Correct posture from above. Pose rider - the secrets of skilled lovers

And the only one in which, despite the generally accepted ideas about sex, a woman can fuck a man !!))). Despite its popularity, not many girls extract all the enormous potential of pleasure that this position can give to both partners. Today we intend to open the curtain of secrecy and find out what men and women love this posture, what variations it can be, as well as how a girl can move in the pose of a rider and what muscles to turn on for maximum pleasure for a man and herself.

For what men love the pose rider

The fact that most men love this posture of doubt, I think no one there, but let's see what exactly they love her so much.

  • Men like to have sex not only with dick, but also with their eyes.   Hearing, touch, charm, all this, of course, is also more or less involved, but what his cock feels and sees his eyes makes a man get excited the most. And allows you to show a man everything and in different angles. I understand that not all girls feel quite relaxed in especially frank versions of this position. But you must understand that unlike women who love with their ears, men love with their eyes. Therefore, if you want to give a man a truly unforgettable sex, arrange him a frank show. A rider like no other position is suitable for this show. The position of a man in this position allows him to see all of you: your face, your chest, your vagina, your buttocks and, most importantly, how his penis enters into you.
  • Man can relax. You say: "And what of it?". Firstly, his relaxation allows him to fully concentrate on his feelings and experiences, which lead to stronger arousal. Secondly, the more relaxed the body of a man during an orgasm, the stronger and longer this orgasm. The clamped muscles do not allow the orgasm to open fully. But this does not mean that a man should lie motionless like a log. He can carry out oncoming movements with his pelvis, which, by the way, is very popular with many girls.
  • Additional features. The free hands of men greatly expands the range of additional stimulating action. With them he can caress the breast of the partner, in addition or crush the buttocks of his beloved. In general, do all that he wants, which excites him and his partner.

Despite all the positive aspects of this position, there are still such men who are indifferent to her, and some do not even like her. Most likely, they simply have never been saddled by a real rider and not fucked properly!))) The fact is that not all girls feel relaxed enough in sex, and rider posture like no other needs this relaxedness and emancipation. About what prevents the girls liberated, we will talk below.

What do girls like when riding

With men, we figured out. Now let's look at the girls and try to understand why they like sex in this position.

  • Manage your enjoyment.  No matter how sexually literate a man is, knowing and understanding a girl's body is better than she herself will never be. Only a girl knows at what angle, at what pace and how deep a member should enter at the moment for maximum enjoyment. In this position, all these moments she can perfectly manage.
  • Managing his enjoyment (a sense of power over a partner)  - If a girl knows and understands how a rider needs to move in a pose in order to deliver a man of maximum pleasure, she can easily control the speed of an orgasm in a man. Such a sweet feeling of power over a man and his pleasure turns many girls very strongly.

Pose rider in different variants

As you can see, not one specific position, but a whole class of positions that is not limited to several options. The above photos are only examples of the many that are in general.

As a girl to move in the pose of a rider

  As you remember in this position, the woman takes the initiative in her own hands, that is, both her pleasure and that of her partner will depend on her movements. In order to answer the question of how a rider moves in a pose, a girl needs to understand 2 main things:

  • How is his penis and which parts of it are the most sensitive? I think any girl knows that the most sensitive part of the penis is the head. But the head is far from uniform, that is, not equally sensitive in its different places. The most sensitive areas are: the rim (the bulging edge of the head, enveloping it around the entire circumference), the cheeks and the bridle. More on about. Understanding this, you can consciously make movements for more intensive stimulation of a particular head area.
  • What parts of the penis, at what position of your body and at what movements are more stimulated.  Here it is important to understand that depending on the position of your body, and more precisely, on the angle of the member’s entry, it depends on which part of the head and which region of the vagina will stimulate the male member more. If a girl, for example, sits on top of her face to the partner, the stronger she will bend to him (forward), the more intensively her back wall of the vagina will be stimulated with the front part of his penis head (cheeks and bridle), which is the most sensitive. If the girl on the contrary deviates back, then the member mainly interacts with the front wall of her vagina (where point G is located), but already with the opposite outer side of the head of his member, which is less sensitive. This situation allows a man to cool down a bit and prolong sexual intercourse. These examples are given so that the girl, visualizing, understand what her movements lead to which member stimulation.

