What is possible and what is not possible to work in the Rizdvo of the Most Holy Theotokos - rozpovila extrasensory Tekle. Rizdvo of the Most Holy Theotokos: how can you work and how can you not? You can climb 21 spring

May 21, 2018 fate in Orthodoxy is the holy people of the Most Holy Theotokos. It’s a great day, in what a lot of people will come to see the temple. Крім цього, 21 Veresnya can be brought to bagatokh folk rituals and prikmet. I wish not all of them are relevant for the current year, but it is quite possible to bring the chimal to drink in the present day. New Years, take note of the rituals of being tied with the Mother of God of the Most Holy Theotokos, as well as about those who can and cannot be robbed on a whole day.

Rizdvo of the Most Holy Theotokos - history is holy

The Fathers of the Most Holy Theotokos, Ioakim and Anna, lived in the small town of Nazareth. For perekazami, the stench was very vryuchie, that constantly prayed to God and asked Yogo for children. Once, Ioakim pishov at the Kestrel, and before the first squad, an Angel came to the house. Vіn appeared and cholovіkovі. An angel has spoken to her friends, so that their daughter, Diva Marya, will not be bargained for, through a yaku, the Savior will come to light. Otrimavshis novina, maybutnі daddy went one to one nazustrіch and flew to the Rusalim bіlya Zolotykh Vorіt. Exactly after 9 months of the year, 21 days later, Diva Marya was born. Three destinies її viroshuvali daddy, and then she violated the viconati abode, a tribute to God, to the temple. In quiet time, Orthodox Christianity means the people of the Most Holy Theotokos.

About what Orthodox pray to the Mother of God?

Long ago, a day in which the people of the Most Holy Theotokos are associated, association with holy mothers and all women. According to traditions, with the help of a varto, I’m brushing my clothes and going to church, so I can help Mary for the people of Sina. To get involved, all the prayers, the images of the Great Patriotic War, the blame, all the troubles, the blessing and the bidi - be respected. On a whole day, women often pray for the health of children, for the family of prosperity. It’s not easy to kill the Mother of God і wishing for those people

Mark on the Rizdvo Bogoroditsi

Kozhne 21 Veresnya in churches to light a candle in honor of the saint. Till not get the fathers from the written prokhannyam. If it’s awake, as soon as the candle burns out until the end, the Mother of God will feel all the prayer and prayer. To get involved, on a whole day, women need to give mercy, run a penny and a lot, but not a mother without a mother.

Інші popular sages, tied with the Mother of God of the Most Holy Theotokos

21 spring among the people I mean Other Autumn, for holy I am growing. In the bagatokh regions, until the present day, they have protected the ancient rituals and primes, knitted from the daytime. As a rule, until 21 spring the whole harvest is already harvest. Until the end of the hour, bjolyars are ready to return to the street with bjols for the winter. To fix an onion season, to pick a tsibula and vegetables in the fields. Find your own order to the drive - "Come the Prechista, you will be clean and clean." Closer to the days of the saint, the evening gatherings were held at the booth.

As for the reception, the stench was more stinking of the women. So, on the day of saint їm it is necessary to start on the way beforehand, sob to wake up until the svitanka. As soon as you awaken the zrobiti, vvazhala, that the beauty will be saved until the elder. And the unimportant children were vikonuvali tse rite of passage in order not to know their name without a bargain.

Immediately, early wicked women took with them sour, whipped bread, and went to the closest water, so that they could taste Diva Mary and win the harvest. There the stinks lammed bread on the little pieces and made him thin. Having finished all the rituals, the women went to visit the young ones.

Tsikavo, before the young families came not only women, who take part in the rituals, but the old father, and also the old settlement. Mister booth must be put on a glass pie. It’s delicious - everything meant the talent of the young squad, and it’s not enough - they gave their instructions, how to conduct the rightly dignity. Krim pie, guests appreciated and іnshi stravi. But the ruler should be embarrassed that he has shown his doors to the door, a bit of thinness, and also made for him. And here everything is considered an analogous rank. As the empowerment was organized by the proper rank, then it was praised, and if not, it was condemned and given orders. Another sign, yakuvali on 21 heaps, stosuvalasya the happiness of the family. Youngsters in the whole evening went to their fathers. The squad was tying a ribbon on the sleeves, and the letters “B” and “R” on the yak buli. As soon as it was trawling, then the price forced on the presence of the order of the zazdrisniks.

