Libra woman and Gemini man: compatibility of people born under these astrological constellations. Compatibility: Man-Gemini and Woman-Libra Woman Gemini Man Libra relationship marriage

Gemini and Libra

The Libra Woman and the Gemini Man make up a harmonious but changeable union. It is easy for them to find a common language, a spark quickly flares up between them and a relationship is struck, but they do not always last long.

Gemini is by nature sociable and charismatic, he is interested in acquaintances. Without any problems, he begins to communicate with people, and imbued with sympathy for them. This is due to the Gemini's inner thirst for information and knowledge, but for now, strangers can satisfy hunger and curiosity. However, relationships often remain superficial and do not go further than friendships. The airy and volatile twin man is not used to tying himself with strong contacts.

The Libra woman is ruled by the same element and the same impermanence, only for her the influence of air is expressed in constant doubts and fluctuations. She ponders for a long time about her own actions and decisions. It will take some time after meeting Gemini before she decides to move to closer contact.

A man will be attracted by the intelligence and easy character of Libra, especially if he is ready to start a serious relationship. The Libra woman is a wonderful listener and Gemini will undoubtedly appreciate it. However, difficulties can arise when the romance and touchingness of Libra collide with the iron logic and the desire for absolute freedom, which any representative born under the constellation Gemini possesses.

A woman in this union is able to go to tricks and tricks, so her partner will not immediately suspect that something was wrong and will be sure that nothing threatens his bachelor life. The Gemini is unlikely to decide on a marriage, although Libra will do everything in its power to achieve legalization of the union. In other areas, this woman is rational and logical, thinks sensibly and critically, but in a relationship with Gemini she can lose her head and make stupid mistakes.

Advantages of the union: Male-Gemini and Female-Libra

Such a couple will be interested in each other, they will be united by similar hobbies, a thirst for knowledge, the opportunity to discuss with an equal intellectually partner. They are not distinguished by the desire to spend their free time at home: it is much easier to meet the Gemini-Libra union at educational courses, social events and parties. This is an energetic couple who do not want to stay in one place, they are attracted by everything new and unknown.

The Gemini man is undemanding, he does not need a home. For this quality, a woman will be grateful to them: in a relationship, a list of mandatory rules for fulfilling household duties will not wait for her. Any male whims that Gemini has a penchant for will be smoothed out delicately and diplomatically.

Libras will be calmer next to a partner who knows how to make instant and spontaneous decisions. They are characterized by throwing between two, often equivalent, answers, weighing and considering the pros and cons. Gemini compensate for these doubts by quickly resolving a problem that can torment a woman for a single day.

  • General outlook on life;
  • Fast resolution of conflicts;
  • Similar interests and hobbies;
  • General craving for knowledge;
  • Understanding;
  • Easy to communicate with each other;
  • Both lead a similar lifestyle;
  • They can smooth out each other's bad qualities;
  • Mutually energize;
  • Support and support for each other.

Minuses of the union: Man-Gemini and Woman-Libra

The Gemini man makes decisions quickly, but is also capable of changing him with lightning speed - this is the duality of the air. Refined Libra will not understand such behavior. The girl wants to feel protected, to have a confident in her strength, who brings the matter to the end and a strong-willed partner. It is difficult for Gemini to act in one direction: for this they are too fickle and chaotic.

Unmanly behavior can confuse and disappoint a partner: she needs a man who is heroic, capable of taking control into his own hands in unforeseen situations. However, Gemini do not have outstanding physical qualities: they consider wit and intelligence to be their strengths.

Yielding at the beginning, Libra gradually takes the leading role in the relationship. A less dedicated partner than themselves will make them want to take control. Although during the first days of dating, a woman may well pretend to be a victim and give in to Gemini, listening to their endless theories and advice that are not applicable to practice. Gradually, her patience will come to an end, and the man at this moment will be sincerely offended. Duplicity, falsehood and play in relationships are also used by Gemini, but as soon as he suspects deception and sees the true essence of his girlfriend, a split will certainly occur in the union.

The Gemini will resist the change of power with all of his nature. For him, the thought of someone else's control is impossible, freedom is too important to make concessions. Even in a serious romantic relationship, Gemini are prone to flirting with other girls. For him, this does not mean anything, but a girl can react to dismissive attention to herself with an offense and perceive the next game painfully.