Understanding these things will give you a lot more than a simple description of certain movements. All this will allow you to choose or invent your own original and maybe even unique movements that would give your man the greatest unforgettable pleasure.

Types of movements in the pose of the rider

Despite all of the above, I propose to consider some of the most popular types of movements in the pose of a rider, and also to identify some subtleties that will help add pepper to your joint love dance. As you saw above, this is a rather wide range of potions of a woman from above in various variations. And depending on one or another variation of this posture, one or another of the movements described below can be applied.

  • vertical (up down) - The name speaks for itself. This type of movements allows you to stimulate a member along its entire length, due to the alternate maximum input and maximum output of the member. The most convenient way to use these movements is in those variations of the pose of the rider in which the girl is well-standing or rests on them, as this will allow her to control the degree of input and output of the penis. Depending on the inclination of her body, the girl can change the angle of penetration of the penis into the vagina, thus changing the zones of maximum stimulation of the glans penis. For example, the more the girl tilts forward toward the partner in vertical movements, the more the head cheeks and the bridle will be stimulated (the most sensitive parts of the head). If, on the contrary, they deviate back from the partner, then the outer part of the head and the corolla will be more stimulated, and the girl with this inclination will stimulate the front wall of the vagina, where the point G is located.
  • horizontal (back and forth)  . A feature of these movements is that the member is always in the vagina in its entire length. A girl simply, having accepted a member in herself, slides her buttocks from the legs of a man to his abdomen, while the girl mainly performs movements with her pelvis and not with her whole body. A member is practically not displayed, the head is stimulated alternately - either the front, or the reverse side, and the girl, respectively, then the front wall, then the back. Also, with these movements, leaning slightly forward to the partner, the girl can increase the stimulation of the clitoris.
  • circular. It looks like horizontal movements, only now the girl does not move back and forth, but makes circular movements with her pelvis. Such movements allow a man to feel the girl with the entire surface of the head, and the girl, respectively, to feel his member with all the walls of the vagina. In addition, such movements excite men quite strongly, as they look very impressive and exciting.
  • wavy. The essence of these movements lies in the fact that the member is inserted at one angle, and displayed under the other, which provides simultaneous stimulation of several sides of the head of the member at once. This is ensured by the special work of the girl's pelvis. For example, she sits on top of her face to her partner and slightly leaning toward him. Pulling up the pelvis on herself, she sits on the penis completely, and rising, on the contrary - bends in the lower back, thereby taking the penis slightly on the fracture, which results in a kind of compression of the penis and active interaction of the posterior vaginal wall with the most sensitive area of ​​the head - the cheeks and bridle .
  • Mixed. As you may have guessed, mixed movements involve the use of all the above movements. You can constantly alternate them, focusing on the one that is more like you and your partner. Using all movements, you will be able to include more nerve endings like a member of the vagina, which will contribute to a brighter feeling of both partners.

Work intimate muscles in rider pose

If a girl intends to claim the title of a skilled lover, then she simply must train the muscles of the vagina (intimate muscles) and be able to work with them during sex. Playing with these muscles allows you to more tightly capture a member of a man and stimulate him without special gestures, while also creating a vacuum inside, which causes a man to have a special feeling as if the vagina sucks his cock into himself. This is of course aerobatics, but this should be sought. In the pose of the rider, as in any other, it is very important to turn on these muscles and contract them. From this masculine pleasure and your will increase several times. You can reduce them in different ways, for example:

  • at the entrance of the penis into the vagina.  With vertical movements, the code girl sits on the penis, it reduces the muscles of the vagina, and when you move back (rises), it relaxes them. This allows you to create a more dense entry of the penis into the vagina.
  • When withdrawing a member from the vagina.  The girl sits on the penis relaxed, and getting up reduces the muscles of the vagina, creating a vacuum inside. The man creates a feeling as if the vagina captures a member trying to keep it in itself.
  • periodic reduction. That is, the girl has reduced the muscles of the vagina for some time by increasing the pressure of the vagina on the penis, and then released.

