Delicious homemade noodles for soup. Chicken Noodle Soup

Just boiled noodles or in a fashionable pasta is too simple a dish. It will be much tastier if you add it to a hot soup. Any broth will do, be it mushroom, meat or even fish. Pasta is better to put boiled until half cooked. So the broth will remain transparent. Want to learn some more tricks? Then learn a few step by step recipes with photos.

How to cook noodle soup

Not only in meat broth you can cook noodle soup. Dairy products are no less tasty, and they can be sweet and salty. As for the kitchen accessories, the soup with pasta is considered a Tatar dish. Although in the Russian version it has undergone some changes. In general, instructions on how to prepare such a treat can be divided into the following steps:

  1. First of all, on the basis of meat and onions broth is brewed. Depending on the type of meat product, this process may take 1-2 hours.
  2. Next, the onion is thrown away, and the meat is cut into pieces.
  3. At the next stage, vegetable zazharki is prepared. For her, clean the onions with carrots.
  4. Then the meat is sent to the vegetables, also slightly fried.
  5. Seasoned foods are sent to the broth.
  6. It remains only to salt and pepper noodle soup.
  7. Almost at the end noodles for soup are added, broth is boiled for another 5-7 minutes.

How to make homemade noodles

Making the dough for homemade pasta is very simple, and it takes quite a bit of ingredients. In addition, you can prepare the product for future use, dry and store as purchased pasta. This will help you recipe homemade noodles. First, prepare the ingredients:

  • salt - to taste;
  • flour - 1 tbsp .;
  • vegetable fat - 1 tsp;
  • egg - 1 pc.

It will take you about 1 hour to prepare the dough. The energy value of the product will be 225 calories per 100 g. The technology is as follows:

  1. Sift the flour twice.
  2. Take a separate bowl, where whisk the egg with salt.
  3. Next, carefully and constantly stirring, pour the flour.
  4. Knead the "cool" dough, cover the top with a towel and let stand for about a quarter of an hour.
  5. Roll out the flat cake, grease well, continue to roll until the formation shines.
  6. Next, roll it up in the shape of a roll and cut it into strips 5 mm wide.
  7. Leave the noodles to dry on the table for 1-2 hours.

Noodle Soup - Recipe

The classic version of noodle soup is chicken. It is not only very tasty, but also useful. Chicken broths are recommended for colds, and those with noodles are recommended for choking coughs. When using the hot soup, the phlegm from the lungs and bronchi leaves immediately. If you want a more original homemade recipe for the first course, then explore the options with the addition of mushrooms, eggs, meatballs and potatoes. Also, your attention is presented to the instructions for cooking in a slow cooker.


  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie dishes: 49 kcal.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: medium.

One of the most delicious and healthy hot dishes is chicken soup with homemade noodles. In the autumn or winter cold weather, it fits perfectly. It is not too fat, so well absorbed. The broth is good in itself, but with noodles it is just delicious. Poultry meat can be taken in any form - wings, chicken legs, drumsticks, neck or giblets.


  • salt - to taste;
  • potatoes - 0.5 kg;
  • onions - 1 pc .;
  • water - 3 l;
  • cilantro - 1 bundle;
  • carrots - 100 g;
  • spices - to taste;
  • poultry meat - 500 g;
  • noodles - 100 g

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the chicken, cut into small portions, put in a pan with boiling water.
  2. Boil the broth for about half an hour, removing skimming foam.
  3. Salt, add your favorite spices.
  4. Take out the chicken, cut it into smaller pieces and lay it back.
  5. Peel the potatoes with onions and carrots, rinse and cut into cubes, put them in a saucepan and cook for another 5 minutes.
  6. Add the pasta, then 6 minutes, sprinkle with herbs.


  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie dishes: 41 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch / dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: medium.

Very popular is the first dish with mushrooms. It has a richer taste. Especially if forest mushrooms are used. Even purchased champignons will not replace their flavor, although they will do as well. It will be even more appetizing with homemade pasta, and if you add more fresh herbs and a clove of garlic - you will just yank your fingers. For serving it is better to use sour cream.


