Taurus girl scales guy. Compatibility of a Taurus man and a Libra woman in different areas of life

This pair is one of the most common. Taurus and Libra are attracted to each other and they have good compatibility.

They understand each other even better than people of the same element. The leader in a pair is almost always Taurus, but Libra does not feel crushed and unhappy, on the contrary, they love and appreciate their woman. If you look at the couple after a while, it will become noticeable that she has come to the result that the Taurus woman asked, so the happiness of the union depends on the level of development, ambition and spiritual qualities of Taurus.

Taurus-Libra compatibility: how to seduce a Libra man?

Libra men need a partner in the truest sense: the one who understands and complements them, the one who will be their "second self". The Taurus woman is best suited for this role. Libra and Taurus have one and the same ruler planet, and therefore it is easy for Taurus to understand Libra, and Libra immediately feels something dear in Taurus. Taurus doesn't need to deliberately seduce Libra, wear a mask, or offer benefits. The Taurus woman will conquer the Libra man if she is natural and at the same time becomes sincerely interested in Libra, his views, inner world, ideas and problems. But Taurus and Libra are not alike in everything, and this is another plus. Libra needs a partner who will take over the development of the relationship. The Taurus woman is in no hurry, she waits for a long time, but when she realizes that she is sure of the decision, she will quickly take Libra into her hands. Yes, in this couple, both the beginning of a relationship and the proposal of marriage are the initiative of Taurus. Libra can fluctuate endlessly and never come to a decision, and Taurus will tactfully, but firmly, lead to the desired result.

What does the ideal couple look like: Taurus woman - Libra man?

From the side in this pair, the leader is a woman. She shows Libra what and how to do, and they obediently perform. At the same time, Taurus takes care of Libra, takes care of him like a child and takes into account his interests in everything. How noticeable Taurus leadership is depends on her upbringing. Someone controls a Libra partner, without prejudice to his dignity, someone does not hesitate to command in public. But, in any case, both Taurus and Libra are satisfied with their personal life. A man in this union finds understanding. He is forgiven for mistakes and ugly actions. Often a woman takes on the solution of common problems, and Libra can enjoy the measured, problem-free life that they love so much. What attracts Taurus to Libra is more difficult to understand. At first glance, she could find a man stronger and more active. However, Libra often fascinates Taurus as carriers of some abstract truth inaccessible to them, and Taurus associates life with them.

What are the difficulties in the union between a Taurus woman and a Libra man?

Libra, with its external softness, is as stubborn as Taurus. As long as Libra agrees to be led and obeys Taurus, the pair is doing well. But from time to time, Taurus gives up: Libra begins to defend their comfort with all their might, using lies, excuses and evasions. The Taurus woman clearly knows that today you need to do this and this, otherwise problems will arise. Libra does not want to - and if Taurus does not literally lead him by the hand, then it turns out that the right people were not there, and the transport did not go, and it is simply impossible to do what was planned. Moreover, Libra will never express their opinion directly, they will not defend their position: they will simply dodge their responsibilities. More than once or twice, every Taurus woman has come across a situation when Libra promised to come to a clearly agreed date, and then turned off the phone or came up with an excuse why they did not make it on time, and if Taurus thinks, he will notice that Libra has intentions to come was not already when they agreed.

The Taurus woman persistently pursues her goals. Most often, she does not use tricks for this, but goes in the chosen direction, not looking at resistance. With a Libra man, it is better to do otherwise. Libra values \u200b\u200ba good attitude, tenderness and affection very much. If Taurus is sure that her plans will benefit Libra, then convincing them should only be sincere and only kindly. If Libra has firmly decided not to do something, then you can convince them only by knowing the reason for their reluctance. Libra is late for a date? They may be planning to rest first after work. Usually Libra has no secrets, and if you ask them, they will tell you about their plans and how they themselves would like to act. The external compliance of Libra conceals a trap: Taurus begins to behave with them like a strict mother, demanding, and not discussing on equal terms. If you have this with your Libra, then persuade him with affection or show the correctness of your arguments by your example (often Libra avoids doing something because they are afraid of unfamiliar circumstances). And if you managed to maintain an equal partnership, then let Libra be the first to express your plans - even if you have already thought of everything and know what you want. Understanding what he wants, you can more easily find a convenient option for both.

Numerology by date of birth is wonderful, allowing you to find out all the features and subtleties of the character of your loved one. An analysis of compatibility by date of birth is the key to a successful and harmonious relationship.

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Compatibility of a Taurus woman and a Libra man at work

They are not the best, but not the worst business couple either. If both are interested in work, then Libra will bring their quick wit, the ability to establish contacts with people, and Taurus - practicality. If they do not work out, then Libra will be passive and will evade work.

Compatibility of a Taurus woman and a Libra man - colleagues or partners

The worst balance of power is with it the greatest risk that both will not be interested in work. If they do work together, then it is better for everyone to fulfill their part of the task: it is not worth taking on the same responsibilities, they have different abilities, pace of work and strengths.

When a Taurus woman is a boss and a Libra man is a subordinate

This is the most natural relationship. Taurus will put pressure on Libra, wait for results, and not imitation of work, he will resist, but do. Due to the fact that Taurus is a woman, she will be able to demand from Libra to work gently, without hurting his pride.

When a Taurus woman is a subordinate and a Libra man is a boss

This is a good constellation, assuming in advance that Libra is interested in the job. And Taurus does not know how to work carelessly at all. Despite some psychological incompatibility, they will show very high performance results.

Compatibility of a Taurus woman and a Libra man in friendship

They are very good friends. Taurus is drawn to a soft, calm, pleasant Libra man. He gives her the necessary inner harmony, opens up new facets of beauty and order. Taurus knows how to do beautiful things and communicate with people calmly, without conflict - thanks to Libra, she does not just beautiful, but inspired things and builds relationships with people not only calmly and evenly, but also with greater sympathy for them. In return, Libra can always ask Taurus in a friendly way to help where you need to be firm and assertive. They like to communicate in a relaxed atmosphere, both love comfort, pleasant, beautiful leisure and art. They have a lot to talk about. This friendly couple can eventually become a love affair if Taurus is interested in this.

The joint future of a Libra woman and a Taurus man can be so wonderful that they can't even imagine. There is only one nuance - how can they find an approach to each other? The Libra woman is sometimes so inaccessible and mysterious. In the character of the representatives of this sign, the desire to achieve their goals is clearly manifested. The appearance of a Libra woman gives out in her a meek nature, endowed with natural femininity. The Taurus man, as a rule, is lost in conjecture: "How does the external resignation of the Libra woman agree with her excessive self-confidence?"

To understand how compatible a Libra woman and a Taurus man are, you need to turn to the star horoscope. The Libra woman is influenced by Venus, who has awarded her with sensuality and tenderness. The planet also patronizes the Taurus man. In addition, she is the patroness of love and passion, which brings Taurus closer to Libra. But, despite the similarity, Venus endowed her charges with a pronounced feminine and masculine principle.

From the outside it may seem that subservience to one planet should repel partners. But this opinion is wrong. Venus in the Taurus man awakened truly masculine traits. There is no unnecessary mannerism and self-love in him. In a Libra woman, the planet discovered the most beautiful feminine qualities: softness and affection. And if life circumstances do not violate their characters, then a Libra woman and a Taurus man can become ideal partners. Next to his beloved Taurus may not hold back emotions and be very gentle. And the Libra woman, in turn, is able to conquer his heart every day, creating an atmosphere of love.

The Taurus man is stubborn and obstinate by nature. As for the Libra woman, she knows exactly how beautiful and actively uses her dignity. The partner knows perfectly well in what moments it is worth giving in, and where it is necessary to apply pressure. In a Taurus man, she is attracted by goodwill and politeness. But his stubbornness often drives a Libra woman out of herself. At such moments, she completely loses her balance, and the ability to restrain emotions. Although it is worth noting that scandals in this pair are very rare.

The intimate appeal of both partners is simply off scale. The couple's sex life is full of intense passion. Interest in each other never disappears. Mutual attraction and understanding of what exactly the partner wants allows them to be called wonderful lovers. The Taurus man is happy to show his sensitivity, and the Libra woman brings a share of experiments into their intimate life. Both partners are happy to immerse themselves in the world of romance and intimacy.

The Libra woman has a truly charming smile and pleasant facial features. There are many beautiful women among the representatives of this sign. But, even without having reference parameters, the Libra woman always attracts attention. Refined manners can captivate any man. The representative of the Libra sign, as a rule, gives preference to gallant gentlemen who value their partner.

But the angelic appearance of the Libra woman sometimes hides a very ardent nature. The strength and confidence of the representatives of this sign can only be envied. Libra woman's integrity makes her always achieve a leading position. To be the first is her life motto. A Taurus man is not always happy with this, since he is used to feeling himself in charge of a relationship, and such a partner's zeal can lead to a struggle for primacy.

