The theory of intelligent egoism: description, essence and basic concept. Lectures on the novel by N.G.

Egoism is the whole system of values ​​of a person, which is characterized by the overriding of special needs by relation to the interests and needs of another person or a social group. When satisfied with the power of interests, it looks like a greater good. In psychological and ethical theories, hisism is respected by innate power, as it is necessary to do it.

theory of egoism

You can see two main approaches to the problem of hisism:

  • People, in the nature of power, pragnate to the point of annihilation, unique suffering;
  • Lyudina in his moral activity is guilty of following special interests.

In ancient philosophy, the idea was expressed that people are hisististic people, and all morality is to blame. At the peak of feudal-Christian morality, as if propagating the spirit of worldly people, French materials solidified, following Demokrit and Epicurus, that morality engenders exclusively earthly interests of people.

The essence of the ethical concept of "reasonable egoism" was believed to be that people are guilty of satisfying their needs "reasonably", then they are not super-respectful of the interests of a few particularities and prosperity as a whole, but, instead, begin to serve them. Until the end of the XIX century. This theory was reborn in the establishment of the principled priority of special needs over any others. In everyday life, there is a reasonable egoism - it’s better to live in the interests of power, not in the unimportant values ​​of lonely people, it’s so short-sighted and invisible for other reasons.

The theory of social exchange is based on the vindictiveness of hisism, arguments that show how people seem to want to take the greatest possible wine city with minimum wine costs. From the theory of theory, it is clear that whether or not the culprits are picked up according to his mystical promptings in order to take the best care or to get away early. The vigoda is implicit, which are dictated altruistically at first glance, dip into social laudation, increased self-esteem, relief from a little anxiety, or dokorіv sumlіnnya. Such a pіdhіd to the problem іїїзму does not vrakhovuє, scho іїїїїїїє є polіpshennya svogo stavishcha' by the end method, and the altruist - turbot about іншу people. Such manifestations, like insane love, compassion and empathy, are either not taken to respect, or are pieced together in the Procrustean bed of theory.

Oskіlki egoїzm accepted to oppose altruism, іsnuє a number of theories, zgіdno z yіїїzm і arguments on yogіїzm і mаy for rіznіh reasons to use force. For example, the concept of social norms comes out of the fact that the extra help is tied to the foundations in the application of the singing rules, as if to be embarrassed by his mystical behavior for their victories. The norm of reciprocity is spontaneously helping a person to be good, not evil, Tim, who has come to help you. The norm of social responsibility punishes dbaty about the quiet, who needs it, independently from the stained hour and otrimanoї zamіst podyaki.

Egoism often takes a negative assessment of the suspense, and advising on the choice of such a strategy of behavior is considered immoral. The reason is to be judged on all equals: in philosophy, religion, sovereignty and in everyday life.

It is important that hisism begins to dominate, as the tactics of cheating are directed to the reinforcement of self-esteem and his centrism. As a result, a stance of orientation is formed on special experiences, interests and needs. For a year, selfishness and baiting to other people and their inner light can lead to self-sufficiency, and the present light will be taken like a fortune teller.

Reasonable egoism is a term often used in the last years of the nineteenth century to define the philosophical and ethical position, as it establishes for the skin subject of principles the priority of the subject's special interests over any other interests, whether they are large and large subjective.

The need for a clear term is framed, perhaps, with a negative connotation, it is traditionally associated with the term “hisism”. As if under his own (without the clarifying word “reasonable”) people often become wise, as if they think only about themselves and / or because there are no interests of other people, then the adherents of “reasonable hisism” sound hard, that such anger, for a number of reasons, is simply invisible to others , then, is not egoism (in view of the priority of special interests over any others), but rather by showing short-sightedness or inducing fools. Razumny egoism in a pobutovom rozumіnі - tse vminnya to live in the interests of power, not superchachi to the interests of others.

The concept of sensible egoism began to take shape in the New Hour, the first reflections on this topic are already discussed in the practice of Spinoza and Helvetia, and in general the bula is presented only in Chernishevsky’s novel “Who Work?”. In the 20th century, the ideas of sensible egoism are inspired by Ayn Rand in the selection of essays “Honesty to egoism”, the novella “Hymn” and the novels “Dzherelo” and “Atlas Shrugging”. In the philosophy of Ayn Rand, his rationalism is not the same as rationalism in thought and objectivism in ethics. The psychotherapist Nathaniel Branden has also taken up a sensible egoism.

The concept of "reasonable egoism". In this concept, it is emphasized that the social viability of business is simply “good business”, which helps to change the long-term debt and spend a surplus. Implementing social programs, the corporation will shorten its stream of income, but in the pre-stroke period, it will form a friendly social environment for its practitioners and the territory of its activity, creating at the same time for stable income. This concept fits into the theory of rational behavior of economic agents.

The essence of rational egoism lies in what is accepted in the economy when conducting rights and respecting alternative costs. If it stinks more, then it is not conducted on the right, for example, for those who can, with greater profit, invest their resources in another right. The key word is vigoda. It's normal for the economy and business.

Ale scho ossuetsya spheres of human vision - the principle of vigodi (the leading principle of economics) transforms people into animals and knows the essence of the life of a person. Vіdnosiny in the mainstream of sensible egoism are marked by an assessment of the best in different relationships with people and the choice of the most visual blue. Be merciful, having shown unruly love, instill good grace from tz. sensible hisist - stupidity. Mayut sense less mercy, philanthropy, beneficence for the sake of public relations, otrimannya pіlg, various posts.

One more pardon for sensible egoism - tse equalization of the crust and goodness. It's at least not reasonable. Tobto razumny egoism itself superspeech.

Reasonable egoism - tse vminnya know the balance between the needs of the people and the power of power.

Reasonable egoism is characterized by a great understanding of life, and a more subtle kind of egoism. Vіn tezhe may be directing on the material, but the method of otrimannya or reach is more reasonable and less obsessed with “I, me, mine”. Such people have a sense of how much to produce obsession, and stink and vicarist more subtle ways of tasting bazhany, which bring less suffering and one's own and others. Such people are more sensible (ethical) and less hisistic, they don’t walk on the heads of others, or in front of them, they don’t provoke violence, be it of any kind, and are safe to honestly promote exchange, protecting the interests of all, with whom they may be right.

The theory of rational egoism takes its bud from the philosophical motives of such eminent philosophers of the 17th century, Jacques Locke, Hobbes, Puffendorf, Grotius. The announcement about the “self-made Robinson”, who voluntarily in the natural camp with unbounded freedom and changing the natural freedom for public rights and obligations, was viklikanі to life in a new way of activity, that gospodaryuvannya and recognized the provisions of the individual in the industrial-industrial sphere, power (let’s not bring only on your working strength), so that you act like a private sergeant and rebuild, then, on yourself, your own healthy judgment about the world and your decision. Vіn went out of vlasnyh іnteresіv, and їх nіyak it was not possible to throw off rahunkіv, shards of a new type of statehood, the first for all tradesmanship, spire on the principle of material congestion.

