Proximity of thermal models of laser vibration. World of modern materials – principles of laser operation

Understanding about surgical models

Most importantly, today's research into the interaction of laser stimulation with biotissue can be more surgical. The basis of surgical infusion is tissue dissection. The head is nourished, it adds virility - the formulation of the minds of the creation of the crater, then. removal of biofabric products from the spill zone. Since the main mechanism of interaction in this phase is thermal, the creation of a crater can only be achieved by disrupting the dynamic balance between the tide and the release of heat. The influx of heat is entirely transferred from this drive to the conversion of laser energy into heat, and as a result to the drive of the mechanism of thermal conductivity of fabrics. Modeling of this process is complicated by the multiplicity of biological tissues that are linked to the biological and physical processes that occur in them. First of all, about those that biofabrics are already heterogeneous in their structure, their structure can change greatly, and not only in different people, but in some people, depending on the change in their condition in health, stress, food etc. P.

A particularly strong role can be played blood loss in the area of ​​influx, this change follows the influx itself under the influence of regulatory reactions in the body. Thus, when soft tissues are heated by laser stimulation, the body is immediately able to reduce the temperature of the area that is heated by increasing blood flow. In whose body the reaction is visually manifested as a red hot place of heating. Once a critical temperature is reached, a spasm of blood vessels occurs near the area that is heated. In this way, the body is susceptible to overheating of adjacent tissues. The characteristics of biofabrics change even more strongly if, under the influence of heat, there is a change in their physical state: watering, carbonization (carbonization), which increases the dehydration and prominence. At any moment, the flow of speech from the sphere begins.

First of all, we want to create pleasant models of laser infusion of biotissue onto biological tissue, remembering the empirical existence of “critical temperature”, the excess of which means irrevocable changes in biological tissues, including waste. and thermal infusion, the baby 15.1 is aimed.

The staleness, presented on the little one 15.1, deserves special respect.

Insanely, it is necessary to clarify the nature of this curve, which does not improve the quality of soft tissues, and does not make it possible to recommend a different mode of heating in specific situations, which is necessary to remove the necessary l ive effect. In addition, such a curve can be generated for both normal and pathological tissue. But in this there is a particular significance. In fact, it is possible to detect a point of transition between normal and pathological curves, which indicates a zone where for some tissues the changes will be reversed, but for others they will not. Also, the induced storage means that it is possible to selectively destroy pathological tissues by choosing the appropriate time to warm up to the desired temperature. In laser medicine, this method of treatment has been given a name photothermal therapy Although for the curve on the baby 15.1 it’s absolutely true, which is what creates the same overheating.

To carry out large-scale assessments, one must manually operate not on the thermal conductivity, but on the thermal conductivity of fabrics, since the characteristic hour of heat loss can be manually expressed through it:

t = l 2 / 4h (15.1)

de h- Coefficient of thermal conductivity of fabric, l - the characteristic minimum diameter of the heated volume of the fabric, which naturally determines the characteristic depth of penetration into the fabric. This corresponds to the model identification of the region of interaction in the form of a cylinder whose height is less than the diameter of the base.

Such a vistava is fair, the seeming ones have begun to burn, never again. It is obvious that in times of great clay, other soft fabrics sharply increase their clarity in the long-lasting share of the visible range and near IR regions (division L1). Please note that in order to increase the surface thickness and prominence during surgical infusion, focus the laser beam on a small platform with a diameter of l m< A -1 (A -1- clay is characteristic), then for the “area of ​​clarity” of textiles (0.6 £ l£ 1.4 µm) it is not a cylindrical, but a semi-spherical model of the interaction region that is valid. To estimate the hour of heat loss l formula (15.1) is presented in both cases and in other cases, the characteristic depth of claying (or, more precisely, the characteristic depth of penetration of tissue A-1, de A- Extinction coefficient), only in the cylindrical model A -1 - the height of the model cylinder, and for the spherical one A -1 - radius of the model surface (Fig. 15.2).

As far as thermal conductivity is concerned, so that all supports do not disintegrate in water, the fragments of soft fabric are 80% water-based: h @ 1.4 * 10 -3 cm 2 z -1. As a result, focusing on the duration of the extinction of soft tissues (L1) during the last century, we can additionally (15.1) compile a table of characteristic hours of heat loss for some of the most durable lasers in medicine: excimer on XeCl * ( l= 308 nm), solid-state on AIG: Nd, which works on the fundamental (1064 nm) and 2nd harmonics (532 nm); erbium (2940 nm) and gas for CO 2 (10600 nm). Such a choice of lasers, first of all, is based on their most typical ranges in terms of extinction of soft tissues, and in other words, their principles and design features that are friendly to medicine (Table 1).

To establish a balance between the tide and the outflow of heat, it is necessary for the hour to flow t it was great in the village t. It is equivalent to operating a laser in continuous mode, although, as can be seen from Table 15.1, “non-interruptive mode” with a high extinction can be pulsed, since the duration of the pulse is high in proportion to t . For these reasons, the term “thermal diffusion regime” has become established in the literature, which cannot be recognized from a distance (it involves two physically different processes: diffusion and thermal conductivity), however, as there is a low level of other jargon in iraziv, having become a student.

Table 15.1 - Characteristic hours of heat loss
for the best possible results from medical lasers

l, nm
A, cm -1 7.2 5*10 3
t, s 4*10 -3 0.45 3.6 7*10 -6 7*10 -4

Ozhe, yakscho t >> t, we can use thermal diffusion mode. The threshold strength of tension in the thermal diffusion mode, which allows the destruction of biofabric that is about to collapse, can be found due to a violation of the thermal balance:

P ³ rVct -1 (15.2)

de r- the thickness of the fabric that is torn, V- obligated galusi mutually, t- hour of heat loss, c- The fuel energy is calculated in kJ/r.

Sens Umovi (15.2) simple: in an hour t In the process, more energy is “pumped”, but less energy is “pumped” for the thermal conductivity rate. Size c for assessments, take from the experiment, the simplest fragments and in most cases will ensure sufficient accuracy (in view of the typical results for biomedical experiments). Zazvichay c be in the range of 1 to 10 kJ/g (higher values ​​correspond to AIG:Nd lasers, lower values ​​correspond to CO 2 and XeCl lasers).

Let's take a look at the last episode: t<< t . This mode represents laser operation as short pulses. Those that the interaction of laser interaction with biofabric differs radically from thermal diffusion was noted in the first studies with monopulse lasers (ruby and neodymium lasers).

The zone of injury in experiments on animals was much larger than the zone of damage, which made it difficult to assume the presence of onset processes during pulsed infusion:

1. internal steam creation, boiling of fabric water;

2. Locally, in a sharper volume, expanded, vise-cutting and, perhaps, the creation of percussion forks.

During the pulsed injection, energy from the impact zone is carried away mainly not by thermal, but by mechanical (sound and impact) factors. This means that the region of interaction must try to achieve severe overheating of the liquid beyond its boiling point. Experimentally the Vimirians are significant T with a pulsed injection, it was 600 K. Based on this data, one can estimate the strength of the energy in the pulse required for such overheating:

F ³ C r DT/A (15.3)

de Z- thermal capacity of the analyzed fabric, rі A - similar to (15.2).

Dyuchi in Dusi zroblenikh closer ( Z@ 4.2 J g -1 To -1), it is possible from the equation (15.3) to compile a table of the threshold energy values ​​​​in the pulse of these lasers themselves, as in table 15.1 (div. table 15.2).

Take away the numbers that loom, madly, of an evaluative nature, merit, protest, for negotiation. First of all, we need to emphasize the principle of subordination to the regime of biofabric upholstery when t< type of thermodiffusion ( t>>t). In this case, all the thermal energy that came out as a result of the conversion of laser energy is seen in the impact zone, without being absorbed into the excess tissue. This regime has been given a name photoablative.

Table 15.2 – Threshold values ​​of energy in brain impulses t<

l, nm
A, cm -1 7.2 5*10 3
F, J/cm 2 2.5 0.1

Term ablation You can often read about laser surgery in the literature, and without explanation. In heating technology, it means the visible removal of speech from the heating zone. But in laser surgery there is no trace of it. On the right, for the inheritance of thermal destruction of biotissue, the size of the necrosis zone near the area from which tissue is removed is very important. In a situation where fabrics are heated, they tend to last a long time, so that heat transfer in too much fabric allows the thermal balance to oscillate or to stagnate. isothermal model When heated, the area of ​​necrosis appears large and obligatory, with a characteristic area of ​​carbonization (“black border”). If you want to fill up the games, then you can speed up adiabatic model rozіrіv, then, looking at the smallness of heat exchange with the extra tissue, the area of ​​carbonization is either daily, or appears to be so small that it does not cause a noticeable influx during the post-operation of the closed incision or perforation .

Obviously, in light-colored individuals, infused with the color of biological tissue, it is completely inappropriate to use the same term. ablation» for both descriptions of biotissue destruction with laser and laser treatments. It would be best to save the word “ablation” only for the sake of urgency subject matter heat transfer in superfluous fabrics, stasis for fabric obvious such heat transfer term " thermal diffusion destruction" For this reason, to irritate so ablation from a gas-accepted (heat-technical) one, do not use this word without a prefix, but also: considering the destruction of biotissue without heat transfer between the zones of ablation, use the term “ photoablation" This terminology comes from laser vascular surgery, where the size of the necrosis zone is of primary importance for the surgical operation, most often the nature of the patient's life prognosis.

This is mainly due to the photothermal mechanism of biofabric transformation. A possible photochemical action (the disintegration of giant molecules into fragments under the action of laser stimulation, without transferring energy to the biostructure as a whole) is not necessary. This is permissible for lasers that are included in Table 15.1 and 15.2 for reasons given above. The validity of this assumption was verified both experimentally and theoretically.

There is another important problem that arises under the influence of the impulse mode of propagation. There is no place in the thermal diffusion mode due to the presence of the “vibukh” nature of the various ruination products. The ability of the creation of great particles is taken into account, which becomes particularly unsafe during internal judicial transactions. Obviously, we are concerned about these things, which are more characterized by the depth of penetration of vibration into the fabric. It appears that the pulse mode has the least important range of the greatest transparency of biotissues (from 600 to 1400 nm).

The numbers shown in Table 2 must be characterized from the point of view of the assessment between the conditions of the photoablation model. To assess the degree of degradation of the tissues in the damaged zone, we introduce a coefficient Up to r, equal to the supply of thermal energy that diffuses through the surface of the volume, which is reduced (div. small 15.2) to the energy invested in this volume:


Here c T- The coefficient of thermal conductivity of fabric, which has a dimension W (cm K) -1 (indicated in the literature on heat engineering). l, ale mi namagatimemosya save l for the purpose of dovzhinya viprominyuvaniya), - the temperature gradient of the normal to the surface that encloses the promineniya zone, t r- an hour of life of heated bread, S- surface area that encloses the impact zone, E- energy, absorbed by the volume that collapses (obviously, for a more accurate assessment of the trace, take the integral ).

Viraz (15.4) always shows the following, as seen from the time of life of the heated bath, as from the look of its shape, consistent with Figure 15.2. The conceptual dimensions are surrounded by a cylindrical shape. Hour of life t r, obviously, is indicated as a product of a ball of fabric, in which heat has expanded, until the main part of it is “occupied” with internal steam creation. The importance of the photoablative regime means that dr less than the allowance for the method of registration of thermal disorders (usually histological). Tim himself, t r can be estimated using formula (15.4), since l substitute an acceptable value dr. Wondering dr@ 10 µm (actual order of magnitude for histological studies), water-removable t r@ 2 * 10 -4 s.

It is easy to understand that from the various differences shown in Table 2, the implementation of the photoablation mode varies. The threshold density of energy must remain in the last generation of vibration, so an hour of life of overheated obscurity cannot lie in it. This is a possible situation t r<< t<< t, in case of any thermal damage to tissues, they are detected in the photoablation mode. Strictly speaking, the “true photoablative” mode of tissue destruction is of little importance t<< t r, not just t<< t, then. The turbulence of the impulse is responsible, apparently, not from thermodynamic, but from medico-biological degradation.

Another important consideration for the practical implementation of the photoablation regime is the pulse repetition rate. f. Obviously, if there will be great heat loss due to the turnaround time, then the impulse will be at low cost t<< t It is possible to “superpose” a thermal pulse on the front and thereby “turn on” the mechanism of thermal conductivity, which does not work for the adjacent pulse. Therefore, at the right time of life of an overheated household, it is necessary to focus our minds on the frequency of repetition of impulses

f £ t -1 (15.5),

What should be done between the mind (15.4) and the distributor of laser surgical units should be completed with tight frames.

There is another important situation in favor of the pulse mode for washing soft tissues. It was experimentally established that it is ablation zone, then. For other keen minds, place the lower and upper boundaries for the strength of the energy pulse, which involves the process of fabric lining. In light of the cleaning of the lower boundary, it is obvious that the cleaning of the upper boundary is of particular interest and, perhaps, is related to the plasma screens of the reversal zone.

Let us carry out another clear description of thermal diffusion and photoablation regimes for the destruction of soft tissues. A characteristic value for surgical infusion is the amount of energy needed to remove a unit of biotissue mass from the affected area. For continuous operation c can be calculated from the minds of an isothermal process, for a pulsed t<< t- from adiabatic, and the validity of the adiabatic model comes down to accuracy, in the order of magnitude, which is avoided by the coefficient Up to r cleaning up excess fabrics. Tim himself estimates the value correctly c It can be applied both to thermodynamic and biomedical conditions. Doctors must rely on a large number of a priori uncontrolled parameters, such an assessment is non-trivial. It has been experimentally established that the photoablative mode c approximately twice as low as that of thermodiffusion, although the distribution of literary data is so great that, based on the criterion of fairness, this figure cannot be taken.

It is necessary to clearly identify the last stages of thermal transformation of any biofabric in the form of a table (Table 15.3), although the intelligence of such a table does not compromise the intelligence of Baby 15.1, which may be respected characteristics of biotissues and variability of a priori uncontrolled process parameters. Nevertheless, such a table is presented as a clear illustration of the validity of the model phenomena that describe us before thermal diffusion destruction.

Please note that it seems paradoxical that there is a turnover of changes in healthy and cartilaginous tissues, which occurs at temperatures above coagulation. This “paradox” that underlies laser thermoplasty of cartilage is described below, and is due to the fact that different types of tissue are differently susceptible to overheating at normal (homeostatic) temperatures.

Table 15.3 - Heating effects of biofabric

Fluid temperature, ºС Biotissue reaction and result
37-42,5 Hyperemia of tissue, irreversible daily changes
42,5 - 45 The death of pathological cells in healthy tissues can be ensured in the absence of irreversible changes (protein denaturation, which begins at a temperature of 42.5 degrees)
45-60 Damage to the interclinary membranes, viticania of the biorids in the interclinal space (strain)
>60 Coagulation of tissues (phase transition in a gel-like state)
Close to 70 Collapsible changes in healthy and cartilaginous tissues
>100 Vaporization of visions in case of damage to internal tissue membranes (with head rinse, water)
>150 Dehydration (pyrolysis and distillation of water from carbohydrate biotissue)
>300 Sublimation (lightweight) of dry charred excess

Finally, we can clearly describe the picture of thermal destruction of biotissue, which is illustrated by Table 15.3 and is often induced by the appearance of pictures without explanation (marvelous little ones 15.3).

As long as heating does not cause irrevocable changes, you can see an area in the biofabric in which energy is visible, and the area is reversely heated (Figure 15.3, a). As the intensity of the falling vibration increases, closer to the surface there is an area heated to a temperature that causes irreversible change, initially appearing to be denaturation of the tissue, then coagulation Yes, feverishness and blistering. In this case, in the charred area, the clay content increases sharply, and the heated areas behind the charred ball begin to increase in size. Far from the surface, the process of boiling, pyrolysis and sublimation begins (Figure 15.3, b). This is due to the process of thermal diffusion destruction.

During photoablation destruction, within an hour the heat pulse does not penetrate into the deeper balls of the tissue, which in an hour between the pulses is absorbed by the cold, and part of the absorbed energy is carried with the discarded substance. The thickness of the charred ball and the ball with irrevocable thermal changes completely changes (Figure 15.3, c).

In order to increase the intensity of the treatment and speed up the process, the penetration of heat over an hour into the pulse between the polishing zones of the laser treatment can be eliminated. In the zone where clayed textiles experience severe overheating, even up to sublimation temperatures, at which point the zone of thermal stress of biofabrics that is lost will be minimal and practically will not lose carbonation (Figure 15.3 , d). The ejected reagent can ionize with plasma compounds that screen the biotissue behind it.

A different picture emerges when infusing laser treatments onto biological tissues, which penetrate deeply (magnitude 15.4).

Before the start of speech, the volume of heating of the biofabric is determined (Figure 15.4, a). The threshold level of tension, at which the dehydration of biological tissue begins, reveals itself to be much larger, lower in the forward fall, fragments of energy that are being absorbed, which will be distributed for greater use. In addition, there is a risk of thermal shock to the organs located in the clay. The position can be changed slightly, if the surface of the biofabric is treated with a substance that fades laser treatment, for example, with diamond green or with potassium permanganate. This will lead to local heating and carbonization of biological tissue. The carbonized ball, having appeared, begins to become heavily clayed and washed out, as a result of which the flow of energy in the deep balls and their heating greatly changes (Figure 15.4, b). However, stagnation of barnberries causes side effects on the body, which need to be specially monitored.

Another way to change the nature of the infusion is to work by contacting the distal end of the light guide with the surface of the biotissue. In this case, the appearance of carbonization at the distal end of the light guide is due to its heating, and the influx is influenced by the action of laser stimulation of the baked end of the light guide (Figure 15.4, c). The depth changes with heating. Additional advantages of such an infusion are the small amount of laser injected into the fabric, lower vicinity energy and greater accuracy of infusion. However, there are additional factors here that need to be specially taken into account: injecting the light guide material into the nature of destruction, mechanical force, which is used to repair the end of the light guide on the biofabric, the risk of damage to the working end with the pilot too.

A more detailed analysis of the biotissue transformation regimes requires the specification of the medical field. Typically, medical installations for surgical purposes are divided into devices of modern surgical equipment (laser scalpels and laser perforators) and microsurgical devices, which are shared with their For ophthalmological installations and intracorporeal installations, there is a need for vicoristic transmission of light transmission. Microsurgical installations for ophthalmological purposes are, in essence, independent direct developments of laser medical technology. Historically, it was the first use of lasers in medicine (the first device of this type, OK-1, was created by veterinary manufacturers back in 1963 using a ruby ​​laser). Microsurgical intracorporeal installations include endoscopic, angioplasty and lithotripsy installations. Below, these types of surgical laser units will be reviewed in the report.

as a manuscript

Seteykin Oleksiy Yuriyovich



01.04.21 - laser physics

at the scientific level

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

St. Petersburg - 2011

The work of Vikonan at the federal state budgetary lighting installation of high professional education "St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University"


Scientific consultant:

Privaliv Vadim Evgenovich

Official opponents: Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor

Aksionov Evgen Timofiyovich

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor

Tolmachov Yuri Oleksandrovich

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor

Fedortsov Oleksandr Borisovich

Organized by: Baltic State Technical University "Voenmekh" im. D.F. Ustinova

Zakhist will be "" 2011 fate at _______

at a meeting of specialized research for the sake of D 212.229.01 at the Federal Budget Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University" 195251, Russia, metro St. Petersburg, st. Politekhnichna, 29, building 2, a.470.

The dissertation can be found in the fundamental library

Federal Budget Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University"

Great Secretary

specialized for the sake of

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Korotkov O.S.


The robot's dissertation is devoted to the analysis of the processes of interaction of laser vibration in rich-spherical materials with various methods of mathematical modeling.

Relevance by those. In the rest of the years, methods based on the stagnation of laser vibration, there is a need for wide expansion for diagnosing the internal structure of various optically heterogeneous objects, imaging, and stench. about materials, physics of the atmosphere and the ocean, and other fields of modern science .

p align="justify"> Of particular interest is the interaction between laser and spherical biological materials. It is important to distinguish between three types of effects of the interaction of laser stimulation with biofabric: photochemical, with very small values ​​of tension thickness; thermal, at medium values ​​of power, strength and photomechanical (nonlinear), at very high values ​​of power, energy and even short delivery times. With greater intensity of the energy produced by the vibration, which is delivered over a short period of time, a vibrator-like material is produced (photoablation).

Through the rich-spherical and rich-component structure of biotissue, the interaction with it appears even more complex. For example, the horny ball of the skin displays a falling vibration, during which the collimated beam of light transforms into a diffuse beam of microscopic inhomogeneities on the cordon of the wind - the horny ball. Most of the skin-lined light is created with the help of folding with different balls of tissue (horny ball, epidermis, dermis, microvascular system). The addition of light skin pigments provides extensive information about the concentration of bilirubin, hemoglobin-saturated acid and instead of drugs in tissue and blood, which is the basis of diagnostic methods ki low get sick.

To improve the effectiveness of current laser diagnostic methods, as well as to develop new methods, it is necessary to report on the specifics of the process of light enhancement in rich spherical media, including biological tissues. However, there is no precise theory to describe the broadening of light in structurally heterogeneous media, and experimental research is complicated by the difficulties of maintaining the stability of their structural and dynamic parameters. In connection with this, computer modeling of processes for expanding laser production plays a major role. This allows you to more accurately consider the specifics of the process of broadening the laser beam in model media, as well as to monitor the validity of the results from various parameters of the vibrating system of the object that is being monitored. This is very important in an experiment. This allows for the development of recommendations for the most effective implementation of diagnostic tests.

To interpret the results and correctly carry out diagnostics of the object under investigation, it is necessary to know the parameters of the expansion of new light, which can be achieved in accordance with experimental data and the results of computer modeling or theoretical They are rotten, because the stench of stagnation is so bad. One of the main problems in the development of extensive research in biological objects is the choice of method. Due to the rapid development of computer technology, the Monte Carlo method of statistical testing is often used. A hundredfold expansion of vibration in spherical media, this method is based on a large repetition of a numerical experiment with the development of the fall trajectory of photons in the media, which is being monitored, with further investigation I'm denying the results. When a large amount of statistical data has been accumulated, the method allows for comparisons with experimental results, and for predicting the results of experiments. The accuracy of such modeling is determined by the cost of machine hours, as well as the consistency of the model with the object being modeled.

An important problem in modeling is the correct choice of the value of the model parameters of the object that are used for development, which cannot be changed explicitly. It should be noted that in a number of cases, although rich in biotissues, there is a significant divergence in the meaning of their optical powers, taken away by various authors.

All the material confirms the relevance of the topics and allows us to formulate the meta of this dissertation work.

The goal of the dissertation work was:

Carrying out the investigation of the processes that underlie the interaction of laser vibration of different intensities with rich spherical biological media, creating models of these processes, so that on one side there are values ​​from the point of view in solving the underlying problem through the interaction of laser vibration with speech, and on the other hand, which reflects the specificity of rich-spherical biological materials.

The reach of the set mark was as follows:

1. Development of theoretical methods of development and analysis of biological media, which translates into a critical analysis of basic theories and models of light enhancement in biological media and consideration of the mechanisms of interaction of laser light Promotion with biological fabrics of folding geometry.

2. The creation of a physical and mathematical model for the expansion of laser vibration in media with a fairly asymmetrical geometry, which includes closed internal inhomogeneities of the folding shape, and methods for assessing the stage adequacy i.

3. Conducting an analysis of the feasibility of a different fragmented model for the most practical tasks for creating new diagnostic techniques on its basis.

