How to paint a gazelle car with olive oil in stages. How to paint a gazelle with an olive step by step

At this uroch, you’ll be able to paint the Volga GAZ 21 with an olive. This is a retro car, which was let out only in the Radian Union. Usyy Bulo issued 639,478 conciliators. The sound of the Volga was not compromised by the American and European analogues of quiet hours. As a diva of the auto industry, I can’t reach it, I know. Ale, you can make a schoolboy look at a foreign car in the form of our car. All on the right at the color. Such zhahlivy kolorіv veselka world is not yet bachiv. Aje our man is like an artist, you can’t just copy a good picture, you need to obligatory add your own. Dekilka ten years later, the virobniks have understood tse and turned the Volga into a strict black color. For the lesson, I took the Volga GAZ 21 itself, because it is a legend of Russian roads.

How to paint GAZ 21 in stages with an olive.

Croc first. Small car box.
Croc is different. Significantly, there will be roztashovani kolіna, lights and front bumper.
Crook the third. Now it is important to carefully round the shape. We care about all the details.
Crook quarters. Add shadows for realism. How do you ride a Zhiguli by liking. І a little more cars:

  1. Vіtchiznyany cult car -;
  2. American legend

Already painted +4 I want to paint +4 Dyakuyu 82

Krok 1.

Let’s start from the frame: we’ll make a great straight cut, and then we’ll start to look like bidskati along the folds of the tricuts, finishing at the same proportion as the great straight cut. After that, dodamo horizontal and vertical lines, as shown in the little one.

Krok 2

Now we need to improve the contours of the body. Here you can start from whatever place, from which it is easier to start from that. I’ll tell myself: starting from the daha, slightly right-handed to the left, then the back part of the car, then the wheel arch, the threshold, the wheel arch, and then the lower border of the hood. After the home of the elements, which are left out, it is clear to the proportions.

Krok 3

At this stage, we paint the shape of the hood, the headlights of the head light, the shape of the front and rear bumpers. Oskіlki GAZelle we have vintage, zamіst passenger windows and we are almost stubs. And let’s finish this short time, which is even more direct, by the way the back doors are opened.

Krok 4

At once, we can paint the form of a wheel. Let's proceed to the detailed painting of the front bumper, which is literally touched by various elements: fog lights, ventilation openings, etc. As soon as it is finished, it will be left home with a rear-view mirror and a radiator grille.

Krok 5.

Let's look at the details of the car's elements. Let's take a look at the wheels: we'll look at the details of the wheels and the protector. Let's fix it over the radiator gates. After that, as soon as the front work is completed, we will also open the doors under them, as well as open the window on the side of the front passenger.

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Kindly welcome to the site! Today I am preparing another lesson, dedication to the domestic auto industry. Tsya theme vyyavilas nadzvichaynno in the distance that tsіkavoi! І tsomu є a whole logical explanation. Even richer people are more likely to have little supercars and cars and a variety of millions of rubles. Dzhe tsіkavo and hoarsely (already turn me) paint those cars, like you constantly bachite outside the windows and drive on them yourself. And don't get foreign cars. Most of all, the good old "shistki", "p'yatirki", "kopіyki", new "Kalini", "Priori", "Gazelle" and so on. Prote rіch for those who know step by step lessons from these cars on the endless expanses of the Internet, it’s very easy, if not impossible. Ale, good luck, don’t stop our site! To the one on the site you can find out all the step-by-step lessons about how to paint a country's cars, bit by bit!

On which the entrance part is completed and we can collapse further. On the proposition of a koristuvach Novel(an ideal inspiration for today's lesson) we can read the GAZelle! Now troch about today's hero!

Gazelle- A series of Russian small-tonnage vehicles that were produced at the Gorky Automobile Plant from the fall of 1994 to the spring of 2010. At the beginning of 2003, the GAZelle family went through a restyling (the so-called model of another generation) and the sound was refurbished in the early series with new plumage, a radiator grille, a bumper and lighting equipment. In 2005, a million GAZelles were vibrated. At this time, the release of the budgetary "GAZelle-Standard" from the cabin of the 2003 year and the frequent modernization of the units and units is being taken.

GAZelle cars are classified up to class H1 (M1) with the maximum weight allowed, which does not exceed 3500 kg, which formally allows them to be charged (crime minibuses) for the presence of the rights to drive a "passenger" category "B"; also on the "Gazelle" there is no expansion of the sign 3.4 "Movement of vintage cars is fenced." For transportation by GAZelle minibus, a "bus" category "D" is required.

For the second prize of the Best Russian Brandy, which was held for the nineth time by Interbrand Zintzmeyer&Lux, the GAZelle brand, ranked 29th, outperforming LADA and KAMAZ brandy in its category (34th e that 35th month). In 2008, the company contributed $139 million or 3,564 million rubles to the GAZelle brand.

