How to sit on a twine for a woman of a different age: give her a right to stretch. How to sit on the transverse twine - the secrets are right

One of the best ways to demonstrate flexibility is the transverse twine. The skin girl, at least once, but she wanted to wake up those who were absent and stretch us in front of her and correct the damage. The twine is used in various types of physical activity - in dances, fighting arts, and for artistic gymnasts, the twine is late and transverse and is a general element of the program.

In order to sit on the transverse twine, it is necessary to report chimalo zusil. Then yak garno!

Flexibility is due to the fact that the transverse twine is considered by the most foldable type of stretching and for bags it is so overwhelmed by the world through a lack of grip or a special structure. Practice shows that it’s not so easy to create a dream, even more smut - mother bazhannya and pragnate to reach the set goal. Are you ready for the wedding? Let's find out how to sit on the transverse twine.

On the way to the twine - five basic rules

Understandably, for the first time you will not be able to succumb to the charm of “ale op” - and you are already sitting in a twine. Let's start from a simple one - from the basic rules, which will become you in good luck in the process of stretching.

Proceed to the head - extensions on the transverse twine. Day after day, the simple complex is right, you should immediately raise your fuzziness, and that means - get closer to the vikonanniy of the sacred bazhann. The axis of the kіlka is right, yakі allow you to stretch the m'yazi and the tendon before the later and transverse twine.


To the right, a blizzard will help you sit on the twine.

Tsya is right to increase the flexibility of the inguinal tendon and stretch the inner lining of the crotch.

  • Sit on the floor, bend your legs in knees and fold your feet. Try to pull the five closer to the body, and try to squeeze the knee with your hands to the knee.
  • Return respect to your position - when vikonann, right, the back can be straight.
  • At the “blizzard” position, open your hands in front of your feet and shrug forward. The knee is pressed as close as possible to the fold, the back is straight.


Stretch your body to the floor with a straight back.

It is rightly more effective for stretching the back and inner surfaces of the quilt, as well as the subknee tendon.

  • Sit on the floor, open the legs of the kill as wide as possible. The legs are tossed straight, and the scarpets look uphill.
  • Stretch your hands in front of you, and sway forward. Your task is to "lay" the chest on the bed, so that your body lies, "like a baby." Stretch a sprat of wheeze in such a position.
  • Then, with your arms drawn in front of you, stretch your hips to your left leg (ideally, the body is obliged to lie on your leg, and your hands to hug your feet), and then to your right.
  • Build 5-7 approaches, 10 nachils to the skin leg.

Hundreds of fingers

Tsya is right to accentuate herself on the area under the column. Stretching on the transverse twine is possible only if you comprehensively improve the development of the flexion of the lower part of the body.

  • Stand on the floor, legs can be straight, stop - at once. Cheer up to the point - you are guilty of sticking your fingers with your fingers. Do not bend the knee, stay on the skin for 40-60 seconds
  • You can rightly walk and sit. The principle of the same - with the fingers of the hands of you guilty, touch to the knees, the back can be straight, and the knees are equal. If you reach the level of the “master” at the stretching process, you can reach into your feet with your hands.

Struggling with licks to pidlogs

Tse is also important to the right, її you can vikonuvat without a middle in front of him, like sitting on a transverse twine.

  • In a standing position, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Stretch forward (legs are even) and try to reach out with your hands to the fold. Your zavdannya "maximum" - put the letters on the sublog.
  • In a standing position (feet shoulder-width apart), try to grab brushes. Cheer up on the back to the right hand, then to the left hand. It is right to earn money from 5 approaches 10 times.

We sit on the twine

Now, after that, as you have done everything right, you can try to sit on the transverse twine.

  • Sit on your back, put your hands on the floor in front of you. Now you are properly spreading the legs of the killer, trying to straighten them out.
  • Trim yourself in this position for as long as possible, then turn around to the outward position. Give the m'yazam a chance to re-string the twine. Repeat right 5-7 times.

Garny twine is the result of a good stretch.

Regular stretching on the transverse twine will allow you to increase the flexibility of the m'yaziv, to improve the cool loam and to increase the tone of the body.

8 years ago, Olena began to take up pivdens. Started from scratch, gained enough knowledge and now trains a student. Її teams take part in regional zmagannyah and take prizes of the month.

Olena opened me up, needed some time, to sit on the twine, how to lift the stretch and showed the basic right.

How to practice stretching

Those who are a beginner feel discomfort under the hour of stretching and cannot reach the twine does not mean that the fault of nature is not wild, but the m'yazi is short. Discomfort and tightness is simply due to the body's reaction to the irrational pressure.