Scientific novelty

In the works, which are referred to as the main dissertation, the author is the following:

  1. A scientific concept has been developed to develop the interaction of laser stimulation with biological tissues, with a rather asymmetrical geometry that includes closed internal inhomogeneities of a folding shape.
  2. A new structured modeling area has been proposed, presented in the form of a grid with elements - tetrahedra, which ensures a trivial modeling process, increased vibrancy in rich-spherical structures, which allows the processing of biological media We have sufficient geometry.
  3. The temperature response of biofabrics from the inclusion of nanoparticles to ultraviolet exposure was revealed. The change in the strength of clay light energy and temperature fields is dependent on the duration of the falling vibration, the concentration and dislocation of inclusions in the middle of the test nanoparticles.

4. The original model of laser ablation of solid biological tissues has been fragmented and theoretically coated, which protects the rich sphericity of biological materials. It is shown that the established model is used to describe the obvious experimental data on laser ablation of rich spherical biological tissues.

Reliability of results

The reliability of the obtained results and conclusions is ensured by the adequacy of the researched physical models and mathematical methods, the correctness of the researched proximity, the creation of structural and experimental data, as well as their We agree with the results, which are rejected by other authors.

Scientific and practical significance

There is a great scientific achievement in the interaction of laser radiation with spherical materials of any geometry. This makes it possible to organize all the listed results and advances the scientific and practical significance of not only the results obtained from the dissertation, but rather the results obtained.

The results can be used as methods for optical diagnostics of biological tissues - for example, in optical coherence tomography.

The method for analyzing the temperature reaction of biotissues with viscous nanoparticles when subjected to light UV-A and UV-B ranges is certified as a method of the State Service of Standard Documentation Data (DSSSD), certificate No. 150.

p align="justify"> It is very practical to change the parameters of laser ablation of solid biological tissues. Stinks may occur in laser surgery and dentistry.

Obtained in the dissertation work, the results may also stagnate in the initial process - during the preparation of students, graduate students, in lecture courses for the specialty “Laser Physics”.

The main provisions that must be submitted to the zakhist

1. The concept and method of developing the interaction of laser vibration with heterogeneous rich-component tissues and cores with folding geometry, which allows us to describe the processes of interaction with rich-spherical materials and services as the basis for the creation of system software for the provision of real diagnostic techniques, devices and devices.

2. Model of the distribution of the strength of clay energy for different ranges of vibrations in rich-spherical middles with a fairly asymmetrical geometry of the rozrakhansky middle with inclusions of closed internal heterogeneities features of a folding shape, using the trivial Monte Carlo method and the initial-element distribution.

3. The main mechanisms of interaction between laser and varying intensity with rich spherical tissues, which allow us to establish the understanding of the thermal processes occurring in them and assess the possibilities of roses drying a developed model for studying the thermal stimulation of rich spherical tissues, characteristic of ablation processes occurring in them.

4. Temperature response of biotissues with inclusions of nanoparticles to ultraviolet vibration, which allows one to determine the concentration and dislocation of inclusions at the core of test nanoparticles .

5. Model of laser ablation of solid biological tissues, which protects the rich sphericity of biological materials.

Publications and testing of results

The main results of the research presented in the dissertation were revealed and discussed at recent scientific conferences:

I A far-reaching conference with international and all-Russian participation. "New medical technologies on the Far East" (Khabarovsk, 1996); Regional scientific symposium "Ecology and diseases of organs, health, survival in the light of new technologies" (Birobidzhan, 1997); II Far-Far Science Conference "New Medical Technologies for Far-Far Travel" (Vladivostok, 1998); III Far-flung regional conference "New scientific technologies in the Far-flung region" (Blagovishchensk, 1999); III International Scientific and Technical Conference "Quantum Electronics" (Minsk, 2000); III regional scientific conference “Physics: fundamental and applied research, illumination” (Blagovishchensk, 2002); Regional school-symposium “Physics and chemistry of solids” (Blagovishchensk, 2003); International Conference "Laser-optical technologies in biology and medicine" (Minsk, 2004; Fourth Asia-Pacific Conference "Fundamental Problem of Opto-and Microelectronics (APCOM 2004) (Khabarovsk, 2004); IV International Conference of Young People in of many specialists 2005" ( St. Petersburg, 2005); V regional scientific conference "Physics: fundamental and applied research, education" (Khabarovsk, 2005); International symposium "Principles and processes of creation of inorganic materials (Thirds Sam Son's reading)" (Khabarovsk, 2 VI regional scientific conference "Physics, fundamental and applied research, education" (Blagovishchensk, AmSU, 2006); Scientific session MIFI-2007 (Moscow, 2007); ); International conference "Lasers. Vimirvaniya. Information. 2008" (St. Petersburg, 2008); XV All-Russian scientific-methodological conference "Telematics 2008" (St. Petersburg, 2008); th optical congress "Optics-XXI century" (St. Petersburg, 2008); XVI International scientific conference "Laser-information and technologies in medicine, biology and geoecology " (Novorosiysk, 2008); International conference “Laser. Vimiryuvannya. Information. 2009" (St. Petersburg, 2009); VIII regional scientific conference “Physics: fundamental and applied research, illumination” (Blagovishchensk, 2009); International Conference on Advanced Laser Technologies (ALT 09) (Antalya, Turkey, 2009); XX International Symposium on Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics (Sibiu, Romania, 2009); International conference “Lasers. Vimiryuvannya. Information" (St. Petersburg, 2010); International Conference "Laser Applications in Life Sciences" (LALS 2010) (Oulu, Finland, 2010).

All the original results presented in the dissertation were taken away by the author specifically from his scientific background.

Structure and description of the dissertation

The dissertation consists of an introduction, five sections and conclusions. There are 262 pages of typewritten text, including 105 small texts, and a list of selected texts, which has 214 names, including 35 posts based on the author’s main publication on the topic of the dissertation.


At the entrance The relevance of the dissertation is determined, the goals of the work are formulated, the fundamental principles that are put forward for protection are reassured, the scientific novelty of the results obtained, their practical value and reliability are discussed. The main features of the interaction of laser vibration with rich spherical tissues are outlined.

The first one was separated A short review of the existing theories that can be used to describe the processes of laser expansion in spherical tissues is made, with a view to choosing the most optimal mathematical approach for the analysis of these processes.

The emphasis is on the analysis of two main approaches to the ultimate expansion of production in rich-spherical media.

The first is based on the Khvilian theory of interaction with speech, the basis of which is Maxwell's theory and the Khvilian theory. The center is characterized by the coefficients of dispersion and polishing of particles, which are specified in the appearance of rapid changes in the spatial coordinates. As a result, maintain consistent integral or differential equations for such statistical quantities as dispersion and correlation functions. Such an approach allows us to mathematically conclude that it is possible, in principle, to capture both the effects of multiple scattering and the influx of diffraction and interference. However, for such a statement, a secret solution has not yet been found; analytical solutions have been selected for even a high school class, which may result mainly in highly rarefied media (biological suspensions and roses fix, darken the fog from the direct visibility of the object), so It is clearly difficult to analyze the processes that take place in folded rich-spherical media.

An alternative approach is based on the greatest criticism of the analytical theory of transference (TP) at this time, which clearly does not fit with the Hwyllian theory. This theory operates entirely on the transfer of energy into the middle, which places particles. It is transmitted, the skin rosacea is removed from its blood vessels, which excludes the possibility of interaction between subsequent rosacea effects, then. The daily correlation is transmitted when the fields are added, the intensities are added, and not the fields themselves. The main level of TP is the level of transfer and modification:

de – energetic brightness, – fluidity of the photon flow, – adhesive coefficient, – dissipation coefficient, – dissipation phase function, – photon core function, – an infinitely small element of the body Kuta.

This is equivalent to Boltzmann's theory, which is supported by the kinetic theory of gases and the theory of neutron transfer. TP describes a lot of physical phenomena well and successfully deals with highly complex tasks (atmospheric and underwater visibility, marine biology, paper optics and photographic emulsions, in the analysis and increased exposure in the atmospheres of planets, stars and galaxies).

It has been concluded that the transfer theory is most suitable for describing the processes associated with the expansion of optical vibration in multi-spherical fabrics of folding geometry. With this, it is possible to overcome the problems of optical diffusion tomography and spectroscopy of bioobjects, and carry out reliable spherical dosimetry of laser vibration in the middle of biotissue. However, it is important to develop and develop new methods of improving direct and reverse tasks of transferring and promoting for the middle class with a sufficient configuration and even borderline minds. It is shown that for the implementation of such tasks, the Monte Carlo method is a promising method, which is widely used for the numerical solution of equalization of the transfer of vibrations.

U other The section, which has a survey-analytical character, examines the main mechanisms of interaction between laser stimulation and biological tissues. Particular attention is paid to the consideration of thermal effects and ablation of biological tissues.

The term “thermal interaction” refers to a large group of types of interaction, where the important parameter is the local temperature shift. Thermal action of laser stimulation is preferable if the pressure strength is > 10 W/cm2 for continuous stimulation or pulsed stimulation with a pulse duration of more than 1 m ks. Therefore, processes involving photochemical interaction with speech, which are observed at very low pressure levels (calculate 1 W/cm2) and three hours of flow, are not analyzed in detail.

As long as the tissue temperature reaches its maximum value, various thermal effects can be seen - such as hyperthermia, coagulation, evaporation, carbonization and melting.

Temperature is the main physical quantity that characterizes all thermal interactions between light and fabric. To transfer thermal fluid, a model was created based on the temperature distribution in the middle of the fabric. Most often, in biological tissues there may be not one, but several thermal effects (depending on the laser parameters). They see werewolves and irrevocable damage to fabric. Since the critical temperature for cell necrosis is determined by the hour of recovery, the exact temperature value is determined when it is possible to eliminate the reversible effect from the irreversible one. Therefore, the stage of deterioration of biotissue is indicated by energy, generally and the complexity of the process. Possible thermal processes are shown in Fig. 1. Localization and expansion of any thermal effect to lie at the temperature of the tissue an hour after laser injection.

Small 1. Localization of thermal effects in the middle of biological tissue.

One of these processes is photoablation, which means that the material is laid out under high-intensity laser stimulation (pressure intensity - 107-108 W/cm2, for nanosecond laser pulses ). The depth of ablation, which is the depth of material removed in one pulse, is determined by the energy of the pulse up to the point of saturation. The geometry of the tumor during ablation is determined by the spatial characteristics of the laser beam.

In order to create a model that describes the depth of ablation as a function of the intensity of the falling vibration, most groups relied on the assumption of reliability of the Bouguer-Lambert law for light ablation.

Photoablation will be performed if:

where the Iph-threshold intensity is adjusted before photoablation. I can tell you that once photoablation is complete, a lot of energy can be absorbed in one hour in one hour. The threshold intensity Iph is determined by the minimum amount of ligaments that need to be broken in order to maintain splitting.

Glybin ablation d, then glybin, for which I(z) = Iph:

This simple model well describes the photoablation process, beyond the threshold values ​​of Iph for the photoablation stage and Ipl for the plasma creation stage.

Carrying out an analysis of the basic mechanisms of interaction between laser vibration and rich-spherical biotissues allows us to develop conclusions that for further investigation and assessment of thermal effects it is necessary to perform a non-stationary Rivnyannya heat transfer from the minds of a particular plant. In the anchistry of such Zavdan, Dangy Robot Little: The temperature reaction bytokan to the urahuvannyam RIZNIKH include the rosrahuki parameter for the laser Ablyadi Bagatosharovikh fabrine, the yaki viri in the 4th Ta of the 5th Rzdlyla.

Third section is devoted to the pressing problem of a mathematical model of expanding optical vibration in heterogeneous biological media of folding geometry with the regulation of the rich-spherical structure of real biotissues, intended for decomposition and analysis part of the thickness of the clay light energy in different balls.

Among this problem, special attention is paid to the development of long-distance optical methods for diagnosing rich-spherical biological media. However, most of the available methods do not completely change the optical and geometric parameters of the tracking objects, in advance of local inhomogeneities. From the point of view of modeling the visualization of such objects, it is most important to rely on the statistical Monte Carlo method, which is based on the provision of expanded variation in the flow of model leather bags, leather from which a totality of photons of the same “sort” is created with a given energy and directly dissipates. This means that the model package does not reveal such powers as phase and polarization, and that is, non-natural energy quasi-particles that can be created by the interaction of similar smaller energy particles.