  • homemade pasta - 150 g;
  • sour cream, pepper, salt - to taste;
  • water - 2 l;
  • carrots, onions - 1 pc .;
  • fresh herbs - on request;
  • fresh mushrooms - 300 g (or 30 g dried);
  • vegetable oil - a little for frying.

Cooking method:

  1. Dry mushrooms pre-soak. Fresh just finely chop and throw in boiling water.
  2. Fry grated carrot and onion in butter. Next, send the vegetable frying to the mushrooms.
  3. Salt, season with pepper, add pasta.
  4. Boil another 5-7 minutes, then remove from heat and let stand for another 10 minutes.
  5. When serving, add herbs and sour cream to the plate.

At home

  • Cooking time: 1 hour 30 minutes.
  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie dishes: 51 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch / dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.

Soup with homemade pasta is prepared with the addition of meat. In most recipes, this is beef or pork, but chicken will work too. With poultry meat diet soup. A more fatty and nutritious dish will be pork. The recipe is very simple, and the cooking technology is also practically unchanged. Broth is brewed on meat, then vegetable zazharki is added, and at the end the dish is filled with pasta. Quick, easy and satisfying - try it!


  • egg paste - 100 g;
  • vegetable oil - a little for frying;
  • onions - 2 pcs .;
  • water - 2 l;
  • carrots - 1 pc .;
  • pork pulp - 300 g;
  • pepper, salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Put the pot of water on the fire, add the meat with a whole piece and onion.
  2. Boil the broth for about 1.5 hours.
  3. Next, throw onions, and remove the meat and cut into slices.
  4. Finely chop the rest of the onion, grate the carrot, sauté the vegetables in the hot oil.
  5. After a couple of minutes, add pork to the pan, fry for another 5-7 minutes.
  6. Transfer the mixture of meat and vegetables in meat broth.
  7. Salt, add pepper and noodles.
  8. Stew the dish for another 7-10 minutes.

With noodles and potatoes

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie dishes: 43 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch / dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • The difficulty of preparation: medium.

A more classic recipe is noodle and potato soup. Easy and dietary, but very nutritious option for lunch and dinner. It satisfies hunger, warms in winter and gives strength for the whole day. Potatoes make him nourishing. Each hostess must have in its stock such a recipe. A minimum of ingredients, simple technology, but what a wonderful result. Low-calorie meal makes chicken fillet or breast. Chicken legs or drumsticks can also be used. Of these, the broth will be somewhat fatter.


  • refined oil - to taste;
  • chicken fillet - 1 pc .;
  • spaghetti or other pasta - 150 g;
  • water - 2 l;
  • sour cream, croutons - to taste;
  • onions - 1 pc .;
  • salt, herbs and spices - to your taste;
  • potatoes - 4 pcs .;
  • carrots - 1 pc.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the chicken, cut into small pieces and send to a pan of boiling water.
  2. Peel the vegetables, wash them well and chop them into cubes.
  3. Put the oil in a griddle and warm.
  4. Broach on it first onions. When it turns golden, throw carrots, fry until ready.
  5. Chicken broth fill with diced potatoes, cook for 10 minutes and enter the pasta.
  6. A little more then, add chopped greens, salt, pepper.
  7. After 1-2 minutes, remove the pan from the heat.
  8. Let it stand for about 10 minutes. Serve with croutons and sour cream.

In the slow cooker

  • Cooking time: 1 hour 10 minutes.
  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie dishes: 68 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch / dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • The difficulty of preparation: medium.

The noodle soup recipe in a slow cooker refers to simple and quick cooking options for a not-too-heavy lunch or dinner. Time is spent only on the processing of ingredients. The rest is done by a certain multicooker mode. You can use programs such as "Stewing", "Baking", "Frying", "Soup" and "Multipovar". Due to the processing in a multivariate, the products retain more nutrients and remain as juicy. Good mood and flow of vitality after such a soup is provided to you.