M'yazakh have receptors "foreigners" - proprioceptors. The stench is sensitive to stretching. If we sit on the twine, the "protectors" signal the brain about the lack of safety and the brain reacts to the blocking of the m'yaziv. At this moment, we are given that we have reached the maximum and we cannot stretch more. The cerebrostatic reflex is an important response to the body, as it protects against injuries.

Reflex arc of the spinal cord. Ray Long "Anatomy for backbends and twists".

If you continue to stretch, then stretch to start the tendon, in which there are also receptors "zabіzhniki". The tendon may not be elastic and can be traumatized more tightly than the skin. Our brain knows about it. As soon as there is a signal from the tendon receptors, the brain sets the priorities for blocking the mucus, as a larger elastic organ. At this moment, we can stretch even a little bit more, even if it took a few seconds, it’s impossible.

Reflex arc of the spinal cord. Ray Long "Anatomy for hip openers and forward bends".

Even though it is regularly spreading, the receptors of the guards ring out to new minds and give a signal all the time. To this, step by step, the twine becomes daedalі glibshim.

Under the hour of drawing up the m'yazi, they spend it in a new mind, which chirp step by step. Therefore, the skin amplitude increase is accompanied by discomfort.


The twine is most often accepted as the ultimate method of stretching. If you look at the twine as a physical activity, improve all the nuances and stretching rules, then you can keep your body in good shape.

The melancholy of the deep stretching of the human body is obvious:

  • znimaє tension and spasm of m'yazovih fibers;
  • raises the tone and elasticity of the skin;
  • improve the friability of loam;
  • to live m'yazovі fabrics and suglobi for rahunok struma lymph and blood;
  • rob the body with a more gnuchky and vitrivalim;
  • take care of your health and prolong your youth.

Trainers have the right to train the muscles of the back to the twine, stretch and pull the ridge and increase the friability of the kulshovy loam

Why start

We walk, sit, lie on the couch in a wonderful life - all these things do not hang on the wind. Therefore, in the first occupations, the m'yazi, fascia and tendon are not yet ready for a sharp stretching. Do not put your hands on the first day of the day to sit on the twine.

Let go of the small vanity and comfort amplitude. Gradually increase the number of exercises, repetition, the hour of stretching and the amplitude. It is possible to have a complex of rights, which is recommended by physiologists Arnold Nelson and Yuko Kokkonen in his book “Anatomy of Rights to Stretch”.

Correct from a small amplitude and incrementally increase it

Yak correctly dihati

It is easier to sit on the twine, if you breathe correctly. For whom it is necessary to follow two rules: do not hinder the breath and gravitate towards the vidikha.

Under the hour, right for stretching, the beginners miraculously strain and, before the greatest stretching, tighten their breath. It is part of the zahisnoy reaction, yak vinikaє through ochіkuvannya pain and discomfort. M'yazi, fascia, tendon and the whole organism are energized. And for a comfortable stretching, you need to relax.

If you have drunk yourself on thoughts, that you have hung up on them - do not hurry to finish right, to rest in a comfortable position. See and breathe again. Quite right and deep, then adjust your breath to your sonorous rhythm. If you are breathing evenly, think about another rule - gravitate towards the video.

Under an hour, I see a change in the pressure on the ribs, m'yazi and the wall of the abdomen. Such a local relaxation helps to relax the whole organism and eases the tension.

Do not hush up the breath and gravitate towards the video. Tse easier stretching

How to sit on the transverse twine

Deer on the cross twine


Before you have the right to draw, it is necessary to break it down. For additional warm-ups, we can increase the blood circulation and increase the temperature of the m'yaziv. Rosіgrіtі m'yazi is easier to pull and more collapsible to injure.

Rozminochni have the right to share in the formal and special.

  • Zagalni will be needed for the painting of the whole body. Tse, for example, big pidtyuptsy and haircuts on jump ropes.
  • Special- play okremi groups of m'yaziv. For the twine, we will need to draw the m'yazi of the kulshovo region.

Before stretching, we can stribat on the jump ropes, and then proceed to special rights. It is necessary to relax so that you can sleep a little, but do not get tired.

1. Spread your legs wide, open the sashes at the side 2. Sit down so that the quilts are parallel to the bottom, and the knee is on the same line with the heels 3. Repeat to the right 10 times

1. Spread your legs wide, don’t bend your knee 2. Heal yourself to the ground 10 times, your back is guilty of being even

1. Without changing position, get sick to one leg. 2. Trim in this position.

1. Lie down on the incline 2. Bend one leg at the knee 3. Roll 10 wraps in one roll, then in the next 4. Repeat with the other leg to the right

Warm up before stretching. Warm-up relieves stretching and reduces the risk of injury


Right to the stretching, they are blown up by the roses, so that the stench step by step increases the amplitude of the cracks. Seemingly simpler, you yourself can sit on the twine for help.

