Regidron instructions for use for calves. Regidron - complete instructions for use

Rehydron is used to restore the body after electrolyte loss. Diarrhea and vomiting are symptoms of many diseases.

But not only are these manifestations in themselves unpleasant and painful, they also lead to the fact that the body loses fluid and electrolytes. Therefore, electrolyte loss cannot be ignored. Regidron will help to replenish their reserves.

In this article, we will consider why doctors prescribe the drug Regidron, including instructions for use, analogues and prices for this drug in pharmacies. If you have already used Rehydron, leave feedback in the comments.

Composition and form of release

Clinical and pharmacological group: a drug for rehydration and detoxification for enteral administration.

  • 1 sachet contains 2.5 g of potassium chloride, 3.5 g of sodium chloride, 2.9 g of sodium citrate, 10 g of anhydrous glucose.

In a solution obtained by dissolving 1 dose of powder (the contents of one sachet) in 1000 mg of water, the active substances are contained in the following concentrations: NaCl - 59.9 mmol, KCl - 33.5 mmol, Na citrate (in the form of a dihydrate) - 9, 9 mmol, dextrose - 55.5 mmol, citrate ions - 9.9 mmol, Cl- - 93.4 mmol, K + - 33.5 mmol, Na + - 89.6 mmol.

What is Rehydron used for?

Among the indications for the use of the drug are such pathological conditions as a violation of the digestive processes, accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting. The ease of preparation of the solution and the safety of the drug allows you to use the product at home.

According to the instructions, Rehydron's solution should be taken when:

  • diarrhea of \u200b\u200binfectious origin;
  • diarrhea caused by chemical or alcohol intoxication;
  • food poisoning;
  • allergic diarrhea;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, leading to the development of diarrhea;
  • high temperature and fever;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • blood loss;
  • diseases of the endocrine system (excluding diabetes mellitus);
  • heatstroke or strenuous physical activity leading to a large loss of fluid in the body.

It should be noted that the use of Rehydron and drug analogues containing the same active ingredients and intended for the preparation of a drinking solution is possible only in case of mild or moderate dehydration. When treating severe dehydration in which there is anuria and weight loss of more than 10%, intravenous rehydration drugs should be used first. After that, you can apply Rehydron.

pharmachologic effect

The main purpose of using Rehydron is to restore the acid-base balance, disturbed due to the loss of electrolytes during vomiting and diarrhea.

Glucose, which is part of Rehydron, helps maintain acid-base balance by absorbing salts and citrates. The osmolarity of the Rehydron solution is 260 mOsm / l, pH 8.2. Rehydron's solution contains: NaCl - 59.9 mmol, Na citrate - 11.2 mmol, KCl - 33.5 mmol, glucose - 55.5 mmol, Na + - 71.2 mmol, Cl + - 93.5 mmol, K + - 33 , 5 mmol, citrate - 11.2 mmol.

Compared to similar drugs, Regidron has a lower osmolarity, which, according to studies, is more favorable, it also has a lower sodium content (this excludes hypernatremia), and a higher potassium concentration, which allows you to quickly replenish its reserves.

Instructions for use

In terms of use, the instructions for using Regidron are extremely simple. The contents of the sachet are diluted in one liter of boiled water, after which it is necessary for the dissolved preparation to cool. They drink it in small sips.

  • Before each use, the powder dissolved and settled in particles to the bottom is stirred. The required dosage per hour is deduced from the calculation of 10 ml per 1 kg of the patient's body weight.

In case of vomiting, after each attack, the proportion changes to 20 ml per 1 kg of the patient's body weight per hour. As such, Regidron has no side effects. However, it is impossible to use this medication without consulting a doctor because of the possible manifestations of allergic reactions.


The appointment of the drug is contraindicated in case of an excess of potassium in the body, diabetes mellitus, chronic renal failure, acute renal failure, as well as with arterial hypertension of moderate and severe severity.

Side effects

Subject to the recommended doses, the likelihood of side effects is extremely low. The development of hypersensitivity reactions is potentially possible. With normal renal function, the risk of overhydration or hypernatremia with rehydration solution is low. Vomiting is possible if the drug is administered too quickly.


With the introduction of too much or with the introduction of a too concentrated solution of Regidron, hypernatremia and hyperkalemia may occur. Metabolic alkalosis may occur in patients with impaired renal function.

Symptoms of hypernatremia include weakness, neuromuscular agitation, drowsiness, confusion, coma, and sometimes even respiratory arrest. Metabolic alkalosis can manifest itself as decreased ventilation, neuromuscular arousal, and tetanic seizures.

