Submissive appearance in UPP 1s. Rozrahunki from a tax on surpluses in the UPP: the procedure, features and types of pardons

It is notable recently that the product was expanded under the name 1C UPP. What is it, however, is far from being known to all entrepreneurs. The product covers the key aspects of the organization's work. This program gives you the opportunity to organize an information system of a complex nature, to support business, international and the product allows, moreover, to secure the financial and government side of the company's work. We looked at the 1C UPP report: what is it, how are the tools in it, how does the robot work in the system.

Zagalni vіdomostі

For the creation of a single information space with the method of expanding the financial and government operations of the company, the 1C UPP system is the most effective tool in this hour. What is it? This product allows you to embrace everything in the company's business process. At the same time, we will secure access to the savings of data, the possibility of living quietly among others, up to the status of spivrobitnikiv. Basis 1C in a company with a holding structure can capture all organizations that come before it. Tse allows you to significantly reduce the workload of conducting publicity zavdyaki repeated selection of global information arrays by different companies. At the same time, in all organizations, a sharp financial-government and submissive appearance is carried out. In UPP (1C) the rest, prote, is formed around companies. One of the peculiarities of the product is the registration of the fact of the operation. Vaughn zdіysnyuєtsya once. The document appears as a registration tool in 1C. The form of inclusion of data can be set "for locking". Therefore, new entries are entered on the base before those entered.

Data control in 1C SCP: what is it?

In the complex version, the spivvіdnoshennia of the vіdomosti of different zvіtnostі was adopted. Zokrem, the independence and equality of taxable, financial-government and administrative forms were transferred. Krym tsgogo, kіlkіsnі і sumovі estimates goiter and yazan i activіv vyvnіnі zbіgatisya, yakshcho vіdsutnі Objective causes for rozbіzhnosti. The control of data, which is to be introduced to the system by the system, is controlled by the program itself 1C "Pidpriyemstvo". For example, when registering the bills for cooking, it is applied the decision to check the availability of the necessary amount for arranging the existing applications for stained glass. When fіksuvannі vіdvantazhennya goods, the system ocіnuє camp vzaєmozalіkіv z oberzhuvachami vantage. The program 1C "Introduction" includes a set of interfaces. Tse allows you to secure cutaneous coristuvachevi access to these data, as necessary for you.

zvіtnіst regulated

Accounting 1C UPP is conducted in national currency. What is the cost of management zvіtnosti, then for her it can be taken as a penny loneliness. In different organizations, one information base 1C can have different systems of filing. So, in some, you can have SSO, in others - BASIC. In addition, there may be zastosovuvatisya different installations of tax and financial-government appearance. Up to certain types of activity, UTII stagnation is allowed. Dodatkovo to regulated i managerial appearances you can win the score according to IFRS. In order to change the labor intensity, the work is carried out in an inefficient manner, due to the zastosuvannya pereakhunka (broadcasting) of information from other documents.

distribution specifics

When creating a product, modern international methods of organizing organization management and achieving effective automation were taken into account. The design and development of the configuration was done with the participation of the facsimiles of the "ITRP" company. As for the development of instructions 1C UPP and the creation of methodological materials, as well as consulting support, then this activity is handled by the audit and consulting corporation PricewaterhouseCoopers. Applied solution is considered to be high supremacy, scalability, ability to vibudate territorial division of the system. The product can be integrated with other software. Vіn povnіstyu vіdkritiy vіdkritiy vіvchennya i nalashtuvannya in zalezhnostі vіd prébіzаtsiї.

The structure of the applied solution

All automation mechanisms are subdivided into two great groups:

  1. To support the operating robot company.
  2. For conducting non-operational registration and appearance.

The structure of the applied solution includes various subsystems. They are charged for the implementation of groups of similar tasks. For example, tse can be subsystems of personnel management or pennies. Such a podіl is presented in the form of a kind of cleverness, which makes it easier to master the system. In the current robotic coristuvach, the cordon between them and the subsystems may not be considered.

victoria sphere

The system 1C UPP "Virobnitstvo" can win in various support services and organization services. Before them, zokrema, one can bring:

1. Direction. Coristuvachs can be a kerіvnik, chief engineer, commercial director, and so on.

2. Virobnich workshops.

3. Weddily:

  • planning and economic;
  • head mechanic;
  • zbutu;
  • marketing;
  • head designer;
  • security (material and technical supply);
  • materials and finished products;
  • personnel;
  • employment and organization of work;
  • cappulation;
  • administrative-state;
  • strategic development;
  • information and analytical.

