How to determine if a wolf hook is right for me. Rune Wolfsangel - the meaning and application of the symbol

Dear subscribers and guests of the group! ++++ _______________________ ++++ Recently, there has been a tendency in the comments to yell in the style of: "Oh, why do you have posts only about German heroes? Are you foshysty? I want to read about dids and other blah blah" ... Let me explain. First. If I am personally interested in something and I want to expand my knowledge on the topic I need, then I open a Google search / go to my electronic library / sell my soul to the devil and independently search for information by all means available to me. By the way, I advise everyone. Second. Any administrator publishes content that is relevant primarily to him. Everyone has their own interests and they are formed under the influence of various factors. Public is, you know, a kind of way to express yourself. To read / not to read is your right and no one restricts you in it. Don't like something - skip or unsubscribe. Third. In our public you can find material on the holders of the Medal of Honor, and on the knights of the Victoria Cross, and on the Heroes of the Soviet Union, and even on the conquistadors. Personally, I do not specifically filter the content, but post it as it accumulates and systematizes, depending on the degree of interest in a topic, nothing more. And finally. Since the question of heroes and German heroes in particular has been raised ... Heroism is a purely personal phenomenon. A feat is a victory of a person over himself thanks to an effort of will, therefore absolutely all representatives of the human race are capable of it under the right circumstances. Therefore, I believe that it is low to use someone's heroism for propaganda purposes, because a feat is the property of neither the homeland, nor the state, nor any community of people, but a specific person, even if the act of heroism was committed in the name of these things. You never know what sources of inspiration people have. Therefore, someone's act should be viewed not as a potential agitation, but above all as a historical fact and, if you like, an example for inheritance. Evaluate the protagonists not by belonging, but by their personality and contribution. Heroism is international and in its own way outside of politics, so there is no need to focus on this. In conversations about people of the past, the secret of their great achievements is hidden. Understanding and realizing the deed of an individual hero can help you find inspiration and find the strength to repeat it or to perform an equally worthy deed in life when the situation calls for it. For this we write about them. ______________________________________________________________ We strongly recommend that you read this statement before starting to view community content. Due to excessive political correctness, I would like to outline the goals and objectives that the project administration sets for itself, in order to avoid any accusations. The SS troops and the German police are considered by us exclusively in the light of historical sources, with the task of increasing literacy among users interested in military history and this specific topic in particular. It is no secret that due to the absence of scientific literature in the domestic scientific segment, which is truly objective research, with the exception of the works of several authors, a rather mythologized idea of \u200b\u200bthe SS troops has developed among the population. The fact that no significant individual studies were published in Russia on the police system of Nazi Germany, again with some exceptions, does not add optimism to the current situation. By attracting a number of domestic and foreign sources, we are gradually filling this gap. When working with this topic, it is important to remember that the SS organization and its component, the SS troops, were recognized by the results of the work of the International Nuremberg Tribunal as a criminal organization, and its members, respectively, criminals, therefore, glorification and populist slogans in the group are prohibited. For the same reason, any speculation on political and moral topics in the group is also unacceptable. The use of the materials provides for the demonstration of a number of symbols and emblems of police and SS formations for historical and educational purposes and does not carry a propaganda orientation. We also warn in advance that the group does not waste time on moral discussions, thereby leaving a place for historical research, which is most important for us. The SS troops and the police of the Third Reich went down in history and became an integral part of it, requiring, like other structures and periods, a separate scientific study and an impartial assessment. _______________________________________________________________ While browsing this group, remember that you are viewing materials of exclusively historical interest not related to modern manifestations of fascism, Nazism, National Socialism and other extremism in any form, including propaganda. We do not in any way share or promote the ideas of fascism and National Socialism, all photographs and materials in the group's tape are intended exclusively for private collectors, reenactors, and researchers of military history. Leave this group immediately if its content may offend you in any way! _______________________________________________________________ Best wishes, administration ..... Image to attract attention. Anne-Louis Girodet-Triozon, "The apotheosis of the French heroes who died for their homeland during the liberation war." 1802.