A critical Gemini may well point out the flaws of a partner: he wants to see her well-groomed, slim and beautiful, without taking into account reality. It is important for him to satisfy his aesthetic sense, but he gives himself indulgences. Demanding external attractiveness from a friend, Gemini rarely meets his criteria himself, which is unlikely to please Libra, who has similar principles.

  • Pretense and fake in relationships;
  • Mutual criticality;
  • Gemini's zealous attitude towards autonomy;
  • Different views on serious relationships;
  • Mutual suppression is possible;
  • Unwillingness to give in;
  • The game can get destructive;
  • Inability to submit to another;
  • Both have a desire to be in charge;
  • High probability of treason.

How to find a common language in a pair: Male-Gemini and Female-Libra

The Gemini man does not tolerate reproaches and gratuitous offenses, he does not like when they try to command him. Openly asking a partner to change, become more courageous, or express dissatisfaction with his behavior Libra should never be. The Gemini will quickly end the relationship and is unlikely to regret it.

Her gift of tact and diplomacy will come to the rescue of a partner: by gently hinting and guiding your partner, you can unobtrusively change the course of his life path. The Gemini will not notice that he has been assisted in achieving his goal. But a quick-witted man will quickly understand that they will no longer criticize and put pressure on him. Acting carefully and carefully, Libra will take a leading role in the relationship and achieve a comfortable union for themselves.

You should not honestly declare your intention to get married to Gemini - this will scare him. He needs time to settle down and understand the importance of serious and family relationships.

A man should calm down his criticism and understand that living people cannot be perfect. The Libra woman herself, without cruel and stinging reminders, will monitor her appearance if she is not reproached for this.

Compatibility of couples in bed: Male-Gemini and Female-Libra

The airy nature of both partners gave them a similar temperament and interest in experimentation. Sexual relationships have harmony and mutual delight. The Gemini-Libra union is much more important a romantic component than naked passion.

Attacks of jealousy, rudeness and vulgarity are not characteristic of them. Much more important is the ability to stretch sensual pleasure, get pleasure and deliver it to your partner. Both signs see sex as a logical continuation of a relationship, and not as a thirst or strong physiological desire.

Compatibility of couples in a marriage: Male-Gemini and Female-Libra

Both partners decide on a marriage union at a conscious age, when the airy chaos characteristic of both in different manifestations stabilizes. At the same time, one of them must overcome uncertainty and take the first step by offering a hand and a heart. By creating a family, the couple will find support and support in the person of each other.

Everyday problems and routine rarely have a detrimental effect on them: after all, you can always do something new or go on a trip.

Both partners love to have fun, rarely think about responsibility and financial side, so they will have to overcome any serious trials in order to get an ideal and lasting family relationship.

Compatibility of couples in friendship: Male-Gemini and Female-Libra

A friendly relationship between Gemini and Libra is possible if both do not see each other as potential romantic or sexual partners. Easily converging characters, Gemini-Libra are able to remain friends all their lives. Typically, such relationships develop in middle and late age, when a woman and a man have spouses and are not interested in extramarital affairs.

Mutual understanding, sincerity and frankness reign between them. Neither Gemini nor Libra makes sense to play or wear a mask of falsehood in front of a friend. They value ease of communication and the ability to talk about everything.

Compatibility of couples in business: Man-Gemini and Woman-Libra

Libra is strong at networking and social networking. It is better to leave communication with business partners and important people to her - this is her element. Gemini are good at making quick decisions, resolving conflicts, and generating new ideas.

Both employees are always full of energy and suggestions, they are guided by creativity. However, plunging into the world of theories, they forget about the routine work, the implementation of which must fall on one of them - because of this, conflicts are possible. For fruitful cooperation, they will need helpers: those who can be entrusted with the implementation of the invented plan in life.

What a Libra Woman needs to know about a Gemini Man

Libra's self-discovery process may not always appeal to Gemini. He does not like the framework and someone else's desire to change him, and this is how the Libra Woman's behavior is seen when she, with good intentions, tries to point out his good sides.

The Gemini man is terrified of obligations and avoids them in every possible way. He does not need devotion, he does not demand it from his girlfriend. He is changeable, easily loses his temper, but also quickly calms down. In quarrels and conflicts, he does not rely on the emotional side, operates with logic.

A Libra woman may not be satisfied with the speed and lightning speed with which her partner makes important decisions, often without consulting her, once again defending her independence. Libra will think that a man does not perceive the seriousness of the situation and takes everything too lightly. However, often the displeasure is caused only by the fact that the girl herself took much more time and effort to solve a similar problem.

