Lyaskin is a candidate for deputy of the state. Alexey Navalny


Lives with his wife and daughter in Moscow Kozhukhovo.


Graduated in 2004 Moscow State Institute of Electronics and Mathematics.

In 2012 he received a second higher education in the specialty "State and Municipal Administration" in Russian State Psychological-Pedagogical University... Was listed as the head of a number of commercial organizations.


In 2011 Lyaskin is the organizer "Observer schools"... One of the organizers of the movement "Change".

In 2012 - head of the campaign headquarters.

During the street actions Lyaskin was repeatedly detained by the police.

On April 8, 2012, he was detained in Red Square while trying to set up a tent, as a sign of resistance to election fraud, and received 5 days of administrative arrest. In May 2012 he was detained for "festivities" on Kudrinskaya Square.

In 2013 Lyaskin - chairman of the regional branch of the party "People's Alliance" in Moscow and the head of the support headquarters in Kirov, a confidant of Alexei Navalny in the elections mayor of Moscow.

At this time, Nikolai Lyaskin was described as a specialist in organizing street events: from a "march to the electoral commission" to a rally in Sokolniki. He organized 89 street meetings of Navalny with voters.

Each of the events he organized, as his associates note, was " impeccable in logistics, safety, interaction with people"It was also noted that he intelligently prepares election observers.

In 2014 Lyaskin is a candidate for deputy Moscow City Duma in the 20th constituency.

On January 15, 2014, in Novokosin, a meeting of residents with the head of the local council took place, which was dedicated to the construction of a hotel for migrants. After the residents surrounded the head's car, the police began the arrest. Nikolai Lyaskin was among the detainees. Some considered this to be the start of the election campaign in the Moscow City Duma.

However, he failed in the election. He put forward his candidacy for number 20 (districts Kosino-Ukhtomsky, Nekrasovka, Novokosino, part of the Veshnyaki district) constituency from the opposition coalition "For Moscow", but did not manage to collect the required number of signatures and withdrew his candidacy.

During the election campaign against him was renewed criminal case on the fact of fraud with funds from Navalny's electoral fund.

No information about Lyaskin's income was found.

In July 2015, as the head of the Moscow branch of the unregistered Progress Party, he organized the No Elections Without Choice action, which reinforced complaints about the withdrawal of the Democratic Coalition lists in Magadan and Novosibirsk during the regional election campaign.

Scandals, rumors:

Nikolai Lyaskin is a defendant in a criminal case of fraud with funds from Navalny's electoral fund in the election of the mayor of Moscow.

"Presnensky Court of Moscow on June 11, 2014 accused businessmen Nikolai Lyaskin and Vladimir Ashurkov of embezzling voluntary donations from citizens. According to the investigation, they first transferred 1 million rubles each for Navalny's election campaign, and then published an appeal on Yandex.Money. Having received 10 million rubles, they appropriated them ", - believes TFR.

During the election campaign, a scandal broke out in the Moscow City Duma with wiretapping Lyaskin's headquarters and other opposition politicians. An exposing record appeared on the Internet, allegedly proving that opposition self-nominated candidates collect voters' signatures by bribery.

In October 2015, after searches at the editor-in-chief of the Sputnik and Pogrom portal Egor Prosvirnin in the case of 282nd article A caustic post appeared on Twitter of the Progress Party: "Little Pig Hitler was summoned with his mother for the next interrogation," alluding to Prosvirnin's overweight.

After a condemning reaction from the public, Lyaskin had to make excuses: "This does not reflect our opinion on 282 and in general the tone is unacceptable, Twitter was passed on to someone else. I apologize."

- Alexey Navalny (@navalny) September 20, 2017

Well, that's quite plausible. The previously convicted dude comes from the Leningrad region. He comes to Lyaskin and says: I want to make money.
And Lyaskin is like this: well, fake an attack on me, I'll give you 220 thousand rubles.

It usually happens that way.

And you know what the conclusion is from all this: now it is absolutely clear that the idea of \u200b\u200bhitting Lyaskin on the head with a steel pipe came not from a madman or a hooligan, but from an uncle in a suit from President Putin's administration.

