What to expect in the year of the Dog for different signs of the zodiac? Year of the Yellow Dog (2018): characteristics, predictions of astrologers Zodiac horoscope for the year of the dog.

For people born in the year of the Dog, the coming year will be extremely fruitful and happy. You will not only be able to fulfill your dreams and plans for the future, but you will also be able to find a reason for joy. You will successfully solve all your problems if you do not focus too much on the little things.

For representatives of the sign, the year promises to be bright and fruitful. Especially if they show such qualities as hard work, sociability and frankness, honesty. In this case, you will slowly but surely move towards your successes, act, and not reflect. The year will be favorable for a career and the transformation of their needs into material resources. You can not only make your desires come true, but also take a step towards wealth, well-being and prosperity.

For your personal life, the year will be less fruitful, although you are unlikely to encounter unpleasant changes. Most likely, representatives of the sign will feel calm if they show such qualities as benevolence and sociability. However, many of your actions will be dictated by reason, and not by feelings, which can ruin the relationship. However, in general, there will be no big changes in your life, unless you yourself make a fateful decision.

Dog Woman: Horoscope for 2018

For the representatives of the sign, the Year of the Dog promises to be rich and bright, full of events and adventures. From the beginning of February you will feel yourself in the center of events and will be able to establish a lot in your life.

In order for luck to contribute to your endeavors, try to act measuredly and calmly, occasionally showing your claws. In your situation, you should not shout about your advantages and merits - you can not only achieve success, but also give others in your rightness. Only in this case can you achieve success and get what you want. In this goal one of your most cherished desires will come true, and you can make your dream come true.

In the summer months, women will be calm, in the mood for relaxation and good relations. You can not only get closer to your dream, but also improve your personal life. Your feminine charm will allow you to enjoy life, become brighter, bolder and more interesting, which will attract a lot of male attention to you.

However, you can not lose your head from admiration and soberly assess the situation. Try to find the right balance between work and rest to find time for beauty treatments and beauty treatments. A change of image will do you good, and you can become brighter and win someone else's heart.

Dog Man: Horoscope for 2018

Representatives of the sign will be able to choose their life direction and dot the relationship with friends and like-minded people. You will be pleasantly surprised by the events around you. If earlier obstacles and difficulties prevented you from realizing your dream, now you will be glad that circumstances will slowly but surely develop in your favor.

Try not to miss your lucky career opportunity. You may find new opportunities in one of the fall months, but in the summer you may have the chance to find a higher paying job. Try to combine relaxation and socializing to feel at the center of the action and build relationships with many people.

The only thing you should be afraid of in the coming year is hypothermia and colds. Especially if you already have a bunch of chronic illnesses. Try not to overestimate your strengths and not flaunt your courage and courage, jumping into frosty water. Otherwise, you risk damaging your health, and not achieving what you planned for the New Year.

Dog: Love Horoscope for 2018

In the year of the Yellow Dog, your love life promises to be calm if you do not plan major achievements and changes. Some Dogs will dive headlong into work or want to master a new business, so it will be difficult for them to devote enough time and attention to their personal lives. Those who have not yet met their soul mate will outline a goal and begin to achieve it.

Many will start pages on dating sites or will study those who work next to them for dating. If there is a person of the opposite sex whom you want to win over, act in early March or summer. Traveling or relaxing together can help you bond, grow stronger, and find common topics of conversation.

Some people will be able to achieve their goal, but most likely you will change direction, as events will not develop in the way you planned. A difficult period of change and doubt awaits the representatives of the sign in love. Perhaps you change your mind and decide to postpone the wedding. It will be difficult for family people to understand their soul mate at the beginning of the year. The abundance of work will not allow you to devote enough time and attention to your partner, but in the spring your relationship will enter a new stage.

Dog: Financial Horoscope for 2018

Already at the beginning of the year, Dogs will feel that they can realize their most daring ideas and aspirations. You may receive a large sum of money unexpectedly or do a job that gets paid well. This year, money will flow to you in an even flow until about the beginning of April, so try to fulfill your desires, since you will not have a better opportunity.

Large purchases related to household appliances, real estate and cars should be postponed until early autumn. Until that time, especially in summer, money will not go into your own hands, as you will be making a lot of spending. Many of them will turn out to be useless, but little things can make you change large amounts.

At this time, try to find an opportunity to make money or make a deal. Then you will cover the costs and be able to pay off all debts. You should not borrow this year, as you can quickly lose a large amount of money.

It is best to borrow large sums in the fall, when your financial situation becomes more stable, but do not forget about precautions.

Dog: Work and Career Horoscope 2018

Expect unexpected luck, which will visit you more than once this year under different circumstances. Many doors will open in front of you, and you can do everything in order to fulfill your dream. Some people will doubt their capabilities, but it is thanks to your hard work and hard work that you can achieve a lot.

The main thing is not to turn off halfway if the business interests you and you dream of success. Otherwise, you risk missing out on a lucky chance that may come to you completely unexpectedly. The most favorable periods for completing business and activity will be in the spring, in the last months of summer and in mid-autumn. At this time, be active so as not to miss your own chance.

The relationship with your boss will be calm and even if you take the initiative and do not show a true attitude towards a person or life situation.

The best time to contact the authorities is spring, when you can make the best impression. Your relationships with colleagues can only become smoother if you are not too sarcastic and critical. Otherwise, you risk getting into an unpleasant situation and becoming a victim of deception or well-thought-out intrigue.