4. Accounting.

5. IT service.

system advantages

The provision of 1C UPP will ensure the safety of managers, spivrobitnikiv, kerіvnіkіv pіdrozdіlіv, who are engaged in non-intermediate zbutovoy, post-installation and other activities in servicing the process of preparing products, special system tools. The stench allows you to move like a shchenno ї work for specific directions. Pratsіvniki oblіkovih viddіlіv otrimuyut koshti avtomatizirovannoj vіdnі zvіtnostі. With this documentation, I will comply with the law and corporate standards of the company. Managers and non-intermediate ker_vniki of the organization, which include business development, have wide opportunities for analysis, forecasting and planning, flexible management of the company's resource base. Tse, in his line, ensures the promotion of the competitiveness of the firm.

efficiency monitor

The goal is to ensure the operational assessment of the main indicators in the effectiveness of the company's management. The performance monitor allows you to:

  1. Enjoy all sides of the business within the framework of one information system.
  2. At the same time, show improvement in tasks in terms of performance, points of growth and negative dynamics.
  3. Clarify hope vіdomostі.
  4. Vykoristovuvat a complex of demonstrations of effectiveness, applications to a demonstration base.
  5. Create new dekilkoh options for the call for the most important types of work and for the areas of support for the core staff.
  6. Shvidko to create new parameters of efficiency.

The demonstration base has 42 performance indicators. Koristuvach can take advantage of them on a normal system for the help of an exchange of bills. This mechanism also allows you to add those other indications that are necessary for a particular company.


Rational asset management acts as a key element of the company's strategy in reaching the goals set in the long-term perspective. Tsei factor buv acceptances to respect by retailers 1C UPP. The main facilities, possessed, as not accepted for operation, but as it came to the company and transferred for installation, as well as the budding objects are fixed in a single information system in an automated mode. Coristuvachas have access to the following abilities:

  1. The appearance of windows on budіvelnі, installation, repair work.
  2. Automation of operations that require OS registration and installation.
  3. The appearance of windows for reconstruction and modernization.
  4. Molding of zvіtnostі in the required rosettes.
  5. Creation of the register from the taxable form and the cost of depreciation for windfall from the income.
  6. Vіdobrazhennya operatsіy z OS i obladannânâ v zvіtnіy dokumentatsії.

The addendum has all the key functions automated:

additional tools

For operating systems with seasonal operational features, it may be necessary to schedule a fixed schedule for the monthly distribution of river depreciation. Addendum to the product, we give detailed information about the flow mill of the OS, give the opportunity to analyze the level of wear and control the order of maintenance of the machines. Doing the terminology of the generic program, rational distribution of resources, and resource selection will require high efficiency in OS maintenance planning. For whom, in the system, advances of ability are transmitted:

  1. Development and formalization of the regulatory framework for servicing the OS.
  2. Registration of bags is working.
  3. OS maintenance planning and resources, as for which you need.
  4. Zdiysnennya control over dotrimanny obsyagіv і termіnіv.

1C UPP: introduction of cob surpluses for mutual frosts

This operation is performed from the "Documents" menu. The required form is available from the depositor "Dodatkovo". They gave you the option to choose an operation. "Document of rozrakhunkiv" must be filled in. Tse to try to get into that mood, as there is no rozrahunok behind the contract. Koristuvach can indicate in the document quality the very form of entering surpluses. For which track, click on the "Record" button. If the company has post-employees, if they don’t want to overpay, but they haven’t delivered the goods yet, it’s necessary to fill in the “Advance” tab. There are 2 bookmarks in the system for displaying balances for transactions with purchases. One of them is "Avansi", and another - "Rozrakhunki with contractors". Yakscho pіd hour of writing other vzaєmorozrahunkіv on rax. 76 tabs are named "Big Borg" and "Borg Change". Crime of the appointed rahunka, information is given for the rach. 66, 67 and others, on which the subconto "Agree" and "Counterparties" are won. In principle, you can choose a statute that there are no freeze-ups on the yak. Clearly, there are no necessary subaccounts on it. In this type of analytical appearance, contracts or counterparties do not appear in postings. In this rank, the operation of this type of sensation cannot be, do not marvel at those that the computer can create.

commission trade

The type of exchange for purchase and sale is established by the authorities of the contract with the counterparty, which is included in the information system. With tsomu with one subject, it can be used as a sprat suitable to a different type. Some can be contracts with a commissioner, others - purchase and sale. For registration of operations for these types of land, the same set of documentation is required. The acceptance of products for commission is fixed by the form "Necessity of services and goods". The fact that the same type of trade is possible is indicated in the contract. Vіn zazuєtsya at іdpovіdnіy column of the screen form of the form. In case of payment for sums and kіlkіsnu registration of goods is divided between the services of the company, for fixing the receipt of a document for the products ".

At the configuration, a scheme of taxable tax was implemented, up to chapter 25 of the Tax Code and PBO "Obl_k rozarakhunkiv z tax on income". Support trim PBO 18/02 can be included in custom fittings accounting style.

In addition to 1s UPP 8 inclusions of a special plan of accounts of a taxable form, organization and structure of an analytical form in a similar accounting plan of accounts. The special plan of the rachunkiv of the taxable appearance is the internal distribution of the firm "1C" and is not included in the normative documents.

