Like raising the life energy of the hill on the body. How to boost your energy and life tone

One reader of Olena's White Blog wrote me a note about the article.

“I think you wait with me, that the Borg are most afraid of the outrageous use of human energy, which you advocate the option of “take it into your own hands.” And how can a person be robbed? The will of the great energy programs. If the problem has been posed by the Borg for a long time, then ce susilla is simply unacceptable for a person.

Singing peace of Olena maє raciyu. Energy is the tenacity of our life. But the car has a lot of other parts, and if it breaks from them, then the car cannot be loaded for a full tank.

I chimed in the faceless women, for those with energy everything was good, and the axis of the bajans took the responsibility for their lives - no more.

To that, the energetic exuberance is poured into the quality of life in principle, and before the obviousness, the borg may be a mother, or may not be a mother.

Ale Olena gave me the idea that the hour has come to talk about energy :). In a simple way, without high words about chakras, vibrations, affirmations and balancing.

I was already honored, as Irina Norna told me in her video “5 main myths about woman’s energy” ( website of Irini Norni >>> ), and I share with you this information (my interpretation).

I chimed in with a lot of people who were jabbering with ways of accumulating their energy. Vzagali, ce to speak about those that people are not aware of the nature of this phenomenon. Tse yak namagatsya accumulate more and more. Abo collect a little bit of snow, so that tomorrow you can make a snowman at home.

In the first place, to accumulate energy without a blind, for її dovkola is a bottomless ocean. Our task is to flow through it, let the energy pass through itself.

І zbіlshuvati rіvіn ієї єї not for rahunі ії ії ії skolіvnya, і for rahunі n_dvishchennya throughput ї spromosі і tіla (to zvіlnennya tіla tіla energіchnykh kanalіv vіd blokіv).

In a different way, try to pile up the energy to create zasts. Stagnant water rots. Energy can collapse.

If you think that you don’t have enough strength, then, more for everything, you don’t waste, but instead take care of the accumulated energy. You have enough energy, but you are afraid to realize it. І axis tsya stagnant energy starts "rot".

In the book of Li Carroll "Hurry home" there is an episode about those, as the main character on Yogo's way, the Angels relished it, but they asked Yogo not to take the horse with him "in reserve". Ale vin did not listen, adzhe shlyakh maw dovgy, and who knows yogo, de і if you become a new one. So from, tsya zha rotted once, like wine viyshov outside the door. Ale navechir, if you were tired and hungry, re-sounding the angel's house, in which yogo weathered.

With energy - the same story. Energy cannot be stored in reserve. People are given equal amounts of energy every day, how much energy is needed at a time to instill yogo bazhan.

As you have little energy, think, perhaps, you have little money? Not thoughts-balakani about those that would be good for them, but real bazhan-namіrіv, before the realization of these, you will try to susilla.

Irrespective of those that homework and the education of children can be very tired, it does not require a lot of energy. To lean over, to mitigate, to prepare the zhu, to take the children to school, to iron the shirts of the people - the church of life, the primitive riven of creation. I light does not give a lot of energy.

Div. also

You, perhaps, cherished women, like they are wise to be and beautiful mothers, miraculous loving (and cohanim) squads, to have a bunch of interests, hobies, take care of themselves, love with the right, rise in price, and with all their strength. For example, Anfisa Chekhova and Yuliya Visotska. I love these women! This is another proof that we are given a lot of energy, how much we can have money and plans.

It is noteworthy that both in times of exhaustion, and in times of re-energization - the symptoms are the same (flickering, constantly wanting to sleep, depression, apathy, no need to be busy). So from є kіlka simple ways to unwind your energy and take more.

As you can see, you need to take it off, you need a little help, call the place. Even though you haven’t won everything that you have today, all the volume that has passed through you, tomorrow they will give you less. First of all, as you win the maximum energy, and if you have a new plan, then tomorrow you will be given more.

Yak? Kinda simple:

1 - physical activity(whether or not, starting with work in the garden or in the city, continuing with dances, ending with sports). I remember that Yuliya Visotska in her interview spoke about those who, if a lie does not travel 10 km, then do not get the strength to do everything that she had planned for the day. And I couldn’t understand in any way how one was tied to another! Aje won't sap the energy of sports. Alemen became sensible, if I myself began to be rich.

2 - creativity. So if you invest your energy with those who create something new, that you can touch, read, listen, marvel, read. Paint a picture, perform a pie, come up with a song and dance, embellish the house and start growing, which hadn’t happened until now. And here, on the right, it’s not that you want to work ideally, but that you want to work in principle. Turn on your addiction, stop the process of shamanism and create something new. I am especially inspired by strength, if I am a shaman in the kitchen or I am engaged in handicrafts.

3 - grace. I’m talking now not about financial grace, but about those who, if you work for people, can’t beat yourself up about yourself. In my previous materials, I spoke a lot about those that grace can be even more called that wise.

Gratitude - help people, as if the truth can not come back itself. Ale, how to rob your feasible contribution. And to whom your help will help to become happy.

Let's go. One important moment, which means those, we will be reminded of energy or stained glass. This moment is called "satisfaction".

What does it seem like a person is busy with something, why not bring satisfaction? Do you think it's no big deal? Have mercy. Your energy expenditures are not only escalated, but you are pouring your energy into the pipe.

The world is more wise, you know miraculously that if a person is engaged in a beloved right and takes satisfaction in life, then a happy person, like turning the light of bagatar, to share his happiness with a great number of people. I light generously gives such people energy. In other words, you will take even richer energy in those moments, if you are satisfied.

