Yak a psychologist will help you with the topic of pennies. Correctly shutting down to pennies

Psychology of pennies an important aspect of wealth, since It’s a pittance to the fact that the price of energy and even more importantly is put to them in a positive way, so that you constantly see the tide. To grow up - how to earn a penny, it is necessary to have a lot of intelligence, what do people spend? Є many reasons.

1. A penny needs to be loved

People often do not like pennies. Chi can you tell me, why is love to the point of pennies that positive psychology of pennies? Think hilinu ... Dehto will say: "I love їkh vitrachati." Todi in what does love to children? The one who does "love to walk with them"? It's awesome, ni! Love before children appears at the turbot about them - so it goes and it’s a pittance - love to show itself to a penny in respect and turbot about them.

For example, two different people go kupuvati sob gamanets. The first one thinks about those who need a new hamanet, and the other thinks about those who are just a penny. So from yakbi vi buli groshim, in what kind of haman did you want to eat? Zvіsno in the other! It’s necessary to love a penny! Tse psychology of pennies.

Kokhannya can find myself adding strength to the earth. Ale! It is impossible to love the pennies the best in the world - the middle gold is needed. Few know a thousand problems in our life, because to make a payment (they have eliminated the non-manual barter) and it is necessary to love for the price. Itself, out of love for them, to obey is a positive psychology of pennies.

2. Negative and negativity

Even more carefully, stand up to the phrase “I don’t pay a penny” - you can call to the point that you won’t be smart. The replacement of such negative feelings can be said as follows: pennies are already on the way to me, pennies are already knocking at my door just too much.

Psychology of pennies in the phrase "Newcomers are eager to be happy." I know the analogy with a child - if a little child chooses to start and start in her for the first time - to praise the father for the price, to laugh. "Ty develops - the axis of you tsukerka, mi you want to go to the right way." So nature itself is to fix it and with us - as only we robimly cobs the correct crochet in our own life, in our life - we will be given the result as a bi advance, so we will sing in that which is on the right way and in a very tricky way. distant.

Change your insistence about pennies on the positive:

  • I love pennies, and the stench is easy to drink from my life
  • I easily make money and turn it into a penny
  • I can expect to earn some style, some money I need, etc.

3. Greed and economy in public

Paying pennies is necessary from the satisfaction - style, money to be paid, ale from the satisfaction. You can also pay for any services, products in stores, add new speeches, etc. You need a friendly psychology of pennies!

4. Economy on personal

Bathe those who have planned, in the nature of taking a penny in the other way (for example, a friend borrow a penny, and do not steal, steal a hamman). To start vitrahati on yourself, and early on, the psychology of a penny will become your philosophy.

5. Fear of running out of money

A penny, a price of energy and a stench may be added with positive names, for example:

  • On the road, not on old age
  • For surprises, not for a black day
  • On the prevention of health, and not on the treatment of ailments

6. Lack of clarity

Do you want and where do you want it? I write about those that you want to buy on them, if you want to buy them, if you want to buy them, if you want to buy them, if you want to buy them, if you want to earn money. As long as it’s meta, then you can earn a penny practically nothing.

7. Neuvaga to navkolishnykh situations

As soon as you start praying, but the result will not come to you, but sometimes it’s possible to marvel at all sides, just as much as possible, but here you are instructed to find those whom you wanted, and if you can reject it without the mediocre, minayuchi pennies.

8. Have a chat right

As soon as you pose pennies, it means you don’t need a stench (classical psychology of pennies). If you give pennies at the Borg, then it is obligatory to take the outpost for replacement (as at the pawnshop). It’s not necessary for the brother to be locked up, not to the one who is nasty, but to the one who can’t be the guarantor, it’s even possible, but the guy, for example, can’t be put in the house of the lord, and it’s just physically impossible to turn the Borg for you.

