Hypoxia during childbirth. How dangerous is fetal hypoxia: the consequences for the child

When there is prolonged hypoxia of the fetus, the consequences for the child can be very dire. While the baby is still in the mother’s stomach, he does not know how to breathe on his own, as his lungs contain fluid and are not straightened. Therefore, the vital oxygen fetus receives from the mother's placenta. Sometimes the oxygen supply through the mother’s blood to the placenta is disturbed due to some reason, then the baby develops hypoxia - a lack of oxygen. Hypoxia of the fetus and its duration are of great importance in the development of the child.

The sooner the hypoxia began and the longer it lasted, the more serious the consequences.  Already at the beginning of pregnancy, hypoxia causes irreversible abnormalities in the development of the internal organs of the fetus, in particular, most of all changes concern the infant's brain, which leads to neurological problems in the future. In the later stages of pregnancy, hypoxia is also dangerous, as it retards the overall intrauterine development of the fetus, shortens the period of childbearing, and often leads to premature birth and early cesarean section. Fetal hypoxia is also possible during childbirth.

What threatens hypoxia, what are its manifestations and causes?

There are two types of fetal oxygen hypoxia: acute and chronic. Sometimes the acute form develops rapidly during the process of childbirth, the reason may be the slowing down of the oxygen-rich blood supply from the maternal placenta. Hypoxia occurs when prolonged, difficult childbirth. What is the danger of acute hypoxia? In the absence of sufficient oxygen, the brain cells of the child begin to die off, this process is irreversible, therefore, in the event of the occurrence of acute hypoxia, the doctors make an immediate decision about the operative intervention to remove the child to save his life.

Chronic fetal hypoxia develops much more slowly during pregnancy, but has irreversible, serious consequences for the child. If a pregnant woman did not get registered in the antenatal clinic until the very term of labor or the doctors could not diagnose and start treatment in time, this situation leads to the development of chronic hypoxia. A child in the mother’s stomach develops constant oxygen deprivation, which gradually leads to disruption of the formation and development of all the organs of the baby, his nervous system is irreversibly affected. Physical development is characterized by a delay in weight and growth, as well as fetal death is likely. These children after childbirth experience severe adaptation to life, lack of appetite, constant anxiety, and disturbances in the nervous system.

The causes of hypoxia can be:

  • violations of the cardiovascular system of the mother, respiratory system, blood diseases;
  • diseases of the fetus itself: infections, intrauterine intracranial injury;
  • rhesus-conflict mother and child;
  • long and severe toxicosis, especially in the later periods;
  • polyhydramnios during pregnancy;
  • pregnancy with two or more fruits;
  • circulatory disorders of the umbilical cord, especially when entwining it;
  • premature detachment of the placenta;
  • pererashivanie child;
  • use during the delivery of anesthesia and painkillers;
  • severe prolonged labor, when the head of the fetus for a long time is in the pelvic area of ​​the woman in labor.

At the very beginning of pregnancy, a woman will not be able to independently recognize the symptoms of hypoxia of her child, since she practically does not feel fetal movements.

Therefore, an early, continuous and timely scheduled examination during pregnancy in the antenatal clinic is important both for the health of the mother and for the baby. With the help of modern methods of diagnosis, doctors can from the outset identify the development of hypoxia and begin treatment. Sometimes unplanned examinations of a pregnant woman are prescribed by doctors, such procedures can be prescribed for diabetes, chronic respiratory diseases and other disruptions in the work of the future mother's body.

With a rather long gestational period and active fetal movements, it is much easier to identify hypoxia. This could be done by the expectant mother herself, using the so-called method 10, which is used to diagnose the degree of oxygen starvation. The technique consists in calculating the movements of the baby for a day, from the moment of awakening to bedtime: ideally, active movements of the fetus, which last 1-3 minutes, should be 10 or more. If the fetal movements are lethargic, rare, then this is an exact sign of the development of hypoxia and the reason for the immediate treatment to the doctor. It should be remembered that too active and frequent movements of the fetus can also mean other unfavorable factors of its condition.