That's their cool idea. Give it on the head, and then show on TV some khanyga who will say that Lyaskin ordered it himself.

The small anniversary of the channel is a great occasion for an announcement.

We need leaders. Smart, committed people who are willing and able to work live. Those who are ready to share with us the channel's mission - to tell people the truth about what is happening in Russia.

If you are such / such. If you want to be part of our team, gain experience, become famous (why not), participate in our strange and wonderful media experiment, then give it a try. Most likely you are exactly who we are looking for.

1.Stream live or record (strictly in one take, without editing) and post on YouTube a 5-minute video in which you talk about the five main news of the week, in your opinion;
2.A link to the video along with a short story about yourself, your work experience, education and motivation, send to [email protected] ;
3. Subject line - I want to work on the air "Navalny LIVE"

And the portraits - his own, of Putin and the rest of the gang, he calls “ images of recognizable faces on the leaflet “They are crazy, this should not be ».

Today at 13:30 a decision will be made on what to do with the circulation of Lyaskin's leaflets (the prosecutor's office and the electoral commission, of course, demand to destroy it). I really hope that in the decision the judge will write so, to complete the beauty of the structure: Yes, they are crazy. So what?

5. The election commission runs to court and wants to confiscate these perfectly legal leaflets.

Do you see how life began immediately and how many actions? And just a couple of truthful words on a piece of paper.

1. Lyaskin is great.

2. Candidate - be like Lyaskin.

3. The leaflet must be distributed. ...

And measure the water in the tap at least out of curiosity. If it is less than 60 - distribute this post.

If you like what FBK does, you can

Very good. We don't need anything else. We will also do with drawings. Therefore, the new leaflet of Nikolai Lyaskin (goes through the Babushkinsky district, which includes the Bogorodskoye, Sokolniki, Alekseevsky, Babushkinsky, Butyrsky, Losinoostrovsky, Marfino, Maryina Roshcha, Ostankinsky, Rostokino, Sviblovo, Yaroslavsky districts) looks like this:

These are not photographs, these are drawings, I assure you. The CEC allowed.

I urge all candidates to use this loophole and draw Russian reality in its agitation.

Well, Lyaskin is great. If you live in areas Bogorodskoe, Sokolniki, Alekseevsky, Babushkinsky, Butyrsky, Losinoostrovsky, Marfino, Maryina Roscha, Ostankinsky, Rostokino, Sviblovo or Yaroslavsky collectors of signatures which no one has noticed anywhere.

All great people like these will be registered:

Of the 11 self-nominated candidates unofficially supported by United Russia, two completed their nomination campaign. The director of school No. 1298 Olga Yaroslavskaya said that on July 7 she had submitted all the necessary documents, but was unable to comment on RBC, who and how collected signatures for it.
Another supported by the ruling party, sambist Renat Laishev continues the campaign to collect signatures, although he is not in Moscow. He was unable to say which organization handles his signatures. http: // / ...

The barrier set for independent candidates to run in elections is unambiguously prohibitive. They are required to collect 5-6 thousand signatures each, which is more than the number of votes cast for the United Russia winners of the primaries, recognized by the mayor's office as very successful.

Under the conditions of criminal prosecution, as in the case of Lyaskin, it is generally impossible to collect signatures. I would like to note that the Sobyaninsk mayor's office, together with the swindlers from the Investigative Committee, simply mocks Lyaskin openly: he was summoned for interrogation today, on the day of certification of signatures, when each candidate spends 15-20 hours signing signature sheets and spending hours at a notary, which the ability to arrange everything as it should be according to the law. And today, an hour after Lyaskin announced that he had to leave the race, the investigator called him and postponed this "very important" interrogation.

Azar had a small child alone at home, Lyaskin had to leave the car with his things on the road.

Ilya Azar (left) during the procession on August 31. A photo: Georgy Malets

On the evening of September 2, Moscow police detained journalist and municipal deputy Ilya Azar, as well as Nikolai Lyaskin, an employee of the Anti-Corruption Foundation. Both detentions are apparently related to uncoordinated share on August 31 (passed without delay). Today, on August 2, the Moscow police announced that an administrative case was initiated on the fact of the action - under Article 20.2 of the Administrative Offenses Code of the Russian Federation (“Violation of the established procedure for organizing or holding a meeting, rally, demonstration, march or picket”).

