Why do we take the wrong decision? The logic of pardons: why do we make wrong decisions. Why do we take the wrong decision.

The English say: "Do not throw pennies into the wind." Prote a lot of people do not want to listen to what is reasonable. Savings are called situations, for which you continue to push through a failure right, a critical price pardon. Let's talk about those, to which people are given bad decisions.

People change past stereotyped ideas

We all relied on the situation, if already after 10 minutes after the beginning of the film show it became clear that the film did not mean anything, the crime was traded. There are few who dare to get up and leave the hall for peeping. A thought stuck in my head, which tells you about the pain of finishing the session: “Having paid a penny, I can’t allow myself to leave the place.”

There are similar illogical investments in other aspects of your life. You spend an hour looking at another season of a rich series, regardless of those that the scriptwriters creatively thought up in the first part. You guess yourself that you invested a lot of money in an old car, you don’t want to bring it to the smitnik after the third breakdown. You cannot afford to buy a new unit, or you can afford to pay for the services of a specialist repairman.

Those same ones stand and see that they have lived for themselves. Making friends, as if it began to hate one alone, continue to sleep in one day, not bazhayuchi to know that theirs was a pardon. Skoda "the best fates of your life", stained glassy, ​​the stench continues to create the illusion of a happy family for the lonely.

Marna vitrata hour that pennies

You continue stained expensive resources in speech, like doomed to failure. When you don’t waste a spent hour, or pennies, you are inspired in the depths of your soul, that in an hour everything will be settled. You spodіvaєtes vryatuvat slub, practically not talking to a person, you spodіvaєtes that the old car stops lamatis, you spodіvaєtes that cinematographers know only good films. None of us wants to waste time. To that you cannot allow yourself to sign with the power of the militia. Vvazhayut, scho two rushing forces of this phenomenon є vrodzheniya optimіzmі і vіdraza nevdachі.

The behavioral phenomenon of the taman and creatures

Navit critters can point to the improvement of a hopeless situation. One of the recent reports of researchers from the University of Minnesota showed that laboratory rodents can be caught on some kind of tasting more, like the stink of a vineyard. The more time you spend on scoring licorice prizes, the less time you spend watching the maze. The latter admit that this model of the behavior of rodents and people can be formed under the influence of an evolutionary reason.

Winning combination

Sometimes the irrational model of "pennies on the wind" can lead to the collapse of the entire financial empire, and irrevocable windfalls lead to catastrophic consequences. Small firms contribute to the work of a doctor, they require servants of some kind, shards want to resurrect, to be trained. More businessmen think only about the possibility of a great fortune, forgetting about the investments of their irrevocable costs. The stench cannot afford to spend time in the past, tied up with an expensive project, to those who do not want to look stupid in the eyes of their business partners. This fear does not let the robot burn out again, having recognized his pardon.

Let's take a look at this situation: one great financier invested 10 million dollars in a project, which would bring a great profit. But in reality, the business appears to be unprofitable. It is important for businessmen to sign up for their short-sightedness, and to win over 5 million to cover the cost of pardons. This tactic seems to be completely true, but our hero does not think about the huge sum of expenses. I think that I should spend less than 5 million at a time, and not 15, and sweat a long-term result.

How to get a pardon?

So chi іnakshe, all people are skhilnі to tsikh ahead of the curve. Ale yakbi htos of us, thinking not about our good reputation, but if we wanted to about a part of the vryatovannyh resources, we could have jumped into the situation in a flash. Having drank at the pasta, we can still compensate for the cost, rolyachi krok back and think about reasonable alternatives. Shorazu, if you face a dilemma: continue the ruh in advance, put it down, ask yourself, what do you take in both vipadkas? What will become, if you continue to beat your head against the wall, and what will become, if you will switch to another right?

How to prove at least the least sumniv, think about the usual language of choice, as it led you there, de vie at once. Also, ask yourself, how did they charge you, how did they give you that very choice of girls? Tsya simple idea may have global implications. Zreshtoyu, a good poker player knows when the time has come to throw off the cards.