Hypoxia at birth

During childbirth, an obstetrician-gynecologist, who monitors the state of the generic process, constantly monitors the heartbeat of the fetus. Symptoms of sudden hypoxia during childbirth can be tachycardia, rapid heartbeat, as well as cardiac arrhythmia. The degree of hypoxia at different times of labor is different, and its consequences can be: disruption of the infant's respiratory system due to ingestion of amniotic fluid, the bluish tint of the skin of the newborn, weak tone and lack of reflexes, weak cry after birth or its absence, problem breathing.

Prevention of hypoxia

During the entire period of childbearing, the expectant mother should be more often in the fresh air; Oxygen entering the lungs provides sufficient metabolism in the blood and placenta, significantly reducing the possibility of fetal hypoxia. In normal pregnancy, in the absence of contraindications by doctors to a pregnant woman, swimming and water aerobics are very useful. In difficult cases of hypoxia, doctors prescribed medication and hospitalization.

Video about hypoxia and its consequences:

To prevent the development of oxygen starvation of the fetus, the expectant mother must also maintain a correct and healthy lifestyle, eat regularly and fully, quit bad habits, and take medications and vitamins prescribed by the attending physician. Mom's peaceful sleep has a beneficial effect on the unborn child, because everything that happens to the body and the health of the mother is directly related to the condition of her baby.

Fetal hypoxia - this diagnosis is increasingly placed on expectant mothers. In essence, it is not a disease, but a state of acute lack of oxygen in a child. When fasting is at the initial stage, it is sufficient to simply eliminate it, while it will not entail any significant consequences. If measures are not taken on time, complications will not be avoided. The consequences of fetal hypoxia for a child are very serious.

With a strong lack of oxygen, the baby loses its vitality. It is impossible to stay in such a state for a long time: either the child will acquire a serious disease, or hypoxia will be fatal. It should be borne in mind that the disease is not so difficult to recognize. If a woman listens attentively to herself and her baby, she can prevent the development of this ailment and make a difference. A future mother should experience only positive emotions.

No need to bring child care to paranoia, endlessly looking for signs of hypoxia in the behavior of the fetus and its condition. To avoid this, it is enough to know the causes and risk factors for the occurrence of the disease. Reading the article further, you can find out all the necessary information.

Fetal hypoxia and its consequences

Hypoxia is the oxygen starvation of the fetus. The reasons for its occurrence may be different, depending on its type: intrauterine or intrapartum. The first is obtained during pregnancy and depends on the behavior and condition of the mother, and the second occurs during childbirth and, for the most part, depends on the actions of doctors. There are two forms of hypoxia: acute and chronic. The first one is less common, but has more serious consequences. CVHP is an intrauterine state of constant lack of oxygen. In this case, the development of the baby suffers greatly. There is a risk of premature birth and the appearance of a premature baby.

In acute hypoxia, the oxygen supply to the fetus completely stops. This can occur both in the womb and during childbirth. Most often, this situation arises as a result of the cord entanglement around the baby’s neck. After 15 seconds of lack of oxygen, brain cells begin to die. Doctors should correct the situation as soon as possible. In this case, serious consequences cannot be completely avoided, but they can be reduced to an acceptable minimum. The consequences of fetal hypoxia in a child after birth in most cases can be diagnosed immediately. This is especially true of severe cases.

Among the most likely complications emit:

  • lag in physical development;
  • mental retardation;
  • diseases of the organs due to their underdevelopment;
  • diseases of the nervous system, in particular diseases of the brain.

The lack of oxygen adversely affects the entire body of the fetus, but more damage this condition causes his brain. During fasting, hemorrhage can occur in it, edema can form and other serious processes can occur. As a result, a child in infancy or at an older age can manifest various neurological ailments. A serious consequence of hypoxia is cerebral palsy. In extreme cases, cardiac arrest and brain death may occur.

