Aunt's day - the history of the vindication is holy. Aunt's Day, Student's Day

Shhoroku 25 September The Church is chanting the holy martyr Tatiana Rimska, an early Christian martyr, who recognized the tortur for the faith under Emperor Oleksandriya in the 3rd century. On the 25th of September, the people celebrate Tetyana's day. In 2018, the holy roll falls on Wednesday. Students are especially encouraged to celebrate the holy day of Tetyana, it is not without reason that orders go around that on Aunt's Day all students are drunk. On this day it is customary to put candles for success in the navchan, the martyr Tetyana (Tatiana) to pray at the important navchanna that sanctification.

Aunt's day - student's day

St. Tetyana became the patron saint of students for three reasons, that on the day of її remembrance 12 (25) of today in 1755, Empress Elizaveta signed a Decree about opening the first Russian university in Moscow. Project rozroblyav Lomonosov. In 1791 p. on Great Day, the Church of Tatiana Martyr was opened. The decoration for her was sent by Katerina herself. The parishioners of the church in different times were Fonvizin, Griboyedov, Turgenev, Timiryazev, Pirogov, Klyuchevsky, brothers Aksakovi, Solovyov and others. Potim buv Decree of Mikoli I, de vin ordered not to commemorate the day of inauguration of the university, but the signing of an act on its foundation. So, by the will of the monarch, it appeared to the students sacredly - Tetyana's day, and in the course of time the people ascribed this holy intercession to the students.

Church of the Martyr Tatiana at MDU

Church of the Holy Martyr Tatiana - an Orthodox church that has the status of a Patriarchal Companion; Budinkovy Temple of the Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov. Roztashovuetsya in the right wing of the old budіvl MDU, opposite the Manege, on the rose street Velyka Nikitskaya and Mohova.

Student traditions and apply on Tetyana's day

Aunt's day is sacred to students. For all the student brothers, it is a miracle to be able to wake up in the beginning and leave at the fun, for the sake of the saint, that wind. And for the stylki rokіv іsnuvannya Aunt's day as a saint of students could not fail to appear student's traditions and rituals on the 25th of September.
  1. Mabut, found a student tradition on Tetyana's day - that's the call of Kuli. On September 25, students go to the balcony or look at the window, shake their curtains and call: Shara, come! Vvazhaєtsya, yakshcho at a vіdpovіd khtos krikne - Already in a dorozi - it's a good example for Tetyana's day.
  2. One more cicava tradition on Tetyana's day is celebrated at the painting. A leather student knows that on the 25th of September at Tetyana’s day a good example is on the future - on the other side of the booklet, paint a small house with a pipe: we’ll make it easier to learn that fate.
  3. One more example on Tetyana’s day is passed, so that if a student needs to fold up the coming day after the Student’s Day, then you need to go fold after a good drink, then, as if you’ve read prikmetі, іspit will be folded with ease. And at the same time it is not possible to read Tetyana's day's summary, otherwise, for prikmetov, it is easy to pass.

Folk traditions for Tetyana's day

Until that hour, when St. Tetyana was the patron saint of students, Tetyana's day, 25 September, was especially celebrated among the people. Folk rituals, traditions and practices on Tetyana's day are different and, perhaps, will be familiar to modern lovers of old times and nature. At every time, read a little more about those, like the traditions that were used on Tetyana's day in Russia. Before the word, it is noted that the girl, as she was born on the 25th of September, will be a garnoy gospodarkoy!

Yak svyatkuvati Aunt's day

On the 25th of September, on Tetyana's Day, the people took cow's bread from the sight of the Son. “Tetyana and a cow oven, and river rugs b'є, and a round dance!” - they spoke for the old hours. This is the day of Aunt Khreschenskaya and Babin Kut. Babin kut - the place of the Russian stove, the babiya kut, where all the items of home stuffing stood, and the lady spent a rich hour. In this place, they called it a sonechka. Therefore, on Tetyana's day, the "greater ones" - the elders in the same master - baked a great rug, a symbol of the sun. The lords and gentlemen took the brew out of the oven, gave the bread a troch and warmed it up in a piece of bread and distributed it to all the members of the family. Such was the tradition on Tetyana's day to call spring, asking for the light to turn back to people and drive away the fierce frosts of hell. The leather member of this family, for the tradition of obov'yazkovo, is guilty of the bv z'isti Bodai shmatochok in such a cow, so that the Sun gave him a troch of its warmth.

Bagato will take on Holy Tetyana's Day, they were tied with the preparations of a ritual cow, for example:

  • as if the bread was lifted up like a hump in the middle, it means, check the luck of your fate and life, get better, go uphill;
  • yakshko cowhide, smooth and without waters - tse virna prikmeta to a calm fate and a peaceful life;
  • like a cow burnt - radili - burnt a little z'isti birthday girl, so that she could willingly accept all kinds of her share;
  • and from what a bare cow cracked - it was taken in by an alarming sign.

There is a tradition on Tetyana's day - go to the river and beat the rugs out of the rugs, that you were stingy in them for the saint. The village girls of that day went early to the river, and beat the rugs. The strong lads helped to bring clean rugs to the village, they hung the kilimki on parkans and it was possible to judge from them that the girl was like a team from her.

At their place on Tetyana's day, the girls, for the help of strong cunning, tried to lure the names. Tradition on Tetyana's day of laying out the doors of a booth of a special rug, which can be done at our hour. May it be on your mind, that this is an example on Tetyana’s day, that the one who, about half of it, at the holy wind of her legs, will be a frequent guest in the girl’s booth.