Why do we take the wrong decision Editorial

    Accepting the decision, we always think how to make it right. I yakbi xtos, who, having shown us the right decision, tse buv bi gift. With such a gift, you can use the formula, proponated by the physicist and mathematician Danilo Bernoulli (1700 - 1782): the choice was made in our dividing line with the addition of two values ​​- the chances of taking it and raising it. This formula is easy to beat when it comes to tossing, but in everyday life everything is richly folded. People do not know how to evaluate these two key indicators. Trying to prove it, as if it were correct, we have mercy both in that and in another: in the assessment of the success and the value of a successful business.

    First of all, it would seem that it’s easy to make success easy: the stone brush has six sides, the coin has two, the deck has five-two cards, and we all know that the ability to win is the ace of spades or the coin falls e eagle uphill . Well, it’s true that it’s superfluous to look at them with simple roses, it’s rich who spends more pennies on gambling, and on everything else, see the roses at once.

    The reason is that people rozrakhovuyut imovirnіst zovsіm not as required. Persh lower mi zrozumієmo, like the stink of robbing, we can look at the butt. Put your own questions: what kind of creatures, like walking in Oxford on a leash, more - pigs or dogs? It dawned on me that the opinion is correct - dogs. Ale yak mi otrimali tsyu vіdpovіd? Mi shvidenko ran into his memory: how many times in life we ​​were running dogs on a show, and how many times pigs. It’s not such a filthy way to estimate imovirnist, but don’t start stagnating and you need to know if you’re going to go, and if you don’t.

    LITERA R. What kind of chotiliterary words in English are more quiet, which are based on R, or quiet, where R is the third letter? You look again at the riddle, and merge ring, rang, rung, and the words for bare, fort, pork are more foldable. Indeed, in English language there are significantly more words like bare and fort, lower quiet, which start with R. But why did the words, de R in the third position, guess better? The stench is not familiar: on the right, in the fact that the brain of power is so that the words are guessed according to the first letter, like a joke in a dictionary.

    It’s an example of that, like the very idea, that swidkіst, from which it falls on the thought of that other thought, to tell about the world of imovirnosti, for which thought it is spun, knocking us from the right course and suffocating us for a pardon. Ale on the right is not separated by the nourishment of knowledge.

    DEATH. Deakim transverse Americans were asked to evaluate the immovability of death for other reasons. People needed to die, because of which they die more often - like tornadoes, fireworks, asthma, just drown thinly. The axis of the data was taken away as a result of the experiment: through a tornado - 564 deaths on the river, through fireworks - 160, from asthma - 506, drowning - 1684. But in reality: through a tornado - 90, through fireworks - 6, from asthma - 1886, drowning - 7380. Cicavo, that two types of lethal impacts, the imovirnity of such experiences were greatly overestimated, that death in tornadoes and fireworks. Navpaki, two other deaths were markedly underestimated - death due to drowning and asthma. Why did it happen? Why the axis. Guess, if you got back to the newspaper, in the first bed it was like “The boy died of asthma”? Such approaches are not taken to the newspapers, because they stink of translation, and as a result, it’s easier for us to guess, if they were mentioned in the news, and therefore we underestimate the imovirnistness of these words. Then all of us are suddenly guessing the stats about those, like a tornado roared out of the earth in a place, or like someone’s hands were blown off, if the wines were blown with fireworks.

    LOTTERY. The best butt of a pardon in terms of chances is, obviously, a lottery. Economists themselves call the lottery a “feed for idiocy”, more chances to take away even a penny income from the “investment” of pennies from lottery tickets are more or less equal to the chances of winning by simply flushing your own pennies down the toilet. Why do people play at this game? Ask for advice - we have a lot of people, yakі still win! On television, we can often watch a radio exchange with a gigantic check in our hands, but they didn’t play thousands of them, because they were shown yakby, then the same imovirnist of the one that we gave away as a gift to the lottery jumped to zero.

    Evaluation of the ability to win - on the right is foldable, but on the rich side, evaluate the benefit in the form of a win. To say, as the price of such a speech, how much satisfaction you take away, superficially smoothly.