The delivery of the configuration includes already the completion of the tax payment plan with coding, which ensures the consistency of the data of the accounting form with the taxes related to them. Tsey pidhіd significantly asks dotrimannya vimog legislature.

In addition, the taxable plan of the taxpayers reflects the specifics of the taxpayer's appearance up to chapter 25 of the Tax Code.

Correspondence of features to the plan of settlements of the taxable form and the plan of settlements of the accounting form:

taxable accounts are off-balance, so that before the taxable form, postings can be made without correspondence of accounts;

schodo rahunkіv poddkovogo form more rahunkіv rozrakhunkіv (with purchases, post-employees, etc.) can be replaced by rakhunok PV "Needhodzhennya that vibuttya myna, robit, services, rights";

rahunki oblіku ob'ektіv, yakі not vplyvayut on the tax on surplus per day, but it is important, scho vіdpovіdnі zobov'yazannya or activate the same assessment, like in the accounting form;

more rachunks of a succulent appearance of vitrates for virobnitstvo may 3 subrachunks - for the appearance of direct and indirect vitrates;

to rahunka 91 "Іnshi income and vitrati" the number of subrakhunkiv, necessary for the taxable appearance, was added.

The succumbing appearance is carried out on the basis of the following basic principles:

independence of accounting and tax data;

porіvnyannіst danih accounting and taxable oblіkіv;

vіdpovіdnіst sumovіvі kіlіkіsnih otsіnіk vіtratі і income, goiter'yazanі і aktіvіv dannymi odniy buhkіtskogo i podtkovogo oblіkіv.

Vіdobrazhennya gospodarskih operations vіdbuvaєtsya in parallel in the tax and accounting form. If there is no need for additional description of the operation for the taxable person.

Vіdobrazhennya gospodarskih podіy in taxable form zdіysnyuєtsya for additional recording of taxable postings. Tax postings can be reviewed through the tax posting journal, organizations similar to the accounting posting journal. The main vіdmіnіst vіdminnіst podtkovoї vіd avіdskoї ї posting polagaє in the fact that pіd hour record podtkovії posting no need to dorimuvatisya rule podvіynogo record.

When a document is entered into the information base, tax postings will be generated automatically, as in the document form on the screen it will be indicated "Show in tax form". Taxable postings are available for review through the taxable posting journal, which can be launched from a screen form.

The shells of the giving form and other necessary data are submitted to the filings at the time of their automatic forming. The selection of accounts of the taxable form is carried out from the same lists, from which the accounts of the accounting form are selected. Tse allows the work of entering into the information base of documents and handing over to practitioners who do not qualify as an accountant, and for accountants to close the function of monitoring the taxation policy of undertaking and setting up lists that are selected for automatic selection of accounting tax.

At the end of the stellar period, the document "Regulatory operations of taxable form" is introduced, which records the list of residual taxable postings in the information base.

To control the flow mill of the taxable form, serve as a set of standard accounts of the taxable form (shakhova vіdomіst, reverse-balance vіdomіst, card of the taxpayer and іn.).

The tributes of the taxable form are transferred to the taxable register - the form of the intermediate taxable income from the tax on surpluses.

Upon completion of the introduction of all data of the stellar period and the completion of all regulatory operations, the procedure for forming a tax return for a profit tax can be launched.

For 1C UPP and KA 1.1, it is important that the oblіkova policy was set not only for accounting and tax, but also for managerial oblіku. The management of the appearance policy is applied for all programs in general, and the appearance policy of the regulated appearance is applied to the skin organization of the okremo.

We will send you the demo according to the order given by the retailer and read it from the managerial oblіkovo policy.

General policies in 1C SCP and Complex 1.1. zapovnyuyutsya in the interface Supervisor appearance. Menu: Improving the appearance - Oblikova policy

Oblіkova politika z administrаl'skogo obіku v 1С UPP i Kompleksnoi 1.1

At the new base of management, the public policy has already been fixed for locking. We review it and, if necessary, correct it as it is necessary for our company.

1. Stock up

The axis looks like this: setting the appearance of reserves for locking:

Here you can:

Change the strategy for assessing the variability of the MPZ in case of vibutt

Often, accountants have enough estimates of the amount of stocks "beyond the average", and for managerial rank, they want to take more detailed and accurate information. In 1C, you can allow yourself - for which, in the official policy of the managerial appearance, set FIFO, and in the accounting one, according to the average and deduct independent data according to the cost of write-off of the MPZ.

Do not vmikati MPE at the party’s variance

In the accounting form of the MPE, you have to switch off from the inventory of the MPZ in the warehouse, and in the managerial form, you can choose the option that suits you best. Although the classical methodology of the managerial appearance of the inclusion of MPE from the assessment of the volatility of reserves, in Russia it is often vvazhayut for the best estimate of the reserves for the "casual principle", that is, for the sum of paid pennies. We don’t set the ensign.

How heavy are you classical school, Then install the ensign.

Nalashtuvannya stosuetsya as a sum of MPE in case of overdose and military MPE.