The alignment of forces and positions in a pair between a Taurus man and a Libra woman takes a significant period of time. Any attempts by the partner to gain the leading role in this pair end in failure. The Taurus man has a decisive character and his beloved can only allow a subordinate role. The partner should follow him, and not otherwise. Having understood this principle in a timely manner and following it, she will bring the necessary clarity to the relationship with the Taurus man.

The Libra woman always lays out all her plans on the shelves. While her partner, a Taurus man, comprehends the solution of any issue in a silent mode, she manages to discuss her position with him several times and draw conclusions. The Libra woman sometimes lacks tolerance towards the chosen one.

The Taurus man for many of the fairer sex becomes a profitable couple. The Libra woman catches this at first sight, so she dives into a relationship with her head and without further thought. The partner allows her to be close to herself and directs her emotions in the right direction in time. A Taurus man can solve any problems of his partner in one moment.

Sometimes a Libra woman shows indecision even in a simple situation. At such moments, a Taurus man will always come to her aid. He will help his chosen one to deal with the issue and give advice for the future. Possessing an excellent sense of humor, the Taurus man always knows how to make his beloved smile. The reliability and sanity of a partner evoke the warmest feelings in a Libra woman. Having succumbed to the charm of the Taurus man, she easily agrees to the offer to enter into official relations.

Both partners and the Libra woman and the Taurus man are optimistic about the future. By encouraging each other, they go to the same goal. They always have everything in common: thoughts, feelings, emotions. Having dealt with the question: “Who is in charge of the family?”, They quickly find common ground. The Libra woman inspires the Taurus man to be romantic. And he, in turn, protects her from solving problems and tries to provide all the best as much as possible. In addition, for a Taurus man, it is not uncommon for a manifestation of generosity in the form of gifts and unexpected surprises.

The tandem between a Taurus man and a Libra woman is the most harmonious for both signs. Most often, barely starting to meet, partners already know that the relationship will end in an official marriage.

Compatibility horoscope: compatibility of zodiac signs girl Libra guy Taurus - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Before describing the duet of Taurus and Libra, you should look higher and turn to the stars, which will give such a relationship a lot of features. So, both signs are ruled by the planet Venus, which has love and peace at its disposal. Taurus is the female sign of the zodiac, while Libra is male. And, at first glance, it may seem that everything is quite simple. But this is only for the first time, because the stars are playing a much more subtle and contradictory game. The Taurus man is not at all like the fairer sex: he is brave, stubborn (it is worth remembering the expression "stubborn as a bull"), active and completely devoid of obedience and humility. Individual representatives of this sign can sometimes even surrender to the will of instincts and have practically nothing of what is originally considered feminine. However, most Taurus, despite their pronounced masculinity, are sweet, kind and even gentle in communication - these are the traits that bestow the essence of their astrological symbol.

Libra, on the other hand, is a masculine sign. But to draw in the imagination a Libra girl as a brutal lady, climbing into any fight is a fundamentally wrong decision. No, the Libra woman is rather a charming lady, charming, graceful, graceful and captivating the eyes of all men. No matter what traits nature has awarded her, she is still perceived by everyone as a beauty, which is greatly facilitated by her marvelous sunny smile. Dexterous clever speech, adorable appearance, smooth movements - it is difficult to resist such a charming and extraordinary personality. But behind the external fragility lies the masculine principle, which is a zodiac sign: where the hardships break one, this sweet creature will amaze with its strength and endurance, where the other retreats this woman deftly and unnoticed by others will achieve her goal.

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Taurus man Libra woman compatibility. So, they met - a seemingly fragile and defenseless Libra girl and a seemingly unshakable Taurus man. And it seems that both have the first impression: she is so fickle and unpredictable that it is simply impossible to predict her next step, while he is straightforward, and his actions are easily predicted. But time goes by, and both discover in each other so many new and surprising things that recent opinion is completely dispelled. For example, you need to solve a certain situation. The Taurus strategy is as follows: independently and silently analyze everything, then energetically and skillfully implement the deliberate, and then insist on your point of view until the victorious end. And what does a Libra woman do? Oh, it turns out that she is no less purposeful than her chosen one, although he (and others) sees in her an indecisive nature. Simply, solving the problem, the Libra girl enthusiastically examines every moment and feature, involving all those who are nearby in the reasoning. She needs to highlight the pros, identify the cons, assess the risks and advantages. In fact, she does almost the same thing as Taurus, but out loud and very actively. The hour has struck, and the decision has finally been made, and now she rushes towards the target at the speed of a train that cannot be stopped by anything. The goal is achieved, the problem is solved. What does a Libra woman do? That's right, she firmly stands her ground.

Such characteristic properties can give rise to misunderstandings and even irritation in a pair of Taurus and Libra: she is so used to mastering the word, and the silence of Taurus oppresses her, while he, laconic, often gets tired of her chatter.

However, the intimate side of life in this couple is more harmonious. Moreover, often it is interest in the physical plane that is the impetus for the emergence and development of relationships. And in the future, more often this interest not only does not disappear, but additionally saturates this union. Yes, Taurus and Libra belong to different elements, he is still Earthly, and she is Airy, which sometimes makes them perceive each other with a slight bewilderment, but they are both romantic and sentimental natures, giving themselves not just to love, but making it beautiful and erotic.

If you are far from him, then please him tonight, write him good night sms verses

They are different, the Libra woman and her Taurus companion, but this is the difference that gives both the best. Unpredictable, indecisive (although she does not admit it), the Libra woman finds in Taurus what she has been looking for for so long. Strong, stable, reliable and possessing common sense - it is he who, at last, will be able to bring into such desired balance the easily fluctuating scales - an object that is the zodiacal symbol of his companion. Who else, besides Taurus, will be able to gently and tenderly dispel all doubts and deftly get out of a hopeless situation? The Libra woman understands that no one, except her devoted companion, has such a warming warmth and such wonderful humor that she has always dreamed of.

Despite the external courageous appearance, the heart of a Taurus man is vulnerable and heals mental trauma for a long time. He is characterized by a pessimistic view of the world, but the Libra chosen one is exactly that ray of the sun that disperses the darkness in his eyes. Where others will take a long time to return Taurus to a complacent mood, Libra needs only a few warm words and an encouraging smile. The Taurus spouse is unlikely to demonstrate admiration for the partner's sharp mind, her skill and ability to amazingly deal with many situations, but, undoubtedly, his beloved Libra causes him both pride and respect for her. True, the Libra woman, who has linked her life with Taurus, should remember one more subtlety: with such a man, in no case should she demonstrate her superiority. And it is for her that the popular wisdom exists, which says that a man is a head, and a woman is a neck, whoever wants to, will turn her head there. And Libra, who imperceptibly for Taurus mastered such art, can count on a long and love-filled union.

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Taurus Man Libra Woman

The pair of Taurus and Libra is beautiful - a union of true masculinity and true femininity. This is how an outside observer sees them. Those who know their partners closely could argue: the Ox is not as hard and unshakable as he would like, and his charming partner is far from fragile violet.

Wait a minute, are we talking about Taurus now? Would he really let someone control him? To nobody else but her. However, he himself would have put it differently: "She inspires me." And again the paradox: why would this in all respects earthly man talk about such a subtle matter as inspiration? But what else can you call this state of elation, which instills in Taurus a feeling of tremendous, almost unlimited power when his beloved is next to him? She is so touchingly fragile and sweet that the Bull feels an irresistible desire to break mountains and drain the seas in the intervals between lining her path with rose petals and intimidating possible rivals.

Taurus Man and Libra Woman Compatibility

The Taurus man and the Libra woman are influenced by the planet Venus, and can perfectly complement each other, forming a strong and harmonious couple. Each partner has something to learn from the other, while both of them will enjoy growing, achieving a better life. As a rule, Taurus at first sight is fascinated by a romantic and mysterious partner, and the desire to unravel her secret will become the main task and meaning of his whole life.

The Libra woman will be subdued by the strength and courage of this calm and slightly slow person. More than anything else, she values \u200b\u200bbalance, balance, stability in life, because she herself is sometimes subject to serious fluctuations in mood. The charm of the partner, her charm and charm will push the Taurus man to such feats that he would never have dared to in his life. Such a feat, for example, can be the desire of a partner to change, get rid of stubbornness and pedantic conservatism.

Virgo, in turn, is able to get rid of her eternal anxiety and worry next to such a monumental person. A healthy sense of humor and the peacefulness of a Taurus man will defuse tension in a relationship, if any. The partner will feel responsible for such a fragile and vulnerable creature as a Libra woman, and by all means, he will try to serve her as reliable protection and support in life. If this couple chooses one global goal in life, then they will act together, as a single whole, actively complementing each other, in the process of achieving it. This tandem, united by a common idea, will be so strong that no obstacles or human gossip can prevent them on the way. No one promises, however, a Taurus man and a Libra woman a calm and cloudless life together.