Azar was detained at his home, where his young child was left alone. Later Azar said that he was being left overnight at the police station.

Lyaskin was detained when he was driving to his home. "The car with the things remained on the road," he tweeted.

I put the child to bed, went out to smoke on the balcony, three policemen came out of the staircase and said that I was detained at 20.2. Right in their home clothes and slippers, they took me to the car. The fact that there is only one child left at home, who is under two years old, does not bother them.<...>

They were taken by officers of the 2nd OP [operational regiment] to the Krasnoselsky police station, left for the night, according to the protocol from the main office on h8 20.2.

Ilya Azar

Police stopped at the entrance to the area. They were waiting for me. They took away documents, supposedly for checking fines.<...> Employees are playing for time and waiting for someone.<...> They forced me into a paddy wagon. In the paddy wagon, very zealous employees tried to take away the phone by force and with the help of fists. As a result, the car with the things remained on the road, and I was brought to the Meshchanskoye police station.

Nikolay Lyaskin

The second operative regiment came for Lyaskin and was detained.<...> They were detained very harshly. The traffic police retained the rights.

Press secretary of Nikolai Lyaskin Elena Slesareva

September 2, 21:42 Novaya Gazeta writes that Azar's child is "not alone at home," but "Ekaterina, Ilya's wife, is already returning home."

September 2, 22:52 It turns out that the police also detained FBK employee Lyubov Sobol. “Lyubov Sobol is being taken to the police department of the city of Troitsk, - reported head of its headquarters Olga Cesare. “She didn’t get in touch for more than an hour.”

September 2, 11:37 pm Ilya Azar's wife, Yekaterina, said that after her husband was detained, the child was left at home alone in an open apartment: “I came home, the apartment is open, the child is sleeping. I don't know how long he was here [alone], probably more than half an hour. Without anyone. The door to the apartment was open, no one was there. "

Society, 02 Sep 2019, 21:35

Companion of Navalny Lyaskin announced his arrest FBK employee Nikolay Lyaskin reported that he was detained by the police. He wrote about this in ... the car of an FBK employee Nikolay Lyaskin... At the Department of Internal Affairs Meshchanskoye RBK when asked about the location of an employee Lyaskin advised to contact the press service. Lyaskin - the former chairman of Moscow ... with corruption and a longtime associate of its founder, politician Alexei Navalny. Lyaskin was the coordinator of his campaign headquarters in 2017, hosted the show ... The attacker of the ex-employee of Navalny's headquarters was sentenced to work ... works for the attack on the former head of the Moscow headquarters Alexei Navalny Nikolay Lyaskin... It is reported by "Interfax". It is noted that during this period ... the pipe in our state is so estimated, "- wrote Lyaskin on Twitter, commenting on the verdict. Attack on Lyaskin was done in September 2017. By ... the choice of such a preventive measure proves that “the story of the attack on Nikolay Lyaskin - provocation ". An employee of Navalny Lyaskin's headquarters was arrested for the May 5 rally ... Nikolay Lyaskin for 15 days for organizing an unauthorized rally on May 5. The press secretary of the court Anastasia Dzyurko told RBC about this. “The court recognized Lyaskin ... arrest, ”explained Dzyurko. Alexei Navalny supporters rally in Moscow. Photo report Nikolay Lyaskin and opposition leader Alexei Navalny were detained on May 5 in Moscow ... Former head of Navalny's headquarters Nikolai Lyaskin was released ... Supporter of opposition leader Alexei Navalny and ex-head of his Moscow headquarters Nikolay Lyaskin left the Tverskoye OVD after the expiration of the detention period. About this ... in a minibus According to preliminary information, consideration of an administrative case against Lyaskin for repeated violation of the established procedure for organizing or holding a rally (h ... the detainees turned out to be the leader of the protest movement Alexei Navalny and his associate Nikolay Lyaskin... According to human rights activists, the total number of those detained in Russia amounted to over ... The Interior Ministry explained the detention of Navalny and Lyaskin at a protest ... Alexey Navalny and Nikolay Lyaskin were detained "for organizing an uncoordinated public event," the police said. Human rights defenders ... 475 people in Moscow Oppositionist Alexei Navalny and his associate Nikolay Lyaskin detained in the center of Moscow "for organizing an uncoordinated public event," they say ... the square, police officers went to him, who detained him. Nikolay Lyaskin detained "on the way to Tverskaya", he wrote on his Twitter ... Ex-head of Navalny's Moscow headquarters arrested for 15 days ... Employee and ex-head of the Moscow headquarters of politician Alexei Navalny Nikolay Lyaskin received 15 days of administrative arrest. A lawyer told RBC about this ... pages. Screenshots of the account were attached to the case as evidence Lyaskin on Twitter. Action of supporters of Navalny "Voter strike". Photo report On the day of detention Lyaskin all over Russia there were protests initiated by Navalny. About plans ... Nikolai Lyaskin resigned as head of Navalny's Moscow headquarters ... Coordinator of the Moscow headquarters of Alexei Navalny Nikolay Lyaskin leaves his post and from Monday, December 4th, will take up a new ... on Facebook Lyaskin added that the new coordinator of the Moscow headquarters will be Sergei Boyko, who previously served as the coordinator of Navalny's headquarters in Novosibirsk. Nikolay Lyaskin - employee ... Coordinator of Navalny's Moscow headquarters was detained in Moscow ... 1905 "detained the coordinator of the Moscow headquarters of the opposition leader Alexei Navalny Nikolay Lyaskin... About his detention Lyaskin told RBC. "I am now in the Presnensky OVD, they are checking ... a person who does not appear, perhaps from the Center for Countering Extremism," said Lyaskin... According to him, his deputy Vitaly Serukanov was also detained and ...