Take a note of it, wait

At all hours for people, it was important to support the weather and in the meantime, as the characteristic features. On Christmas day 21 spring, they also used their synoptic pride, for example: if the day is sacredly clear, it means that there will be a surplus of spring and the whole day. As soon as the fog was visible in Rizdvo Marya, the fog was visible, it was pouring on the board of autumn, and as the fog quickly became clear, it means that the weather will be constantly changing. With a rank board, people boiled, but the whole autumn would fall, and the charge would be cold. As soon as from the very wound, the sun shone brightly and hung all the grass out of the dew even more quickly, and at a minimum, it was charged. Excited about the importance of the saint, the villagers did not praise the whole day, but only contemplated about spirituality and prayed.

Zakhist children from the chvorob in the Holy Mother of God

The women of their patroness prayed for the children and the family on the day of the Mother of God. Even though their prayers were strong, the guards were engaged in rituals and traditions. So, the children didn’t have fun, all the old odyag were crawling, and also swelled up, and slept in a holy way. Vazhalosya, we will be able to fire all the problems. When children were sleeping, they were brought into the booths and poured water over them. The ancestors of the velma chanuvali were sacred and saw to all their pride. It’s important for them to save their day out. It is not surprising that this Christmas Day of the Mother of God is an important saint in Orthodoxy.

In contact with

The Mother of God appropriated all her life to God and Yogi with a great idea. For a reason, the Holy Mother of God is to lay down to the most important church podiums.

The Church of the Holy Mother of God is the first two hundred sacred letters of the church news. Shoroku will be recognized on the same day - 21 Sunday. I want to be happy and holy, but at the end of the day, the deyakis are important fences.

history is holy

Diva Marya was born in Nazareth with Ioakim and Anni - a summer friend's bet. Vony prayed and asked Heaven to give him the greatest wealth in the world - a child. Prayers will be appreciated, and Anna is zealous, well, it won't be a simple child, if she beat the Angel, as if she said that she was judged by the people of the girl. The Lord ordered me to name it Mary.

Piznishe prophecy of the boom - Annie and Ioakim had a girl who was born. The stench was called її Marya, as the Angel commanded. The life of the Mother of God, which was judged by the people of the Mesia, and who wasted death by the death of the child on the cross, respected the hardness of the life of the Mother of God.

Rizdvo Divi Marya - the most important and clear-minded holy, more than the people of the Heavenly Intercessor gave an ear to all the biblical podіyа.

It is possible and it is not possible to work 21 spring

It is possible and necessary to visit the church or to read the Holy Christmas prayers at home. Pray to the Mother of God for happiness and health. The axis is good prayer for the whole day:

“By Saints Joachim and Gannoy people, blessed by God, blessed Mother of God, Diva Marya - feel us, unworthy servants of Your day, Your great people. Help us to fit in with our sins and become the ones who are going to go into the Kingdom of Heaven. Pray to God for us, take care of us from every evil, from ailments and evil people. Having instructed us on the path of true, we pray to you on a whole day of light. Amin ".

In 2018, we have started to lose track of our traditions. It is not possible to practice in the city and to take care of the home on the right: praise, pranny, tidying up. Chi is not allowed in holy meat, living alcohol, and also lost to dogs or domestic critters. Zaboroneni unkind pomisli, welding with loved ones and release a bit.

At the holy Rizdva of the Theotokos, you can get the Christmas holiday and ask loved ones in your little house. It’s even more radіsne sacred, like a trace of education with the closest people. Help your team, what you need, and everything, what you dear.