News MPZ organizations in different warehouses.

Tse one s nalashtuvan 1C, which is not called intuitively sensible.

In 1C there are a few registers, in which information about the goods in the company is collected. The main registers - on the basis of 1C spiral, if there is a surplus - tse Goods in warehouses and Goods in organizations. Їm indov_dat zvіti: Goods in warehouses і Vіdomіst by commodities і VMD organіzatsіy.

Goods in warehouses, as if you were calling out the names, you must pay the surpluses in the distribution of warehouses. But there are no organizations in them. Sob to sign the surplus itself in the organization we need to win the register of accumulation "Products of organizations". From which register is collected information about goods in different organizations. The axis in the new analytics for warehouses is set by the parameter of oblіkovoї politiki.

In some circumstances, do not secure a warehouse for goods in an organization manually. For example, I added warehouses in your company mentally. It is also possible to allow koristuvachs in the subsidiary rights to sell goods without control of stocks in warehouses, or else to remove control of stocks in organizations. Then the manager can sell the goods from any warehouse, abi wine listed on your organization, in the name of which wine you sell. The movement of goods in such a way can be done in fact. So schob vir_vnyati negative surplus warehouses.

Order of molding oblіkovih tsіn.

In trading companies, as a rule, the appearance of the MPZ is carried out for direct (actual) vitrate.

The accounting appearance is independent.

2. Variety and appearance of vitrates

Here mi nalashtovuemo inclusion of MPE in virobnichi vitrati in a managerial guise. It is logical that the setting was based on your choice of how the MPE is included in the batch number on the front tab.

For 1C UPP, here it is possible to turn on the choice of spelling in the shape of a spelling. In Complex Automation, the request for selection has not been transferred.

3. Rozpodil vitrat

Here, there are only a few options for the appearance of the charitable gift windows for the managerial appearance. Either include them in the total compatibility of products, or ... do not include them. Sounds about surpluses and bribes in the managerial guise as such an everyday one. Therefore, in the case of "direct - costing" (the first option on the bookmark) with these vitrates, there is simply nothing to be seen. True, such a sound can still be achieved, within the framework of the subsystem of budgeting, but in the end - it's all about history.

The accounting appearance is independent.

4. Detailing of windows

In the case of write-off of indirect vitrates on the listings, it is possible to insure them in the unfinished listing according to the same statute of vitrates, or it can be enlarged. Tobto for all vitrates of one kind should be assigned a zagalnenu article. For example, all the stats for the rozpodіl on the WIP are reduced to the stati "The galvanized vitrati".

Vtіm, I haven’t bacheled for a long time, so that there were victorious stats here. We love the details, but you can enlarge it in the stars.

The accounting appearance is independent.

5. Reductions

Here there is a tipi nizhok, available in the sale documents. If the ensign is not installed, then the credit of this type cannot be installed in the program. At the installation document, the stink reduction will be visible, but 1C will not let you save a document with this type of reduction.

Setting up the selection of discount cards is reportedly described in the contextual documentation of the program, I will not repeat it here.

6. Classification of buyers

The classification of buyers is better not to repeat. This information is based on the statistics of the data of the system itself. So far there is little data, the classification itself does not avenge enough corny information. If a few months have passed, you can marvel at how to calculate the statistics in the fallow period and choose the most suitable option for your activity. The program has a classification not only of buyers, but of nomenclature. І tse give more detailed information about sales.

Everything, we overcame the management policy. Let's move on to the accounting and taxable form.

Oblikova policy from accounting and taxable form in 1C SCP and Complex 1.1

To establish the official policy from the accounting form in 1C UPP and Complex 1.1 is necessary for the skin organization for skin care, in which case the documents of the accounting and tax filings were required. In addition, there are documents of cob deposits.

Pressing on the green plus sign - add a new one. I start to zapovnyuvat.

1. Zagalni

We choose the system of subsidy and it is necessary to specify - zastosovuєmo chi UTII.

MTR - if MTR is selected, then some of the bookmarks are known, then the MTR bookmark is displayed.

If you indicate on this bookmark the option Profit minus cost, then the additional tab Vitrati MTR will appear, for which you can additionally add the recognition of MTR vitrate.

UTII - dodaє yatati UTII, for which you can specify the base and adjust the account for the appearance of UTII.

Remaining ensign - virobnicha diyalnist is being conducted. It is necessary to install obov'yazkovo, so that your organization generates products, or you give services, the cooperation of which you would like to rebuild. The ensign regulates the availability of customization and the possibility of conducting a customization in the program.

If you only have a trading activity, then the ensign is better than a hired one, just to fix the programs.

2. Reconciliation with contractors

The first jump is on the moment of making advances. The system can, when posting an invoice, know the advance payment for the contract and more efficiently posting the closed advance payment.

The second option: when the documents are completed, the advance payment is not rushed, for automatic closing of the advance payment, a special processing is launched. This option is often won only if the documents are entered out of order and at the time of the document it is not possible to determine, the amount of the advance payment is cleared up to the new one.