Another tradition on Tetyana's Day ordered the girls to make small pans of ganchirochka and feast. Such a panicle maiden is too small for everyone to shove into the booth of a potential betrothed. As soon as I went into it, then the bula was virna prikmeta - the lad will not go anywhere, but in his sleep he will be long and happy. Naturally, the older woman in her family miraculously knew all the girl's cunning and not the skin went into hiding the wine.

At Tetyany's day, there was one more reason - it was necessary to go to this place in the surroundings to make a dream in the sun. If you have to work broadly in the presence of a broad heart - you can take away the bazhan.

Another tradition on Tetyana's Day is dedicated to the state. On the same day, the women spun the balls of yarn of the yakomoga tighter and larger, the head of cabbage was born tight and large.

Apply for Aunt's Day

So among the people they made various applica- tions for Tetyana's day. I knew to apply everything from small to great. Call for a long time, on September 25, that Tetyana's day, the people have given respect to the weather:

  • As soon as it’s snowing on the day of Khreschenskaya Tetyani (Tetyany’s day, Babin’s kut), then the frosty fierceness and summer with the boards come to mind.
  • A sleepy day at Tetyany's day, with an early spring, a swedish arrival of birds and an early spawning of ribeye.
  • I colgospniks checked on Tetyana's day, they have their own prikmet. If it’s frost all day long, then you’ll have a good harvest.

An aunt's day for the hearing of a modern resident of a great city, better for everything, seems to be a saint of students, if all the students get their Fortune on their side hanging at the apartment evenly with fillings. However, the whole day I turn to the other side, deeply religious, about what to forget at any time is not a trace.

History of Aunt's Day

Students' Day 25th of September of the beginning of the day, that on the same date the Moscow University had a chance to be founded. They celebrated a bunch of yoga, like the day of the Nation of the first pledge, and then it piously spread to all student associations, becoming such a rank in the heart of Russia.

Ale, the name day of all Tetyans, all day long, they were not awarded university rights. On the 25th day of the skin fate of the church, the shrine of St. Tatiana of Rome. As a reminder of the retelling, the Great Martyr was a thunderstorm of false gods near Rome: in the wake of her words and fervent prayers, they fell and turned to the ruins of the ancient idol of Apollo and the goddess Diani. She was riddled with torturs and wild creatures, she was killed alive, and she was wounded without a trace. For her mіtsna vіra, that stіykіst Tatіana i paid the price of the results of life. We lost our heads, but the memory was lost from the centuries, from the memory of the church, that wealthy people.

Traditions of Aunt's Day

In Russia, Tetyana's day was celebrated at the link with the names of St. Tatiana. All day long they called Babinim kut chi Tetyanoya Khreschenskaya. At qiu date, it was customary to pray for women's difficulties, and in the last hour for success in learning and sciences. Ale, the people did not deprive themselves of prayers. Bulo rich tradition, yakі robbed the whole day of the family saint. For example, young girls told fortune-telling about the betrothed, and also ruled the tsili rites for the future of the betrothed: they beat the rugs at once with the claps, zmagayuchis, which would be cleaner, otherwise they tried to bury the betrothed in the bunkin so that yogo could not know the future mother-in-law. Obviously, you went in, knowing nothing, as if they were praising the bride.

During the hours of the Russian Empire, on Tetyana's Day, there were many student festivities. Urochistostі at this hour there is a little more secular character, binding itself to the establishments of the University. Apparently, for example, scho navit gendarmes from such a shame were condescendingly placed before students, as if they overdid it with alcoholic vilives.

Let's forget about Tetyany's day for a long time, and only once at a time, we will renew our rights. Since 2005, the fate of yoga is marked, like before, like holy Russian students, prote services in the church do not bother to tell us about St. Tetyana, the life that was consecrated to God that faith.

Celebrate Aunt's Day in a way that is closer to your heart. Do not forget to guess the Holy Roman Martyr, and Church Traditions of the saint. І push, recognizing that there is something new and corny, on the buttons that

Aunt's day. History is holy.

On September 25 in Russia, it will sound noisy and fun. On this day, one of the beloved is celebrated - Aunt's Day, Student's Day. Regardless of the difference in history, the two saints were angry together, now none of our spivvitchizniks do not share them.

But for the sake of justice, the varto nevertheless rose up, why the holy martyr Tetyana became the patron saint of the cheerful student brethren. Returning to history is holy - Aunt's day.

Tatiana Rimska

Tetyana was born into a noble Roman family. A modest, sormy, irritating, beautiful girl was beaten by her father (becoming a consul) in love with that promise to the Lord Jesus Christ. From childhood, Tatiana virishila consecrated the life given to her by the Lord to serve Yoma.

Ledve grown up, dotrimuyuchis all orders and canons, the girl began to live in the Kremlin, serving in one of the temples, helping the needy and looking out for the sick. Hearing, diligent, she was loved by all the suffering, who demanded її and healing with her lower hands.

In her soul, Tetyana unceasingly read prayers for those who ask for help from that Zahist. Vaughn became an invisible Christian shield, trying to save the skin of the wretched self of the people, as if she had calmed down in her guise, in the form of new blows to the share.

Ale, history at that hour was not far off for the girl. Life її passed in the era of the early formation of Christianity and only against pagan idolatry. Brought up in an atmosphere of love, family understanding, