Card "svіt" vіd ak-bars for state employees: pros and cons. How to design a physical person.

They didn’t include it: the map from Nabiullina will soon become obov’yazkovoy for the retail business and state employees, but for the cordon it’s still not good

The “Mir” card will become obligatory for state employees - such a law was signed by Volodymyr Putin at Holy Spring and Pratsі. Tse half of all practitioners in Russia. "BUSINESS Online" will tell the story of the emergence of the national payment system, following the turn of the century as it was going all in the future, "AK BARS" will appear in a moment. And the experts name the main problem: how to give out dozens of millions of “plastic” to Russians, even if “Mir” is still only 2% of a quarter of a billion cards in the hands of Russians.

Volodymyr Putin gave a hearty gift to state employees, ordering to gradually transfer the state’s payments to the “Mir” card Photo:


At Holy Spring and Pratsі President of the Russian Federation Volodymyr Putin zrobiv chergovy gift to state employees, ordering to gradually transfer the state power payments to the card "Mir". According to the document, already from the 1st day of 2017, the banks of the goiter should see the national payment card for everyone who claims to be paid by the state. To give the banks the responsibility to ensure the acceptance of cards at their ATMs and terminals. Starting from January 1, 2018, transfer all workers in the public sector (government service workers, state government workers, social tax waivers) to the Mir card. And pensioners, who already have cards of other payment systems, can change them on the Mir card after the end of the term їhnyoї dії, but not later than 1 March 2020.

Naytsіkavіshe checks for silence, who does not switch over to his "Mir". As soon as the 1st day of 2018, the card will not be tied to the state employee’s account, the bank will indemnify for the amount of pennies as “arrange for an unassigned recognition.” The bank, of course, asks the client to either open a new bank account with Mir, or take a penny by preparing, or open a bank account without a card, otherwise the client will not show up for 10 days, the bank will return the penny to the payer, write Vedomosti today.

Business, which can be right for the population, for 1 year of goiter, install terminals that accept Mir cards - at a time, as a rule, the turnover will exceed 40 million rubles. The law zvіlnyaє in vіd tsogo is only quiet pіdpryєmtsіv, the trade points of which are not secured by a stіlnikovy call or by a collective Internet. The amendments, signed by Putin, save a large amount of the procedure for removing tax payments and removing all irregular payments from the side of the state. In the meantime, the order for the weather from the Central Bank can set up your transfer of payments, pennies for which you can obov'yazkovo go through the "Mir" cards. In addition, the document closes the reconciliation of the commission associated with the acceptance of the Mir card on a par with similar card products.

Significantly, earlier against the obyazkovnost "Mir" for state employees hung the head of Oschadbank German Gref. Under the hour of preparing the law at the State Duma, having respected that whether goiter is not safe for the service. In addition, the other great banks were cheating on this idea - for the money of ZMI, up to the list to the Central Bank, the anti-mirizatsiya came to Alfa-Bank, the Vіdkrittya bank, Promzvyazka bank and others, although the bankers officially rebuffed them. In Crimea, the Federal Antimonopoly Service respected the rights of citizens for exchanges, and the transfer of social payments to digital cards, according to the FAS, is filthy to appear in competition with the banking sector. Ale tsi protests were ignored.

Well, at the FAS, at the round table, they urged the transfer of state employees to the Mir card. “The streaming version of the draft law calls for singing food and, as we know, we need to discuss: what are you ready to accept? That is why such applicants, for obvious information we have, should be given a lot, ”quoting Interfax, the intercessor of the head of the financial markets control department of the Federal Antimonopoly Service Lilia Belyaeva.

Previously against the obov'yazkovosti "Mir"
for state employees, the head of Oschadbank German Gref
Photo: BUSINESS Online


Less than 5 million Mir cards were issued at once in the country. Let's guess, її the operator is AT "NSPK" - the national payment system of payment cards, controlled by the Central Bank.