I will give a contextual description of the provision for the provision of reserves, so I will not dwell on it here. Choose the nalashtuvannya, depending on your public policy.

3. Stock up

To quietly improve the appearance of reserves, as we discussed with you in the public policy of the managerial appearance, here it was possible to improve the appearance of TZV (transport and procurement vitrates). You can either include in the collection of stocks on the same rahunka appearance (the first option) or vouch for the okremu rahunka.

To show respect that another option is now available only in that case, as in appearance parameters You have chosen expanded analytics of vitrates.

4. Variety and appearance of vitrates

For UPP, here the possibility of setting up the control of the appearance of windings in the regulated form for the approval of the selection has been transferred. This setting is even more important, as it allows, in case of a vicarious request for selection, to conduct a form of collaboration and unfinished selection in the context of an application for selection. So, for example, only the vouchers will be written off for release for a song, as if they were issued for the purpose of the prayer. Vitrati, according to another suggestion, to be left in an unfinished collection, to bring it up to that nomenclature group.

If you keep the appearance of the released products in planned prices, then here you can also adjust the number 40 rahunka.

5. Rozpodil vitrat

Bookmark є tilki in 1C UPP. Ale and there її may sens yet miss. Zapovnyuvati ways rozpodіlu vitrat on tsіy zakladtsi vіdverto not manually. You can make them in a good day, or in the world of the creation of the articles themselves.

6. Detailing of windows

We have already discussed the first block in the same paragraph of the administrative policy. And the axis is another grand cicavi. What will you do, how to get rid of the lock-up for the lock-up - write off the wires?

For rozpodіlyaєtsya by statti vitrati will be narahovuvatisya on rahunok vitrati, but they will not be written off according to this stati. From the other side, sumi will be written off without statti vitrat. In general, everything will curl up behind the rahunk. Ale! When molding the turnover-balance balance for the statutes of vitrate from any vitrate rahunka, we will accumulate surpluses for the statti of vitrate and red minus on the empty statte. Tse rob the back of the unread and unsuitable for re-verification of the correctness of the written off. Zagalom, in my opinion, it’s better to put “detailed”.

7. Zagalnogospodarsky stained glass

The accounting appearance has two options for rozpodіlu zagalnogospodarskih vitrats.

    VOKhR be included in the co-production of products - if you choose this option, then it will be necessary for the future for articles with the nature of "zagalnogospodarska" to improve the way to rozpodіlu.

    VOHR are written off for the direct costing method. If you choose this option, then you should choose the setting of the window, on which the screens will be placed. Ring out 90.08. І it is necessary to choose the base for rozpodіlu by nomenclature groups.

8. A surplus allowance

In 1C UPP and Complex 1.1, the succumbing form is carried out independently from the accounting on the okremy plan of accounts.

Naturally, there is no need to introduce rahunki of a taxable form in the documents of the okremo. For rakhunkіv accounting and taxable oblіkіv vіdpovіdnіst is established. More than that, by clicking on the button "Install the visibility of the accounts of the BO and NU" we can see that the visibility has already been set for the lock. If you want to change the way you have fixed it, or add the account, then you can make changes directly to the supporting document.

Well, stop: set up a zastosuvannya PBO 18/2 for the rozrahunka of the timchasovyh and rest of the retail.

9. Overalls and special equipment

Here you can choose the method of redeeming the vartost for the taxpayer's appearance. The first option of reasoning is to repay it once in a while, upon transfer to operation.

The accounting appearance has the possibility of adjusting the method of redemption for the skin nomenclature position of the okremo. The price is fixed right in the nomenclature's dovіdnik. Tobto, another way is to automatically work in a taxable form just like you would be in an accounting one.

10. MPE

The statutory MPE of folding can only be deducted at the statutory appearance at rates without MPE and 0%, so you have a sale at these rates.

When installing the ensign, it is necessary to give respect to the establishment, as it becomes available when:

Keep a look at the batches of MPE in the series of series and characteristics.

On the right, in the fact that when the appearance is included for the rates of MPE, the appearance by batch for the distribution of MPE is carried out independently. Likewise, you will keep the appearance in batches for the series, or the characteristics of the next sign will be won. In a different way, more for everything, the situation will be blamed, if through retail in the order written off, the sum to write off the documents of the parties in the form of MPE and in the accounting form will be revised. Tse mozhe svorit you folding in the selection of documents for confirmation in tax.

webinar recordings

All the government activity of the enterprise should know its own appearance in the accounting form. The principles of bookkeeping management, implemented in the configuration, are generally approved by Russian legislation and at the same time provide for the needs of the business.