The rune repeats the shape of a special tool - a "wolf hook", with which wolves were caught in ancient times. It is assumed that the rune could transmit sound ai... The magical purpose is to guard, capture, restrain the enemy's movements and intentions, ensuring their own freedom. Often the rune requires very careful handling.

In the Middle Ages, the rune was used for magical protection from wolves. In the 15th century, this rune became the emblem of the peasant uprising in Germany; in the 20th century, for some time it was a symbol of the German Nazi party, then - a sign of one of the SS divisions.

Rune of Wald

Presumably of Frisian origin, phonetic meaning ue; dedicated to the god of winter and sky (frieze. Wald, scand. Ullr). According to Nigel Pennick, "is a rune of personal power." It is difficult to judge how this is, but the fact that the Wald rune is associated with the winter solstice (scandal. Yule), can be stated unambiguously.

Rune of Erda

The rune of the Earth and the earthly goddess, bearing the same name in Germanic languages \u200b\u200b( Earth, Erda etc.). It symbolizes, on the one hand, the Earth itself, its holiness and its magic, on the other, the native land, Motherland, Rod. Thanks to this, Erda's rune turned out to be the emblem of the SS racial department. (In Germany, the distinction is often made between the Erd and Otal runes.)

Runa Ziu

The fourth non-alphabetic rune (also of German, probably origin) is the rune of Ziu, one of the most ancient Germanic gods. Name Ziw (Ziu) practically coincides with the name of the ancient Zeus; indeed, Ziu remained for a long time the supreme heavenly god, the lord of lightning, until he was deprived of this function by the newly appeared Thor and turned into a minor god of martial arts - the Scandinavian Tyr. The rune combines the traces of the Zig rune and the Tyr rune and is considered a rune of strength, concentration of energy, justice and retribution according to merit.


From runic magic signs, we move on to other symbols, although some of them, including the oldest one - the swastika, can, if desired, be ranked as non-alphabetic runes.

The classic Sanskrit name for this symbol comes from the Indo-European * su / swa and can be translated as "[associated] with the good." (The Russian goes back to the same root shine.) Among the Germanic peoples, the swastika was known under the name Fylfot (Old English) or Fyrfos (Old-German).

At all times, among all Indo-European peoples, the swastika was a symbol of fire and light, sometimes fertility. In Scandinavia, the swastika was often interpreted as a universal symbol of the unity of statics and dynamics and was associated with the Frigg spindle, the rotation of which served as a symbol of time and fate.

Magic knows different types of swastikas containing different numbers of branches; in addition to the well-known four-branch, there are three-, five-, seven- and more branch swastikas. When the swastika contains only two branches, it degenerates into the runes Eyvaz or Yer.

We will describe some of the common variants of the swastika.


Three-branch swastika, known to many peoples of the Northwest. In the North, they used mainly an open "broken" triskel, in the British Isles - a closed one in a circle. In Wales, there is also a variant of the triskel, called there "Dragon's Eye" and used in earth magic. A modification of the triskel is also known, formed by three intertwining drinking horns. Such a triskel is found, in particular, among the images on one of the Scandinavian runestones and is sometimes considered one of the symbols of the cult of Odin. Such a triskel is often called Hrugnishjarta, i.e. "Heart of Hrughnir". Note also that the northern (open) version of the triskel is a combination of three Laguz runes associated with the magic of the inner circle.

Polished the minds of the young people
The caustic potion of the Nazi mess ...
Throwing my country into the abyss of madness -
The land is holy, blessed and song ...

People lived both sinister and righteous ...
How could we both saw and work ...
It could be seen how unbearable it became -
Trampled by army bots

Their love, their hopes, their joys,
Their desires can be solved independently ...
Military nasty things were stuck in them ...
Everything is real! But it was ... unthinkable ...