In case of a severe overdose with pronounced consequences, the administration of Rehydron should be discontinued. You need to see a doctor. Correction of the balance of electrolytes and fluid should be carried out by a physician based on laboratory data.

special instructions

Severe dehydration (weight loss\u003e 10%, anuria) should be treated primarily with intravenous rehydration drugs. After that, Rehydron can be used to treat diarrhea. The recommended doses of the drug should not be exceeded if the patient's need for additional administration of electrolytes is not confirmed by laboratory tests.

With dehydration in patients with renal failure, diabetes mellitus and other chronic pathologies, careful monitoring of their condition is required during drug treatment, since dehydration causes a violation of the acid-base, electrolyte or carbohydrate balance.

Do not add sugar to the solution. You can feed the patient immediately after rehydration. When vomiting, the solution is taken after 10 minutes in small sips, slowly.

Pregnancy and lactation


Rehydron's analogs are widely represented. In medicine, the following drugs are most often used to hydrate and normalize electrolyte metabolism:

  1. Acesol;
  2. Disol;
  3. Neohemodesis;
  4. Ringer;
  5. Sorbilact;
  6. Trisol;
  7. Chlosalt.

However, drinking them will not work, all analogues are intended for parenteral administration.


The average price of REGIDRON in pharmacies (Moscow) is 350 rubles.

Storage conditions

Store the prepared Rehydron solution in the refrigerator at a temperature of 2-8 degrees Celsius for no more than two days.

A solution of the drug is used to correct the loss of fluid and electrolytes by the body during vomiting and / or diarrhea. The glucose contained in the preparation promotes the absorption of citrates and salts, which helps to maintain metabolic acidosis. The osmolarity of the finished solution is 260 m / l, and its environment is slightly alkaline (rn 8.2). Compared with the standard solutions that WHO recommends for use in rehydration therapy, Rehydron has a lower osmolarity. Its sodium content is also lower than that of analogs, and the potassium concentration is slightly higher. There is ample evidence that hypo-osmolar solutions are more effective, lower sodium levels prevent hypernatremia from developing, and higher potassium levels promote faster potassium recovery.

Powder Rehydron: indications for use

When and in what cases you need to take Regidron:

  • with vomiting;
  • with acetone;
  • with a disorder (diarrhea);
  • in case of poisoning (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea);
  • alcohol poisoning, hangover, binge;
  • in heat, with heatstroke;
  • rotavirus;
  • toxicosis;
  • constipation;
  • with jaundice;
  • with stomach ulcers, with ulcerative colitis.

Many people are interested in the appointment of the drug Regidron, why drink? If you have a condition followed by an imbalance in water and electrolyte balance (WEB). To find out everything about Rehydron powder for what it is and what it helps from, the manufacturer in the summary of drugs indicates the question that the use of the product is reasonable:

  • needing correction of acidosis in case of diarrhea, followed by mild or moderate dehydration (for example, adults and children should drink the solution when the body weight loss is from 3 to 10%);
  • with thermal lesions associated with EBV disturbances;
  • in cases of dangerous desalination of the body, when the level of chlorides in the urine does not exceed 2 g / l;
  • prophylactic use of Regidron is indicated for exercise and thermal stress, leading to intense sweating (when the body loses 750 grams (or more) gram weight per hour), as well as in situations where people lose more than 4 kg of weight during the working day.

Contraindications to Regidron

Before buying the drug, find out when you should not take Regidron.

The manufacturer indicates cases when Rehydron does not help and can harm the body. These are the following states:

  • intestinal obstruction;
  • allergy to any of the components of the drug;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • diarrhea caused by cholera;
  • intolerance to Regidron components.

Diabetes mellitus (type I or II) is a relative contraindication.

How long do you need to take Regidron

In severe dehydration, when the weight loss exceeds 10%, and the patient develops dehydration, treatment begins with the use of rehydration agents and only then Regidron is prescribed.

There is no need to exceed the prescribed dose if the deficiency of electrolyte ions is not confirmed by laboratory tests.

The use of too large a dose over a long period of time can provoke the development of hypernatremia, so there is no need to exceed the dose recommended by the manufacturer.

Do not add sugar or honey to the solution. Food can be consumed immediately after rehydration.

Children and adults receive Regidron for vomiting ten minutes after an attack. The medicine must be drunk in small sips, slowly. If dehydration is a consequence of diabetes mellitus or other chronic pathology in which electrolyte, acid-base or carbohydrate balance is disturbed, careful monitoring of the patient's condition is necessary when carrying out rehydration using Regidron.