Before the configuration of the inclusions of the accounting plan, the mood is up to the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation "On the approval of the accounting plan of the accounting form of the financial and state government activities and instructions for yogo zastosuvannyu" on 31 July. No. 94n. Warehouse rahunkіv, nalashtuvannya analytical, currency, kіlkіsnogo form allow vrahuvati powerful legislature. Koristuvach can also independently manage the method of appearance within the framework of setting up the appearance policy, create new subdivisions and expand the analytical appearance. For whom it is not necessary to have special knowledge and configuration skills.

The accounting form is carried out in accordance with the Russian legislation for all businesses:

  • bank and cash operations;
  • main benefits and intangible assets;
  • appearance of materials, goods, products;
  • the appearance of vitrate and rozrahunok sobіvartosti;
  • currency transactions;
  • rozrahunki with organizations;
  • rozrahunki with children;
  • rozrahunki with staff for payment of labor;
  • budget cuts.

In the accounting form, all government operations are automatically entered, registered in other subsystems, high levels of formation of accounting records are taken care of.

Accounting appearance is one of the most important activities of entrepreneurship. Accountants are responsible for the security of an efficient and effective automation tool.

The main way of registering government transactions in the form is the introduction of documents into the information base, the main documents of the accounting form. Accounting entries according to the document are formed automatically for understanding that in the document there will be a sign indicating the state operation of the document in the accounting form. Actual documents in accounting form may not be accepted.

It is allowed to enter without intermediary accounting entries.

Maintaining the accounting form for dekilkoh legal issues in a single information base. Ceing Budi Surrily in situations, if Georssian Dylnіstiii ОбизізаційЙ Тісно замозана міжа томова: Under Cwero in the streaming roboti, you can vicarotivati ​​zagalnі lists of goods, counterparty (drawing partnership), pratsіvnikіv, the authorities warehouse і, so Dali, and ObovoClikova .

accounting entries

In the traditional accounting form, postings are vicorated for the purpose of displaying government operations only on the accounts of the accounting form. In the configuration of the posting function, the posting is expanded: the posting can be changed for displaying government operations as well as in an analytical form. Tse reachable by way of victoria in the conduction of additional requisites - subconto.

Subconto - tse object of analytical appearance, and the type of subconto - tse impersonal objects of the same type of analytic appearance, from which the object is selected. Types of subconto, zocrema, lists of counterparties of enterprises, warehouses, warehouses, manufacturers, list of nomenclature of commodity and material assets, documents for the distribution of contractors and others.

See the subconto attached to the accounts of the accounting form without intermediary in the plan of the accounts. Up to one accounting account can be attached up to three types of subconto. Accounting posting can replace a great deal of information.

For an additional payment to a debit and a credit, in the wire you can enter up to three subconto debits and up to three subaccounts to a credit. For example, for any account of the posting in the plan of the accounts, the sign of the bank account and the sign of the currency form are indicated, then the ruble sum, in the posting record, the amount and the sum in foreign currency can be indicated (for debit and / or for credit).

In this rank, the posting is a straining tool for exposing the government's operations overnight in a synthetic accounting form and in decals of an analytical accounting form. But the rich functionality of this tool does not create additional difficulties for the coristuvach, as a rule, wires are formed automatically.

appearance of taxes

At subsystem rozrahunku salary provided for the formation of paper and electronic zvіtnostі on taxes, povyazanih іz wages, zokrema PDFO i ЄSP. Implemented personifications of the appearance of foreigners to the Pension Fund. For rozrahunka taxes and collections, the formation of tax declarations is regulated by taxation.

Tax legislation in the form of VAT was implemented. It was ensured that in-line paperwork according to the VAT on accounting papers, the formation of paperwork invoices, purchase books and sales books.

For satisfaction, I could chapter 25 of the Tax Code in the configuration of the implementation of taxes for a tax on income within the framework of the tax system of taxation. The taxable form is carried out in parallel with the accounting form and for similar principles, for which the plan of the taxable form is to be included in the warehouse configuration. For tribute to the taxpayer, the taxpayer's register is automatically completed.

Apparently, up to chapter 26.2 of the Tax Code, small organizations may have the right to win a simple system of taxation (SSO) to replace the tax system of taxation. The configuration of the security services has the appearance of income and spending for such enterprises, which are in line with the legislature. Podatkova zvіtnіst, zokrema book form income and vitrate, formed automatically.

Vіdpovіdno to chapter 26.3 of the Tax Code, the regional authorities may have the right to transfer okremі vidi dіyalnostі to the system of taxation from the view of a single tax on income (UTII). If the organization is engaged in a number of types of activity, then it can lead to the selection of two systems of taxation at the same time: The configuration of the security services has an okremy appearance of income and arrears for work, which is subject to UTII and not subject to UTII.

Vikoristovuvana system podatkuvannya - zagalna or simple, zastosuvannya taxation system UTII up to okremih vidіv dіyalnostі vkazayutsya in nalashtuvannya tax policy of the organization. Moreover, for different organizations, the information base can be ordered by different systems of subsidies.