  • water - 1.2 l;
  • spices, salt - to taste;
  • chicken drumsticks - 2 pcs .;
  • onion - 0.5 pcs .;
  • carrots - 1 pc .;
  • pasta - 80 g;
  • fresh greens - 30 g

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the bowl. Put there chopped onions with grated carrots.
  2. Rinse chicken drumsticks, peel, send to the vegetables in the bowl.
  3. Next, pour the products with water, salt, add your favorite spices, mix.
  4. Next, place the bowl in the slow cooker. Enable the "Soup" mode. Set timer for 1 hour.
  5. Rinse greens, finely chop, fill the dish with it for 15 minutes before the end of cooking.
  6. Wait for the alert tone.

With meatballs

  • Cooking time: 2 hours.
  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie dishes: 57 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch / dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • The difficulty of preparation: medium.

Another uncomplicated and already familiar version of lunch or dinner is a soup with meatballs and homemade noodles. He especially likes small children. Pasta can be replaced by croup, for example, rice. Meatballs, on the other hand, are small meat balls made of minced meat. They are no larger than a walnut. So meatballs more convenient to eat, especially kids. Their cooking and take longer.


  • greens - to taste;
  • ground beef - 400 g;
  • water - 2 l;
  • potatoes - 3 pcs .;
  • vegetable oil - 30 ml;
  • spaghetti - 2 cups;
  • carrots - 1 pc .;
  • spice mix - 1 tsp;
  • onions - 2 pcs .;
  • salt - 1 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Finely chop one peeled onion with a sharp knife, add to the mince along with the spices.
  2. Oil hands for ease of work. Make small balls of mince and onion, place them on a cutting board.
  3. Put a pot of clean water on the fire.
  4. After boiling, toss the potato cubes.
  5. Season the chopped onion and grated carrot until golden brown on the burned butter.
  6. Season broth with meatballs, cook for five minutes.
  7. Throw pasta with vegetable frying.
  8. Simmer another 10 minutes, then let it brew for about 5 minutes and fill with greens.


  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie dishes: 102 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch / dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • The difficulty of preparation: medium.

Do you want to pamper kids with a delicious and original dish? Then use the recipe for milk noodle soup. It is sweet, so children really like it. Although adults are also delighted with such a dish. This noodle soup can be called rather milk porridge. Its thickness is easy to adjust by adding more or less pasta. Pasta for soup should be boiled until half cooked in a separate saucepan. Then they get in the milk and soak it completely. You can add a little cream and a handful of raisins.


  • cream - 150 ml;
  • raisins - to taste;
  • vermicelli - 150 g;
  • milk - 1.2 l;
  • butter - to taste;
  • sugar - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Cook the noodles until half cooked in salted water, then drain in a colander.
  2. Boil milk, salt to taste, add sugar.
  3. Next, throw makaroshki, add pre-soaked raisins.
  4. After a couple of minutes, fill the dish with cream, boil again.
  5. When serving, flavor with a piece of butter.

Chinese noodle soup

  • Cooking time: 1 hour 30 minutes.
  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie dishes: 55 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch / dinner.
  • Cuisine: Chinese.

If you like Chinese food, you do not need to go to restaurants to enjoy its dishes. You can easily cook one of them at home. This will help you recipe for Chinese noodle soup. Something he reminds lagman. An unusual ingredient in it is cabbage pak choi. If this you can not find - use a similar green salad.


  • pak-choi cabbage - 150 g;
  • chili - 0.5 pod;
  • soy sauce - 20 g;
  • water - 1.7 l;
  • chicken fillet - 300 g;
  • spaghetti - 50 g;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp .;
  • tomato - 1 pc .;
  • water - 1.5 l;
  • ginger - 10 g;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • green onions - a few feathers.

Cooking method:

  1. Chicken fill with water, cook broth, periodically removing skimmer foam.
  2. Next, remove the meat, cut into slices and return to the pan.
  3. Chop the tomato into cubes, fry in butter for 3-4 minutes.
  4. Next, add the whole ginger, garlic and pepper.
  5. After a couple of minutes, pour the sauce over the products, stew some more.
  6. Fill the broth with chicken obtained by frying.
  7. Add vermicelli, cook until it is ready.
  8. At the end, remove the garlic with ginger and pepper from the broth.
  9. Add cabbage leaves, turn off the heat, let it brew for 10-15 minutes, season with green onions.