Tsya new suspіlna situation bula vіbrazhenâ in the educators about the person as a natural, natural іstotu, all the power of such, including special interests, determined by nature. Adzhe vіdpovіdno to its corporeal day of the skin pragmatically take away satisfaction and die of suffering, which is connected with love for oneself, but with self-love, based on the most important instinct - the instinct of self-preservation. So everyone mumbles, including Rousseau, even though the wines deviate a little from the wild line of the world, foreseeing the order with his reasonable mind and altruism. Ale and wine often turn to selfishness: Jerel of our passions, the cob and the basis of all others, a single passion, like people together with people and never leave yoga, while wine is alive, love for yourself; this predilection is primary, innate, what is ahead of you, whether it be something else: everything else is in the singing sense less її views ... Love to yourself is attached to yourself and love in evil with the order of speeches; so, as the skin was entrusted to us in front of the yoga of self-saving, then the first and most important of this turbot є - i is guilty of buti - the very post_yna turbot about self-saving, and how could we talk about it, yakbi didn’t bachi in their own main interest? .

Otzhe, the skin of the individual in all his deeds goes out of love to himself. But, being illumined by the light of the mind, you start to think, if you think only about yourself and achieve everything for yourself especially, then you will be stuck with a great number of difficulties, first for everything that everyone wants one and the same thing - the satisfaction of their needs, zasobiv for what else is not enough. That is why people step by step come to the visnovka, so that there is a sense in the world to surround yourself; tse fight for yourself not from love to others, but from love to yourself; henceforth, the language is not about altruism, but about its reasonable egoism, but it seems to be the guarantor of a calm and normal sleeping life. XVIII Art. make your own corrections in the qi of the manifestation. First, the stench of a healthy eye: until the end of time, it was possible to have a healthy mind, because without protecting the interests of other members of the society, without compromising them, it is impossible to induce a normal everyday life, it is impossible to ensure the uninterrupted functioning of the Lord's systems. Spiraling on himself is an independent individual, a hairdresser to come to such a visnovka independently, just like he is endowed with a healthy eye.

Further, there is a need to expand on the principles of the hromada community (about what further further mova). І remain to follow the rules of vihovannya. On this path, the middle is quiet, who, having expanded the theory of wandering, in the first line, between Helvetia and Rousseau, blame the deacons of strife. Democracy and humanism in the equal world characterize their concepts of vihovannia: resentment is changed in the fact that it is necessary to give equal opportunities to all people for vihovennia, as a result of which the skin can become a virtuous and illumined member of the soul. Sterzhuyuchy natural jealousy, Helvetius, however, begins to bring that all the vibes and talents of people in nature are absolutely the same, and the differences between them create only vihovennia, moreover, the role of nagoda is great. Just because of these reasons, that the impulse intrudes into our plans, the results often turn out to be not the same, as if a person were quick to start. Our life, Helvetius's perekonaniya, often lies in the most insignificant vices, but we don’t know the shards of them, we know that with all our power we mimic the goiters only of nature, but it’s not like that.

Rousseau on the view of Helvetia without imposing such a value on the differences, without imposing on the absolute natural identity. Navpaki, on the other hand, people from nature make different inclinations. However, those who are seen by people are mostly also attributed to being changed. Rousseau first saw the different centuries of life of a child; in the skin period, it is most likely to take on one particular swirl. So, in the first period of life, you need to develop physical inclinations, then you will feel better, then you will develop your mind and develop moral understanding. Rousseau called out to the victors to listen to the voice of nature, not to rape the nature of the child, to follow him, as if with complete specialness. Zavdyaks of criticism of the numerous scholastic methods of vihovannia, zavdyaki of establishing on the laws of nature and detailed implementation of the principles of "natural vihovanni" (like Bachimo, Rousseau's "natural" is not only religion - "naturally" is also vihovannia) Rousseau created a new direction of science - pedagogy and pressure a majestic infusion on the rich thinkers, the whimsical ones (on L.N. Tolstoy, I.V. Goethe, I. Pestalozzi, R. Rolland).

If we can see the movement of a person under the hood of dawn, such a boon is so important for the French enlighteners, and itself, reasonable to hisism, it is impossible not to remember the singing paradoxes that appear most of all, but the head rank of Helvetius. Vіn nіbi collapses in the mainstream of outrageous statements about selfishness and special interests, but to bring one's thoughts to paradoxical vysnovkіv. First, vin interpret special interests as a material benefit. In another way, all the phenomena of human life, all її podії Helvetius lead to a special interest adopted by such a rank. Tim himself is seen as the founder of utilitarianism. Love and friendship, the foundation of power and the principles of a suspіlnogo agreement, navit morality - all of Helvetia is brought to a special interest. So, honestly, we call it skin to brown for a new patch.

If, let’s say, I’m crying about a dead friend, I’m really crying not about a new one, but about myself, for that one, without a new one, I won’t be able to talk about myself, I’ll help you. Obviously, it is impossible to fit in with Helvetia's usual utilitarian frills, it is impossible to build all the human beings, you can see everything to the bareness, or take the grapes to the bazhanny. Dotrimannya moral precepts, for example, more for the head of the individual shkodi, lower to bring benefits - morality cannot be reduced to bark. Seeing people in the sphere of artistic creativity also cannot be described in terms of utilitarianism. Similar orders were lulled to the address of Helvetia already at one o'clock, and not only from enemies, but also from friends. So, Diderot, having followed Helvetius himself for good reason, creating in 1758 the book “About Rozum” (for the first time, the concept of utilitarianism was introduced): even if she was sentenced to a bedroom, and the author happened to be three times in her mind, that I was afraid that I would be embarrassed (like Lamette) to emigrate from France. And adzhe Helvetius is all to blame for the transfer of the zazdalegіd, and they have not killed those who have done it less. Moreover, in view of the tragedy experienced, Helvetius began to write a new book, developing the ideas of the first. At the link with the cim Didro I respect that it is not possible to make everything more and more to physical satisfaction and material wealth, and that especially wines are often ready to overcome the greatest attack of the gout of the least contempt for oneself.

And all the same, it is impossible not to recognize that Helvetian mother is accepted in one food - a special interest, moreover, material interest, stverzhuє itself in the sphere of material production, in the sphere of economics. A healthy eye zmushu here recognizes the interest of the skin yoga participant, and a small healthy eye, able to act on oneself and sacrifice oneself for the sake of the interest of the whole pull for oneself to strengthen the totalitarian aspirations of the state, as well as chaos in the economy. The grounding of a healthy eye in this sphere turns into a zahisty of interests of an individual like a sorcerer, and just like those that were put and dost be put in the province of Helvetia. And meanwhile, a new way of the state grounds itself on such an independent one, cherishes with a healthy mind and vouches for its decision of the subject - the subject of power and rights.

Over the past ten years, they sounded so much to reproach private authority, so sounded to be true to their own dishonesty and enthusiasm, that they may have spent a healthy mind. Prote private power and private interest are the necessary attributes of industrial civilization, zmist that is not dependent on class interactions alone.

Zvichayno, not varto іdealіzuvati rnkovі vіdnosiny, scho characterize qiu civilization. Ale of the same market, expanding the boundaries between drink and propositions, assimilating the increase in suspense wealth, actually creates the ground for the spiritual development of the members of the society, for the improvement of the individual from the bream of unfreedom.