9. Respect your pennies

10. Strategy of evil. The strategy of wealth

Bidolashna lyudin pragne sparing. Bagata Lyudin is a collection of things that she has given birth to and vitrachas that she has lost. Few are needed for travel to kisheni: for business, food, food, increase the price of food 60, health prophylaxis, for children in maybut, good health.

Even more importantly, follow the rules - do not climb in the іnshі village! As soon as we run out of pennies in one and only one, we have a ghost of their earnings. We don't take other people's kisenas. And nature knows that it is for happiness, prosperity, and we won’t let us die of hunger: since we are full of empty people, well, garazd, go to the street, I have a couple of clients in store for you. I go, dermal spore of the intestine - the price of earning a new penny. Baggage is the price of small pennies, such as є - on those that are vitrially stretched out for a month. The whole psychology of pennies is at the center.

What about financial independence? Tse if mi are not practical, we will accept more, less vitrachaumo. Positive psychology of pennies helps to reach such goals. Melodiously, what a pragmatic varto!

Psychology of pennies- the whole head straight out of science, how to take care of vivchennyam injecting pennies and prosperity on ludin. Years of a lot of psychologists to carry out special preliminaries, like pouring a penny on the behavior of people on the day of the day with the help of others. Deyakі people say, what a penny that psychology is not so good speech, but for the most part it is not so. Prosperity and pennies are injected into the character of the people, on the quality of life and the confession to the desperate. Science literature has a lot of brown pleasures, which are tied with them, as they do not end up pouring in a penny.

  • As for the psychology of pennies, then in such books people are given corny recommendations, but itself:
    do not be afraid of riches and glory;
  • love a penny with all your soul;
  • you can easily get a penny;
  • think positively;
  • broadly radiate the skin ruble;
  • in your fantasies, show yourself bagatim;
  • vіrte u usіkh.

Є helpless people who have read this kind of literature and check for a moment if wealth falls on them. For the sake of a penny, do not keep up with them. What is the reason? Neither psychological method is a dummy? Maybe I'm not shy? Tsimi pitannymi zayutsya bagato hto. The method is robots and everything is correct, but people are different, they smell like their own peculiarities. Azhe at the dermal growth is put to life, penniless that prosperity. That’s the psychology that will take a penny out of it. For example, some people put a penny on a small place, but they do it for their own sake.

Psychology earning pennies will be spent on such ambushes:

  • We have a lot of opportunities in order to earn a lot of pennies, it is necessary to deprive yourself of the best way from the available ones;
  • More often than not, our profession is not tied to a penny. That is why there are a lot of people to recognize the garnishing influx of these spheres of activity, as the stench has come to the institute. Make fun of it, you can make money.
  • If a person is wrong to order a penny, then the stench will come out of it. The punishment for this is not only for greed and avarice, but for marnotry. A penny is important, but it is reasonable and economical.

Problems of the psychology of pennies

All the problems are tied with the senses of people and with their attitudes, the very stink of the riches. Even more often people set bar'єri themselves, in order to win over the bazhan. Moreover, such bars can be of a small number. One of them is the psychology of marriage, which is penniless. Lyudina is penniless, ale, all alone is pleased with such lives. An offensive bar'єr is a depressive mood, if it is not in its power. Another sutta problem is fear, so that people are afraid of earning great pennies and spending them, too, not to be intimidated.

Psychology of earning a penny

Trivial care for the wealthy people allowed them to grow up singing. For example, it’s a stink to know, it’s a stink really, for whom it’s a penny, it’s a stink to put the whole thing and reach it. Such people love pennies, love and appreciate. The stench is constantly to save money, but to lose it on the most useful speeches.

In order to achieve the result in a penny plan, bazhano listen to the delight of psychologists, and you:
1. You cannot worship pennies, ale shanuvati and treba. Really assess the role of your life.
2. Do not insult rich people. If in those who are all garazd because of prosperity, then they are guilty of pragmatic ryvnya.
3.Yakshcho on the way you do not need people, do not link with them. Unique skills and reach for successful people.