1. Sit on a kilimok and bend your legs in knees 2. Open your knees to the sides, pull your feet together 3. Grasp your feet with your hands 4. Without rounding your back, heal your body forward, press your knee to the knee 5. Treat yourself in this position

1. Lower the number of the left leg on the pidlog. 2. Put the foot of the right leg on the knee of the left leg. 3. Squeeze the knee of the right leg to the foot of the left leg. 4. Stretch forward, the back is guilty of getting rid of even.

1. Sitting on a kilimka, spread your legs in different sides. 2. Put your hands in front of you and move your pelvis back and forth. Importantly roll the pelvis, not the shoulders


Tsya to the right for you to sit on the twine. Yogo is necessary to work after the whole complex, which stretches. The first sprat to occupy the system will not be seen, but the next step will be closer and closer.

1. Press down to the wall so as not to fall back 2. Begin to open your legs properly in different sides 3. Lean on a cube, as it is necessary

Check for yourself: the back is straight, the legs are drawn in one line.

How to sit on the late twine


1. With one hand touch the wall 2. Walk up on the scarves 3. Get down on the right foot 4. Walk 2 times 10 times

1. With one hand touch the wall 2. Bend your leg at the knee 3. With your bent leg, work 10 wraps in one roll, then in the next 4. Repeat with the other leg to the right

1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, back straight 2. Sit down so that your legs are parallel to your feet 3. Turn around 4. Repeat 10 times

1. Stand on all fours 2. Raise one leg bent in the knee, stably parallel to the knee 3. Raise the leg 10 times 4. Repeat to the right with the other leg

Under the hour of the late twine on the front and back legs of the victorious different groups of m'yaziv. That's why it's right for the front and back legs to be different.


Zavdyaki have the right to stretching, it will be easier for you to sit on the later splits for the increase in the amplitude of the breaks.

front leg

1. Sit on the bed, stretch your legs. 2. Lіvu leg zіgnіt. 3. Put your right hand on the right knee. 4. Put your left hand on your right ankle.

1. Without changing the position, put the palms on the ground on the side of the leg. 2. Stretch your legs as far as you can, your back is guilty of being even.

1. Without changing the position, put your right hand behind you. 2. With the left hand, take the right leg by the foot. 3. Straighten your right leg and pull on yourself.

1. Take cubes or books for support. 2. Stand on your knees, pull your right leg in front of you. 3. Put the cubes on the sides of your face and lean on them with your hands. other leg

1. Without changing the position, lay the palms on the sides of the legs. 2. To heal up to the leg 10 times, the back is guilty of being left even.

1. Without changing the position, stretch your legs as far as possible, your back is to be left even. 2. Trim in this position.

back leg

Check for yourself: the back is straight, the heels of the hind leg marvel at the stele, the pelvic bones are on the same line.

Skіlki pіde o'clock

Stretching will last for a month until delivery. Do not equal yourself with others, even if there are not two people who are the same. For example, if your friend Masha even once sat on the splits up to twenty-three years, she can take it up again on the next day of the month. Tim, who never sat down, needs up to six months.

There will be a period, if there is no obvious progress, but it will be a normal phenomenon. You all sit down. It's just that on the very cob you will see less of the nervous system. For fascia, muscle and tendon, this stage of stretching is the norm. Vin go to finish the shvidko. If ten centimeters are lost before the underlay, the process will be more manageable, because at this stage the fabrics are already stretched to the maximum and are forced to stretch. You'll just need to be patient.

All people are individual and for stretching can drink from a month to delivery

How to tweak the result

The twine is picked up after two days after pinning to take it. Then we’ll be more foldable on the new one, and if we don’t see busy, then in two more days we’ll turn to the cob row. Therefore, the draw is necessary to support. For whom it is necessary to draw up a smaller number of girls for the day.

You can work one intensive and one supporting complex.

  • Intensive- That one, under the hour of some kind of strength on the twine.
  • Supporting- The one that you robbed on the first day.

Take care of the girls for the day, in order to increase the reach of the extension

Substitution and contraindication

If you want to sit on the twine, then start better under the coach’s sawy respect, so you don’t pull the m’yazi and don’t make a mess on the first job. The most common in the development of m'yaziv is the number of steps, but the regular pidhіd. Do not squander yourself on the first day of your life to the maximum, and through the bіl set records for your hairy gnatness.

