For what diseases are disabled. Diseases that give disability


For the citizens of our country, this issue is extremely relevant at all times. People with serious health problems want to know everything about how to get financial support from the state. Nevertheless, no one can say for sure about which diseases they give disability. There is simply no clear list of diseases. The medical-labor commission, which decides on the assignment of benefits, pays attention not to the diagnosis itself, but to the severity of the body's dysfunctions, limiting certain possibilities in the process of life.

List of diseases that give disability

Despite the fact that MSEC members are mostly interested in the severity of the disease and the severity of complications, experts can name a wide range of diseases in which the state willingly meets halfway and assigns a disability group. The form of the allowance and the amount of financial support will depend on many factors that accompany the course of the disease.

1st group

People with persistent health disorders can apply for the establishment of the first group of disability. The reason for the deterioration does not matter. It can be an acquired condition, a birth defect, or the consequences of a serious injury. The determining factor for the VTE commission is the loss of legal capacity, due to which a person is deprived of the opportunity to exist without constant outside help. Typical cases of health disorders that are the basis for assigning the first group of disability include the following diseases:

  • paralysis of the ODS (musculoskeletal system);
  • vegetative state;
  • blindness;
  • deafness;
  • limb deformation;
  • complex neuropsychological diseases;
  • persistent dysfunction of internal organs.

The VTE commission assigns the first group of disabilities to people who have lost 90-100% of the ability to learn, work and control their behavior. The assignment of this allowance provides many social benefits, including the right to free movement on public transport, service in public medical institutions out of turn, a discount on utility bills, and much more.

2nd group

The basis for assigning the second group of disability is the loss of the ability to learn and work by 60-80%. People who are eligible for this benefit are able to perform the simplest self-help activities. The second group of disability, as a rule, implies lifelong exemption from work, but in some cases the person still retains the right to work. The following are examples of diseases in which a second disability group can be established:

  • epilepsy (regardless of the genesis and characteristics of manifestation);
  • lack of hearing (complete / almost complete);
  • progressive partial paralysis;
  • oncological diseases;
  • dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • some mental / nervous diseases;
  • lack of vision (complete / almost complete);
  • anatomical defects;
  • heart / renal failure.

Group 3

Diseases that cause disability of the third group do not deprive a person of the ability to fully carry out labor activities, therefore, the right to work remains. However, restrictions are imposed on some areas of activity associated with factors that can worsen the state of health. Disability of the third group is possible with the following diseases:

  • renal failure;
  • decreased visual acuity / hearing;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • dysfunction of the ODS (musculoskeletal system) and gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract).


As a rule, when establishing a group of disability, the medical labor commission sets the period for re-examination. This means that the patient needs to be systematically examined to confirm his health status. The term for re-examination is determined by the members of the MSEC. In some cases, sickness benefit is awarded for life. This is possible if one of the following social circumstances occurs:

  • the citizen has reached retirement age;
  • the next medical re-examination is scheduled for the date following the retirement age;
  • disability of the second / first group is confirmed annually for 15 years;
  • raising the group;
  • in old age, if during the previous 5 years the first group of disability was confirmed;
  • the citizen is a veteran of the Second World War;
  • a citizen received a disability due to illness received while defending his homeland before the Second World War;

In addition, the legislation provides for a number of circumstances related to the state of human health, in which the period for re-examination is not established. The list below will tell you what diseases give permanent disability:

  • malignant tumors of various localizations and forms;
  • incurable benign tumors in the cerebral cortex;
  • diseases of the central nervous system (central nervous system), causing abnormalities in motor skills and sensory organs;
  • dementia;
  • severe diseases of a nervous nature;
  • degenerative processes in the cerebral cortex;
  • complete lack of hearing / vision;
  • severe progressive pathologies of internal organs;
  • severe deformities in the joints;
  • mechanical damage to the skull and brain;
  • defects of the lower / upper limbs (including amputations).

Is it possible to get a disability

Citizens of the Russian Federation are interested in the possibility of receiving benefits and material state assistance for congenital chronic ailments and dysfunctions acquired in the course of life. Below you will find detailed answers about the possibilities of obtaining a disability for some of the serious diseases that hundreds of thousands of our compatriots face.

With a hernia of the spine

A herniated disc is a complex and incredibly dangerous ailment. Treatments for this disease have long been identified. Medical techniques have been repeatedly tested in practice, but they do not give a guaranteed successful outcome. In some cases, medicine admits itself powerless. Patients who cannot be cured by known methods are assigned a disability. The group is determined based on the severity.

With diabetes mellitus

A common chronic disease, diabetes mellitus, belongs to the list of pathologies in which disability is given. In Russia, citizens suffering from this ailment almost always receive benefits. It does not matter what type of disease is diagnosed. When a person with diabetes mellitus turns to the VTE commission, an examination of the ability to work is carried out. Based on its results, the disability group is determined.

After a stroke

The results of statistical studies indicate that only 1 in 5 people who have had a stroke can return 100% to normal life. The consequences of a brainstroke are usually irreparable. A stroke leads to partial disability, so the state willingly assigns a disability. To apply for the allowance, you need to contact the VTE commission and submit documents confirming the fact of a deterioration in health. A certificate of disability issued in such cases requires an annual re-examination.