    BIG MAC. What cost big-mac twenty-five dollars? Singingly, the need for a negative response, we were called to pay three dollars for it. It’s impossible to tell the truth about food chains without putting another key — food: what else can you do for twenty-fifty dollars? At the economy-class cabin, which is about to take a one-year flight from Canada to Australia, we will not be asked to. But if our companion has not bought a long distance, we know well sandwiches, why we will not be ready to pay twenty-five dollars for one of them, especially in the other half of the flight? And now, in the same country that is developing, for twenty-five dollars you can buy yourself such a chic insult that you can pay the same amount for a big-mac - povniy idiotism.

    So why did I feel negatively about the upevnenistyu, even though the context is not yet familiar to us? To the one that most of us equaled the proponated price for the big poppy from tee, we were called to pay, instead of that, to get better with other possibilities. We did not equalize the benefit of the investment with the benefit of the other possible investments - we were less equal to the present day than the next. This is a systematic pardon, and in an hour you can bring up irrational nasledkiv.

    SALARY. A trade trick of love: it seems to us that a product was more expensive earlier, and now we are shown a miraculous price. And how to feed the people, how would they choose the stench from two attacking robots? Option 1: the salary of the first rock - 60,000 dollars per river, the second - 50,000, the third - 40,000. Option 2: the first rock - 35,000, the other - 45,000, the third - 55,000. the first succession is changing, the other is growing, but the sum for three rocks in the first place (150,000), in the other - lower (135,000). Prote people rob each other's work: they deserve more salary increases, regardless of those who in this situation for three years will charge significantly less stink. Why? To fix the gap with the past - a reduction in wages is accepted higher, lower promotion.

    Porovnyannya s past will give rise to a mass of failures, on yaki, as they don’t get involved in fahivtsі z ekonomіchnoї etologii, often prirechі try people znachiti varіst be-something. But if we try to compare with other possibilities, and not with the past, we still allow a number of pardons.

    WINE. We have three bowls of wine in the store: for 8 dollars, for 27 dollars, and for 33 dollars. How do we fix it? The majority of people do not want to be mothered by those who are more expensive, or those who have found it and buy those who are between the poles. The cunning tradesman obov'yazkovo to put on the police an order with even more expensive product, which no one can buy in advance: if you put a fourth bowl for 51 dollars, then the wine for 33 dollars will stop being so expensive.

    Otzhe, change the value of speech. And now I will explain to you why there were no great problems. If you buy wine for 33 dollars and bring it home, you will no longer be happy to do it before, there was an order with such dances in the store! Porivnyanna, as if we are conducted, denoting the value of these other speeches, trying to understand what is better for us, - we don’t need the same parity, as they will fall on the thought, if we are bought oh richch. Itself through the difference of the quality of our destruction, try to accept a rational solution of the condemnation of bad luck.

    MAGNETIC. You can buy a car radio. The dealer instructed from your booth to sell її for two hundred dollars, but if you go to the next end of the place, you can buy її for a hundred. Can you go through all the places to win fifty dollars and a hundred dollars? More people will give an answer "so" - the stench will not bathe the rich order with a house, so, having taken to the next end of the place, they can buy її for pіvtsіni. And now it’s obvious that you want to buy not an auto radio, but a whole car with a radio tape recorder, and the dealer instructed you to buy it for thirty-one thousand dollars, but if you want to go to another city, you can take it yourself for thirty thousand virgins 'yatsot. Are you going to win three hundred dollars at a price that one hundred dollars? The majority of people say "n" - the stench will not stumble to the bіsa for paska for like a hundred dollars, if you buy a car. In both vipads you can get 100 dollars, but people don't think about cym.

    Now it is clear that the whole problem is with the yakіsnіy rііznitі mіzh pіvnyannami. And yet the problem becomes more serious if the alternatives are suggested to you on your choice, distributed in the hour. You don’t show how easy it is for people to take a decision, if there is a chance, how to traipse at a different moment of the future.

    PENIES INJURY AND POTIM. Two sums are given to choose “right at once” sixty dollars or fifty dollars. What do we choose? Obviously, mi vіddamo perevagu maximum. Abo - it is recommended to take sixty dollars at a time for a month. І z cim is clear: take it better at once, lower potim. Problems with accepting decisions are repaired only if two rules come into conflict.