Dog: Health Horoscope for 2018

Representatives of the sign will feel good this year. Especially if, in case of ailments, they will seek medical help on time or will be able to cure a cold or other diseases with home remedies.

In 2018, you should pay a lot of attention to relaxation, swimming and sports in order to feel fit. And even if you cannot afford intense physical activity, there is nothing wrong with that. The main thing is to be outdoors more often, to rest as much as possible and not to allow yourself to spend a lot of time on the couch watching the TV, especially in the cold season.

It is worth paying attention to swimming, visiting coastal places, rivers or lakes, especially during the summer months. You will be able not only to have a great rest, but also to get a charge of vivacity and recover from illness. Many people will be able to restore their own health and improve their appearance through exercise. This will be useful for those who want to look good and make a great impression on the opposite sex.

Your main enemy will be laziness, a sedentary lifestyle and untimely seeking medical help from a specialist. Watch your own health and then diseases will not prevent you from achieving your most cherished goals.

Aries dog

The coming year will not be easy for you, but the usual politeness, kindness and truthfulness will help you overcome all difficulties. This year you will be able to build relationships with many friends, family and attract the attention of the person you like. The main thing is to believe in yourself, not to retreat in front of difficulties and strive for high achievements.

Taurus Dog

The Year of the Dog for you will be prosperous, calm and measured only if you solve your problems in time and do not postpone making a decision until later. New doors will open in front of you, and you can perfectly realize your potential if you show hard work, activity and interest in what is happening around.

Gemini Dog

Fortune will then turn to face you, then turn away from you at the most important moment. Therefore, learn not to succumb to emotions and wait to act accurately and prudently at the right time. This year you will have to run a lot in order to achieve the desired result and do what you need. Do not wait for outside help - you will have to show independence and take the initiative into your own hands.

Dog Cancer

Be sociable and patient. This year, nothing will be given to you for nothing. It is for this reason that you will have to wait for the right moments, act harmoniously, easily and quickly, so that the circumstances turn in your favor. Some people will face trouble in their personal lives, betrayal and deception, but they can cope with all the difficulties if they themselves want it.


This year you will feel an unprecedented surge of strength, the desire not only to work fruitfully, but also to have a beautiful rest. Therefore, you will be capable of unexpected actions and change your mind on many issues. You will be happy, no matter how the circumstances develop, since you can not restrain your emotions, but act of your own free will, the way you want.

Dog Virgo

A period of financial stability and a slow but sure path to a wealthy and beautiful life will come for you. You will be happy with the circumstances and people and will be able to carry out your wildest dreams. Try to listen to yourself and give yourself time to think and make an informed, reasonable decision, although this year you can afford stupidity too without unpleasant consequences.

Libra Dog

A calm and happy period in your life awaits you. Everything that you dreamed about can lie at your feet by itself, if you do not turn off the intended path. Good luck will await you in your personal life, as you can show the best traits of your character. Try to be in society more often, organize parties and invite guests. Then you will be able to change a lot in your life and do what you did not dare to do before.

Scorpio dog

In the coming year, your fortune will be changeable. You will feel that you are on top, then on the verge of an abyss. In order not to frighten off your luck, learn to use your own time and energy fruitfully to achieve the desired result. An unusual turn awaits you in love that will change a lot in your life. The main thing is to face the truth and make a decision based not on assumptions but on facts.

Sagittarius dog

In the coming year, your life promises to be easy, rich and interesting. You can fulfill your dreams if you try to be in society more often and show assertiveness, activity, mastering the art of persuasion. Travel, change, creative projects and financial transactions can be successful if you are confident and can see your chance.

Dog Capricorn

Do not refuse help from outside. There are many things you can do to make life feel happy and enjoyable, but at some times you will need to reach out to like-minded people and friends. If you want joy, happiness and love, try not to be isolated at home, but more often to be in society and relax. Then life will be filled with bright events and you can find a way out of any situation.


For you, 2018 will be a fateful, unusual and bright year, full of changes and unusual incidents. You will feel yourself on the wave of events and will be able to cope with all the difficulties on your own if you turn on your imagination and want to act gracefully, beautifully, playing the theater of one actor in a simple situation. Changes will also be associated with your personal life, in which there will be many exciting discoveries and events.


Do not rush to trust new acquaintances if you have not studied their plans and intentions. You can get into trouble if you trust promises and people who can be smart about adapting to you. You will have to be active and sociable if you dream of great achievements. And in love, a pleasant turn can await you, which can completely change your life and outlook on happiness.

The coming 2018 will be prosperous and pacifying for everyone. Each representative of the Eastern horoscope will feel the influence of this good-natured animal. In particular horoscope for Dogs for 2018 does not portend serious problems and destructive events.

For all Dogs, the finest hour comes, the moment when people can show their talents to the world, decide on a desperate act, come up with some new hobby for themselves. In any case, the mistress of the year will closely follow all their undertakings, and who knows, maybe it is she who, briskly wagging her tail, will show the right path on the road to happiness.

People born in the year of the Dog have the same character traits. Some develop them in themselves more strongly, some, oddly enough, suppress, but still, all Dogs are distinguished:

  • Modesty, sharp mind, dedication, perseverance.
  • Family for Dogs is in the first place and they are attached to one person for a long time.
  • Taking care of children and parents is the life credo of the representatives of this sign.
  • Thrift and protection of your own home. Any inclinations towards the personal space of Dogs will forever deprive you of a good friend.
  • It is best for such people to become doctors, teachers, lawyers, priests, because they have an excellent "nose" for justice, human weakness and virtue.