Problems will invariably arise, and the first of them will occur on the basis of completely different attitudes towards their obligations. If the Taurus man meticulously fulfills everything that he has to do, then the Libra woman, in doubts and anxieties, may deviate from the rules or promises due to new circumstances. The partner in this union most often sins with empty dreams and hovering in the clouds, she tends to give words that she is never going to fulfill. The pedantic Taurus will not like this, and he can make remarks to the Libra woman, reproaching her for being unnecessary and frivolous.

The partnership of a Taurus man and a Libra woman always requires very intense spiritual efforts of each, as well as changes in behavior and worldview, which can be very difficult and painful. A Libra woman may finally not withstand the constant tutelage of her partner, and simply evaporate from his horizon. A couple will withstand all the tests if a Taurus man takes on the responsibility of making decisions for two, and a Libra woman is a diplomat in relationships - both in the family and in society. This alliance is simply doomed to success if partners moderate their ambitions in favor of healthy cooperation with each other.

The Taurus and Libra pair is beautiful - a union of true masculinity and true femininity. This is how an outside observer sees them. Those who know their partners closely could argue: the Ox is not as hard and unshakable as he would like, and his charming partner is far from fragile violet.

Libras are almost always happy in love and marriage. They are well aware of the simple truth, which women of other signs regretfully often forget: with delicate perseverance, you can achieve much more than rude demands, tears and threats. The Libra girl walks through life on soft paws, but with the determination of a battle rhino. A man for her is not a page and not a master, but an equal partner worthy of all respect, but ... isn't it the duty of every wise woman to guide her husband along the path to success that she considers the shortest and at the same time the safest? Soft paws close the Bull's eyes, and he stomps in the indicated direction, being confident that he himself has chosen this path ...

Wait a minute, are we talking about Taurus now? Would he really let someone control him? To nobody else but her. However, he himself would have put it differently: "She inspires me." And again the paradox: why would this in all respects earthly man talk about such a subtle matter as inspiration? But what else can you call this state of elation, which instills in Taurus a feeling of tremendous, almost unlimited power when his beloved is next to him. She is so touchingly fragile and sweet that the Bull feels an irresistible desire to break mountains and drain the seas in the intervals between lining her path with rose petals and intimidating possible rivals.

However, there will probably be no rivals: for Libra women, family values \u200b\u200bare sacred. And in this, they completely agree with Taurus - they create a couple for life in order to preserve the peace of their safe haven, take care of each other and about joint children, and slowly but persistently move towards a common goal - stable material well-being. The shortcomings of one partner are compensated for by the merits of the other: the sluggishness, pessimism and rigidity of Taurus - by the liveliness of the mind, the positive and flexibility of Libra. Her anxiety and vulnerability - his self-confidence and insensitivity to external stimuli.

Some of the representatives of our Air sign feel the influence of the Wind in their character: it makes them purely femininely short-sighted and frivolous, subject to the power of emotions. The Ox will certainly decide to "re-educate" such a Libra girl in his own way, and he will hardly be pretentious if she does not learn her lesson. He himself lives by the principle “You said - do it, but if you don’t intend to do it, don’t promise,” and he demands the same from others. Probably, Taurus is right, but if only he did not overdo it: by violating the fragile mental balance of a partner, he can greatly offend her, deprive her of peace, sleep and appetite for a long time. Libra does not tolerate rudeness, and is especially acute when they themselves become the object of pressure. Both partners should avoid these situations and anything that might cause them.

In general, the union of the Bull and Libra is very harmonious. And the secret is not even so much in common views on family and relationships. When they get married, they both know what they want and have no doubts. Both believe in the oath they made to each other: in wealth and poverty, in sickness and health, until death do them part. And when one of the partners gets tired of the struggle for a prosperous tomorrow, the second will carefully lend him a shoulder. Perhaps it will be him, or maybe she will: the fragility of women's shoulders is sometimes so deceiving! One way or another, it is easier to go through life, feeling the support of a loved one - the most inaccessible peaks are conquered by such a pair.

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Responses (42) to Taurus man and Libra woman: compatibility

Well, it's written directly about the dream-man. Can you really look for someone from Taurus as a life partner? And as with others, everything turns out badly. In the description of Libra, I definitely see myself, but I constantly have to adjust to someone and be different, and this is difficult and not enough for a long time. Over time, all relationships collapse, and Libra pulls the strap in the hope of change.

To do this, you need that Boo Taurus loved you to madness

In all signs there are not ideals) I doubt that you can adjust to the calves, for many the truth fades into the background. There are many excuses and fantasies ... children have to answer for delirium in the head. Compatibility fails if false).

I decided to read about my couple, just the opposite. And here is a completely different situation. Such a union can last for a long time, but the union of a Taurus woman and a Libra man is doomed to collapse. Although one planet patronizes these signs (Venus), it has always been difficult for me as a Taurus to understand Libra.

I am Libra, my husband is Taurus. Of course, I knew that he was amazing, but after this article I was convinced of this)) Written from us! That's how it is! He is tough, stubborn, constantly striving to solve problems himself. I am vulnerable, positive, but persistent. We quarrel because he is harsh in his statements about me. And I very hard to bear criticism in my address.

Teach me what you do, you have an amazing husband?

We have the same pair. everything is exactly like ours. agree with you. but my husband stopped helping me with the children and around the house. became a goat. because of this we fight. and so all is well. not complaining. in the morning we swear, in the evening we measure.

What are you measuring, if not a secret?

This is a very bad union, judging by the parents. They have lived together for the sake of their children all their lives, and divorced only now, at 65, and with relief. Dad - Taurus said that he wanted to live in peace at least before dying, and moved to me, also Taurus. My husband is Virgo. So we live in psychological comfort, completely earthy elements in the house. And our air children Libra and Gemini flew out of the house at the first breeze. Libra and Taurus are very uncomfortable together.

It just so happened that I am not indifferent to women-Libra and still have never regretted it. I know my main drawback - the lack of bullish stubbornness. I'd rather make a reasonable compromise than stupidly stand my ground, especially knowing that I'm wrong. And the Libra woman in her striving for harmony and perfection suits me perfectly, since the compromise suits her too. The main thing is to be stubborn in achieving goals.

What nonsense is written! In general, the opposite is true! It is impossible to live in such an alliance! I am a Libra, my husband is a Taurus, so lazy, immoral, selfish, not a drop of affection and care, no attention ... but I try to give him everything, but no reciprocity !

you should always take into account the year, not just the month of birth ...

u vas muj nekchemni

i agree with Mary's opinion. In general, Taurus masculinity is attractive, but the truth is they write in horoscopes that the Libra-Taurus relationship is a rabbit and a boa constrictor, where a boa constrictor is Taurus. In short, there are common ground, a good marriage is possible UNDER THE CONDITIONS OF HIGH MORAL QUALITIES OF A TAURUS, LOOK THAT YOU WERE FROM A GOOD FAMILY, THAT HIS FATHER RESPECTED HIS MOTHER AND WAS EXCEPTABLE, THE BALCUS IS NOT A MODEL OF A FATHER THAT HE WILL CHANGE FAST AND BECOME GOOD. You need to have powerful leverage on him to call him to order if he becomes insolent. He perfectly understands with whom how to behave, so do not become dependent on him, have an alternate airfield where to go and what to live on. And psychologically, everything is fine, feelings do not disappear for decades (tested), if only there was something to restrain Taurus's egoism.

Oh, okay, as if for other signs of the zodiac it doesn't matter what family a person is from ... nonsense. Even among seemingly harmonious unions such as the twin Libra or the scorpion fish, there are enough divorces. Cattle are among all the signs of the zodiac.

For two years I have been living in a civil marriage with a male Taurus and there is no longer any desire to endure him any longer! Selfish rude man, swears with everyone like a bazaar woman! You will not get tenderness, affection, compliments from him. And the worst thing is that he never fulfills his promises! In general, no common interests! And in sex, too, an egoist, with all the ensuing consequences. So Taurus and Libra are incompatible! Dolphin and Mermaid, to be honest, they are not a couple, not a couple, not a couple!

I live with a male male and I am very happy. I have never had such a man. The horoscope is just about us.

Taurus was a young man, then on the spirit can not stand them. He depressed me with his overly boring whining about how worthless he was, and how I was so beautiful that I turned my attention to him. Pfff needs a man and not a whiner! Sorry for the rigidity

Whatever a person is, if he is loved, then for everything. The understanding that all people are NOT perfect should always be there. And when a person is not confident in himself, this is not such a global problem. The main thing is mutual respect, to know that you have the native people.

not very compatible signs. Taurus - does not like to stagger idly, and the scales are gulen

This article is written directly about us. I am a Libra and my husband is a Taurus. A very good father and husband. We have a complete understanding with him. Sometimes stubborn, but I learned to put up with it and not pay attention to it. In all other respects: a good boss, a man of his word, loves children very much (we have three of them). In general, I love my little body. And very happy that I had once met him on his way!

i'm a Libra, he is a Taurus, jealous and worthless, only false, lying at every step, there is nothing to talk about with him, he is stupid and does not know how to behave with me, his lack of tact and inability to behave annoys him.