Serious neurological disorders are also included in the list of diseases that qualify for disability. The legislative framework of the Russian Federation provides for a wide list of violations in terms of neurology and psychiatry, upon detection of which a person is assigned a group corresponding to the level of disability. These include syndromes in cerebral palsy, meningitis, sclerosis and other diseases.

If a child with neurological abnormalities is born in the family, the parents can turn to the VTE commission. In order to submit documents correctly, you need to know exactly what neurological diseases cause disability. An appropriate medical examination will be required. Based on the expert opinion, the commission will assign a disability group. If the revealed violations are classified as "serious", the state will pay substantial material support for life.

By sight

Severe eye disorders (loss of vision by more than 60%) often become a reason for assigning a disability and applying for benefits with monthly payments from the state treasury. A systematic re-examination is usually not required in such cases. Due to the fact that people with similar problems are not able to serve themselves on their own, a guardian is selected from the circle of relatives, who must find out how they give a disability group and draw up all the necessary documents.

After removal of the gallbladder

Patients suffering from severe forms of gallstone disease and / or cholecystitis are prescribed treatment in a hospital setting. Modern medicine knows many approaches to eliminate these problems, but in rare cases they do not help. Doctors have to resort to the most extreme measures - to remove the gallbladder. After that, the state of health returns to normal, but there can no longer be any talk of full working capacity. To receive assistance from the state, a person should find out how to register a disability and contact the VTE commission.

After a heart attack

Consulting with specialists about what diseases give disability, you will not be able to find out anything specific about myocardial infarction. Despite the seriousness and insidiousness of this heart disease, the VTE Commission will consider the fact of severe complications and high blood pressure a sufficient basis for assigning disability.

Which disability group is the worker

If you have serious health problems that can be the reason for disability registration, be prepared for the fact that you will have to leave your job forever. The right to work is reserved only for disabled persons of the third group. Even the most experienced drivers, turners, mechanics, electricians and welders will not be able to find official work with a second or first group of disabilities. For this reason, some people apply for post-retirement benefits.

Video: the procedure for establishing disability

After reading the video below, you will learn even more about the diseases for which a disability group is given and you will understand what exactly needs to be done to achieve this. The issue of receiving state benefits hides many nuances, so before proceeding with the registration, you should find out everything properly. Listen to the recommendations of experts so as not to waste extra time.

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can diagnose and give recommendations for treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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What diseases give a disability group

Anonymous 411

nonspecific ulcerative colitis

3 days Reply

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree on amending the rules for recognition as a disabled person - the innovations should improve the procedure for passing a medical and social examination. The document expanded the list of diseases, defects, irreversible morphological changes, dysfunctions of organs and body systems, as well as indications and conditions for establishing the disability group and the category of "disabled child". Thus, a list of diseases appeared in the rules, in which, already during the initial treatment, disability will be established indefinitely for adults, and for disabled children - immediately up to 18 years old. At the same time, the list of diseases with some changes, in which indefinite disability will be established no later than two years after the initial recognition as disabled, remained a separate block. A section has also appeared, which spells out the indications and conditions under which the category "disabled child" will be assigned for a period of 5 years or until the age of 14. In addition, there have been identified cases when it is possible to get a disability with an absentee examination. The innovations in the rules also allow making changes to the individual rehabilitation or habilitation program for a disabled person without revising the disability group or the period for which it is established.

“Thus, it will be excluded the possibility of determining the period for establishing disability at the discretion of an ITU specialist,” says the explanatory note to the resolution.

So, according to the list, during the initial treatment, an indefinite disability for adults or up to 18 years old - children will be installed in the presence of the following diseases and conditions:

