Russian - means warrior!!? Club "Oprichnik": Be Russian - means be a Warrior.

They glared at death.

Those "crooked" NKVS themselves, they showed themselves in the first days of the war so that the earth was burning under the feet of the enemy.
There were two. A couple of cordon workers from the Brest cordon corral gave a second column of German motorcyclists. They wounded them, hoarded them, put them in a line for shooting. The axis of preparation only dragged on through those who were shooting calmly and insolently. Laughed at the Nimtsiv, znushchalis and jarred. Distalos and young German officer, what an order.
After that, as if everything had been skinned, he wrote in the evening at his son's house:

The Russian soldiers were not afraid of us. That was not bravado and feigned goodness. I succeeded in inspiring me because I was standing in my place. Ogidne vodchutya. They sent with a smile on their lips, and I was ready to swear, that not only in me, but in my soldiers, goosebumps ran down the back and an unacceptable chill, if the earth stumbled. The stinkers were absolutely inspired to avenge them, and we program war.

Yishov worm 1941 to the year.

453 79 7 ER 3.8052

Found to the Hero of the military conflict (08.08.08) in Georgia.

A living wine appears, but the sound of yogo started up differently!

In foreign ZMІ tsya іstorіya took away the name:

"Three hundred is not required, to stitch one."

There was a story about a Russian soldier who, by self-will, set fire to a whole column of Georgian military men during the conflict between Pivdennoy Ossetia and Georgia.

For the version of the journalists, the name of the boy was Bato Dashidorzhiev. Krіm tsgogo vіdomlyalosya seldom, scho vіn perishing for a few days after the tsy fall, under the hour of fighting days. There was no more information about the person, only true strong photographs. Aldar Damdinov, who represents the interests of the Republic of Buryatia in the lower house of the Russian parliament, together with his one-thinking minds, they decided to know the relatives of the hero, to give the necessary help and increase his memory. They didn’t give anything to ask for them, just the same information. After only a great gap, it was still far away to recognize the name of that fighter, who really stood alone in the middle of the road with a machine gun against the Georgian colonies. Yak z'yasuvalosya, tse buv not Bato Dashidorzhiyev, but Ibrashev Tasbolat Abatovich, who served in a hot spot for a contract. The commander of the company - senior lieutenant Dichkovsky - ordered to hang out to the cordon of Georgia to help the peacekeeping forces. Provіvshi nіch, chekayuchi regrouping the forces of the enemy, yakі so і did not appear, the company became the city of Gori. - After a few days after our teeth, Colonel Shtondenko arrived, - rozpov Tasbolat correspondents, like a wiyshov on a new one. - Vіn having punished viklikati to the new machine-gunner at once from the helper and archer. At that time, I was the only machine gunner at the checkpoint. Vidpovidno, vibir having fallen on me. At some point we were violating forward along the road, and there we shot down from the columns of the Georgian military. The Colonel did not break down and immediately spoke to them, punishing me to stand and not step out of the daily furnishing. Two of my comrades at the same time took up fighting positions on the Uzbeks behind the boulders. What gave the whole world to know.
The whole world shook, like a column to the teeth of the defeated Georgians, went off in the form of one battle. After the completion of the contract, Ibrashev broke home and went home without guessing about those foreign journalists who had already released a video that became viral, “Three hundred is not required, you need to shoot one.” The heroes of the video were praised by Bato Dashidorzhiev. Tasbolat rolled the video in 11-12 turns and recognized it on my new self, madly zdivuvavsya, that yoga is called unknown im'yam and yet we will perish. Ibrashev tried to say that he is alive and well. But they didn’t believe you. Once they said to Bato Dashidorzhiyev - it means vin, nefіg to attribute feats to others. At the result, Tasbolat did not bring anything to anyone, wanting to bring comrades in service, they attacked the fact that they did not swear. And here the representatives of the deputy of the Derzhdumi came to the fore, even though the history of rich fates did not give peace to the Meshkants of Russia.