The appearance of loose bloody stools, the inability of the patient to answer questions, rapid exhaustion, hypoplasia, drowsiness, temperature up to 39 degrees and above, diarrhea lasting more than five days in a row, as well as its sudden cessation with the appearance of severe pain, are the reasons for immediate medical attention.

Treatment at home in these cases is impossible, since it is ineffective.

Regidron does not slow down the reaction rate, does not complicate the processes of thinking and does not affect the ability to operate machinery or a vehicle.

Often, in case of poisoning, a drug such as Regidron is used. What does this medicine help with and what is its effect in the body? Can everyone drink it, without exception, or are there restrictions? How can an illiterate use of the drug be dangerous and how to replace it? We will talk about these and other properties of Regidron below.

Rehydron: how does it work and what does it help from?

Rehydron is a medicine in the form of a powder with a sour-sweetish taste and odorless. It includes:

  • glucose,
  • citrate,
  • sodium chloride,
  • potassium chloride.

These trace elements effectively restore water balance in the body, as well as fill it with those substances that are lost by them during vomiting, diarrhea and other processes leading to rapid dehydration. The medicine is a glucose-salt mixture and is able to regulate the acid-base balance.

Before taking it, it must be dissolved in water. The powder is able to dissolve quickly, which allows you not to waste time during its preparation. And in those cases in which Regidron comes to the rescue, this is really important. The tool can be taken not only orally, but also with the help of a nasal probe.

What does Rehydron help from and what are the indications for taking it? It is recommended in case of such negative processes in the body:

  • in case of poisoning, when vomiting and diarrhea are present,
  • with intestinal infections, when vomiting and diarrhea occur,
  • with heatstroke,
  • with profuse sweating, when the body loses a lot of fluid,
  • with changes in acidity in the blood,
  • for various diseases that lead to dehydration.

How to drink Regidron in case of poisoning?

The dosage and method of taking the drug should be prescribed by the doctor, depending on the symptoms of the disease. Although Regidron is considered a medicine that can be taken at home, you should not neglect medical advice. In addition, there are instructions for use that you need to read.

This tool helps if a person is not only poisoned with food, but also alcoholic beverages. After all, any intoxication leads to loss of fluid in the body. Its replenishment with the help of Rehydron helps maintain water balance and remove toxic substances. In addition, the drug is useful for supporting heart function, brain and nervous system functions.

Before taking, the powder contained in one sachet is dissolved in water. The suspension is mixed well so that there is no sediment at the bottom of the glass. Drink periodically and in small sips to avoid the gag reflex (if you do not need to achieve the opposite effect). At the same time, you cannot add additional products to it to make the medicine more tasty. This recommendation is especially important in case of poisoning in a child. It must also be remembered that the dose used for adults and children should be reduced. Rehydron can be drunk both before and after meals.

If the correct dosage is followed, the drug is safe during pregnancy. It is also suitable for women who are breastfeeding.

The tool can be used not only on its own, but also with other medicines, so that the healing process is faster. For example, in case of poisoning, it is often prescribed. Therefore, you can take Rehydron and Smecta together, adhering to a short break.

A drug that balances the fluid content of the body can be used with other sorbents. Therefore, you will not have to choose, for example, either Rehydron, Enterodez or Rehydron.

But you do not need to use Rehydron with medicines that act in the same way as he does. In this case, there may be an excess in the body of substances that prevent the loss of fluid.

To drink or not to drink Regidron for children?

Nowadays, there are drugs that are more suitable for the child's body. Firstly, their composition is better regulated, and secondly, the flavoring additives in these products make their intake more pleasant.

Nevertheless, Regidron is often attributed to children. Especially if they suffer from vomiting or diarrhea. In addition to lowering the dose, it is better for children to give medicine at the same temperature as body temperature. This promotes better assimilation. During the period of taking the drug, it is important not to give the child fatty foods and foods with complex carbohydrates.

Monitor closely the child who is taking Regidron. Contact your doctors immediately if you notice the following consequences:

  • the high temperature does not subside
  • there is a breakdown, the child is quickly depleted,
  • there is a retardation of reaction and drowsiness,
  • stomach pains appear,
  • vomiting and diarrhea more than five times a day,
  • blood appeared in the liquid stool.

These symptoms indicate the need to sound the alarm. Most likely, if they are available, the patient will need to be hospitalized.

In what cases Rehydron should not be taken?

Despite the beneficial qualities of Rehydron, you need to know that an excess in the body of the components that make up its composition can cause side reactions. Overdose is indicated by the following symptoms:

  • lethargy
  • drowsiness,
  • disturbance of consciousness,
  • arrhythmia,
  • breathing disorders,
  • decreased muscle tone,
  • convulsions
  • heat,
  • respiratory paralysis,
  • coma.