At the link with this should be respected, that it is long overdue to rethink quietly to understand that earlier they were assessed only as negative. So, it is necessary to understand the private authority not only as the authority of the exploiter, but as the authority of a private individual, to freely dispose of it, freely to commit it, as if to commit it, and spiral on one’s own authority of the healthy judgment. It is not possible not to be unwinded at the TSOMO, the farmers of the power of the power of the Vobroitnitsa of their power of their timids, in Denmark, to the time, the sabylshaws of the Zbilshennya, all in the bilshin, is not for the rahins, practice, development of computer technologies, technical wines, certificates, etc. An important influx of hope here is the strengthening of democratic tendencies.

The problem of private power vmagaє sogodni spetsіlіdzhennya; тут ми можемо лише ще раз підкреслити, що, відстоюючи приватний інтерес, Гельвецій захищав індивіда як власника, як рівноправного учасника промислового виробництва і члена "суспільного договору, який народився і виріс на грунті демократичних перетворень. Питання про співвідношення індивідуальних і громадських інтересів виводить нас до food about reasonable egoism and suspіlny agreement.

Egoism ROZUMNA- ethically vchennya, as if conveying, that: a) all human motives may be substantiated by hisististic motive (bazhannya for the good of oneself); b) the mind allows you to see from a deep commitment, spontaneously, in such a way as to put together correctly the mindfulness of special interests, so that it allows you to reveal the core of his quiet motivations, as if to show the reasonable nature of a person and the supple nature of one’s life. The result of this is a ethical and normative program, yak, saving a single (hisstical) basis of behavior, transferring ethically obov'azkovym not only protecting the interests of other individuals, but also squeezing vchinkiv, straightening to zagalnoy, koristіd (eg.). At the same time, a reasonable egoism can be between a statement of the fact that pragnennya to the vlasno koristy priya vinny іnshih, and sanction the vuzkopragmatichesky moral position.

In the ancient era, in the period of the birth of the ethical model of the world, it took on its peripheral character. Navit Aristotle, who has developed the greatest number of things, introduces his role to all but one of the warehouses friendship . Vіn vvazhaє, scho “be honest to be self-loving”, and explain self-sacrifice through the maximum satisfaction, tied with scabies. Reception in the era of the Renaissance of ancient ethical phenomena (persh for everything, epicureism, with an emphasis on pragnennі to satisfaction) is accompanied, for example, by L. Valli, "learning to please the greed of other people."

The theory of rational egoism takes away the development like in French, so in the Anglo-Scottish Osvitt - more beautiful in A. Smith and Helvetia . Smіt z'ednuє in a single concept of human nature is manifested about the economic person and the moral person. In Helvetius's mind, a rational balance between his mystical predilection of the individual and the subsistence good cannot be formed naturally. Only an impartial legislator for the help of the sovereign power, vikoristuyuchi hedges and punishment, can ensure the greed of "as many people as possible" and build the basis of honesty "the benefit of the okremenya іndivіda".

A detailed description of the understanding of the reasonable hisism was taken away in the works of L. Feuerbach. Morality, according to Feuerbach, spires on a sense of good contentment in the content of the Third - the main model of this concept to serve as mutual articles. Navit, it was given, anti-Eudemonic moral incitement (persh for all self-sacrifice) Feuerbach tries to lead to a dizzy sensible-hisstical principle: as if happiness I need to convey satisfaction to You, then pragnennya to happiness as the most important motive for protecting self-sufficiency.

The sensibly-egoistic conception of N.G. Zavdyaki tsomu in case of zіtknennі private, corporate and zagalnoyudskogo іnteresіv is to blame for the prevalence of the rest. However, due to the zhorstkoї zalezhnosti lyudskoї ї volі vіd zvnіshnіh obstavіnі and impossibility to satisfy the greater needs to the satisfaction of the simplest rational correction of hisism, on the other hand, will be effective only for the mind of the new reworking of the structure of the suspіlstva.

Philosophy 19 Art. Ideas, controversial concepts of rational egoism, were discussed by I. Bentham, J.S. Mill, G. Spencer, G. Sidzhvikom. From the 50s. 20th century sensible egoism becoming seen in the context of the concept of "ethical egoism". Spivzvukni propositions are to be found in R.Hear's prescriptiveism. The critique of the theories of rational hisism is presented in the works of F. Hutcheson, I. Kant, G.F.W. Hegel, J.E. Moore.

A.V. Prokofiev

The theory of rational egoism takes its bud from the philosophical motives of such eminent philosophers of the 17th century, Jacques Locke, Hobbes, Puffendorf, Grotius. The announcement about the “self-made Robinson”, who voluntarily in the natural camp with unbounded freedom and changing the natural freedom for public rights and obligations, was viklikanі to life in a new way of activity, that gospodaryuvannya and recognized the provisions of the individual in the industrial-industrial sphere, power (let’s not bring only on your working strength), so that you act like a private sergeant and rebuild, then, on yourself, your own healthy judgment about the world and your decision. Vіn went out of vlasnyh іnteresіv, and їх nіyak it was not possible to throw off rahunkіv, shards of a new type of statehood, the first for all tradesmanship, spire on the principle of material congestion.

Tsya new suspіlna situation bula vіbrazhenâ in the educators about the person as a natural, natural іstotu, all the power of such, including special interests, determined by nature. Adzhe vіdpovіdno to its corporeal day of the skin pragmatically take away satisfaction and die of suffering, which is connected with love for oneself, but with self-love, based on the most important instinct - the instinct of self-preservation. Thus, everyone, including Rousseau, mirkuyutsya, wanting to win a kіlka "vibivaєєєєєєєєє" іz zagalї інії mirkuvan', vynayuchi order with reasonable hisism and altruism. Ale and wine often turn to selfishness: "Dzherel of our passions, the cob and the basis of all others, the only passion, as a people together with people and never leave yoga, while wine is alive, love for yourself; this passion is first, inborn, so before you be-like inshoї: everything else in the singing sense is less than її views ... Love to yourself is attached to yourself and live in good order of speech, for those skin is entrusted to us in front of yoga self-saving, then first and most important of yoga turbot є - and it’s guilty buti - the very post-it’s a turbota about self-saving, but how could we talk about it, yakbi didn’t play in your head’s interest? ".

Otzhe, the skin of the individual in all his deeds goes out of love to himself. But, being illumined by the light of the mind, you start to think, if you think only about yourself and achieve everything for yourself especially, then you will be stuck with a great number of difficulties, first for everything that everyone wants one and the same thing - the satisfaction of their needs, zasobiv for what else is not enough. That is why people step by step come to the visnovka, so that there is a sense in the world to surround yourself; tse fight for yourself not from love to others, but from love to yourself; henceforth, the language is not about altruism, but about its reasonable egoism, but it seems to be the guarantor of a calm and normal sleeping life. XVIII Art. make your own corrections in the qi of the manifestation. First, the stench of a healthy eye: until the end of time, it was possible to have a healthy mind, because without protecting the interests of other members of the society, without compromising them, it is impossible to induce a normal everyday life, it is impossible to ensure the uninterrupted functioning of the Lord's systems. Spiraling on himself is an independent individual, a hairdresser to come to such a visnovka independently, just like he is endowed with a healthy eye.