147 16 3 ER 1.1720

Soldier with a grenade in his nose. Khankala 1999 river. Operation from the examination of grenade by military surgeons. Video recording by Oleksandr Sladkov.

At Khankala, on the cob of another Chechen company. They brought the fight to the medical battalion, with a grenade in the nose: flying in the VOG at the leg, there, in the middle, at the m'yas, in the presence of a grenade in the air, Soldier buv at the bridge. The battalion commander, Tolik Kalmikov, and the surgeons - virishili distavati.
They blamed the wounded "into nature", so that, as if vibuhne, they did not splatter the sterile tent - the operating room with fragments of bodies. Surgeons: Igor Peskikin, Yura Sikorsky, anesthesiologist Marat Kurmanseitov, and from the operating sister I remember Bantik. They covered the wounded man with armored plates, took a nap, put on bulletproof vests and, having cut the quilt, removed the grenade. Igor Pisikin distav, and then we’ll put our hand into the wound, like a gut, smearing and pulling out the pimento, rizikuyuchi without a hand, for the surgeon, farewell to the profession! Everyone could die there, yakbi VOG spratsyuvav. The doctors were known for a meter from the grenade. Video recording by Oleksandr Sladkov.
There are a lot of such options with a grenade in the tіlі. Ale! How could the axis be able to take the operation in such detail!? This is a unique reward. The unique work of reporters. Before the speech, our cell was alone there. Krim us, Vesti, there was no one. Call out viysk or hove such stories from reporters, or else, having confidently confessed, babbling, it sounds like “Impossible”! Everything can be as required, as planned and as prepared. Aje cey impromptu - and a feat in the frame, and our history. Before the speech, Peskikin, Kurmanseitov, Sikorsky, and they will operate at once, the enlightened light, with a light hand! And the axis de "Bantik" - I don't know.
Pi.Si.Postrіl grenade launcher VOG-25 (GRAU index - 7P17) - fragmentation ammunition for grenade launchers DP-25 "Vognik", DP-30 "Vzuttya", GP-34, RG-6 "Gnome" and a grenade, what about' One metal charge in the sleeve.

10 2 0 ER 0.0847

Ti, don't throw a stone here ... Ti, throw it there!

"Turkish vіyskovі there, and here - Russian"

The news came from watching two videos from Syria. It is clearly seen on them that after a short meeting with the military serviceman, the Kurdish population missed the transport barriers of the military police of the Russian Federation and began to throw stones at the Turkish armored vehicles themselves, understanding that "Turkish military and there, and here - Russian".

Previously, the protesters attacked all the cars indiscriminately, which called out mocking comments from low ZMI. There were shots about those who, like Kurds, victorious, cast a sledgehammer, heading strikes on the technique of the Russian military police. Now the Kurdish aggression of the population has become direct.

For materials

8 2 0 ER 0.0707

Let's tell one story, as a veteran told me. The right warrior is not a headquarters one, from the right cities.
After May 1945, the fate of Berlin was taken by storm by our troops. The Radiansky, and then the American soldiers (they divided the spheres in the same place) had an impersonal turbot. One of them is tse poloneni. We quickly knew the busyness and, under the guarding stench, cleared the rubble and took care of other important work. At once, the special services were prac- ticing with rakes propelling the Nazi evil-doers to the Wehrmacht soldiers, who were hiding in the midst of the orphan mass.

"Robots hung out and recognized those who died of death. If, they drank, they slept right there."

Members of the "Hitler Youth" brought a special headache. Pіdlіtki vіd 12 to 16 roіv massively called out by the Third Reich to the war from the "Red Threat". Propaganda of the robot to the fullest and washed the brains of them as required, they did not mind the stench of the buli. Dreams about rich mothers at the gathering, great volodinnya, and cognitive dissonance with the Fuhrer's hazy ideas did not go away.