Well, guys, I will say so. I am a Taurus, I am mutually grateful when I am loved, respected and appreciated! This is in short. And of course I will move mountains for my beloved and no matter the scales, lion, or cancer. Appreciate the love of a Taurus, there will be no boundaries! not open, closed people! Bitches too, although they stick like that. (((

I live with a calf. Lord, God give me patience so as not to kill him. If the child had not left long ago.

i almost agree with the horoscope about the male husbands, I am a Libra. a bit stubborn, but I'm happy with him !!

male calves are good! and weights - women need to listen to them a little and then everything will be fine!

I am a Taurus, my wife is Libra. 1975 and 1980 respectively. It's strange, I don't believe in all this nonsense, but I understand what has been written about us. I'm interested in her because she's a fidget, and I'm a boring workaholic. Typical Taurus, in general. She constantly spurs me on to development. I'm happy with such a wife. About sexual relations, I will say that it is important for Taurus to be slow, long, comfortable and mutually. But most of all we like to bring our partners to ecstasy. This is how we indulge our Alter ego))) (oops, discovered a secret)

Although in essence all these forecasts, etc. - complete nonsense. My wife sent me to work with the words "look, an article about us." Burdock. I really thought about us))). But it amused and distracted from heavy management thoughts.

I am a Taurus, and my bride is a scales. There is something similar in the description, but not everything. But the fact is that I'm happy and she is also yes :)

I am Libra, my Taurus groom. Everything fits his description very well, I am with him, like behind a stone wall, I do not need anything, and so far there is even no doubt not to marry him! He loves children very much, appreciates the family.

And how many men I know, they are very good husbands and partners.

Here I am Taurus. And I love Libra.

In addition, everyone - without exception Sveta

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i am Libra, my boyfriend Taurus, and I just physically feel his pressure on myself, the desire to remake me, and it just infuriates me. He is not interested in my opinion at all, everything should be as he said, another point of view is incorrect.

Vot toje samoe, na etom u nas vse i razvalivaetsya.

Mdaaaaaa ... Everything, of course, coincides, but not always so smoothly. My little calf is not very punctual, forgetful. Many excuses for myself. And it looks like they are all different. But. Our marriage is primarily due to him! He is a wonderful father, we have a son! And I love him very much! And my tongue is the enemy! And my enemy! We have a lot of complaints about each other, but he says that this is just grinding. I really want to become completely what I-Libra is described in the article! I will try)) And ... girls, well, do not complain about your husbands, you are all the same with them! After all, no one forces us to live with them! Not those times. This is self-respect! And yet, My beloved Taurus, my man, my Bulat! I love you very much! I will try to make our relationship the best! In the evening I will give you the same article))))

There was no relationship with Taurus. all my acquaintances of this sign are dorks, rude and ill-mannered, I do not believe that they can be gentle. No nobility. Also greedy. They will strangle you for a penny. Most of them don't even have a constant. Not needed, because you need to spend money on it. There are many gigolos, everyone is looking for benefits. I quarreled with a friend about this, so he did vyser that there was no worthy of him, I laughed and ... I brought such universal hatred on myself, what can I say in a fairy tale ... Taurus men hate me, because they make me lose their temper, and it's as easy as shelling pears. So they are fun to be angry, they are preparing a plan for revenge, it is to fuck me later and leave me. No emotion other than laughter and pity.

Not all calves are bad .. Do not forget about the parenting given to them.

I'm a Taurus! Taurus they are different, there are rude and normal ready to give tenderness and love, ... beloved! I have a scales girl! But we need to re-educate the scales a little.

i came across one that is not ready to live in growth and change. - moved from the neck to the head, and this critical gesture and the action itself is destructive for me, as for a person. I do not pretend to be someone else's place in the world and am not ready to go overboard by showing aggressiveness. When you can't hear you have to raise your voice, which is not typical for me. Doesn't want to listen and discuss difficulties and real life. Your plan for 1 day and crackers under the pillow :))). Not entirely healthy perception of the world. - everything is limited by the kitchen and the child, like a dog on a chain. 10 years of my patience and zilch! Self-esteem is overestimated - from the world of the king, vindictive, proud ... but after a year or two, the memory and voice of the wise princess knock off. The years are gone, but it makes sense to wait for the ice to thaw. In a word - kindergarten at 37 ... I have a unique case.))) But I do not regret it! landed - what I could become and what I am - I understand now 100%. The warmth remained, but I pass by the side of people who are playing gold for the weight of life - calmness, comfort, communication and affection, romance in the end. Money is a pea! but in the safe they are of no use and at 60 they will be needed only for the coffin, but it was not possible to spend them on our world ... the former had her own world. So - that's it. For the first time I thought about compatibility. Especially my case!

A Libra girl and a Taurus guy are a wonderful couple if you value each other, I tell you as a person who loved and love a guy very much;)) Between these people there is definitely a passion, attraction and real feelings !!

And what to do if a Taurus began to abuse alcohol when he fell in love with a Libra woman? Explaining this by the fact that he himself does not understand what is happening to him. The relationship is very stormy for 3 months, though binge once a month for 7 days. I can not find an explanation for this. ...

Everything fits! Especially ... the scales will close their eyes with their paws, and the bulls stomp along the path and think that they themselves have chosen it.

I don't know, there is always one positive money. I am a Libra and a Taurus husband ... for me it is suicide to endure his secrecy, silence, calmness. He is so poor in words that I start to think about his vocabulary .. of course, there are women of earth signs who are also spiritually aesthetically retarded and they do not need it , just give money .. but we are air girls, scales like in the air we need admiration, compliments and communication. it's very hard to break through his consciousness like through a stone mountain .. nothing to break .. there are certainly positive points of contact - this is a bed and absolutely identical taste for music.) Probably on this we keep)

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The quality of the relationship between two representatives of opposite sexes largely depends on which astrological signs they belong to. For example, the compatibility of Taurus men and Libra women can be called almost perfect. Only at first glance, the air Libra has nothing to do with the down-to-earth Taurus. In fact, they set off each other and complement each other, creating a single whole. They have many common traits of character, a similar perception of the world and in many ways the same desires. Considering several nuances, the existing relationship will be long-term, lasting and fruitful.

Love compatibility

Paired with taurus men and Libra women an important role is played by the character traits inherent in the representatives of the signs. Air Libra often ignore material values, build castles in the air, dream a lot and strive for spiritual development. Terrestrial Taurus is able to get real pleasure only in simple and accessible things, which he tries to surround himself with. At first glance, the conflict is inevitable, but the situation is saved by the curiosity of people in love with each other.

As soon as partners find common ground and interest each other, an exciting period of learning new and unusual will begin. Patience shown by both parties will avoid problems and an unpleasant showdown. Over time, Taurus will begin to appreciate not only material things, but also the spiritual aspects of life. Libra will understand that simple material values \u200b\u200bcan be a lot of pleasure.

A huge plus in such a relationship is the dislike of both signs for conflicts. Both are not inclined to accumulate dissatisfaction with their partner, they try to discuss the situation at the first sign of problems and resolve everything peacefully. In this regard, Libra is the leader. They do an excellent job with negative impulses and are able not to react to aggression, which in rare cases comes from Taurus. Earthly men quickly calm down, letting off steam, which allows both to soberly understand the situation.

The pledge of strong love of Libra women and Taurus men is another feature of the representatives of the air element. They never fully reveal themselves to their chosen one and always remain a mystery to him. Earthly Taurus, who by nature is a one-man woman, will forgive his lady even minor flaws if she does not cease to amaze him in a positive way. It is noteworthy that the chances of success of such a union will be maximum if it is concluded not in early adolescence, but in a conscious or even adulthood.

Sexual compatibility

Venus, ruling both signs, gives the couple perfect sexual compatibility. Complete harmony in this area often allows you to resolve conflicts that sometimes arise between Libra and Taurus in the bedroom. An earthly man and an airy woman are equally keen on external attractiveness, value sensual pleasures. The main thing is to refresh the relationship from time to time, not to give up experiments. Otherwise, the initial passionate impulses can weaken, which will cause mutual resentment.

Sexy libra woman and Taurus man compatibility may be at risk in a number of other cases. If one of the partners stops looking after himself and loses physical attractiveness, the other half may think about adventures on the side. A Taurus' prolonged lack of interest in sex can provoke discontent in his slightly more active partner. Even if stress or some kind of physical ailments cause such a situation, a man should pay maximum attention to his soul mate. Libra can forgive a lot for romantic surprises and an obvious manifestation of feelings.

