The most famous temples in the world. Unique temples of the world

Temples are architectural structures that are intended for the performance of religious rituals and worship. However, we can say that the importance of temples is often much wider than the ritual functions they perform and the embodied religious ideas.

The first temples of the world appeared in ancient times and not only as religious buildings - they reflected the search for God inherent in man. Throughout human history, they have been an integral part of the city's landscape, and many of them have become so famous that they have become symbols.

Temples of the Ancient World

The very first temples in Ancient Egypt that are known to modern science were built in the fourth millennium BC. They were shaped like reed huts. The last of the completed temples is in Philae. It was no longer used for its intended purpose only in the 6th century.


One of the main attractions of Egypt is the badly destroyed Karnak. It is recognized as the largest ancient temple in the world. The structure is the creation of many generations of Egyptian builders.

Karnak Temple consists of three buildings - small closed buildings and several external ones, located north of Luxor (2.5 km). It took several thousand years for the construction and organization of strengthening of the majestic Karnak Temple. However, the bulk of the work at Karnak was carried out by the pharaohs of the New Kingdom. The most famous structure in Karnak is considered to be the Hypostyle Hall, which has an area of \u200b\u200b50 thousand square meters. It has 134 massive columns that are arranged in 16 rows.

Temples of Abu Simbel

Temples of the world are sometimes striking in their uniqueness. For example, temples (double) of Abu Simbel were carved into the slopes of the mountain. This happened during the reign of Pharaoh Rameses the Great in the 13th century BC. e. The temples have become an eternal monument to Ramses and his queen Nefertari.

Temple of Edfu

Temples of the world were often built and dedicated to the gods. So the temple of Edfu was built in honor of the God Falcon Horus. It is the second largest temple in Egypt after Karnak and one of the best preserved. Construction began in 237 BC. e. At that time, Ptolemy III was in power. The work was completed two centuries later (in 57 BC). The structure is composed of traditional elements of Egyptian temples, as well as several Greek elements, for example, Mammisi (birth houses).

Church of the Holy Sepulcher

Orthodox churches of the world were built in different countries. The Church of the Holy Sepulcher was built on Mount Calvary, the site of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Here he was martyred.

It was founded by the mother of Emperor Constantine, Helen, in 335. Once she found in the underground chambers of the temple of Venus, which had previously stood on this place, a cave with the Holy Sepulcher and the Cross on which Jesus was crucified. There is a legend that three absolutely identical crosses were found in the dungeon at once. In order to find out which of them is real, Elena in turn touched them to the Coffin with the body of the deceased. When the real Cross touched him, a miracle happened - the deceased was resurrected.

Saint Isaac's Cathedral

The most beautiful temples in the world are admired not only by parishioners. The tourists who visit them are also delighted with the beautiful structures. The majestic St. Isaac's Cathedral is a striking example of Russian religious architecture. Many experts are sure that this is one of the most beautiful domed buildings in the world. It is located in our Northern capital. The temple can simultaneously accommodate up to 12 thousand people. Previously, people used to come here for services, but now they are mostly tourists. The temple received the status of a history and art museum in 1937.

The diameter of the outer dome of the temple is twenty-five meters. More than a hundred kilograms were spent to cover the central one, as well as the domes on the bell towers. The colonnade, one hundred meters high above the dome, offers a striking view of the city center and the banks of the Neva.

The largest temples

Christian churches of the world are distinguished by their architectural styles, interior decoration, and the presence of certain shrines. Nevertheless, they are all priceless monuments of history and architecture.

The most magnificent religious building in our country is the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, located in Moscow. Initially, the temple was built according to the project of Ton. Its construction began in 1839. Unfortunately, in 1931 the temple, like many cathedrals and churches in our country, was destroyed, and it was rebuilt in 1997.

The height of the temple is 105 meters. The structure has the shape of an equilateral cross (width - 85 m). The temple can simultaneously accommodate 10 thousand people. The interior decoration is impressive in luxury, which was borrowed from the Byzantine religion (Orthodox).

Saint Paul's Cathedral

Famous temples of the world are places of pilgrimage. This fully applies to the Cathedral of St. Peter - the largest temple in the Vatican. It is believed to be the largest temple in the world. Its length is 212 meters, width is 150 m, and the occupied area is more than 22 thousand m 2. Height with a cross on the dome is 136 meters. The cathedral can simultaneously accommodate about 60 thousand people.