The card is issued by 75 banks (there are 623 banks in the country, and 439 banks conduct operations with cards). Among them are Tatarstan: for example, "AK BARS" Bank, "Avers", Avtogradbank, Bank of Kazan and others. At the press center Oschadbank RT "BUSINESS Online" was told that the bank serves 42% of state employees and pensioners in Tatarstan. The process of ordering for state employees, zocrema and military services is planned to be completed before 1 April 2018. And pensioners can exchange cards, which are due, after the end of the term їх dії, but not later than 1 March 2020, go to the emergency. "Mir" is already accepted at 95% of terminals and ATMs with the function of collecting bills all over the country, the card is serviced by 181 banks. And in the fall, the operator announced the launch of a loyalty program based on the principle of cashback.

For the sake of equalization, in Russia, according to the statistics of the CPU, over 254 million plastic cards of various systems were issued, the leaders of the market are Visa and MasterCard. In the main value of debit cards - credit cards, more than 30 thousand were seen. things. Over 11 million new cards have been seen. 63% of Russians, for official tribute, draw cards for the withdrawal of wages and pensions. Later, only Oschadbank should issue about 40 million Mir cards in order to close the consumption of its public sector clients and pensioners.

For the time being, one of the problems of the card is left behind the service behind the cordon. As a deputy of the State Duma, President of the Association of Regional Banks of Russia Anatoly Aksakov, Still, there are no problems with cim. “If you want your card to be accepted behind the cordon, then it’s necessary, so there’s a small supplementary program. Please use the Mir card and MasterCard, JCB, UnionPay - international payment systems. Tse allow you to win a card in Russia as "Svit", and beyond the cordon - as a card of the international system. And there will be no everyday problems, ”singing wine. Prote "Mir" vibudovuvatime and the direct system of rozrahunkiv - there, de є great flow of Russian tourists. At the quarter, for example, all the talks were held at Thailand. And all the same, take “Mir” with you for the cordon, regardless of such a cosmopolitan name, experts are still not pleased.


Let's guess that the "Mir" card is "our message to Chamberlain". The system of the national payment card appeared in 2014 on the territory of a sharply blocked port from the krai. Then, after the introduction of sanctions from the side of the United States, Visa and MasterCard cards were blocked, issued by Rosiya banks and SMP-bank, as well as Sobinbank and Investcapitalbank. This demonstrated the inconsistency of the Russian banking system and, by arbitrary decisions, a law was adopted. First, try to create a single national payment system that worked in the 90s. In 1992, the STB Card system of interbank loans appeared, and through the river - the Union Card: until 1999, it united over 450 banks. Oschadbank created its own system in 1993 - until 2000, it had 3 million Sbercards. The system "Zolota Korona" was created in Novosibirsk - in 2014, the rotation combined 8 million cards.

Banks more than once or twice turned to the Central Bank with propositions to create a single system, but in the 90s it was easier to win over foreign systems. Until then, it was unreasonable who was the financial institution of the NSPK and who, well, knew the tops of that market. As long as the stench was dragging the carpet on itself, the market was actually conquered by Visa and MasterCard. And the first call of sumnіvіv at їhnіy naіynostі prolunіv in 1998, if the stench in the crisis included the service of Russian cards at the international network of terminals and ATMs.

In 2009, the epic began with a universal electronic card. Todi President Dmitro Medvedev declaring that it is necessary to create a universal key for a hulk's access to the services of state agencies. That contagion - electronic gamantsyu, medical policy, pension insurance and other joys of life. The idea came up with Oschadbank: Gref’s head propagated the project to the private-state and among the founders of AK BARS Bank. Cards will be distributed to everyone until 2012. Ale, the project stalled: the budget did not give a penny, having shifted everything to the backer banks. “They stood” and christened the card with the “chip of the Zvira” - and in the fierce bishops' cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church, they stood up against the uncontested and primus vikoristan of the electronic identification of the individual. The withdrawal of the card has become right voluntary, and the project has become beaten. If in 2014 the fate of foreign payment systems stopped serving the cards of Russian banks, the UEC had a chance to become the “card of all Russia”. ale cpu head Elvira Nabiullina Volіla rozpochati new project - from scratch. So "AK BARS" this project has hundreds of millions of rubles.