The general horoscope for the eastern sign is Dog

Throughout the year, all representatives of the Dog sign will be fabulously lucky: a big win in the lottery, a promotion at work, frequent bonuses, a successful marriage and much more. You should not refuse such gifts of fate, because they are presented by herself. The only condition that must be fulfilled is to be courteous to others, to respond to their requests, to help in trouble.

In 2018, you should not show hypocrisy or disregard for other people's difficulties, even if they arise from an unfamiliar person. As for family relationships, they will flourish, strengthen and become idealistic. Quarrels, in practice, will not arise, but only minor squabbles, against the background of everyday issues.

Lonely Dogs will be able to find a soul mate for themselves, and this meeting will happen, very, unexpectedly. The time will begin for dates, walks under the moon, gifts dear to the heart. Perhaps such a relationship will lead to a wedding, and then the representatives of this sign will become the happiest on earth.

During periods of seasonal infections, it is recommended to pay attention to your own health, for example, to improve the physical condition of the whole body. Already closer to October, attractive job offers may come in that can bring not only monetary rewards, but also moral satisfaction.

Male Dog

Men in the period under review will not experience the anger of the Dog, on the contrary, their life will be illuminated by a happy guiding star. There will be no serious quarrels in the family, it will be a support and rear in any situation.

At the beginning of the year, an incident will occur that will radically change the life of Dogs. Try not to splash your luck and stay close to loved ones, because they will always be ready to lend a shoulder in case of failure.

In 2018, male Dogs will cope with their official duties without much difficulty. Any request from the boss will be fulfilled easily and will bring a reward in the form of a bonus or promotion. You should not give yourself entirely to work - it is extremely necessary for Dogs to have a rest in 2018. They will discover hitherto unknown talents that they will want to discover and improve.

Woman - Dog

The hostess of the year will also present many surprises for women. Of course, not on such a scale as in men, but still the ladies will be able to rejoice, and from the heart.

The Dog Woman is still that connoisseur of the hearth, so she does her best to protect her household from adversity. But at the beginning of the year (spring / summer) there will be a nuisance that will destroy the calm flow of family life. Fortunately, this whirlpool of events will quickly end, and the difficulties that have fallen to the lot will make the relationship between loved ones even stronger.

At work, the fairer sex will always reign order, because they know how to find an approach to each employee. Recognition and respect of subordinates is the best reward for a leader. And the female Dogs will certainly get it.

In the middle of the year, creative ladies will surprise their friends with a new invention or a beautiful verse. Some will be able to attach these works very well.

Health in 2018

Often people born in the year of the Dog do not suffer from serious illnesses, on the contrary, they are distinguished by good health and endurance. Due to the fact that they carry out preventive measures to maintain a healthy mind in the body, ailments do not concern Dogs, so visits to the doctor are a novelty for them.

However, by being careless, even the healthiest person can get sick. During the season of respiratory viral diseases, you should take vitamins, eat well, be more often in the fresh air (not in crowded places), visit the gym. Autumn is especially dangerous with its pouring cold rains and piercing winds.

In 2018, Dogs should be wary of fire when working with it or when preparing food. The stars predict major burns, including sunburn, and unpleasant consequences after them. Do not go outside without sunscreen and headgear on particularly hot summer days.

There is a risk of fractures, particularly in winter. For this, people should take vitamin complexes, monitor the calcium content in the blood and not be careless during the winter games. Once health care is at the forefront, colds and serious illnesses will never catch the Dog by surprise.

Dog love horoscope for 2018

The coming 2018 will make the representatives of the Dog sign feel what love can do. Relatives literally redeem you in empathy, care and adoration. This will be the happiest time that will be remembered for a long time. In addition, astrologers did not see serious quarrels in the coming Year of the Dog, even everyday problems cannot disturb the idyll that reigns in the family.

Communication with children will also reach a completely new level: the younger ones will not bother with their energy and recklessness, and the older ones will devote to the most intimate secrets.

Dogs will receive increased attention from members of the opposite sex. The new relationship that will strike in 2018 may grow into something more.


For their scrupulousness and high professional qualities, colleagues and bosses respect and value Dogs. Work always brings pleasure to the representatives of this sign, so they try to show as much good nature as possible to the surrounding colleagues.

The Chinese points out that the coming year will bring a ton of proposals that will bring profit and move Dogs up the career ladder.

Those who do not occupy high positions can count on salary increases, and this does not require special efforts. Dogs entrepreneurs need to re-establish old ties and then their business will become even more successful.

There is no need to be afraid of gossip and attentive glances of envious people - they will not cause harm, but only will increase the self-esteem of Dogs. Astrologers suggest, after a hard day's work, look into a small restaurant and spend some time alone, so to speak, putting your thoughts in order.

Finance and business

The long-awaited rivers of money will fall on the Dogs in a stormy stream. Any undertaking will end with a solid jackpot, which will indescribably delight people born under this star. Try not to miss the "money" moment, because it can be presented only once a year.

According to legend, Buddha called all the animals to him, but only the bravest of them were able to cross the icy river. There were twelve of them, and it was in their honor that he named each of the twelve years in accordance with the cycle of Jupiter's revolution. This article is devoted to the year of the Yellow Dog, how it is characterized, and what astrologers promise for 2018, let's talk about it.