Stubborn and even stubborn Taurus men should remember that the harder they try to tie a Libra woman to themselves, the more conflicts will arise. Feeling freedom, air signs are capable of unlimited and unconditional fidelity. Of course, they demand the same in return and rarely forgive betrayal.

At work and at home

Ideal compatibility of signs allows a Libra woman and a Taurus man resolve all issues without conflict in everyday life. Spouses, friends and even relatives in such an astrological combination rarely fight for primacy in the house. They simply distribute all responsibilities among themselves, without focusing on this, and strictly adhere to the established rules. Minor friction, which occurs very rarely, is resolved without serious consequences and mutual grievances.

In the business sphere, this combination is again considered one of the best. The secret is simple - such workers simply complement each other. This not only positively affects the quality of their work, but also creates a pleasant atmosphere in the team. Libra women are always happy to do something new, even in the absence of the necessary experience. They are easy-going, easily generate interesting ideas. The Taurus man is able to do routine things year after year that require perseverance and cannot be done by others. The attentiveness and thoroughness of the sign are the guarantee of the quality of all the actions that it performs.

A characteristic feature of both signs is hard work. In the case of Libra, it is due to the desire to achieve unlimited heights and recognition. Taurus is trying in the name of material wealth and a carefree life. The optimal result of the work of such a tandem is ensured.

Compatibility horoscope: zodiac sign woman Libra man Taurus - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

The pair of Taurus and Libra is beautiful - a union of true masculinity and true femininity. This is how an outside observer sees them. Those who know their partners closely could argue: the Ox is not as hard and unshakable as he would like, and his charming partner is far from fragile violet.

Libras are almost always happy in love and marriage. They are well aware of the simple truth, which women of other signs regretfully often forget: with delicate perseverance, you can achieve much more than rude demands, tears and threats. The Libra girl walks through life on soft paws, but with the determination of a battle rhino. A man for her is not a page and not a master, but an equal partner worthy of all respect, but ... isn't it the duty of every wise woman to guide her husband along the path to success that she considers the shortest and at the same time the safest? Soft paws close the Bull's eyes, and he stomps in the indicated direction, being confident that he himself has chosen this path ...

Wait a minute, are we talking about Taurus now? Would he really let someone control him? To nobody else but her. However, he himself would have put it differently: "She inspires me." And again the paradox: why would this in all respects earthly man talk about such a subtle matter as inspiration? But what else can you call this state of elation, which instills in Taurus a feeling of tremendous, almost unlimited power when his beloved is next to him? She is so touchingly fragile and sweet that the Bull feels an irresistible desire to break mountains and drain the seas in the intervals between lining her path with rose petals and intimidating possible rivals.

However, there will probably be no rivals: for Libra women, family values \u200b\u200bare sacred. And in this, they completely agree with Taurus - they create a couple for life in order to preserve the peace of their safe haven, take care of each other and about joint children, and slowly but persistently move towards a common goal - stable material well-being. The shortcomings of one partner are compensated for by the merits of the other: the sluggishness, pessimism and rigidity of Taurus - by the liveliness of the mind, the positive and flexibility of Libra. Her anxiety and vulnerability - his self-confidence and insensitivity to external stimuli.

Some of the representatives of our Air sign feel the influence of the Wind in their character: it makes them purely femininely short-sighted and frivolous, subject to the power of emotions. The Ox will certainly decide to "re-educate" such a Libra girl in his own way, and he will hardly be pretentious if she does not learn her lesson. He himself lives by the principle “You said - do it, but if you don’t intend to do it, don’t promise,” and he demands the same from others. Probably, Taurus is right, but if only he did not overdo it: by violating the fragile mental balance of a partner, he can greatly offend her, deprive her of peace, sleep and appetite for a long time. Libra does not tolerate rudeness, and is especially acute when they themselves become the object of pressure. Both partners should avoid these situations and anything that might cause them.

In general, the union of the Bull and Libra is very harmonious. And the secret is not even so much in common views on family and relationships. When they get married, they both know what they want and have no doubts. Both believe in the oath they made to each other: in wealth and poverty, in sickness and health, until death do them part. And when one of the partners gets tired of the struggle for a prosperous tomorrow, the second will carefully lend him a shoulder. Perhaps it will be him, or maybe she will: the fragility of women's shoulders is sometimes so deceiving! One way or another, it is easier to go through life, feeling the support of a loved one - the most inaccessible peaks are conquered by such a pair.

Taurus Man and Libra Woman Compatibility

The Taurus man and the Libra woman are influenced by the planet Venus, and can perfectly complement each other, forming a strong and harmonious couple. Each partner has something to learn from the other, while both of them will enjoy growing, achieving a better life. As a rule, Taurus at first sight is fascinated by a romantic and mysterious partner, and the desire to unravel her secret will become the main task and meaning of his whole life.

The Libra woman will be subdued by the strength and courage of this calm and slightly slow person. More than anything else, she values \u200b\u200bbalance, balance, stability in life, because she herself is sometimes subject to serious fluctuations in mood. The charm of the partner, her charm and charm will push the Taurus man to such feats that he would never have dared to in his life. Such a feat, for example, can be the desire of a partner to change, get rid of stubbornness and pedantic conservatism.

Virgo, in turn, is able to get rid of her eternal anxiety and worry next to such a monumental person. A healthy sense of humor and the peacefulness of a Taurus man will defuse tension in a relationship, if any. The partner will feel responsible for such a fragile and vulnerable creature as a Libra woman, and by all means, he will try to serve her as reliable protection and support in life. If this couple chooses one global goal in life, then they will act together, as a single whole, actively complementing each other, in the process of achieving it. This tandem, united by a common idea, will be so strong that no obstacles or human gossip can prevent them on the way. No one promises, however, a Taurus man and a Libra woman a calm and cloudless life together.

Problems will invariably arise, and the first of them will occur on the basis of completely different attitudes towards their obligations. If the Taurus man meticulously fulfills everything that he has to do, then the Libra woman, in doubts and anxieties, may deviate from the rules or promises due to new circumstances. The partner in this union most often sins with empty dreams and hovering in the clouds, she tends to give words that she is never going to fulfill. The pedantic Taurus will not like this, and he can make remarks to the Libra woman, reproaching her for being unnecessary and frivolous.

The partnership of a Taurus man and a Libra woman always requires very intense spiritual efforts of each, as well as changes in behavior and worldview, which can be very difficult and painful. A Libra woman may finally not withstand the constant tutelage of her partner, and simply evaporate from his horizon. A couple will withstand all the tests if a Taurus man takes on the responsibility of making decisions for two, and a Libra woman is a diplomat in relationships - both in the family and in society. This alliance is simply doomed to success if partners moderate their ambitions in favor of healthy cooperation with each other.

Taurus man and Libra woman compatibility in love, sex & marriage


Psychological compatibility Taurus men and Libra women in a relationship

The union of Libra and Taurus involuntarily conjures up analogies with the classic story of Beauty and the Beast. Of course, none of them is monstrous, but the differences in the lifestyle of these partners are more than significant: if Taurus men always follow the call of their daily needs, then Libra women are too sophisticated to even think about something base.

Both signs are ruled by Venus, so they are characterized by the presence of strong desires. However, the aspirations of partners are fundamentally diverse: Taurus men, being an earthly sign, give preference to solving material issues, while Libra women, being airy, are focused on problems of a spiritual nature. Each of them has a genuine interest in the other, but it is difficult for them to find mutual understanding. Taurus men prefer unrestrained consumption and possession of high-quality things, and Libra women enjoy contemplating beauty: a person, creativity or some kind of action, for example, a social event, where you can come in the most elegant suit. Taurus women are able to experience bliss after sitting all evening in a luxurious, but, most importantly, fashionable armchair, and their partner needs to communicate with other people. Libra men are a cardinal (asserting their will) sign that seeks to set the pace of life, Taurus is a fixed sign (constant), preferring to put down roots where it is. Both hate conflict and value appreciation (which is, of course, good in case of disagreement), but Libra women have less patience compared to Taurus men.

Libra is the only sign of the zodiac that personifies an inanimate object, as a result of which they have a clear and unbiased mind, which implies their preservation of objectivity, regardless of the situation and the degree of their own involvement in it. Since Libra is also an air sign, they prefer relationships of a somewhat idealistic nature: romantic, conflict-free, and, above all, clear and easy. Taurus in this sense are not like their partners. They strive to maintain a close bond with only one person and show possessive habits in relation to their beloved (as well as to everything they "own"). On the other hand, both are obligatory.