  1. Stage V chronic kidney disease with contraindications to kidney transplantation.
  2. Liver cirrhosis with hepatosplenomegaly and grade III portal hypertension.
  3. Congenital incomplete (imperfect) osteogenesis.
  4. Hereditary metabolic disorders, uncompensated by pathogenetic treatment, having a progressive severe course, leading to pronounced and significantly pronounced disorders of the body's functions (cystic fibrosis, severe forms of acidemia or aciduria, glutaricaciduria, galactosemia, leucinosis, Fabry disease, Gaucher's disease, Niemann-Pachick disease, mucousin , cofactor form of phenylketonuria in children (phenylketonuria II and III types) and others).
  5. Hereditary metabolic disorders with a progressive severe course leading to pronounced and significantly pronounced disorders of the body's functions (Tay-Sachs disease, Krabbe's disease, and others).
  6. Juvenile arthritis with severe and significantly pronounced disorders of skeletal and movement-related (statodynamic) functions, the blood system and the immune system.
  7. Systemic lupus erythematosus, a severe course with a high degree of activity, rapid progression, a tendency to generalization and involvement of internal organs in the process with persistent pronounced, significantly pronounced dysfunctions of the body, without the effect of treatment using modern methods.
  8. Systemic sclerosis: diffuse form, severe course with a high degree of activity, rapid progression, tendency to generalization and involvement of internal organs in the process with persistent pronounced, significantly pronounced disorders of body functions, without the effect of treatment using modern methods.
  9. Dermatopolymyositis: severe course with a high degree of activity, rapid progression, a tendency to generalization and involvement of internal organs in the process with persistent pronounced, significantly pronounced disorders of the body's functions, without the effect of treatment using modern methods.
  10. Certain disorders involving the immune mechanism with a severe course, recurrent infectious and deflationary symptoms, severe immune dysregulation syndromes requiring constant (lifelong) replacement and (or) immunomodulatory therapy.
  11. Congenital epidermolysis bullosa, severe.
  12. Congenital defects of various organs and systems of the child's body, in which only palliative correction of the defect is possible.
  13. Congenital malformations of the spine and spinal cord, leading to persistent, pronounced and significantly pronounced disorders of neuromuscular, skeletal and movement-related (statodynamic) functions and (or) dysfunction of the pelvic organs, if surgical treatment is impossible or ineffective.
  14. Congenital anomalies (defects), deformations, chromosomal and genetic diseases (syndromes) with a progressive course or an unfavorable prognosis, leading to persistent pronounced and significantly pronounced disorders of body functions, including mental disorders to the level of moderate, severe and profound mental retardation. Complete trisomy 21 (Down syndrome) in children and other autosomal numerical and unbalanced structural chromosomal abnormalities.
  15. Schizophrenia (various forms), including the childhood form of schizophrenia, leading to severe and significantly pronounced mental disorders.
  16. Epilepsy is idiopathic, symptomatic, leading to severe and significantly pronounced disorders of mental functions and (or) resistant attacks to therapy.
  17. Organic brain diseases of various origins, leading to persistent pronounced and significantly pronounced disorders of mental, linguistic and speech functions.
  18. Cerebral palsy with persistent pronounced and significantly pronounced disorders of neuromuscular, skeletal and movement-related (static-dynamic) functions, mental, linguistic and speech functions. Age and social skills are lacking.
  19. Pathological conditions of the body caused by blood clotting disorders (hypoprothrombinemia, hereditary deficiency of factor VII (stable), Stewart-Prower syndrome, von Willebrand disease, hereditary deficiency of factor IX, hereditary deficiency of factor VIII, hereditary deficiency of factor XI with persistent pronounced, significantly pronounced violations of blood functions and / or the immune system).
  20. HIV infection, stage of secondary diseases (stage 4B, 4C), terminal 5th stage.
  21. Hereditary progressive neuromuscular diseases (pseudohypertrophic Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Werdnig-Hoffmann spinal amyotrophy) and other forms of hereditary rapidly progressing neuromuscular diseases.
  22. Complete blindness in both eyes with ineffective treatment; decrease in visual acuity in both eyes and in the better seeing eye to 0.04 with correction or concentric narrowing of the visual field of both eyes to 10 degrees as a result of persistent and irreversible changes.
  23. Complete deaf-blindness.
  24. Bilateral sensorineural hearing loss of III-IV degree, deafness.
  25. Congenital multiple arthrogryposis.
  26. Paired amputation of the hip joint.
  27. Ankylosing spondylitis with persistent pronounced, significantly pronounced dysfunctions of the body.

There is also a list of diseases and conditions in which disability can be established by correspondence examination - there are 14 points in it.

  1. Diseases of the respiratory system with significantly pronounced dysfunctions of the respiratory system, characterized by a severe course with chronic respiratory failure of the III degree; chronic pulmonary heart failure IIB, III stage.
  2. Diseases of the circulatory system with significantly pronounced dysfunctions of the cardiovascular system: angina pectoris of the IV functional class - a severe, significantly pronounced degree of impaired coronary circulation (occurring when combined with chronic heart failure up to stage III inclusive).
  3. Diseases characterized by high blood pressure with severe complications from the central nervous system (with persistent severe disorders of neuromuscular, skeletal and movement-related (statodynamic) functions, language and speech, sensory (vision) functions, dysfunctions of the cardiovascular system (accompanied by insufficiency blood circulation IIB-III degree and coronary insufficiency of III-IV functional class), with chronic renal failure (chronic kidney disease stage 2-3).
  4. Diseases of the nervous system with a chronic progressive course, including neurodegenerative diseases of the brain (parkinsonism plus), with persistent pronounced disorders of neuromuscular, skeletal and movement-related (statodynamic) functions, language and speech, sensory (vision) functions.
  5. Extrapyramidal and other movement disorders with persistent, significantly pronounced disorders of neuromuscular, skeletal and movement-related (statodynamic) functions, mental, linguistic and speech functions.
  6. Cerebrovascular diseases with persistent, significantly pronounced disorders of neuromuscular, skeletal and movement-related (static-dynamic) functions, mental, sensory (vision), linguistic and speech functions.
  7. Diabetes mellitus with significantly pronounced multiple dysfunctions of organs and systems of the body (with chronic arterial insufficiency of stage IV in both lower extremities with the development of gangrene if high amputation of both extremities is necessary and the impossibility of restoring blood flow and carrying out prosthetics).
  8. Fatal fecal, urinary fistulas, stomas - with ileostomy, colostomy, artificial anus, artificial urinary tract.
  9. Malignant neoplasms (with metastases and relapses after radical treatment; metastases without an identified primary focus with treatment failure; severe general condition after palliative treatment; incurability of the disease).
  10. Malignant neoplasms of lymphoid, hematopoietic and related tissues with pronounced symptoms of intoxication and a serious general condition.
  11. Inoperable benign neoplasms of the brain and spinal cord with persistent pronounced and significantly pronounced disorders of neuromuscular, skeletal and movement-related (statodynamic) functions, mental, sensory (vision), language and speech functions, severe liquorodynamic disorders.
  12. Epidermolysis is congenital bullosa, generalized moderate-severe, severe forms (simple epidermolysis bullosa, border epidermolysis bullosa, dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa, Kindler syndrome).
  13. Severe forms of psoriasis with persistent pronounced, significantly pronounced disorders of body functions, not controlled by immunosuppressive drugs.
  14. Congenital forms of ichthyosis and ichthyosis-associated syndromes with severe, significantly pronounced dysfunction of the skin and related systems.