As a rule, if you need to learn it - if you want a lot of pennies, then earn money. For ale, the bazhannya is not enough, it takes a day. Cholovik oligarch, the decline of the rich babus and the lottery - the chickens at the sea.

Reading hour 10 hwilin

Yak to get a penny from your life? The psychology of being brought up to a pittance - tse tsikava is the topic that is demanded, often people work through all their lives, apply masu zusil, ale pennies go to the dogs, the capital does not form. What is the reason, such as the secrets of the preservation of things? The statistic has a clear psychological aspect of the relationship with the pittance and the delight of the prosperous people.

Love to a penny is a tse bida,
ale chi є wicked have a beauty

Taєmnitsi psychology of pennies

Tsikavo, why should the bagacy of every single one of the pennies be stacked in a reasonable way, but it is possible to find the slump, all the while ... The book by Robert Kiyosaki “Bagatiy tato, bidny tato” has a great respect for the psychology of nutrition, and the basis of the maybut is laid down in the child.

Psychology of putting pennies into shape, the stinks of mimicry give children the power of attitudes, which form the minds of the dads. To achieve a smoothly independent change of stereotypes, shukati vlasny paths, just to come up with a thought, but he is not alive for this program, and the result will not be shown to ochikuvannya.

To what extent it is not a penny, the psychology of nutrition is tied to the following aspects:

  1. Values, conversion- stereotypes, thoughts like to live on a pseudo-home: penny is evil, you can't make a great capital with a good way, we can't get rid of it from special families. It’s not like there’s no way, as there’s a lot of dummies at the end of the day, business, and progress.
  2. Financial literacy- in school rock, it’s not hard to get it, because it’s dzherela income, because it’s correct to generate and increase finance. People sounded like life from paycheck to paycheck, don't think about tomorrow. At the start of a long time ago, a sense of strategy, induce a special capital, which allows you to take the necessary costs for a life of the future.
  3. Planning life- people can plunge with a stretch of life, interrupt, see, and you can take control of the financial situation - clearly see all the income and vitality, fold the tables and the living through the financial support of the financial situation. Moreover, in front of us, it is necessary to see the power, and in the end - vitrachati. It is necessary to put the tsіlі and intelligence, what to pragnete, shukati ways to reach. An active life position is an important croc to financial independence.
  4. Harmony in the lance of the world - goals - values ​​- strategy. Ludina can be a great pragmatic and broken methods, and even though she is a Lanka - values ​​(fear of pennies, inability, internal trade), success of nothing ochikuvati. It is important to know the balance of the adjustment of the target and the psychology at the financial prosperity.

The psychology of giving a penny to the transfer of development strategies and tactics, ale smarter - a chain of praise of people to find out finances, reasonable reasons, only a great deal of knowledge of the ways of that mobility. As soon as there is no motivation in people, there is nothing that doesn’t bring a snake into life, it’s quickening, vivchatima, pragneti.

Basic insights into the strategy of a small and large mission

  • zychayny people get better coverage, all life is cleaned up, in retirement they look for help, and bagati - start business, get started and build up capital;
  • the psychology of being brought up to a pittance is manifested in the offensive - sometimes to end up spending money on the marriage of cats, low wages and nasty minds of life;
  • successful in the financial plan, people create assets (shares, insecurity, care), and people - passive (borgs, bank loans);
  • extraordinary people live from paycheck to paycheck; a lot of knowledge of the fact that it was worth a penny, the growth of the capital, the viciousness of the financial importance, the basic process of doing it for a penny;
  • the psychology of being put to a pittance is positive among the rich, and negative among the poor;
  • A lot of financial value is important for the growth of the camp, the basic physical is easy to practice.

The psychology of pennies in food is not easy, however, in the bitter society there is a great number of information - books, trainings, which allow you to know how to eat food. Great respect for the sanctuary Robert Kiyosaki, Bodo Schaefer, Napoleon Hil.

Psychology of pennies, how can we be bagatim?