First, proceed to stretching, turn it over, what is not on the list to counter-indicate your tendency:

  • injuries of the subcolonial tendon and inguinal ligaments;
  • spine injuries;
  • interruption of ignition processes in the support-rukhovy system;
  • uterine prolapse.


  1. Discomfort under the hour of stretching is the norm. M'yazi consume new extreme minds, such step by step zvikayut.
  2. Start with a small amplitude and step by step increase it.
  3. Under the hour of stretching, do not trim the breath and stretch for the vidikha.
  4. Before stretching, knead the shoes.
  5. For stretching from one month to the next.
  6. In order to improve the result, it is necessary to expand the two for the day.

We figured out how to stretch correctly for twine. Ale Olena, as an informed coach, recommends not to deprive other people without respect. We have prepared for you a selection of training complexes, which will help you keep your whole body in good shape. Enter your email and press the download button ↓

Even richer girls, having read summative articles on kshtalt: “Sit for some kind of twine for 10 quills,” they try to do everything “possible” for the whole hour. Here, for the most part, there is a minimum hour, which is necessary to spend on mastering the right day, stretching ten months.

Similar statements do not show off any criticism, but try to understand the same for this term - a direct path to important injuries!

All to fight for a long time and step by step, and take care of the next all the same under the coach’s sight. Prote is far from skin (skin) you can afford it. Reasons:

  • See the fitness center.
  • Come on in the next hour.
  • Exchange with penny cats.
  • Notoriety, which inspires training among a great number of athletes for various other reasons, for example, through bad genetic data.

That is why rich people blame food: why can’t you work in the minds of your home?

Practice will tell you what is possible. Forget the following:

  1. Stretching is a non-traumatic process. Far from all ties are soft and good to pull.
  2. Do not recognize your own unrealistic terms and plans, for example, try to do the splits in one day, people, as you have not gone in for any and any sports, but you don’t know how to fight properly. Tse is an absurdity, which is not possible for itself even a little bit of logic. Everything needs a system of that sequence.
  3. Varto listen to the reaction of the body of the body, mastering the technique of discipline for the correct recommendations, including video materials.
  4. As if a person, who is training, did not hurry, it is absolutely unacceptable to ignore the warm-up, as it is the fault of the good rozigrіti m'yazi, tendon and zv'yazki. 15 minutes of the right warm-up are poured into all the m'yazi without a blame. Well, even more so, it is necessary to give special respect to the leg meats.
  5. As an addition to the warm-up, you can take a hot shower.
  6. Stretching is better than about three times a day. Її you can ride (curl) with power disciplines, aerobics is thin. Vaughn to fight as if in the wake of strength training, so I swear today: Monday - fitness, second - stretching thinly.
  7. If there is a lot of domestic minds, then you can do it 6 times a day, without power rights.

Training booth without injuries: what is needed for whom?

Be-yakіy metі the advanced technique, yak vmagaє mastering that respectful vіdnoshennia. Sіsti on the twine without shkodi for health:

  • Mustaches are necessary, it is necessary to win smoothly, not slacking rivkivs - the ambition may be less equal.
  • Follow the memory, try the system on the twine - it's stressful for the body and we don't know the natural process, shards to wind up everything is absolutely right, all the links are injured by the singing world.
  • Seeing a lingering pain is inevitable. Itself in such moments it is necessary to relax at the vikonn, and still lie down to learn.

See the twine

The twine is divided into two types. Stink Axis:

  1. Static. Vikonuetsya on pіdlozі. Tse if you have the right to shy away at a reasonable pace and then go over to static. Such, in his line, is subdivided into a later and transverse option - the rest is technically more folding.
  2. Dynamic. It can be reached by shock waves (that is, by different swings of the nig).

See insulting as bi dopovnyuyut one alone. Reporter:

  • One person goes in for a swing to become a twine, but you can’t fix this camp, sitting on a bed.
  • For another, everything looks exactly the same.

For the same reason, additional training in dynamics and statics is better than drawing. Butt: after that, as a person sat in static close to the hvilin, it is necessary to follow the swing of the legs - approximately pivhvilin.

Vikonuyuchi static right, it is not necessary to spend the whole hour in one position - it is better to work like kidnapping, like at different sides, so uphill and down. The amplitude can be small, and the stitches are smooth when the links are tight. M'yazi are at their own place in a relaxed state.

Take an hour for statics to increase the timer. Start vikonanny right next - 20-30 s, incrementally increasing the hour.

Get swept up in the result

Not all people sit on the splits to wind up for a few months of goal-directed training, doing what is called “from scratch”.

The reason is that in people of different genetic backgrounds, the body is flexible.

It is customary to respect that in youth - more beautiful in childhood - ligaments, m'yasi and tendon are plastic and tse virno, but only a little chastkovo. A lot of mature people succumb to the fact that they sit on the twine better, less young of the same mind.