Further, there is a need to expand on the principles of the hromada community (about what further further mova). І remain to follow the rules of vihovannya. On this path, the middle is quiet, who, having expanded the theory of wandering, in the first line, between Helvetia and Rousseau, blame the deacons of strife. Democracy and humanism in the equal world characterize their concepts of vihovannia: resentment is changed in the fact that it is necessary to give equal opportunities to all people for vihovennia, as a result of which the skin can become a virtuous and illumined member of the soul. Sterzhuyuchy natural jealousy, Helvetius, however, begins to bring that all the vibes and talents of people in nature are absolutely the same, and the differences between them create only vihovennia, moreover, the role of nagoda is great. Just because of these reasons, that the impulse intrudes into our plans, the results often turn out to be not the same, as if a person were quick to start. Our life, Helvetius's perekonaniya, often lies in the most insignificant vices, but we don’t know the shards of them, we know that with all our power we mimic the goiters only of nature, but it’s not like that.

Rousseau on the view of Helvetia without imposing such a value on the differences, without imposing on the absolute natural identity. Navpaki, on the other hand, people from nature make different inclinations. However, those who are seen by people are mostly also attributed to being changed. Rousseau first saw the different centuries of life of a child; in the skin period, it is most likely to take on one particular swirl. So, in the first period of life, you need to develop physical inclinations, then you will feel better, then you will develop your mind and develop moral understanding. Rousseau called out to the victors to listen to the voice of nature, not to rape the nature of the child, to follow him, as if with complete specialness. Zavdyaks of criticism of the numerous scholastic methods of vihovannia, zavdyaki of establishing on the laws of nature and detailed implementation of the principles of "natural vihovanni" (like Bachimo, Rousseau's "natural" is not only religion - "naturally" is also vihovannia) Rousseau created a new direction of science - pedagogy and pressure a majestic infusion on the rich thinkers, the whimsical ones (on L.N. Tolstoy, I.V. Goethe, I. Pestalozzi, R. Rolland).

If we can see the movement of a person under the hood of dawn, such a boon is so important for the French enlighteners, and itself, reasonable to hisism, it is impossible not to remember the singing paradoxes that appear most of all, but the head rank of Helvetius. Vіn nіbi collapses in the mainstream of outrageous statements about selfishness and special interests, but to bring one's thoughts to paradoxical vysnovkіv. First, vin interpret special interests as a material benefit. In another way, all the phenomena of human life, all її podії Helvetius lead to a special interest adopted by such a rank. Tim himself is seen as the founder of utilitarianism. Love and friendship, the foundation of power and the principles of a suspіlnogo agreement, navit morality - all of Helvetia is brought to a special interest. So, honestly, we call it "skinned to brown for a new patch." If, let’s say, I’m crying about a dead friend, I’m really crying not about a new one, but about myself, for that one, without a new one, I won’t be able to talk about myself, I’ll help you. Obviously, it is impossible to fit in with Helvetia's usual utilitarian frills, it is impossible to build all the human beings, you can see everything to the bareness, or take the grapes to the bazhanny. Dotrimannya moral precepts, for example, more for the head of the individual shkodi, lower to bring benefits - morality cannot be reduced to bark. Seeing people in the sphere of artistic creativity also cannot be described in terms of utilitarianism. Similar orders were lulled to the address of Helvetia already at one o'clock, and not only from enemies, but also from friends. So, Diderot, having followed Helvetius himself for good reason, creating in 1758 the book “About Rozum” (for the first time, the concept of utilitarianism was introduced): even if she was sentenced to a bedroom, and the author happened to be three times in her mind, that I was afraid that I would be embarrassed (like Lamette) to emigrate from France. And adzhe Helvetius is all to blame for the transfer of the zazdalegіd, and they have not killed those who have done it less. Moreover, in view of the tragedy experienced, Helvetius began to write a new book, developing the ideas of the first. At the link with the cim Didro I respect that it is not possible to make everything more and more to physical satisfaction and material wealth, and that especially wines are often ready to overcome the greatest attack of the gout of the least contempt for oneself.

And all the same, it is impossible not to recognize that Helvetian mother is accepted in one food - a special interest, moreover, material interest, stverzhuє itself in the sphere of material production, in the sphere of economics. A healthy eye zmushu here recognizes the interest of the skin yoga participant, and a small healthy eye, able to act on oneself and sacrifice oneself for the sake of the interest of the whole pull for oneself to strengthen the totalitarian aspirations of the state, as well as chaos in the economy. The grounding of a healthy eye in this sphere turns into a zahisty of interests of an individual like a sorcerer, and just like those that were put and dost be put in the province of Helvetia. And meanwhile, a new way of the state grounds itself on such an independent one, cherishes with a healthy mind and vouches for its decision of the subject - the subject of power and rights.

Over the past ten years, they sounded so much to reproach private authority, so sounded to be true to their own dishonesty and enthusiasm, that they may have spent a healthy mind. Prote private power and private interest are the necessary attributes of industrial civilization, zmist that is not dependent on class interactions alone. Zvichayno, not varto іdealіzuvati rnkovі vіdnosiny, scho characterize qiu civilization. Ale of the same market, expanding the boundaries between drink and propositions, assimilating the increase in suspense wealth, actually creates the ground for the spiritual development of the members of the society, for the improvement of the individual from the bream of unfreedom. At the link with this should be respected, that it is long overdue to rethink quietly to understand that earlier they were assessed only as negative. So, it is necessary to understand the private authority not only as the authority of the exploiter, but as the authority of a private individual, to freely dispose of it, freely to commit it, as if to commit it, and spiral on one’s own authority of the healthy judgment. It is not possible not to be unwinded at the TSOMO, the farmers of the power of the power of the Vobroitnitsa of their power of their timids, in Denmark, to the time, the sabylshaws of the Zbilshennya, all in the bilshin, is not for the rahins, practice, development of computer technologies, technical wines, certificates, etc. An important influx of hope here is the strengthening of democratic tendencies.

chapter 31

Whom to love? Whom to trust? Who does not change us alone?
Who can do everything, do everything, help me, obligingly to our arshin?
Who does not slander about us? Who slaps us wildly?
To whom our vice does not hurt? Who is not nabridne nіkola?
Primari vain shukach
Love yourself, my high-ranking reader!
(C) A. S. Pushkin

What is egoism?

Let's take the first-stupid dictionary of the appointment, for example Wikipedia, and marvel, what does it mean:

egoism(From the Latin "ego" - "I") - a behavior, as a whole it is a thought about the power of greed, profit, if an individual puts his own interests above the interests of others.

The people do not like hisism. Ganebny diagnosis "Egoist!" blame the skin, who allows his own mother to be bazhannya, while saying “no” or putting the power of the interests of strangers.

Blame food: why did it happen to vvazhat, scho hisism - tse nasty?
Why is it bulky, that hisism is more naigirshe, that it is in people. Why should we start investigating the fault for all show hisism, Soromity with your own voluptuous nature and play quietly with yourself, kim mi not є?

Є thought that hisism is a ruinous suspense and a blueprint between people. Ale chi so true?