The temple was erected in the 16th century by such great masters as Raphael, Michelangelo, a magnificent structure for more than five centuries. Earlier on this place was a circus, in which, in the time of Nero, Christians were tortured and put to death. He was also brought here and asked to be executed not like Christ, and he was crucified head down.

Three centuries later, Emperor Constantine ordered to build a basilica here in honor of St. Peter, and in 1452 Nicholas V (Pope) began construction of the cathedral. The temple was built for 120 years. In 1667, J. designed the square in front of the cathedral, which accommodates all believers who wish to receive a blessing.

St. Peter's Basilica is the prototype for the creation of many large churches in the world, such as the Dame de la Pé in the city of Yamoussoukro. It was built in 1989. The building area is 30 thousand square meters. It accommodates 20 thousand people. In addition, the cathedral served as a model for the Church of St. Paul (London). The dimensions of the building are 170 x 90 m. The author of the project is the architect Christopher Wren.

Temples of Peace: Forbidden Mosque

This is the main shrine of the Muslim world. There is the Kaaba in her yard. The mosque was built in 638. By the decree of the King of Saudi Arabia, the reconstruction of the mosque has been carried out since 2007.

In the course of construction work in the northern direction, the territory increased to 400 thousand square meters. The mosque now accommodates 1.12 million parishioners. But two minarets are still under construction. Given the territory, the ceremonies held here will be able to participate in two and a half million people at the same time.

The most beautiful temples

Of course, for true believers, the most beautiful churches are located in their cities, where they attend services. Nevertheless, there are cathedrals in the world that are admired by all people on our planet. We will tell you about some of them.

Notre dame cathedral

The location of this cathedral on (Paris) is not accidental. In ancient times, there was a pagan temple of Jupiter, then - the first Christian church in Paris (St. Stephen's Basilica). The construction of the cathedral began in 1163. It lasted for over two hundred years.

The temple is made mainly in the Gothic style, but the towers differ greatly in their appearance. This is due to the fact that different architects took part in the work.

One of the most important Christian relics - Christ, who was transported here from Jerusalem, is carefully preserved in the cathedral. There is no traditional wall painting inside the cathedral. But the huge colored stained glass windows illustrate biblical scenes. There is a legend that the famous Emmanuelle bell, weighing 13 tons, is cast from women's jewelry.

Sagrada Familia

This cathedral is located in Barcelona (Spain). The construction of the grandiose structure lasted more than forty years under the supervision, and to date it has not been completed.

This is due to the fact that the initiators of the construction set a condition: the temple should be built only on donations from parishioners. Modern experts believe that construction will be completed in 2026. The temple has the shape of a Latin cross, the facade is decorated with sayings from the Bible.

St. Basil's Cathedral

The magnificent Orthodox church is located in Moscow, on Red Square. It is named after Vasily (the holy fool), who dared to voice his dissatisfaction with the rule of Tsar Ivan the Terrible.

The temple was called Trinity until the 17th century. It was built in the middle of the 16th century. As the legend says, Ivan the Terrible ordered to blind the architect so that in the future he would never be able to create something like that. For several centuries, the temple has been the hallmark of not only the capital, but the whole of Russia. Today it is included in the UNESCO heritage list. Nowadays there is a branch of the Historical Museum.

There are a great many ancient temples in the world: colorful, amazing, shrouded in mysterious stories and legends. Pilgrims and tourists come to them - for help, quenching curiosity, for expressions of admiration, which have survived for hundreds of years. We will present you with ten of the most famous cathedrals that captivated people with their beauty and difficult construction history.


The walls of this cathedral were erected at the beginning of the IV century, at the time when Constantine I ruled Byzantium. After the Turks captured Constantinople in 1453, the temple was supplemented with several more minarets, which later allowed it to become a world famous museum.


This temple was erected in the 4th century. The place of construction was not chosen by chance: it is believed that it was here that Christ was executed. Throughout its existence, the temple has experienced fires, destruction, and reconstruction.