The easiest complication is considered weak immunity. Such children more than others are prone to colds. Regardless of the severity of the hypoxia, appropriate treatment will be required later. One way or another, the child will have to be monitored by a neurologist, who will prescribe therapy if necessary.

Note! Elimination of the effects of hypoxia should begin immediately after birth. In the hospital, specialists will be assigned medicines and necessary procedures.

If hypoxia cannot be prevented, all measures must be taken to minimize its effects. If, in addition to disorders of the nervous system, no pathologies of other organs were found, only a neurologist will be engaged in treating a child for the first time. The development process may require the help of a speech therapist and a psychologist.

Causes and signs of hypoxia

Intrauterine hypoxia appears in the process of gestation. Compared to the acute form, its effects are not so obvious. Generic hypoxia occurs during the period from the beginning of contractions until the moment of umbilical cord cutting. The reasons for the formation of this state in these two forms are different.

Factors of hypoxia are listed in the table:

This is an incomplete list of the causes that can lead to oxygen starvation. The symptoms of this condition are, respectively, different. With intrauterine hypoxia, a woman can judge the condition of the baby by its movements. By reducing the amount of incoming oxygen, the fetus begins to move actively. After some time, his movements are becoming weaker. Ultimately, they can completely disappear. Other signs of this phenomenon are a delay in the growth and development of the baby, a pathological decrease in the amniotic fluid, and the lowering of the uterus. The last signs cannot be defined without carrying out ultrasonography. In addition, doctors can conduct a number of other studies that allow for a more complete picture of the condition of the fetus. These include KGT, BFP, NST, EGK of the fetus. Blood tests can also be performed on a baby. In case of detection of the disease, the woman is prescribed the necessary treatment. Chronic hypoxia can be recognized during childbirth. The presence of her and the severity will indicate the color of amniotic fluid.

Hypoxia, obtained during childbirth, easier to recognize. The child is already born, it is easier to inspect and, if necessary, to take the required measures. If, because of the clamped umbilical cord, blood does not flow to the child, and he does not breathe, oxygen completely stops flowing into his body. The newborn can turn blue, it does not scream and does not move. In this case, doctors begin to reanimate it.

Important! A common cause of hypoxia is premature, unjustified stimulation of delivery. The body of the child does not have time to prepare and, as a result of too rapid birth, receives birth trauma.

Many obstetricians, seeking to carry out childbirth as quickly as possible, resort to stimulation. Often this happens in those cases where such measures were not necessary. About the destructiveness of this approach was noted earlier. Do not be afraid of all doctors. In order to protect yourself and your baby, you need to decide in advance on the maternity hospital and midwife, who will take delivery.

The processes occurring in the body of the fetus

Do not be afraid of hypoxia. Not all children are subject to this phenomenon. Stress during pregnancy can negatively affect the baby. In order to help and not harm your child, you need to soberly assess the situation. Having studied the issue in detail and having understood the reasons for the appearance of the disease, you can try to avoid it or prevent it. You can find out what research you need to do before childbirth, and how to monitor your well-being and fetal behavior correctly by viewing this video:

Do not think that with the slightest lack of oxygen, chronic hypoxia develops. Nature itself protects the fetus, and it is able to resist this state for some time.

This is due to the fact that:

  • the blood circulating in the vessels of the fetus contains more oxygen than that of an adult;
  • hemoglobin has a special structure;
  • the structure of the cardiovascular system is aimed at protecting against hypoxia;
  • with a lack of oxygen, the adrenal glands begin to intensively inject hormones into the bloodstream, contributing to an increase in heart rate.

With hypoxia, obtained during childbirth, the body can not fight this way. All these processes help the fetus to develop normally in conditions of oxygen deficiency. If this time does not last long, it will not affect the growth of the child. Otherwise, the body will be depleted and will not be able to deal with oxygen starvation. Intrauterine hypoxia can cause meconium to enter amniotic fluid from the intestines. This will occur as a result of insufficient blood supply to the anus muscles.