The side effects of Rehydron are very serious. Therefore, be sure to call a doctor as soon as the first signs of an overdose are outlined.

It is better to refuse the drug if there are certain health problems:

  • elevated potassium levels
  • tendency to hypertension,
  • diabetes mellitus of the first and second types,
  • intestinal obstruction,
  • liver and kidney diseases,
  • renal failure
  • intolerance to the components of the drug.

Analogs of the drug Regidron

You can replace this drug with other means that have similar properties. These medicines include:

  • Trihydron,
  • Reosolan,
  • Hydrovit forte,
  • Citraglucosolan.

The composition of these drugs is slightly different from the composition characteristic of Regidron. Depending on this, the dose of analogs may be different.

There is a Rehydron substitute that you can make yourself at home. It is necessary to add 4 g of salt, 3 g of baking soda and 30 g of sugar to a liter of boiled water. It turns out a solution that can be drunk in the same way as Regidron. This method is convenient if the pharmacy is not nearby and there is no way to buy it.


Fighting against dehydration of the body, Regidron removes toxins well and improves the general condition in case of poisoning. It neutralizes the effects of vomiting and diarrhea, removes weakness, nausea, headache and other consequences of intoxication. Therefore, the drug is often drunk to combat the symptoms of a hangover. In addition to poisoning, Rehydron is effective in other conditions of the body, when a large amount of fluid is lost.

An overdose of Rehydron is dangerous with serious consequences. It must be carefully given to children, adhering to the rules and doses. Before taking the product, pay attention to the contraindications. After all, it is better to immediately choose the right medicine, than then suffer from the used to your detriment. To avoid problems, see your doctor right away.



NaCl - 3.5 g, Na citrate - 2.9 g, KCl - 2.5 g, dextrose - 10 g.

pharmachologic effect

The main purpose of using Rehydron is to restore the acid-base balance, disturbed due to the loss of electrolytes during vomiting and diarrhea. Glucose, which is part of Rehydron, helps maintain acid-base balance by absorbing salts and citrates. The osmolarity of Rehydron's solution is 260 mosm / l, pH 8.2. Rehydron's solution contains: NaCl - 59.9 mmol, Na citrate - 11.2 mmol, KCl - 33.5 mmol, glucose - 55.5 mmol, Na + - 71.2 mmol, Cl + - 93.5 mmol, K + - 33 , 5 mmol, citrate - 11.2 mmol.
Compared to similar drugs, Regidron has a lower osmolarity, which, according to studies, is more favorable, it also has a lower sodium content (this excludes hypernatremia), and a higher potassium concentration, which allows you to quickly replenish its reserves.

Indications for use

- restoration or preservation of water-alkaline balance;
- diarrhea in infectious diseases, including cholera;
- to prevent violations of blood pH and water-alkaline balance in case of profuse sweating associated with heat or physical exertion.

Mode of application

Add 1 liter of boiled water to the contents of the sachet, then allow the solution to cool. Take in small sips after each loose stool, before use, the solution is thoroughly mixed. It is necessary to drink about 10 ml / kg of body weight per hour, after the phenomena of dehydration decrease, the dose of Regidron is reduced to 5-10 ml / kg of the patient's body weight, after each loose stool.
If there is vomiting, then Regidron is given an additional 10 ml / kg after each vomiting attack.

Side effects

If the drug is used in therapeutic doses, no side effects occur.


- excess K in the body;
- CPI and surge arrester;
- diabetes;
- arterial hypertension of moderate severity and severe.


Rehydron is used during pregnancy, because does not have an adverse effect on the fetus.

Drug interactions

Rehydron has an alkaline reaction, which must be taken into account when simultaneously prescribing it with agents, the absorption of which occurs at a certain pH level.


If the dose is exceeded, there is a risk of developing hypernatremia or hyperkalemia. Symptoms: weakness, confusion, arrhythmias, drowsiness; in rare cases, respiratory arrest.
With reduced glomerular filtration, metabolic alkalosis can be observed, which is manifested by the following symptoms: convulsions, decreased muscle tone, decreased ventilation.
In the presence of symptoms of an overdose, it is necessary to immediately stop the administration of Rehydron and begin to correct electrolyte disturbances.

Release form

Portion sachets of 18.9 g, pack of 20.

Storage conditions

Store the prepared Rehydron solution in the refrigerator at a temperature of 2-8 degrees Celsius, no more than 2 days.