Children were pumped up with “wonderful” ideas, seasoned with hatred to the point of everything non-German, and they put twinkies, automatic rifles and faustpatrons into their hands.

For the sake of guilt, take the blood, and vvazhayuchi spend with the unpleasant, show us your back!

The result is for us from you. Some of our soldiers perished in the hands of our soldiers and did not frighten me, and most of all our kindness and orderliness were to blame. Wow, children.

So the axis of a large group of full-fledged members of the Hitler Youth was on the "American" part of Berlin, and there, stinking on the spot, they felt very comfortable. They didn’t bother them to work. Importantly, the stench sat under the castle and spitted their teeth in great detail. Between them and the right abominations were already taking away the battlefields in the light of their "power", which was resting in the gods. It went so far that the youngsters began to grow up.

Zagal, all the hats of the chomus were handed over to the Radyansk side, and a few hundred nedomirks slumped under the guard of our soldiers. So the axis of the wolves began to swing the law and power the hunger strike, go to work and imitate the ailment. The mustache was timid at the ostentatious order with chicks, stuns, and the image of meagerly. etc. On the back of our minds, our men laughed at their heads - well, why take a small child. After that, as our soldiers flew the kazanka tins (chi bachite, zha їm was not worthy), the head of the timchas camp went to the commandant. Prote old, mothers soldiers sounded yogo.

Why make noise? Let's smoke at once and see everything ourselves.

I wrote. A dekilka of hundreds of widows became like shovkovs, if after a black incident over their heads they gave a long time to the rank of the DP (so that the kam'yana krihta flew to the sides), they drove to the robot for work and were deprived of the booty without a hedgehog. Potilichniki, podzhopniks, that pripinennya be-like boorish behavior, shvidko established discipline and foretold the youngsters that the stench is not in the pioneer camp, but in the military camp, and their share has not yet been overcome. There was no water katuvannya. After a couple of days, everyone realized that the rules needed to be trimmed and then everything would be good.
After that, we didn’t mark any worthy attack on the defense, which the Americans could not boast of, dozens of people, which they spent through the whole.

UKRAINIAN - MEAN WAR!!? "The thought of one of Blackwater's spivrobitniks about the fearfulness of different lands, including Russia. Blackwater ("Black Water") is an American defense enterprise (private military company), founded in 1997. So, for some kind of tribute, we hope in ysk podtrymka in the ninth ukrainian conflicts 1. African tribes. ive less nayavnistyu forms and modest skills of aiming shooting, combative against dikuniv, ale zіtknennya with a friendly enemy, inciting Arabs, causing them to panic and flow in. in principle Rating - meat in the package 3. regular ... Got it tactics and strategies are so far away for them, like the charms of Samantha Fox to the average homosexual from the banks of the Canopy. In the meantime, don’t stay up to the regulars, stink of your current discipline, be able to swell with grenades. Boyaguzlivі, but not panicky. Rating is a target. 4. American regulars. There are a lot of films made about the unstoppable American army… Only one ALE. The Yankees absolutely cannot fight without artillery preparation, tanks and air strikes. As if the territory had not been boiled down to a deserted desert, the soldiers would not go there. And if you go, then you don’t turn back. Shoot more kindly, well coordinated, but be afraid before any kind of support. If something becomes easy to get. It's hard to spend it, to spend it again. Boyaguzi. Rating - biting dogs. 5. American recruits. Bad soldiers. Vmіyut children like a team, so one by one, miracle arrows. Vіdchaydushni individuals trapleyutsya, with yakim vporatis hour is not easy. Ale stink mayut even weaker mist - morality. І day of motivation, okrim pennies. Corpse pennies are not needed, so most of them do not go there, de zov hot. I always unique the first line of fire. Psy viyni, how to evaluate. 6. Asians. I didn't stick with the regulars. Naymantsi well zdatni zavdati bolіsnogo headache be-yakoy adversary. Like a group. What's in them at the head, unreasonably, but the stench of the building, be it unreasonable. They shoot beautifully, often blow out of ambush, in a yak the enemy squanders a zgidno with a cunning plan. Asians don't give a damn about support with equipment, aircraft and shells. Їm nachhati, є patroni chi nі. Golovne - the presence of brothers. Ale one by one stink, sorry, become marnimi. Rating - army of the emperor. 7. Caucasians and Afghans. Strong warriors. Wonderful arrows. Vitrivali, horobri. Vmіyut children in groups, alone, motivated and approached. Fight competently, know tactics and strategy. Techniques and air strikes do not lakayutsya, effectively blow out of ambush. The stench mayut one weak place - unrequited fight to the rest in the breath, a strong fighter of the building to sacrifice himself for the sake of a wild victory. Yakshcho vіn not shahid, but tse zovsіm іnsha іstorіya… Rating - spravzhnі Bіytsі. 8. Russians. The stench is fired until the end, until the last cartridge, and if the ammunition runs out, they let everything in their hands. Mortally wounding the Russian? Don't eat yogo, svidshe for everything before death - win a grenade without checks. Russian wines are full of wonderful intuition. I... it's all the same. Did you arrive soon? All the same, zіb'yut sapper shovel. Tank? All the same, yakscho do not break hands. Fighters, as if they had never trimmed SVD once, at the critical moment of building a meal with her at an inter-range distance. And all the same, whatever the remaining cartridge will be, they will beat the enemy with a screw. Tactics and strategy? Just! Be like a warehouse, from the army to the nap_vzhivago kalіka, that we take one company of the enemy one by one ... And if you walk - be singing, stench just run for cartridges. All the victorious people are standing in the army, like more and less shelling. Vtіm, for tsgogo in the most vipadkіv sufficiency - single battle zone... Rating - Voyni!"