What prevents the girl to open up in a pose rider

A rider is a pose in which the girl lights up. But if a girl is plagued by any fears and doubts, then it will be extremely difficult to open up in this position and eventually light a partner. Let's see what cockroaches often dwell in the heads of the fair sex.

  • I do not look beautiful in the rider pose.  Try not to drive too much about how you look in this position. Remember that you will look great anyway if you really enjoy sex in this position and you don’t hide it. If a man sees how good you are, what a great pleasure you get by riding him, then this will be a great start for him. The manifestation of your passion - this is a real beauty!) And all the crazy thoughts, like: "how I look," "whether he likes me", "whether I look ridiculous" and so on - send it to hell, just have fun and your partner will appreciate it !!))
  • I can't move effectively, he won't like it.  First, it is worth saying that by and large how would you not move a man will already be pleased. Of course, there are certain specific moments that reinforce the feelings of a man, but there are quite a few different ones and each of them has its own subtleties. The main thing is to understand the following: if you take pleasure in this pose, the body itself will find all the necessary movements - just surrender to your feelings and enjoy.
  • I can harm a partner by not moving correctly.  While the male member is in the vagina, no matter how you move, you cannot harm him. You hurt yourself rather than hurt the man and his penis. But it is worth remembering one important moment  and it concerns intense sex. When a girl in a burst of growing orgasmic sensations begins to literally ride a man and his penis. As a result, a member can jump out and go not into the vagina, but into the crotch, buttock or near the entrance to the vagina, that is, the girl with all her weight will fall on the standing member. In this case, she can not only break a member, but also injure her genitals.

That's probably all that I wanted to say about the posture of the rider. Finally, I would like to give one piece of advice for both girls and men. Girls, say goodbye to all the cockroaches that settle in your head when it comes to this posture. “I don’t look sexy in that position,” “I’m moving funny,” “He won’t like it,” etc. - close all this eyes and just learn to have fun yourself. Men, try more often to loudly admire your girlfriend. You do not even know what stupid thoughts are sitting in their head, which inhibit it and do not allow it to be the one that you most would like. Your compliments and admiration will make her more confident, and therefore more sexy! Successful races!)))

  It is important to know:

    Maybe it suits most. But everyone has a different metabolism and the number of kg of excess mass does not always depend on the amount of food eaten. At one point, changes may occur in the metabolic processes and the work of some organs. So eating exactly the same, I lost 8 kg - I noticed a change in the work of the organs.

Kamastutra - the real bible of sexual positions. It was written in Sanskrit in India. Historians say that the date of its appearance is somewhere between the 3rd and 4th centuries AD. e.

Initially, the Kama Sutra was not just a manual on sexual positions, it was a whole way of life! Still, if you are still looking for something to diversify your sex life, feel free to go there. Or to us, because we chose 100 poses from the Kama Sutra (although the names gave them simpler) and told you about them. Illustrations will help you figure out what, where and how. Today we publish a description of the first 50 poses, so wait for the continuation!

1. Pose V

Position requires acrobatic abilities!

A woman sits on the edge of the table, a man stands in front of her and slightly bends his legs to be in the position most convenient for penetration.

Then the woman hugs the man with his hands over his neck and throws his feet on his shoulders. Then she leans back, and you have to move in the usual pattern, holding her back.

2. Pose rider

In the pose of a rider, a man sits cross-legged and leans back, resting his hands on the bed behind his back. A woman sits on top, hugs his hips and moves up and down. So she can control the speed and depth of penetration.

It may be more convenient to lean on the wall or on the headboard and help her move up and down - or just relax while she does all this hard work.

3. Fireworks

Pose "fireworks" more difficult than it seems.

For a start, a man and a woman sit opposite each other. She kicks his torso with her legs, then penetration is performed, and only then the man embraces the woman with her foot, which is on top to hold her.