I will advocate another option. Just as you can see that you have a lot of strength, you need to go and work hard, what is right for you. Directly zrobіt sobіvlyu zagotіvlyu and hang in a conspicuous place - the floor is quiet to take, whichever way you take the buzz. I should only eat savory, wear only robes, as it suits you, spend more than an hour with people, like you receive, see even a little whilin, walk in the park, read a book, dance.

Div. also

So, if you need to work, if you don’t want to work, turn around and think about what you can do right now to make you satisfied. I give yourself. And you also have the strength to build those that you need to build. To take away satisfaction is your strategic task, if you want to remind yourself of energy :-).

Now you don’t engage in energy practices, don’t work on the body of the kundalina, don’t balance the chakras, but you just see the day when you want a little bit of an hour to be satisfied, and you take away the result of the growth of your energy.

I stop, what is important to say. You know that a woman is a source of energy for a man. So nature foresaw that a woman takes energy from rich dzherel - from the Earth, from intercourse with other people, from home affairs, from simple gatherings with a book in her hands. And the man is only like a woman. Chi is not about sex. You can be a smile, a great splurge, kind thoughts about the new one and just your suspіlstvo.

But a woman is too afraid to give people their energy. Movlyav, “I don’t get the energy myself, but can I still “strike”?”. Why talk about your unreasonable nature of energy and the laws of the All-world. Energy cannot run out, because you are not a reservoir, but a conductor. In addition, people, as I know the laws of the universe, I know that I will come even more.

The woman is created to remind the energy of a person, because it is nature, recognition. As a woman begins to tap into energy, she is inspired by her to share with a person, she ceases to be a woman and win her confession. Hiba do you need a car, which one is not to drive? And sil, yaka stopped being salty? The socket is near the wall, because there is no electricity in it?

Really, you all give energy to people. More nourishment, like a kostі tsya energy. If you work together, if you share love, joy, satisfaction, suffocation, support, then a person will be successful from you.

Div. also

And if you give it with fear, that you can’t stick, then share the energy of vigilance, rozcharuvannya, discontent, form. And it dawned on me that the person instructed you to disappear, become poor and unsuccessful, impossible for sex.

With great almighty power, building to help people fly up to heaven or fall to the bottom. Remember to give people energy, as a matter of fact, to remember. Without fear that you will not lose. And turn, as if you were working on the malt, light to fill your energy “vitrates” with too much.

And how difficult is it for you to improve your energy industry?

Far from all people think about those who need to take care of their inner energy just like they are healthy. In this article, I want to talk about it myself: how to promote energy and how you can inspire її injections of rіven.

Is it necessary?

Let’s say before the varto that you can’t see what’s inside with an invisible look, but it doesn’t mean that you can’t. Often, for an hour, you can see a surge of strength, a singing charge. Axis of price and energy. Vaughn live like a soul, and th body, zavdyaki її I will become a singing mood, mood and bazhannya like practice, and th life. We can also see the fact that the Chinese called qiu energy “Qi” and navitt medicine, so that they can work on improving the energy sector - Qigong.

Golovnі rules

How people want to understand, how to promote energy, how to know a sprat of golden rules, how much everything will be fine from the spiritual camp of the body. Tse dopomozhe niknuti and periodic therapy, as in another case you may need.

  1. Yakіsne povnotsіnne kharchuvannya (saturation of the body with brown speech, vitamins and microelements).
  2. Normal recovery (you can’t drive yourself into a robot, work through force. For normal functioning, the body needs periodic recovery, regular sleep and a day off).
  3. Vidsutnist negative mood. This is an even more important moment, even if a person is angry, they become overwhelmed or fierce, they destroy their energy, transferring it to an incorrect level.

Even if you are only trying to learn simple rules, you can say with confidence about those that the energy industry is not able to dodatkovo work on it. However, it is always important to carry out various preventive visits, about which we have given a talk.

About vitrati

Trying to figure out how to move the energy industry, let’s say a few words about those, on the other hand, well, stained. So this is an important moment, even if you change it її vitrati, only tsim can bring a rich corrosive power to the body.

  1. Experience and negative emotions. Tse all pumping energy, vysnazhuyuchi people. Repeatedly, singsongly, a lot of people felt themselves after the experience as if they were “disappeared”. The axis of the chain was driven outside the decrease in internal energy.
  2. Emotional stress. In a small amount of stink, it’s intimidating for the body in terms of coward, but it’s only rarely that you feel guilty. In a different way, imagine that the drills of welding and that incomprehensible way also pump energy into the body.
  3. Piece promotion of energy. By drinking alcohol like a chicken - all the illusion of filling the body is brown. If at once a person and seeing a rush of energy, then later we will be able to see more richly. Tse yak credit chi position pennies pіd vіdsotki.
  4. Dribnytsya. As if there is no singing in a person, you don’t know what to do and what to do, as well as energy reserves. Rozporoshennya on dribnitsy - the enemy of any organism, about tse varto memory.

Renewal of energy

It is not uncommon to blame the situation, if the person after the song situation feels completely devastated. In such a time, you need to do it, just please, as if to renew the energy of a person. Koristuyuchis way, which is called "sonyachny disk", you can bring the body back to normal in a few years.

Order dіy

The algorithm for this method includes a sprat to finish the same simple steps. The order will come.

  1. It is necessary to reveal the great sleepy disk. The back of the hand is obov'yazkovo guilty of spinning at the gate, with a surplus of negativity in the human body. In this case, the disk is guilty of step by step virostat, to tell about those that the body is being cleansed.
  2. The next important stage is to reveal how the disk changes its direct and reminiscent of the body of a person with a light, golden life by the power of that energy.
  3. Then you need to create a virtual mirror sphere behind your back, as it attracts the sony energy that fills your body.
  4. The last important step in technology, like a rose, like a person’s energy: restore this sleepy disk at the top of the earth. It is also necessary to reveal how negative energy there will be transformed into positive energy.