Also, whoever has the best access to reach - a grown-up chi pіdlіtka - nіdkrit nutrition.

You can find out about this in numerical forums where people share their feelings and the results of their work. In addition, the participants of such induces are right, for the help of such stinks, they have achieved good results.

Also, sit on a twine - it’s not a dogma, but it’s like a simple, peremptory scheme. Here it is also necessary to take into account such a factor, as an individual ability of a skin person who trains. I, obviously, listen to the reaction of the body of the body and the body with a fire.

Dodatkovі mind

In my right hand, there is no rubbish, you need to protect everything. Dodatkovі mind:

  1. For a successful stretching of the ties - especially the lower ones - the scarpets do not need to stretch the vines.
  2. The back must be straight - it is not necessary to stoop and lower your shoulders.
  3. The main reason for pain in the back or knees is the right hour - the technique is wrong. It is quite possible, that the desire for links is not lacking.
  4. I should give special respect to the equipment - the clothes are not guilty of enclosing the ruhi and allow the feet to freely shove on the pidloz. Busy booth can be spent as a whole in scarves, yakі and you can safely forge on parquet, linoleum or kilim.

Busy - busy, and yet another aspect, without some kind of success, it will be foldable - eating and drinking regimen. It is necessary to drink enough water to increase the elasticity of bonds and m'yaziv, as well as to support metabolism. And the axis of m'yasnі product varto obmezhiti - stench pogrіrshuyut stretching and roil zv'yazki rude.

Like a person, like training, taking care of a caretaker, then such a “spіvpratsya” can not only help, but also the head of the original shodi. Pros and cons:

  • From one side you can’t make insurance.
  • From the other side - even more often such helpers pour on the athlete additional zusills, in order to speed up the result and improve the stretch. Soogo work is not varto, shards of the helper do not control the partner’s connections, what to train, and you can cause a serious injury.

For landing on the twine, there is no need to use helpers, simulators and all kinds of attachments.

Shvidko and systematically achieve results

The beginner is guilty of spending a lot of time for training.

Training, as already mentioned, is preceded by a warm-up:

  1. Big on the mist.
  2. Presidency.

All tse rosіgrіє m'yazi.

One of the best rights for drawing swags and all fabrics is to swing your legs.

Schoden stretching for a beginner

Right complex:

  • Sit on the floor and spread your legs wider behind your shoulders. Dali slid forward with a twist of arms at the same straight. In case of early appearance of a slight pain, it is necessary to cause a stutter in this phase of the right. Then we should stand up and repeat right after a short break.
  • Kill your left leg, bend your right leg in a knee-deep mound. Nahil squirm at the straight line of the left leg. Let's change the day off and work all the same with the other leg.
  • The legs are again spread out sitting on the pad, and the hands lie on the surface of the pad in front of you. It is necessary, with the help of the coat of the coat, to create a twist on the hands, piercing the pelvis in front of the surface of the paddles with a cheeky front. Dali, the legs spread out on all sides, and the gap between the pelvis and shortly shortens.

It’s too rich to lay down a lot of equal physical training. If the past fate is to be occupied with athletics, playing sports or dancing, then with such a brown fortune it is easier to improve your mind, having landed on a twine, taking care of yourself at home. Fakhіvtsі stverdzhuyut, scho with such a sports base behind the shoulder as a whole, it is really possible to land on the twine in 1 day.

Efficiency promotes vipadi and stretching:

  1. Support with hands against the wall. Mahi zdіysnyuyuutsya ubіk, z stepovim zbіlshennyam amplitude. 10-15 repetitions per skin leg.
  2. With support on one of the hands, robiti swing back and forth yakomoga more.
  3. They got sick forward, their legs were straight, and their hands needed to take the lead.
  4. Vipadi. The front leg is bent 90 degrees, the other leg is also bent and lowered to the knee. Move your pelvis back, then fix your body for a few seconds. Give it to yourself to repeat with the back foot, turning forward at the cob position.
  5. Stretching nig. For whom, in a sitting position, it is necessary to bend your leg in a knee-high loom, so that it will be out between your hands. The other leg is straight, behind. Pushing forward, lowering your head, you need to squeeze closer to the leg of the yakomog.
  6. Standing on a knee, pull one leg in front of you. Hands on the strap. Robiti got sick ahead. The roblyachi were sick to the bottom, fixing the body for a short hour.
  7. Lie on your back, bending one leg in the knee, lift the other one uphill, wrapping your arms around it, pull it up to you. So it is necessary to work ten steps, and then repeat everything with the other foot.