In 2009, the rate for promotion of sales in the Nizhny Novgorod region was alive with additional entries, which led to the acquisition of large sums of subsidies, reaching 26% for models with a full-metal body.

Since February 2010, the birth of a slightly reduced version of the GAZelle-Business car was born; at the official dealers, sales started on the 25th of February (її mi very offensive times).

Krok 1. Let’s start from the frame: we’ll make a great straight cut, and then we’ll start to look like bidskati along the folds of the tricuts, finishing at the same proportion as the great straight cut. After that, dodamo horizontal and vertical lines, as shown in the little one.

Krok 2 Now we need to improve the contours of the body. Here you can start from whatever place, from which it is easier to start from that. I’ll tell myself: starting from the daha, slightly right-handed to the left, then the back part of the car, then the wheel arch, the threshold, the wheel arch, and then the lower border of the hood. After the home of the elements, which are left out, it is clear to the proportions.

Krok 3. At this stage, we paint the shape of the hood, the headlights of the head light, the shape of the front and rear bumpers. Oskіlki GAZelle we have vintage, zamіst passenger windows and we are almost stubs. And let’s finish this short time, which is even more direct, by the way the back doors are opened.

Krok 4 At once, we can paint the form of a wheel. Let's proceed to the detailed painting of the front bumper, which is literally touched by various elements: fog lights, ventilation openings, etc. As soon as it is finished, it will be left home with a rear-view mirror and a radiator grille.

Krok 5. Let's look at the details of the car's elements. Let's take a look at the wheels: we'll look at the details of the wheels and the protector. Let's fix it over the radiator gates. After that, as soon as the front work is completed, we will also open the doors under them, as well as open the window on the side of the front passenger.

Krok 6. The last stage of today's lesson. We were left with some minor details: front headlights, turn indicator, door handles, brizkoviki. At the end, we saw all the lines, painted on the first stage.

Krok 7 The axis can look like a GAZelle after the lesson is completed. It's easy to finish everything, just like drawing little by little. On which I will round. With impatience I check your comments, comments and propositions. To hell! ^_^

At this uroch, you’ll be able to paint the Volga GAZ 21 with an olive. This is a retro car, which was let out only in the Radian Union. Usyy Bulo issued 639,478 conciliators. The sound of the Volga was not compromised by the American and European analogues of quiet hours. As a diva of the auto industry, I can’t reach it, I know. Ale, you can make a schoolboy look at a foreign car in the form of our car. All on the right at the color. Such zhahlivy kolorіv veselka world is not yet bachiv. Aje our man is like an artist, you can’t just copy a good picture, you need to obligatory add your own. Dekilka ten years later, the virobniks have understood tse and turned the Volga into a strict black color. For the lesson, I took the Volga GAZ 21 itself, because it is a legend of Russian roads.

How to paint GAZ 21 in stages with an olive.

Croc first. Small car box.

Croc is different. Significantly, there will be roztashovani kolіna, lights and front bumper.

Crook the third. Now it is important to carefully round the shape. We care about all the details.

Crook quarters. Add shadows for realism. How do you ride a Zhiguli by liking. І a little more cars:

  1. Vіtchiznyany cult car -;
  2. American legend

Already painted +4 I want to paint +4 Dyakuёmo +77

Krok 1.

Let’s start from the frame: we’ll make a great straight cut, and then we’ll start to look like bidskati along the folds of the tricuts, finishing at the same proportion as the great straight cut. After that, dodamo horizontal and vertical lines, as shown in the little one.

Krok 2

Now we need to improve the contours of the body. Here you can start from whatever place, from which it is easier to start from that. I’ll tell myself: starting from the daha, slightly right-handed to the left, then the back part of the car, then the wheel arch, the threshold, the wheel arch, and then the lower border of the hood. After the home of the elements, which are left out, it is clear to the proportions.

Krok 3

At this stage, we paint the shape of the hood, the headlights of the head light, the shape of the front and rear bumpers. Oskіlki GAZelle we have vintage, zamіst passenger windows and we are almost stubs. And let’s finish this short time, which is even more direct, by the way the back doors are opened.

Krok 4

At once, we can paint the form of a wheel. Let's proceed to the detailed painting of the front bumper, which is literally touched by various elements: fog lights, ventilation openings, etc. As soon as it is finished, it will be left home with a rear-view mirror and a radiator grille.

Krok 5.

Let's look at the details of the car's elements. Let's take a look at the wheels: we'll look at the details of the wheels and the protector. Let's fix it over the radiator gates. After that, as soon as the front work is completed, we will also open the doors under them, as well as open the window on the side of the front passenger.