Today, there are impersonal different ways, as you can cleanse your body from negativity and renew the spent energy. However, the above-described method is one of the simplest, before that, it does not require special knowledge and newcomers and is accessible to beginners.


Obov'yazkovo needs to be told about those, how to promote energy, to be more precise, to say how to promote postiyno. It is necessary to work the skin of a person, even if only so, it is possible to constantly lift the body in the form of the spirit, but, more importantly, the spirit. Otzhe, іsnuіє kіlka simplіє, аlе dієvyh svoіdіvі, yak stіyno utrimuvat іn tonusі:

  1. Vira-nadiya-kokhannya. And if you want to be rich, you can get ridiculous, proteo like psychologists, so it is recommended by power engineers to believe that everything is fine, in the light of the future, be aware that life will turn out to be the best rank, and love not only your loved ones, but your comfort. Maximum positive and less garni emotions - the axis of the constipation is strong, healthy
  2. Podyak. Obov'yazkovo is also required for vdyachnistyu to be put before everything that happens in life. So, it is necessary to always say “dark” to the otochyuchy, to speak for all those good things that happen in life, things of strength.
  3. zakhoplennya. Even more important is the joy, how to increase the energy of the body - to take care of the beloved right. And even though the main work place is not related to hobbies, it is necessary for a close heart to be busy all the same to add a rich hour. Enjoying the process, a person already generates positive energy by herself, as if to live her organism.
  4. Spillkuvannya. Warto remember about those who can be charged with energy. So, by joining positive people, you can improve your reserve of strength in a good way. However, it is important to remember those that are people - energy vampires, like stealing energy. Such special features are more likely to be feared and brought together to a minimum.
  5. Self-navigation. Even more important is the rule, how to recharge with energy - call it to yourself independently, for additional emotions that brain. So it is necessary to learn how to visualize a surge of energy in the body, and it will appear in reality.
  6. Receive emotions. Well, it’s the same, sing-songly, smut rule, how to increase the riven of energy - start to see more positive emotions. Talking with relatives, gatherings with friends, intimate contact with friends - all the same, charge a person with positive for themselves, as it seems, wow.

About Zhіnochu energy

We will see the fact that we are different for our nature. Until then, the stench may be different recognition. So, varto signify that the energy of a woman is directly directed to a person, a person - to a representative of a beautiful state. What can you say about women? So, the smut rule for them is to carry love, the world is calm. What kind of head for whom can you buti ass? In order to vikonate her brand recognition, the woman is guilty of bringing beauty, order, love, sensitivity to the world.


However, sometimes it’s so that the representatives of the beautiful state do not have to go out to win. It is possible to get in touch with this problem, as if to rise up, as to move the energy industry forward. What is necessary for what work?

  1. Razіbratisya, scho holodinamіka, she learns to zastosovuvati її principles (introduction of vlasnu vіdomіst z metoyu fight with different causes of internal problems).
  2. Films. For the wealthy, it’s wonderful to be here, the protagonists of romantic films miraculously help the ladies to raise their women’s energy.
  3. Music. Those same stosuєtsya and music. Hearing is required for those who love Vikonavtsiv. However, there are no special achievements, it is better to turn to classical calm and pacifying creations.
  4. Clothes. Sob life was bright, it’s necessary and you yourself become gleaming. What do you want to say to women, how you want to understand, how to encourage energy for women: you need not be afraid to smartly dress up. Bright lights in the colors of the building are rich in energy for every woman.
  5. Zha. Obov'yazkove rule: literate eating. The maximum of brown vitamins and microelements and the minimum of stupor are the axis of the health problem not only of the body, but of the spirit.
  6. Dumki. Well, and the most, sing-songly, head-to-head, how to boost the energy of a woman: think positively and with love put up to everything you want.

About people

Razbirayuchi have pitannі about those obov'yazkovo kіlka slav need to say і about the person's bіk nutrition. So, she won't be less important for a living. Yakim є recognition of representatives of strong status? Protection, security, activity and rіshuchіst.

Energy promotion of people

So, why is it necessary for people to work, so that the very person’s energy is raised in the body’s power? So, varto designate what will be similar to those that women need to practice.

  1. Work at the refrigerator. This point is important for both men and women, even if spivpracyuvati zі svoєyu pіdsvіdomіstyu maє mіti kozhna lyudina nezalezhno vіd statі.
  2. Films. The lads are also able to marvel at films, prote ti, de є apply masculinity, strength, and personalities. So look back and positively add to the level of human energy in the body.
  3. Music. It is better for people to hear rhythmic music, as it is good to inhale for activity. Znovu still wants to please zvernutisya to the classics.
  4. Clothes. For people, as well as for women, it is important to dress properly. It’s better for the lads to recognize the style of the fool, even if they don’t give themselves the idea of ​​being a man in the whole world.
  5. Obov'yazkovo people can learn to take decisions independently. It’s also good to go in for sports, here are some important moments: you need to turn off aggression, even if it doesn’t increase energy, but instead, steal.
  6. Dosyagnennya. Well, and, obviously, a person is guilty of what he can achieve in life. Let it be a little win, the protection will also be good for the energy of the skin person.

yin yang

However, it is important to say the same about those who miraculously get used to two energies in one body of people - a person and a woman. І skin organism vymagaє for the harmony of their tandem. To that it’s not clear to lead a clear message, rather, as a person should be urged to remind the judge like a woman, so and a person’s energy equally and in parallel.

This article describes the main methods of promoting human energy. The stench is easy to reach and accessible to the skin. With your help, you can quickly change your life to be better and become stronger.