21 spring can be given to loved ones as a gift to the icon of the Mother of God: for example, to the icon "Blagovischennya", "Cathedral of the Most Holy Theotokos", "Introduced into the Temple." We'll make a present for you, madly, your love and respect. Good luck, don't forget to push the buttons

19.09.2018 05:07

In Christianity, prayerless prayers, vazhayutsya wonder-working. One of them is the prayer “Theotokos Divo, ...

"The Dream of the Mother of God" is a prayer oberig among the people. Isnu povir'ya, such a prayer is good ...

How holy is this church? Sunday 21, 2020, the Orthodox Church is destined for the Holy Mother of God. There are only one of the most significant church saints, which can be recorded up to the number of two and ten, that is, 12 of the most significant Easter holidays.

Veresnya 21 - Christmas Day of the Most Holy Theotokos

Rzpovimo lectures, like the sacredly all-important Orthodox Church 21 Veresnya. Yogo is also called the Friend of the Purest. The pre-history of the tsiy is sacred.

The Mother of God of the Most Holy Theotokos overwhelmed such podії. We lived in the Galileysky town of Nazareth of the pious friend Ioakim and Anni, who were not kids.

Once Ioakim wanted to make a sacrifice to God, alas the high priest saw him, so as that "without spreading the offspring of Israel." Ioakim, in sorrow, was at the kestrel, and his squad was lost at home.

Anna began to pray to God, sending that child to her. At the end of the hour, an Angel appeared with a sound about those who God was listening to their prayers, and a child would appear from them, about whom he speaks of the whole world.

After the end of a given term, they had a daughter, Marya, as a friend of hers was sent to consecrate the Gods. Ioakim having removed the blessing of the high priest for those who were rewarded with the blessing of God, and having ruled the great benquet, on which all the guests had fun and glorified God.

The story is discussed in the apocryphal "Proto-Gospel of Jacob", as it was known in 1958 in Egypt. I will name Tvir after the name of the first apostle.

Yak nagoloshutsya Rizdvo Most Holy Theotokos?

Now you know that it is sacred for the church to mean 21 Heights. However, the first Christians did not celebrate the Holy Mother of God.

Yohe only thought of only in the VI - the ear of the VII capital at the Vizantyysk imperii, and sometimes in Rome. At Orthodox churches, a holy Christmas service is held on a whole day.

At the Rizdvo of the Most Holy Theotokos, as it is in the most significant church is saint, it is impossible to visit robots around the house - prannya, tidying up, as well as shiti, v'yazati, vishivati, pratsyuvati in the garden and city.

Vireuchі do not touch the post, їm allowed їm to live whether-yaku їzhu. In Russia, they sacredly tied with the arrival of autumn and holy birth. The villagers dyakuvali the Theotokos and asked for a gargantuan harvest in a maybutny rotsi.

However, it was sent to the power supply: "What is the holy day for Sunday 21st?" Let us be incomprehensible, as we do not tell about one holy day on the whole day, dedicated to one of the best holy places of the Russian Church - to the miraculous image of the Most Holy Theotokos. It is sacred to bear in mind the memory of the amalgamation of the Assumption Pochaivskoy Lavri from the Turks in 1675.

The Church of the Most Holy Theotokos is a great holy man in the world, which can be entered before the number of the twelve, who found the Easter holiday. In the dressing from the biblian history of the two righteous, Ioakim and Anni - the stench led a godly life, but not a little children, and constantly prayed to the Lord for those who won the first thing. A dozen hour later, they had a daughter, Marya, who was named the mother of Jesus. It is important for the nobility, as to celebrate the Holy Mother of God, and also notice the sounds, as it is possible and not possible to work in a whole day.

If and how to saint the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos

The Divine Mother of God falls on 21 spring, and among the people they call him the other Most Pure. In Russia, before the time of the day of the hliborobi, it’s magalized, pick up the crop (at the center of the rakhunok є the order: “Come, the Purest, and it’s clean.”), And the stepfathers repaired the gotuvati bdzhil until winter. Obov'yazkovo it was necessary to build a potato wicker and to sow the land with livestock, to wake it up until it gets colder and see a friend to the Purest, not being able to see the turbot. The triviality of svyatkuvannya lay in the form of a selected birth - as it was in buv bagatim, it took two triviality, and if it was small, then in all three days.