It is noted that when establishing a disability with an absentee examination, in addition to a serious health condition, ITU specialists will take into account living in remote and hard-to-reach areas. Also, as stated in the text of the document, a medical and social examination can be carried out in absentia if the rehabilitation or habilitation of a disabled person did not bring positive results.

Dr. Peter

Since the number of unhealthy people in the world in general, and in our country in particular, remains quite large, the awareness of citizens on the topic of what diseases can cause a disability group helps a lot. By the way, to establish disability, it is not so much the diagnosis that is important as the severity of discomfort, body dysfunctions, which do not allow performing any actions in everyday life. Next, we will tell you what criteria are used to determine disability and its group.

General concepts of disability

From article 1 of the law "" No. 181-FZ of November 24, 1995, it becomes clear that a person with disabilities can be considered a person with impaired health and body functions. This means that there is no such list of ailments that would guarantee the appointment of disability. It has already been said above that the basis for assigning a person the status of "disabled" is not the pathology itself, but what dysfunctions it leads to. Simply put, conditionally, health problems can be divided into such as:

Mental disorders (here we are talking about intelligence, memory, consciousness, etc.);
- language and speech restrictions (in this case, it is appropriate to mention, for example, dumbness, impaired oral or written speech, etc.);
- disruptions in sensory functions, that is, when there are disorders of hearing, vision, sensitivity to pain, etc.
- violations in the motor system, including improper coordination;
- bodily deformity (in particular, some people note deformation or imbalance of body parts)

In addition to these dysfunctions, disability can be assigned in the presence of a somatic illness. That is, when problems are detected with the circulatory, endocrine systems, heart and blood vessels, or some other internal organs. As for the group and degree of disability, the order of the Ministry of Social Labor of the Russian Federation No. 664n of 09/29/2014 comes into force (this document lists the relevant criteria). Each of the criteria is assessed within the framework of a medical and social examination (MSE), and a percentage of the norm is taken.

It is noteworthy that the criteria are the main points related to life. That is, for example, a person's ability to serve himself independently, to move, communicate, navigate in time and space, control his own actions, work and study. The norm is zero for each item. Based on the results of such a check, that is, depending on the severity of the non-compliance with the norm, disability and its group are prescribed (the latter is a kind of indicator of the severity of the condition).

At the same time, it is important to know that children with disabilities who have health problems from childhood or from birth are not classified into groups (this happens only when they reach a certain age within the framework of re-examination for assigning a group for an unlimited period).

When is the first group of disabilities given?

If a person's body disorder is persistent, and the deviation from the norm is 90-100%, he can apply for 1 disability group. In this case, the cause, whether it is a consequence of trauma, defect, illness, does not play a role. Simply put, we mean those categories of people who cannot do without constant help from others. For example, with a vegetative problem triggered by a pathology of the nervous system or a stroke, it is difficult for a person to serve himself and live normally without support and care.

The same can be said for those with blindness, deafness, dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system, etc. Note also that you can get 1 group on the basis of a strong deviation in at least one of the criteria that were indicated above. For example, it can be a total inability to learn or control your behavior.

When is the second group of disability given?

If the mismatch with the norm for some point reaches 70-80%, they usually give 2 group. With such a disability, a person can carry out self-service activities that are elementary. Here partial assistance of another person is allowed, or the use of special technical means (for example, in this group the visually impaired, hearing impaired).

It is noteworthy that quite often group 2 is assigned with the right to work, when there is an opportunity to participate in labor activities, despite mental or physical disabilities. To make it clearer, when the second group is relevant, let us name as an example people with epilepsy (genesis can be different). It happens that this disability is attributed to the absence of hearing (partially or completely), in the presence of paralysis (not total or progressive). Cancer patients sometimes fall into this category.

When is the third group of disability given?