At the article:

How to increase the energy of people and it is necessary

We must first think about it, how to increase the energy of the people, follow the people, as they suffer from chronic fatigue. Won wiccan lack of vitality. If you don’t have enough strength to take care of the right, or go to the point, your thoughts don’t win and, in general, the situation in all spheres of life is better, better for everything, on the right in lack of energy.

People with a great reserve of energy have gained and inspired in themselves.
A lack of special forces tried to rob a person who was unsung, pessimistic, unfortunate, and evil. The promotion of the energy of the people to rob yoga for the restful, we will add it to the success.

About those who raise the energy of people, the magician-pochatkіvets is also guilty of mischief. If you want to achieve serious success in chaklunstvo, it is necessary to raise the level of special force. She herself will serve as a fire, which is a direct force for more spells and rituals.

Advancement of people's energy - a way of life

In a healthy body, a healthy spirit

Energetics natural rank. The role of a person is polygaє in order to give such an opportunity. For which necessary rest, which skin is chosen to the soul - doing sports, walking, reading or watching films ... Do not follow the trouble and sleep, it is better to sleep at the right hour - at night, lying down to sleep until the cob of a new dobi.

It’s not easy to help the energy industry to help the sport. Choose a section to your heart's content and interests, and let yourself be energized. If you take a natural moment, and at once you don’t see any surge of strength - it’s better now. But sport is acceptable to step by step improvement of your energy level, which develops at once from your physical form. Particularly good for any extreme sport.

Korisn_ promenades on the fresh air. Get out into nature on weekends, go for walks more often. Find out on the right, as it brings you joy. Tse mozhe buti as the main income, and hobі.

A shower and a bath are not the only way to maintain cleanliness, like the skin of us today. A contrast shower boosts energy, contagiously stimulating the immune system. And a warm bath with sea sill and essential oils will calm you down and help you relax, softly spitting on biopolies and spriyayuchi your growth. Do not forget about the lazna, not for nothing our ancestors loved її. Korisny is also a massage - like a self-massage, so it is a professional chi shattered by a kohan people.

Do not forget about the correct eating. In the diet of a skin person, there can be a lot of snacks, and ideally, it’s not just a caviar and a sandwich. Give an hour to the full-time rank reception.

Music and good films - a wonderful way to raise not only moods, but also energy. Think positively, it's possible, you should feel free to read a few books about positive thoughts.

How to raise the energy of a person for additional help

As if you want to increase the energy of the rіven, spar with the people, like you can bazhanu a lot of special forces. It is even easier to recognize them, the stinks are active, diyal and viprominuyut positive energy. Spare people with negative energy, the stench of the building negatively affects biofield otochyuchy. If you stop splintering and s, such splintering will not be accepted by the increase in energy.

Charge with energy in others

Raise the mood and energy of your creatures.Іsnuє impersonal, yakі call їх ryatіvniki vіd negativity. And dogs, for the most part, carry a charge of positive energy and give joy.

Problems in a special life seriously weaken a person. The appearance of the same order of a kohan and a close person and a woman will normalize the energy field. Happy motherfuckers, bezperechno, positively pour into the energy sector. It's bad to see riven and garny sex.

How to help people's energy with yogic and esoteric methods

How can you help the energy of a person, how can you inspire the most complicated rites and rituals at the Vikonan? Practically a skin magician knows about a special place in nature, why go into meditations. Remain and the power of the forces of the equal of a special force, but meditation on nature, as if combined with the passage of the forces of the forest and the sea, will be devastating. Іsnuyut numerical techniques of otrimannya energy from nature, for example, recharging from trees.

Practicing yoga, as it is possible, it is also better to spend it in nature. If you are engaged independently, and not in the section, in the heat of the time of rock such a possibility of obov'yazkovo is found. Yoga develops the chakri, strengthens the aura and helps to increase the supply of vital forces.

Vira also has its own shortfalls. Ale, egregor, you can help, as such is necessary. Go to the temple to offer offerings to the Gods - there is already someone who believes that the building will charge energy and develop spirituality.

About those that the All-World needs to be spoken for, like for testing, so for the hedges, it was already said more than once, and by far more than one author. Podyaka does not only change the positive vibrations according to the date to the All-World, reborn, transforming into a positive one. There is a supply of life forces.

Aromatherapy and navіt just often the vikoristannya pahoshchiv positively influences. For the help of various aromas, if you choose them correctly, you can pick up the dirks and the poshkodzhennia from the thin body, and also develop the energy. Leather smells its own aroma, choose yoga for the development of various types of energy. Zrozumіlo, in order to raise the її rіven, it is necessary to stagnate, blocking that poshkodzhen chakras.

Krіm tsgogo, іsnuyut osoblіvі prava, spramovavanі on pіdvіschennya іvnyа specialiї sily. For example, you see, energetic methods, meditations are coming. Practicing is only necessary for those who evoke positive emotions.

Zagalom, there were few ways to increase the level of life energy. Some of them are connected with the way of life, recommending how to sleep, repair, and work “for the soul”. Deyakі recommendations stosuyutsya stosunkіv іz friends, enemies and relatives. Otochennya seriously injects into the energy industry, not varto underestimate this influx. Іsnuyut so ways, yakі mayut straight vіdnoshennia to yoga, esoterics and religions. The stench is also wild, and even more popular among magicians and chakluniv.

4.5 Move your energy

At the next stage, you should work so that your spiritual energy will be recognized by these vicons, as they can come to your aid. For which wines can be made strong, so as not to perish in an unnamed chorus of thoughts on the kshtalt “I want that! I want this!”, like billions of people are sent at once, like living on the planet.

It is even better to promote the energy of the psychological training, which, for the help of special methods, leads to the development of the internal potential of the participants in the training. After the training, the participants change at a high-energy, euphoric state, and all the goals are realized quickly.