Society, 22 Sep 2017, 10:35

TASS announced a recognizance not to leave for the attacker of Lyaskin ... Shcherbakov, suspected of attacking the coordinator of the Moscow headquarters Alexei Navalny Nikolay Lyaskin, were released on recognizance not to leave. This is reported by TASS with ... Alexey Shcherbakov once again proves that “the story of the attack on Nikolay Lyaskin - provocation ". “Usually, in such cases, a measure of restraint is chosen in the form of ... the terms of recovery from the injury. “My head hurts,” he stated. On Nikolay Lyaskin attacked on September 15 in Moscow. According to him, the attacker approached ...

Society, 22 Sep 2017, 07:20

Lyaskin spoke about a confrontation with a suspect in the attack on him ... Coordinator of the Moscow headquarters of politician Alexei Navalny Nikolay Lyaskin told about a confrontation with a suspect in the attack on him. .... The police detained a suspect in the attack on Nikolay Lyaskin September 19th. The next day, the detainee stated that Lyaskin he himself hired him. According to ... of the FBK department, Ivan Zhdanov on September 20 said that the police had interrogated Nikolay Lyaskin in the assault case as a victim. “But it raises doubts ...

Society, 20 Sep 2017, 23:47

Beaten up coordinator of Navalny's headquarters was interrogated in the case of the attack ... The police interrogated Nikolay Lyaskin, coordinator of the Moscow headquarters of opposition leader Alexei Navalny, in the attack case. ... with a pipe wrapped in a newspaper, after which he fled the scene. Lyaskin said that doctors diagnosed him with a closed craniocerebral injury ... a suspect, he told the head of the headquarters about the desire to earn money, what Lyaskin "Invited" him to stage an attack on two people for a fee. IN...

Politics, 20 Sep 2017, 14:21

A previously convicted resident of St. Petersburg was suspected of attacking Lyaskin ... In the attack on the coordinator of the Moscow headquarters Alexei Navalny Nikolay Lyaskin a previously convicted resident of St. Petersburg Alexei Shcherbakov is suspected, sources told ... the case of the attack on the coordinator of the Moscow campaign headquarters Alexei Navalny Nikolay Lyaskin a previously convicted resident of St. Petersburg Alexey Shcherbakov was detained, told RBC ...