This category is considered the lightest when compared with the first two. Often a person with this group looks quite healthy and always works (at least he has such an opportunity). If we talk about dysfunction, it is moderate. The norm is shifted towards the deviation within 40-60%. People with disabilities are able to move around and take care of themselves, but with the proviso that this takes a little more time than a completely healthy person.

And when assessing, for example, the ability to navigate in space, experts call a disabled person of 3 groups who is capable of this in a more familiar environment. For example, the group in question can be assigned to a person who has begun to develop cancer, with renal failure, with low quality of vision, hearing, and so on. Next, we will consider a few questions that will help you better navigate the given topic.

Disability with heart attack or stroke

Earlier it was noted that the diagnosis itself does not play a role in the appointment of disability. After a stroke, a heart attack, ITU members are guided only by the complications arising as a result of these diseases, medical forecasts, etc. (for example, they can take into account the specialty of a potential disabled person). In any case, you should know that experts from the commission prohibit survivors of a heart attack or stroke:

Drive transport (any);
- engage in high-rise work;
- work night shifts;
- expose yourself to excessive physical activity;
- to experience changes in atmospheric pressure, etc.
- work in conditions that are far from favorable.

That is, say, a pilot or a driver after a heart attack will no longer return to the work they were doing before. Therefore, such people are recognized as incapable of work and are given disability. Again, the group is determined by the complexity of the postinfarction state (for example). At the same time, knowledge workers often remain fully able-bodied, whose stroke or heart attack did not give strong consequences. In this case, disability is not attributed.

But as the basis for the assignment of 3 groups of disability, they call moderate interruptions in the work of the heart and brain. If they are identified within the ITU, then the group will be given, and there will be no particular obstacles to work. We add that for any group it can be left indefinitely with an unfavorable rehabilitation prognosis. To this is also added the impossibility of a radical change in activity.

Disabled persons of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the military

Servicemen and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs undergo a procedure for determining disability on a general basis. The difference is only in the legal aspect, that is, from the point of view of the law, a military injury is considered an injury received while a person is performing his duties or as a result of an illness that has developed against the background of this activity. Except for this moment, the principles of the examination are the same as for all other disabled persons.

Diseases for Perpetual Disability

It is clear from our material that there is a category of disabled people who does not need to be regularly reexamined. A complete list of dysfunctions in terms of health was approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 247 of 04/07/2008. This list contains 23 items, among which, in particular:

Cancer neoplasms with metastases;
- inoperable benign tumors of the spinal cord or brain that provoke visual impairment, movement disorders and other functions;
- total incurable blindness;
- complete deafness, when cochlear implantation (meaning hearing endoprosthetics) did not give an effect or turned out to be impossible;
- deformation of the limbs (for example, amputation of the shoulder or hip joints), etc.

Note that you can become permanently disabled about a few years after a person was first given the status of “disabled”.

Disability and getting it

Let us remind you once again that there is no list of ailments according to which a group will most likely be given. For example, diabetics may not be considered disabled at all or have any of the listed groups (it depends on the severity of endocrine pathology, its course, consequences). The assignment of a disability must be made by members of a special commission within the ITU, based on the referral of the attending physician. If this referral is absent, you can demand an official refusal in order to go with it to the hospital administration. By the way, an applicant for a group with such a development of events can write a statement himself asking for an examination in the ITU.

The list of diseases for disability in 2020 is of interest to more and more people who complain about their health and want to undergo a medical commission.

Disability is a medical and legal status that characterizes a person's condition when he is unable to carry out physical, mental and mental work.

It is not easy to obtain the status of a disabled person in the Russian Federation: for this, people must pass a special commission (abbreviated MSEC).

It consists of experts who will conduct a disability assessment in 2019.

The assignment of disabled status to a person in Russia carries not only medical, but also legal significance, since this category of citizens is entitled to benefits and payments.

Social assistance from the state is provided after receiving documents proving that a person is disabled. Documents are important in terms of the existence of grounds for the payment of benefits.

State aid

Persons with disabilities (physical and mental) have the right to receive assistance and benefits from the Russian Federation in the prescribed amount.

There is an Order of the Ministry of Labor No. 664 of 2014, which regulates the list of diseases in case of disability, the characteristic features of establishing and obtaining this status.

By order, there is a list of persons, a certain list of diseases: their definition depends on a person's ability to self-serve, move freely, communicate, navigate in space, and learn.

In particular, the normative act defines the groups of persons entitled to disability:

Disability of the 1st group: these are citizens with the 4th class of the severity of the disease and dysfunctions of the human body.

People with disabilities in this group are not able to move independently, take care of themselves.

An approximate list of ailments: 1 group of disabilities:

  • visual impairment;
  • neurology;
  • deformation of the arms and legs, etc.
  • oncology;
  • severe schizophrenia;
  • paralysis;
  • blindness.

Disability group 2: these are citizens with mild lesions and defects of the human body.

Unlike group 1 of disability, group 2 is a working group, which implies an opportunity for a person to work and receive wages.

Nevertheless, for a disabled person in such jobs, it is necessary to create comfortable working conditions.