The intensity of the biotissue is divided into a function of the aggregation coefficient a, the diffusion coefficient s, the anisotropy parameter g, as well as the dimensions of the laser beam. This leads to significant difficulties in the application of dose dosimetry during laser therapy. Investigations into the division of light in the middle of biological tissue with a foldable rich-spherical structure using a simplified analysis method can be carried out within the framework of the one-dimensional theory, which is valid if the size of the laser beam penetrates much more into the tissue Light-colored fabric, which is used for many types of phototherapy. Typical butts of rich-ball biofabric include the skin, the walls of the fur, the uterus, and blood vessels.

The Monte Carlo method is based on the use of the macroscopic optical powers of the middle, which are transmitted in the same way no more than small pieces of tissue. Modeling does not damage the details of increased energy and circulation in the middle of the middle. These algorithms allow you to select a number of biotissue balls with different optical powers, the end size of the incident beam, and the variation of light between the sections of the balls.

With high accuracy and versatility, the main advantage of the Monte Carlo method is the high consumption of machine hours. While the development of hardware and software in computing technology will replace the role of the time factor, the development of new methods of laser diagnostics and therapy will require the creation of effective, simple and reliable algorithms using the Monte Carlo method. For example, the new condensed Monte Carlo method allows you to derive solutions for any albedo value based on modeling one specific albedo value, which greatly accelerates degeneration. It is also possible to add parsimonious hybrid models to enhance the accuracy of the Monte Carlo method and the flexibility of diffusion theories or approximating analytical expressions.

Theoretically, modeling makes it possible to track the totality of different brains and to interpret experimental results in real time. This makes the work easier and reduces the time spent planning, preparing experiments and analyzing the results. The one is a bilshi of the Suzlijejen at the Tsii Galuzі was assigned to the one -winged subponductor submitted Bagatorazovo ROZSIYUCHOUSH SERYADOVICH, Svidomo to finish the sutt, the dawn of the Otrimani result. This work generated a mathematical model that depicts the process of trivial expansion of optical vibration in living tissues. In this case, it is conveyed that the model middle is a collection of volumetric elements of a trivial space that is addressed (indexed). The choice of the possible model package is determined by its interaction either with the elementary volume or with its surface, as it remains between the spheres with different optical characteristics.

The model is based on the transference of vibration.

One can see a richly spherical biological medium with included inhomogeneities of a sufficient shape, due to the direct flow of photons.

The simulated middle is determined by the following parameters: thickness, coefficients of dispersion and polishing, average cosine of dispersion, average indicator of fracture. The middle appears to be a collection of condensed centers that dissipate and fade photons (Fig. 2).

The incident light beam (prominence) consists of one million packets of photons that enter the middle of the z axis perpendicular to its surface (x, y) at the point with coordinates (0, 0, 0). The number of photons in a packet determines the energy of the incident beam. All procedures are carried out using a trivial Cartesian coordinate system.

It is important that the parts of the middle, on which dispersion and polishing occur, are spherically symmetrical. This closeness is expected to occur in similar situations and is based on the fact that in the process of passing through the middle of strong scattering, the photon interacts with particles under different layers. Therefore, the averaged index of dispersion can be stagnated. The development of these models and the alignment of numerical scales with experimental results showed that this proximity significantly indicates the power of most biological tissues.

To determine the bend between the division of two subregions, Fresnel's law is used. In Fig. 2 indications of the trajectory of the photon at the midpoint. Function of the strength of the strength of the length of travel of a photon before interaction - - Indicated by the Bouguer-Lambert-Beer law as the next rank:

where a is the claying coefficient, s is the dispersion coefficient, and t is the additional attenuation coefficient, equal t = a + s. When a photon hits a corner, it is transferred so that it is symmetrically directed towards the azimuthal direction, meaning that it lies between the interval. A more asymmetrical design cannot be seen.

To obtain clay, a method called implicit photon burying is used. When modeling, one can see the structure of the skin photon and the package of photons. A package of photons (hereinafter referred to as a package for simplicity) models the flow of impersonality of photons along a similar trajectory, as a result, when interacting with the medium, only part of the photons from the package is lost, and the part that is lost continues to exist Rukh.

Small 2 – Butt of the trajectory of the photon at the midpoint.

When describing the expansion of laser stimulation in biotissues, it is necessary to take into account the real geometry of the core, which can be made foldable, the rich sphericity of biotissues, the size and cut of the falling degradation, To implement the model, the Monte Carlo method was used, which today is the only method that allows all the features of the considered estate are described

Optical parameters of the biological environment are combined with functions in the form of spatial coordinates. However, this middle part can be divided into several small sub-regions, within which the optical power of the middle part can be defined by fairly simple functions, for example, stationary, linear and quadratic functions. For modeling using the Monte Carlo method in a trivial space, an especially important factor is the manner in which such development is determined.

It has been shown that the most straightforward way to describe folding cores is the end-element method. The geometry of the middle is represented by the appearance of the mesh, in addition to which there is an approximation of the structured area of ​​the division into elementary middles, the shape of the elements of which is one of the main factors that determine the exact There is also flexibility in the numerical solution of the problem. The simpler the form of distribution elements, the fewer the computational resources required for distribution.

It is shown that the meshes are clear and the skin element is regular or close to a regular tetrahedron. Using this approximation to model the middle will greatly simplify the major tasks of transition between elements (going beyond elements) and finding a photon in the middle of a grid element. The mesh is considered unclear because it will accommodate the degeneration or elements close to degeneration.

It has been realized that with such a breakdown, the resulting geometry of the structured area can be sufficient, and the middle that is being modeled can accommodate internal closed inconsistencies. The model was tested on a specific midsection (skin), which consists of several balls (horny ball, epidermis and dermis) due to the closed heterogeneity of the appearance of a folding figure, surrounded by two nyami ellipsoids; additionally introduces a ball that models the surface (Fig. 3.). The center of the beam of displacements is 0.001 cm along the coordinates of the axis ox and the alignment is perpendicular to the burner, its radius is 0.001 cm.

A simplified diagram of the Monte Carlo modeling algorithm is presented in Fig. 4. The photon is initialized from a single cell. The size of the photon for the first phase of interaction is found, and the photon moves. As soon as the photon leaves the tissue, the possibility of internal imagery is verified. If the photon is internally generated, its position is changed and the program is terminated, otherwise the deleted photon is detected and a loss of display (or transmission) is recorded. The photon changes with the skin. The waste is applied to the locally knitted element of the array, which lies under the position of the photon, which indicates the energy of the photon, covered with tissue. The photon that is lost is refilled statistically, a new direction is selected and a new quantity is refilled.

Small 3. Geometry of the rozrahunka core.

Small 4. Algorithm for modeling using the Monte Carlo method.

The cutout of the beam was ensured. Based on the optical parameters of the skin ball from the literature, the concentration of claying coefficients, dispersion and anisotropy parameters (the average cosine of the cutaneous dispersion), the expanded distribution of the thickness of the clay energy in the middle of the middle. In this case, the cut of the diaphragm shows the folded borders of the epidermis (n=1.5). In fragments, the indicator of fracture of other biological tissues is higher than 1.4, and the anisotropy parameter is greater than 0.9, then. On the skin, the modeling of photons dissipates under small patches, then the Fresnel images at the interfaces of biotissue - biotissue are not correct.

The expansion of the power distribution of clay energy makes it possible to create a diagnostic map of the laser broadening of the different spectral ranges of rich spherical media with the inclusion of closed inhomogeneities behind the required optical parameters. As a butt, it was equipped with dovzhini hvil 400 and 800 nm.

For a graphical presentation, the expansion of the middle area has been expanded to form the cross-section xoz. In Fig. Figure 5 shows the distribution of the density of clay energy in these areas for up to 400 nm.

Small 5. Divide the intensity of the clay energy at the cross-section xz for a maximum of 400 nm.

So, since for infrared vibromation (dovina is 800 nm), the coefficient of polishing of the skin is significantly less than the coefficient of dispersion, and the middle is highly dissipative, the depth of penetration of vipromine into the pores The days from the first orders may be greater. Therefore, a ball of 0.5 mm was added to the rozrokhunkovy area. In Fig. Figure 6 shows the distribution of the density of clay energy in the xz area for up to 800 nm.

In both applications, laser therapy has the same intensity and energy. To combine with the 400 nm wavelength, most of the energy will be absorbed in the small area. Therefore, the intensity of the clay energy is significantly greater, lower than the previous one, 800 nm.

Fig.6. Divided the intensity of the clay energy at the cross-section xz for a maximum of 800 nm.

The principle validity of the model from other existing models (Arridge S.R., Tuchin V.V., Prahl S.) is independent from the algorithm based on the geometry of the middle. With the help of a number of tools, it is possible to create diversified areas that consist of a variety of components of different shapes and sizes. This essentially contradicts this model because it shows that there are plane-parallel and highly homogeneous regions. In case of degeneration, some parameters of the middle and different inclusions, such as nanoparticles, may be affected.

Thus, the model allows one to carry out the analysis of the strength of clay laser energy in rich spherical materials and can be used in the analysis of thermal fields that arise during the analysis. інні.

U fourth Using a rich-spherical core (skin) with inclusions of drop-type inhomogeneities, the appearance of nanoparticles is used to monitor the dynamics of surface temperature fields under the influence of UV stimulation. It is clear that the balls of the skin have different optical characteristics: coefficients of dispersion and polishing, indicators of bending () and factors of anisotropy of dispersion and vibration, which was included in the modeling of processes in the combination of this middle with optical vibrations.

In another fragmented model, described in another section, the thickness of the clay light energy was installed on the skin section to accommodate TiO2 nanoparticles. For development of vicors, the results of experiments with the localization of particles at the skin surface were reported in the literature. According to the results of these experiments, most of the spherical nanoparticles are localized at a depth of 0-3 μm above the surface of the skin. For examination, two values ​​were selected: 310 and 400 nm. Even though 400 nm is located on the border between the UV and visible part of the spectrum, TiO2 particles are practical non-fading (only suitable) for such modification. The 310 nm line is the central line in the UV-B part of the spectrum. Vaughn is responsible for the erythemal peak of skin elasticity, which is less correlated with DNA-modified cells; The dominant mechanism of interaction with TiO2 particles is claying.

In this work, the image is seen as a superposition of the horny ball (matrix) and TiO2 particles in the new one. It is possible that the tissue of the ball has a thickness of approximately 0.5 microns and a diameter of 30 - 40 microns and, thus,

significantly change the size of TiO2 particles (25 – 200 nm in diameter). These particles are transferred into nanometer-sized particles. The distribution of such particles is described by the phase function Mi. For modeling, a piece of skin with an area of ​​1 cm2 was prepared. The intensity of the falling vibration became 100 mW. The thickness of the skin section being modeled is approximately 600 microns, which sufficiently allows us to present a picture of the interaction of UV radiation with the subsurface balls of the skin.

When simulating a vicoristic beam of photons, which indicates synonic vibration, the surface image is transferred uncut; the integral (over the entire area of ​​the horny ball) characteristics of the vibration are examined and recorded.

At the first stage, the expansion of photons at the center, their polishing and scattering are modeled. Modeling is carried out before the launch of photon packages, which are characterized by the function of heat generators (Q) and registration of the formation and dispersion of adjacent photons. As a result, display information about the parameters of the lightness of the middle and the weight of the clay.

The varying distribution of thermal fields on the surface and along the depth of the structure that is being modeled is indicated as a solution to the differential level of non-stationary heat transfer:

de k-coefficient of thermal conductivity, T-temperature, Q-function of thermal core, - thickness, c-heat capacity, t-hour, r, z - cylindrical coordinates.