As a matter of course, at the time of the receipt of the tax on income, PBO 18/02 (Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation on November 19, 2002 N 114n "On the approval of the Regulations on the accounting form" 1C Management of the production business 8 (1C: UPP) it is necessary to carry out visual inspections. Only in this way, in the future, the program can successfully designate post- and time-limited rebates and po'yazhe accounting and taxable income, narahuvavshi indkladenі and post-yni podatkovі active and goiter.

And a little more is necessary for oblikovoї politiki z accounting and taxable form: the menu "dovidniki" - organizations - organizations. We go to the card of our organization and by the button "go" we select the item "Oblіkova policy (accounting and tax form)".

On the tab "Tribute on surplus" it is necessary to insert a sign that PBO 18/02 is being stagnant. Let's sweat, not leaving this week, it's necessary to press on the buttons and set the rates for the allowance and income tax bills of the BO and NU.

All necessary settings for the purposes of logging in the 1C: UPP PBO 18/02 program are updated.

To clarify the main surplus in our butt in the skin period, documents were introduced for the purchase and sale of goods, which confirm the surplus for sale in the amount of 200,000 rubles.

Let's take a look at the retail price. Such a difference increases our taxable payment, to that which can be settled through the presence of vitrate with us, as it cannot be accepted in a taxable form. With such vitratoy, you can be the sum of material assistance to practitioners.

Narakhuyemo material help for the additional help of the document "Registration of developmental expenses"

I imagine our salary of 4,000 rubles in accounting form for the additional document “Review of wages in a regulated form”, which is introduced on the presentation of the registration document.

Let's look at the postings from the accounting one for a pliable appearance.

Bachimo, that our bill of 4000 rubles was paid by the program for the permanent retail, and it was also carried out for a special robe of a taxable form for the windshield, which is not covered in a taxable form.

How is the program 1C: Managing the production of goods (1C: UPP) determines that it is not necessary to accept vitrata data to a taxable form? Є dovіdnik "Іnshi income and vitrati", in which we can enter the necessary statti vitrat and assign a sign of acceptance to a taxable form:

How mi bachimo at the article “Material assistance” is such a sign every day.

Now it is significant in the program 1C: Managing the turnover of our financial results for accounting and tax returns. For whom we create and conduct.

We marvel at the results of the document for accounting data

І for tribute to the taxpayer

Bachimo, in a taxable form, similarly to accounting, to pass a profit from sales of 200,000 rubles, and an axis of 4,000 in a warehouse of taxable vitrates is not subject to insurance. Tim, don't use our tax base, don't use our tax base, so that the program will pay for the postage.

І final krok - ce rozrahuk of a permanent taxable goiter with a permanent salary and a levy of a tax on income before payment. And help us in tsimu document "Rozrakhunki from a tax on surplus"

By clicking on the button "Ready and time difference", you can, without leaving the document, take a final note about the actual difference and their results:

Bachimo, that the program 1C: UPP 8 rewarded us with a permanent tax return (4000 * the rate of tax on income (20%)), as we increase our tax payment.

I now look at the result of the document:

As a result, the program 1C: UPP will calculate for us a tax for the tribute of an accounting form, so that the smart money will be paid from the tax on the income and it will be calculated for the sum of the post-pay tax goiter.

Our accounting surplus is 196,000 rubles. (200000-4000).

Umovny vitrata \u003d 196,000 * 20% \u003d 39,200. And for the tribute of tribute, an allowance of 200,000 rubles., To that vitrata 4,000 rubles. before the taxable form is not accepted, it is necessary to pay a tax on surplus until the payment of additional 40,000 rubles. (200000 * 20%). І, zgіdno z, the rules of PBO 18/02 program 1C: UPP gave us a permanent tax on goiter (4000 * 20%) and added yoga to the cost of tax on surplus. Also, this document carried out a tax payment before payment to the federal and regional budgets.

Conducting a taxable form of data, the document is not formed, so that it is meta yogo to bring an accounting form in a taxable form, and not navpaki.

You can see a complete picture of our income, witrat, retail, and the sum of the tax before paying it for the help of the title “Analysis of the taxable appearance of the tax on the profit”

The structure of the color conveys its own color for the skin type of danichs (accounting, tax appearance, late and temporal retail). Zvіt allows us to give you a whole lot of information about income and expenses, retail, and how, the result, data from the surplus tax. A more sensible and informative sound.

We can also marvel at our results in a classic way, for additional information on accounting records. For example, we can formulate a balance sheet for the rachunk 99 "Profits and beats"

For accounting data:

І for tribute to the tribute. When shaping OSV behind a succulent appearance, it is best to respect that it is possible to set the type of appearance: data of a succumbing appearance (NU), post-industrial costs (PR), timchas-insignificance (BP). If you leave the field empty, then the data will be formed with the adjustment of all the actual differences, so that they will be collected from the data of the accounting form.

Now let's install the appearance of the PR

I bachim only our retail.

