Special Cabinet Battlenet. Addendum Blizzard

Blizzard has recently released a test for the Battle.net client. This program has some unique features for those who play games like Blizzard. At the moment, not all functions of the program are implemented. But the main possibilities are available. Those that have not yet been crushed to the end are replaced by mock-ups and will appear at the next hour.

So what is a Battle.net client? Replacement launcher for all Blizzard games. The client vikonu novlennya, zavantazhuє game too soon. In short, kazhuchi, rob everything that can be robit, be it a garniy launcher. But in Battle.net clients, you will be able to upgrade whether it's a game or not such programs for skin care. Tse duzhe zmanochno. At this stage of testing, a chat with friends is available. I don’t have a meaning, in what country you know, but in what your friends. You can always write to him in the chat. Also, you can view all the news from Blizzard in your program. In the future, it is planned to add a shop igor and dopovnen, a forum for gravitation and profiles of koristuvachiv. Ale, for now, it’s more theoretical. Don’t forget that it’s still far from the announcement, so it can change a lot more.

Key Features and Functions

  • launcher for all Blizzard games;
  • updating, launching igor and richly іnshoy in one program;
  • hand chat;
  • post-update of new releases from Blizzard;
  • receiving graphical interface.

What's new in this version? (18.11.2016)

  • the indicator equal to the signal of the microphone now appears less in that case, as if the voice chat was correct or the microphone was distorted;
  • Now you can change the settings for the input (microphone) in the installed programs. With the included microphone, you can connect to the channels and hear the participants;
  • koristuvachі, in which the microphone is muted, they are indicated by a special icon in the list;
  • Fixed dropping the parameters of automatic updating at the hour of launching the Grid from the shortcut on the desktop.

The Battle.net add-on for Blizzard allows you to install, update and run all Blizzard games from one program. You can also help yourself to the Blizzard store and read the news about all our games.

The Battle.net add-on from Blizzard replaces our earlier game launchers. From now on, all our games will be the highlight of the Blizzard program itself, and there will be a portal to new Blizzard games.

Single entry for all games

You can go to the Blizzard programs for additional data on your oblіkovogo record and you will no longer need to enter the Blizzard game area - you will automatically enter the game.

How did you mention the function Get lost in the measure(available on the menu) Nalashtuvannya >Zagalni), authorization is taken for a period of 30 days. The program will automatically authorize you if you closed the program and immediately restarted it.

Note: One hour you can log in through the program only on one computer.

Installed and updated

Once authorized by Blizzard, all pending games will be automatically updated. You can change one gris, so that you can update it better. You can also turn off automatic game updates.

The only program to launch that update from Blizzard. The trend of the rest of the years is such that the leather seen on the market pragne to unite their projects in a single "hub". At a glance, it’s grave, it’s not enough to bring unhandedness, it’s connected with the necessary excitement and that it’s installed on your computer majestic number"zayvogo" software security and molding into a number of practically identical friend-archives.

Wtіm, addendum Blizzard, I want to do some important things. For example, security has been attached to a new special respect. This service is not the first to run the practice of two-factor authentication. The rest is implemented here for the help of a special mobile program, as it generates a type of code, necessary for entering the oblіkovy record of any new addition. It is practically impossible to deny access to an oblique record linked to such an identifier through a price that is not authorized. Another important thing to remember about Blizzard's services is that they stink against cheaters. Vrakhovuchi, scho all games, yak vikoristovuyut for the launch of denmarks of the client, so chi іnakshe may be invested in a rich coristuvachіv warehouse, the possibility of honestly zmagatisya with іnshimi gravitami є chi not prevailing.


Ale, let's finish with the mirrors and let's talk about the functionality of the addendum itself. As we have already said more, there are no functions involved in upgrading game distributions. In addition, the client is ahead of the schedule about the planned technical maintenance of the servers and keeps them up to date with the rest of the news, which keep up with their loved ones. Before talking about games. At the moment, Blizzard's addendum serves to launch World of Warcarft, Overwatch, Destiny 2, Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm, Diablo 3 and Starcraft 2. Surely, in the future, the list will be expanded for the number of new releases.

Client supports text chat. You can contact only with these people, yakі add to your list of friends.

Key Features

  • zavantazhennya, novlennya and vidallennya іgrovyh distribution kits World of Warcraft, Destiny 2, Hearthstone, Overwatch, Diablo 3, Heroes of the Storm and Starcraft 2;
  • okremiy distributed with novelties and information about the skin condition;
  • two-factor authentifikatsiya, as nadiyno zakhishchaet oblіkovy record vіd evil;
  • warning about technical work on the server;
  • the possibility of forming a list of friends;
  • splkuvannya in text chat;
  • access to the store, where you can get new games and additions.