It should be noted that in this given core of heat is not localized on the surface, as is the case in the problems of heat and mass transfer, but also in volumetric distribution throughout the entire volume of the medium. For the highest level (5), a terminal-element method was established with the vicistral tributary elements of the first order. If you want to add a large number of knitted terminal elements of the first order to a significant decrease in the accuracy and fluidity of calculation, there are further advantages: a large number of knots allows you to select the most accurate division the thickness of the buried energy in the middle, developed in the next task; Add liquid and you can manually thicken and change the specified mesh to suit your needs, and also, if necessary, change the elements into elements of the highest order. For the most part, the Crank-Nicholson scheme with the offensive borders and cob minds was vikorized hour after hour. On the surface where there is heat exchange with the excess medium, a boundary of the third kind is indicated:

de k, A - Heat output parameters; Text – Dovkilla temperature. This brain creates a thermal stack on the surface of the horny ball (superficial thermal stack).

At the lower boundary, at depth Z1, the boundary of the mental form is indicated:

As the research shows, for a healthy person, starting at a depth of approximately 450 microns, the temperature stabilizes. In addition, during modeling, the thermal flow and blood flow in the different capillary vessels are ensured. At the outer boundaries of the area, zero drains are set:

To reduce temperature fluctuations on the interspherical cordons, use a suitable wash:

Figure 7 shows the separation of the thickness of the clay energy in the horny ball with the inclusion of heterogeneities in the appearance of TiO2 nanoparticles of different concentrations. It can be seen that, without particles, the UV-vipromining at 310 nm is completely buried in the first ball (horny).

Small 7. The distribution of the intensity of clay energy in a horny ball without particles and with vicorized TiO2 nanoparticles with a size of 62 nm = 310 nm. The thickness of the surface sphere to contain nanoparticles is 1 micron. The thickness of the horny ball is 20 microns.

Titanium dioxide TiO2 nanoparticles are introduced into the horny ball. Due to high values ​​of the coefficient of dissipation of fermented particles, a sharp decrease in the strength of clay energy in the horny ball occurs.

The coefficients of claying and dispersion of the horny ball and the material of nanoparticles at 400 nm are significantly lower, and lower at 310 nm. Therefore, the intensity of the clay energy in the horny ball, both with and without particles, is also significantly lower (Fig. 8).

Small 8. Divided the strength of the clay energy in the horny ball and epidermis on the part of the skin without particles and with the vicinity of TiO2 nanoparticles with a size of 122 nm = 400 nm. The thickness of the surface sphere to contain nanoparticles is 1 micron. The thickness of the horny ball is 20 microns.

In Fig. Figure 9 shows the dynamics of temperature changes on the surface of the skin without particles and with 1% and 5% titanium dioxide in the horny ball. In this phase, a boundary layer is created, which ensures a flow of energy in the middle of the fabric, resulting in blood flow in the capillaries (internal heat flow) and maintains the temperature value - 37 0C in the middle of the skin at a depth of 5 00 µm.

It can be seen that within 10 seconds of exposure to the skin, the temperature stabilizes, both with the addition of titanium dioxide TiO2 nanoparticles in the horny ball and without them (Fig. 9).

Small 9. Temperature dynamics on the surface of the skin without particles and with vicorized TiO2 nanoparticles with a size of 62 nm at the horny ball, = 310 nm. The thickness of the surface sphere to contain nanoparticles is 1 micron. The energy flow is in the middle of the skin.

The modeling results showed that high values ​​of the intensity of clay energy at the upper balls of the skin lead to significant heating. Thus, with the addition of 5% of the home of nanoparticles to titanium dioxide TiO2 in the horny ball, the value of the intensity of clay energy on the surface of the skin reaches 1000 J/cm3 at 310 nm. However, it’s difficult to make this hot ball as small as 1 micron; Although in this sphere most of the heat is visible, it is quickly transferred to other parts of the middle, and the resulting temperature decreases. The temperature of the surface of the skin, the horny ball, which does not contain nanoparticles, is formed by the heat of the shell to go from the depths of the fabric, where most of the energy penetrates and where the bulk of the clay energy of the substance penetrates. A similar effect, but to a much lesser extent, is observed at the end of the range = 400 nm, close to the optical range (Fig. 10).

Small 10. Temperature dynamics on the surface of the skin without particles and with vicorized TiO2 nanoparticles with a size of 122 nm at the horny ball, = 400 nm. The thickness of the surface sphere to contain nanoparticles is 1 micron. The energy flow is in the middle of the skin.

The expanded model made it possible to analyze the inflow of surface heat flow on the temperature field of the surface ball of the skin.

It is shown that without turning on the drain on the surface of the skin, the temperature is important for the flow of energy stored in the surface ball. When the pressure on the surface is turned on, the temperature of the surface of the fabric is determined by the heat that comes from the lower balls; at which the maximum temperature decreases.

The loss of the results was calculated as the difference between the maximum values ​​of the strength of the clay energy and the temperature in the entire area became less than one hundred.

An analysis of the results of the modeling of the thermal reaction of the skin to UV exposure showed the effectiveness of the vicinity of nanoparticles in the development of photochemical preparations on the surface of the skin.

A model of the Vikoristan structure was developed to investigate the temperature infusion of an ІЧ laser TVizer (=1064 nm) onto a red blood cell - a red blood cell. For ease of investigation, hemoglobin is referred to as a single sphere with a diameter of 7 µm, which consists of hemoglobin. The cell membrane was not exposed to the modeling bath through very small thickness, about 10 nm. A laser beam with a diameter of 1 µm and a intensity of 100 mW is focused on the client. The results obtained are in good agreement with the available experimental data.

Heel The section is dedicated to the stagnation of a fragmented model for the achievement of a specific task, as well as the expansion of thermal fields in hard tissues, the protection of dentin and the varying intensity of laser vibration to control the critical temperatures necessary for this purpose. not the process of ablation in these media.

To implement a rich mathematical model, an end-element methodology was selected.

As a further material, dentin is the main tissue of the tooth. Behind its surface, dentin is close to bone tissue. Mix 72% inorganic, 28% organic substances and water.

Due to the fact that the exact physical characteristics of the presented versions are not yet known, for simplicity we consider a two-ball model. The skin ball is determined by constant, independent optical-physical characteristics that are specified. To cause minimal injury, it is necessary to use laser radiation with the least depth of penetration. The experiment shows that the problem occurs when lasers are used at low frequencies and the infrared range is compromised.

It comes down to the following steps:

- thermophysical characteristics for different parts of the tooth (enamel, dentin, pulp) are constant and do not depend on temperature;

- When describing optical properties, it is accepted that the skin part of the tooth is characterized by its optical values ​​(polishing coefficient), which do not depend on the intensity of laser stimulation.

The structure of the light field, which is formed by scattering laser radiation on the inhomogeneities of dental tissue (microkeys, odontoblasts, etc.), and its appearance during the modeling process of restoration is a foldable structure metric departments. Today, such a development is extremely complicated due to the lack of reliable information about the optical constants of solid tissues, and during the modeling process of thermal degradation of wines there is no risk.

Therefore, it is said that the light in biological fabric is weakened by Bouguer’s law, in which the introduction of a constant light weakening of the processes of dispersion, claying, and water effects is also not detailed.

Vikorist algorithms, described in sections 2 and 4, determined the distribution of temperature. Then the volume of distant speech appeared. Behind Arrhenius' law:

where w is the frequency factor;

Ea – activation energy;

R – universal constant gas.

The value changes no more than from 0 to 1. This physical change is the world of destruction of speech at the point (x,y,z) along the line (t-t0). The experiment shows that when speaking, you can speak from a distance.

In Fig. 11 shows the temperature distribution of the surface of the core, in Fig. 12 - temperature distribution in the central region. The laser intensity is 5 kW cm-2.

Small 11. The temperature distribution lies on the surface of the middle at hour t=70 ms.

The results are consistent with the available experimental data. It can be seen that the temperature rise is not localized on the surface: a strong temperature rise is avoided in the middle. Research has shown that the laser ablation process begins at a temperature threshold of 320 C, causing the bond to maintain a constant temperature on the surface. In Fig. Figure 13 shows the evolution of temperature at a point on the surface.

Small 12. Divide of temperature at the central perisection
area at the time t=70 ms.

Small 13. Time-hour evolution of temperature lies on the surface
analyzed area.

The results of this remote speech are shown in Fig. 14.

Small 14. The number of distant speeches lasts for an hour.

At the pouch The main results have been summarized.

The main result of the work is the creation of a new physical and mathematical model of the processes of interaction of laser vibration with rich spherical biological materials of any geometry, which allows the creation of a number of tools and ruptured areas, which are formed from a variety of components of different shapes and sizes. This essentially contradicts this model because it shows that there are plane-parallel and highly homogeneous regions. In case of degeneration, some parameters of the middle and different inclusions, such as nanoparticles, may be affected.

The fundamental theoretical results have been highlighted, including the following:

A physical and mathematical model has been proposed for the expansion of laser vibration in media with a fairly asymmetrical geometry, which includes closed internal inhomogeneities of a folding shape.

Based on this model, an algorithm has been developed for the division of the thickness of the clay energy for different ranges of laser vibration, with its expansion in the rich spherical cores with a fairly asymmetrical geometry of the distribution with substances with inclusions of closed internal heterogeneities of folding shape, with the use of the trivial Monte Carlo method and the elementary-element distribution.

The algorithm, Vicoristovo is in the robot, can be a bouty of stagnation for the dioastic of structural snake tissue tissue is pre -closed geometers, and such for the temperature is half a half, between the regional destructions during laser therapy.

The main mechanisms of interaction between laser stimulation of different intensities and rich spherical biological tissues are reviewed and analyzed. On the basis of this, a theoretical analysis of the minds of the culprit and interruption of thermal processes in them was carried out. The possibility of stagnation of the fragmented model for the investigation of thermal absorption of rich spherical tissues, characteristic for the processes of photota-plasma-induced ablation occurring in them, has been assessed.

A model of the temperature response of rich spherical biofabrics from the inclusion of nanoparticles to UV-improvement has been proposed. It was analyzed by the evolutzi of the bunken stigma of the same temperature in the temperature of the hid dovzhini hvivi Padayuyu Viprominyvannya, the concentrates of the inclusive of the Testovich nanopropharystane.

Thermal fields in solid biological tissues that emerge during laser infusion were analyzed and the intensity of laser infusion was determined at critical temperatures necessary for the ablation process in these media.