The meta of the innate natural egoism is survival. And as a supple order will be an objectively more efficient way of living, our suspense of such a supposition will be only radiant and will continue to support it.
Creatures live with zgras. But they don't have any morals. You can’t read anything that you need to be kind to your neighbor. His instinct of self-preservation is to tell him: playing is the shortest way to survive, and it is also necessary to support the interests of the enemy, like your own power. And even human egoism is not the ugly animal ...

To come out, the suspense simply pours on us for help, which “cliché”, and to read it with a simple screw in yoga mechanisms, without looking at it and understanding. Suspіlstvo vygіdnіshe schob lyudina sat in her "nіrtsі", and pokіrno vykonuvav those that the "huge thought" commanded.

Mi all - hissti, "vіd" and "before". Ale, under the pressure of suspenseful morality, you really want to fight yourself with some kind of others. And this self-deception will never pass without a trace, shards hisstical behavior maddened by cob instincts. I try vikorinity vlasny hisizm, produce an hour to the sum total.

Look around - singsongly more of your friends suffer from a deep internal conflict on the ground of dissatisfied with hisism. People are far from being satisfied with their lives through those who do not take care of their souls to respect. From early childhood, he was inspired by the idea of ​​the sinfulness of his mystical bazhans and all life stinks only for them and they are engaged in fighting for themselves, with their own nature.

That is why a person does not have any other bazhan, krіm his mystic. In the skin of a person behind a screen of kindness, nobility and innocence, it is easy to reveal his mystical motivation. І tsya motivation is not secondary - for tsієyu vіdmovka you can’t get together - hisstical motivation is first and foremost! And there is nothing nasty in it. There is nothing to fight about - such is human nature itself, and fighting with it means standing up against the instinct of self-preservation.

sensible egoism

sensible egoism- philosophical and ethical position, as a priority of a special interest more than any other interest, be it a huge one or be it another.

The need for a clear term appeared, perhaps, in connection with a negative connotation, traditionally tied with the term "hisism". As if according to hisist, (without the clarifying word “reasonable”), people often reason, as if they only think about themselves and / or because they don’t have the interests of other people, then the adherents of “reasonable hisism” sound hard, that such anger, due to a number of reasons, simply invisible to the innocent. And, then, it is not egoism (in view of the priority of special interests over any others), but rather by showing short-sightedness, or to induce fools. Otherwise kazhuchi - to his centrism:

his centrism- nezdatnist chi nevminnya іndivіda stand on someone else's point of view. Spryyattya its points of view as a single essential. And then - carelessness and nevminnya to protect the interests of others.

Reasonable egoism in the butt-wise rozumіnі - tse vminnya to live in the interests of power, not superchachi the interests of others.

Reasonable egoism - nothing else, like the cry of our soul. The problem is that the “normal” person has grown up and can no longer hear the voice of the natural healthy egoism. Those who, under the guise of egoism, reach this knowledge, are pathological self-destruction, which was the result of long-term strangulation of the impulses of rational egoism.

The sensible one is closer to holiness, be less righteous than a perekonny, to that I deceive myself less. What is stronger than a person to believe in the lack of innocence of his thoughts and vchinkiv, Tim is the worst. You can perform the greatest feats of mercy, but with all the power of life, you will be deprived of an empty and amused relish. This kind of self-deception kills, to the fact that people's dreams are so full of unfulfilled ones.

And the second step, if you know, that a person spit on all and live only for himself. But it's still the same problem, only the wyvern navivorit. Subordination of morality, or rebellion against it, is one and the same.

That difference between people, as it is easy to remember, if you talk about hisism, is delusional not equal to hisism, but equal to their self-deception from its drive. The very unhealthy egoism of the righteous and the rebels. I tі, and іnshi in the equal world fight with their own powerful nature, bringing their kindness or malice to sharpening. The internal conflict of the stench is caused by virishity of the call, but it doesn’t matter to them. And from the side of the stink, they look the most stubbornly - it’s painfully self-suffocating, but it’s very painfully lagidno.

It’s smarter to be more confidently surprised in the world and from the side look not like him already. To give respect to this trick - the more honest a person is in relation to power motivation, the less hisistically look yoga. But, at least, yoga hisism seems to be true, sensible, true, and it doesn’t call for retort.

Let's take an example: Two people: sensible and uninformed of his state. Offended by robbing one and the same vchinok - robbing a close person is a gift. His sensible mind knows himself in the fact that the gift of wine is to make for himself. To the one who himself should give gifts and should be taken away from him. Yogo gra “as a gift” is obvious and clear - you don’t get your own coriste and see yourself, don’t see other people, and that means you don’t get any stone in your bosom. Razumny hisist is cocky, alechesny.

And the unreasonable, unreasonable himist should be in the same way - he does not see himself in the fact that he is losing only special interests. Win to believe that I can’t with any hind thoughts. Ale, on a more deep level, it is ruining all the same special curly interests - you want to take away the natomist, but you want to take away the secrets, bezvidpovidally.
If we take wine, then everything is good. And yet, for some reason, the reaction to the gift of yoga is not sovereign, all this melancholy immediately comes out in the name - you begin to look, freak out, vimagati justice, or resonate in his name otherwise. So, we will pay another person for rahunka for all the withdrawal of “non-cheating gifts”.

Lack of information about him is just as cunning, like a reasonable one, but at the same time he looks timid, that he can’t see anything special, and even writes to his ostentatious self-revelations. Wanting to be honest in yoga “non-discretion”, there is nothing crim hypocrisy:

hypocrisy- a negative moral quality that develops in the fact that the vchinkas are created for the sake of his mystical interests, a pseudo-moral sense and motives are attributed. Hypocrisy is similar to honesty, breadth - to yakost, in which it is manifested and recognized by the person's rightful sense of yoga.

Reasonable egoism is one of the traits of a successful person

Wise hisist:

Honest, first for everything in front of himself, and wholesome in his light.
Less shy to manipulation, as critically assesses the motivation of other people.
Chi is not to be spent in, for those who adequately evaluate their "investments".
Maє vlasnі tsіlі, and mean speciality. What goals can you talk about, if not his own, and your interests are not in the first place for you? (The food is rhetorical).
Skhilny to spіvpratsi, that scho razumіє, scho at spіvpratsі vygіdnіshe vlasnyh goals. And that means that the interests of other people are safe, including those of the natives.
Chi is not allowed to reach him, for that it is super to say yoga self-identification.
For cholovіkіv - hisism is not a master's mind buti in vіdnosinah.

And the most important dignity of a person, that we make him healthy with his mind, is to vitiate your task, to take care of the interests of others, and competently vibudovuvat the system.

Your egoism is absolutely healthy and reasonable, so you:

Show your right to see something, as you care that you bring you shkodi;
understand that your goals will be zdiisnyuvatisya in the first part of the year, or else may have the right to your own interest;
vmієte robiti vchinki in your own greed, trying not to harm others, and building a drink for compromise;
make a good thought and don’t be afraid to hang out, wind up if you’re blown away by someone else’s;
do not give in to anyone, but do not try to control others;
respect your partner's blessings, but don't step over yourself;
do not pretend to feel guilty, having robbed vibir on your own selfishness;
love and respect yourself, not depending on others blind devotion.