With egg

  • Cooking time: 40 minutes.
  • Servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie dishes: 53 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch / dinner.
  • Cuisine: Japanese.
  • The difficulty of preparation: difficult.

Soup with homemade noodles and eggs is a Japanese dish with an unusual, but very harmonious combination of products. In addition, the absence of some of the usual components for hot makes it also low-calorie. It's about potatoes. It is not added to this dish. Appetizing chicken legs combined with pasta and eggs make hearty and rich broth. For flavor, noodle soup is seasoned with fresh herbs.


  • egg - 3 pcs .;
  • black pepper, salt - to taste;
  • water - 2 l;
  • greens - 1 bunch;
  • water - 2 l;
  • chicken legs - 2 pcs .;
  • vermicelli or homemade pasta - 3/4 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Place the leg on the bottom of the pan, add water, boil the broth for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Next, drain the liquid. Then again pour the clean water, cook the broth again, salt a little.
  3. Boiled eggs in a separate saucepan.
  4. Take the meat out of the broth, chop it along the grain, return it back.
  5. Fill the soup with pasta, cook for another couple of minutes until it comes up.
  6. Peel and chop the eggs, add them to the broth almost at the end.
  7. Season with fresh herbs, remove from heat in a minute.

With beef

  • Cooking time: 2 hours.
  • Servings: 7 persons.
  • Calorie dishes: 87 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch / dinner.
  • Cuisine: Chinese.
  • The difficulty of preparation: difficult.

If you want a dish that is more satisfying than chicken broth, make beef and pasta soup. This is a great hot recipe for every day. To the best of the hearty, dense and rich thanks to seasonings - this is how this delicacy turns out. The principle of cooking is no more complicated than in recipes based on chicken meat. The main thing - do not be lazy to strain the broth. So it will become transparent, because of which the dish itself will be more pleasant to eat.


  • onions - 1 pc .;
  • beef - 1 kg;
  • salt - 1.5 tsp;
  • ground pepper - to taste;
  • carrots - 0.15 kg;
  • vermicelli - 0.2 kg;
  • water - 2.5 l;
  • parsley - to taste;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs .;
  • allspice - 5 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Put a pot of water and beef on the fire, cook for half an hour.
  2. Then add whole vegetables with herbs. When they are limp, take out and continue cooking until the meat is soft. This will take 1.5 hours.
  3. Next, add salted broth, strain, pour back into the pan.
  4. After boiling, fill with vermicelli, then another 5 minutes until it is ready.

Want to make a delicious noodle soup? Then you need to know a few simple tips:

  1. The broth will remain transparent if boiled over low heat, i.e. in the pan should not be a hint of boiling.
  2. Pak-choi in the recipe for Chinese soup can be replaced not only with lettuce leaves. Suitable Beijing cabbage.
  3. During cooking, be sure to try the broth to taste, and only with a metal spoon.
  4. To make the noodle soup rich, you need to lay the meat in cold water. Another thing, if you need a dietary meal. Then the meat can be put after boiling.

Video: Duck noodle soup

Homemade noodle soup - a tasty and easy to prepare dish. The soft tastes of all our favorite soups are familiar to us from childhood, but few people now know how to cook them as tasty as their grandmothers did. Options for cooking delicious flavored soup set.

It is cooked on the pork bone, on beef and chicken broth, with meatballs, with vegetables and mushrooms. This article offers you the recipes of several homemade soups that will delight the whole family!

Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup

Noodles for soup can be bought at any grocery store, but it's better to cook it yourself. Believe me, homemade noodles can not be compared with the purchase! This recipe for homemade noodles will help to prepare it nourishing, not sticky into lumps and straight presentation.

Ingredients for Chicken Soup:

  • for noodles: a third cup of water;
  • one chicken egg, medium size;
  • salt, to taste;
  • one glass of flour and a little more for rolling dough.
  • for soup (per four-liter pot):
  • 2-3 small potatoes;
  • 1 small carrot;
  • 1 medium onion;
  • art. l salts;
  • 1 bay leaf, if desired;
  • a little pepper, if desired;
  • It is also possible to add finely chopped greens and dill. This will give the light tasty soup a delicate aroma and grassy flavor.