Psychology of wealth - the whole system of targeting, internal installations, which is transferred to a change to a svitoglyad.

The secrets of the misrepresentation of rich people can be discerned:

  1. The stench of singing from one's own, to pumping about the possibility of being, being able to make a few pennies "for good", misinterpreting ideas, projects, and a new joke;
  2. Do not react to unprinted criticism, be hung up on your own thoughts, do less good things, less zazdrisniks. It is necessary to set goals, go ahead;
  3. Bagati people are strong in respect, but if they are small, they are a vice, and wealth is a great way to happiness, and the power of growth is great;
  4. Bezbecheni people love to start new knowledge and to hear the sounds of new rock;
  5. To think, how the skin can know the capital, to take responsibility for its own life;
  6. In addition to saving money and investing money, capital - tse zhazhadzheni, persh for everything, cost, investment can be overwhelming, risky operations to stop depriving part of the cost;
  7. The creative inspiration to life is important for the enlightenment, so there is the possibility of being astonished at the light, knowing new possibilities;
  8. Namagayutsya know the right, how to bring satisfaction, re-transforming hobbies for business;
  9. Prepare for risiku in life, in financial operations - "who is not risiku, that is not p'є champagne";
  10. Vvazhayut, that health is a guarantee of success in business, as well as a positive message.

How easy is it to cut off a penny, how can it be friend from a penny? - food supply to suck people. Krym robots over internal dummies, installation, and pay respect to financial laws, so that you can get a growing income:

  • Love to pennies- a guarantee of the knowledge of life, I will deny the person who checks and bypass my fears. Pennies allow to cut off the blessings, dbati about loved ones, get healthy, beauty, see new opportunities - more expensive, good fortune;
  • The law of a rich misdirection- talk positively about finance, do not worry about visibility, lack of success, read the answers, lead the field;
  • Ruhu law- it is important not just to accumulate pennies, but to grow up, by the way of victorious households (investments, business), a lot of money, but the greed and curiosity are not the wages of the wages;
  • The law of lightness- do not shkoduyte about vitrati, otrimut satisfaction with purchases, so finance will turn around again;
  • Law of Purpose- on the basis of activity, there is a meta development of business, help the administration, occupy the beloved right, and the financial side of food є the back side of the medal, it’s not a priority;
  • Rozpodilu law- vchitesya planuvati that competently vitrachati arrive, see part of the cattle that grow, unique borg goiter'yazan.

The psychology of being paid to the point of being penniless is a rich source of nutrition, based on internal reconnections and reasonable relationships with finances.

Is it easy to get a penny yak? For the ear, by the way, you get hung up on a whole lot of nutrition and to survive in every day of finances, if you can see the joy of in your activity, to carry positive energy in all the light - dithered by knowledge, memory. Set up a high rate, where you need it, the stench comes from a specific factory, you can practice the visualization of the effect.

What a penny? Continuously controlling thoughts, seeing negative attitudes, writing down the goals, planning the budget, taking control of food and vitality in success. Importantly, we are preparing every hour, we’ll get new knowledge. And also to improve physical health, good spirit and positive attitude for success in life.

How to get pennies from your life: psychology of earning pennies

People often think, how can you earn money, how can you earn a penny? Naypershe solution is to know a highly paid robot, and why do you need a robot to deny financial support? Bagati people know that great capital can be destroyed, beaten, or not made money, it’s not hard, a standard robot doesn’t give the necessary level of income.

Yak bootie? Would you need a penny to make money? Singingly, the common problem of the people is that they are not aware of their capacity for living near the end of life. It is necessary to develop creativity, write down ideas for business, new projects, shukati companions, and promote to investors.

The psychology of a penny is tied up with the need to go to life for new capital, know new possibilities, see the picture, please, project, by reading the finance of the investment. Be aware of the main site, course, smut of intelligence, what є pragmatism and pragmatism should take into account the maximum of information.