Gref is implementing another project - the "Card of a resident of the Republic of Tatarstan", which is the same for the pilot regime near Zelenodolsk. Having announced at the conclusion of the project, the task is to transfer 90% of the penny turnover to the non-prepared sphere after 72.5% of the population take the card. And the basis of this project is foreign: “Card of a resident of the Republic of Tatarstan”, as issued by Oschadbank and AK BARS, is issued on the MasterCard platform. For the equalization - in Bashkiria, "Mapa Meshkantsya" is already being launched on the basis of SVIT. The press service of Oschadbank voted for the independence of the project. The main advantage is quick and easy access to social, medical, transport services, as well as payment for purchases. “The expansion of the functionality of the card (Crimea of ​​banking services) gives special value to the card,” the press service of the Tatarstan office of Sberbank said.

Gref is implementing another project - the “RT Baggage Card”, which is being tested in the pilot regime near ZelenodolskPhoto: BUSINESS Online


For comments "BUSINESS Online" turned to experts.

Anatoly Aksakov- Head of the Committee of the State Duma for the Financial Market, President of the Association of Regional Banks of Russia:

- In my opinion, the Mir system is needed, the supply of national security and the supply of the capacity of the rozrakhunkiv, payments of the citizens of Russia in the budgetary sphere. In the non-budgetary sphere, the power does not have the right to splurge as if. We have already set a precedent under the pressure of the State Department, if Visa and MasterCard were actually stuck in customer service, moreover, they did it illegally.

If there is competition, then there is another strong and high-tech engraving on the Russian market. The whole system can be opened, which shows the most important benefits from a glance of manufacturability, quality of service. We have our own system to compete with Visa, MasterCard and other international payment systems. I think there are no minuses, it’s just that with the transition for someone you will be unhanded on the back. From 1 line of in-line fate to 1 line of offensive fate, all public sector employees can switch to a fixed card, because they stink their salaries, or other payments from the budget for their own apartments are no longer a problem. And everything else, in my opinion, is more than a plus.

Pavlo Medvedev- financial ombudsman:

- I'm already convinced that I don't win the folds. Although the situation is alarming, such a radiant situation, if happiness is imposed ... Forever, if the laws of competition are broken, blame the great risk. Cards are issued by different banks, and banks can put them in other places. And I’m already convinced that the shards of the card are introduced from the political circles, there won’t be any accessibility to the link with their releases.

For some reason, such a grandiose program of the vikonan was born - the skin giant was given the right to take pennies on that account, which he deserves, even if it didn’t happen before, the reception was victorious, where to recapitulate the pennies, as if not in the right way. People were given such freedom, and it was respected by great achievements. More shortly, if there is no competition, if it didn’t suit you, you said to your bank: “Vibachte, I’m going to the bank, your card doesn’t suit me, I’ll go and take my money.”

I think that two more cards have already been issued, the number of population of the country is lower. Insha river, scho stink is not all, scho d_yut at the given moment. The cards have become a real tool in the hands of the hulks, and not ob'yazykovo rich, but the simplest. But the simplest ones pay pennies from the cards and pay them in the shops, and more people slip the cards in to pay in the shops and on the Internet.

Viktor Dostov- a head for the directors of the association "Electronic pennies and pennies":

- With the Mir card, there is only one, let's say, problem - the need to distribute millions of cards. Tse pevne logistical task - give out cards, change contracts for payment. Tse such a pratsya, as if shifting to banks. Banks do not think of other options, because the law, but there is nowhere to go. Another step is to ensure the acceptance of Mir cards at all ATMs and retail outlets. But it’s still worth fighting, it’s also the technical period of flashing the terminals. From a glance at the plastic card market, it became clear that there are only a few things in Visa and MasterCard.