Masjid al-Haram is considered the main Muslim shrine and this. It was built in the 7th century around the Kaaba, where, according to legend, Adam erected the first of all sanctuaries on earth. According to the instructions of the Prophet Muhammad, all Muslims now turn their prayers to this mosque.


The ancient temple of Notre Dame de Paris was built for a very long time: its walls began to be laid in 1163, and finished almost 200 years later. The cathedral contains an amazing Christian relic. It is about the Crown of Thorns worn on Jesus during the execution.


This temple is considered the center of the entire Catholic world. Its history begins during the reign of the emperor Nero, who organized public executions here. Another ruler, Constantine, erected a basilica on this site, and Pope Nicholas V in 1452 built a temple that now exists here, striking in its size.


The mosque, erected in memory of Shah Jahan's insane love for his wife, who died in childbirth, is striking in its impeccable beauty. The feelings frozen in the white stone are constantly "changing": the translucent marble from which the walls are erected paints them, depending on the lighting, in different shades.


The temple of the island of Mykonos consists of 365 churches. Perhaps that is why this architectural structure is considered one of the most beautiful cathedrals in the world. The austerity and modesty of the temple "dilutes" its framing: the transparent blue sea, which replaces the walls of the cathedral, and the bottomless blue sky, which serves as a dome.


This is the only cathedral whose construction has not yet been completed. After completion of construction, it will be - 170 meters. Antonio Gaudi has been building the walls of the temple for 40 years, but still did not have time to bring the matter to its logical conclusion. The approximate completion date for the construction of the cathedral is 2026, but even the townspeople do not believe in this, calling the temple a building that will never be completed.


The great Russian temple was built during the reign of Ivan the Terrible. Today it is also known as the Cathedral of the Intercession of the Holy Mother of God. It has 65 meters in height and eleven domes of all kinds of colors and shapes.


Las Lajas was built on the bridge at Nariño overlooking Guaitara. This was done in order for the temple to help protect these places from mystical forces. Surprising fact: no scientist can identify the composition of the paint that has soaked stones to the very foundation.

At all times, religion was considered the main motivator of humanity for accomplishment, and people thanked the deity for help in all matters. Temples in different religions were built with style and for centuries, so today they have become objects of the cultural heritage of mankind. In addition to pilgrims, they are often visited by tourists who want to become a part of history and enjoy the splendor of the buildings. Consider next the most famous templesbuilt around the world.

10. Basilica of the Sacre-Coeur, France

The building is considered one of the most famous churches in France, where millions of believers from all over the world come every year. The temple was built to honor those killed in the Franco-Prussian war. It took about 40 years to build it. There is a beautiful view of Paris at the gate of the attraction. But you will not have time to admire, because all attention will be focused on the temple. The building was erected from an unusual mineral mined in the town of Chateau-Landon near the capital. The material becomes lighter on contact with water. The temple is beautiful externally and internally, striking architecture.

9. Lotus Temple, India

This building is considered to be one of the most original temples in the world, as it visually resembles a blossoming flower. This is one of the most visited places in New Delhi, which is why it is called the modern Taj Mahal. The temple complex is located on an area of \u200b\u200babout 10 hectares. It is made in the shape of a lotus with 27 petals. For the implementation of the project, white concrete was used, additionally covered with Greek marble. The height of the temple reaches 34 meters, and its length is twice as large.

Like other sights of India, the building inside is striking in its minimalism. There is no luxury here, and 1300 people can be accommodated in one hall at a time. The architects presented the building with excellent acoustics and ventilation, so the temple is cool in summer and comfortable in cold weather.

8. St. Mark's Cathedral, Venice

One of the most famous churches in Italy - St. Mark's Cathedral - was built in just 30 years, but almost 5 centuries had to be spent on its reconstruction. In terms of its status among monuments, it corresponds to the Hagia Sophia, which is located in Istanbul. The building is designed in the form of a basilica with a cross dome, similar to the Church of the Holy Apostles. During its existence, architects changed its style to Romanesque, Gothic and even Oriental.

Each of the elements of the interior decoration corresponds to the biblical stories. They are created using colored marble and various church utensils, located on an area of \u200b\u200babout 4 hectares. Cancer, in which the relics of St. Mark are hidden, is located under the throne of the main altar.