Politics, 20 Sep 2017, 13:55

Beaten up coordinator of Navalny's headquarters accused of staging an attack ... The suspect in the attack on Nikolay Lyaskin, coordinator of the Moscow headquarters of opposition leader Alexei Navalny, said that Lyaskin he himself hired him. Reporting this ... giving evidence, the suspect said that he had previously known the victim Nikolay Lyaskin... “When asked about the circumstances of the acquaintance, he explained that it happened in ... thus they are trying to discredit him. In the case of the attack on Nikolay Lyaskin a football fan from St. Petersburg Alexei Shcherbakov was detained, told RBC ...

Society, 19 Sep 2017, 22:37

Suspect in attack on head of Navalny's headquarters in Moscow detained ... the policy of Alexei Navalny Nikolay Lyaskin in Moscow. This was reported to TASS by the lawyer of the Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK) Ivan Zhdanov. " Lyaskin now in the police station ... hope that this is the attacker, ”he added. On Nikolay Lyaskin attacked on Prospekt Mira in Moscow on the evening of September 15. He ... is a steel pipe wrapped in newspaper, ”added Lyaskin... He could not see the intruder's face. Lyaskin reported that doctors diagnosed him with a closed cranial ...

Society, 16 Sep 2017, 14:02

Navalny's associate's lawyer will achieve the transfer of the criminal case to the UK ... Lawyer Nikolay Lyaskin, the leader of the campaign headquarters in Moscow, politician Alexei Navalny, plans to achieve ... hooliganism after the attack on his ward. This was announced by the defender Lyaskin, Ivan Zhdanov, reports "Interfax". We will insist on a referral ... a procedural decision. This is a crime that he committed against Lyaskin unidentified man on September 15. He approached the head of the Moscow headquarters ...

Society, 16 Sep 2017, 09:48

The case of the attack on the head of Navalny's headquarters was opened under the article "hooliganism" ... attacks in the capital on the coordinator of the Moscow campaign headquarters Alexei Navalny Nikolay Lyaskin, the press service of the Moscow police headquarters told Interfax. Information... Nikolay Lyaskin happened the night before, 15 September. He said that an unknown person approached him from behind and hit him several times with an iron pipe. Lyaskin ...

Society, 15 Sep 2017, 19:56

Unknown person with an iron pipe attacked the head of Navalny's Moscow headquarters ... Alexey Navalny Nikolay Lyaskin was attacked in Moscow. He himself announced this on his Twitter page. According to Lyaskin, an unknown person attacked him from behind and hit him several times with an iron pipe. Lyaskin also posted a photo showing the assault weapon. The attacker fled, he added. twitter :: @ nlyaskin In a conversation with RBC Lyaskin gave details of the attack. “We were walking along the sidewalk with the headquarters volunteer. Behind ... Navalny was not arrested for "campaign subbotnik" ... of the election headquarters of Navalny Leonid Volkov and the head of the Moscow headquarters of the campaign Nikolay Lyaskin... Volkov waited for the court's decision for more than four hours, as a result he was ... fined 300 thousand rubles. Lyaskin was fined 250 thousand rubles. August 3 in the evening, bye Lyaskin, Navalny and Volkov were in court ...

Nikolay Lyaskin was hospitalized in the Botkin hospital after his arrest. He wrote about this on his Twitter page. According to Lyaskin, in ... the police hit him on the head. Ambulance workers diagnosed Lyaskin suspected concussion. twitter: ...

Society, 10 Mar 2017, 16:08

ICR stepped up investigative actions against Navalny's associates ... a fraudulent scheme: municipal deputy Konstantin Yankauskas, leader of the Moscow Progress Party Nikolay Lyaskin and who was at that time the executive director of the Fund for the Fight against ... witnesses about once every six months, he pointed out in a conversation with RBC Lyaskin Churov promised to consider complaints from Navalny's associates ... progress Nikolay Lyaskin... After the head of the CEC examined the posters demanding to allow the Democratic Coalition to participate in the regional elections, he invited Lyaskin ... two lawyers of the coalition to talk to their office, told RBC Lyaskin... On Thursday, the CEC received a complaint from the PARNAS party (about the elections ... in the elevator, Churov promised that our complaint would be carefully considered, "he said Lyaskin... According to him, before the office of the head of the CEC, they just ...