From the behind-the-scenes controversy, there are active reports that Mir cards could be accepted at all points and ATMs, where Visa, MasterCard or China UnionPay are accepted. If this process will be more or less completed, then the acceptance of Mir cards will be approximately equal to the acceptance of cards of international payment systems. Pretty sure it's a swedish process. But if the audience is large, if it is economically correct, then the food will be broken. Although there were precedents for local cards in France and Germany, they are not accepted by international payment systems. If the Mir card becomes an international payment system, it’s impossible to say that it’s better to lay aside in addition, how much pennies are invested in the project, the political will and resources. Everything is possible, but some NSPK shareholders will be ready to invest in the amount, I can't say, it's not my decision.

The card is issued by 75 banks (there are 623 banks in the country, and 439 banks conduct operations with cards)Photo: Oleksiy Filippov, RIA Novini


Nataliya Milchakova- Deputy director of the analytical department "Alpari":

— For the money, which ZMI s forced on CPU analytics, the credit card market in the Russian Federation in pennies in 2016 decreased to 999 billion rubles. Today, the market for plastic cards is mainly divided between Visa and MasterCard, and the share of Mir payment cards is less than 3 hundred. It is real to secure all public sector employees with Mir cards, as the largest Russian banks — Oschadbank and VTB — are promptly connected to the issuance of these cards. Ale, while the banks are still waiting for protection from the Mir cards, there are no traces of the original advantages of the Russian payment system in front of the international ones. Є suttєva prevaga in the sphere of economic security, that the national payment system is protected by sanctions. But if it’s time for the risk, don’t be less fluent, lower the blame for the turbulence in the clear sky for the miraculous weather. Therefore, in our opinion, the state should hurry up with the transfer of all state employees to the map of the system.

Warehouses can be blamed for the fact that before July 1, small shops, especially in small places, will be able to upgrade terminals for repayment with cards of the new payment system. The same can be said about small online stores. It is not clear which cards of the Russian payment system will be accepted behind the cordon - and if there will be, then in some stores they will be able to be repaid? In addition, an important change is the psychology of the bulk, as it is important to change your voices. Please note that there are two or three types of state employees who can start paying for the Mir card, but at the same time they all use cards of other payment systems, to which they called. Alece to allow the market of plastic cards.

We remember that a part of the Mir cards on the market in one or two years will grow in a few times, Visa and MasterCard cards will get a little better. But I won’t give up, because international payment systems and their products have already taken root in Russia for a long time, people know their competitive advantages, as they sounded before them. About those cards "Mir" to take a leading position in the market, you can only talk about it in the long term, and then for the present such a situation may become more serious - strengthening the sanctions or looking at any of the causes of international payment systems from Russia.

Oleksandr Pronyagin- Vice-President of TOV KBER "Bank of Kazan":

— The issue of the Mir card is already picking up wrappers. The project "Mir" started in a short term, and the imovirnist of what will be finished is great. As if it were an innovation, a mass emissary of "Mir" can, in a few moments, evoke a negative reaction, if, in our opinion, the transition can pass as painlessly and comfortably as possible, and the authorities can easily assess the importance of this card. Experts and banking expertise to develop the potential for the development of a new payment system. It is great that the Mir card will become widely popular in the country. If you are talking in a flash about the market of bank cards in the country, then at a turbulent pace the issue of cards began to grow like the year 2011, and in 2016, the dynamics will be equal.

Bogdan Zvarich- Analyst of the Finam group of companies:

- So far, the number of issued Mir cards, in my opinion, is insignificant, as is the extent of operations from them. Prote, vrakhovuychi іnіtsіativi schodo transfer budgetary salary projects to tsyu system, it is entirely possible, scho in the next hour of growth of the number of seen cards to appear, albeit brought to the term issuance of a large number of cards, which will create a serious problem for banks. From one side, the stench takes off the peak of the vanity by the type of cards, the shards of the necessary great obligation. On the other hand, these cards are responsible for replacing the already issued cards of other payment systems. Offending factors are negative for banks, and stench is induced to increase or stretch the hour of the introduction of the rule for a larger three-term term.