Taurus men and Libra women sexual compatibility

As a result of the fact that both signs are ruled by Venus, the planet of love, mutual understanding between them occurs immediately, as soon as it comes to the bedroom. Their mutual ability to perceive beauty and quality ignites their passion, but after the initial impulse, the sexual attraction of these people to each other may weaken.

Libra women, as aerial representatives, appreciate lightness and pleasantness in intimacy. They are attracted by the beauty of the body and personality; seduce with charm and grace. If Taurus men meet these conditions, Libra's sex drive can be strong. On the other hand, due to the "airiness" of their character, they do not tolerate being grabbed into, and cannot stand imprisonment, which can become a serious problem, since Taurus adores "owning" their partner. However, at first, Libra-women can be led by the charm of Taurus-men, who are capable of arranging hours of love prelude even in the bath. Such an innocent sensual play, which helps to strengthen physical attraction, suits both partners for a while. But then, as the relationship develops. Libra will want to give their intimate meetings a lighter character, seasoned with several outbursts of tenderness.

Taurus man and Libra woman business compatibility

In business, interoperability is successful primarily in those industries where mass services or products are provided. These two are more likely to find a free niche in the market, come up with something original, or find a new approach to an old idea. Whether it's delivery, packaging, advertising or a personalized approach to the client, their advantage is that the idea will be unusual. They have a good chance of gaining attention and thus making a noticeable impact on the market.

What a Taurus man needs to know about a Libra woman

Taurus, you should realize that Libra needs to go to the outside world from time to time for new experiences, but rest assured that after a short excursion, they will certainly return home. While your butterfly flutters, you can comfortably wait for it at home.

Libra women like to charm, flirt and find the charming features of each person themselves; they constantly need communication with other people. And the point here is not at all dissatisfaction with your society, but in the airy nature of Libra, which makes them spin in a whirlpool of thoughts and ideas aimed at achieving justice in this world. Thinking about such complex problems drains them greatly and forces them to devote the rest of the time to rest. Give them flight options and remember that you will never win an argument with them.

What a Libra woman needs to know about a Taurus man

Taurus revel in what they already have, and even more dream of new acquisitions. They have a serious, practical view of the world. They are very prone to static pastime and, if possible, lie in bed for most of the morning, and start their day at two in the afternoon. Libra, Taurus likes to act on the basis of internal motives and being completely confident that their actions are harmless, reasonable and will not take them out of the game.

Taurus men are sensitive to criticism, and you are good at detecting other people's mistakes (especially if you behaved in an exemplary manner on the previous day). So do not go too far, because you may not notice how the number of criticisms addressed to your partner will turn into quality and the accumulation effect will work. Taurus has an interesting feature, which is expressed in the fact that for the time being they resignedly endure all the reproaches, without showing any discontent. But if the last straw that overflowed the patience of Taurus and caused an explosion is your next taunt, then know that you run the risk of turning them against yourself for a long time. Taurus is very vindictive.

Taurus man and Libra woman compatibility: chances for the future

These two have similar ideas about life and its quality, therefore they are capable of strong friendship. In the case of a critical incompatibility of their natal charts, they can perceive each other as selfish people, indifferent to other people's problems; however, if their bond is based on empathy, it can last a lifetime.

How a Taurus man is compatible in a love relationship with other signs of the horoscope

How a Libra woman is compatible in a love relationship with other signs of the zodiac

Taurus partners - Libra

Compatibility horoscope by zodiac

The Libra woman is unpredictable. You never know what to expect from her. But you can be sure: she will achieve her goal. "How? you exclaim. "For such a sweet, feminine girl to be a dictator?" Exactly. But this does not mean at all that she will advertise it. It is ruled by Venus, an affectionate planet of peace and love. The Taurus man also obeys Venus. But Taurus is a feminine sign and Libra is a masculine one. This does not give her a masculine grip, and it does not make him effeminate (effeminate bull ?!). The point is different. Of course, it is easier if a man is born under a masculine sign, and a woman under a feminine one. Natural moments would become even more natural. As a rule, the influence of the masculine principle only makes the girl more masculine, while the influence of the feminine sign makes the man more sensitive. You just need not to overdo it. However, these two are not threatened.

The bull is least of all prone to excess feminine traits, such as passivity, humility, humility, etc. It's just that his masculinity and stubbornness are compensated by courtesy and tenderness, if only primitive traits do not prevail. The Libra girl will have slightly more problems with the balance of the properties given to her, after all, her symbol is scales, and this is a mechanism that requires fine adjustment.

Libra girls are almost always adorable. Even if she has simple facial features, her completely dazzling smile makes her consider her a beauty. She has dimples on her cheeks, a gentle gaze, a clear and pleasant voice, graceful manners. With a touchingly helpless look, she will allow you to pull up a chair for her, hold the door and bring things. It looks like an angel of femininity. Inside she is driven by male principles, conditioned by her sign of leadership: strength - resilience - masculinity - offensiveness - victory - power. This does not mean that she is invulnerable, but her armor is much stronger than you would expect from her appearance. She also recovers quickly from the blows.

Taurus's heart wounds heal slowly, and it is better for him to know the rules of the game with the Libra woman in advance. But the Bull does not like to discuss the situation before he fully comprehends it. After that, he takes decisive action and rarely changes his point of view. She is characterized by the same determination and the same constancy of views. As soon as she makes a decision, she goes forward with incredible energy and determination. Therefore, she does not understand why she is undeservedly accused of indecision. She just needs time to assess and weigh the situation. For Taurus, this time is busy with silent reflections, and for Libra - long discussions of all the pros and cons. At the same time, his too little enthusiasm for participating in a verbal marathon may cause her resentment.

The physical attraction between this woman and the man is often very strong; it probably serves as the basis for the initial interest and is unlikely to disappear upon closer acquaintance. Most likely, it will add depth to their relationship. Perhaps her approach will seem too abstract next to his earthly sensual needs. However, they are both sentimental romantics, who also know how to combine eroticism with love. There is a correlation of signs between them that promotes sexual interest and satisfaction, as well as selfless devotion and a desire to help.

Of course, a Taurus man is often a real find for a Libra woman. His very presence soothes her restless soul. And no one more confident and reliable than the Bull can comfortably lead her out of those dead ends of indecision that are characteristic of Libra. His warmth and humor, his reliability and common sense are what she was always looking for. After all, even birds, as much as they enjoy flying, rest on the branches from time to time and build their nests, rejoicing in safety and peace.

This couple has another advantage: their natural optimism can serve as a great counterbalance to Taurus pessimism. No one can cheer up a Taurus as easily as she does. He may resist, but seduced and blinded by her smile and encouraged by her voice, he will become a plush toy in her hands. Deep down, he admires her mind, however, as long as she recognizes the fact of his male superiority. The Taurus man will be proud that his Libra girlfriend handles everything so easily. The trick is to prevent him from realizing that her real gift is the ability to deal with him.


Taurus and Libra were born under the auspices of the beautiful and mysterious planet Venus, so many stars say that the compatibility of these zodiac signs can be perfect.

However, some astrologers skeptically shrug their shoulders and advise Taurus and Libra not to rush to create an alliance - your elements are too different.

Taurus are born under the element of the earth, they are stubborn and straightforward, it is difficult to argue with them, so it will not be so easy for them to get along with Libra, which is under the air element. But if the land of Taurus is not against the hurricanes of Libra, then the stars with all their rays for the cooperation of signs - you will succeed, besides, the risk is a noble business.

The differences between Taurus and Libra are also that the signs of the earth were born in the spring months, when nature awakens, everyone is full of strength and grandiose plans. But Libra are autumn birds, and are always ready to face the harsh winter, which also affects the character, the air signs are more focused and cold-blooded, and their main strength is conviction.

The pets of Venus have many similarities - Libra and Taurus know how to adapt to circumstances, the signs of earth and air are unusually fair and decent, and the honesty of Venus's wards is beyond doubt.

Taurus woman and Libra man

Lady Taurus is a mysterious and alluring, but at the same time extremely practical woman. The Venus pet is confident in herself and in her attractiveness, she knows what she wants from the very birth. Baby Taurus, while still in the hospital, would explain to the staff how to behave, if only she could speak. The people around them are completely delighted with the independence of Taurus, because the girl of the earth sets real goals and moves towards them, not paying attention to the difficulties. Men who meet the Taurus lady on the way are unusually lucky - in the role of a friend, the girl of the earth is ideal, and what kind of mistress she is, the stars are silent. They will only say that it is possible to compete for the attention of this sorceress - the husband of Taurus will become the happiest guy in the world.

Libra's guy is a charming and passionate guy, ready for exploits since kindergarten. But the air boy does not like responsibility, so from the outside he may seem infantile. A Libra man does not need to conquer women - girls of all stripes themselves fly to his light and are ready to follow the airy handsome even to the ends of the earth. The Libra guy is docile and will find a common language with anyone, in his friends there are even grumpy old women to whom the ladies man made a couple of compliments or chopped wood. But young coquettes near the air boy are much more common - all girls are ready to wait for years until their dear and charming acquaintance proposes. But the pet of Venus is in no hurry, because he believes - fate has prepared for him a meeting with the best woman on earth, so the Libra guy will go to the registry office only for great and bright love.