In order not to fall, the woman embraces the man with both hands, and the man leans on his elbow. Damn it, yes this is a quest!

4. Shiny triangle

At first glance, the posture of the brilliant triangle resembles the classic missionary position: the woman lies on her back, and the man is on top. However, the salt is that the man leans on his knees, and the woman lifts his hips to meet him.

That is, the man does not move, the woman does all the work herself. So this is not at all like a missionary position!

5. Letter X

The man lies on his back, the woman turns and sits on top of him with his back to him, and then falls on him.

She stretches her legs and puts them on his shoulders, and his body on the bed, between the legs of a man. So this is the letter X. Then the woman begins to slide up and down.

And she can use men's legs as a lever to increase amplitude.

6. Nirvana

This is a classic. A woman lies on her back, stretches her legs and holds onto a bed above her head. After penetration, she brings her legs together, and the man - on the contrary, spreads.

They move together, and because the woman squeezes the hips, it happens natural stimulation  clitoris.

7. Castle

A woman sits down on something (on the table, a washing machine — well, you understand), on the very edge, and leans on her hands. A man stands in front of her, and she hugs him by the hips. That's the whole castle.

8. Slip

A man is lying on his back, a woman is on top of him, his legs are together. The bottom line is that a woman slides up and down his body.

And it’s not difficult at all!

9. Monkey

We have no idea why it is so called! There really is no need to be a monkey, but a real gymnast.

A man lies on his back, pulling his knees to his chin. A woman sits on top of her back to him, rests on her legs and moves up and down. The more weight she takes on her feet, the easier it is for you. Although bear in mind: in this position it is not easy in principle!

But you can penetrate hoo hoo deep. But there is one thing: a woman must be strong enough and have an extraordinary sense of balance. If she takes you by the wrists, as in the picture, it will be a little easier.

10. Butterfly

Another position with inappropriate name. The key point is the angle of penetration. A woman is lying on her back somewhere on suitable furniture. A man stands in front of her, and she puts her feet on his shoulders.

The woman leans her arms on the same furniture so that she can comfortably lift her hips, and he takes her backside to simplify the process. And if you are strong and dexterous enough, then you can also move with all this ugliness.

11. Climbing to desire

This is if your maiden is a fan of healthy food (or you are a strong man). Then you will cope with the task. Otherwise, I don't know.

So, the man gets up, spreads his hips, bends his knees a little. A woman stands in front of him. A man lifts a woman in front of her, and she hugs him with her legs.

You can take a sitting position, and then get up with your girlfriend in your hands - as you like. Yes, and stand, leaning on the bed, somehow safer. The weight of a friend should provide deep penetration when she moves up and down.

12. Balancing

A man lies on his back, spreads his legs. A woman sits on top between his hips, and he in turn takes her by the hips.

This is why balancing! It's the same man!

In this position, the rhythm sets the man. But the woman can adjust the depth.

13. Chopped bamboo

A woman puts her foot on the man's shoulder. The man holds her hip and heroically makes the penetration, simultaneously supporting her raised leg and himself. Since her hands are not occupied with anything, she can do whatever she wants with them.

14. Sleeping Angel

The woman lies on her side and curls up, and the man in the same pose falls behind her. It's all pretty simple, and the man just free hands, so that you can apply some more affection.

15. The bridge

Mmm, wow! Not that any of us have tried this position: we are not Olympic champions in any sport. But it just looks ugly.

You can try this position only if you are very flexible and super-strong. So, you get up on the bridge ... Here half of the readers will scroll further. So, you get up on the bridge, and a friend sits on top - and then everything is clear. Let her put the weight on her feet, so pass her on.

Long stay in this position can not be! And then the blood will flow to the head, and fainting is not far off.

16. Clip

A man lies on his back, legs together. A woman sits on top, leaned back and rests on her arms. Here you, too, can dispose of your hands as you wish (although what you want, you will only reach the clitoris - unless, of course, you are not a Boomer).

17. Tight

A variation of the "sleeping angel". However, the matter is more complicated.