Battle.net is a client for Windows OS, for installing, launching and managing games from the company Blizzard. The program can be tweaked for the installation and automatic updating of such computer games, as well as the creation of individual cloud records, as well as personal adjustments and other parameters for other computer games.

Okrіm іnshogo, klієntska Chastina Battle.net Home, yak mozhna zavantazhiti bezkoshtovno, Got іntegrovanu Suchasnyj
This user system dosyagnen system tematichnі sotsіalnі MEREZHI orієntovanі on geymerіv, strukturovanі konkurentnі varіanti gris, digital rinok and takozh dozvolyaє otrimuvati svіzhі іgrovі News she'll go іnformatsіyu about novih games and Blizzard software.

For the sake of interest, varto designate what Battle.net victorious centralized cloud record system from the records, for the help of which graves can be played with Blizzard Entertainment games, in one place, without worrying about a set of information for entering the system. Thus, the release of StarCraft 2 significantly increased the popularity of this service and attracted even more gamers to its lavishes.

Battle.net correspondents took away such functions as chat, game lists, and news releases from their distribution. At the same time, those koristuvachs can upgrade whether they are a group of retailers, they can ask for other graves and come to the team team, asking for other participants. Before the service, such functions were added, as ranking by gatherings, game filters.

Warto say about the popular group of all hours - Diablo, as it switched to the technology of the client-server model. Vaughn was no longer simulated on the computers of the koristuvachs, but was launched directly on the Blizzard server. With this, all personal data of gravity was saved on the company's servers.

Also, in the remaining version of the Battle.net client, the selection of matches was expanded, including Hardcore matches, in some refurbished graves, whose characters will be deleted forever, like the stink of perishing in their virtual world. With the release of such sagas, like Reign of Chaos and Warcraft III, a number of new features appeared for the online service.

The most important rodzinka was a function that allows gravity to simply press the buttons to set yourself up with a lot of gravity, to take a fate similar to equal (based on rating), and others who also wanted to join.

Visnovki: Battle.net gave the players a quick and easy entry into the game, managing updates and providing fresh news about future changes in the field of virtual games. Friends from the rest of the world can play at once on such a server and know not to suspect about it. For which server and open for all. Feel free to download the data of the Russian client and evaluate your success in equal parts with other competitors (Steam, Origin and others like them).

Battle .net is an online gaming service developed by Blizzard to make it possible for players to get a licensed version of this game. Battle.net is currently one of the most popular digital distribution platforms. You can capture a Blizzard client for example, but at the same time we will take a short look at that service.


The uniqueness of the product, as seen by the world, is due to the fact that it is the first gaming platform in the world, the interface that is introduced without intermediary in the game itself (maybe, for the sake of it, the list of promoted games is very wide).

The key features of Battle .net can be called the following:

Battle .net is the chain world of today's gaming clients. Most of the retailers took all the best from the platform, the shards of it are completely satisfied with the needs of the majestic army of their coristuvachis.

Pluses and minuses

Obviously, the product we are looking for is far from being the only one in this category, however, you still need to improve the status of one of the most popular and beloved solutions by coristuvachas. The reach of such heights allows the supplement to be optimally combined pluses and minuses, the main ones are apparently far away.



  • More than two companies have expanded their products - Blizzard Entertainment and Activizion.
  • Stopping technology for collecting cookies.

The stars of the recent updates and the miraculous optimization of Battle .net are still credited with occupying a high position in the gallery of digital distribution platforms.

Yak koristuvatisya

The process of work with an addendum, let's look at the place of the tabs, which are shown by the coristuvachevs:

  • "Igri". To compile a list of the most popular mediums of coristuvachіv іgor, as well as we give a list of products, as they were already installed. To start the game, it is enough to open the її side and click on the "Grow" button.
  • "Spillkuvannya". We give you access to various places and chats, which have graves. You can start a new chat, or you can create a good sleep by clicking on the open buttons.
  • "Score". Retrieve the latest list of all products available through Battle .net. You can find out the cіkava game through the manual system of a joke.
  • "News". Nadaє fresh information about future releases and upcoming. The program allows you to select a specific game in order to find out what is new about it.
  • To add friends, just click on the icon in the upper right corner, click on the "Add a friend" button and enter the BattleTag or email.

The platform is as simple as possible for vikoristannі - all the possibilities of structural division into other divisions.


This video has a larger overview of all the functions of the reviewed service.

take advantage

You can grab a Blizzard client by clicking on the button below - the process of installing the program is not affected by anything in the installation procedure, be it another program.