It is important! The presence of meconium in the amniotic fluid is a very dangerous circumstance for the baby. First of all, its presence indicates the presence of oxygen starvation. In addition, during heavy protracted labor, the baby may begin to breathe while in the womb. Together with the waters, it will “inhale” feces.

In such cases, the doctor immediately after birth removes fluid from the lungs. Particles of original feces, remaining in them, can lead to pneumonia. In any case, the presence in the amniotic fluid of any particles indicates a severe degree of hypoxia. In this case, postpartum treatment is immediately prescribed. Mom, who cares about the health of her unborn child, should know what the symptoms and consequences of hypoxia in a newborn are. This will help avoid the occurrence of such a serious illness. In addition, the pregnant woman should adhere to a healthy lifestyle: to comply with the sleep pattern, eat right, refrain from alcohol, cigarettes and drugs, is more often in the fresh air. The birth of a healthy child is what she should strive for. Mothers whose children have been exposed to hypoxia before or during childbirth do not have to despair. They must direct all their efforts to correct the consequences so that the future health of the baby does not cause him problems.

What threatens the child with oxygen deprivation during childbirth, what are the complications of this condition and what causes this pathology. All these questions are asked by young mothers, faced with a disappointing diagnosis.

The baby may experience oxygen starvation, being in the mother’s womb, and directly in the process of childbirth. This condition of the fetus differs in acute and chronic phase. As a rule, acute hypoxia of the fetus is diagnosed only during childbirth, and chronic occurs throughout pregnancy. It occurs due to disorders of the uteroplacental circulation. Acute hypoxia after birth is observed when certain complications arise during childbirth. If the etiology of fetal hypoxia depends mainly on the mother, then hypoxia during childbirth in a child can be the result of illiterate actions of doctors during childbirth.

Consequences of fetal hypoxia during childbirth

If the child was born with hypoxia, do not rush to despair, first of all, you need to find out the causes of this pathology.

A provocative factor to the development of oxygen starvation could be premature detachment of the placenta, multiple entanglement of the umbilical cord around the neck of the child, the mistake of the obstetrician, and the child, etc. The severity of the consequences is measured on the Apgar scale. High scores on this scale indicate a slight degree of asphyxiation in the baby. Low - signals about the risk of the development of a neurological disorder in a baby: hyperactivity, psycho-speech pathologies, delayed physical or mental development.

The effects of hypoxia during childbirth are sometimes quite serious. Hardest oxygen deficiency carries the baby's brain. Insignificant oxygen starvation in the period of carrying a baby can develop into an acute form. But if a newborn began to breathe on his own, he has every chance of avoiding pathologies of development and growth.

Hypoxia in newborns after cesarean section

Conversations concerning the advantages and disadvantages of operative delivery do not fall silent. Recently, many expectant mothers choose a cesarean section because of the speed, painlessness, the seeming "ease" of the process. But doctors insist that the non-physiological approach to delivery promptly should be carried out solely for medical reasons.

The thing is that such an operation as a caesarean section can sometimes lead to a child’s trauma and oxygen starvation. The embarrassing removal of a child from the womb is for him a rather strong irritant. It can cause such neurological abnormalities as a violation of muscle tone, the function of the autonomic nervous system, motor activity. In rare cases even intracranial hemorrhages, spinal injuries are observed, which also means complications in the neonatal period, and may further cause failures in the psychomotor development of the child.

The outcome of childbirth and the possible development of oxygen deprivation at caesarean section is also affected by anesthetic drugs (pain relief) used during the operation. Anesthesia before caesarean section is general or local. Taking muscle relaxants and analgesics leads to changes in the life processes of the newborn, depression of the central nervous system and respiration. A child may become drowsy, lethargic, he sucks poorly, his muscle tone decreases. The respiratory depression in a baby leads to a lack of oxygen, which requires intensive therapy.