Holy Rizdva of the Most Holy Theotokos is also named "Mala Prechista", "Aspos Day"

It is sacred for the believers to be fond of light and radiant, which is widely referred to both Christians and Catholics. At the churches, liturgical services are held, and when the church is opened, the parish is sent to the house (at the entrance to the next tribute to the chicks, there will be plenty of money in the booth), roll up the style and ask the guests.

It seems that as a part of the bagate and profitability, the coming harvest will be great.

On the glass, it is necessary to put grains from grain and cats with bright fruits - apples, plums, grapes and pears as nature's gift for a gift, as well as grasses from grains.

If the gentlemen baked to the whole holy special bread with "vigraviruvanim" on new letters "R" and "B" (Rizdvo of the Mother of God) and gave him a mustache, who went to the hut. A piece of such a bread was usually placed behind the ikona, for which wine had been filled with power - as well as from the members of seven ailments, they were often given as licenses.

Before the decorations, it is necessary to read a prayer in order, and the prayer can only be conducted on good and positive ones. The people of the abducted family in the whole day passed on their accumulations to the younger generation, and the young people, especially the young families, went to their older relatives and respectfully heard their joy.

It is necessary to robiti

The people vvazhaetsya, that on the day of the Mother of God, the heavens will be close to the earth, so you can ask the Lord about the vikonannya be-like bazhannya. Especially Diva Marya favors unimportant children and childless couples - if you pray for this child, prayers will be felt. In addition, you can ask for health and prosperity for loved ones in a tricky way - write a message on a paper paper, cover it up to church candles and light it up. As soon as the candle burns out, it means that everything is not written.

At the churches of the children of the divine liturgy, go

At the Holy Mother of God the Mother of God, the mother of the Mother of God, in the sight of him, got up earlier and immediately went to the dzherel vodi.

Respecting, as soon as you wake up to the svitanka, turning to the accusations on the road, then the beauty of life is not born to the end of life, but before the undead beauty it is necessary to come as a matchmaker.

To improve health and not to get sick all the offensive ric, on the 21st spring the relations were burnt and swollen, and the children were taken to the gank and doused with water. And for the species of unsuitable ailments, the ancestors procured viburnum and drank it from it, from the present and from the present - "as long as you will see the Kalini on Prechista, you will be like a clean little ailment."

As soon as on the day of the People's Day, Divi Mariya became more and more independent with people, it is necessary to shop for a drink at once, thanks to him for a day and to stand on a new bottle of hench - the price of success. Before the unsupported, you can boldly bring something like a pod.

Shcho protected robiti 21 veresnya

It’s a sunny day, for it is permissible to eat a modest one;
  • At the Rizdvo of the Most Holy Theotokos, it is necessary to see important robots and household help: mittya pidlog, tidying up and burning smittya, chopping wood, etc.
  • Women do not want to take in their hands golku and knives, shiti, vishivati ​​and rizati, moreover, the fence will widen to navigate the hlib.
  • It is not possible to conflate with those who are sick, to bring up a voice, to tell someone of evil and to admit negative thoughts - all are considered guilty to be pure and bright.
  • Before the hour of the holy day of the other Most Pure, it was not recommended to live meat (they cooked food) and categorically took alcohol. In the modern Orthodox culture, if the day has not been spent on Wednesday and Friday, then it’s not enough.

So, since spring 21, 2018, falling on Friday, the day will be written, protesting the Orthodox calendar, since such a great saint, it is allowed to implant herbs from ribi and seafood.

  • It is not possible for this table in the whole day to strike cristi and it is not possible to do it anymore - everything needs to be carefully picked up and given to home-grown creatures or ptahs.


21 Veresnya vvazhaa during the day, if the autumn becomes the rightful lord, and after the weather it is possible to change the forecast for Maybutnє:

  • Whenever the day is drowsy, it means that until the end of the day there is a dream, and if you tighten the sky with chills, you can cleanse the cold weather with the boards;
  • if you are from the board, you will be boarding for 40 days;
  • If the grass is covered with rank dew, then immediately through the month of the month of the loan and the first frost will come, and if the sun went down early and the dew hung - the winter will be hopeless.