As far as benefits for banks, then with the appearance of products “Classic Privilege Card” and “Classic Privilege Card Plus”, banks are more likely to see “Svit” cards. Credit cards for banks will be the main factor for the payment of your interbank commission, after which the emitting banks will deduct a larger amount of fees when repaying this card at points that are served by other banks.

At the same time, we would like to see a further development of this payment system and an increase in the number of shares in the market. To whom should we accept as an initiative how the state employees are transferred to the given card, so is the change in tariffs. Varto designate what initiatives on this equal, insanely, to give songs of excellence for the cards "Mir". However, if you need to be sure, the fact that the price of the new system is far from being developed on the level of Visa and MasterCard. As a result, this initiative welcomes the development, prote for more significant results “The world needs to enter the international arena - accepting cards abroad can accept increasing drink on the cards.

Bank AK Bars promptly took away the license to issue payment cards of the "Mir" payment system and became the issuing bank, instructing the authorities to serve customers. The “Mir” card of AK Bars Bank is seen by the minds of the infamous, which will require a closer look, to which and will be assigned this material.

The sovereign payment system has been actively developed over the course of three years and has been optimized for comfortable work and budgetary organizations, pensioners and private companies.

State employees and pensioners are guilty of using the Mir plastic card in the obligatory order, which is why the official schedule for replacing cards is confirmed:

  • From the 1st day of 2017 to the 1st day of the 2018th date on the new cards, all budgetary spheres of Russia will be charged, and payments on other cards will not be possible after the end of the term. You can replace the client's card as soon as possible before the official schedule, or individually, by writing a statement before the nearest service provider to the given software bank;
  • From the 1st day of 2017 to the 1st day of 2020, the new cards can be taken away by all pensioners. If a client at a telephone connection with a physical camp, or at the nearest ATM, or at a service office, cannot withdraw pennies - they may have the right to use a plastic card and withdraw a pension through a paper carrier.

Private companies and credit propositions can be independently connected to Svita for an additional fee.

Varity and tariffs

Change card versatility - free of charge for all types. Services for practitioners in the public sector are offered from a significant reduction, which will be installed individually and will be announced by the operator at the time of issuing a plastic card. Pensioners get free service. For these purposes, 2 tariffs were expanded: “Debit” and “Pension”, which may vary the amount of included functionality.

The decision for pensioners took away not only a garna of a reduction in service costs, but also the possibility of a passive accumulation of expenses in view of 8% of the average amount for the current surplus of expenses. Accepting bonuses you will become free of cash SMS-notifications about earning cash.

The sovereign program replaces the bills less for state employees and pensioners.

All proposals took away the expansion of access to a special special office and a mobile addendum to the bank.

How to activate the Mir card AK Bars

The activation of the card takes place automatically after the completion of any financial transaction, or when the balance is reviewed. Also, the operator can manually execute the operation. Salary card "Mir" of AK can be activated at the ATM at the info kiosk.

A bank card is a handy tool that can be won by a skin resident of Russia. A lot of people, like cards, are called "credit cards", even if they want a pardon. Most of the cards that are issued this year are debit cards, which are used to save money not for cash taken from the bank, but for the money of the sack. Dosi not all remain rozumіyut, scho so DK і navіscho won't be needed.


A classic Light card for Ak Bars Bank is a tool that is suitable for paying for goods and services at retail outlets, on Internet resources, as well as for withdrawing money from ATMs. It can be characterized as an electronic gadget, which comes to replace banknotes and coins.

The main features are those that the client is worth less than his pennies, does not add money, taken to the borg from a financial organization. This means that it is not necessary to make regular payments and bills from the cards.

The proposition can be faster if you are a person, if you have reached the age of 14 years and have a passport. The service is simple in formalization, the applicant does not collect documents, does not confirm income - it is enough to present a passport and complete an application before submitting a FD.

The skin of the Russian bank will establish the correct service rules.

Correct choice

Before submitting the varto questionnaire, it is important to check the available programs. The transition to the completion of the application is called.