But, unfortunately, the more energetic “pumping up” sounds only for two or three months, then we need to repeat the procedure. People become fallow in training and try to take their fate again and again.

We propagate another pidkhid - an independent work to promote internal energy. As you victorious and recommended, your future will only lie with you! V_d your bazhannya that v_d reports zusil. We give a tool for working on yourself once for all life. Chi take vi yoga - virishuvati you.

Improvement of internal energy and self-indulgence
The term for the implementation of your plans should be completely laid up, depending on the fact that you have time to implement them with some internal energy. If you are already enthralled in yourself, the energy of that goal-directed person, then what you have conceived can be realized literally in a few days. But similar people rarely develop methods similar to ours - there is simply nothing for them. And people, with a lot of sumnіvіv and worry, always think of low internal energy, and the terms of the implementation of the most powerful bazhan (like the stench of є vzagalі) are drawn to a rich rock. Zvіdsi vinikaє simple vysnovok: In order to speed up the formation of the necessary podia, it is necessary to win the special right, directed to increase your energy potential. Podіbnі right to be recommended to master at the onset stage of development of the technique of molding the bottom.

Internal sumniv - devourer of life forces
It’s even more of a shame for our energy to bring internal doubts that experience like “Which did everything right? And chi without saying I chogos zayvogo? Chi correctly I zrobila, scho bought qiu cloth? etc. Internal sumniv є the result of uncontrolled work of your wet mind is the head devourer of your strength and health. People, as they are constantly doubting and, smut, are urged by the path of constant internal reflections to come to the decisions made, most of the time they are little attached to prosperity in our life. Continuously practicing the “word-talk” takes such people often that energy for the full presence of visible results.

Tse zovsіm does not mean that we call on you not to doubt anything and the mother of judgment, be it a drive. Sumnіv - the share of the mislyachoi people. Just a little help to get you over, so it’s necessary to solve problems not for the help of your “words”, but for the help of the strongest and most learned forces. Ale, for the sake of your doubts, that food for additional help (to help you with ceramic intuition), you must remember to lock your mind and call at the head to remove the allowances for your food.

Pushing energy - a guarantee of success
A person with a tight energy can, behind his bazhan, come into contact with some kind of egregors, including those who are already high, and literally “mush” them to win over their bazhan. Such people are, but there are not enough of them, and the stench does not give meaning to their abilities. Even if it’s more than enough to hit all sides, destroying another principle of the Forming Method, then you can start for the best energy even a long time to check on the vikonannya bazhan. If there is a high energy and one meta, then it can be realized literally on the coming day.

You can increase the intensity of your energy in a different way. It is even better to help others with different gymnastics, especially qigong. You can beat the dyhalni right from yoga or rebirthing.

Yozi has special respect for understanding "prana". The word "prana" in translation from Sanskrit means "Life is breath, life is energy". Seen from old Indian glances, when dihanna, a person absorbs in himself not only sour, but also an energetic substance, as it is called "prana". Tsya energy, which is breathed in by people at once from repetitions, is transferred to various organs of the body and is transformed by them, making the internal “practical strum” in the totality.
We also want to propagate to you one of the yogic dyhal rights.

To the right is “Threat-trickster Dihanna”.

One of the most effective methods for gaining energy in yoga is breathing "according to tricks", which means subdividing the cycle of breathing into three stages: in the breath-zatrimka-vidih ​​and then bagatarase repetition of the cycle.

At different dzherelakh, different recommendations are made for the trivality of these stages. Our evidence shows that it is the best way to beat the same trivality of stages and trimate them by multiples of the number of heart beats - 6 beats (6 beats per breath, 6 beats and 6 beats seen). As if trivality does not cause difficulties, try increasing the trivality stages to 8, 10 or 12 heart beats.

If you walk right to the stone with a great floor or a real mechanical year, then as a single person you can take the "clatter" of the year. One "tik-tak" sounds for about one second. One stage of the cycle is responsible for trivati ​​and 6 (8,10,12) “tik-tak” years.

Vikonuwati is rightly possible, standing or lying down.

Dihannya can be vikonuvatisya to dosit freely, without problems, that tension. The breath is carried out according to the scheme: repeat the lower abdomen, then the middle part, then the top of the breasts to the top of the chest. Vidikh - at the turning sequence: top-middle-bottom.

Under the hour of vikonannya, right for the help of "internal look" or "exchange of respect" it is necessary to think to send energy flows from the lungs to all the organs of the part of your body - to that number, to the ailment of the organs for their exaltation. You can feel the breath through the ailment of the organ, to show that it is easier to enter and exit through the whole organ (eyes, liver, knee, etc.).

Like doing yoga before going to bed, you will have a barvy of colorful dreams. It is rightly possible to beat the hour of walking - even the trivality of the stage is regulated by the number of steps. The number of cycles of breathing "in a tricky way" is 5-10 at a time, otherwise your head may turn too sour.

Vikonuvati rightly bazhano postiyno, but for the promotion of their own energy, and the elimination of the effect, it is necessary to work every day for at least a month.

Dihalni have the right to give a wild, non-violent promotion of energy. You feel the badioro, it’s enthralled, we won’t deprive you of the garni mood. Efficiency of the implementation of your benefits with whom to increase the number of times.

In order to charge the internal energy, the reception and visualization are widely victorious, so that it is revealed that the energy flows from the outer environment enter your body and inspire yoga.

For example, if you are asked to sum up on the grounds of special mutually, or if you want to cope with your merriment and fresh judgement, then it is recommended to charge yourself with light that receiving energy.


Stand straight, pull and let in the m'yazi of the body, flatten your eyes.