All the silkskogospodarsky robots finished up to the end of the hour, the onion period was approaching - the period of the collection of tsibuli

Є On the day of the People's Day of the Most Holy Theotokos, take care of them, not tied to the weather.

To get involved, all are not happy, who showed up on Sunday 21 Sunday, to be healthy and happy, as Diva Marya herself is in the middle of the city, sickness and misery.

Rites and rituals

The Day of the People's Day of the Most Holy Theotokos is a "strong" day, which is to come for all kinds of ritual acts. One mind is a pole in the fact that all the rituals are guilty but they are straightforward for good - to cause damage because it’s impossible for us to get away with this rank of shkoditi, but Diva Marya can be unleashed.

Oberig for all the motherland

On the day of the People's Day of Divi Mariya, you can make a hard-hitting oberig, which will seize the little ones from the cities, the dashing eye and the bid. The ancestors were victorious for the preparation of ovine (residual) snip, or you can just go to the field and eat spikelets. At the same time with them, it is necessary to prepare a piece of gorobin, Kalini, pine or a tree, a church candle, a red thread and a clap of natural fabric. Seeing gilki from trees, obov'yazkovo ask them for vibachennya. With all the materials in hand, take a garnishing bouquet so, in the center of the ball, wrap a candle, wrap it with cloth, tie it with a thread and shave it with holy water.

Over the amulet, we are preparing to read the prayer "Our Father" and sprinkle it with holy water three times

Otriman composition will need to increase the number of exit doors.

Rite of passage for vikonannya bazhannya

Yablunya in Orthodoxy is impressed by the symbol of success, the people of miracles and a new life

Another rite, which can be carried out 21 spring, aims at the implementation of the sacred bazhannya. Take three drops from three small trees: apple trees, leaves and birch trees, as well as a line of green color and clear dzherelny water. Take all the twigs at once, tie them with a green line, so that you can make a bastard and soak them near the water, think about your world. For the composition, it is necessary to bury it for the apple and bazhanya unbarredly.

The ritual for zamіzhzhya

The girls, who wanted to get out of the way, performed a ritual with the heads of the leaves. Oh, you need to knock in a stake for the help of a red thread, lay it on the big round tarilka and light it up, and I’ll say: “I’m quick to fire somewhere on a cola, so smartly, I’m going for a drink”. If the splinters start to burn out and only ash gets too much, it is necessary to put it in a piece of cloth, take it out on the street and let it out for the window. Dіvchina, yaka performed a whole ritual, is guilty of creating her share by stretching out to fate.

Rite of passage

An offensive rite of passage for women who are about a child. It is necessary to collect in the Department of pure dzherelnoy water and pass by it, for which the birth was consecrated in the church. You can drink water over a small bowl for 40 days, so you don't have to worry about it.

The celebration of the Most Holy Theotokos is light and positive holy, as it is necessary to spend with pure thoughts and namirs, and even Diva Mary will give you her blessing and will seize all the troubles by stretching out your fate.

Rizdvo of the Most Holy Theotokos. Ikona / http://hram-kupina.ru

Rizdvo of the Most Holy Theotokos: it is impossible to rob

For the tradition on the whole day, categorically zaboronyaya:

  • be-like a robot around the house, to navigate and walk in advance - read the lecture in our materials - vignatories to be afraid to avoid for the unintelligible help: keep an eye on the children and home creatures, etc .;
  • cook, scream and bazhati evil - especially to close people;
  • Take a christianity from the Christmas tree table at the pidlog - they see home creatures.

Rizdvo of the Most Holy Theotokos: fasting

Є Mark this on the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos, tied to the weather:

  • if the weather is good all day, then autumn will be nice;
  • as soon as the boards come, it will still be 40 days, and the autumn will be blue and board, plus the winter will be cold.
  • if the fog is bad, then check the board, wait, if the fog grows quickly, then the weather will be thin;
  • If it’s a good idea to hang out the dew, don’t check it too much.