neighboring planet, but it is only a matter of time. Years will pass, and if Musk's attempts to conquer Mars are successful, someone may be able to rightfully call themselves a Martian. Someone just like Salen Kotch, angry and resentful towards earthlings for the fact that he had to live in an alien and inhospitable world.

Think, Elon, is it worth it?

Martian time shift

Gameplay is the most controversial element of Infinite Warfare. Over the past couple of years, the series has gone far ahead: in Black Ops 3, for example, the developers tried to seriously change the formula of the gameplay, adding co-op to the story campaign and in some places building spacious arenas where you can jump with a jetpack and go around enemies from the side or from above.

For some reason, the new game returned to what we saw in Modern warfare 2, - to linear levels similar to corridors (both in structure and often visually). In Infinite Warfare, trench warfare is most often waged: you are conveniently located behind cover at the beginning of the corridor and shoot at the enemies who have settled down at the end of the same corridor.

I would assume that every studio making Call of Duty games has its own style if Infinity Ward didn't copy their own mechanics. Remember the stealth missions from Modern Warfare and Modern Warfare 2? Infinite Warfare has exactly the same. An assault on an enemy base that will remind you of the capture of the Reichstag from the very first Call of Duty? And such a place was found in the new game. Sad but true: Infinity Ward simply doesn't know how to work with other gameplay.

Race car driver Lewis Hamilton has a very modest role in the game.

The creators of the series also treat other developments of colleagues without piety. There are exoskeletons in Infinite Warfare, but only because space and the future are around - it would be strange without them. In the gameplay, double jumps and wall running are almost never used. If you wish, of course, you can jump to the second floor of the building, run along the wall and find yourself in the camp of the enemy - all the necessary tools are there. But such a feat, most likely, will result in the death of the protagonist, because they kill quickly here even at low difficulty levels.

Jumping over the lava chasm is the most ingenious use of double jump in Infinite Warfare.

Space battles are good news. Captain Reyes will spend nearly half the war at the controls of his Jackal fighter. It is simple to control it: the fighter flies in any direction, shoots from three cannons of different calibers and releases trickery when enemy missiles approach. At the same time, no one will lead you by the hand during battles in space - they all take place in spacious "arenas", and you are free to move through them as you want, the main thing is to get away from your pursuers, shoot down enemy fighters and destroy destroyers.

When you get the task to destroy an enemy destroyer, you feel like Luke Skywalker.

Plus, Infinite Warfare works like no other Call of Duty in peacetime, and that's another virtue. The developers no longer drive players from one story mission to another. From now on, you can decide for yourself which mission to go on - you are the captain!

There is a holographic map on the Retribution bridge, which displays all the actual assignments - both story and side assignments. The latter were in Black ops 2however Infinity Ward took them to the next level. Now these are not just small operations on multiplayer maps, but serious missions with videos, staging and very specific goals. Firstly, for completing side missions, you can get upgrades for the Jackal, new weapons and perks, and secondly, this is the easiest way to get to Kotch's henchmen.

All the fun is happening on the captain's bridge of Retribution.

If you wish, you can watch the latest news release on the ship, which will tell you about what is happening in the world.

As in Black Ops 3, in the new game, before each mission, you can select a weapon and customize it as you like. All this is done in the arsenal.

And the side missions are another reason for the developers to work out the space theme and put the player in an interesting situation. That only is the task, during which the heroes are hiding from enemies among small asteroids!

Red Planet

Online mode is the second heart of Call of Duty. Many players buy games in the series just for the sake of multiplayer and never play the story campaign. Having played the beta version, I found that the multiplayer mode of Infinite Warfare resembles the multiplayer of Modern Warfare 2. The full version finally convinced of this.

As in single player mode, here Infinity Ward ignores all the achievements of Advanced Warfare and Black Ops 3. You can run on the walls in Infinite Warfare multiplayer, but there is absolutely no need, and it will not give any tactical advantage. Multilevel maps are also a thing of the past. Most of the shootings take place on solid ground. The main innovation is a distinct class system, but we have talked about it quite recently, and there is nothing to add here.

However, if we omit the fact that Infinity Ward returned Call of Duty to the usual formula, then the multiplayer of the new game can and should be praised. Many players still consider Modern Warfare 2's online mode to be the best in the series, and for them the new game will be a revelation - exactly what they have been waiting for for seven years.