In addition, it is necessary to work a stretch on the back. It will be more efficient, but still faster with video materials.

Successful skin support, who wants to do yoga in a right way and train hard. However, varto vіdmovitysya vіd trenuvan, yakscho є injuries m'yazіv, kіstok or ridge. It is not necessary to develop training in case of an advanced arterial pressure.

When landing on a twine, it’s more likely to hurt m'yazi:

  • Take an anti-inflammatory drug.
  • Take a hot bath of kilka khvilin.
  • Zrobiti massage.

What can you achieve for a day

If it is correct to set all the accents for vykonannya tsієї meti, then rich people with good genetic gifts go to the splits without preparation and for the day. Obviously, you can be serious and copy, protective, methodical work. Pokrokovo:

  1. As a warm-up, you can vikoristovuvat big on the met, haircuts and swings - there is nothing new here. Pіdіyde y just energetic ten-width walking.
  2. Sivshi on the pidlog, pull your legs forward. The fingers need to be stretched out with the fingers of the hands from the soft fixation. Let's keep seeing. So 15 repetitions.
  3. It is necessary to sit on the trail in such a way that one leg is in front of the athlete who is training, and the other one is under the cut of 90 degrees from the front to the first. I don’t want to go out of my way, if I need to reach it step by step, I’ll help you with my hands. The position is not changed. The back is more straight.
  4. Lying down, raise your legs under the hood 90 degrees in relation to the toe. Spread to the sides with a thin zatrymkoy, and then, closing, lower it. Removal - 10 sec. For the cob - 10 repetitions.
  5. Standing, pochergové podnesennya nіg ahead - cut 90 degrees 15 times. Then, try to lift your foot up about 3 pivkhvilini. Dali, those same ones, but the legs are lifted up on the back, and then we are brought in to kill from this zatrymkoy.
  6. Vipadi with rozgoduvannyam and private sitting. Pochergovo. Vikonuwati is about 7 hwilin.
  7. Standing, lift your right leg, throwing the back of the chair on the table. With the help of the body, the tension is created at the bend of the leg in the knee. Pochergovo.
  8. Standing, raising one leg, I bend in the knee loom, press it to the chest. Vіdvesti tsyu leg at the bіk іz advancing fixation. After that, with the help of a hand, try to go a hundred more. Like hell.

Records in my discipline

Scattered twine landings can be boldly brought to sports, then it’s time for records. Apply these:

  • V'yacheslav Khoroneko is a world record holder with a kettlebell press of 32 kg, breaking the twine. Stretching 10 strands of wind, shoving a weight 100 times. In addition, once again an athlete has done a late split with support on two stiles, swinging a weight and trimming a bottle with a drink on his head.
  • Rohan Kokan at the Seven Rocks has already achieved the Guinness record. Youmu was able to walk 10 meters on roller forgings at the transverse twine station. The height from the ground at his bula is 25 div.
  • In Japan, women were shaken from moving from the transverse twine to the front.
  • The ballerina Anastasia Volochkova continues to amaze everyone directly at home. Vaughn can vikonate the twine for sure - on the great pebbles of the sea shore, on the yacht with support on the side, moreover, with a significant bend of the nig.
  • If you show the diva of this genre and celebrities Bruce Lee, demonstrating the diva stretching.
  • Yeseniya Igosheva, for 11 years, trimmed the transverse twine with a stretch of 10 minutes.
  • Evgen Kalinin from Odesa, repeating, softening, Van Damme's trick. Vіn vykonav twine with support nіg on the dahi of sports cars that are collapsing, with a speed of 20 km per year with a stretch of one whilin and twenty seconds.
  • Theoretically, it is possible to sit on a twine at any time. So, an 80-year-old Russian woman demonstrated all kinds of things like that in the 90-years. She has reached tsikh results in domestic minds.
  • Meshkanka Ust-Kamenogorsk Marina Kovalenko after three months of training sat on the twine at 62 rocks.
  • Invisible girl strength for twine on... the handrails of a subway car in Minsk.


This difficult training has a lot of different nuances and wisdom. There are few methods, and, having risen in price with the expanses of the Internet, there is a high chance to simply get lost in it. For this reason, there are no more correct, perevіrenih methods. If it’s possible, then you’ll still be a robot with a coach, and, obviously, after an obov’yazkovo consultation with a doctor.

Understanding, it’s not possible to sit on the twine from the first time, who might need this month. Ale regularly repeating qi right, you color your stretch and mark the m'yazi:

Like twine - it's more symbolic, lower yoga

For someone, the twine is no more, lower is a good stretch, healthy links, right from yoga. But for me, like for a person, like growing up on the action movies of Jackie Chan, Van Damme and Donnie Jena, it was worth it to be richly important and symbolic. Even as a student, I vindicated myself for those who are in my class, if I went to hand-to-hand combat, without showing diligent diligence, to sit on the twine. And if I was 20 years old, then it was given, that the hour was known, that I was old and that it was not possible to learn how to sist on the twine.