Why does the applicant give respect, why go to the site for the sake of a DK joke:

  • the method of zakhistu plastic - magnetic stitch or chip. The rest is richly superior;
  • skilki koshtuvatime rіchne service;
  • overdraft. Korisna option, as you can become in good fortune to the client, but it is necessary to reluctantly learn to think over, so that we don’t drink in a serious minus;
  • diya remote services (additives, mobile banking, etc.);
  • earning interest on excess cash.

Why win

The card is Classic Light to the bank "Ak Bars" - a true corysny product that allows you to save money. Third individuals cannot possibly take them away. In addition, with the appearance of these cards, the need arose to carry a large bag of preparation with you.

Even more often rahunok v_dkrivayut itself with the method of saving that accumulated special penny koshtіv, and also vikoristovuyut for otrimannya wages, pensions, stipends too. e. Organizations-robot sellers manage the federal districts on their own - clients should not shy away from anything.

In connection with the changing geopolitical situation and the minds of spivpratsi with international partners, Russia has created its own payment system under the name SVIT. The issuance of її is handled by a lot of banks, zokrema, AK Bars. You can apply for a SVIT card in AK Barsi. Let's talk a report about those who are for the card that mind її koristuvannya.

Wash service of SVIT card in AK Barsi

The MIR card is serviced at retail outlets that may have a different software security, as a rule, the stink of a branded sticker on the terminal. Obviously, in order to popularize the national payment system, banks set loyal tariffs for servicing cards.

Varity and tariffs

The price of the SVIT card in AK Barsi is 200 rubles per river. It is issued free of charge, but the fee is written off, ring out, immediately. Term dії - 2 years from the moment of release.

Before the bank submits tariffs in 2017, it is necessary to know for clients how to issue a banking product:

  • Filling in the balance at an ATM of the bank - no cash, at an ATM of a third-party bank - 20 rubles.
  • Repeated change of the PIN code on the SVIT card - 50 rubles (carried out through an ATM of AK Bars).
  • Information about 10 remaining transactions on the card through an ATM of AK Bars -15 rubles. Voucher, which is accepted remotely, is free of charge. If you want to take a copy of the payment document with a live seal to the bank, we will cost you 200 rubles.
  • For the minds of the service, the card does not work behind the cordon, so the re-booking and emergency check-in for the preparation behind the cordon is carried out and is not charged. If you want to issue a bank card and plan to hang out with it across the cordon - take a look at international payment systems.
  • The type of preparation through ATMs of AK Barsa and cash desk is cashless within the limit. Behind the SVIT stink card are installed in the next rosemaries: 500 thousand. for a month, for production - 80 thousand. For the money, you can get the sum of money over the limit by going to the cashier's bank, and you will pay from 1 to 10%.

To pay attention to the fact that for SVIT cards there is an exchange for the number of transactions and their number for mining - no more than 50 pcs. I will pay a sum of up to 1 million rubles. inclusive (these include all types of operations, including payment for preparation, payment for goods and services).

For the bazhanny, the client can install the water supply between the week and the month (remotely), as well as take off the individual mind for the limits on the production, on the basis of a written application in the offices of AK Bars, for example, to increase the amount of the rent.

Most deposits on the SVIT card in AK Barsi are carried out free of charge, for example, withdrawal of charges for other physical features from third-party banks by order. Prote є a number of operations, for which a commission is charged (installed in vіdsotkah, but not less than 25 rubles):

  • Payments to budgetary organizations, payments to insurance companies - 1%;
  • Withdrawal from insurance companies, repayment of pardon sums deducted from the fault of the Client - 1.5%.

The repayment of the SVIT card in AK Barsi is subject to commissions as you work through the operations through the bank (for example, for the cost of the legal entity from 1.5 to 2%, ZKG - 1%), in the remote mode, more operations are cost-free. Less than a fee for the financial services of other banks is paid - 1% (not less than 30 rubles).