How to cook homemade noodle soup with chicken:

Cooking homemade noodles.
In a bowl, pour the egg yolks. Add salt, beat a little. Flour should be poured gradually, avoiding lumps. It is better to sift through a strainer. As soon as the mass becomes thick enough, such that you do not mix it with a fork, dump it onto a clean, floured table and knead the dough for noodles.

Then, rub the flour with a flour, so as not to stick, and roll out the noodle dough in a thin layer. Leave the dough in a warm place to dry for 15-20 minutes.
While the dough for homemade noodles dries, prepare the broth and chicken.

Cooking delicious chicken noodle soup.
Pour water chicken, onion, carrot, greens, and bay leaf and pepper. Salt Cook, as usual, on the smallest fire, cover the pan with a lid.
When ready to remove the chicken, strain the broth. This will help remove excess fat. Put the separated meat back. Put the broth on the fire. Cut the potatoes into cubes, add to the broth. Shred onions. Finely grate the carrot. Lightly fry onions and carrots in vegetable oil over low heat. Pour into broth.

Cooking noodles for soup.
Roll up the dried dough into a straw and cut into thin “rings” with the sharpest knife. Note that during cooking, the noodles will swell up, increase, and be guided by the thickness of the match. Expand the resulting noodles.

If it turned out to be a lot, put on some soups, put a part in a pan, cook for 5-6 minutes, dry the rest a little more and put in a clean, dry place. Now it will be stored here.
Delicious chicken noodles are ready!

Homemade Noodle Soup on Beef Broth

Another option for making delicious soup, as if coming from childhood. Unlike chicken soup, beef broth noodles are more dietary and extremely useful! In addition, this soup will deliciously feed your family with great taste and amazing aroma.


  • 2 liters of water;
  • 400-500 grams of beef;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 3 large potatoes;
  • a handful of noodles;
  • to taste greens: parsley, dill, green onions;
  • salt;
  • pepper.

How to cook homemade noodle soup in beef broth:

You can use the purchase of noodles, but tastier and more satisfying homemade noodle soup. To make it, use the home-made noodle recipe specified earlier.

Wash the meat thoroughly and put in cold water, put on a strong fire. Remove the foam that appears, reduce the heat to minimum, close the lid and cook for about 2 hours.

While the meat is boiling, peel the onions, chop finely. Then grate the carrot and add to the onion.
Peel the potatoes and cut them into small cubes. After the beef is ready, immerse the potatoes in a saucepan. Boil until potatoes are tender.

Fry carrots and onions in oil on low heat until golden brown. Add vegetables to the soup and homemade noodles. Let it boil for another fifteen minutes.

That's it, noodle soup in beef broth is ready! Enjoy your meal!

Mushroom noodles

The recipe for the most real gourmets! Delicious, nourishing soup with a spicy note of fresh mushrooms. Yummy! Noodles for a nourishing soup can also be used homemade (recipe for homemade noodle dough, read above) or purchased.


  • three liters of filtered water;
  • about a quarter of a chicken carcass or a pair of chicken breasts;
  • 100 grams of noodles;
  • 150 g of mushrooms;
  • 3-4 medium potatoes
  • one small carrot
  • if desired, a little onion or other greens
  • if desired, half a bell pepper (fresh or frozen);
  • salt, pepper, to taste.

How to cook noodle soup with mushrooms:

Mushrooms can be used very different. The most delicious and fragrant soup will turn out with dried mushrooms or champignons.
Wash the chicken, put it in a saucepan and pour water. Salt a little, put on medium heat.

While the broth begins to boil, finely chop the mushrooms. Put them in a saucepan as soon as the boil boil.
Now you can do cooking vegetables.

Peel potatoes, cut into cubes. Finely chop the carrot and onion (or grate) and lightly fry in a small amount of vegetable oil.

Add noodles and vegetables to the soup, salt and pepper, if desired, pour in the chopped greens and leave for another 15-20 minutes. Tasty and nourishing mushroom noodle soup is ready, you can invite guests for lunch!