7. Temple of Truth, Thailand

The Temple of Truth is the most famous religious building, which continues to be built today. It has been being built for 32 years, and according to the builders, no nails are used for this. In fact, they are driven in half, and at the end of the work they plan to pull them out. It's too early to talk about the completion date, but they are being prepared for 2025. The construction started in 1981, and the old buildings are gradually decaying.

In the Temple of Truth, there are carved figures and ornaments that speak of mythological stories. The 105-meter height of the building is surprising. Any part of the building has its own meaning. Therefore, tourists can learn a lot about the Thai religion.

6. Wat Rong Khun, Thailand

Another representative of Thailand on our list of famous temples in the world. Wat Rong Khun differs from other religious buildings in the country by the presence of glass mosaics and white structures. The founder of the temple was a well-known Thai artist who had been raising funds for 20 years. The white reference is associated with the purity of the Buddha. The foundation began to be laid back in 1997, and upon completion the complex should include 9 buildings, including a chapel, a pavilion, a monastery and others. The complex is still under construction, but today Wat Rong Khun is becoming a place of pilgrimage for tourists. In the White Temple, it was possible to combine Buddhist culture with contemporary design solutions.

5. Cathedral of St. Basil the Blessed, Russia

St. Basil's Cathedral is located on a cult site - Red Square. During its existence (especially during the USSR period), the question of demolishing the building was repeatedly raised, but he was lucky to withstand. The unusual multi-colored temple attracts the attention of tourists, contrasting with the monotonous colors of the center of Moscow. During the 20th century, the cathedral was restored many times, which allowed it to maintain its attractive appearance.

Construction began in 1561 and lasted 5 years. It was initiated by Ivan the Terrible, who thus perpetuated the capture of Kazan. On the territory of the temple there are nine churches and a bell tower, installed on the same foundation. Today, a branch of the Historical Museum has been opened on its territory, and since 1990, divine services have been conducted there.

4. Cathedral of the Sagrada Familia, Spain

Barcelona is a unique city, renowned for centuries by the great architect Gaudí, whose works delight tourists. The construction of the Sagrada Familia Cathedral began in 1882, and after 9 years the work was entrusted to the great Antonio. The master realized ideas for 43 years, but during this time only a third of the idea was built. The design of the building resembles a Latin cross, many of which even now make it a futuristic object.

According to Gaudí's idea, the facades of the temple should symbolize the Resurrection, Christmas and the Passion of Christ. Their height was about 112 meters, and the number of towers had to correspond to the number of the apostles. Five other towers represented Christ surrounded by evangelists. According to the architects, work on the temple should be completed in 2030. But even in an unfinished state, the Sagrada Familia is one of the most recognizable temples on the planet.

3. St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican

The central landmark of the Vatican, which can be called the heart of the Catholic Church. Climbing the building, you can see Ancient Rome in all its glory. You can see the surrounding area from the top of the dome. Dozens of famous architects and designers have had a hand in the construction of the religious building. The basilica in its place appeared in the 4th century, and for the next 1100 years the building was of no interest. Only in 1506 grandiose work began.

The height of the church reaches 146 meters, so many churches of Europe could be located on its territory. On the facade there are statues of John the Baptist, Christ and other biblical characters.

2. Notre Dame de Paris, France

Notre Dame Cathedral is widely known due to the mention in the books of Victor Hugo. Apparently, the writer managed to kindle in the French a love for the sights, which continues to this day. Under Louis 16, the stained glass windows of Notre Dame were destroyed and the building was badly damaged. During the revolution, the building also did not interest the government. But over time, reconstruction began, giving the temple the famous chimeras.

It took about two centuries to build the cathedral, so its Romanesque style is complemented by the Gothic one. Hence the unique appearance of the building. The size of the cathedral is huge, so a 12-storey building can be hidden in it. The building lacks internal walls, replaced by columns.

1. Church of the Holy Sepulcher, Israel

This is without a doubt the most famous temple in the world. The main shrine of Christianity is made in the form of a complex of buildings that grew on the site of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and Golgotha. The cathedral is located in Old Jerusalem. Twice (1545 and 1808) the building experienced cataclysms. But even more difficult inside was the relationship between the confessions, which with difficulty divided among themselves the rights and obligations regarding the use of the relic.