In the case of severe dehydration, with a decrease in body weight by 10% or more, it is necessary to rehydrate using intravenous means. If, after the restoration of the BCC, diarrhea persists, the use of Rehydron is possible.
Exceeding the recommended doses of the drug is possible only with careful monitoring of the electrolyte composition of the blood.
Treatment of patients with severe concomitant pathologies (diabetes mellitus, chronic renal failure) is best done in a hospital, under close medical supervision.
In case of vomiting and diarrhea, it is necessary to start therapy with Rehydron as soon as possible and continue taking the drug until the diarrhea stops (usually no more than 3-4 days). No other components can be added to the solution, otherwise the effect of the drug may be impaired.
If drowsiness, disorientation, high fever, anuria (cessation of urination), blood in the stool, or diarrhea persists for more than 5 days while taking Regidron, you should immediately consult a doctor.



  • Official instructions for the drug Regidron.
  • Modern Medicines: A Complete Practical Guide. Moscow, 2000.S. A. Kryzhanovsky, M. B. Vititnova.
Description of the drug " Regidron"on this page is a simplified and updated version of the official instructions for use. Before purchasing or using the drug, you should consult your doctor and familiarize yourself with the annotation approved by the manufacturer.
The information about the drug is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Only a doctor can decide on the appointment of the drug, as well as determine the doses and methods of its use. dosed powder: Pak. 20 pcs.
Reg. No: 2016/96/01/07/12 dated 24.08.2012 - Current

Dosed powder white, crystalline, soluble in water.

18.9 g - bags (20) - cardboard packaging.

Description of the medicinal product REGIDRON based on the officially approved instructions for use of the drug and made in 2011. Updated date: 01.03.2011

pharmachologic effect

A drug for correcting energy and electrolyte balance.

Restores water-electrolyte balance, disturbed by dehydration (with diarrhea and vomiting); corrects acidosis. Glucose promotes the absorption of salts and citrates, which helps to balance the acid-base balance of the blood.

Compared to the standardized oral rehydration solutions recommended by the WHO, the osmolarity of Rehydron is slightly lower (the effectiveness of rehydration solutions with reduced osmolarity is well proven), the sodium concentration is also lower (to prevent the development of hypernatremia), and the potassium content is higher (for faster restoration of potassium levels ).

Indications for use

  • restoration of water-electrolyte balance, correction of acidosis in acute diarrhea (including cholera), diarrhea with mild or moderate dehydration, with thermal lesions associated with disorders of water-electrolyte metabolism;
  • for the purpose of prevention: heat and physical activity, leading to intense sweating.

Dosage regimen

The powder of 1 sachet is dissolved in 1 liter of boiled water. The finished solution is cooled to room temperature and stirred again before use.

The prepared solution should be taken after each loose stool, in small sips. Within 4-10 hours, take 50-100 ml / kg of body weight. After the first stage of rehydration, Rehydron's solution is prescribed at 10 ml / kg of body weight after each loose stool.

Have adults and children over 3 years old in the first 4-6 hours, the dose of Regidron's solution can be 500-1000 ml, then 200 ml after each loose stool. If diarrhea is accompanied by vomiting, then it is necessary to give the patient a drink of Rehydron's solution again 10 minutes after vomiting.

special instructions

Before starting treatment, the patient should be weighed to assess the loss of body weight and the degree of dehydration.

Severe dehydration (weight loss\u003e 10%, anuria) should be corrected with IV rehydration agents, after which Rehydron can be prescribed.

A sachet of the drug Regidron is dissolved in 1 liter of water. If too concentrated a solution is given in the recommended volume, the patient may develop hypernatremia.

Patients who develop dehydration against the background of renal failure, diabetes mellitus, or other chronic diseases in which acid-base, electrolyte or carbohydrate balance are disturbed, require careful monitoring during therapy with Rehydron, up to hospitalization.

When using the drug Regidron, an urgent doctor's consultation is required in the following cases:

  • slowing of speech, rapid fatigue, drowsiness, the patient does not answer questions, the body temperature rises above 39 ° C, the cessation of urine flow, the appearance of loose bloody stools, diarrhea lasting more than 5 days, the sudden cessation of diarrhea and the appearance of severe pain if treatment at home is ineffective and impossible.

Patient nutrition or breastfeeding should not be interrupted during oral rehydration therapy, or should be continued immediately after rehydration therapy. It is recommended to avoid foods rich in fats and simple carbohydrates.

To prevent dehydration, Rehydron should be taken as soon as diarrhea begins. Usually the drug is used for no more than 3-4 days, the treatment is stopped with the end of the diarrhea.

In case of nausea or vomiting, the solution should preferably be given chilled in small, repeated doses. You can also use a nasogastric tube under medical supervision.

Do not add any other components to the solution so as not to disrupt the effect of the drug.