If it’s easy to get a penny? Obviously, it’s easier for people from a wealth of desires to come in pennies, the stench of childish rock is to pick up the laws and rules of the day with finances, and simple people live for good luck and don’t know how they are ordered from luck.

Who can easily get pennies? Before people who clearly understand their goals in life, think about the future, think about the prospect, act sovereignly that smartly, keep up with sparing, rationalize finance.

The earning of pennies, the psychology of tying with such important crocs - financial literacy, the correctness of the resources, the offensive - the buzz of the additional income, the accumulation of capital, the capital.

Insights into the psychology of pennies: people and women

The psychology of pennies in the family is very individual food, the budget can be formulated spirally and accept the solution of vitrate, some of the income can be made to the out-of-the-box storehouse, or all the income can be raised in two, but it’s possible to see it. Buvah, one ludin 's favor, another - vitrati, it is better to take the fate of the planned vitrats and see the mother of a special cat on other vitrati.

The psychology of being put to the point of pennies, why does one get a cholovy and feminine glance at a penny? Historically, it was folded - the choloviks of the boules were shocked, the women were the zberigacs of the home. However, they often change frequently and women take a lot of land, run a business, and take part in the budget.

A woman and a penny, the psychology of food is rich in why it begins with the traditions and the children of the family, de virosla a little girl, often driven by finances to calm down and copy. If my mother used to manage the penny streams, then the maybutny family spasters the pragmatism of the mother, but it’s the head skarbnik. However, it’s not a skinny woman who’s really good at getting it, getting it, keeping it in reserve, but it’s necessary for people to take the initiative to their own hands, all to lay it down in the minds of people, doviri. In ideally important nutrition is varto virishuvati spilo and planuvati razpodil budget.

Cholovik that penny psychology is to get involved, but finance is the price of cholovic energy, and the need for that love is vain, in the process of interchange in the family it is necessary to exchange energy. For the manifestation of a wise woman, like to love and grow in repair, people can reach more success in life, help them to grow up income.

However, if the woman does not think about social interests, but is fixated on special interests, then it is unlikely that the woman can get rid of it, but rather rosoriti sooner. For the development of the financial plan, a commission is given to a friend of her life, and she is ready to take on something for any repairs.

It is not enough for pragmatic women to think of themselves as their own people and not to take part in the social business; The capital of the demand is set up smartly, smartly, vicariously and financially, todivisually.

Cohannia and pennies, the psychology of nutrition is foldable - there are more women who need to know a child who are not worried, so they guarantee that they will not be able to do it for the family and children, the financial adherence is not to blame, people are not guilty love. Only close people can happily live a healthy life and be financially prosperous.

There are situations where women create a family union based on love to a pittance, protest against unhappiness, joy and family comfort in such a homeland will not be. For a penny, you can buy something, if you don’t feel it, it stinks independently, “you won’t be forced to miles.”

Good, if everybody has a good sense of the budget and capital until the end of their financial well-being. Today, the energetic positive development of the future is a happier, spokyne life and spilnennya until the safety of the beginning and maybutnyh generation.

People think about the psychology of pennies the least at the stage of knowledge, cohannia, and even with the internal setting that anticipation appears in the family life. More beautifully, start looking for financial nutrition, discuss the prospects, prazdalnya, headache, development costs.

How to get a penny and good luck: problems of the psychology of pennies

Would you give people a happy life? Psychology of a penny-pinching vision of the main problematic nutrition:

  1. Recognition of the great Borgs, credits- the psychology of the Borg of pennies is tied to the life of the bank of credit cards, it’s easy and simple, but it’s even more important to get out of such debris, and the Borg can drag on rock, people see great sums on the bank’s beautiful bank, not reserve;
  2. Spend a penny, steal- Buvah, how pennies are constantly turning up, there are great vitrati. The psychology of food is not easy for what it is tied to, why steal a penny - it’s better for all the people on the podvnі іvnі vіdkіdaє pennies, vvazhaє, but it is not the root of evil. Varto opratsyuvati installations and establish a positive target for financial financing;
  3. Post-failure of catastrophes- Why are there no pennies in the family? If there are some main points - non-reasonable requirements for the family, why should you write the optimal amount for the budget, how much is required for a normal business? Let's take a look at the vitrati and minimize the unnecessary ones, so you can make a part of the needs for the day.