Former head of Navalny's Moscow headquarters


Born on May 28, 1982 in Moscow. Graduated from the Moscow State Institute of Electronics and Mathematics in 2004. In 2012, he received a second higher education with a degree in State and Municipal Administration at the Russian State Psychological and Pedagogical University.

Was listed as the head of a number of commercial organizations. Politics: In 2011, Lyaskin is the organizer of the "Observers School". One of the organizers of the Smena movement. In 2012 - head of the campaign headquarters of Evgenia Chirikova. During the street actions Lyaskin was repeatedly detained by the police. On April 8, 2012, he was detained in Red Square while trying to set up a tent, as a sign of resistance to election fraud, and received 5 days of administrative arrest. In May 2012, he was detained at the "festivities" on Kudrinskaya Square. In 2013, Lyaskin is the chairman of the regional branch of the People's Alliance party in Moscow and the head of the support headquarters for Alexei Navalny in Kirov, a confidant of Alexei Navalny in the election of the Mayor of Moscow. At this time, Nikolai Lyaskin was described as a specialist in organizing street events: from a "march to the electoral commission" to a rally in Sokolniki. He organized 89 street meetings between Navalny and voters. Each of the events he organized, as his associates note, was "impeccable in terms of logistics, safety, interaction with people." They also noted that he sensibly prepares election observers. In 2014, Lyaskin is a candidate for the Moscow City Duma in the 20th electoral district. On January 15, 2014, in Novokosin, a meeting of residents with the head of the local council took place, which was dedicated to the construction of a hotel for migrants. After the residents surrounded the head's car, the police began the arrest. Nikolai Lyaskin was among the detainees. Some considered this to be the start of the election campaign in the Moscow City Duma. However, he failed in the election. He nominated himself for the number 20 (Kosino-Ukhtomsky, Nekrasovka, Novokosino districts, part of the Veshnyaki district) constituency from the opposition coalition For Moscow, but did not manage to collect the required number of signatures and withdrew his candidacy. During the election campaign, a criminal case was reopened against him on the fact of fraud with funds from Navalny's electoral fund.

In 2011, Lyaskin is the organizer of the “Observers School”. One of the organizers of the Smena movement.
In 2012 - the head of the campaign headquarters of Evgenia Chirikova.
During the street actions Lyaskin was repeatedly detained by the police.
On April 8, 2012, he was detained in Red Square while trying to set up a tent, as a sign of resistance to election fraud, and received 5 days of administrative arrest. In May 2012, he was detained at the "festivities" on Kudrinskaya Square.
In 2013, Lyaskin is the chairman of the regional branch of the People's Alliance party in Moscow and the head of the support headquarters for Alexei Navalny in Kirov, a confidant of Alexei Navalny in the mayoral elections in Moscow.
At this time, Nikolai Lyaskin was described as a specialist in organizing street events: from a "march to the electoral commission" to a rally in Sokolniki. He organized 89 street meetings between Navalny and voters.
Each of the events he organized, as his associates note, was "impeccable in terms of logistics, safety, and interaction with people." They also noted that he sensibly prepares election observers.
In 2014, Lyaskin is a candidate for the Moscow City Duma in the 20th electoral district.
On January 15, 2014, in Novokosin, a meeting of residents with the head of the local council was held, which was dedicated to the construction of a hotel for migrants. After the residents surrounded the head's car, the police began the arrest. Nikolai Lyaskin was among the detainees. Some considered this the start of the election campaign in the Moscow City Duma.
However, he failed in the election. He nominated himself for the number 20 (Kosino-Ukhtomsky, Nekrasovka, Novokosino districts, part of the Veshnyaki district) constituency from the opposition coalition For Moscow, but did not manage to collect the required number of signatures and withdrew his candidacy.
During the election campaign, a criminal case was reopened against him on the fact of fraud with funds from Navalny's electoral fund.


Lives with his wife and daughter in Moscow Kozhukhovo