What does the new 2018 mean?

The change of the next sign portends changes not only in human destinies, but also affects the political situation in the country. The Year of the Yellow Dog 2018 belongs to the elements of the Earth, so the dog carries harmony, peace and tranquility.

As you know, dogs are not simple creatures. They are grateful to those who give them love and affection, so we can say that if you positively give yourself to the world this year, then fortune will always follow you. The Year of the Yellow Dog will not be on the side of deceitful and envious people, those who treat others badly, brag and deceive a lot. The dog of traitors hates. All people with such qualities will have a hard time in the new year.

The preferred colors for 2018 are all shades of yellow and the stone is diamond. The most important characteristics are love and loyalty. Loving families can breathe a sigh of relief, this year promises them a lot of happiness and good luck, and those who find a soul mate in the year of the Yellow Dog can count on a long and successful relationship. Favorable year for marriage registration. Those who like to “walk on the side” should reconsider their positions in life. This year can bring them unexpected loneliness, so it is worth giving up promiscuous relationships and building a new relationship with a loving person.

Financial affairs

The Year of the Yellow Dog (2018) recommends paying particular attention to risk and cost savings. The dog loves those who are used to working conscientiously for their earnings, and not sitting idly by and looking forward to the end of the working day. It will reward hardworking and responsible employees with financial well-being. Favorable year for risk. Don't be afraid to take risks and explore previously unfamiliar areas. Most importantly, do it wisely.

To the characteristic of the year of the Yellow Dog in financial affairs, you can add another exemption from debt obligations. Pay off all existing debts before the new year and do not recruit new ones during its march. Refuse to purchase expensive things, leave these plans until better times. Don't waste your money thoughtlessly, think carefully about each purchase. Better save them or spend on loved ones.

Horoscope for the Year of the Yellow Dog

The year will be successful for Aquarius, Aries and Capricorns. It will help Pisces, Gemini and Leo to climb the career ladder. Finding a new job will also be successful for them. Taurus will be able to achieve a promotion if they put in as much effort as possible - they will work hard, learn new things and show themselves as good workers. In love affairs, Virgo and Cancer will be lucky. Families will grow stronger, and those who are single will find love. In the fight for the environment, Scorpions, Libra and Sagittarius will be lucky.

How to celebrate 2018 of the Yellow Dog?

Dogs are creatures that like to gather in packs, so the New Year should be celebrated with kind and beloved relatives and friends. The dog loves to feast on many products from meat to sweets. Pamper your guests with all sorts of treats and, of course, do not forget about gifts, and those who have this animal in their house should pamper him on New Year's Eve.

What to put on the festive table?

How to celebrate 2018 of the Yellow Dog? How to please guests and meet them fully armed? A dog, as already mentioned, is an omnivorous animal, and its tastes do not differ from human tastes. Cook more meat and less fish, as cats prefer this treat. For dessert, gingerbread cookies or milk pudding are ideal. Don't forget about soft and mouth-watering kebabs or grilled meats. Don't experiment with dishes, they should be simple but tasty. Use a variety of vegetable cuts as a side dish.

How to choose an outfit?

This question is of more concern to female representatives. They choose elegant dresses to make their year as bright and unforgettable, because, as they say, “as you meet the new year, you will spend it”. Dear girls and women, this year of the Yellow Dog can be met even in a dressing gown, dogs love coziness and comfort.

Choose dresses in yellow, gold, sandy shades. Ordinary pastel colors will do. To make the Year of the Yellow (Earthy) Dog successful, use yellow accessories in your image - earrings, necklaces, bracelets. For men, it can be socks or a tie. Do not use large chains as accessories - the dog will not like this.

Don't wear too vulgar or, on the contrary, dull outfits. Your image should have a sense of proportion in everything. The dog expects a sense of lightness from the outfits. Clothing should not embarrass you or make you feel uncomfortable during a festive meal.

We decorate the apartment

Attributes such as a tree, Christmas toys and garlands should be in every home. Decorate rooms in the Year of the Yellow (Earth) Dog with a lot of tinsel, especially in its yellow shades. Do not forget about the symbol of the coming 2018 of the Dog. These can be souvenirs or pictures of an animal. And if you have this wonderful friend, then be sure to pamper him with your favorite treat on the eve of New Year's holiday. Exclude from the interior all things with the image of cats and obsessive flashy details, too bright decoration can frighten off the dog, although it is a funny creature, but still modest and sometimes shy.

What to give guests?

Gifts should be cozy and kind. These are the things that are designed to create a comfortable home environment. Friends and relatives will be delighted with new textiles, tableware or painting. Older relatives will like a warm blanket, socks, or Children can be presented with a soft toy or a real little puppy. Any gifts that reflect the symbolism of this animal will be appropriate on New Year's Eve. Gifts in the form of perfumed sets, perfumes and other cosmetic products, especially those that have strong odors, will be inappropriate.


Meet the Yellow Dog in a kind and cozy company of friends and family. Invite this animal into your home with love and warmth. Throughout the year, do not be bored yourself and do not get bored with people nearby. Live positively, dream of good things, realize yourself only from the best sides. Do not lie, do not betray, do not condemn your acquaintances or friends, and then the dog will walk along the path with you throughout the year and will be supportive to you, because she loves kindness and fun so much.