In the process of hiring disabled people of group 2, it is necessary to familiarize themselves with the conditions of work that the employer is able to offer them.

An approximate list of ailments: 2 group of disabilities:

  • cirrhosis;
  • paralysis;
  • mental illness for more than 10 years;
  • stomach ulcer (severe form);
  • diseases of an infectious nature with damage to the central nervous system;
  • epilepsy, etc.

Disability group 3: - This is a small degree of severity of defects.

Injuries that accompany this status of the person make it difficult to move, create a restriction in the choice of work.

As a rule, the 3rd group of disability is given to persons:

  • with diseases of the central nervous system;
  • pathologies of internal organs;
  • spine pathologies; etc.

IMPORTANT: 1 and 2 groups are subject to certification every year.

Examination is carried out for 1 group once every two years, for 2 and 3 - once a year.

What diseases give permanent disability?

A distinctive feature of this list is that it is closed.

That is, the experts rely on the following diagnoses when prescribing indefinite duration:

  1. tumors of a malignant nature, with the presence of metastases;
  2. brain tumors of a benign nature, but inoperable;
  3. defeat and subsequent deterioration of functions: visual, speech, motor;
  4. deafness (complete);
  5. blindness (complete);
  6. increased blood pressure, accompanied by severe consequences arising from the CES;
  7. ailments of the respiratory system, indicated by persistent respiratory failure;
  8. irreversible renal impairment;
  9. defects of hands and feet.

Diseases and groups

What diseases give disability? There are groups of ailments: disability is determined by them.

The list of diseases related to circulatory pathologies:

  1. A number of ailments of the musculoskeletal system.
  2. Diseases of the thyroid gland.
  3. Ailments of the digestive system, respiration.
  4. Dysfunctions of the sense organs: sight, touch, smell.

The legislator does not give a clear list of ailments for which a disability group will be guaranteed.

For this, there is an expert council (MSEC), which, when establishing a disability group, an indicator of restrictions on movement, the ability to independently serve oneself, draws attention to the criteria:

  • the severity of the disease;
  • the specificity of the disease;
  • the causes of the disease;
  • a person's ability to work;
  • a person's ability to move, learn, navigate in social life.

From the day when a person claiming the status of a disabled person submitted the necessary documents to the commission, no more than a month should pass.

Having received the documents, MSEC gives the citizen a disability group, based on the conditions:

  1. a change in a person's state of health, leading to a disruption of the vital processes of the body under the influence of trauma, illness;
  2. deterioration of life, which manifests itself in the loss of a person's ability to independently serve himself, move in space, learn, control his behavior, work;
  3. the need for social protection from the state.

IMPORTANT: if all conditions agree in one person, MSEC assigns him the disabled status. If at least one of the conditions does not match, the expert body will refuse.

How to get disabled status?

The regulations are set in the above order. The referral is given to the person by the therapist. If a person is not able to visit the commission on his own, then the examination takes place in a hospital, at home.

The experts of the commission give their decision to a legal representative, a candidate for disability, or to another interested person based on the results of their work.

The decision is put on the established form of the document. This is a certificate of disability, with which it is necessary to apply for social benefits due to this condition of a sick person.

In addition, there is a disability due to a general disease. This is a separate type of disability, a disease that does not belong to any of the groups.

This type of disability reflects not the severity of the disease, but the level of a person's suitability for professional work.

A person who has received this status has the right to obtain a disability group (2 and 3 disability groups).

Diagnoses for children

Disability does not bypass this category of the population either. There is a special concept. This is the term "child disability".

The reasons why parents can receive this status for a child with corresponding payments from the state are as follows:

  • Missing arms or legs, including amputation.
  • Leukemia.
  • Other diseases that correspond to the list of adult diseases.

A special commission also recognizes a kid or a preschooler as disabled. Referral from healthcare organizations is required. It can be a clinic, hospital, social security.

In addition, the set of documents required for recognizing a child as a disabled person includes:

  • certificates confirming health problems;
  • statements from the child's legal representative;
  • additional documents, for example, a birth certificate.

The children's commission examines a child under 18 years old. If a child cannot come for an examination on his own, he can be carried out in a hospital, at home, by analogy with the adult population. Based on the result, he is assigned a disability group.

Video: The procedure for establishing disability will be simplified in 2020.

About disability groups

Regarding the concept of which diseases give disability, such a delicate sphere of activity of government agencies performing medical examinations, all this has a multifaceted meaning in the legal and financial area. They are faced with the task of determining how sick, whether a person can perform work mental, physical, or with a mental character.

MSEC will decide the possibility of his partial or full employment, hence the appointment, social benefits.

It is important for a sick person to know what he will receive in material and social terms from the state, since he cannot work fully due to the disease. This is where contradictions arise among the opinions of doctors and legislators.

Medical practitioners argue that it is impossible to clearly know which disease can be listed for a disability. Such a list cannot be by definition, VTEK pays attention not to the diagnosis, special criteria must be present in a person, they will help to establish how pronounced the dysfunctions in the body are.