There is nothing in the people, the cream of his powerful, hisstical “I want!”. It is easier and more natural to drink wine, it is simpler and more natural to live, it is simpler and more natural to see people. Egoism is absolutely healthier, just like stop yogo soromitis. The more you want to see, the more guilt breaks through the names of the ungrounded image and attempts to manipulate people for your own good. And the more you know, the more you know, the more you understand, that his very own egoism and frighten us to shake the freedom and interests of other people. Awareness of reasonable egoism is the only way to healthy and constructive ideas between people.

Egoism can be mentally divided into reasonable and unreasonable. But there is a trace of the nobility that this and the other kind of hisism is manifested in rejection of what(Div.). All the troubles and troubles are blamed on him, and there are more news.

Let's take a look at the report and see hisism.

Unreasonable hisism manifests itself in obsession with oneself: "I want ...", "men ...", "my ...". Satisfied with your bazhan to stand in the first place, All other people and their interests are relegated to the background, or else they are ignored. Unreasonable egoism is characterized by the fact that as a result zavzhdi bring suffering(Be-what kind) own and others. If a person manifests an unintelligent egoism, he attracts other people, for such manifestations (otherwise it turns on as a reaction) the same kind of egoism. І scho go out to these people, to put their skins on the first place?

The unreasonable egoism of directing mainly on the material - the mother's need is more and / or shorter, lower in the other, which in the bag should be brought up to inaccuracies.

The unreasonable egoism dries the mind in a constant tension, to that which is constantly brought to work robit, cunning, viverti; tse tension accumulates (stress) that leads to mental health, depression and illness.The consequences of unreasonable hisism are described in the article .

Reasonable egoism is characterized a greater understanding of life, and a greater subtle view of hisism. Vіn tezhe may be directing on the material, but the method of otrimannya or reach is more reasonable and less obsessed with “I, me, mine”. Such people have a sense of how much to produce obsession, and stink and vicarist more subtle ways of tasting bazhany, which bring less suffering and one's own and others. Such people are more sensible (ethical) and less hisistic, they don’t walk on the heads of others, or in front of them, they don’t provoke violence, be it of any kind, and are safe to honestly promote exchange, protecting the interests of all, with whom they may be right.

Spiritual growth (self-development) - tse showing reasonable egoism. If a person takes care of himself, he will work for himself, if he wants to expand his camp, and other people here can not be afraid. So, tse egoїzm, ale sensible, to that the more beautiful the power camp, the more people see the positive (be it kind), and in the end bag it’s so better for everyone, with kim vin maє on the right. ale here sensible egoism can intervene or join with the unreasonable, if a person ceases to wear his shoes (in the homeland, in the household, on the job), really learn Tim, scho take care of yourself. This is not a safe situation, as it can lead to new achievements on the spiritual plane and lead to great problems in the material world. “I’m better (better, smarter, wiser, cleaner ...) than you, to the one I take care of myself, give everything to me, I won’t do anything for you” - such a position will inevitably lead to problems, to that it’s unreasonable.

Let's keep talking about intelligence. Intelligent egoism can manifest itself in various ways. For example, you must win as a human being, so that you can take away the pretentiousness from your side. Abo victorious, to take more happiness and success. Abo, schob pozbutisya in the face of negativity and surrounding perekonan, take away more freedom and peace. And so far. Hisistically? So, do it for yourself, but you can play everything in the bag. As far as the sensible egoism is not far away from the unreasonable, there will be no filthy traces.

Bezkorisliva korisna diyalnist - tsezh showing reasonable egoism, like not cool. Adzhe yakbi, lack of cowardice did not bring more joy and happiness to those who did not bother, did not do anything, right?

seem everything that a person to rob, to rob for himself, I skin people - egoist. Tse so. We live in his mystical world, in the body-mind, on the cob of his mystical nature. The body needs a hedgehog, robes, yes over the head, the mind also needs its own hedgehog (help constantly joke, overwhelm). Whether there is an organism (body-mind) of its programming.

Svіdomіst in its purest appearance does not misunderstand the nature of itsism. In other words, egoism is only a pridbane, which is only in the manifestations of the world, it is an attribute of the body and mind, and not pure wisdom.

Adequate turbota about the body, a robot over the mind (spiritual growth), relief from the unreasonable egoism - so show intelligent egoism, like bringing good to everyone.

If an unreasonable egoism is known, depleting only a reasonable one, then this rational egoism will reach itself, which In a pouch to produce to the knowledge of oneself, like a pure witness, to be seen.

Waving a vipadkovo daishnik with a club, a car seemed to chirp. Virishiv pidit, vibachitisya. Tіlki pіdіyshov, vodiy:
- I'm right forgetting!
Squad order:
- Blame everything! Beer vchora!
Mother-in-law behind:
- On a stolen car, always slander!
Voice from trunk:
- Have you already crossed the cordon?

Expanding the materials of the site, put it, be kind, send it to the neck.

Our society still has a few leftovers of radiant morality, in such a way there was no place for it - neither reasonable nor all-mighty. At the same time, the lands, the zocrema, the United States, induced their entire economy and prosperity on the principles of hisism. If you turn to religion, you don’t roam in it, but the behavioral psychology is firmly established, so be it, if you are a person, it’s possible for his mystical motives, so it’s grounded on the instinct of survival. People often bark too often, to be like this, it’s more beautiful for the new one, calling him hisist, but not like, but the light does not share on black and white, as there are no absolute hisestivs and altruists.

Intelligent egoism: understanding

First of all, let's be significant, what makes his reasonable mind look like an unreasonable one. The rest is manifested in ignoring the needs and comfort of other people, zoseredzhuyuchi all the daily activities of people on the satisfaction of yoga, most of all, naked needs. Reasonable egoism also comes out of the emotional and physiological needs of a person (“I want to drink from work right now and lie down to sleep”), but it’s also inspired by the mind, which and invigorates homo sapiens vіd istot ) . Like a bachite, the need for a vіdpochinku will be satisfied, without shkodi for a robot.

Light will be on hisism

There are hardly a dozen right altruists in the entire history of people. But, in any case, I don’t use the virtues and merits of the numerous benefactors and heroes of our kind, but, as a matter of fact, be honest to the end, altruistic vchinki you can go out of the country to please your own. For example, a volunteer takes satisfaction from work, promotes his self-esteem (“I do good right”). Dopomogayuchi relatives penniless, you know in the power of concern for the new one, which is also often his mystical motive. Whom it is not necessary to recount, or to change it, even if it’s not bad. Healthy egoism is attached to the skin of a reasonable and resilient people, wine is the engine of progress. So you don’t become a guarantor of your bazhan and don’t ignore the needs of others, which you can use as a whole as reasonable.

Not a share of hisism and self-perfection

People who have moved in their own country and live for the sake of others (children, friends, friends) - this is another extreme, with such power they are forced into the background, and this is unhealthy. Happily, in this way, you will definitely not reach, for whom it is necessary for you to understand, where the golden mean is found in the subtle nourishment of hisism.
In the process of self-development, a person inevitably manifests a reasonable egoism, which is to get along with the turbot about others. For example, you become better, increase self-esteem and drink under the control of your father or partner. Your newly-found self-reliance in a praised decision, ale, in the end of the world, the stench of the mind, you become a beautiful person, and the fullness of the quality of your life is obligatory to signify positively on the heads of those close people.