It became a miracle - right after the university I went to study to China. At this university, the school of wushu was already strong, adherents of which regularly occupy the first months at the all-Chinese wushu magicians.

One river, if you live in the world of other office workers, if you don’t particularly ask yourself about stretching, but if you go to the training room, de twist somersaults, flasks and sit on the twine absolutely everything, bring on the children. In such a polished, being the greenest, oldest and non-technical scholar, one immediately begins to stretch uphill. This exercise, and also for the sake of ushuistiv, helped me to sit on the transverse twine less than for the river training. I have issued my knowledge and information to the list of recommendations for those who want to sit on the twine.

How to sit on a twine. Instructions for champions to China from wushu

  1. Forget about terms. One day there "until the New Year" or "in two months". Pospіh at the right stretching obov'yazkovo lead to injury.
  2. Less for heroism. Rather, it’s more povіlne that planned prosuvannya to the mark on the pіvgodini of the day, lower rіdkіsnі, ale shock training kilka year at a time.
  3. Get to know your body. Although we are all similar anatomically, the skin of us has its own peculiarities: buds of deep loam, elasticity of m'yaziv and zv'yazok. For example, with varus deformation of the neck of the quilt, a person is simply physically able to sit on a transverse twine. Just because your acrobat brother has a single method to sit on the twine, it is far from a fact that this method is suitable for you. Under the hour of training, you are guilty of self-determination of your own problem areas yaki do not allow twine. For example, I didn’t have any problems with pіdkolіnnimi zv'yazkami, stench pulled well. And the axis of the link at the stegna was like a tree. To that I attached more respect to them.
  4. Drink more water. If you can't get enough, it's good for fabrics on knitting with m'yazami, but if the water does not stick, the fascia can stick to the m'yazovih fibers, reducing the range of damage.
  5. Start training step by step, progressively increasing the frequency of stretch marks. I started from one workout for two days and then up to three workouts for a day.
  6. In the evenings, our mud and mud melt by 20% elastic, which reduces the risk of injury and allows you to achieve better results. Vrantsі you can vikonuvat dynamic stretching, schob znuchtya zhorstostі and zakrіpachennosti after sleep, but do not pragnite deeds in the morning after waking up.
  7. Before the stretching of the shoes, it is necessary to stretch the m'yazi nig: run, vykonat, squat, and zvichayna right to warm up with a stretch of 10-15 strands. Stretching on the rise of the body, you lower the risk of stretching.
  8. spread the vanity. If you are sitting at the twine, please ask for peace closer to the pidlog for the kolіn rahunok. Remember: every time you stretch your knee and back hurt, you are doing it wrong.
  9. There are two types of twine: dynamic (if you swing your leg - split in shock) and static (sitting on the floor). It’s like this, that a person can wave his foot to the twine, but he can’t sit in a new place on a foot. Buvae and navpaki. Qi two see the twine mutually add one to one, then follow the development of them in parallel. Dynamic stretching can be completely controlled, without sharp, urivchastih breaks, otherwise swings can end in injury.
  10. When you stretch, then pull the scarf to yourself, and not seen for yourself (like in ballet).
  11. If you are resting in static, you will not return to peace, but you will continue with light knocking movements - uphill and down, like a string - with a frequency that is convenient for you.
  12. Think of a way to allow your feet to scoot along the path. Tse mozhut buti like shkarpetki on linoleum, so і vzuttya spit ushuist.
  13. Be extremely careful if the third individuals pronounce to you "help". No one, besides you, can know where your ties will become at the same time. The coach is not a psychic. I already have a story about the coach, who “vipadkovo” broke some of the bonds there. As for me, all men and women of stretching-stretching for an additional partner follow one method - to make the process more interactive and collapsible. For the great rakhunok, you don’t need anything for twine, crim nig and pidlogs.
  14. Rozslabtesya. For the body, stretching is not a natural occupation. When stretched over the upper range of the m'yazi, they automatically rush to avoid injury. Learn to relax and even dihati at the hour of stretching - it will help you to better destroy the twine.
  15. Stretch out today. On the vіdmіnu vіd silovіh trenuvan', pіslya kobov'yazkovo nіbnіy vіdpochinok і vіdnovlennya, stretching will not require such breaks. Sob yaknaishvidshe sit on the twine, stretch the skin for a day, without holidays.
  16. Win a hot shower. After a hot soul, your bonds will be more pliable for stretching.
  17. Tick ​​the timer. Sitting on the twine put a stopwatch in front of you. Start from the small, for example, from 30 seconds, and step by step increase the hour. Cі vimіri also help you more and more clearly see your progress. As a timer, you can beat the love of music, in which case you are guided either by the words, or by the cob of the cob.
  18. Sign up for a section, de titling b twine. For example, for acrobatics, yoga, break dance and fighting art. It doesn't matter if you can sit on the splits, if you only work straight into it. Lyudina is a social source, so be it “public” training, it’s more like that when you are of the same mind, morally encourage you and give you additional motivation.