    For example, it is given either fifty dollars at a time, or sixty dollars, or a month. A typical situation from real life, which requires patience. It seems that the most important vipadkiv people are more difficult to show a drop of patience and cannot pay a whole month for the sake of an addition of ten dollars! Let's think now. Proponuyutsya either fifty dollars for a river, or sixty dollars - for thirteen months. In this weather, people can easily get better - if all one needs a check for twelve months, then you can calmly endure another month.

    Why is the results so visible? But all the same, it’s a wine match, the stink of us is again respected. As Plato said, “when I understand the object, stand up to it, then the price is an hour.” Ale naytsіkavіshe: if people live to see the farthest moment in the future - the moment of obіtsyanoї pay, - stink again change your decision in the future! When this twelve month comes, you begin to say to yourself: “Damn, what a fool I am to that! What a devil I waited for a check for a month for the sake of sixty dollars! Rather, I'll take fifty at a time.

    The result blames food: if we are all so stupid, then how did it happen, why did we still hang out on the Month? The conclusion is this: the attachment of our brain is the result of a trival evolution, it was adjusted for success in the middle, but not similar to the one in which we live at the same time. Evolution gave our brains to the situation, if people lived in small groups, hardly chiming in with people who were arrogant about themselves, lived in the middle of a short time, there were very few options for behavior (to eat and spar, and here it is at the same time). The subtle formula of Bernoulli explains to us how we can think and act in the world, for a life in which nature did not think to prepare us! The very fact explains why it is so bad for us to stick to Bernoulli's formula, but also to confirm the thesis: it is critically important for us to learn how to use it, moreover, for a very short term.

    People are the only living beings on the planet, as if they were and are deprived of the rulers of the wet lot. We don’t have any serious enemies in the world of creatures, we ordered our middle ground, in which we live. Tsі two factori, like in nature, sound to produce until the end of sight, it’s not smart to pour on us. The only factor that can lead to our death is, apparently, the cost of our power. As if in ten thousand years there will not be enough people on the Earth, it should be for those who did not know how to speed up for nothing, handed to us in 1738 by a prominent Swiss, to that we underestimated the unacceptable development of the future and to those who are re-evaluated nili vigodi vіd otrimannya satisfied here and now.

Invalid decisions, pardons in people, procrastinators in projects, the legacy of the zayvoi trust one reason. Mi not bachimo real will become speeches. Do we have sounds? That's how we were taught... That's how we learned...

I don't need to be stupid. I myself am deceived by radium.

For those who do not bachiti the real state of speeches, exposing the zahisny mechanism of our psyche. Even though we don’t know how to react correctly, it’s easy to get out of the field of your respect. Not remembering - no need to react.

More people to evaluate people. Subtly show other people according to their age to us, її vchinki, intonations are obvious for an hour, it’s simply impossible not to remember them.

Ale... we don't mind! Why? For all wines, take the stars like this, and not otherwise. All our skills are unique in hostile conflict situations. Axis and go out, we misjudge the situation of the people that lead us. And we spodіvaєmos and trust them.

The problem that they lead us, irritate, deceive us is our problem, not the quiet people who led us. We ourselves allow ourselves to be led, irritated and fooled, not to grow up in public. Uniquely vchitis bachiti those who lie on the surface.

A clear day is better than a dark night. /Treatise "San shi liu ji"/

The world champion Garry Kasparov was allegedly energized: "How far ahead do you think?" Having allowed a lot of people, I’ll give you a name like a name number for a wonderful person. The evidence for the rich turned out to be unsustainable and showed people why they stink at the Shahi more for Kasparov. Toi, saying: “The shahs are not the same head, you think ahead of the steps, but you analyze the situation.”

The success of this method lies in the fact that, not knowing objectively their situation, a great person starts to make a move, as if they appear to be pardoned in principle through the availability of reliable information to assess the situation cії.