What a Gemini Man needs to know about a Libra Woman

Libra, like Gemini, is interested in meeting and communicating with other people. The Libra woman is good at the communication part: she always has many girlfriends and friends. However, unlike Gemini, who enjoy social life on its own, the girl has a specific goal.

She is not looking for a gentleman or future husband, it is important for her to establish a trusting relationship with another person. They want to help a friend see themselves from the outside, discover the best sides, and show hidden beauty. But often the desire to discover a new acquaintance is motivated not by altruism, but by a passion for fulfilling the most ennobling mission.

The Libra woman can be capricious and overly picky - you should not blame her for this. You just have to go through an unpleasant moment without aggravating the conflict. Libra is vindictive, so a sharp and caustic word is capable of settling in their minds for a long time.

Compatibility of the Woman-Libra with other signs

Compatibility of the Gemini Man with other signs

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Love between representatives of the same element always gives a touch of friendship, especially if these are representatives of the Air element. The Gemini woman is mobile, light, does not like to be bored. She communicates simply and sweetly - just the way the Libra man likes. He himself has a weakness for sophisticated young ladies, who are also intellectually developed and do not strive to maintain harmony. As for harmony, this is definitely not for the representative of the Gemini sign, but with the previous points, the Libra man will definitely be lucky. The love of a Gemini woman and a Libra man will be like a movie: everything is weighed, romantic and even elegant and no one gets bored. Their relationship is not very deep, there is no jealousy and possessiveness in them - and although they are deprived, in general, of rough animal passion, there is more than enough tenderness in them.

They will not move on to sex very soon: both are too intellectual. Conversations are much more important to them than physical affection. However, curiosity and violent imagination of both will take their toll and they will finally find themselves in one bed. The Gemini woman has an indefatigable imagination, she will be able to diversify her intimate life. The Libra man will create a romantic atmosphere in which both will be able to relax and tune in to love. In their intimate life, conversations (because she loves them so much) and joint admiring art objects (this turns him on) will play an important role.

Family and marriage

A marriage between a Gemini woman and a Libra man will be bright and easy, like themselves. They can make the decision to formalize the relationship very quickly, while not regretting it in the future. The Gemini woman will be an unusual wife: she cannot be called an economic one, but she is very feminine and knows how to support and cheer her spouse when necessary. The Libra man is also not a classic strong husband - however, he maintains an even atmosphere in the family so that everyone is grateful to him for it. Their marriage is truly partner, there is no leader and follower in it: together, the Gemini woman and the Libra man achieve their goals.

They will be friends with great pleasure. The Gemini woman and the Libra man have many common interests, even their psyche is somehow similar. Both of them need communication more than food and sleep, so they understand each other very well. It is unlikely that they will give each other good practical advice, but they will always be able to provide emotional support.

Work and business

If a Gemini woman and a Libra man work together, it could be some kind of creative project, journalism, or something related to beauty and art. At least it is in these areas that the Gemini woman and the Libra man are most effective. They will be able to quickly agree and share responsibilities, there will be a minimum number of conflicts in their joint activities. The Gemini woman will be able to expand the circle of acquaintances - professional and not very, that will benefit their common cause, and the Libra man will find an approach to people who are especially important and necessary for their project. Their trade union can be very, very successful.


Libra man


Gemini woman

A Gemini woman is very attractive to a Libra man, he is a true esthete and knows how to appreciate everything beautiful. In his eyes, she is like a deity, and of course, it will be very difficult for her to resist such admiration. All this is just a first impression, and after they have a relationship, a lot can change.

Libra man - in a relationship he has a lot of contacts, very superficial and fickle. They always have a problem of choice: the preferences of partners and moods - and at each new moment this choice turns out to be different. This is a game of feelings, when, for various reasons, it is difficult to stop at one partner.

The Gemini woman - in a relationship, love is a kind of utopia: something that does not exist in nature, her own fictional world, in which, nevertheless, she manages to live. She pays too much attention to her appearance, sometimes this is a way to distract herself from gross reality.

This union may seem strange to others, but in life it occurs quite often. The fact is that with all the dissimilarity of the characters of Libra and Gemini, they are united by such common traits of character as emotionality and changeable mood. Thanks to this, they understand each other well. In life together, the Gemini may not be satisfied with the fact that the Libra man thinks and acts too slowly, but she, like no one, knows how to cheer him up and stir him up. Libra, for this, is ready to forgive the Gemini woman for her restlessness and the habit of spending a lot of time outside the home, and can also turn a blind eye to her non-obligation and other "little weaknesses." Such, at first glance, a shaky union often turns out to be quite strong, especially if it is not about marriage, but about less obligatory relationships: friendship or just love.