Show yourself that right from the distant depths of the Cosmos, a stovp of transparent energy descends on your head, which lightly shines. Likewise, you have had occasion to bachiti in stormy weather, if the windows of the sun break through in the middle of the dark clouds. The flow of energy, which should be in your stovpom, can be turned into a color that suits you.

Golden energy gives cheerfulness, lightness, warmness. Blakitna chi srіlyasta - rіshuchіst, vnіshnіy pokіy, vpevnіnіst svіhu. The energy that comes, reminds you as a whole and wiggles through your heart, calling it to the souls.

The flow of energy can be with you steadily - if you work, you go by the transport, you get tired. You are guilty of becoming a puppet - a lyalka, elevated on the "nits" of the energy flow.

Be a puppet for a few days, and you yourself don’t know yourself, no longer seeming about your acquaintances.

You can recharge with energy from the sun, trees, water and other natural objects. Zagalom, kindly be-yaki ways. On the right, different ways of charging give energy to different “spaces” - it’s stale, in addition, through the energy centers, your power supply is more powerful.

Obviously, as you are going to the party and you need to gain courage for a love confession, you need softness and low energy - you can give a change of sleep. Axis one s is right, to help you reach such a goal.

To the right "Krishtalevy Sudin"

  • Get up before Sontsya, scho to go or go in.
  • Open your eyes and try to make a thin sleepy prominence through them, which comes from the Sun right to you at the vich. Remember this promise and close your eyes.
  • Show yourself that your body is an empty krishtal vessel, so that it can fill up with a sleepy motherland. Start “flooding” with a sleepy motherland through a sleepy window, which enters right at your eyes. Motherland step by step zapnjuvatim legs, sheepskin coat, roll into your hands, then zapovnite head and through the dome become wiggle, creating a sleepy syyuchy sweat around you.
  • If you close the Sun with gloom, otherwise you are in a place, you can make a promise that the beast will come, and get charged up.
  • After the end, you have the right, which can be taken from 3 to 5 min., to wash the individual with open palms.
To indicate the degree of “recovery” of the crystal court, the sony motherland can win hands for the help of such children.

To the right "HANDS-INDICATOR" (dodatkova to the front).

Stand straight, make your hands looser and fill them with "hangs" of the body. Start vikonuvati right "Krishtal's Vessel". In the world of the "apparent judge" your hands are to blame for YOURSELF more often enough to rise on all sides uphill. Tse maє vіdbuvatisya only in passing. On your own equal, you are less likely to guard for the process of raising your hands to the top. Shvidkist pidyom - from the bottom of the hill is not swidche lower for the 3rd century. The best place - from the horizontal position of the hands to the vertical uphill, the shards of mud from the shoulder did not sound to raise our hands uphill, especially through the sides. Tse camp can be passed ahead of a friend with deakim svіdomim zusillyam.

Hands suddenly begin to rise mimulously in about 60% of people, who need it for the development of the city of zdatnosti pevne zusilla that hour.

Tsya has the right to charge "lower" energy. And from now on, you choose to work with your superiors or with a business partner, and it’s important to literally impose on your supporters the necessary point of view, then we recommend that you work this right.

For the vicar, it’s right to bazhano, so that for an hour the vikonanny will be in the room alone and you will have the ability to not even loudly burmot, or to instill a vigukuvati, and with no one to go in and pronounce the call of psychiatrists.

Right “I AM FORCE!”

  • Stand straight, raise your offending hands to your chest, clench your fists and throw them with force uphill, down or in front of you (you can only use one hand, on the cheeks).
  • At the same time, it is most possible for you to be emotional and virile to literally vibrate a short energetic phrase into kshtalt: “I am strength! I am energy! I am the master (of my life)!” abo "I am happy (rich, cheerful, prosvіta)!". The text can be more practical in kshtalt: “I am the chief of the viddіlu!”, “I am calling!” or "I'm the most sexy!".
  • Vikonati such a deed is necessary once 5-6 years later. Even more energetically, you can literally see the wind of energy that strikes you in the middle of the roof.
It’s right, it’s more energetic, but it’s a form for people to get more energy, it’s necessary for businessmen, managers, merchants, politicians and just people who want to get through the service or get a bigger salary. Yogo can be beaten a sprat once a day, zokrema without a hitch in front of the big teeth and ledges.

Know yourself
Stepping on the path to the rise of your energy - perekonatisya, like you are a miracle person. For whom it is necessary for us it is not rich - just once again guess how many peaks on your life path you have already healed. Once again, reconsider, that you always turned out miraculous.

It is necessary to respect that the majority of people do not know their successes and will strongly apply their achievements, and it is not possible to work in the same time.

In order to help you to really evaluate your superiority and reach, we suggest you to vikonati awkwardly right.