Hypoxia is a violation of the supply of oxygen to the fetus.

And only during childbirth, when the umbilical cord pulls, the knot tightens, abruptly interrupting the blood flow. If at this point the baby’s head has already appeared, doctors can save the baby, but if the child is deep in the birth canal, it threatens the death of the fetus.

With timely diagnosis, emergency cesarean section will help the baby to be born. That is why the control of placental blood flow and the heartbeat of the fetus during pregnancy and during the entire period of labor is so important.

Consequences of acute hypoxia

The lack of oxygen in the first place suffers the brain of a child. With an acute decrease in blood flow in the uterus, placenta, or umbilical cord, a natural defense mechanism is activated: increased brain blood flow to the fetus.

This process, it would seem, designed to ensure proper nutrition of brain cells, plays its negative role: the weak vessels of the newborn do not withstand the load, there may be changes similar in physiology to stroke.

Previously, such lesions were described by neonatologists as “intracranial birth injury” or “cerebrovascular accident” of varying severity.

The terms "hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy" or "perinatal encephalopathy" were later proposed. They more accurately, from a medical point of view, describe the problem, since the brain of a newborn is physiologically different from the mature brain of an adult.

That is why such diagnoses, made in the first days of life, are not always as dangerous and irreversible as strokes in adults.

If hypoxia is diagnosed

In the initial stage of labor, while there are no frequent contractions, outpouring of water and a woman feels comfortable, you can assess the risk of hypoxia by monitoring the fetal heart rate.

The child's heart must adequately respond to changes in the blood flow of the woman herself (2-3 simple physical exercises or, conversely, a short breath hold).

If there is a reaction and the child’s heart rate changes with the mother’s heart rhythm, there is no danger.

If the heart of the baby beats monotonously, not reacting to the behavior of the mother, this indicates the threat of fetal hypoxia during childbirth. In this case, it is recommended to speed up delivery by stimulation or by surgery (depending on other related factors).

CTG allows you to monitor fetal heart rate during the active period of contractions. If there are symptoms of hypoxia, doctors try to restore blood flow by administering vasodilator drugs, glucose, calcium gluconate, ascorbic acid, sometimes insulin, atropine to the woman.

It is also shown oxygen respiration (through a special mask). Usually these measures allow you to safely complete childbirth in a natural way.

If medication correction did not help, with the consent of the expectant mother go to the operational delivery.

How to help the newborn?

The condition of the newborn is assessed on the Apgar scale, immediately after birth and after 5 minutes.

An infant who has experienced hypoxia during childbirth, usually pale, weakened, may have a sucking reflex, he is diagnosed with cardiac arrhythmias.

The child needs the help of neonatologists. Perhaps the baby will need long-term monitoring and rehabilitation by neurologists. But the measures taken in the first hours of life play a crucial role.

Atropine may be introduced to the newborn (sometimes this is done even before the completion of labor), mechanical cleaning of the airways, an oxygen mask, or even a temporary stay under the ventilator may be necessary.

Drugs can be used to enhance cardiac activity or accelerate the maturation of the lungs (in case of premature pregnancy or fetal hypotrophy).

If you are in a clinic where there is no pediatric intensive care unit, the baby will be transported to a special hospital or perinatal center.

Of course, parting with a newly born child is a huge stress for the mother! But to oppose the hospitalization of the infant means that he will be deprived of full-fledged assistance, this may further lead to serious developmental disorders, and possibly disability.

Choosing a hospital in advance, ask if there is an intensive care unit for newborns.

Long-term perspectives

The brain of a child born into the world is an immature structure in which nature itself has amazing abilities for regeneration and development.

Prevention of acute hypoxia is important.

But if it was not possible to avoid complications, timely, qualified assistance makes it possible to completely get rid of the effects of oxygen starvation.