Give shukati ways to increase the profitable part, to supply the necessary prices. Begin for yourself that a penny is good and not evil, and when we are ready, we will see the prosperity of that mass of possibilities, only with such an attitude you will succeed.

Bringing up to a penny is a topic for all the thoughts and ideas, the minds of the dzherela bid, like at our svitoglyadi, gracious installations, and the key to the last meal can be known to the skinny, hto pragne. Ensure financial literacy and control the penny streams, so that you will not get a 10-20% increase in income.

New calls will provide you with new opportunities, and knowledge will help you to achieve goals. Putting to a penny, psychology and internal reconciliation can change and contribute to the success of people in life.

Find out the difference between yourself and you, and the dividend will never be checked! Bazhaєmo nabuti financial dobrobut and happiness in life!

Think about Tim, yak was put to the pennies in your family. Have three-five generations bully a penny that good? If all the bullets are average, then you have the wrong settings and the difference is up to pennies. Yak put to pennies, what stink boules in gamantsi?

“I’m very cheap, but a pittance. Chi is good to your pennies, which are effectively ordered by them, and the stench is tobi. And once you've done it, send me to you ... to Prokhorov! About what to talk about

Do you want to be big, not all at once? The message is obvious. Please mіljonerіv about those who like mothers are more than pennies. Yak put to the pennies, yak vitrachati and yak zaoschadzhuvati finansi? Yak correctly organize your penny aura for a financial dobrobut. How big are you?

Yak put to pennies, why stink boules?

Don't worry about a penny and your wealth

Do not get hung up on the fact that you will earn money and get a copy. If you even want to and ganiaashsya for tsim, mriya tikak. Groshi are important, but it is not a matter of life. Having become a large global goal of planning, in a few pennies.

Movchi about pennies

Don’t wiggle, don’t get lost and don’t show us your wealth. Zanadto is a lot of zazdrіsnikіv and nedobrozichlivtsіv in svіtі. Groshi to love the silence, the house of the house. Do not tell third-party people about pennies, wages, vitrati, borgs, loans and finances. Trim the tongue behind your teeth.

Revise pennies for the family

In three or five generations, did they get a penny at the waterside? Often, the wrong setting for the solution is penniless. Fathers respected, it is not possible to make a big penny honestly. Bagati - the tse of shahrai, non-connoisseurs and passages. Tom didn’t go out of your family, but you didn’t go by. Love a penny. Pennies come to quietly, who are good to earn and to love.

Visualize your pennies

Vizualizatsiya is one of the ways to improve your financial well-being. Show your world, if you have enough pennies. Yak ti life, how robiti and yak you will feel. Paint a picture of the life of the world.

Think positively about pennies that kohai oh

Take a penny as your good friends, rejoice at their appearance and do not be late to come out. Love pennies, banknotes and coins. Not getting too close to them. Buy a good і dear gamanets, so many pennies were found in a new one. Check the size of the coin on the street and find the correct note.

Don’t get mad, and we’re proud

Are modesty and gentry important for material well-being? Bidny, ale proud? Do not be afraid to see if you don’t cite a penny that goodness in life, you don’t waste it. Material well-being is more important and it’s not easy to turn your nose into a pittance.

Think about the power of pennies

Think not about those who want a lot of money. Think about giving me a penny. Yaki seeing, experiencing, energetic and prosperous. A penny is not a style of blessing, as the ability to be oneself that see freedom.

Get it right for a penny

The principle of "more come - less more come" is not worth it. A penny is guilty on the demand and on the correct speech, and not to go to waste for the third day. If you pay a reasonable price for a good product, or if you don't get angry with the service, you will accept it with satisfaction as you please.