  • Take an arkush paper and a pen. Divide paper with arcush lines (across the arch) into three equal parts. Above the skin part, write one of the following inscriptions: 1) My positive vibes. 2) What do you reach? 3) Where can I show myself?
  • Take a good posture, sitting at the table, relax the mind of the body, sing a lot of thoughts.
  • Ask yourself thoughts: “What positive things can I do?” and start writing in the first column of opinions. Here you can be kindness, cheerfulness, openness, napolezlivost, to help other people, to help them, etc. These people can achieve and as a whole your specific achievements - physical strength, beauty, counting in checks or moving foreign language, caring with a car, swimming, catching fish, writing beautifully or painting, playing on instruments or sleeping and singing.
Dosvid shows that, be it, to inspire the most modest person, you can “dig up” at least a dozen positive traits from yourself. So especially not sorting, so as not to stitch one sheet, take another.
  • If you finish completing the first step, move on to the next. So, in the state of relaxation and the flurry of thoughts, ask yourself the next nourishment: “Why have I reached the present hour?”.
  • As soon as the first statements appear, start writing them down, without worrying about the discussion of the possibilities. Your "slovomishalka" is constantly trying to change your initiative and discuss any problems - do not fall for it. At the other side, you are guilty of writing down ALL the more or less significant reaching your life. You can either join either the completion of the initial pledge, the friendship or the separation, the purchase of a good speech or a trip, the sound of people with the same people, or the consummation of an important work, a song or a great crucian fishing, etc. etc.
    As we have already said, if you don’t know people, you wouldn’t be able to guess at yourself a dozen five or two hits.
  • If the reach stops splicing in memory, go without interruption to the completion of the third step. Put your thoughts on food: “Where would I show myself the best rank in a moment?” and start writing down what they say. You can still be the most addictive. or a prosperous Don Juan, etc.
  • Not bad, as the records from another and third columns will be rewritten and added to one another. It’s important that you write down in the third column not just your fantasies on the topic “Kim B I want to be”, but also aspects of your real life and activities that are supported by your very specific successes.
In a similar rank, whether a person can know five to ten types of activities, in which they sing-songly check success. Yakshcho, obviously, they really take care of them.

Zagalni vitrati hour vikonanny right - vіd 15 to 30 hvilin.

If you finish vikonannya right, you will need to turn around to the splendid state of witness, look again and analyze the records. I am convinced that you will be great confidants to win over all your gains and achievements. For people with authority to forget and use their reach and concentrate their respect on the underdogs, which will reduce their energy and the power of their own.

Vikonannya induced have the right to sing your self-esteem and self-esteem in yourself - tobto. improve your energy and make it easier to deal with high egregors.

Ale, don’t throw out the pages with the wicked right, but save them! І write down in them your new achievements in the world of your appearance. And if you remember and find a new reach, then the stench will gradually appear in your life. And more and more you are changing, like you are talanovite, successful and just a visible person! Remind yourself of a slightly powerful significance, and a high self-esteem, necessary for the quick achievement of the goals you need.

And don’t forget that you are known to be such famous and successful people, so you don’t have any chance to marvel at other people with contempt or arrogance. Tse will be idealization (to be rebіlshennya) of your life, and life will be embarrassed to give you a lesson in the destruction of tsієї іdealіzії. To that simply rozmirkovyte: “I'm super! And it’s amazing - super!”

And the hour has come for us to give the devil's bags.

1. The term for the implementation of the planned projects is to deposit without intermediary, depending on the fact that you will go to their implementation with some kind of internal energy. Therefore, in all accessible ways, it is necessary to increase your energy and self-esteem.
1. In order to increase your energy, we will need to bring up the constant sums and fears. We already looked at the "slovomishalki" for the zupinka.
2. In an offensive way, promoting your energy and victorious rights, for the hour of visualization of the flow of energy in your body in the form of the outer vessels, such as the Sun, trees, burn, fields and water.
3. To improve your self-esteem, it is important to fix all your previous achievements on paper and constantly update the list.

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Smart living.

Your mother has always been tempted to take you down. Ale, it’s unlikely that there’s a small bagel in the oven, or a cupcake in the big house. Rich in swedish carbohydrates, the hedgehog is already savory, and the stench of scarlet shvidka, which light up shvidko. For a sprat of a year, you will already be empty.
Combinations of zucru and starch are no longer enough to boost the energy of our body’s energy to recycle glucose. Shvidki in carbohydrates are easily acquired from the duct-intestinal tract, so the tsukor in the blood is negligently moving and there is a significant amount of insulin in the blood. Insulin lowers the blood sugar level, converting it to fat. Sometimes it is necessary to produce before the fall the zukra below the norm and the level of carbohydrate starvation. If the rіven tsukr falls too much, it can become cloudy, rich people through this cause problems with the concentration of respect.
How to boost energy:
Start your day from cereals and proteins, it takes more than an hour to process them in glucose, and you will need more energy.
For example, a plate of wheat or a couple of jams or smeared eggs with tomatoes and cibulei.

2. Visibility of physical ambition

Too tired for training? Chim BV didn't work out, don't miss the workout. Busy to give you a pond. Back in the olden days, philosophers and doctors vvazhali, that it is impossible to be healthy without doing physical education. The investigations show that regular physical exercises have the right to change the amount of cholesterol in the blood, which prevents the development of atherosclerosis. It has been proven that people who are constantly actively engaged in physical rights, move Rozumova, mentally and emotionally resilience at vikonanna strained Rozumova chi physical activity.
You don't need to run marathon races. Dosledzhennya show that people, if they are engaged in rights with small adventures, for example, walking, they know more about that, even if they are, or they are engaged in aerobics with tights.
How to boost energy:
Get busy today, navit tse will be less than 10 quills. If you have a shortage of time, walk the road to the office of the bag. As it is possible, to do exercises, as soon as you get up. Tse wake you up better for espresso.
Even if you already know that, after the offense, take a walk for 10-20 minutes. Navіt stand trohi pіd hour roboti zamіst sidіnnya at the computer coris for your m'yazіv and blood flow.

3. Bottomless cup of kawi

Drinking five cups of kawi a day? Caffeine doesn't just confuse you all night, and it's also easy to work with hormones. Kava stimulates the production of adrenaline and cortisol, two hormones, which increase the vitality. But the effect doesn’t last long, it’s not hard to want to drink another cup for goodness. The problem is that after the third cup of caffeine it stops working. Tse yak vychavlyuvati sponge.
People who drink rich kawi throughout the day can overstimulate adrenaline production, which results in a deficiency that causes devastation.
How to boost energy:
To shorten the amount of kawi for a day is not obov'yazkovo povnistyu vіdmovlyatsya. 1-3 cups per day will give you tone. Studies show that in people with a frail age, kava improves brain functions. Until then, people who drink kava are less sick to the Alzheimer's ailments and bewilderment.