At the same time, new legislative acts are approved, old, outdated ones are corrected. The law governs the allocation, assignment and definition of disability. In March 2018, Government Decree No. 339 was issued, which made it possible to change some of the old rules on recognizing the disability of a number of people with certain diseases. In April, the diseases listed in the new list were approved, according to which disability is established in 1, 2, 3 groups:

  1. Indefinite.
  2. Until a certain age.
  3. Correspondence.

Thanks to new changes in individual rehabilitation programs, it became possible not to revise groups with previously assigned disabilities, the timing of their establishment. The lists of diseases have been significantly expanded (up to 58), especially, this affected the following diagnostic definitions:

  • down syndrome;
  • schizophrenia;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • blindness;
  • deafness;
  • infantile cerebral palsy.

Based on the legal provision, the ITU specialist will not be able to determine the duration of the disability at his own discretion at present.

According to the Ministry of Labor No. 1024, there are certain criteria, according to which disability is determined, again this is purely conditional, specific ailments can have wide boundaries with other persistent health disorders in various life support systems.

For example, in the respiratory system with diseases:

  • asthma;
  • sarcodiosis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • lung transplants.

In the circulatory system, if:

  • hypertension;
  • angina pectoris;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • aneurysms;
  • implantation;
  • arrhythmias;
  • atherosclerosis.

In the digestive tract with the formation of:

  • colitis, enteritis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • chronic hepatitis, pancreatitis.

In the genitourinary with a disease:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • renal failure;
  • sexually impaired;
  • urolithiasis.

Purpose and definition of disability

In the immune system, if:

  • anemia;
  • agranulocytes;
  • tissue or organ transplants;
  • pathologies;
  • hemophilia;
  • immunodeficiency.

Mental area systems upon detection:

  • autism;
  • mental retardation;
  • schizophrenia.

A short list of the most commonly used diagnoses for determining disability is presented, after a thorough medical examination, a wider range of diseases are indicated in the full list.

Characteristics of severe cases

The first group of disabilities includes people with persistent signs of impaired health. Moreover, the cause of the onset of the disease is needed for diagnosis, but not for the purpose of the group.

These may be cases:

  1. Acquired disease.
  2. Congenital defect.
  3. The consequences of severe injuries.

It is important for VTEK to determine the extent to which legal capacity is lost so that a person can exist without the help of strangers.

Usually, patients are assigned 1 group, indicating the presence of serious illnesses:

  1. Paralysis.
  2. Vegetative states.
  3. Vision and hearing problems.
  4. Limb amputation.
  5. Neuropsychological.
  6. Persistent disorders in the internal organs.

Patients belong to this group if they do not have the ability to learn, social activities, control over their own behavior.

Belonging to a disability of this status allows you to use social:

  • free travel in public vehicles;
  • priority service in polyclinics;
  • for utilities, where discounts on tariffs are provided.

To obtain a similar level of disability, the patient will have to undergo an examination at the district clinic, then go to the regional center to confirm the facts of the seriousness of the disease, at least 90% of the disability.

Required criteria for group 2

Citizens with group 2 are also seriously ill, the state helps them fight the disease with pensions and a package of various benefits.

An example is the following types of disorders in the body identified by physicians:

  • epilepsy;
  • deafness, complete or partial;
  • progressive partial paralysis;
  • oncology;
  • psyche;
  • anatomical defects;
  • cardiac, renal.

Disabled people of this group have lost the ability to work and study by at least 60%, but they can serve themselves in the simplest everyday activities. Depending on the complexity of the disease, the commission can completely restrict a person from work or allow him to perform a number of simple jobs.

What grounds are needed for group 3

With this disability, citizens are not deprived of their rights and ability to work fully. Restrictions can be set on various activities, the performance of which requires absolute health.

Group 3, VTEK can be assigned if:

  • renal failure;
  • decrease in visual, auditory abilities;
  • problems in the respiratory system;
  • violations in the ODS, gastrointestinal tract.

After receiving this disability, the patient must undergo the prescribed course of treatment, be examined annually. The extension of this category is possible if doctors do not find an improvement in health, a complete cure.

Features of children's diagnosis

For children, a medical examination is provided from the first minute of their birth. Based on analytical data, the condition of the newborn patient is qualified.

For a certain time, pediatricians of different specializations observe the child, assess the level:

  1. Development.
  2. Training.
  3. Interaction with the environment.

They are divided when signs are manifested for intrauterine or acquired disease. The assignment of the degree of disability does not depend on the cause of its occurrence; the commission draws attention to the severity of the course of the disease and the possibility of its treatment. The presence of:

  • mental retardation;
  • impaired physical development;
  • upset mental state;
  • lack of normal work in the auditory, visual, endocrine organs;
  • external deformity, if it cannot be quickly corrected;
  • disruptions in metabolism;
  • disorders in the musculoskeletal organs.

Depending on the severity of the disease, it is possible to receive an indefinite discharge, which means that it is necessary to be treated without fail, but it will be exempted from passing the annual re-examination.