Yellow Earth Dogsand symbolizes the element of the earth. She is especially characterized by such qualities as stability and orderliness, loyalty and affection. Although this is a social animal (a dog seeks to be in sight), it is important for it to put things in order first of all in itself, so throughout the year humanity will strive to return the raging waves of life to a calmer and more peaceful channel. Issues of stability, trust and distribution of responsibilities will become important topics.

The dog is generous and courteous, although oriented towards increasing wealth, and sometimes greedy to some extent. Lives according to the principle "own shirt is closer to the body." He collects the benefits, without haste, clearly sets goals and slowly but unbendingly and confidently moves towards the desired. The dog does not need someone else, but it will grab onto its own with a stranglehold.

Unlike the Rooster, the Dog does not act in a swoop, but on the principle of "patience and work will grind everything." Therefore, the main principle of doing business this year will be endurance and hard work, exactingness towards oneself and others, as well as a practical vein.

The element of the earth is associated with laws and traditions, therefore, in the year of the Earth Dog, it is important to adhere to your principles. The dog does not like backstage intrigues, preferring an open duel. Fair and somewhat idealistic, the Dog is focused on partnership, so the topic of unions and associations will be especially loud throughout the year.

As for the sphere of relationships, the Yellow Earth Dog will bring significant and often favorable events for all signs of the zodiac. Since the dog is a symbol of fidelity and constancy, this year will be marked by the establishment of long-term marital relations, and for those who are already married - a reassessment of the importance of marriage ties and, as a result, strengthening of alliances. In the family, the Dog is dominant, in friendship it is more loyal. There are few contradictions in her and she lives quite comfortably, being able to take and give in equal measure. Loves order. In all respects, she promotes traditional marriage. However, the passage of Jupiter through Scorpio will add a spice to the overall atmosphere of stability and decency. Especially exciting and exciting relationships await watermarks. Love stories will be full of emotions and passion. Earth signs will be more “under the impression of Saturn, so they are more resistant to this influence.

This year is very favorable for business activity, especially in the field of large finance, politics, government agencies, and gives success in property matters. Many zodiac representatives will have great opportunities to improve their financial and career position. But luck will be on the side of the most stubborn and hardy. Those who are ready to work hard and take responsibility can make large bets, get loans, invest funds, and conclude long-term contracts. It's time to choose stable, open partners. However, it is important to find a compromise between optimism and prudence in business.

Despite the fact that the Dog does not like changes, and does not strive for excesses and special comfort, it will do everything so that the inhabitants of the Earth can improve their living conditions.

The Year of the Dog's reign marks the time of scientific and technological progress. In May, Uranus will make an ingression into the sign of Taurus, and this will be the beginning of a whole cycle of transformations, the result of which will be an improvement in human living conditions. This is the time of technical progress, as a result of which humanity will take a new look at familiar things. 2018 will be marked by technical progress in the field of heavy industry, agriculture, medicine and pharmaceuticals. Interest in unusual areas of knowledge will increase in society, and the psychological sciences will flourish. But the most striking manifestations we will probably see years later.

As for the health of the population and the ecology of the planet, serious epidemics and cataclysms should not be expected, and society will be ready to reconsider its position in relation to the resources of the Planet and reflect on the global problems of the world ecology. In the field of medicine, there may be new drugs and treatments that were previously unknown or available to only a few. Society will take a fresh look at the issues of spirituality and self-development. In general, this is a period of turning the society's consciousness towards humanism and altruism.

2018 horoscope for Aries

Money. Career. This year, Aries should prepare for big career achievements. It is likely that many representatives of this sign will receive a promotion, since planetary configurations will provide energy for achievements throughout the year. But this is not fleeting luck, but the result of serious and purposeful actions on the part of Aries. Cases related to inheritance, taxes, loans, investment in big business promise to be successful. Success awaits representatives of risk-related professions.

Love and family. It is important to maintain a balance between love and friendship, but priority should be given to the first one, since it is the living of all shades of love that will be an important round in the development of Aries. The same goes for creative endeavors. This year, you should develop your personal creative potential, or enjoy the full achievements of your creativity. And friends are support and support in all these matters.

Health. In general, health will not bother Aries this year. The only point is that as a result of a strong overstrain of mental forces, fatigue or stress can occur. It is especially not recommended to dump the negativity with the use of alcohol and other psychotropic drugs, as quickly addiction can occur. This year, you can undergo a full examination, and surgical operations are also shown.

2018 horoscope for Taurus

Money. Career. At the beginning of the year, you can find benefits in communicating with distant partners. In the summer, friendships will play a significant role in the development of business activity, but their stimulating effect will only indirectly affect finances. Taurus, who are involved in the field of large international business, medicine and art, is expected to be especially successful; a fairly quick financial return is expected here. At the end of the year, business will go well through social networks, and in many ways, success will depend on how much you are capable of mastering the latest business methods.

Love and family. This year, Taurus will be drawn to a relationship, to put it mildly, not peculiar to him. Relationships with the opposite sex will be unpredictable and exciting. In many ways, this will be determined by the behavior of the partner, despite the fact that Taurus himself will be the embodiment of perseverance and equanimity. In the fall, the situation can change exactly the opposite, and surprises can already be expected from Taurus.

Health. Taurus' health is stable throughout the year. However, in the fall, attention should be paid to the lifestyle, since it is unhealthy habits that can affect the state of the endocrine system and lead to metabolic disorders.