This pair has good compatibility, despite the fact that from the outside they look somewhat strange. Few people promise them a long relationship, but often the assumptions do not coincide with reality, and the couple happily lives together all their lives. First of all, despite their love for sociability, they try not to make their personal life a common property. The Gemini woman and the Libra man are quite comfortable in each other's company, they will always find a reason for fun, they also have a subtle sense of humor, which often only they themselves understand. Most of the time they are interested in similar things. Finding mutual understanding for this couple is not difficult. However, the source of difficulties can be the fact that both do not like to take responsibility. Both the Gemini woman and the Libra man prefer to wait until someone else solves their problems.

Libra is carried away by the lively bustle of practical Gemini. Gemini helps Libra find a practical grain in their utopias and embody them. But for marriage, the intellectual contact of air signs often lacks sensual depth. It is quite a favorable combination of the zodiac signs Libra and Gemini, each of the parties will take care of the partner's well-being. Outwardly, such relationships seem boring, but in reality they are deep and durable. Due to mutual stubbornness, small problems may arise, but they are quite solvable. The Libra man will not just be next to the Gemini woman, who, as a "parent" and "teacher", will push them around. Here, from the very beginning, one sees a struggle for leadership in a pair, or, at least, for a man's right to make decisions. The conflict can flare up even more strongly if the Libra man has a stronger character than the Gemini woman. This will make him an absolutely rebellious and wayward "child". Powerful, but unwilling to take responsibility for its use. Of course, all this will manifest itself only in the most extreme cases. In ordinary life, not every Libra man will sign up to have a woman next to him, indicating how and what to do.

The fact that a Gemini woman and a Libra man are so similar can make them happy and at the same time can be the cause of all their troubles. They know each other well, understanding the mutual qualities of a chameleon and different moods, and will usually stick together against outsiders - those who do not understand their airy mentality. Unlike Libra, Gemini juggles polarities and contradictions at the same time, connecting opposing thoughts within their dual nature. Despite the similarities, there are many differences in the nature of the two. Gemini is quick to decide. Both Gemini and Libra would be happier - both with themselves and with each other - if they learned to feel more and think less. They are more compatible than most married couples who try to piece together the perfect picture of questions, hints, riddles and even fragments of love.

An affectionate, lasting relationship that brings joy

Gemini and Libra compatibility can be perfect if these two do not trample on what they held dear at the beginning of the relationship. Fate itself pushed them into each other's arms, and you can't argue with it. The Libra man will do his best to surround the Gemini woman with care and comfort.

They are smart and multifaceted, so you can not count on boredom and banality. When two lovers have something to talk about at the end of the day, they will start the morning with an interesting topic. The Gemini woman will be the leader in the relationship, but her leadership is so delicate and gentle that the Libra man would not even think that he was being commanded. From the outside, this pair is somewhat similar to two pigeons cooing on the roof. They treat each other with such tenderness and care that there is no doubt about the excellent Compatibility of Gemini and Libra. Alas, you have to add a fly in the ointment to the honey barrel.

The fact is that a Libra man cannot imagine life without intrigue and frivolous novels. Naturally, it will be difficult for a Gemini woman to come to terms with his frivolity. He, of course, loves her with all his heart, but the passion for change and novelty takes over. So the conclusion follows - loyalty and trust. Then the union of Gemini and Libra will not be threatened.

Compatibility horoscope. Libra Man and Gemini Woman

The unification of the representatives of the signs ruled by the element of Air marks the beginning of a period of "unbearable lightness of being" in the life of each partner. and the Gemini woman is able to understand each other without a single word, guided only by glances, gestures, intonations. The representative of the strong half of humanity, born under the sign of Libra, in contrast to the representatives of the "earth" signs of the Zodiac (Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn) perceives the "chameleonism" of his chosen one, Gemini, not as an oddity that interferes with the achievement of interpersonal harmony, but as a highlight of her character, which makes Gemini one of thousands. He likes to watch the fickleness of her emotions, he gets pleasure from it, comparable to the sensations of a fanatic naturalist who watches the mating games of Tasmanian wolves. However, he will not try to correct her character for himself. He accepts her for who she is, with all the advantages and disadvantages, no matter how trite it may sound. After all, it is in the infantile inconstancy of Gemini that the Libra man sees a special charm, which, as it seems to him, he has not seen in other women.