Infinite Warfare also has some of the best map designs in the series.

Overnight at Cosmolend

Zombie mode has long been an integral part of the series. In the new game, the fight against the army of the living dead takes place in the huge Cosmoland amusement park. The essence remains the same: a company of four runs around the park, kills zombies climbing out of all windows, and performs simple tasks like restoring electricity.

By sending the ghouls back to the graves and nailing up the windows from which the rotten ones climb, players receive money for which they can buy weapons and open new areas of the park. Sometimes bonuses fall from destroyed enemies. Some increase damage, while others can even change the color filter - apparently to make the game even more fun.

The fate of the world is in the hands of these guys. It is they who have to save the world from another zombie uprising.

The next main episode takes place on the moon. It is a multi-level mission with surface, zero-gravity and space battles aboard the Jackal. Here you need to watch out for several weapons and - for the first time - start upgrading your gear by interacting with computer terminals. Let's move on to the most important thing.


  • Burner "F-SPAR" - can be obtained by killing large robots defending with shields. You will definitely meet these in one of the corridors.
  • Light machine gun "Hammer" - leaving the terminal with dead civilians, you will be taken to the coast guard's weapons room. Explore the stands and find this impressive cannon on one of them.
  • Shotgun "Rogue" - lies in the same room as the Hammer. Turn right and take it in the bluish rack.
  • Assault rifle "Type 2" - located in the arsenal room, which can be accessed in the second half of the episode, when you disembarked on board an enemy destroyer and launched the ship's destruction system. Moving along the corridor with the countdown, you will see the arsenal on the right. Hack, open the left drawer and scan.

Note: You can also see the location of all weapons in the episode in the video on this link (from 01:45 to 3:35).

Equipment upgrade:

  • Frag Grenade V1 - in the same room of the Coast Guard, where you found "Hammer" and "Rogue", there is a terminal. We hack it and get an improvement for a fragmentation grenade, thanks to which it will deal more damage to enemy robots when it explodes.
  • Anti-Gravity Grenade V1 - we open the improvement near the terminal in the room where we got the "Type 2" assault rifle. Now the effect of using antigrass will last longer.
  • Shock Grenade V1 - the upgrade is obtained from the remote control, which cannot be missed. It is actually at the very end of your journey after the start of the countdown. Interacts with the switch that opens the ship's hangar and your upgrade. Enemies will now take increased damage.

Note: You can see the location of all terminals in a sequence by this link (from 00:00 to 1:35).

Note: Some types of upgrades when interacting with terminals are activated randomly, but you always get something new. Therefore, if in certain terminals you will not be waiting for such improvements as indicated in our guide, you will still not be left without them in the end. The main thing is to activate all terminals. If at the end of the game it turns out that you are missing something, the dog is most likely buried in the "Port Defense" operation and the last, third point. According to players, the upgrade at the final console sometimes does not fall out the first time. Therefore, you may have to replay this mission. There are 12 improvements in total in the game. One each for ATAD (attacking UAVs with powerful AI), hacking tool, folding shield, and foam wall. Two each for Frag Grenades, Shock Grenades, Bloodhounds, and Anti-Gravity Grenades. In the weapon menu, before leaving for a mission, you can always see what level of tools you have. V1 - pumped one level, V2 - two.

Critical goals:

  • Once inside the SDF destroyer after boarding, wait until gravity is turned on and rip off its token from one of the corpses. This will tell you that you have eliminated one of the critical targets - Bradley Fillion.

Please note that as soon as you first get into a firefight in zero gravity, you will have a hook, with which you can not only be attracted to various surfaces, but also capture opponents flying by, automatically killing them. Do this as often as possible - important for another additional achievement.

After returning to the Retribution ship, side quests will become available to you. They are selected by means of a map on the bridge at the central control point of the boat. BEFORE turning to the captain's bridge in Retribution, you can go straight, turn right and see the big screen, where your charges are watching TV news. For the first acquaintance with the report, you are also given one trophy, so do not miss it. Fresh news releases, by the way, will be released every time you complete the next task. So if you want to - look into the corner with the screen at every convenient opportunity.