At the last stage of cooking you can add lavrushka. This will give the mushroom soup a flavor and a special astringency of taste.

Video recipe dough for homemade noodles

See how to knead the dough and make delicious homemade noodles for soup.

It is better to pour soup in warm plates so as not to cool down too quickly. Before serving, you can add sour cream to the plate, sprinkle with green onions on top. And let delicious homemade soups become your favorite dish on your table!

  Homemade, mother's noodle soup on a hen, probably everyone loves. My family is no exception. Cooking such soup is very, very easy. The secret lies in the noodles themselves. Hostess do it differently. My method is very simple and convenient. So did mom, so do I now. They make themselves juicy before cutting and therefore the noodles never stick together, there is no excess flour in the soup, it is easy to cut it of any thickness, it does not become limp in the broth, and the taste of ........ children

For noodles you need:
  1/3 cup water
  1 egg
  a pinch of salt
  1 cup with a pile of flour a little for rolling

For broth (4 liter saucepan):
  fat chicken or ham 3-4pcs. or optional

For refueling:
  1 carrot
  1 onion head
  parsley root (optional, optional)
  2 tablespoons of vegetable oil for frying
  salt, pepper to taste
  (I cook without potatoes, but this is a matter of taste

Boil broth, as usual.

  Remove the chicken, filter broth.
  Beat egg with water, salt, knead the dough. Get a test with a fist. Good, good to rub it. It should be softer than the dumplings, if it is tight - it is difficult to roll thin.

Cover and leave it to rest for 20 minutes. Then divide it into 4-5-6 pieces, and roll out of each thin translucent sochen to the diameter of the pan for drying.

  To put a dry frying pan on a slow heat, put it on, it will immediately begin to brighten, turn it over.

  Take off. You need to make sure that the pan does not overheat, and the juice does not burn and does not stratify, if that is to reduce the heat. They dry very quickly, for half a minute on each side. By the way, you can make lasagna with such juices
  From the dried juicy sweep away the excess flour (I almost never have)

  put in a pile, cut in half and again in half. There will be strips 5-6 cm wide.

  Cut the noodles with a sharp knife.

  When cooking, it increases significantly in size, so it is as thick as possible with a match.

  For side dishes, I cut strips, 1-2 cm wide, very tasty with butter and chop.
  It turned out a mountain of noodles.

  It is enough for 3-4 soup. Dry the remaining noodles with a thin layer and put into the bag.
  Fry onions with carrots and parsley root. In a boiling broth run a handful of noodles, cook for 3-4 minutes (dried longer), add zazharku, boil for a minute and enjoy your meal!

In order to make a child eat soup, I need to put a lot of effort into it, but she eats chicken noodle soup with great pleasure. Prepare this soup, maybe your little gourmets will like it.

To prepare chicken soup with homemade noodles will require:

500 g chicken meat;
2 carrots;
2 onions;

300 grams of potatoes;
salt, black pepper, allspice, bay leaf to taste;
fresh dill - to taste.
For noodles:

1 egg;
100 g of flour;
1 tsp. olive oil;
salt - to taste.

Wash the chicken and divide it into portions.

Put the chicken meat in a saucepan, add water, bring to a boil, remove the foam, reduce the fire. Add to the broth 1 whole onion, allspice and black pepper, bay leaf and cook for about an hour until the chicken is ready.

Salt the chicken broth.

Remove cooked chicken from the pan, strain the broth.

Cut potatoes into cubes.

Carrots cut into strips, onions - diced.

Add potatoes, carrots and onions to the broth.

While vegetables are being cooked, make noodles: combine egg, salt, olive oil, flour, knead a steep uniform dough.

The dough is thinly rolled, about 1-2 mm thick. Cover with a towel and allow to dry slightly.

Roll the dried dough into a roll.

When the potatoes are almost ready, add homemade noodles to the chicken soup and cook for 3 minutes.

Add chopped greens, cook for 1 minute and turn off.

Delicious chicken soup with homemade noodles will appeal to both adults and children.

Enjoy your meal!