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  6. Seteykin A.Yu., Ershov I.A. Modeling of light diffusion on clear biotissues with spherical inhomogeneities // Bulletin of AmSU. - 2001. - No. 13. - P. 18-20.
  7. Seteykin A.Yu., Ershov I.A. Effects of high-grade dispersion in the clear lens of the eye during laser diagnostics // Bulletin of AmSU. – 2001. – No. 15. – P. 29-30.
  8. Seteykin A.Yu., Ershov I.A., Gershevich M.M. Modeling of interaction processes of low-intensity laser beams from rich spherical biomaterials // Journal of Technical Physics. - 2002. – T. 72. – VIP.1. – pp. 110-114.
  9. Seteykin A.Yu. Application of the Monte Carlo method for modeling the spectra of optical reflection from the randomly heterogeneous rich-spherical media that strongly dissipate and fade light // Bulletin of AmSU. - 2002. - No. 19. - P. 24-27.
  10. Seteykin A.Yu. Modeling the processes of laser desaturation in rich-spherical biomaterials using the Monte Carlo method // Informatics and control systems. - 2003. - No. 2. - P. 31-37.
  11. Seteykin A.Yu. Analysis of the processes of laser vibration enhancement in rich-spherical biomaterials using the Monte Carlo method // Bulletin of Scientific Information. - Khabarovsk: View of DVGUPS. - 2004. - No. 8. – pp. 22-28.
  12. Seteykin A.Yu. Using the Monte Carlo method for modeling the spectra of optical reflections from the phased-inhomogeneous rich-spherical media, which strongly dissipate and fade in light // Collection of scientific works “Optics of crystals”. - Khabarovsk: View of DVGUPS. – 2004. – P. 34-43
  13. Gavrilenko V.M., Seteykin A.Yu. The scope of dissipation processes during the interaction of laser vibration with advanced biological materials // Proceedings of the International Conference “Laser-optical technologies in biology and medicine” - Minsk: Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 2004. -P.245-249.
  14. Seteikin A. Yu. Values ​​of the temperature regions behind it Laser irradiation on biomaterials // PROCEEDINGS of the Fourth Asia-Pacific Conference “Fundamental Problem of Opto-and Microelectronics” (APCOM 2004). - DVGUPS: Khabarovsk. - 2004. - P. 459-464.
  15. Seteykin A.Yu. Monte Carlo analysis of laser enhancement processes in rich-spherical biomaterials // News of universities. Physics.- 2005. - No. 3. - P.53-57.
  16. Seteykin A.Yu. Model of the development of temperature fields that occur when laser pressure is applied to rich-ball biofabric // Optical magazine.- 2005. - T.72. - No. 7. – P.42-47.
  17. Seteykin A.Yu. Optical-thermophysical model of the interaction of laser vibration with rich spherical materials // News of universities. physics- 2005. - No. 6. Addendum. – P.99-101.
  18. Seteykin A.Yu., Krasnikov I.V. Development of temperature fields that occur during the interaction of laser vibration with rich spherical biomaterial // Proceedings of the fifth regional scientific conference "Physics: fundamental and applied research, os" Vita". - Khabarovsk: View of the Pacific Powers. un-tu, 2005. – P.32-33.
  19. Seteykin A.Yu., Krasnikov I.V. Thermophysical model of interaction of laser vibration with rich-ball biofabric // Bulletin of AmSU. Series “Natural and Economic Sciences”. - 2005. - VIP.31. - P.13-15.
  20. Seteykin A.Yu. Monte Carlo analysis of laser enhancement processes in rich-spherical biomaterials // Optics and spectroscopy. 2005. – T.99. - VIP.4. – P.685-689.
  21. Seteykin A.Yu., Krasnikov I.V. Development of the temperature injection of low-intensity laser treatment on rich-ball biofabric // Proceedings of the International Symposium “Principles and processes of creation of inorganic materials (Third Samsonian readings)”. - Khabarovsk: View of the Pacific Powers. un-tu. – 2006. – P.304-306.
  22. Seteykin A.Yu., Krasnikov I.V. Development of temperature fields that occur during the interaction of laser stimulation with rich spherical biomaterial // Optical magazine.- 2006. - T.73. - No. 3. – P.31-34.
  23. Seteykin A.Yu., Krasnikov I.V. Analysis of thermal effects that occur during the interaction of laser vibration with a rich spherical biomaterial // News of universities. physics 2006. – No. 10. – P. 90-94.
  24. Seteykin A.Yu., Krasnikov I.V. About thermal effects when injecting laser radiation onto biological tissue // Proceedings of the Sixth Regional Scientific Conference “Physics, Fundamental and Applied Research, Illumination”. - Blagovishchensk: AmSU. – 2006. – P. 104-106.
  25. Seteykin A.Yu., Krasnikov I.V., Fogel N.I. Description of the injection of laser vibration on the skin, the Vikorist method and the Monte Carlo method // Proceedings of the scientific session MIFI-2007. - M.: MIFI. - 2007. - P. 117-118.
  26. Seteikin A.Yu., Krasnikov I.V. Research thermal influence of laser radiation an skin with non-trivial geometry // SPIE processes. 2007. - Vol. 6826. – P.127-131.
  27. Seteykin A.Yu., Krasnikov I.V., Fogel N.I. Modeling of temperature fields with the expansion of light in biological fabrics // News of universities. Priladobuduvannya. -2007. -T.50. - No. 9. - P.24-28.
  28. Seteykin A. Yu., Krivtsun A. M. Modeling the expansion of optical vibration in media with widely variable parameters // Bulletin of the Amur State University. - 2008. - VIP. 41. - pp. 12-13.
  29. Minaylov A.V., Seteykin A.Yu. About the investigation of rare rich-component biological substances using optical-acoustic methods // Bulletin of AmSU. - 2008. - VIP. 41. - pp. 14-15.
  30. Aver'yanov Yu. G., Seteykin A. Yu. Laser ablation of biological tissues // Bulletin of AmSU. - 2008. - VIP. 41. - pp. 31-32.
  31. Seteykin A. Yu., Krasnikov I. St, Foth H.-J. Analysis of thermal effects that occur in biological tissue, which is challenged by laser stimulation in the infrared range // Collection of the International Optical Congress “Optics-XXI Century”. - T.1. "Fundamental problems of optics -2008". - St. Petersburg, 2008. - P.119-120.
  32. Pavlov M.S., Seteykin A.Yu. Estimation of trivimiric modification using the Monte Carlo method for modeling the increase in lightness in biological tissues. // Collection of the International Optical Congress “Optics-XXI Century”. - T.1. "Fundamental problems of optics -2008". - St. Petersburg, 2008. - P.120-121.
  33. Khramtsov I.I., Seteykin A.Yu. Modeling the process of laser tooth ablation based on a thermal model. // Collection of the International Optical Congress “Optics-XXI Century”. - T.1. "Fundamental problems of optics -2008". - St. Petersburg, 2008. - P.248.
  34. Seteykin A. Yu., Krasnikov I. St, Foth H.-J. Experimental investigation of the temperature effect of laser stimulation on biological tissues. //Bulletin of SPBO AIN. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House of Polytechnic University. - 2008. - VIP. 4. – P.273-277.
  35. Seteykin A. Yu., Krasnikov I. St, Pavlov M.S. A three-dimensional model of increased light in biological tissues. // Scientific and technical news of SPbDPU. Series of physical and mathematical sciences, 2008. -Vip.6. – P.120-123.
  36. Seteykin A.Yu., Krivtsun O.M. Investigation of the process of interaction with biotissues to eliminate optical inhomogeneities // Collection of Proceedings of the 19th International Conference “Laser. Vimiryuvannya. Information. 2009", St. Petersburg: Broadcasting Institute of Polytechnics. un-tu, 2009. -T 1. - P.245-254.
  37. Seteykin A.Yu., Krasnikov I.V., Popov A.P. Investigation of the thermal effects of UV radiation on the human skin with inclusions of titanium oxide nanoparticles // Collection of Proceedings of the 19th International Conference “Laser. Vimiryuvannya. Information. 2009", St. Petersburg: Broadcasting Institute of Polytechnics. un-tu, 2009. -T 1. - P.254-268.
  38. Seteykin A.Yu., Khramtsov I.I. Investigation of the process of laser ablation of biological tissue under the infusion of ultrashort laser pulses // Proceedings of the VIII regional scientific conference "Physics: fundamental and applied research, illumination." - Blagovishchensk: Amur State. univ., 2009 - P.250-253.
  39. Seteykin A.Yu., Pavlov M.S. Modeling of processes of enhanced laser stimulation in biological tissues rich in components // Proceedings of the VIII regional scientific conference “Physics: fundamental and applied research, illumination”. - Blagovishchensk: Amur State. univ., 2009 - P. 307-310.
  40. Seteykin A.Yu., Krasnikov I.V., Popov A.P. Investigation of the temperature drying properties of TiO2 nanoparticles introduced into the skin in the light UV-A and UV-B ranges // Proceedings of the VIII regional scientific conference "Physics: fundamental and applied research, studies" ta." - Blagovishchensk: Amur State. univ., 2009 - P.322-326.
  41. Seteykin A.Yu., Krasnikov I.V., Popov A.P. Methodology for analyzing the temperature reaction of biotissues with viscous nanoparticles when exposed to light in the UV-A and UV-B ranges // Methodology DSSSD MR 150-2009. Ross. science and technology center for information on standardization, metrology and conformity assessment. – M., 2009. – 40 p.: ill. 18. bibliogr. name 24 - Russian name Dep. at FSUE "Standartinform".
  42. Seteykin A. Yu., Krasnikov I. V., Popov A.P., Fotiadi A.E. The temperature response of biotissue nanoparticles to light exposure in the UV-A and UV-B ranges. // Scientific and technical reports of SPbDPU, Series of physical and mathematical sciences. 2009. – VIP.1. – P.113-118.
  43. Krasnikov I.V., Seteykin A.Yu., Popov A.P. Change of mind of heat-resistant authorities on human skin by introducing titanium dioxide nanoparticles // Optics and spectroscopy. 2010. - T. 109, No. 2. – pp. 332-337.
  44. Seteykin A.Yu., Privalov V.Ye. Photoablation of biological tissues // Bulletin of St. Petersburg University. 2010. – Series 11. VIP.2. – pp. 225-237.
  45. Fadeev D.A., Seteykin A.Yu. Analysis of multi-dispersal laser vibration in biological media due to spatial fluctuations of optical parameters // Scientific and technical reports of SPbDPU, Ser. "Physical and mathematical sciences". 2010. – VIP.2. – pp. 102-106.
  46. Krashnikov I., Seteikin A., Bernhardt I. Thermal processes in red cells exposed to infrared laser tweezers (= 1064 nm) // Journal of Biophotonics. - 2011. – Vol. 4., No. 3. – P. 206-212.
  47. Seteykin A. Yu., Krasnikov I. St, Pavlov M.S. Modeling the expansion of optical simulation using the Monte Carlo method in biological media with closed internal inhomogeneities // Optical magazine - 2010. – Vip.77., No. 10. – P. 15-19.

49.Krasnikov I., Seteikin A., Bernhardt I. Simulation of laser light propagation and thermal processes in red blood cells exposed to infrared laser tweezers (= 1064 nm) // Optical Memory and Neural Networks (Information Optics) - 2010. – Vol. 19., No. 4. – P. 330-337.

50. Krivtsun A.M., Seteykin A.Yu. Analysis of the processes of expanding optical vibration in biological media with viscosity calculations on graphics processors // Scientific and technical news of SPbDPU, Series of physical and mathematical sciences, 2011, Vip.1, pp. 55-61.

51. Seteykin A.Yu., Popov A.P. Interaction of light with biological tissues and nanoparticles // LAP Lambert Academic Publishing – 2011-212 pp.

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In technological operations involving stagnant laser vibration, the interaction of light usually occurs with opaque media. And here the interaction process is better described by the thermal model. This model involves a number of stages of interaction: polishing light and transferring energy from the form of heat to a solid body, heating, melting, evaporation and melting, and further cooling.

The laser radiation that falls on the surface of the material follows the Bouguer-Lambert law:

q(x) = q 0 A exp[-∫α(ξ)dξ] , (1)

de q (x) - intensity of vibration that passed to depth x;

q 0 – intensity on the surface of the material;

A=1-R – clay building;

R – recovery coefficient;

α is the coefficient of claying of the material, integration is carried out at the boundaries from ξ = 0 to ξ = x.

In the case of an isotropic and homogeneous clayey middle (which is typical for most technological processes), the expression (1) is brought to the view:

q(x) = A q 0 exp(-αx). (2)

The optical power of metals can be adequately described by the model of free electrons, therefore, due to the light flow that falls on the surface, the conductivity of the broken part is almost completely absorbed by electrons. and in a ball of thickness d = α -1 = 0.1-1 µm, which indicates the depth of light penetration in metal

The heated electron gas transfers the energy of the screen to the electron-ion barrier, and even quickly (per hour 10 -10 - 10 -11 s) the temperature of the electron gas, which melts and heats up.

This time is significantly less problematic than the stagnant technology of laser pulses, and it is important to respect that the temperature of the clay ball “follows” the intensity of the light flow with undesirably small delays.

Laser polishing with a solid body is equivalent to the appearance of a heat source in the middle or surface of the solid body. The reaction of the material to the action of this core can be determined by the trivial level of thermal conductivity:

(∂/∂t) (cρT) = div (æ grad T) + q v , (3)

where T is the temperature at a certain point of the material with coordinates x, y, z, at the time t, is the thermal conductivity coefficient; ρ, c – similar thickness and heat capacity of the speech; q v (x, y, z, t) – volumetric thickness of the heat vents that operate in the middle of the solid body.

The equation (3) is written in the differential form of the law of conservation of energy, which means that heat is seen at any point when the material is heated, at which point it is often introduced by a heat conductor. Details in the containers of the material.