These two will always find common topics for conversation - both on the first date and after fifty years of living together, since the vectors of their interests are directed in the same direction. This, of course, does not mean that the hobbies and views on life of the representatives of these signs are completely identical - after all, in that case, they would just be clones of each other. They just have the same methods of building ideal relationships. So, Libra men have the same understanding of aesthetics. They like fashionable, status things that can be completely impractical, but they make their owner stand out from the crowd. For both, the opportunity to present oneself in society is important, to make the impression of successful and happy people in everything.

They are also both very democratic about the need to legitimize relations, considering the theory of "love and marry!" archaism. If Gemini dreams of romantic sketches with getting up on one knee, throwing a wedding ring into a glass of champagne and an offer made on the radio, then these dreams are rather manifestations of temporary sentimentalism than the goal she strives for. It is enough for her that her beloved man falls asleep and wakes up next to her, and she considers civil marriage as a convenient and psychologically comfortable way of organizing relationships.

He thinks similarly, but there are differences. For example, a Libra man is sure that legal marriage is a very responsible step, and one should not rush with it, but at the same time, one should meet old age with a ring on his finger and a common surname. And therefore, the nihilistic attitude of the Gemini woman to matrimonial values \u200b\u200bis very surprising to him. (Read more about and what they are in the family) He may even be convinced that something is wrong with him, because his beloved does not think at all about an official marriage. However, over time, he will sort everything out on the shelves and decide that this is even better. So far, and then we'll see ...

Gemini and Libra are comfortable together, they share each other's interests, and do not exaggerate events - is this the ideal of compatibility? Yes, if they also learn to plan a joint future. The problem is that Gemini's ambition can be out of harmony with the desire for stability and constancy of her Libra partner. She has a bunch of tasks, first-priority, second-priority, and the rest, which are periodically mixed in her head, like in a kaleidoscope, and she seeks to solve them all as soon as possible. It’s not surprising that most of her time she is puzzled looking for solutions to these problems, and her lover may just feel irrelevant.

He, too, does not mark time, but clearly realizes that sometimes you need to give yourself some relaxation. Having achieved a certain goal, he will rest on his laurels for a while, and the Gemini will not be able to budge him, even setting his own example. Therefore, she may have a false assumption that her man no longer wants to do anything for their well-being, unlike her, the tireless bee. But she will make a big mistake if she starts sawing him - after all, offending a Libra man is as easy as shelling pears. He reacts to reproaches (both unfounded and quite fair, it is worth noting) as an attempt to "build" him, and for a man who positions himself as an alpha male Libra man, it is like a red rag for a bull.

The fact that a Gemini woman and a Libra man are so similar can make them happy and at the same time can be the cause of all their troubles. They know each other well, understanding the mutual qualities of a chameleon and different moods, and will usually stick together against outsiders - those who do not understand their airy mentality.

If his or her sensitivity and emotionality is emphasized by the Water element, and the Moon or Ascendant falls into the Earth sign, they are astrologically guaranteed happiness. And in another case, these two still have something more than an average chance of success, excluding small unrest on "especially windy days" (and both can be a little windy). As a combination of the Sun signs, they are more compatible than most married couples who try to piece together the perfect picture of questions, hints, riddles and even fragments of love.

They are both aesthetes: they are touched by beauty, touched by sloppiness and disorder.

But at the same time, both Gemini and Libra, in need of beauty and order, may also need ... a living Sagittarius, an energetic Aries, an active Virgo, who would do all this.

Sure, some Gemini and Libra are neat, but even they wouldn't mind someone turning all this confusion into order. Since the Gemini woman is faster, she will often have time to pick up the socks scattered by him after the Libra man. But he will never refuse her money (if he has it) when she wants her house to become more beautiful. More often than not, their home is tasteful, cozy, and full of books.

Even if they live in a tent, it will be well stretched, with pictures on the fabric, and music will sound softly in it.

The scale cannot stand loud sounds, crooked tent pegs and lopsided chairs.

When these man and woman quarrel, she will always start the quarrel, and he will end it.

At least that's how it will seem to observers. The Gemini woman, despite all her airy charm and subtle femininity, is very sharp on the tongue and often uses it. Her beloved Libra will use another weapon, because he is just a master of hiding true intentions behind a lively smile and a convincing voice.