Zastosovuyuchi the very same strategy to life, critically evaluate, as often we replace that, to objectively evaluate those who are trying to get ahead, go forward, and how often in the evening you go, they do not move forward, where we jumped, but sideways.

The one who swears at everything, swears. /Treatise "San shi liu ji"/

Take care of the situation, mean to work in such a way that you go and tell yourself. The one who seems to not know what work was given to him, he doesn’t know what to do with him at once. Youmu does not receive information to praise the solution.

The one who says that you often have mercy in people, you don’t know how and where / on what and if you need to marvel at people (hearing, analyzing), so you can truly evaluate.

The more beautiful the reality is (obviously, that is attached), the less pardons are the less robimo.

Reveal that you began to bachit and commemorate important dribnits more by 10% ... by 20% ... 50% ... Reveal how your life will change if you have such changes ...

If you change this to your heart’s content, we’ll ask you for the next initial seminar. Romanova

Today we make a lot of important decisions. Why buy a car, why switch to a new job, why separate from your young man? Why do you want a bad one? What is the power business? One of the broadest approaches is to analyze the pros and cons. Proteo psychologists brought the inefficiency of this. It appears that we are all smart enough to be ahead of the curve, as if we were afraid of the wrong choice.

Why do we have mercy and how to learn how to make the right decisions, you know from the book " Mystery pasta ". Below - a sprinkling of ideas from her.


We ask: “ Chi am I guilty of breaking up with my partner chi ni?"- and the responsibility is to ask:" How can I make our little ones better? "We ask:" Is it my fault to buy a new car?" - but not: " How to spend pennies, to bring the greatest misfortune to this? » Frames, yakі mayut on uvazі choose a narrow spectrum, ask us to take a decision. Scientific research confirms the value.

You always have more options, below you can.

Economists are aware that saving money is an alternative option. In one magazine article it was written: “ People, like taking decisions, marveling at a window with white caviar, vrakhovuyut, skilki hamburgers could buy for the same pennies. stink intuitively vouch for alternative art».

But Professor of Marketing Frederik Schein has some hesitation. Vіn rozrobyv іz іs іs colleagues dоslіdzhennya, schobіrіt, chi dіyno spozhivachі automatically podrakhovuyut alternatіvі varіstіst.

One of the meals at the end of the day was like this: “Show that you have learned to earn additional pennies, and that you have played them in singing speeches. Ale pіd hour trip to the store you spend on sales of new movies. The new one has one of your favorite actors, and your favorite genre is cinema (for example, comedy, drama, thriller, etc.). You have been thinking about buying the film itself for a long time. The wine is on sale for a special price of $14.99. What would you do about such a situation? Circle one of the options below.

1 . buy devastating film.

2 . Don't buy roaring film".

For such an alternative, 75% bought the video and only 25% went through the video. Imovirno, for a long time, they would have looked at the possibility of this purchase and would have taken a positive decision: let your love actor (Leonardo di Caprio!) and your love story (thin ship!).

Later, the elders put the same food for another group of people, but with an insignificant snake (here it is seen in bold type):

1 . buy devastating film.

2 . Don't buy devastating film. Save $14.99 on other purchases.

Obviously, if you see it in bold type, you can not be fooled. Tse is obvious, and guessing to wind up the trochs is covered. Why is it really necessary for us to tell people that they can win their pennies, so that they can buy other speeches, and not a film? Prote, if people were shown this simple and obvious alternative, 45% of people decided not to bathe. The alternative to mayzha vdvіchі has encouraged the imovіrnіst that people will go through the cinema!

Tse doslіdzhennya carry even good news. It shows that it is enough to put a slight pressure on the alternative, so that you praise the right decision. Shchoraz, roblyachi vibir, think how you can increase the number of options.


Since the pluses and minuses are going on in our heads, it’s easy for us to jump into arguments. We think that the difference is objective, but in fact the brain is victorious on our special intuition.

In life, we sounded quickly otrimuvat the statement about the situation, and then shukat information that confirms our statement. I tsya zgubna zvichka, as it is called "pre-emptive confirmation", is another enemy, which makes you take the right decision.