During the first year of life with a baby who has experienced hypoxia, it is necessary to actively engage.

Special massage courses, classes at a rehabilitation center or medical therapy selected by age will be required. Water procedures and swimming are very good for restoring the nervous system.

Your baby has every chance to meet his first birthday perfectly healthy, not yielding to his peers either in physical or in speech development!

Greetings to you, dear readers! The intrauterine development of a child plays a large role in his later life, since it largely determines his health. However, there are many factors and conditions that can harm the fetus during pregnancy. One of them is fetal hypoxia, the consequences for which a child can be very sad. Let's talk about how to avoid hypoxia and recognize it in time.

Before we talk in detail about hypoxia, we define what it means. In medicine, this is what oxygen starvation is called when nutrients and oxygen are not supplied to a child for a number of reasons. This condition is quite common, occurring in 10% of pregnant women.

Hypopathy is not a separate disease, but develops due to various pathological processes in the pregnant woman’s body. There are 2 state forms:

  • acute hypoxia (occurs unexpectedly, most often in the process of childbirth);
  • chronic (develops over several months, complicating the course of pregnancy).

Intrauterine hypoxia only with a mild course does not affect the health of the child. Statistics show: only in 4% of cases severe hyposkine does not affect the health of the child.

Causes of hypoxia

Causes of oxygen starvation are most often associated with internal diseases of a pregnant woman:

  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • anemia;
  • diabetes;
  • pathology of the kidneys, respiratory system;
  • low water or high water;

Another reason - violations in the uteroplacental blood flow due to:

  • birth abnormalities;
  • retouching;
  • diseases of the umbilical cord, placenta;
  • pregnancy complications.

Oxygen starvation and fetal diseases cause:


In time to recognize hypoxia will help the symptoms, which should pay attention to every future mom:

  • From about 4 months, the baby starts to move. A woman should pay attention to how many times the movement episodes occurred. One episode is the submission of signs of life for 2 minutes. Too frequent or rare perturbations are considered by doctors as negative signs.
  • The main symptom to which the doctor can pay attention is rare or fluctuating heartbeats. Normal beating should occur with a frequency of 120-16 beats per minute. The number of beats about 90-100 per minute - a dangerous sign.

At birth, hypoxia is determined by the following features:

  • the child has pale or bluish skin;
  • weak muscle tone;
  • weakened manifestation of reflexes or their complete absence;
  • the baby cries badly, crying may be absent;
  • breathing is difficult;
  • the color of amniotic fluid is green or brown.

Diagnostic procedures will help confirm the diagnosis:

  • Cardiotocography. This is an ultrasound scan, using sensors attached to the stomach that determine the frequency and quality of the heartbeat of the child.
  • Doppler. Another ultrasound aimed at analyzing blood flow in the placenta and uterus.
  • Ultrasound. The method allows you to see the overall picture of the child's development.
  • Biochemical analysis of the blood of a pregnant woman.

Based on the tests, the doctor concludes about the condition of the child and the degree of danger to him of oxygen starvation.

The effects of hypoxia

With a mild degree of acute or chronic hypoxia, every third child is born, so a condition that does not affect the development of the fetus is not considered dangerous. Severe oxygen starvation affects the formation of the fetus. Every future mom is obliged to know what is dangerous hypoxia:

  • developmental delay;
  • cNS damage;
  • reduced adaptation to environmental conditions;
  • change in metabolic processes;
  • ischemia;
  • cell death in various organs that entail irreversible consequences.

Treatment of pathological conditions of the child is long and not always effective. Hypoxia Treatment

Since acute hypoxia occurs mainly during childbirth, emergency therapy is required. The drugs are administered intravenously, depending on the evidence:

With well-constructed treatment, hypoxia does not significantly affect the health of the child. The future mom needs to be attentive and serious about her feelings. At the first suspicion of oxygen starvation of the child to consult a doctor.

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