Dating a Taurus woman and a Libra man

The Libra guy has great taste, and the Taurus girl would rather go to the opera than a cheap thriller. Therefore, the acquaintance of an airy guy and an earthly girl is likely to happen somewhere at a concert of a famous singer, or at a meeting of poets. The Libra boy, always surrounded by fans, is unlikely to pay attention to the stranger who wanders with her friend during the intermission and discusses the surrounding men. But it was not so - the Taurus girl will not tolerate if at least one man did not pay attention to her - the Libra guy can prepare for the attack of the earthly beauty.

First, the Taurus lady will break through the crowd of beauties, and be sure to insert a line into the monologue of some dummy - Libra will certainly appreciate the wit of the lady of the earth. And then the matter is small - the excellent manners and upbringing of the Taurus girl drove not one man crazy, but the impressionable pet of Venus is already next in line, and will not be able to resist the charm of an earthly sorceress.

The Taurus girl is familiar with the rules of flirting, so the Libra boy will even be confused - just a new acquaintance praised his refined taste in choosing a tie, and has already turned away and flirts with some oligarch. And if the Libra guy is confused, then the Taurus lady can mentally applaud her successes - he will rush to a date the very next day. Of course, one should not think that the Taurus lady is such a calculating and cunning person, she just really liked the cute airy boy.

Dating a Taurus woman and a Libra man

The pets of Venus can make a date anywhere - the meeting will take place ideally even at the grandmother's dacha, even in a chic restaurant. A demanding guy in the air will be shocked that he will not find a single flaw in the Taurus lady. The outfit of the lady of the earth will be gorgeous - after all, her taste is as impeccable as that of the Libra guy. The stars will not even talk about makeup and hairstyle - the best stylists have worked on the Taurus lady.

The Libra guy himself also knows a lot about fashion, and the Taurus girl will be pleased to see how much effort her new acquaintance put in to look good. Lady Taurus will appreciate any gift that the boy of air will give, but it is advisable for Libra to show imagination and not be limited to a banal cream-colored rose. Libra's guy is still a gourmet, so for the first hours of communication he will sing praises to the cook and talk about what delicious pies his grandma bakes. Lady Taurus is a wise person, she, of course, will catch hints of a continuation of the relationship.

But the stars ask the couple not to rush things - Cupid has not yet returned from the last order, so it is better to wait for the little boy with arrows to be sure. Venus will help her wards cope with modesty - the planet of love will give the signs of earth and air a few ideas on how to end this date. The main thing is to do without vulgarity, but a cup of coffee with cinnamon offered by lady Taurus, after the gallant Libra guy spends it, will not be superfluous.

Cupid, finally, dealt with all the couples, and flew to the cute airy-earthy kids. The Taurus lady and the Libra guy will immediately feel the prick of arrows, which the mischievous man with wings will reward them with - of course, the lovers will not immediately rush to hug, but you can explain your feelings.

The dual nature of the Libra guy gives him a lot of trouble, but with the Taurus girl he will achieve the necessary harmony. Closeness with Taurus will help an impressionable airy guy to forget about past unsuccessful romances, he will even give up work, and will be ready to spend with a new passion around the clock. The girl of the earth will even be afraid of the feelings that she will have for this mysterious airy boy - this has not happened for a long time. But the stars are in a hurry to calm Taurus - now the Libra boy is forever there, and no one can separate you.

Doves in love will experience the joys of life together almost immediately - after all, they cannot leave, so the Libra man will run around all the shops, spend all his savings and buy food for a year in advance, so that the Taurus lady does not go out anywhere. Daily romantic evenings are wonderful, but soon the children will get bored - alas, but the euphoria ends, and everyday life is already knocking at the door of the air-earthly couple.

After the Taurus lady surprises the guy in the air with all the culinary recipes she knew, and the Libra man spends the last ruble from his credit card, the couple will have to solve pressing problems. Lady Taurus will remember her jealousy - her airy friend does not work in the tundra, and young beauties are bound to hover around him. So the Libra boy should be patient and not get nervous when his mistrustful girlfriend checks the messages on social networks and carefully reads the comments.

The Libra guy will start to disappear in the evenings - he will either stay with a friend, or will visit his parents, in general, there will be enough reasons for quarrels. The stars have already made a list of rules for Taurus with Libra. The main rule of relationships for lovers should be the phrase: No control, otherwise you can immediately say goodbye and look for happiness in another union.

An airy-earthly couple will not hurt a little parting, however, there is no need to part in English - it is better to sit down and talk calmly. You will not go anywhere from each other, especially since the parents of Libra and Taurus have already become related and are preparing for the celebration with might and main, they have even bought pigeons, and the birds cannot sit in a cage for a long time, so it's time for lovers to set a wedding day.

There will be a sea of \u200b\u200bpeople at the wedding of the bride of Taurus and the groom of Libra - even the friends with whom the newlyweds went to the nursery will come. After all, everyone is interested in whom Taurus and Libra traded their freedom for. Venus will help to ensure that the celebration goes perfectly - the former lovers of the signs of air and earth will not be able to seep into the wedding, and Taurus and Libra will not have to blush and explain themselves.

The Taurus wife will be able to make her husband happy and stop forever digging into herself and suffering from doubts. Libra's husband will become calmer, however, his frivolous nature will be annoyed by the practicality of his wife. But nothing, the stars promise - in five years the air-earthly couple will get used to each other, and the differences in the elements will be completely invisible.

The stars believe that the appearance of children will not have to wait long. Libra's dad is a role model, he will amuse his children and always come up with all sorts of entertainment for them. And mother Taurus at this time will prepare a mountain of pies and cookies for the whole friendly family, besides, the neighbor's tomboys promised to run in, so it will not be boring. Having lived together for ten and twenty years, a pair of air and earth will not lose their feelings, although there will be no mad passion, but the wife of Taurus and the husband of Libra are confident in each other and know that their love is forever.

An autumn boyfriend and a spring girl can start making friends at a young age. Pets of Venus, despite the differences in characters, will be able to get along. A sociable guy in the air will certainly appreciate the determination of the girl of the earth, because Libra himself rarely makes decisions, and is afraid of responsibility. An airy-earthly couple of friends will often be naughty, but the fearful Libra guy will hide behind the back of his energetic girlfriend. However, the Taurus girl will not be offended by her friend - after all, Libra is terribly fun and never boring, and everyone has drawbacks.

But the Libra boy is fair, and will always stand up for the one who is weaker - the Taurus girl, knowing this feature of Libra, always draws her friend into a situation where you need to judge and understand who is right. The Taurus girl does everything slowly but thoroughly, and the Libra guy is promiscuous in hobbies, so their friendship is useful for both.

The air and earth signs love music, so friends can often be found at concerts, where they dance with delight to their favorite band. The wards of Venus will remain faithful to each other forever, because if they promised that they would not part, then no one would destroy their strong union. Married life will not interfere with air-earthy friends - if they agreed to go fishing, then even the wedding anniversary, or the birthday of the half will not become an obstacle for them.


The Libra guy always surrounds himself with nice people, and he will even work with those he likes. Therefore, the Taurus lady can become the best ally for such an electoral comrade - after all, she is smart, responsible and stubborn, and Libra just lacks perseverance.

The Taurus girl does not like innovations, and the Libra guy strives for change, therefore, in their union, one must sit in the office and draw up plans and reports, and the second at this time will ride on business trips and conclude contracts.

The Libra businessman does not like obstacles, he is even ready to retreat from a profitable deal if it seems to him that competitors are too actively putting spokes in the wheels. Here the Taurus lady will come in handy, whom all sorts of obstacles only please and help to find solutions.

Pets of Venus love luxury and a stable life; an air-earth couple usually do not have problems with finances. Therefore, together Taurus and Libra can achieve significant success and become, if not oligarchs, then wealthy people for sure.

The signs of air and earth should be remembered - no verbal promises to each other, even if the union is based on friendship, because money always loves the account, and it never hurts to be insured.

Taurus man and Libra woman

The Taurus guy is a strong and reliable, intelligent and responsible person, you can rely on him and entrust the most intimate secrets. The pet of Venus has a tremendous power of self-control, his thoughts are always in perfect order - this is to the liking of the surrounding ladies who sleep and see how to go down the aisle with Taurus. But the boy of the earth is not so simple - he will go to the registry office only when he is able to provide his wife with everything necessary, and besides, the wife still needs to be found, because not every woman will meet the requirements of Taurus. But in the role of husband, the guy of the earth is just a godsend - a kind, intelligent and most affectionate husband of all spouses in the world.