Please note that there are three different tariff selections in AK Bars - transactions carried out on the CBIT card through RBS (Internet banking, mobile add-on), through AK Bars's extensions and through self-service extensions (including terminals, ATMs, etc.). The most advanced way of corsisting More services is the Internet Bank.

For other tariffs, you can check the messages:

If you need remote service, then you can connect to the Internet Banking and Mobile Banking systems in AK Barsi without any fees. The service of SMS informing will be paid:

  • SMS - Informer - notifications about transactions, which are made by the client, the robot in the 3D-Secure system and the one-time passwords for carrying out rozakhunkovy operations in the AK Bars Internet Bank system. Starting from another month, the service of service is 59 rubles.
  • SMS - balance - allows you to pay for services for additional short notices, to receive information about the balance of accounts on the SVIT card and a mini-voice, to block the card. If you want to win a mobile program, you need the same type of information to confirm the operations. The first two months - free of charge, then - 59 rubles. To pay respect, for the correction of SMS, the commission of the style operator is charged with minds.

How to decorate a physical person

It is easy to apply for a SVIT rozrahunkov card - you need to return to the AK Bars, sign the Banking Service Agreement and cancel the application for the card. I need my mother's passport.

The card is issued for more than 10 days, and then you call, the bank is deposited for 5 working days. You can pay an additional 100 rubles and apply for an accelerated release (3 days), however, you can only withdraw such a card at the head office of AK Bars in Kazan, or you can additionally pay the services of an express mail order to that name, you made out an application.

The Mir card is our Russian technology, all operations with it are carried out in the country. It will depend on the functioning of international payment systems, which is especially important for the minds of anti-Russian sanctions and the instability of light policy.

The national payment card gives you the opportunity to complete all the essential operations: pay money through ATMs, pay for purchases and services, including on the Internet. Vaughn respects all Russian and international safety standards.

Mir cards are issued by the largest Russian banks, zokrema and AK BARS Bank. ATMs all over the country are ready to work with her. Up to the 8th day of the year, over 76,000 cards were issued to the AK BARS Bank. Of these, 29,000 were issued as part of salary projects for public sector workers, and for physical services, including those with subsidies.

The first to go to the "Mir" card are public sector practitioners

The large-scale process of step-by-step transfer of budgetary payments on the national map "Mir" was born out of the limelight of that fate. Cards within the framework of salary projects are seen by all new supporters of state structures, including teachers, doctors, practitioners of ranks. By the end of the year - until the 1st day of 2018 - the "Mir" cards are taken away by all public sector practitioners.

Wash the service of "Mir" cards to compete with other payment systems. For those who don't want to issue a card for some reason, you can save money by paying a salary for preparing a bank account.

Svit card for pensioners

See the card "Mir" and pensioners. Tim, who wants to withdraw pennies on a bank card from the 1st day of 2017, the Mir card is issued. For those pensioners, who are constantly using cards of international payment systems, the step-by-step transition to the Svit card has been transferred to the world of the end of the term for in-line cards. Completion of this process is scheduled for 1 March 2020.

Vykoristovuvaty "plastic" manually, but if you want to take a pension while preparing, then you can also take a payment through a bank or mail order.

Wash with Mir cards at AK BARS Bank

For public sector practitioners, students and pensioners who apply for the Mir card, transferring special minds - free of charge issuance and re-issuance of the card for a new term, for the payment of preparations at their own ATM without commission, at ATMs from third-party banks in all up to 50,000 rubles for a month without commission.

Loyalty program from 10 to 15% for cashback

The "Mir" payment system expands its own loyalty program, which is based on cashback - so, when paying for a purchase with a "Mir" card, you can withdraw a part of the spent pennies back to the card. The average growth of such a rotation is up to 10 - 15%. The "Mir" loyalty program is planned to be launched in the autumn of streaming, it will be available to all card holders of the Russian payment system.

For the future, the list of possibilities of the “Mir” card will be expanded, and it will be more convenient to use it.

Photo: Photo given by the press service of AK BARS Bank

General license of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation 2590 issued 08/12/2015.