Trampled the country for a century glorious ...
Human thoughts have promulgated ...
Democracy! (... the word is funny!)
Impunity! (... easier and Russian!)

Polished the minds of the young people
The pungent decay of the Nazi mess ...
Throwing my country into the abyss of madness,
"Wolf hook" shaking off the mold ...


Wolfsangel (German Wolfsangel - lit. wolf's hook) - out-of-alphabet runic symbol... Used in Nazi and neo-Nazi symbolism by modern supporters of fascism.

The emblem of the SS division "Das Reich" ...
The emblem of the 4th police division ...

In 1910, the German writer Hermann Lons published the novel Werewolf, which tells about a peasant self-defense unit during the Thirty Years War. The tone of the novel, praising the valiant resistance to the invaders, made it popular in the 1920s and 1930s, and the Wolfsangel symbol, used by the detachment as an emblem, became famous.

According to some sources, the "wolf hook" was one of the emblems of the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP) of Adolf Hitler in the early years of its existence. A simplified version of the "wolf hook" was for some time the emblem of the Dutch Nazi party.

Subsequently, Wolfsangel was chosen as the emblem (tactical sign) of the SS Panzer Division "Das Reich". In addition, this badge was used in various variations in other units of the SS and the Wehrmacht, in particular, the 34th Volunteer Grenadier Brigade "Landstorm Nederland" (divisional emblem and lapel badge) and many others. In vertical mirroring, it was the emblem of the 4th SS Police Grenadier Division.

In addition, the symbol is also used by a number of neo-fascist organizations - the White Aryan Resistance (Swedish Vitt Ariskt Motst; nd), Viking Jugend and others.

In mirror form it was the logo (1991-2003) of the Social-National Party of Ukraine (SNPU).

In mirror form, it is the monogram of the Ukrainian paramilitary right-wing radical organization "Patriot of Ukraine", which stands for "Idea of \u200b\u200bthe nation" - superimposed Ukrainian letters in the old style "I" (Ukrainian Idea) and "N" (Ukrainian Natsії).

Mirror image is present on the logo of the National Guard regiment of Ukraine "Azov" - the same monogram "Idea Nation" (Ukrainian Idea Natsii).

No one likes to understand what gives unpleasant emotions, but nevertheless, one cannot ignore the analysis of the symbols used by Ukrainian nationalists.
Why is it important? Because the symbol is the mechanism that triggers the action of the archetype. If we exaggerate and simplify to the point of impossibility, then an archetype is a psychic structure based on the collective historical experience of the past, which has powerful energy and capabilities. Roughly speaking, all these angels and demons, witches and fairies, which we recognize in dreams and myths, stories about expulsions from Paradise, the halls of Valhalla (this is for the especially stubborn ones) and other seemingly unimportant things awaken in a person powerful emotions and energy capable of sweep away everything in its path. In order to launch the action of the archetype at full capacity, you need to apply the symbol. It must be ancient, and must contain a message that is clearly recognizable by the psyche.
Jung's teachings greatly helped Adolf Hitler in building the Third Reich. Swastikas, runes, ancient Germanic heraldic signs were used for a reason. They served quite specific purposes: the release of the dark energy of man, his worst principles, tightly hidden under the numerous layers of civilization and the restrictions it confers. It was not for nothing that the Germans marched with torches, it was not for nothing that they carried out orders and commands, which over time seemed to them wild.
Let us first consider the "wolf's hook" ("Wolfsangel"), which is quite widespread today in Ukrainian reality. According to Wikipedia, the wolf hook is an "off-alphabet runic symbol that symbolizes the protection and capture of the enemy. The vertical image of the" Wolfsangel "is also known as" Thunderbolt. "
Presumably derived from the medieval way of catching wolves. A double-sided metal hook was attached to a tree, a piece of meat was hung on the hook, the wolf ate the meat and "fell for the bait."
Could an ancient sign, originating from a bloody wolf hunt, have a positive meaning? I think the answer is obvious.
This symbol has a rich history of use among the Nazis:
The Wolf Hook was one of the emblems of Adolf Hitler's National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP) in its early years. A simplified version of the "wolf hook" was for some time the emblem of the Dutch Nazi party.
Subsequently, Wolfsangel was chosen as the emblem (tactical sign) of the SS Panzer Division "Das Reich". In addition, this badge was used in various variations in other units of the SS and the Wehrmacht, in particular, the 34th Volunteer Grenadier Brigade "Landstorm Nederland" (divisional emblem and lapel badge) and many others. In vertical mirroring it was the emblem of the 4th SS Police Grenadier Division. "
A symbol with such an unattractive history is now actively used in a country that fought with its bearers some seventy years ago. In Ukraine, the wolf hook:
"- In a mirror form it was the logo (1991-2003) of the Social-National Party of Ukraine (SNPU).
- In mirror form, it is the monogram of the Ukrainian paramilitary right-wing radical organization "Patriot of Ukraine", which stands for "Idea of \u200b\u200bthe nation" - superimposed Ukrainian letters in the old style "I" (Ukrainian Idea) and "N" (Ukrainian Natsії).
- It is mirrored on the logo of the battalion of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine "Azov" - the same monogram "Idea Nation" (Ukrainian Idea Natsii).