So, lie on your side again, you're behind her, but this time she spreads her legs. It is also open space for the use of hands - and at once for both participants in the process.

18. Two-story

A man lies on his back, and a woman lies on top of his back to him. She leans back on her elbows, leaning her back to his chest.

The woman’s legs rest on the man’s knees, and the man moves inside her. The pose is good for moving to another position - it will be quite natural.

19. The temptation

So, the woman sits on her knees and leans back, pulling her arms over her head. A man kneels, penetrates a woman and stretches his legs. Difficult manipulations.

20. Crouching Tiger

The man lies on his back so that his legs were not on the bed, but on the floor. A woman sits on the man with his back to him, spreading his legs. She can choose the depth and speed, and still have fun with her hands. Such a crouching tiger.

21. Hero

The woman is lying on her back, pulling her knees up to her chin, her legs looking at the ceiling. A man sits on his knees across from her. Hands he supports her legs. Why "hero"?

22. Dolphin

Another position for yoga lovers. So, the woman raises her pelvis to the ceiling and supports herself on her shoulders, and her head lies on the bed. The man is between her knees and supports her in the ass. Movement must be oh-very neat! You can even lift her hips even higher so that her legs are off the support. Just not too long, man! Again: the blood rushes to the head, and a friend may collapse.

23. Frog

The man sits on the edge of the bed, resting his feet on the floor. A woman sits on top of him on the edge of the bed with her back to him, her legs remain on the bed. Looks like a frog, right? She moves up and down, and he supports her just in case. You can help her.

24. Juniper

A woman lies on her back, stretching and stretching her legs. A man sits between her knees, also stretching her legs. He raises her hips and it's done. And that is quite a romantic.

25. Plow

A woman kicks on the floor and elbows on the bed. A man comes up from behind, stands between her legs, and she pulls her legs out parallel to the floor.

to be continued

Pose for sex "woman on top" gets already just his name! It's so wonderful to feel the mistress of the situation, to fully feel the power over the situation.
  The standard options for sex posture "woman on top" are known to all. But repetition is the mother of learning (besides, the world is always full of people who are just beginning to master a pleasant, but rather tricky, alphabet of sex).
  * The first type of sex pose "woman on top": a woman sits on a partner who lies on his back. In doing so, she relies on her legs bent at the knees.
  * The second type of sex pose "woman on top": a man in the same position, a woman squats.
  How to make the sex position "woman on top" even better?
  Climbing and falling, move in small circles. Tease a man by holding an erect penis on the labia and allowing him a very slight penetration. An additional source of arousal for both is heavy stroking of the breasts and / or stimulation of the clitoris.
  Turn your back to your partner (but for safety reasons, it’s better to make a 180-degree turn by first stopping in caresses. Or at least warn your partner that you intend to make such a dashing maneuver). A man can support a woman by the waist, helping to move and (if you do not mind, of course) to some extent adjusting the speed and amplitude of movement.
  Change body position by leaning forward or backward. This sex position will allow you to check the sensitivity of different zones of the vagina and choose the most sensitive place.
  Try lying on your partner by placing your legs between his legs or outside.
  Some couples like sex position very much when a man is sitting in a chair. Especially acute this pose can give experiments with clothing. For example, a man can stay even with a tie, and a woman can be completely naked. Or vice versa.
  What is good sex pose "woman on top"
  The first plus: the openness of the body. This plus automatically brings the sex position "woman on top" among the priorities for exhibitionists.
  The second plus: the sex position "woman on top" gives everyone the opportunity to stimulate the clitoris. Who exactly? This is as you wish. You can entrust this honorable mission to strong male hands. And you can exercise yourself. In this case, the probability that everything will be done as it should, is higher.
And the last, most significant plus, about which we, however, have already spoken, but let's allow ourselves to repeat. Sex posture "woman on top" has a powerful psychological effect. And a woman who knows how to let go of her feelings into the wild sometimes wonders at herself what unexpected traits of character and inclination are revealed in her, which suddenly gained power ...