The axis is an approximate list of what, in my opinion, it is necessary to work exclusively for yourself, boldly and ruthlessly considering whether there are other incentives:

- Choose a job, your main activity
- Create (Yakscho creativity and є your diyalnist, it’s all one’s duty to be like you in the first line).

- Minify your appearance, image, name-name and other attributes of earthly life. Robititse for someone else we crim ourselves in the most vipadkiv unreasonably and lead to a disappointment (and even to a minimization of the importance of the power of thought). Vinyatok - even more easily and with the experimental fuse you set yourself up to your own soundness, but why not? - Take care of yourself. Strictly kazhuchi, vzagali scho-nebud need to be in yourself only with motivation “for yourself”, otherwise you can get drunk and redraw your thin soul for something like that or like a bazhan. Here you can draw a boundary: as I have problems in a hundred years with a person, in my interests I can save up my spriynyattya and behavior (remembering in case of tsomu that the duration is divided into two and not to become better for both). On the right, if the partner insists (pulls, puts an ultimatum, presses, bargains), so that you change this and that in yourself, but you, you don’t understand the skilki, come before you just like that / you don’t want to think about it, but work all the same, so that you can trim the people.

Even if you have become more enlightened, more communicable, privablіshe, tsіkavіshe, richer - it's fine. How can you ruin the bazhanya “become worthy of Mikhail”, “tell your colleagues that I’m not a fool”, “smite everyone on the graduates”, “poke your mother with your nose in a coupe of pennies, so that she realized that I’m not a fool” - all those, what I call rotten motivation. It doesn’t just smell, but at some point it can collapse like a rotten underlay of another on top - for example, as you can only understand that Mikhail, colleagues and classmates don’t care about your reach, and mom still knows the reason to take you away, for example so want.

- Rest. To build up like a boy or a family man, it’s necessary, so that you yourself would get rid of the new satisfaction - children at the expense of their interests and interests means to see strength in oneself, mentally healthy and future productivity.

No one needs your sacrifice

It's wonderful, but people value only those sacrifices, which they brought themselves, and not those that were brought by others for their sake. Do not confuse “quote” and “feel sorry for me” - as if, for example, a person is left with a retinue only for a little bit of guilt (“there’s a little insole for me, she went out, she wilted, now I’ll turn my borg”), but not happy, productive vіdnosiny. Sacrifice is a terrible thing that pleases the form: one puts his money, mrії і pіvzhittya, or even all, on the fortune-telling of sacrificial vіvtar, and the other is guilty of buti vdyachnym until the end of life and remembering about the “borg”.

“Give yourself everything”, “live for the sake of children”, “consecrate yourself to the people” - a pardon service. Why? To that the stench is dictated either by the fear of spending love, the honor and the very presence of these people (people) in your life, or by exercising, drinking the views of your life and the power of pressing problems into science, public life, etc. The right person can be un-Histentical - for example, I want this person to be happy, I don’t have a meaning, but I’m guilty of nothing. And yet I want to be happy, but to keep the order with me, and for whom I try to tie him with my victims and help - because of his ill health and the destructive model of vidnosin.

Everything that you didn’t earn for yourself, while you were busy doing things for others, you won’t turn around, if you won’t be rewarded and won’t be offered at the sight of a viable sacrifice, it’s necessary to clearly understand. Life, live for others, often spent for you - and what sense does anyone have?

Can you live for yourself and for others?

My thought is about the need to work, if only for oneself, there are global, significant food and nutrition in the life of a person. With my understanding and I know the importance of how to make a compromise, learn to understand the minds of other people, so I will give help to close and vipadkovy people, if you can give it, and in the future you will effectively demand it. (FROM)

Suspіlstvo imposes on people their standards and norms of behavior, dorimuyuchisya such people often become unfortunate. We should be led into children, that it is necessary to put the interests of other people above their own, and call those who do not follow the rule, call him mystical and cruel. Today, psychologists and philosophers began to discuss the topic of healthy egoism, which, in my opinion, is guilty of being present in the skin of a person. Apply from the life of reasonable hisism for the understanding of children, they will be looked at in the distance on the other side of "Popularly about health".

What is reasonable egoism?

For the cob varto, it is determined what the term means. For people who have grown up in society, if there is any judgment on hisism, it will be easy to see the fine line between two understandings - hiscentrism and altruism. In order to rozіbratisya with the appointed, varto guess on the back, who is his sti and altruism.

His people are people who always put their own interests ahead of the interests of other people. The stench is joking with the vlasnu vigoda and the melancholy at all on the right, to reach the stink of the stink of vicorist, be it a method, go over the heads. Don't piss off those who stink other people with their actions. The stench is too self-singing, their self-esteem is strongly dependent.

Altruism is the totality of his mystical people. Their self-esteem is low, they are ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of others. Such people are easily caught in the wake of the sick, they are ready to do their part, including important ones, to help other people.

Now, if the offense is understood, it is easier to understand that such a reasonable egoism. Vyslovlyuyuchis simple words, tse "golden mean" between two extreme nights - his centrism and altruism. Healthy or reasonable hisism - not more negative, but more positive, it is not guilty but blamed for the suspense. Zavdyaki healthy egoism, people become happy.

Why is hisism healthy?

Reasonable egoism is corny for people from advancing reasons:

Vіn helps to know adequate self-esteem;
- Zavdyaki tsіy yakostі people zdatna reach the rich of their goals, while not zavdayuchi shkodi otochyuchimi;
- A wise man does not miss the opportunities before him and the building to enjoy life in the outside world;
- Zavdyaki tsіy kostі lyudina vmіє vіdmoviti people, yakshcho vvazhatima for the needs, yogo not turbulently blame, borg and obov'yazki before otochyuchimi.

Chi means the saying, that his wise man is not a building to help people who are desperate for yoga? No, it doesn't mean. Such people come here to help, but with this stench they will not sacrifice their health, life, and interests for the sake of others.

Keeping healthy with hisism, people call on the back of everything “for” and “against”, after which to praise the informed decision. It can be said that they evaluate the situation, looking far ahead. As a prudent man, he is respectful, that having given up to someone today, he knew the blessings of the present, and blamed him so.

Apply intelligent egoism to life for children

While the children are growing, it is necessary for them to attach an affectionate look at the speech. You can’t call them hisists, as if they were showing their own interests, while not bothering others. Obviously, to explain to the children, what such a reasonable hisism is, it is necessary on the butts, bazhano on his own, even if the little ones do not hear us, they stink at us.

Mom will show a typical example of a healthy egoism, as she does not give to the rest of the children, but to share everything with him. Suspіlstvі vіdrazu know tі, hto say - nasty mother, children give the best. Ale won’t marvel in the future, even if the son or daughter grows up, the stench will understand that mother loved both them and herself. Well, then, mother will make sure everything is done for the children, they will just grow up with their help, even if it’s normal for them, so that mom will stay, so that it will be good for them, sacrificing their own needs and needs.