4. Licorice snacks

4 pm and you need to recharge. Chi will walk to the machine with chocolates? Wrong move.
Do you remember what happened to your son? Nasolodi so provokuyu shvidke energy boost, like a sharp change in the crisis. Those are the same with energy drinks, for example, Red Bull. Particularly energetically inspiring people from the overworld vaga. Dangerous people are already producing too much insulin through zukor, which stench is too much.
The malt adds a portion of the zucru to the body. Zreshtoyu, it can be brought to stability to insulin (if insulin is not conquered by clitins and accumulates in the blood), and tsya mind to blame diabetes.
Beware also of "healthy" juices, because the stench is often full of zukr. A bottle of juice can take 8-10 teaspoons of tsukru - like a bottle of Kolya.
What work:
Rather, choose a coarse-fibered zhu or a protein snack, for example, a turkey skewer, a piece of carrots, or a selery, ummm ....
A refreshing product from a low volume of zucru can be gassed with mineral water with a drop of juice.
Green coy beans are miraculous soy protein, and even more beautiful for women, for those who stink to avenge phytoestrogen, non-steroidal herbaceous sprouts, like in the body of a person, can be no less than estrogen, but yak antiestrogen. For example, on the vіdmіnu vіd vіd pravzhnіh estrogenіv, the stench is not stimulating, but ignoring the growth of hormone-depleted puffs.
Peas, especially pistachios, almonds and hairy peas are another source of energy. The stench is full of protein, brown fats and antioxidants. Ale don’t cook them with zhmeny, because the stench is high-calorie. If you are on a diet, take no more than 300g per day.

5. You are suffering from magnesium deficiency

Hanging out at the office table? Drowsiness, confusion, tearfulness and mild weakness are symptoms of magnesium deficiency.
Magnesium is a key element that improves the functionality of the body, taking part in more than 300 biochemical reactions. Vіn pіdtremuє m'yazovu and nerve function, equal to the heartbeat, immunity and mіtsnіst kіstok.
Some medications, such as diuretics and antibiotics, can cause magnesium deficiency.
Yak booty:
Green leafy vegetables, for example, spinach, are the best for magnesium. Also, you can see ribeye, for example, halibut, in one 100g serving, which contains 90mg of magnesium. Peas, whole grain products, beans are also rich in magnesium.
Women need 310-320mg of magnesium per day, more pregnant (350-400mg) and breastfeeding (310-360mg). You can take supplements before you eat to get magnesium. first, consult a doctor.

6. Regular menstruation

Falling out of the night at the hour of the month? You may have saline deficiency anemia, a syndrome that is characterized by impaired hemoglobin synthesis due to saline deficiency. Tsey mineral is good for hemoglobin metabolism, which is good for transferring sour to tissues. Women are the most susceptible to chronic deficiency anemia, through regular and trival menstruation, uterine fibroids. In the second - this is one sign, in the middle - a short breath, confusion and weakness. To such a kind, vtomi kawi chi physical can not help. Tse yak bi yakscho people saw a lack of sourness.
How to boost energy:
Women need 18 mg of saliva per day, less - if you are more than 51 (8 mg).
Return to the doctor and give a blood test to the hallway. Do not take it yourself, because such food supplements can cause discord in the stool, constipation and other problems and poisoning.
Until then, it’s better to get used to food and eating, bagatі on zalizo, like this:
Meat products: yalovichina, liver, nirki, tongue,
Porridge and cereals: kvassola, sochevitsya, buckwheat, peas
Vegetables and greens: potatoes (young baked with skins), tomatoes, cibula, green vegetables, garmelon, beetroot, watercress, spinach, parsley.
Fruits: bananas, apples, pears, plums, persimmons, pomegranates, peaches, apricots (dried apricots),
Berries: blackberry, midnight / sunnitsa, blackcurrant and crane (you can buy frozen, also help; you can buy a crane in tsukrі).
Juices: carrot, beetroot, pomegranate, "Sik iz chervonih fruktiv"; specially razrobleniy for vagіtnih apple sіk іz moving vіstom hall.
Later: pea hairs, black/chervon caviar, seafood, egg yolk, black chocolate, dried mushrooms, dried fruits, hematogen.

7. Lack of sleep

Women need 7-9 years of night sleep. If you sleep less at night, try to sleep 10-20 times a day. Navit after a short day's sleep praceszdatnіst, then, and the productivity of work increases sharply.
Also, try to meditate 10-15 minutes to increase your energy, cleanse your spirit and refresh your body.

8. Stress

For the brain, there is no difference between the fear of zapіznitisya on the robot, or to opine in the teeth of a shable-toothed tiger. For some kind of adrenaline rush, the reaction “beat abo bіzhi” gives us a charge of energy for swidkostі or dії. But just as well, you don’t really live in the majestic hungry intestine, hormones circulate generously in the blood in elevated concentrations, not letting the nervous system or internal organs calm down. You can also take care of your body and overcome such problems, such as low energy, chronic pain, poisoning problems, heart disease and diabetes.
How to fight iz tsim:
It’s one thing to fight against stress, which women can beat the hell out of: dihannya.
- For the help of a calm one, that deep breath can be saved by emotional swings.
“I’ll see you better to help you calm down and relax.
- What is more and more glib, calmer and more rhythmic
our dihannya, which is more familiar to us to the same way of breathing, then we will become the warehouse of our life.

Is it easier? Just laugh! Tse rozslablyuє m'yazi disguise that znіmaє napruga, dopomogayuchi increase the level of your energy.

And how do you cope with yourself? Do you know other ways? Share with us!