2018 horoscope for Gemini

Money. Career. Gemini can count on a favorable state of finances, since the Dog also favors the air element. This year, you can expect a profitable and responsible job. Business twins have enjoyed a year in successfully solving tax issues, despite the fact that it is this year that many sources of income will be hidden, or not advertised, or they will initially bear the stamp of secrecy. In general, this year is suitable for starting your own business.

Love and family. This year, Gemini shouldn't expect dramatic changes. However, an internal impulse for change will appear, not yet realized, but, nevertheless, incredibly powerful. But this is only the beginning, no major transformations are expected this year.

Health. Health is in the spotlight for Gemini this year. It is important to proceed from the knowledge that all diseases are from the nerves, therefore, along with conservative methods of treatment, it would be great to combine psychotherapy, body-oriented practices. Cases of successful cure of the most hopeless diseases are likely. The latest treatment methods will help here.

2018 horoscope for Cancer

Money. Career. This year poses the next challenge for Cancers. They need to focus on ensuring that all skills and talents are monetized. There is nothing wrong if you are especially persistent in achieving material well-being. This year money is what belongs to Cancers by right. However, you should not resort to dishonest methods and go "over the heads", this can result in large losses in the future. A business partnership based on friendly principles will be successful. It's good to partner through social media.

Love. A family. Cancer has a very stormy and active personal life this year. Love experiences will overwhelm your head, but the reign of the Dog will not be in vain, this is the time of the conclusion of an official relationship for Cancer. The main feature of all relationships will be not only passion and unusual experiences, but also the theme of trust. This will be the very relationship when it’s not scary to “be on the same ship” with your loved one in the fullest sense of the word.

Health. The course of many serious chronic diseases, especially of the musculoskeletal system and skin diseases (including allergic ones), improves, but in some cases there is an increase in symptoms. Therefore, this period is favorable both for a comprehensive examination and for the beginning of a long and equally complex treatment. Don't count on quick success. Wellness trips and spa treatment have a good effect.

2018 horoscope for Leo

Money. Career. This year will provide Leo with various opportunities for self-development. Personality and merit will play a critical role. Success in business awaits Lviv entrepreneurs, especially if you have large funds and investments at your disposal. In general, there is every chance to increase the turnover of the business, to enter into large contracts. But it is important to understand that everything will work out as it should only with a serious approach and fundamental strategies. "Winning the jackpot" playfully will not work. In general, the year is conducive to starting your own business, as well as success in real estate and construction.

Love. A family. Important events will also take place in family life. Family welfare issues will be successfully resolved, there will be excellent opportunities for improving living conditions, purchasing a house, a summer residence, especially if you have been planning this for a long time. In many ways, it is Leos who will take a dominant position in marital relations, but it is important to listen to the marriage partner, otherwise everything will turn out not only to alienation with him, but also to troubles in public affairs.

Health. Leo is guaranteed excellent health throughout the year. However, one should not forget about preventive procedures, especially aimed at strengthening the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

2018 horoscope for Virgo

Money. Career. This year will be successful for Virgo in terms of expanding opportunities through additional education. It is important to master modern methods in the professional field, possibly to obtain additional specialization. You will be able to prove yourself by taking the role of a leader, possibly informal. It is also quite likely that your assistants will be people who know modern methods, the so-called pros. Don't neglect their advice. Serious changes in service are possible in autumn. Excessive zeal at work will not lead to an improvement in the situation, on the contrary, there is a risk of doing things to your detriment. Focus on how you feel in a situation of uncertainty.

Love. A family. This year, Virgo stars predict the strengthening of love relationships. This will especially affect single Virgos, since this year the meeting with the second half is incredibly high. Be prepared for a whirlwind romance to quickly develop into a marriage bond. A characteristic feature of these unions will be deep emotional attachment to the partner and resilience. In an already established relationship, the Virgo is waiting for spiritual unity with her spouse, reaching a qualitatively new level. However, love interests on the side are also likely, although they will be exclusively platonic in nature and will not pose a threat to marriage.

Health. It is possible to maintain a balance of physical and emotional health with a competent approach to stress. Being too diligent at work and being too involved in the lives of others can be bad for your health. Try to pay more attention to your mental state, it would be good to do meditation, yoga, etc. It is better to voluntarily find a way to be alone with yourself, otherwise it is fraught with being forced to be in a hospital bed.

2018 horoscope for Libra

Money. Career.This year Libra is able to get exactly as much as they want. This is the time to acquire financial independence. You will be rewarded for your earlier efforts. The year is conducive to conducting business cooperation with partners from afar. Libra's intentions will be largely dictated by lofty ideas and therefore material achievements will be a concomitant phenomenon.

Love. A family. Libra will face a difficult task in this area. Relationships with loved ones, including children, will be a source of anxiety. You should not expect serious troubles, however, you will have to worry. It will be a lesson in that personal attachment to something, like the desire for unlimited freedom, is the source of man's eternal sadness. However, this year it is better to devote yourself to serving society, to focus on friendly relations, but at the same time to maintain balance and prevent harm to loved ones and dear people.

Health. No dramatic changes in health are expected this year. However, those representatives of the sign who have long been struggling with any ailment are advised to use alternative methods of treatment. Many blocks can be removed by psychotherapeutic work, as well as traditional medicine, healing. The sensitivity to these methods will be increased, so positive results should be expected.