Among the non-alphabetic Runic signs that have a special cultural and magical meaning, along with the Swastikas and, a special place is held by Wolfsangel - "Wolf Hook", which for many centuries served as a symbol of popular self-government in the Germanic lands, expressing the spirit of defiance and robingudism, and was also widely used as a protective symbol.

Thus, Wolfsangel symbolizes a kind of "forcing" the release of androgyne, acceleration and intensification interpenetration and "lower" neutralization of duality.

From this point of view, it becomes clear and implementation the meaning of the Wolf Hook. The process, which could have gone on spontaneously, with the help of this Sickle, “takes the horns”, becomes not only faster, but also more controllable, and therefore more effective. In other words, consciousness “straddles” the process of androgyne formation, and, thus, discovers wider spheres of its use than would be possible with the “natural” course of the process. In this case, the process itself goes through four stages: first, consciousness is fixed in the "center", that is, in fact, the "third" element is highlighted. Then there is a revelation in oneself and the forcing of opposites, leading to an "inner heat", which, at the next stage, leads to a new "collapse" of duality ("the trap slams"). And only after that a new system is born from the stage of collapse, a new element, in fact, androgynouscapable of active external manifestations.

This technology of neutralizing dualities, in fact, is quite common in various Magical arts: the same principle is reflected in the "Alchemical Wedding", and many other similar methods of "" Power. The idea is that consciousness is firmly fixed in the "middle", "" position, into which the force of each of the biner's poles is then pumped, which creates an "excess" tension, which then pours into a powerful purposeful action. This technology is most clearly worked out precisely in alchemical approaches, in which Athanor, the “Vessel of Work,” acts as such a “third” component, into which the forces of Sulfur and Mercury are injected, at first annihilating each other in Nigredo, but then emerging in Albedo and Rubedo. The same story - and with the Wolf Hook - the trap connecting the Wolf and the Meat first leads to their mutual destruction (the wolf dies), but then this opens up additional opportunities - both in terms of transition to a state of greater security, and in terms of use , for example, a wolf hide for the needs of a trapper. In "" this idea also finds its expression in highlighting the Dragon / Pearl duality, the mutual attraction of which allows one to transfer consciousness from a more destructive to a more constructive state.

Thus, it must be remembered that both methods of biners are important for a harmonious and effective development consciousness: integration carries out the "growth" of consciousness, while the search and isolation of androgynes allows consciousness to manifest and act. Accordingly, Wolfsangel, as a "practical guide" for achieving the required tension, and found such widespread use. For the magician, this symbol serves not only as a Sickle, attracting the energies of "lower neutralization", but also as a reminder of the importance of such a procedure for the development of his consciousness.