A Libra man is never as innocent as he looks and says (or how he tries to convince you of this). Looking at his calm face, you will not even think about what contradictory decisions are ripening in his mind and how grumpy he is towards those close to him, while these decisions are still being made.

A Gemini girl may decide to become a fashion designer, then she will have the idea to fly a jet plane, then she will want to translate from Sanskrit, study the Dead Sea manuscripts, open a pet store or sign up for courses to study law.

And the Libra man will deal with all her tangled decisions and emotions better than anyone else.

He will not, like an Earth sign, lose his temper so that it will look like an earthquake.

It will not, like a sign of Fire, blaze with indignation and anger.

And, like a Water Sign, he will not sober her up by pouring his silent contempt on her head.

First, he understands it all.

Secondly, he is logical enough to control her, preventing her from reaching recklessness, gently showing her all the pros and cons until she understands and decides to look for her Bluebird closer to home - and to him.

Libra can affect Gemini by bringing clarity to everything.

And the Gemini girl so needs clarity! Her spirit is disturbed, not her soul. And she always wanted to know who she was, what she was looking for ...

The Libra man with his logic could explain all this to her. But ... her character is a mixture of honey and spices.

She is all the books she has read, a reflection of all her ideas, judgments and philosophy of her mirror self, diametrically opposed to her own.

Memories of the first dance ... tumbleweeds and tornadoes ... flickering candles of a half-forgotten New Year's Eve ... The world of the Gemini girl is so mosaic that the Libra man who loves her can get lost in it ...

Therefore, he would better guide her ... from a distance. There is something indifferent and cold in his mentality.

And this does not allow him to feel natural in the volatile land of fairy tales, where she feels so good.

Their physical love is able to give them such a sense of height that only two Air Signs can understand. True, sometimes he waits for her to return to his arms from her imaginary world.

Their passion may not be all-consuming, as between two Fire or Earth signs, but it will be like a gust of fresh wind, which will turn into a summer shower that renews nature.

There may not be a thunderstorm, because often they first experience all their emotions in their minds.

These two in turn can be active, then expect love, as if switching from one energy to another, and this gives them a feeling of ever-changing bliss.

They can complement each other, harmoniously becoming one physically, but do not be surprised if the mind and soul attract them no less than sexuality, although they may only barely realize this.

Not all Gemini women want children.

But if they choose a father for their unborn child, perhaps they may be a Libra man. If she marries him, it is because she likes everything about him. True, then she can try to change him like a woman.

The Libra man ruled by Venus, perhaps, will tolerate this - until he realizes that it deprives him of his usual balance.

Then he will delicately but insistently remind him that he is a Cardinal male sign and return to his old habits - and it will be better for both of them.

He will never be bored with her - she is so different!

She can be the most chatty when he thinks out loud, and the most silent when he shows her to his friends; the most energetic - in bed, the laziest - in the morning, when he waits for her to bring him breakfast ...

Well, what other woman could be a kaleidoscope of joy, frustration, happiness, amazement, irritation, delight and disappointment?

Only the one in which the secret of Femininity is hidden twice!

Yes, she can be sloppy, lose keys, spend all the money ruining his mood,

But what can he do?

He will try to teach her to be more logical and constant, will criticize her shortcomings, sometimes he will behave like a strict judge, depriving her of her freedom; and one day he realizes that she is the only thing that he cannot balance on his scales.

As the daughter of Eve, she will smile knowing that she is a riddle that cannot be solved with the mind. And just like Eve, she will not share her secrets with him: let him figure everything out for himself!

But if she sees what she is wants

To see, coloring facts with fantasy, in order to avoid disappointment, he looks at life, people and situations calmly and logically, with a strange indifference, without fancy points of view. If he does not make a sincere effort to understand her condition, he himself can by this force her to go for a little lie, defending his point of view. It is difficult for her when she is required of exact, perfect and unadorned truth, not allowing any "maybe" or "suppose it was." And she will try to escape from this reality, diving deeper into unreality.

It won't hurt a Libra if he adds a few drops of Gemini's imagination to everything he balances so seriously on his scales. Since truth is often not what it appears to be — Mercury taught her this — logic can be deceiving and facts can be fooled.

She knows that true wisdom is obtained only by adapting to constantly changing forms of life. He will think it over, weigh it and ... will not agree.

But somewhere in the middle, in the middle of these opposing points of view.

Gemini and Libra will meet, easily touch Each other, stop - and stay together.