Let's take a look at Timchas's price. For the butt, it is clear that we are putting into operation the main zasib, and we will win different ways narahuvannya depreciation in accounting and in taxable form. And so, we accept a warehouse shelving, the first warehousing is 60,000 rubles, the term of the bark wicker is 12 months. We will use the linear method of accumulating depreciation for the taxable appearance. At Accounting Region, we will be Roseravati amortized by the way Zameshuvanny Zing, Iz grooved Krayfіrtta rigid, ryvnimny 2. Such a щ щ щ ся ся сязсясякуййййYN 50000/12 = 5000 rub. So in the accounting form we will depreciate the shelving for 6 months, and in the tax form we will charge depreciation for 12 months. Let's take a look, how to see a similar food in the program 1C: Managing the manufacturing business 8.

In the first place, it is necessary to correctly fill in the document “Acceptance to the appearance of the OS”:

Restore the bookmark "Accounting appearance"

Zapovnyuєmo bookmark "Supplementary appearance"

Itself in this document, we set the program 1C: UPP Umov, so that we can develop different methods of accumulating depreciation. It is necessary to blame the timing of the retail trade between the accounting and taxable form, as if to add a tribute to the sum to pay. Timchasov, to that, in general, for 12 months in both types of form, the warehousing of 60,000 rubles will be written off.

We need depreciation for the additional document “OS Depreciation” and marvel at the results.

The result of the accounting and taxable form:

As can be seen from the results, for the purposes of the tax return, 5,000 rubles were taken to vitrate, and the program spent 5,000 rubles left over on the temporal cost, like for the rahunka of depreciation, and for the rahunka of vitrate.

Document "Designation of financial results"

Bachimo, who made 190,000 rubles in accounting income. (Proceeds from sales 200000 - depreciation according to BO 10000). And the axis of the tribute is 195,000 rubles (200,000 - depreciation according to NU 5000). І votrata in sum 5000 the program contributed to the timchasovu raznitsa, as in the future we will be able to repay.

І our remaining document “Rozrahunki from a tax on surplus”

For the tribute of the accounting form, our tax (expansion of money from the tax on income) becomes 38,000 rubles (190,000 * 20%), and for the tribute of the tax form, 39,000 rubles (195,000 * 20%). The Danish document has given us a taxable asset, which has transferred our accounting data from a taxpayer to taxable assets.

The overall results can be marveled at with the signs demonstrated in the description of the post-retail trade. Ale, marveling at the endowment-rozrahunok of the "Postіyni i timchasі vіznitsi" and brutally respect for nalashtuvannya.

In the settings, we set the 1C program: SCP, what do you want to do, fast or timely retail. Dovіdka forms data for us about those, how retailers have settled and what stinks to give us, in the form of a deposit, either goitre is paid, or they are redeemed. Also, for additional information about the mill of retail (surplus on the cob, exclusion, redemption, surplus for the end of the period), about the activation of goiter, as well as the cob reason for retail.

In addition, we marveled at the turnover balance sheet for accounting 02 “OS depreciation” for taxable taxes for types of taxation of NU and BP and for accounting taxes:

Give us a call to get informative and give us the information we need.

Assuming that 6 months have passed, apparently in the accounting form our rack is fully depreciated, and in the taxable form it is three times more depreciation. Accumulated by us with tsomu ryznitsya and vіdstrocheny tributary assets begin to be repaid. We wonder how it looks in the 1C program: Manufacturing business management.

Like Bachimo, in the form of accounting depreciation is no longer compensated, but in the taxable form, our retail is paid off.

Document "Designation of financial results"

Later, the accounting surplus was deposited 200,000 rubles, so in the accounting form we lost only surpluses from sales. And in the tributary form, now the income is less and becomes 195,000 rubles, to that, in the tributary form, there are more costs for depreciation of the shelving. And the 5000 program 1C: Management of business income has affected the time difference, but the value is already positive, so our tax on profits for tribute of taxable form will be lower, lower for tribute of accounting form.

The document "Rozrakhunki from a tax on surplus"

It’s time for a profit for accounting tribute: 200,000 * 20% \u003d 40,000 rubles. For tribute to the taxpayer 195,000 * 20% = 39,000 rubles. A document, with the method of bringing the accounting form to a taxable form, having formed for us the repayment of the taxable goiter. І on the repayment of the repayment by changing our tax payment.

Vidpovidno, after 12 months, the account 09 “Vidstrocheni podtkovі activi” will be closed again. And also all the timings will be closed on the bunkers of a taxable form, as if they were damaged by this state operation, and at the same time: 02 “depreciation of wasps”, 44 “Vrati sales”, 90 “sales”, 99 “surpluses and surpluses”. Rukhs behind these rahunki are formed by the documents we have looked at.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the fact that before carrying out documents on the appointment of financial results and rozrahunkiv from a surplus allowance, obov'yazkovo conducted rozrahunka sobіvartostі. It is given to follow the way of creation and carrying out of the document "Rozrahunok sobіvartosti". Wine is also formed for window dressings.

Thank you!