A skin person can have her own love and effective ways for her to grow up: if you want to sit in a “blizzard”, and if you want to swing your legs more, I myself, without describing your rights here, stink singsongly. And if you don’t, you know, de їx to know.

More headly - remember that for hard work people sit on the twine and at 30, and at 40 years, smut - viriti at their own strength. If, after a few months, I got stuck in my transverse twine, our head of the ear chuckled at me and said: “功夫不负有心人”, which means “as if you practice diligently, then you will achieve success”. guide for training twine in home minds.

Sestina twine is possible not only at 10-12 years, but also at 30, and further. For whom you need only well-planned training, step by step increase in ambition and steel.


Even in ancient China they were respectful: it’s worth it to sit on a twine to talk about good healthy people. Like right, the twine will improve the circulation in the pelvic region, become a preventive measure against the ailments of the sechostatic system, trim in tone the number of ligaments and muddy of the lower part of the body and navit spriya zmіtsnennia across, relieve external pain.


So that you could sit on the twine at 30 rocks and didn’t mess up the knots and the mud, you need a warm-up. Її next, perform a twine before skin training. The warm-up prepared the body for the advancement, the rise of the m'yazi.

Start a warm-up with a light bag of 10-15 strands. Then we will work out two or three times and sit down for 15-20 times. A good right way to sit on the twine will be haircuts on the ropes - 2-3 rounds of 2-3 quills (stinks can also replace big). To raise swings with legs - forward and sideways (10-15 repetitions with a skin leg). Growing up to the sides and to the fold (trying to torn the folds with the palms of your hands, feet shoulder-width apart) - 10 times on the skin side.


To sit on the twine in the home minds, it is necessary after the warm-up to win the complex over to the right to stretch it. Qi right - bringing to the twine.

- Late vipadi. Let's go into a deep swing, maximally extending one leg back. We rest our hands on the poltak, so that our chests lie on the knee of the front leg. Robimo small ruhi, which roam, uphill and down, vіdchuvayuchi draws at the m'yazakh stegon. 20 times, then change legs, repeat;

- Transverse vipadi. Stand, widely rozvіshi legs. Bending one leg in the knee, dropping down - keep the other leg straight, pull the toe on itself. With palms we rest against the log in front of us. With the hands that are roaming, we make the systems lower to the ground - 20 times, then we change our legs.

- Nahili. Sidaimo on a pidlog, as you can spread your legs wide. We heal the chest to the skin leg of the yakomoga lower. In the same way, we are sickened to the point in front of us. 8-10 times on the skin side - at the final point, you can stretch for 10-20 seconds;

- Fold. We sit, we move our legs forward, together. Trying to lie down on your feet as much as possible with your chest, and push your hands with your fingers. Tune in at any position for 10-20 seconds. Repeat 10-15 times.


After warm-ups and stretches, sit and stretch the splits - if one leg appears in front of you. Sit down as low as possible, with light springy hands we try to lower the pelvis as far down as possible. Legs obov'yazkovo trimaty equal!

Caught at the bottom point for 15-20 seconds. Repeat 20 times.

Vchimosya sit in the transverse twine. We place the legs as far as possible to the sides. We help with the hands with the hands on the pidlog (if not to go out, we become on the pidlog with the palms), with spring arms we help to lower the pelvis to the pidlog.

To sit on the twine for the river, as if you are 30 years old and more, it is necessary for skin training to improve the stretching of the muscles of the ligaments and make yourself sit lower. Increased ambition can be done with smooth steps.


- Work hard, to save our pagat for the river, it is necessary in the average 3-4 times per day. Even before the onset of training the twine, the body did not catch up, you feel soreness in the tongues and knots, give yourself a day to recover;

- Easy stretching complex, in order to sit on the twine, if you are 30, you can spend a day;

- for an hour, try to sit on the twine at the yazah, you can see the light windmill. Yakshto bіl becomes sharp, unbearable, negainno pin busy;

- before that, as if you were practicing the twine, consult a doctor.


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