Axis is a typical result of one of the richest reports: in the 1960s, if medical reports about chicken failure had not yet given unambiguous results, chickens showed greater interest in reading articles entitled "Chicken does not lead to cancer legen", lower name " chicken bring death to cancer."

Please let me know that you have entrusted the opening of a new restaurant. Give someone your love, so that you will wake up that spovneni nadiya. You look for reviews about a restaurant on the Internet and know a few good ones (chotiri z five stars) and a bunch of nasty ones (two stars). What suggestions do you read? Mayzhe, sing-song, positive. Aja, you want the restaurant to be visible.

Concerned psychologists confirmed that this effect is even stronger. On the basis of 90 years, from which 8,000 people took the fate, you can make a visnovka: we are more likely to cheat on the melancholy of confirming information, lower demand. Confirmation is stronger in emotional areas, such as politics. You can commemorate them yourself, if people have a strong sense of humility. Confirmation of advance is also needed, as people have already put an hour of effort into the problem.

How do you evaluate options?

The first step is to listen to Alfred Sloan, the great CEO of GM, to develop discipline. It starts from readiness to constructive rozbіzhnosti. Look at the possibilities, extending to the cob instinct.

You can learn the principle looking at the proportions » to his special life. One team of contributors was smitten with food, which makes it easy for people to know their companions in life, otherwise. With this method, the stench conducted an experiment among the women, as they prepared for the ship. 20% of the women were reminded of their success: if they stung their future man in the first place, they were not worthy of guilt (it means that millions of other people should be born, if they shoot their future man and go, that is ahead of zhenіst zmusila їх too early to move into vіdnosin) .


Third enemy solution - mittiev emotions. If we need to make an important choice, ours will feel the same way. We are constantly scrolling in the head of the same arguments. We are tormented by the drive of the house furnishings. Today we change our thoughts. If the solution was a table, then the same day the numbers did not change (even if new information was not available), but in our heads it looked differently. We lifted up the pillars of the pill, but we couldn’t get ahead of the way. In such a moment, we need the most perspective.

People, telling about the biggest decisions in their life, often guess: at the moment of the x, the stench was in the bream of emotions (anger, hunger, anxiety and greed). Ale, don't be a slave. Emotions to endure quickly. To this very people's wisdom seems to be: "The early evening of the wise."

« I will think about it tomorrow ", - said the heroine of the novel" in the wind". Well, it's completely reasonable.

Prote don’t start enough to “sleep out of the problem.” A strategy is needed here. It is my fault to subdue the mittevs of emotions and biased bajannya to the greed of the pre-stroke value. A tool to help us as best we can, was found by Susie Welch, as she wrote business articles. Vin is called 10 /10 /10 .

For using the method 10 /10 /10 we are guilty of looking at our decisions in three different frames. How will we be placed before them after 10 whilins? And for 10 months? And for 10 years? Three watch frames - an elegant way to confuse us to distance ourselves according to our decisions.

Let's take a look at the history of the woman in the name of Enni, as she suffered through her years with Karl. The stench has been ringing for nine months now. Enni vvazhala: "Vin is a miracle man and rich in what is the very companion of life, which I am kidding." Ale її praised that їhnі stosunki do not develop.

Vaughn was going to spend the first three days of admission with Karl, and її food was coming, the next time the next hour of the trip would come. Vaughn knew that Karl did not hurry to make a decision. Chi is guilty of first to say: I love you?

Enni was koristovala way 10/10/10. “After 10 minutes after being known, I would get nervous, but I would write by myself, I would get carried away and riziknula. Ten months later, I would hardly have been wrong about it. I really want it to work. Zreshtoy, who does not risk, does not drink champagne. How about 10 years? Nezalezhno vіd yogo reaction, the price is unlikely to be significant in half an hour. We will either be happy at once, otherwise I will have happy stoks from kimoshche.

Get respect, what's with the tool 10 /10 /10 The solution appeared to be forgiven: Ennі may take the initiative. Having done this, write about yourself and take care that you don’t mess around about it, so as a result, the blues are falling apart. Ale without svidomogo analysis 10/10/10 decision looked important. Short-term emotions - nervousness, fear and fear of negative influences - evoked and served as streaming factors.