Horoscope for 2018 for Scorpio

Money. Career.The year will pass at an increased degree, it will give opportunities for personal growth, using which, Scorpio can lay the beginning of a new stage in life. It is likely that Scorpio will be able to get a leadership position, or the patronage of a superior person in business. The year is characterized by a huge number of both business and personal ties that Scorpio will forge with extraordinary enthusiasm. Mobility and deep immersion in the essence of the matter - these are the directions that need to be combined during this period. You should bet on those who offer long-term serious business partnerships.

Love. A family.Despite the fact that business activity will be high throughout the year, it is important not to accumulate domestic problems and chores, otherwise by the spring Scorpio runs the risk of breaking relations with relatives and losing their support. Free Scorpios await an exciting, soulful, slightly idealized relationship. This is the time of high love. Scorpio, who are married, a year promises the fulfillment of cherished desires, in any case, the already established relationship will become more intense and deeper.

Health. In general, the year is marked by excellent health for the Scorpio. A surge of strength, a thirst for action, a feeling of fullness of life, will relieve many symptoms of even chronic diseases. However, at the end of the year, you should observe your body, especially metabolism and the sexual sphere, since diseases of an undeveloped nature are possible, but they will not bring serious consequences.

2018 horoscope for Sagittarius

Money. Career. For Sagittarius, the year will read success through inspiration, through talents and creativity, which will directly affect income levels or become additional sources of income. The year is especially favorable for Sagittarius involved in psychology, scientific research, as well as in any creative profession. The location of the planets this year will help Sagittarius to reveal the ability to deeply penetrate into the essence of things, will open the channels of creative flows, therefore this time of flowering of talents that were previously hidden is reserved. It is also a time of travel, the purpose of which is not only the desire for self-development, but also material interest.

Love. A family. The year will give you the opportunity to enjoy comfort and well-being at home. A special psychological climate, spiritual unity with the family, which will be characteristic for a long time, will allow Sagittarius to rest and gain strength with the family, as well as contribute to creative creation at home.

Health. The time is conducive to spiritual practices and meditation, travel to holy places or so-called "places of power", sea travel, balneological procedures. It is important to allow yourself to periodically rest in silence and solitude. All this will have a wonderful effect on the physical and mental well-being, contribute to the balancing of these areas. Invisible forces at this time divert troubles from Sagittarius, all latent diseases immediately reveal themselves.

2018 horoscope for Capricorn

Money. Career.This year, the yellow Dog patronizes Capricorn like no one else! All the best qualities that she personifies will fully manifest in the life of Capricorn, since by nature the Dog and Capricorn are close. Good luck and luck, fulfillment of many hopes, popularity. All this is the result of long hard work and perseverance. Friendship and social relations will bring a lot of good to Capricorn, many important, long-term alliances will be concluded. This year, Capricorn will rightfully take a leading, patronizing position, since it is to him that the year will give incredible energy power to translate ambitious plans into reality. However, their goal is not a material resource, but something more, the money will come as a result and probably a little later.

Love. A family. In love, Capricorns are also green light! This year I will be lucky to meet an unusual person, relations with whom will be distinguished by novelty and based on friendly principles, however, they will not be devoid of romance. In the fall, Capricorns will feel favorable changes in their personal lives. It is likely that a love affair will develop into a family relationship. Already, family Capricorns are waiting for a strengthening of marriage, they will hardly pull on adventures and adventures this year.

Health. The high energy potential, combined with the stabilization of many areas of life, is also conducive to health. This is a good time to engage in various kinds of health-improving practices that involve contact and work with subtle energies, they will especially contribute to strengthening the physical body, as a result of the healing of the psyche and soul.

2018 horoscope for Aquarius

Money. Career. A difficult year for Aquarius in terms of career and earnings. The beginning of the year is characterized by serious career opportunities, especially for Aquarius employed in the research environment, or in professions associated with risk (Ministry of Emergencies, divers, etc.). Concentration and perseverance in business, as well as the patronage of influential people will help to collect significant results by the end of the year. One of the rules that should be followed throughout the year is that you should not dwell only on yourself and on personal goals, it is important to show support and attention to your partners. By the fall, a forced relocation for work or service is possible. However, on the positive side, it will contribute to improved welfare.

Love. A family. There are all the opportunities to get the desired peace and relaxation at home, with the family, however, it is important for Aquarius to remember that this year the focus will be on the marriage partner and his affairs. You should turn off the EGO, come to terms with the fact that you have to stay in the shadows, show care and support for your spouse, help him (her) achieve your goals. It is very important not to break this rule in late summer - early autumn.

Health.In general, the year is favorable in terms of health for Aquarius. The condition of chronic patients stabilizes, there may even be some relief. Shown sanatorium treatment, sea and mountain resorts. The year is favorable for examination and treatment using modern methods.

Horoscope for 2018 for Pisces

Money. Career. A very amazing and successful year for Pisces in terms of career and money! Promises a lot of travel and dating! New friends that you are likely to meet away from home will become important. The year favors the beginning of training, the acquisition of new knowledge, the development of new progressive methods, and also promises progress and achievements in creativity, the expansion of the life sphere due to all of the above. You should not rely only on Fortune, which will undoubtedly be on the side of Pisces, but show a lot of effort, concentrate on work. You should especially pay attention to the cases that you carry out together with colleagues.

Love. A family. This year is characterized by a large number of acquaintances during business trips or at resorts, and, as a rule, they will wear a rather friendly shade, so they do not pose a particular danger to family relationships. You may experience sublime, platonic feelings for someone, but this story is more about deep friendship than about love. Although this, of course, is not excluded.