In practice, it is of greatest interest to develop isotropic systems in which, however, in all directions, thermophysical coefficients and the volume of heat do not depend on the temperature. In whose case jealousy (3) appears

(∂T/∂t) – a ΔT = q v /cρ , (4)

where a = ?/c? - Thermal conductivity coefficient; Δ – Laplace operator.

When laser heating is applied to metal, the heat source can be reduced to the surface and q v (4) becomes zero. Then the laser is used as a source of heat to enter into a mind of another kind:

- æ ∂T/∂x| x = 0 = q 0 | x = 0, (5)

where x is the coordinate in depth of the supplanted body; q 0 – the thickness of the laser pressure applied to the surface.

A heated thin ball of metal, which undergoes light-colored treatment, transfers heat to the middle of the material through additional mechanisms of thermal conductivity (for metals, this is mainly electronic thermal conductivity). The size of the heated area increases over time as (at) 1/2 (the coefficient of thermal conductivity for typical metals lies between 0.1-1 cm 2 / s).

In addition to metals, which have a white surface in the skin ball, clay in dielectrics and conductors can significantly exceed the weariness of the metal clay ball And, therefore, in many cases the heating is volumetric.

An increase in the temperature of the material changes its power, accompanied by expansion, increased diffusion, phase transitions, melting, evaporation, changes in claying coefficients, changes in thermophysical coefficients entiv.

The theoretical significance of the temperature distribution in the material is determined by the solution of boundary value problems of thermal conductivity, and the solution of the boundary value of thermal conductivity (4) can be presented in analytical form only for certain symmetrical boundary minds. Otherwise, jealousy can be expressed only numerically. A detailed analysis of any practical problem of laser heating is only possible with the help of a numerical solution. However, close analytical solutions allow us to better understand the physical nature and mechanism of laser heating. Report the stench described in robots.

Knowing the temperature field in the material allows one to know such important parameters as heating and cooling fluidity, temperature gradients, critical strength of tension, the size of heated balls, etc., which makes it possible to select main parameters of laser technological installations (energy, tension, impulse strength, etc. etc.) and the optimal modes of their robots for carrying out any other laser technological process.

In a laboratory robot, the results of an analytical solution determine the level of thermal conductivity (4) for metals (d = -1<< (at) 1/2) лишь в случае одномерной модели – r s >> (at) 1/2 (de r s – laser focusing radius). For simplicity of analysis under the hour of choice of marginal minds, it is important that the temperature is limited at large r, x and T = 0| x, r →∞, and the cob temperature is more important at all points of the body than zero, then. T = 0 | t =0.

For a quasi-stationary mode of heating a metal surface with a laser exchange (q(t) = q 0 at t< t i , где t i – длительность импульса) решение одномерной задачи дает следующее выражение для зависимости температуры поверхности от времени:

T(t)| x=0 = 2A q 0 (at) 1/2 / π 1/2 ? (6)

Stars, temperatures, can be identified as critical intensities qci (i = 1.2), necessary to reach the end of the pulse of vibration on the surface of the body melting temperature T m boiling temperature (at an atmospheric pressure) T b so and critical intensity qc 3 at any The process of vaporization is more important than the transfer of heat into the condensed medium. Thus, using a one-dimensional model of heating a surface-contained body with a thermal jet at a constant flow rate per hour, bring it to completion

q c 1 = π 1/2 /2 T m æ/A (at i) 1/2 . (7)

Estimates carried out, for example, for midi (æ = 3.89 W/(cm deg), a = 1.12 cm 2 /s, T m = 1083 °C) give values ​​qc 1 = 1.1 10 5 W/cm 2 at a three-valence pulse ti = 10 -3 and qc 1 = 3.5·10 7 W/cm 2 (at ti = 10 -8 s), keep them close to the experimental values.

Viraz (7) may fail when assessing the critical strength of the flow, which is unnecessarily displaced during the thermal treatment process.

Here you can find the melting temperature t m on the surface of the material:

t m = π/4 æ 2 T m /A 2 q 0 2 a, (8)

de q 0 - Intensity of laser vibration on the surface.

In a similar way to replacing T m with T b in formula (7), you can estimate the intensity required to reach the boiling point T b on the surface of the material.

When the temperature T b reaches the surface of the material, intense evaporation begins. For example, for midi s T b = 2595 °C qc 2 = 2.6 · 10 5 W/cm 2 at ti = 10 -3 s and qc 2 = 8.3 · 10 7 W/cm 2 at ti = 10 - 8 p.

Thus, it is possible to determine the critical density of the flow when welding materials by changing the laser, so that the vaporization of the material from the melting zone is not necessary for the majority of losses.

The critical intensity rating q c 3 can be calculated from the following factors: during the process of surface heating of the material into clay, the thermal heat and vaporization of the material increases. If the intensity is low, the liquidity of the thermal fluid v T is actually higher than the liquidity of the evaporation fluid v b . With increased intensity, the evaporation fluidity increases and for a certain value q 0 equals the fluidity of the expansion of the thermal front. This jealousy can be used to estimate q c 3:

q c 3 = (a/t i) 1/2 ρL b /A , (9)

fragments v T ≈ (a/t i) 1/2 ta v b ≈ A q c 3 /ρL b, where ρL b is the heat of vaporization.

Estimates for midi (ρL b = 42.88 kJ/cm 2) give values ​​qc 3 = 1.4 10 6 W/cm 2 at ti = 10 -3 s and qc 3 = 4.6 10 8 W/cm 2 ( at ti = 10-8 s). Viraz (9) can be used, for example, at a critical intensity, which improves the efficiency of the laser drilling process.

At intensity q c 2< q 0 < q c 3 давление паров металла достаточно велико для выдавливания из лунки металла, находящегося в жидкой фазе. Такой процесс приводит к заметному росту удалённой массы материала и носит название механизма "плавление-вымывание".

Further increases in laser intensity can result in ionization of the products and the release of plasma above the metal surface. Plasma significantly contributes to the result of laser infusion onto metal. The melting of metals in high-pressure chambers with viscous gases reveals a new direction of laser technology - laser-plasma technology (div. Fig. 1).

Since the thickness of the plasma is high, it is possible to shield it from the surface of the metal using laser stimulation. This will lead to a change in the evaporation of the metal and, consequently, a change in strength and lead to the depletion of the plasma, then. until the autocolival process on aphids is completed, laser stimulation is carried out steadily. This is to create a pulsating pressure to release steam to the metal, which mixes the melt and increases the effective heating zone.

In addition to the intensity of vibration in the process of interaction of laser vibration with materials, the time and space characteristics of the vibration, the size of the wave, the shape of the pulse, the position of the focus of the laser vibration, etc. Menstiy and convective heat exchange, storage and pressure on the excessive atmosphere and etc. All these items are insured when considering the specific tasks of laser technology

It is significant that between the mechanisms of interaction in a clear view, they are not often compromised. In fact, it is necessary to mix them, which must be mixed before analyzing the results. For example, to remove light and deep boiling, select the intensity of the trace between q c 1< q 0 < q c 2 , желательный временной режим генерации лазера - гладкий (квазистационарный), с небольшой степенью модуляции (для обеспечения перемешивания расплавленной ванны). Если необходимо получать отверстия в металле (или вообще удалять материал), то следует брать пичковый режим генерации с интенсивностью в пичке q 0 >q c 3 .

Guidance further analysis lies before monopulse processing of materials. The appearance of lasers on grenades, which operate at a repetition rate of generation pulses of tens of hertz, makes it possible to stagnate high-pulse processing. The action of multiple impulses is superimposed and its overall effect becomes significant.

The advent of lasers that produce pulses lasting tens of femtoseconds has opened up new possibilities for laser technology. First of all, with a modest pulse energy (millijoules), the intensity of vibration is not at all small (gigawatts). With this material, the vaporization of the material and/or the creation of plasma proceed more effectively,


The development of a mathematical model and algorithm for the development of temperature distribution in folded multi-spherical biological tissues under the influence of laser stimulation has been clarified. The model is based on the end-to-end method and describes the anisotropy of optical and thermal parameters of biological structures. The model is two-dimensional nonstationary and allows modeling the interaction of different types of laser with biological tissues. The software has been expanded to support the selection of models with an interface. A separate software program was developed for the development of laser infusion on biological structures. The modeling results compare well with experimental data. The results of modeling the infusion of two types of erbium lasers (l = 2.94 µm) iCO2 (l = 10.6 µm) are applied to the biological structure that is formed from the enamel.

laser biotechnology

numerical modeling

temperature field

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2. Pletnyov S.D. Lasers in clinical medicine. - M.: Medicine, 1996.

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Today it is impossible to see the life of everyday people without laser technologies, which is common in various fields such as medicine, mechanical engineering, electronics, communications, etc. Laser processing has low unique characteristics - monochrome, high level of time and space coherence, low divergence, high strength of tension, as well as the ability to keruvate them. The development of laser technologies in medicine opens up new possibilities, ranging from aesthetic medicine to comprehensive medical care, allows for the implementation of fundamentally new solutions and the use of new materials that enhance the vigor of medicine. Kuvannya Laser biotechnologies can be divided according to the strength and intensity of laser and laser diagnostics, laser therapy, laser surgery and biotissue destruction, the basis of which is a thermal agent. In addition, laser technologies deal with living matter, such as spherical folded structures, with different thermal and optical effects, which makes it necessary to maintain the anisotropy of the physical parameters of tissues and homeostasis as a living object.

Model breakdown

The most important parameters that determine the interaction of laser stimulation with biofabrics are the repetition mode (non-interrupted or pulsed), hour and intensity, as well as pressure, which determines the intensity of the treatment I'm using fabric as a substitute.

Temperature distribution is one of the main parameters in laser biotechnologies. The thermal properties of biofabrics are indicated by their rich spherical structure, thermal conductivity and thermal capacity. The increased laser energy produces a local temperature shift at the affected area. In this case, part of the heat is removed from the processing zone through conduction into unnecessary areas, often resulting in unnecessary heating. The folding mode allows you to minimize the heating of excess fabrics.

Nowadays, engineering analysis systems are increasingly being used to set up numerical experiments and find optimal parameters for tracking galusa. This allows you to significantly speed up the time of development and research, and to develop optimal technological parameters. The development of the model will make it possible to know the optimal modes of laser processing of biological tissues, right up to the development of an individual mode for the skin and minimizing the thermal effect on excess tissue.

The distribution of temperature in an anisotropic solid is described by the level of thermal conductivity, which in operator form looks like:

where s – thermal conductivity; ρ – thickness; T – temperature in the structure;
t – hour; ∇ - Nabla operator; k – thermal conductivity coefficient; q - dzherelo

The heat source is laser vibration, which often breaks out of the surface, which forms, becomes molded by the material and penetrates into it. The extinguishing of the laser energy for the destruction of energy by the body is described by Lambert’s law:

de qleser(y) - thickness of laser tension; q0 – laser intensity; R - recovery coefficient; α - locality of the middle; y - the coordinate is straightened into the material from the surface that is being formed.

The vibrational and convective processes of heat removal from the wet surface are described by stepping viruses;

de - coefficient of vibration; σ - Stefan-Boltzmann constant; h – convective coefficient; qrad, qconv - the intensity of the heat flow per rack due to circulation and convection; T0 – temperature of the superfluous middle.

The total thermal flow qconb from the surface can be described as follows:

de – total heat transfer coefficient.

The model of laser processing of biotissues has improved thermal flows: laser energy is absorbed by the body, heat is transferred by convection and heat is transferred from the surface. In Fig. 1 schematically shows the heat flows that occur in the model that is being decomposed. A two-dimensional fall was taken, the temperature distribution along the z coordinate would be similar to x, and the change in dimension would allow the hour of degeneration to speed up.

Small 1. Heat flows
for the expanded model

For a two-dimensional non-stationary phase and anisotropic middle in private similarities (1) we have the following view:


The borderline minds of Four's equation will be as follows:

for the top face parallel to the y-axis;

for the bottom face parallel to the y-axis, and for faces parallel to the x-axis.