Irina Balmanzhi

Publication Site OMARTASATT"

On the cob of this year, the Nobel Committee awarded the American Fahivtsyu z behavioral economy to Richard Thaler, which is a legacy of human irrationality. The laureate has already claimed to win his prize in the most irrational way, and The Village to draw cues from his book Nudge, as the book “Mann, Ivanov and Ferber” saw its fate. In the midst of another, it is revealed why people shy away from vibir on automatic machines, and like companies, they swear.

Architecture choice

At the dawn of the kar'єri, Taler praised the managerial decisions of the school of business. Students sometimes went earlier to the conference (or to the game of golf). That way the stench tried to slither from the auditorium, which is more unfamiliar. Unfortunately, the only way out was through the great two-wheeled doors, visible from any place in the audience, even though Thaler’s posture was respectful. The chairs are small and large, the beautiful wooden handles are cylindrical in shape, the frills are about 60 centimeters. Climbing in, the students saw two opposing impulses. At the first moment, the door was shut, marked for exit. We sweat, rattling the great wooden hands, for yaks so handily bracing ourselves, vinicating the chairs to pull on ourselves. Another impulse will sound as you take the mountain. As a result, skin, who tried to get out of the audience, pulling the chairs on himself. Unfortunately, the doors were named.

In a deaky hour after the beginning of the semester, the chergovil student znіyakovіlo, pulling his hands on himself, getting out of the audience. Thaler has turned the respect of young people to those whose doors are named. From quiet fir, if you want to mav namir drink, they guarded against cikavistyu, chi will be vin shtovhati chi pull. Namely, but the greater number continued to pull the chairs of the door on itself! There is an automatic system of triumph. The signal sent by the great wooden handles could not be ignored. Yakos Thaler also happened to come out at a busy hour. To your zbentezhennya, and pulling the handle on yourself.

These doors were the butt of the nasty architecture of choice, which violated a simple psychological principle from the cunningly wise name "similarity to the nature of the stimulus and reaction in the mind." Yogo is the essence of the fact that the signal (stimulus), which is accepted, is to blame for the support of the bazhanіy diї. In times of protirich sprinyattya suffer and people have mercy.

For example, show the great, red eight-piece, on which the stop is written in front. Folding through similar wipes is easy to show experimentally. Identification of assignments in the Stroop test. In the current version of this experiment, you can try out the words that are drawn on the screen. The task is even simpler: press the button to the right, as if the word is written in red color, and on the left - as green. Usim zavdannya is given easy, people quickly start and give up without pardon. Ale potіm program wikidaє fortel: the word is red, engraved in green font, but the word is green in red color. These are super-clear signals that cause an increase in the hour and the number of pardons. The automatic system “read” the word “shvidshe”, lower we can recognize the color of the letter. Having turned the word green in black font, under the infusion of the automatic system, people hasten to press the button i on the left, obviously, have mercy. Try it yourself. Write the name of the colors so that the zabarvlennya letter does not match the word. Or rather, ask about the child. Let's rethink the names of the yaknaishvidshe, so read them without savage respect for the color. Easy, isn't it? And now name the colors of the words without looking back at their meanings. Really, folded? In such tasks, the automatic system always overrides the analytical.

Although we have not once hit a green “stop” sign, doors similar to those described above are zipping everywhere and violating the same principle. Flat round handles seem to be “shtovhay”, and large bulging ones - “pull”. Do not worry that people will fix doors with swollen handles! Tse architecture choice, scho superechit the basic psychological principles of people. There are many such products. Isn't it obvious that the biggest buttons on the remote control are the buttons for turning on, switching channels and noise? And how many of them have buttons for adjusting the density of the same kind of expansion, like a key to choose a button to open it, with a sudden pressure on the yak, can a picture appear?

However, you can still cheat the human factor in design, as Donald Norman shows in his excellent book Design of Spoken Speech.