Let’s look at one more example of a healthy hisism, I’ll be wiser for children. Let's say that Vasya has chosen a collection of stickers on the subject of his cartoon, it's too expensive for him. And Petya has not yet grasped the new collection, he still does not get 2 stickers. Vіn asking you for one day for your collection. The child, who is healthy with his health, zooms in on Petya, to the one who has spent a lot of strength and an hour to look for the pictures he needs. Altruist, naimovіrnіshe, vіddast comrade's all vіdsutnі pictures. And the butt of his unhealthy centrism in this situation is Petya, as if stealing away from you stickers, otrimavshi vіdmova, or to achieve their otrimanna by other methods - a vice, blackmail, force.

In the described situation, there may be another result - his sensible Vasya may take another decision, given one day of the picture, which is more important for him to see the blue with his comrade. Lyudina, as if I could look at the “I” well, I freely make a decision, with whom I can help in additional help or help, but I don’t give a blame to anyone.

One more butt - in the air, as if you know the accident, mother is guilty of putting a sour mask on herself, and then on the child. Tse not to talk about those who want to vryatuvatisya herself, so that it would not be. She vows to herself to opine in the camp to help the little ones.

Yak mi z'yasuvali, be hisististic - rotten, altruistic - tezh, then mothers of equalization look at self-esteem and self-sacrifice - right. It is easier for such people to reach goals and achieve success, not ruining each other, not hurting them.

The principle of rational egoism is the golden mean between altruism and egoism

To inspire you for the surrender of the broadest soul of a person, to put your pragnennya to self-sacrifice until the shortest hours (it is not included that this hour will never come!). If you don’t dare to become hisist, if you want to behave like a hisist. What is egoism? Tse "a novel, which trivaє all life", with a person, as the most dear, to you with yourself.

Love for oneself is an ideological sympathy to the principle of reasonable hisism, and its applied expression is to put on the shoulders of a man of a yakomog more sensible shoes, including those that were yours earlier.

Vikoristovuyuchi principle sensible egoism since the last days of your acquaintance with a person, you veer in a new sense of goodness, as if you become better in goodness, as you think of making him happy with your fortune to live for a new zamіzh. Without letting people relax, you can save more time for yourself, for those who are or are planned for children, that very companion of life, come on! As a result, with a great experience of sleeping life, you will not be “driven by a horse”, forever torn, tortured by other life problems, you will laugh more often and grumble less. And in the face of it, in the final rahunka, you win resentment. The very same principle and the names of "reasonable egoism."

Give people the opportunity to oppose you. Be a little actress, portray bezporadnist and confusion in whether it’s an important (and no less important!) Situation. Women, who look weak and hopeless, allow people to look strong. I will always play in the eyes of a person.

No matter what the people would say, the skin of them in their souls is about a romantic person, who will tell the Turgenev girls, to inspire in Denmark at the hour of wine to sleep with the girl "without complexes." Do not lie, what practical women are necessary for men, a realist, what it is worth to stand on your feet! The symbiosis of a food processor, a cleaning machine and a sawmill is only needed by people who are quick-tempered. Ale, such a person is not needed for you!

Mіzh іnhim, the role of an impractical individual, far away from everyday life and the real world, not only richly shortening, but also to bring good fortune.

In the eyes of the protileous statute, always cherish the principle of rational egoism.

Love yourself more, lower than a crazy person. The more you feel warm feelings for yourself, kohanoi, the more chances that your partner will fall in love with you with the same level of intensity.

Work only those, to which the soul lies, for you to cry and call out positive emotions.

Don't rob anything that you don't actively want to rob. If you do not want to go to the dacha to dig beds - DO NOT go. Having ruined the weekend in order to plant parsley and krip, then embellish your style, but not your life.

Do not go on a visit to people who are unacceptable to you. Your cavalier of yours, obviously, don’t say, accept the request, but calmly take care of your rights.

As if you have accumulated a full basket of crazy whites, and you want to read a detective or marvel at the love of the series - do not encourage yourself to do anything. If your spybag is to grumble that the new one has no clean shirts, let him viper himself. Having been honored in the bedroom of life, you did not sign the goiter for the service of the yogo person. Vіn singsongly does not win and half of what is respected by "human shoes"!

You can swindle in the face of unacceptable certificates in the following way: don’t get into a fight with a person, don’t say that you don’t want to, or you don’t want to, say goodbye, that everything will be ruined, but if you don’t do anything. And then - dear, a grin is ruined: “Forgive me, dear, I have forgotten my love! Oh, how bad for me, don’t be angry, be kind! » Well, yak vin can’t be beaten! Might as well, and curse to himself, but don’t show it to the eye. Don't let me think about you "tyukhtієm", "short-lived". Then you should learn yoga according to your own rules.

Or another option: “Keep the fool”, clap your eyes, drink a hundred times, try to look that you will forget everything and get confused. As a result, your person will be confused and help you. A couple of such sessions, and vin call all the work itself. It's okay, don't miss the crown!

Never forget that you have not only bindings, but also rights. Give yourself more rights and slowly get rid of the shoes.

Always joke, vikonavtsya, which can grow for you the maximum of what was previously included in the number of your shoes.

The technical side is right, as well as the physical, brudna of the robot is not for you. Like this wall your beloved picture was called - do not hurry to take up the hammer, so that I will rise again. Be like a woman in the camp, drive flowers into the wall, but now you need to work ?! As for your booth, the quality of a person's status is the whole prerogative. Why did the painting fall like that and stand there, stifled to the wall, to quiet feast, while it is still, proudly calling itself a “man”, so as not to allow the drabin to get away, hammer and flowers. Like a dripping water faucet, do not hurry to call the dispatcher to call the slyusar. If your life partner’s hands don’t have the right time to grow in order to replace the gasket, then let him want to be turbulent, so that the slyusar is especially called. At the same time, stand up, like an injustice. (Before the speech, there are no wisdoms in the world, such an operation can be mastered by a person with three great lights.)

Cholovіkіv nothing shkoduvat. Be-yaka pratsya їm only for melancholy. Pratsya, as if seen, having turned the mavpa into people. Pratsya and a representative of a human status can be turned into a human.

Dbaylivo stavtesya to vlasny garnom mood. Do not raise your voice, do not shout, do not quarrel and do not quarrel with the person. Don't waste your emotions for nothing! Remember that negative emotions have a negative effect on a woman's appearance.

If it’s necessary to take care of the right, if you’re like you, don’t hurry. Pull until you find one who is happy (or without) rolled up his sleeves. The winner is the one who has the most nerves, but who cares about the result. If there will be no manifestations of enthusiasm, forget about the qiu on the right. In the world, the styles are right, yak robiti zovsim not obov'yazkovo!

Learn to say "Ni". The problem of wealthy women is that it is too easy for them to say “so” and not be able to say “no”. Instructing someone, round up the reason. If your opponent's motivation is not in control, I'm worse.

Do not dry your head over other people's problems, as they do not bother you. Do not lick into someone else's soul, into someone else's life, but don't let anyone into yours.

Get involved in manipulating people and bullying them to work those that you need.

Never row, sitting in a chovn with a man (it is said, obviously, not a word of understanding only literally). Figuratively kazhuchi, be a navigator in life, but not a rower.

І TO YOUR HEAD: don’t call the PERSON TIM, WHAT you take on yourself ЇХ FUNCTIONS!

Having mastered these principles, you will understand that you can take satisfaction from life, without robbing others, without infringing on their interests, but with this, without imagining yourself.