Libra girl is a lovely and charming lady, touching and gentle princess. The adorable pet Venus is always surrounded by fans, but the Libra lady is picky, although in her youth she steps on the same rake several times. But the mistakes of youth do not spoil the character of the lady of the air - at any age she is light and cheerful, and is always ready for a new and magical relationship. Libra girl can be charming or cold - it all depends on which partner is next to her. If a lady of the air gets a good husband, then she will be a great hostess and a passionate lover. The Libra lady will do everything for her husband to succeed in life, she will never leave him in case of difficulties, so the Libra husband should understand that next to him is a real pearl.

Dating a Taurus man and a Libra woman

The housekeeper of the land often looks at the All for Dacha and Garden store, where he looks after a new improved shovel, or looks for cover for greenhouses. Surprisingly, the Libra girl can also be there - the air lady will look for something like that for her new alpine slide, because Venus's pet loves flowers and everything connected with them.

Taurus will certainly be interested in a mysterious lady who stands out favorably against the background of aunts who came for seeds - the Libra girl always looks great, and you can't even say from her excellent manicure that she transplanted violets an hour ago. There are as many topics for conversation as you like - it all depends on the assortment of the store where Venus's wards will meet. The Libra lady will certainly succumb to the charms of a charming intellectual, and she will not even be afraid to go for a walk with him - but Taurus must remember: no vulgar hints, even if he is already head over heels in love.

Cupid will do his job even in the store - the seller kindly gave him his place, and while Taurus and Libra were paying at the checkout, the mischievous man deftly shot his well-aimed arrows at them.

The stars are sure that the continuation of the acquaintance is not far off, because Taurus did not have time to tell the lady of the air about all the plants that grow in his magic garden, so the Libra girl will look forward to a date. In addition, the intuition of Venus's pet is always at its best, and this time, she literally screams: Don't let this guy go!

Date of a Taurus man and a Libra woman

Both pets of Venus will look forward to the first date - Taurus will grow a new wonderful flower for the lady of the air, and will learn how to cook dandelion salad. You can write a novel about how the Libra lady will prepare for the meeting - she will go through all her outfits, and only for this Libra can be erected a monument, because the clothes of Venus's pet are incredible.

As a result, the Libra lady will seize all her savings and rush to the shops - all the expensive boutiques in the city will exceed the sales target. In addition, the local bums will be lucky - after all, a Libra woman in a fit of anger will get rid of all her annoying things by throwing them out the window.

Taurus will be amazed, because he already remembered the Libra lady as the most beautiful woman in the universe, and perfection itself will appear on a date. It is unlikely that Taurus during this meeting will be able to talk about his innovations on the personal plot - the air-earthly couple will not have time for conversations, because the pets of Venus will be silent and admire each other.

When the stupor at the signs of earth and air passes, they will finally be able to figure out that the time has come to act - the stars advise Taurus and Libra to go out of town. In nature, Venus's wards will relax and behave like children - the Libra lady will even forget that her new shoes cost a thousand dollars, and will be delighted with Taurus across the field, or along the river bank.

At first, the mutual understanding of the signs of air and earth will be ideal - the Libra girl will understand Taurus perfectly, and the Taurus boy himself will be ready to carry his beloved in his arms around the clock.

After closeness, the earth-air couple will generally go crazy with happiness - such harmony has never happened between Taurus and Libra. And all past novels and relationships will seem ordinary and meaningless to them.

Cupid, just in case, set up surveillance for the lovers - he will appear to them in the form of a neighbor's granny, who has come to fetch salt, then he will turn into a dove, and will fly into the apartment of Taurus and Libra as if by accident.

Sentimental Taurus will flutter with happiness and will do everything to make his airy fairy enjoy life - the Libra lady's wardrobe will be replenished again. In addition, the boy of the earth has excellent taste - all the outfits he bought will please Libra, and the chosen one will guess with the size.

But, unfortunately, the air-earthly doves cannot do without difficulties - Taurus is a jealous boy, and he is ready to lock such a lady like Libra in a golden dungeon, so that no one looks at her. And the girl of the air hates scenes and all sorts of showdowns are not for her. But the Libra lady is good-natured and cheerful, will find a common language with anyone, and even more so, she will be able to convince her beloved Taurus boyfriend that she does not need anyone, because she found him - such a wonderful lover and ideal companion.

Relationship between a Taurus man and a Libra woman

The sensual patroness of Taurus and Libra will do everything to make the signs understand that they are created for each other. But this does not mean at all that it is time to run to the registry office and legalize the relationship. Be patient, the stars advise, and it is not advisable to rush to a civil marriage either - otherwise you may quarrel without having time to put on each other's wedding rings.

A Taurus man and a Libra woman need to get out into people more often - a couple of air and earth are unanimously recognized as the most beautiful and elegant couple. Quarrels can be avoided if you do not bother each other with stories about past romances - Taurus's former girlfriends and Libra's boyfriends will annoy them with their endless calls and love messages. So Taurus and Libra must remember the rule - do not look into each other's phones, otherwise scandals will be frequent guests in your relationship.

It is advisable for lovers of earth and air to trust each other, and mutual friends will help in this, who will agree with each other, and in turn will admire the ideal relationship between a Taurus guy and a Libra lady. During the relationship, the practical Taurus will solve all the problems of the lady of the air - he will finish the alpine slide for her, and he will complete the repairs in the apartment, and even according to European standards. After all, the earthly guy has already understood that the wedding is not far off, you just need to convince the capricious darling that fate brought them together so that they live together a long, happy and rich life.

In the history of weddings, the celebration of Libra and Taurus will be the most flawless. Taurus will personally monitor the quality of food and the freshness of the bouquets, persuade friends to inflate balloons, and drives the toastmaster, forcing him to rehearse his speech a hundred times a day. The Libra lady will tire the photographer - after all, she is so sophisticated, and knows better how to stand up and turn her head so that the light falls where it needs to be. In general, wedding photos will be gorgeous, and all magazines in the world dream of Libra and Taurus on their cover.

A happy family life for the husband of Taurus and wife of Libra will last a couple of years. Then everyday difficulties will begin, but they will not darken the airy-earthly idyll. Taurus will teach his cute spender to keep track of the budget, though with great difficulty - Libra's wife loves money, but for some reason she runs out of money in the blink of an eye, besides, the lady of the air often forgets her wallet in the store. But all sellers already know the habit of a frivolous customer and immediately call her husband Taurus.

It's better not to delay the birth of babies, the stars say, for a couple, three years, of course, you can live for yourself, and only then call the stork and invite him to visit.

Libra's mother is an amazing woman, she has an innate ability to educate and convince. Taurus dad is also not a mistake - he will become a great authority for the offspring. The people around are delighted with the relationship of the earthly-air spouses - the house is always full of guests, and at the same time perfect cleanliness, and smart and well-mannered children touch even grumpy neighbors.

Taurus and Libra can make friends at an early age. Venus, who patronizes them, will definitely help their pets get together. The Libra girl is very sociable, the baby is always full of friends, and the charming friend Taurus will be her best friend.

Torn off the earth and air will often drive teachers to white heat with eternal antics and pranks, but at the same time, friends Taurus and Libra will innocently clap their eyes and pretend that they are not to blame. But the guy Taurus and the girl Libra achieve excellent academic success - the determined Taurus will always make his frivolous girlfriend learn her lessons, and will not let her dance until she does all the tasks.

The Libra girl will add vanity and fun to the measured life of Taurus - Taurus knows that if he is bored, then there is nothing easier: you just need to dial the number of your beloved friend. The signs of earth and air will respect each other until a ripe old age. Grandpa Taurus will always listen to his grumpy grandma Libra and help her deal with the neighbors who tortured the old woman with endless repairs. The grandfather of the earth will personally come to the impudent neighbor and break the hammer drill into small pieces. And the airy granny will thank her faithful friend and bake him soft pies with jam, because her beloved Taurus has such a sweet tooth.


The Libra lady and the Taurus guy can achieve good results in business if they create an alliance and correctly distribute responsibilities. The woman of the air is an excellent negotiator, she will convince everyone around that their company is the best, and only she and Taurus are able to produce the desired result. And the guy Taurus at this time will be engaged in business and will succeed, because he knows that his companion in a skirt has already given advertising, and it remains only to wait for orders.

In the union of Libra and Taurus, it is advisable to take the main role for the guy of the earth - he will better manage money and, unlike the frivolous lady of Libra, will not invest in all sorts of nonsense. The lady of the air is always full of grandiose and unusual plans - the practical and hardworking Taurus will only have to find a couple of adequate ideas and start implementing them.

The Libra lady can be modest when it comes to salaries, she simply does not know how to demand the due fee, but in cooperation with Taurus, this should not bother her - the faithful and honest companion of the earth will not hide a penny, he will even pay Libra out of his own pocket.

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