Zhodin butt of architecture, without omitting the style of respect, is famous for the fly on the pissoir of the Amsterdam airport Schiphol. Zavdyaki їy razbrizkuvannya decreased by 80%. Owner and engineer Doug Kempel sells stickers with flies over the Internet. “My meta is no more, no less than vryatuvat light, urinal after urinal, - rozpoviv vin. - I believe that this unsightly product will make the toilets clean. The least choice is the least choice of chemical products for the mitt. And it’s not a sin for people to laugh at some time.” Sales are going well, Kempel is already building up sales to bars, restaurants, schools, churches and, of course, airports.

The path of the least support

Bagato who rob vibir, scho vimagaє the least zusil. Guess about the inertia, the exodus of the status quo and the heuristics “so it doesn’t matter!”. That is why, for the obviousness of the option for locking up, as if transferring any changes, more people will be attracted to it. Navіt yakscho not visible. Behavioral tendencies are supported by internal and external statements of those who, as an appeal for ablutions, have a normal image and make recommendations. Such standard solutions are commonplace and even more infuse into our lives. Come on, stench is inevitable. Even if a node in the system of architecture, the choice can be assigned a rule, what will it be, what will happen, if a person does not do anything. Sound at such a time, nothing changes, then those who seem to be, go to your heart. Ale, don't worry. There are some unsafe mechanisms, such as a Lanziug file and a lawn mower, an emergency galmo and a blocker: as soon as the handle is released, the machine turns on. It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to see a computer, for example, to get it on the phone, for example. If you don’t turn around for more than a good hour, a splash screen will appear. At a time far away, the computer went into sleep mode.

Obviously, you can adjust the time the display is turned on, but for which you need a low power. Shvidshe for everything, you pridbali computer іz vstanovlenim hour transition to sleep mode and screensavers. I, singly, did not change them.

A lot of private companies and state-owned organizations successfully conquer the great potential of standard options. Do you remember about the automatic advance payment of magazines? Rich who takes such a rank to see, they don’t wake up. Spivrobіtniki vіddіlіv vіddіlі v vіdіlіv vіdzhanіv, no doubt, know tse. Zavantaziv program, happen to praise the impersonal solution. What standard is installed? Sound, on the contrary, one of the options is ticked, and, as it is necessary to choose another, it is necessary to click the bear again. Why should the software managers come out of the window under the hour of the standard installation? The stench is grounded on two principles: transparency and profit. In the first place, nalashtuvannya for zamovchuvannyam ryatyut rich coristuvachіv vіd hardships, which are blamed for vibrating installation. In another way, the koristuvach automatically gives a year to receive electronic sheets with information about new products. More standard program options make life easier, but sometimes they look like someone else's. Not all options installed behind the locks can help.

Standard rules are inevitable - private companies and legal systems cannot do without them. In some situations, although not in all, these options do not allow you to be satisfied with the needs of the whole world. An architect can confuse people to make their own decisions. Such a pіdhіd is called a necessary or obov'yazkovy choice. For example, in case of software security, you can leave all the middles empty, so that you can quickly continue the installation, just by ticking the required options. With the method of selection for service in the army, students or their fathers are obligated to fill out questionnaires. They can have more than just clarifying information: why do young people want to disclose their contact information? In similar emotionally charged situations, this option is not to be blamed for the engagement, even if it is possible, it can be good with it, regardless of those who have such an option for a new group of people. clear. Possibly, the deacons could not move through their inertness, a real social pressure.

Absolutely, obov'yazkovy vybіr іnоdі the best solution. Firstly, most of the koristuvachivs do not need to read the folding instructions for understanding, to make it clear, as if from the folding ones. If the choice is rich and foldable, people value reasonable standard settings. Chi varto їх mushuvati? In a different way, obov'yazkovy vybіr is more suitable for accepting simple solutions - with the help of "so" chi "nі" - lower folding. At the restaurant, a standard option is the choice of a head chef with the possibility to add or turn on the active ingredients. Protilezhna form - primus to independent vysnovkіv - pripuskatim, scho vydvіduvach is guilty to give the cook the recipe for bazhanoi stravi! For priynyattya foldable solution of shoes, the choice of shoes is not the best thing to come up with an unimaginable idea.

Lining:"Mann, Ivanov and Ferber"