The main facade is in Romanesque style and is located on the south side of the building. Here is the entrance, previously decorated with bas-reliefs and frescoes, which are now on display in the Jerusalem Museum. The temple consists of three components - the Temple on Calvary, the Holy Sepulcher and the Temple of the Resurrection.

On May 1, Orthodox Christians around the world celebrate Easter. In honor of this bright holiday, we propose to see a selection of beautiful temples located in various parts of the world.

1. Holy Trinity Cathedral (Jerusalem, Israel)

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The main temple of the Russian Orthodox Church in Jerusalem - Holy Trinity Cathedral - was erected in the second half of the 19th century in the neo-Byzantine style. The author of the five-domed white-stone church was the Russian Martin Eppinger.

2. Cathedral of Saint Sava (Belgrade, Serbia)

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One of the largest Orthodox churches in the world is the Cathedral of St. Sava in Belgrade. It was built throughout almost the entire 20th century, from 1935 to 1989. Sophia Cathedral in Constantinople (Istanbul) served as an architectural model for it, therefore it is made in the classical Byzantine style. And the four turrets around the main dome are a feature of the Serbian medieval style.

3. Temple-monument of Alexander Nevsky (Sofia, Bulgaria)

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The temple-monument of Alexander Nevsky stands out among all the other churches in Bulgaria for its impressive size and beauty. This largest Orthodox cathedral in the Balkans was built at the beginning of the 20th century in honor of Russian soldiers who died during the liberation of Bulgaria from Turkish rule during the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-78. The author of the project of the temple was the Russian architect Alexander Pomerantsev. The facade of the cathedral is decorated with granite and white stone, it is also decorated with cornices, friezes and columns.

4. Tsminda Sameba (Tbilisi, Georgia)


The main temple of the Georgian Orthodox Church is Tsminda Sameba - the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity in Tbilisi, built at the end of the 20th century. Its architecture mixed the traditional Georgian style of church architecture and some features of the Byzantine architectural style.

5. Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Helsinki, Finland)

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The Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Helsinki is considered the largest Orthodox church in Northern Europe. It was built during the reign of Emperor Alexander II, when Finland was part of the Russian Empire as an autonomous Grand Duchy of Finland.

6. Cathedral of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (Nice, Italy)

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Nice can boast of the most beautiful Orthodox cathedral of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. The temple was built at the beginning of the twentieth century according to the classical canons of architecture of five-domed Moscow churches. Moreover, the Russian Emperor Nicholas II donated 700 thousand francs from his personal treasury for the erection of the dome and the completion of construction work.

7. Annunciation Cathedral (Kharkov, Ukraine)

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Kharkiv Annunciation Cathedral began to be built at the end of the 19th century in a spectacular Byzantine-Russian style with elements of eclecticism. The project was developed by the architect Mikhail Lovtsov, who, on the one hand, crowned the cathedral with the traditional Moscow five-domed dome, and, on the other hand, used the hemispherical domed outlines typical of the Byzantine style.

8. Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ (St. Petersburg, Russia)

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Most Russian Orthodox churches are not only stunningly beautiful, but also unique in terms of architecture. For example, the legendary Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ (Church of the Savior on the Blood) in St. Petersburg is a kind of collective image of a Russian Orthodox church. A variety of materials are used in its decor: brick, marble, granite, enamel, gilded copper and mosaics.

Currently, the temple is a cultural heritage site and is considered inactive. However, on major church holidays, including Christmas, solemn services and liturgies are held there.

9. Cathedral of Christ the Savior (Moscow, Russia)

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The main Christmas service in Russia is traditionally held in the Moscow Cathedral of Christ the Savior, which experienced a "rebirth" in the 90s of the 20th century, when it was rebuilt. In the architecture of the building, the features of Greek and Byzantine temples are guessed, however, the temple is distinguished from their monumentality by the lightness of forms.

10. Holy Ascension Cathedral (Almaty, Kazakhstan)

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One of the two cathedral churches of the Astanaai and Almaty dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church. It is located in the park named after 28 Panfilov guardsmen. Monument of wooden architecture; a sample of an earthquake-resistant structure. Included in the list of monuments of history and culture of Kazakhstan of republican significance.