Who is assigned an indefinite disability

Disability for an indefinite period

The most difficult procedure, despite the difficulty of curing each specific case, is the annual proof of the medical commission that the person is still sick.

With obvious signs of the disease (absence of limbs), the legislators decided to appoint a life-long group so that people with certain health difficulties would not be burdened with evidence functions.

If a citizen has certain social obligations, he may be granted privileges in the following cases:

  • retirement age has come;
  • vTEK is appointed, and the next date indicates the onset and appointment of a pension;
  • one of the first groups of disabilities has been confirmed in the last 15 years;
  • there was a transition from a lower status to a more severe level;
  • an elderly person has documented 1 group for 5 years;
  • wWII veterans;
  • disability received in extreme situations, while defending the Motherland.

The legislators have provided for the circumstances in which human health is in such a state that it is not possible to determine the date of the next re-examination.

These patients are prescribed disability for an indefinite period:

  • manifestation of malignant tumors of different locations and forms;
  • the formation of an incurable benign tumor in the brain;
  • violations of the central nervous system with deviations of motility, organ work are clearly expressed;
  • with dementia;
  • with severe nervous lesions;
  • degenerative processes in the brain;
  • with complete blindness and deafness;
  • with the presence of progressive pathologies in the internal organs;
  • with the presence of severe articular deformities;
  • in cases of cranial injury;
  • absence of limbs or their defects.

No one is immune from acquiring a disease on one of the lists. Where they are present, they are worried about receiving quality medical care with material assistance from the state.

Legal procedure for registration

Many who get sick are frightened by the bureaucratic procedure for registering a disability, but treatment requires numerous costs. Therefore, you need to overcome all the stages, and get the required assistance from the state. You can prove it using examples of various complex cases.

There are different methods of treatment for herniated discs, but not all of them are effective; medicine often admits its helplessness.

Then a group is prescribed according to the severity of the disease:

  1. Limited movement with constant pain syndrome, employment with light labor is possible - 3 gr.
  2. The pain is strong, pronounced with frequent long-term exacerbations - 2 gr.
  3. The patient ceases to move independently; symptoms from the field of neurology are expressed - 1 g.

In all cases, the state pays a pension, which is significant support for the implementation of the necessary health measures. Patients with diabetes mellitus need to know that this disease is included in the special list of the Ministry of Health, there should be no doubt about the appointment of the group and the pension.

Like those who have suffered a stroke, statistics transmit disappointing data on the recovery of the body after this ailment. In vision problems, the picture is different, the ophthalmologist analyzes the reasons for the decline in this function.

If there are no results from the various methods of treatment used, which includes the operative method, only then a letter will be sent to a higher clinic for the final resolution of the issue. There they will again conduct a whole range of studies, analyzes, after which they will be sent to the commission. In any case, an individual approach is required, both to diseases and the definition of a particular group.

The responsibility of the medical and social examination includes the issuance of a certificate, with the definition of the degree of disability in it.

To go there, the patient has to:

  • undergo preliminary treatment in a district hospital at your place of residence or in a clinic of your choice;
  • collect a documentary set.

Obligation of medical and social expertise

It should be noted that in the serious condition of the patient, ITU are obliged to come to him at the place of his location. Whether such a practice actually exists is virtually impossible to determine.

The procedure for obtaining a certificate with the survey results:

  • the patient goes to the clinic to his attending physician;
  • on the basis of the appeal, a referral is issued to specialized specialists to collect analyzes in accordance with the clinical picture;
  • the applicant is obliged to follow all the prescribed instructions in order to obtain the result of the survey;
  • documents go to the jurisdiction of the doctor who sent the patient, a conclusion is made on them;
  • a collegial meeting is convened in this medical institution in order to send it to a higher institution for a final examination, if the polyclinic has a district status, the ITU will conduct the region, region;
  • when the institution decides that a person is entitled to a disability, they fill out an application with a petition to accept it, all documentary evidence, examination results, test extracts are attached as evidence;
  • documents are sent by postal order to the address of the state body ITU.

An applicant for a group with a disability will have to wait until a call to the commission comes. It usually lasts a month, but even when a written response is received, it will not end there. Perhaps the tests will pass their validity period or the top-level doctors will need to schedule a new test.

The procedure consists of the following points:

  • each paper is carefully checked for authenticity;
  • must correspond to the correctness - the diagnosis, the treatment performed, the prescribed medications;
  • during a personal interview, it is necessary to conduct a visual examination with an explanation of the social and marital status;
  • in some cases, requests are made to social protection regarding the living conditions of a person.

After carrying out all the measures required for this area, the commission gives its opinion:

  • positive means the appointment of a specific group;
  • negative review, says that insufficient justification was provided, the panel was not convinced by the arguments of their colleagues.

In a certificate issued to a disabled person, indicate:

  • assigned group;
  • to what extent he can work or physical labor is prohibited to him;
  • date of arrival for the next examination.

Re-examination should be taken seriously. A pass without a good reason cancels all decisions made before, the person will automatically be deprived of pension benefits and all benefits due to the case.

Video about disability registration:

Jun 26, 2018 Help manual

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