Health. The health of Pisces will largely depend on the general climate at work and on how harmonious their relationships with colleagues are. Health will require attention, it is especially important to see a doctor on time, not to delay if something seriously bothers you. This is the time when it is best to stick to traditional medicine, but staying at sea will prove to be very healing.

In the Year of the Dog, expect new achievements in different areas of your life. Enter the new year with a clear plan of action to make it happen. And don't be shy! You can set off on your wildest dreams. Good luck will accompany you in business (own business), in relationships (serious romance), in recognition (realization of talents). Advice from astrologers: do not delay with decisive actions, do not neglect the opinion of competent people, and do not forget to rest periodically, otherwise you run the risk of falling out of the race.


The Year of the Dog will bring you many opportunities to realize your creative plans. Even if you are far from being creative, you will have a great chance to discover amazing abilities in yourself. Remember what pleases your soul - poetry, music, cooking, or perhaps an artistic whistle? Develop the talent you have found, and you will be very surprised at how much it can change your life. Dedicate the beginning of the year to this, and by the fall you will be able to enjoy the result of your creativity, which promises to tighten up your material side.


The Year of the Dog will become a landmark for you and will determine the course of your life for several years to come. He promises you pleasant and long-awaited changes. Success will look into different areas of your life, but focus on one thing first. The dog doesn't like fuss. In the spring months, you will be as adorable as spring itself. Use this energy to succeed in love. Try to schedule a vacation for July or August. Towards the end of the summer, the Dog is preparing a stunning surprise for you.


In the Year of the Dog, you will experience many pleasant experiences, interesting surprises and amazing events. You will finally understand that your "shell", although a safe place, hides from you the world of adventures that fill your days with life and life with colors. In the spring of 2018, you will receive proposals that promise positive changes. Don't be in a hurry to give up, choosing your usual comfort zone. Take a step into the unknown and you will definitely win. However, do not rush to advertise your successes. There are many envious people around you.


The Year of the Dog, whose values \u200b\u200bare similar to your sign, will give you confidence and calmness, even if the events that take place frighten you with their unpredictability and impetuosity. Balance will help you quickly navigate and turn any difficult circumstances into advantages for yourself. Try not to be too active in January. Save your strength for spring. In April or May, bright prospects await you, which will determine how your personal life and career will turn out.


The Year of the Dog will open you a "portal" to a fairy tale. You can feel like a real wizard. Much will depend on your initiative, activity and belief that you can make a fairy tale come true with your own hands. Listen to the voice of your intuition and walk, even if it seems that all the roads are crumbling in front of you. Don't worry, your road will be the strongest. Perhaps not seamless, but take barriers as an opportunity to reach a higher standard of living. The prospects are very enviable for you!


The Earth Dog will literally be generous to you. If you were pestered by material problems, then in 2018 you will not remember them again. The solution will come from where it was not expected. Such a surprise will make you believe in your own fortune and move more decisively towards your material dream. But the generous Dog will also be on trial this year. Do not despair, she is not out of spite. Small troubles will strengthen you and develop immunity to more serious problems, which, with a philosophical attitude to life, will bounce off you like peas from a wall. Beware of betrayal.


In the Year of the Dog, prepare a lot of bags, safes, or open bank accounts to receive large flows of money. You will be able to conclude a profitable deal with the Dog, and she will fulfill her part of the contract brilliantly. But don't disappoint! Engage in self-education in a field that captures you, inspires you and fills life with meaning. This year you have every chance to achieve results that will lead you to enchanting success. All in your hands! You just start, then everything will go like clockwork.


The Year of the Dog will make your dreams come true. Only have time to guess. Do you want big and pure love? Will be for you! Do you want dizzying career heights? Not a problem either. Need money? Take it. They are right under your nose. But the Dog will also ask for a serious fee. A lot of love will take a lot of dedication. A career will fill everything, leaving no time for other joys in life. Money? Well, you know yourself. They are very expensive. Therefore, when the Dog begins to seduce with gifts, take them only after weighing what you will have to refuse.


Year of the Dog will make you move and even more - run like on hot coals. Your stagnation period is long in the past, and if the "fried Rooster" has not moved you off the ground yet, then the Dog will not stand on ceremony with you. In 2018, a lot of work and responsibility will fall on you. You will have to roll up your sleeves and finally make a career, or take your relationship with your loved one to a new level, or lead some movement into a bright future. It is not so important where you show initiative and activity. The main thing is to do it. One way or another, but the Dog will not give you rest.


The Year of the Dog will be very successful for you if you set the pace in the previous year. You can count on her complicity. If you are still in search of yourself and your happiness, open wider your eyes, ears and heart. Let them sharpen your intuition. In the year of the Dog, stars predict unprecedented fame and recognition for you. If you have dreamed of climbing Olympus, go for it. On your way you will meet the right people who will literally carry you there in their arms. However, do not forget about them when you start to "rule the world." Be grateful, otherwise you will lose everything.


The Year of the Dog promises to be the brightest and most memorable for you. He will "make" your life. There are several options for the development of events: some Pisces should expect a stork with a child in 2018, the stars have prepared a place in high offices for others, and others will be lucky enough to learn the meaning of life, which will turn it from head to foot. In any case, the changes will be positive. But in 2018, the Dog for its generosity demands payment from everyone - it doesn't want to serve just like that, it needs a "sugar bone". To get your portion of happiness, you will have to completely reshape your own worldview.