Rivnyannya (6) with the understanding of borderline minds (7) and (8) cannot be considered analytically. Therefore, for this purpose, the numerical method was chosen.

Based on the geometry of the problem (div. Fig. 1), it is necessary to create a rectangular coordinate grid, uniform along the x axis and unequal along the y axis. When selecting a width along the x-axis, it is necessary to adjust the width of the laser line so that the minimum width is smaller than the width. Along the y-axis, an uneven mesh is required, the fragments of balls that form in biological structures vary in size from tens of microns to centimeters.

The introduction of a coordinate grid conveys that the values ​​of all changes and similar ones are visible only at the nodes of this grid. Therefore, all changes will be replaced by sieve functions, and all incidental ones will be replaced by terminal functions.

In Fig. 2 representations of the grid model and the direction of the coordinate axes.

There is a system of differential levels among private people (6), with the coordination of bordering minds (7)-(8) and a viraza for laser vibration (2) on the web, presented in Fig. 2, transformed into a system of level algebra, it looks like:


for internal points of the region i = 2 ... I - 1, j = 2 ... J - 1, n = 2 ... N, .

Small 2. Model from direct coordinate axes

The internal core of heat is older than the clay heat and can be described in modern terms:

de - the intensity of the laser exchange at certain coordinate points and in hours, as in a very different view:

The boundary zones with the arrangement of the applied mesh will be as follows:


for i = 1 ... I, j = 1, n = 2 ... N;

for i = 1 ... I, j = J, n = 2 ... N;

for i = 1, j = 2 ... J - 1, n = 2 ... N;

for i = I, j = 2 ... J - 1, n = 2 ... N.

Pochatkov's minds have a very different look:

for i = 1 ... I, j = 1 ... J, k = 1.

Virazis (9)-(15) are a system of levels of algebra, which in a formal sense will be offensive:

de T - vector-stovpets changeable dovzhinoy M = I · J · N; A - square matrix of coefficients of the system of linear algebra equations (SLAU) with dimensions M×M; B - vector of the total number of members.

To find an adequate solution, the number of points is over a thousand (I > 10, J > 10, N > 10). To obtain the highest SLAE of such dimensions, the Jacobi method was used. The software and interface of the customer service has been developed, as shown in Fig. 3.

Modeling results

In Fig. Figure 4 shows the results of modeling the distribution of temperature in the biological structure that consists of enamel with a thickness of 20 microns and dentin when passed through erbium (l = 2.94 microns) and CO2 (l = 10.6 microns) lasers with optical and thermal parameters, guided in the table .

Small 3. Open the program interface to expand the temperature range
in biological structures

A b

Small 4. Temperature distribution in the dentin enamel structure
when processed with a laser with a dovetail l = 2.94 µm and l = 10.6 µm

Optical and thermal parameters of dentin and enamel

J/(kg K)



Vibration coefficient

Extinction coefficient, cm-1

The results of the modeling are combined with experimental data and show that the depth of the laser significantly affects the biotissue processing mode, so for the CO2 laser the depth of thermal penetration is 1.5 times greater (small 4), lower for the erbium laser, i the cue is often called cold


The expanded model describes the process of interaction of laser processing with biological tissues and allows modeling laser processing processes for different types of laser.

A model has been developed based on the end-resistance method and a safety program based on this to determine the specific characteristics of the interaction of laser stimulation with biotissues:

I will fold the rich-spherical structure of biological tissues;

Image of laser vibration on the surface;

Extinguishing the laser exchange at the structure;

Convective and vibration storage during the surface cooling process;

The extent of optical and thermal effects depends on the type of fabric used
y structure.

The software with a comprehensive, intuitive interface allows you to conduct numerical experiments and determine the optimal modes for laser processing of biological structures.

The work is supported by the financial support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Derzh. Ugoda No. 14.A18.21.0126) within the framework of the Federal Target Program “Science and scientific-pedagogical personnel of innovative Russia ii" for 2009-2013.


Rindin E.A., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, leading scientific scientist of the Scientific Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Rostov-on-Don;

Zhornik A.I., Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor of the Department of Theoretical, Scientific Physics and Technology, Federal Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education TDPI, Taganrog.

The work reached the editor on 10/16/2012.

Bibliographic mailing

Kulikova I.V., Malyukov S.P., Brostilov S.A. MODELING THERMAL INJECTION OF LASER VIPROMINUSION ON BIOLOGICAL TISSUE // Fundamental Research. - 2012. - No. 11-2. - pp. 425-429;
URL: (date of publication: 10.17.2019). We would like to present to you the magazines that are available at the Academy of Natural Sciences

as a manuscript



at the scientific level

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

St. Petersburg - 2011

The work of Vikonan at the federal state budgetary lighting installation of high professional education "St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University"


Scientific consultant:

Official opponents: Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor

Organized by: Baltic State Technical University "Voenmekh" im.

Zakhist will be "" 2011 fate at _______

at a meeting of specialized research for the sake of D 212.229.01 at the Federal Budget Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University" Russia, m. St. Petersburg, st. Politekhnichna, b. 29, before. 2, A.470.

The dissertation can be found in the fundamental library

Federal Budget Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University"

Great Secretary

specialized for the sake of

D.T.Z., professor


The robot's dissertation is devoted to the analysis of the processes of interaction of laser vibration in rich-spherical materials with various methods of mathematical modeling.

Relevance by those. In the rest of the years, methods based on the stagnation of laser vibration, there is a need for wide expansion for diagnosing the internal structure of various optically heterogeneous objects, imaging, and stench. about materials, physics of the atmosphere and the ocean, and other fields of modern science .

p align="justify"> Of particular interest is the interaction between laser and spherical biological materials. It is important to distinguish between three types of effects of the interaction of laser stimulation with biofabric: photochemical, with very small values ​​of tension thickness; thermal, at medium values ​​of power, strength and photomechanical (nonlinear), at very high values ​​of power, energy and even short delivery times. With greater intensity of the energy produced by the vibration, which is delivered over a short period of time, a vibrator-like material is produced (photoablation).

Through the rich-spherical and rich-component structure of biotissue, the interaction with it appears even more complex. For example, the horny ball of the skin displays a falling vibration, during which the collimated beam of light transforms into a diffuse beam of microscopic inhomogeneities on the cordon of the wind - the horny ball. Most of the skin-lined light is created with the help of folding with different balls of tissue (horny ball, epidermis, dermis, microvascular system). The addition of light skin pigments provides extensive information about the concentration of bilirubin, hemoglobin-saturated acid and instead of drugs in tissue and blood, which is the basis of diagnostic methods ki low get sick.

To improve the effectiveness of current laser diagnostic methods, as well as to develop new methods, it is necessary to report on the specifics of the process of light enhancement in rich spherical media, including biological tissues. However, there is no precise theory to describe the broadening of light in structurally heterogeneous media, and experimental research is complicated by the difficulties of maintaining the stability of their structural and dynamic parameters. In connection with this, computer modeling of processes for expanding laser production plays a major role. This allows you to more accurately consider the specifics of the process of broadening the laser beam in model media, as well as to monitor the validity of the results from various parameters of the vibrating system of the object that is being monitored. This is very important in an experiment. This allows for the development of recommendations for the most effective implementation of diagnostic tests.

To interpret the results and correctly carry out diagnostics of the object under investigation, it is necessary to know the parameters of the expansion of new light, which can be achieved in accordance with experimental data and the results of computer modeling or theoretical They are rotten, because the stench of stagnation is so bad. One of the main problems in the development of extensive research in biological objects is the choice of method. Due to the rapid development of computer technology, the Monte Carlo method of statistical testing is often used. A hundredfold expansion of vibration in spherical media, this method is based on a large repetition of a numerical experiment with the development of the fall trajectory of photons in the media, which is being monitored, with further investigation I'm denying the results. When a large amount of statistical data has been accumulated, the method allows for comparisons with experimental results, and for predicting the results of experiments. The accuracy of such modeling is determined by the cost of machine hours, as well as the consistency of the model with the object being modeled.

An important problem in modeling is the correct choice of the value of the model parameters of the object that are used for development, which cannot be changed explicitly. It should be noted that in a number of cases, although rich in biotissues, there is a significant divergence in the meaning of their optical powers, taken away by various authors.

All the material confirms the relevance of the topics and allows us to formulate the meta of this dissertation work.

The goal of the dissertation work was:

Carrying out the investigation of the processes that underlie the interaction of laser vibration of different intensities with rich spherical biological media, creating models of these processes, so that on one side there are values ​​from the point of view in solving the underlying problem through the interaction of laser vibration with speech, and on the other hand, which reflects the specificity of rich-spherical biological materials.

The reach of the set mark was as follows:

1. Development of theoretical methods of development and analysis of biological media, which translates into a critical analysis of basic theories and models of light enhancement in biological media and consideration of the mechanisms of interaction of laser light Promotion with biological fabrics of folding geometry.

2. The creation of a physical and mathematical model for the expansion of laser vibration in media with a fairly asymmetrical geometry, which includes closed internal inhomogeneities of the folding shape, and methods for assessing the stage adequacy i.

3. Conducting an analysis of the feasibility of a different fragmented model for the most practical tasks for creating new diagnostic techniques on its basis.

Scientific novelty

In the works, which are referred to as the main dissertation, the author is the following:

1. Created by a scientific concept and method of developing the interaction of laser stimulation with biological tissues, a fairly asymmetrical geometry that includes closed internal inhomogeneities of a folding shape.

2. A new structured modeling area has been proposed, presented in the form of a grid with elements – tetrahedra, which ensures a trivial modeling process, increased prominence in rich-spherical structures, which allows processing with biological sulfur objects of sufficient geometry.

3. The temperature response of biofabrics from the inclusion of nanoparticles to ultraviolet exposure was revealed. The change in the strength of clay light energy and temperature fields is dependent on the duration of the falling vibration, the concentration and dislocation of inclusions in the middle of the test nanoparticles.

4. The original model of laser ablation of solid biological tissues has been fragmented and theoretically coated, which protects the rich sphericity of biological materials. It is shown that the established model is used to describe the obvious experimental data on laser ablation of rich spherical biological tissues.

Reliability of results

The reliability of the obtained results and conclusions is ensured by the adequacy of the researched physical models and mathematical methods, the correctness of the researched proximity, the creation of structural and experimental data, as well as their We agree with the results, which are rejected by other authors.

Scientific and practical significance

There is a great scientific achievement in the interaction of laser radiation with spherical materials of any geometry. This makes it possible to organize all the listed results and advances the scientific and practical significance of not only the results obtained from the dissertation, but rather the results obtained.

The results can be used as methods for optical diagnostics of biological tissues - for example, in optical coherence tomography.

The method for analyzing the temperature reaction of biotissues with viscous nanoparticles when exposed to light UV-A and UV-B ranges has been certified as a method of the State Service of Standard Documentation Data (DSSSD), certificate No. 000.

p align="justify"> It is very practical to change the parameters of laser ablation of solid biological tissues. Stinks may occur in laser surgery and dentistry.

Obtained in the dissertation work, the results may also stagnate in the initial process - during the preparation of students, graduate students, in lecture courses for the specialty “Laser Physics”.

R- Universal gas supply.

The magnitude of destruction" of destruction of speech in the exact location ( x, y, z) in an hour ( t- t0 )..jpg" alt="MATLAB Handle Graphics" width="573" height="429 src=">!}!}

Small eleven. The temperature difference on the surface of the core at the moment t= 70 ms.

The results are consistent with the available experimental data. It can be seen that the temperature rise is not localized on the surface: a strong temperature rise is avoided in the middle. Research has shown that the laser ablation process begins at a temperature threshold of 320 C, causing the bond to maintain a constant temperature on the surface. In Fig. Figure 13 shows the evolution of temperature at a point on the surface." alt="MATLAB Handle Graphics" width="534" height="400 src=">!}!}

Small 13. Time-hour evolution of surface temperature
analyzed area.

The results of this remote speech are shown in Fig. 14.

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