Mine pennies

It’s worthless to love, if you take care of it. Groshi is the price of financial energy. Lyudin, yak zbiraє penny, deeds become bagatshoyu. Lyudin, I don’t accumulate a penny, I’ll lose all my life. Collect pennies.

Groshi love rakhunok

Lyudina is guilty as if it’s rosum, the sounds come and go. Make a penny a penny right away from the sumi. Do not allow yourself to be put in too much money and not rakhuvati. A penny is the equivalent of your pratsi. Have a coin with your own power that hour.

See the smell of pennies and rustling bills

Come to see the smell of that energy of pennies. Don't go out a penny and not just like that. Pennies are made. Abo tudi, de є the maximum smell of pennies. Zoseredya on your own income, and not deprive yourself of the vitrats. Apartments, cars, more expensive and garnished life to bathe not for sparing pennies on the toilet porch. Find out the pennies that dobuvati, and not reap all the life of the economy.

Do you know you, why is it your job to talk about the development of specialty? Do you know you, do those, as you are given a penny, to tell about those, on what level of development, do you know, do you have a lot of specialties?

It’s still an hour to write about pennies. Still, after a century of happy and happy marriage to the proletariat, having sunk into Letu, nini viyshov are on the foreground of fashionable capitalism. It’s worthless to spoil the weather in a booth, in business and in a bosom.

Ale chi є moving all living things on the whole earth? Chi stench cheruyut svit? Chi all the same is Lyudin Keruє groshim?

Itself is put to the pittance and is understandable in the tsy statty. At the same time, I will pass the test for the richness of special features. Those who, at least for a reason, are worthless because of a penny, and you overbuy, tell us about the wealth and development of your specialty.

Vіdnoshennya to pennies. The number of groshi rivn:

1. Nishcho

People of the rivnya zvsim do not waste the price of money.

The stench doesn’t deprive you of making a penny, the stench doesn’t take you away from the economy. Stink nasty know і from the price of the market. I must learn by force, how to make money.

You can adore to children, and even the children are not impatient, but also a penny. Children will not be hundreds of dollars from a penny. Only for children of pennies is a whole lot of candy wrappers, which can be exchanged for a bit. Singingly, you remember the kids іgri in the store, deserve a penny to get rid of them.

People from the ryvnya "nischo" call not mind, they are so rich in pratsyuvaty on the uncle, just cut off the penny candy wrappers. Zrozumilo, be it a robot, it’s important. And pennies are sold from their hands. It is a blessing for all sorts of other healthy people who fix it from sellers on the market, and end it up with miles of household.

Buying such a person is often considered indiscriminate, thoughtlessly.

About them to say "not from the whole world." The stench is to be found in such a place among the family, from the zealous choloviks, before the retinues. The stench of being "blondes", utrimans, unproblematic, homeless. The stench can be booty and specialties, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Ale, it's a pity, you have to pay for this flood.

To switch to a different level, such people will need to be consumed by the twisted and even grievous life situation. Todi won’t forget and start thinking, but don’t borrow pennies for the whole hour and not all the senses from life. From every hour such people switch to the “fetish” rivn.

2. Fetish

It’s not easy for people to pay at least a penny! For them, you have to pay seriously, fight, give yourself everything, because the stench will take the central place of life. And in order for the stink, pennies, in the life of the boule, it is necessary to be more literal in the literal sense of vivertatisya navivorit. Such people do not like quiet people, who have a penny, more because the stench is easy for people.

The same is set to a penny form two equal statkіv. On the first - a lyudin’s fool, he doesn’t want to work a lot, he’s not ready to cheat, cheat for a penny. It seems about such people: one, ale proud.

On the other, there is a ludin 'livelihood, і їy vistachaє life, trying to seek the help of the great moral and physical zusils. Youmu is brought to lightly pratsyuvati or vikruchuvatisya, or manіpulyuvati іnshim. Making a penny is not easy.