Club "Oprichnik", gave simply an ORGANIZATION, a public non-profit organization, which put as a metaphor for creation and integration into the life of programs, extinguished that idea, which would take the birth of that saving of the Russian people, that sounded mentally stі, as well as helping its members at the reach of social , favorable, cultural, illuminating, scientific, sporting and other purposes

ORGANIZATION respects that the rebirth of the Russian people and the Russian state is impossible without moral and physical cleansing of the people, the cultivation of all Russian people from the education of military, cultural and religious traditions of our people. To that, one of the goals of the ORGANIZATION is to establish its own lines of military-patriotic clubs and podrazdiliv, which are engaged in military-sports training of young people and propaganda of physical culture and a healthy way of life in Russia and for її borders, near the lands, which they change at the zone of interests of the Russian people.

The main idea of ​​the Club is based on its motto: be Russian - now, be a Warrior! ORGANIZATION, її participants and candidates for membership in their community activities come from the fact that the stench is the appetizers of the great Russian people, that they gave the world a rich wealth of vchenih, artists, writers, musicians, mandrivniks, warriors and saints. І vvazhayut for the necessary, for the skin of Russia, to support it spiritually and physically: stop marveling at the TV, drink, smoke, use other drugs, as we are forced by the current well-being; engage in physical culture, strive for a healthy way of life, cultivate the history of your people in the home region, help those close to you, protect the weak, be fair and honest. Keep in mind that you are Russian, and Russian means warrior!

You can become a member of the Club if you are a child person, if you have reached 21 years of age; confirming the position of the ORGANIZATION and the її Idea, expressed by the designated person; who has passed the trial term and who has paid the entry fee. Diplomatic person until the age of 21, otherwise she did not pass the test term, but the reason for becoming a member of the Organization is considered a candidate for a member of the Organization.

To achieve the goals, the Club organizes training in knife and hand-to-hand combat, training in shooting tactics and organizing practical shooting at the shooting range or in the range. Seminars with specialists are organized to promote the level of training. Organize and conduct other visits, including cultural and tourist ones, within the framework of the assigned goals. The financing of the Club is paid for by charitable donations and contributions to the Club members.