The reason is that people are ideals of pennies, the stench for people is everything: idol, god, allsvit. That’s why the basement of the people is lost on them. There are organized fears, bazhannya, zaboboni is too thin. Through pennies, to cook, to break apart, zakokhuyutsya and to make friends. Pennies to bathe the ludin herself.

It’s very important for you to get a penny, for it’s just dumb in your life, because your rivn “Fetish”.

3. Bonus

The price of success. Be-yak lyudin on the whole beginning of the beginning to earn money. Youmu befitting enough pratsyuvati that adequately to earn.

At the same time, we are very smart, but the level of income is accumulated as a special efficiency. The one who is more inclined to take a ludic person, it’s more than a penny to come.

The formula “if you want life - be cool,” is because it’s worth it, because it’s worth the money, so it’s a sight to see such people.

The skin of a human being will grow more pracyuvati, stronger development, more intelligence in business and profession, and will be able to navigate with success in success. Win can achieve the high quality of life and great possibilities.

Quite a lot of expensive and nice speeches, apartments, cars, yachts, litas. Such people are all living up to the category of success, and they just don’t want to oppose them.

There are also many fears and pounds of money. A little penny to get used to the success of the people.

As long as you are successful in your success, which is in a penny equivalent, it means that you spend on a different level of “bonus”, and you can win expensive prizes in your life.


For quiet people, hto vyshov on a higher level, pennies go to a different plane, the stench to live in categories of goals and activities. Om tsikavos are new, take part in promising projects, tsikavih ideas.

And people do not practice and do not practice, they smell like ideas - both of their own and of other people.

As a rule, they have to finish the rich hour. Rіven income stink can be absolutely rіzniy. This year's stench can be penniless in the chisinau, tomorrow by the millionaires.

A penny in your life comes to the implementation of your business. That may be more than 100 percent of the world and the number of people involved. Їm tsіkavo pіdnіmati great business, organizing blessings of partnership, launching advanced technologies in life.

Zagalom is not boring.

If you don’t need a penny for connecting ideas, and you can take on any project, about some kind of money, that is your “penny is an instrument”.

5. Creativity

The price is for the instrumental one, so the meaning of pennies falls even more.

Such people do not joke about a pittance, they stink at the possibility of declaring their creativity and the creativity of those people.

Smells less nicholas do not look, but do not get stuck at the add-on pennies. Allsvit dbaє about those things that people did, and a penny in life come just style, so that won’t be able to continue in their life ideas.

Artists, singers, writers, and winners often lie before such people.

The head їх trick є "blamelessness" on a pittance and a great demand for creativity. The stench is lingering in these categories. Їхн a position to the pittance: you should come to continue your creativity.

Think, as you have from the realization of your creativity and penny "nizmorochen", if you are so, then you can boldly zarahuvati yourself to the tsi rivnya.

6. Nishcho

For cich people, pennies are empty mice, papir, nischo. Be it a category, you can think about it more importantly for a penny. Khlib, khmara, mriya, planting kartoplі - all of them are worthy of a sense, meaningfully important for a penny.

In the midst of them, they are like zebraki, so і tі, hto maє pennies. Live the stench on mercy, or for those who come from your life itself, do not ask for a penny. To find such people makes life difficult, it is hard to endure the stench, and even grows on pennies, earnings, the robot and the wine city will not smell.

Prior to such a category, we must pass people to the saints. That is not a penny for them. The idea of ​​life and the idea of ​​being a penniless is similar to the New Testament hangings: “Be like a child. Don't talk about tomorrow. "

Try to reach the whole category and vibrati.

At the same time, having experimented, three times, the development of the specialty is depleted to a pittance. The whole vibir is not needed to laugh at others, or to beat oneself in the chest. You will need a price point, why not just make your life worth your money and your life.

Remember, pennies before you come in order to preserve the ryven, for which you know. Experiment with boldness with yourself, and come a penny, and give you your ryven.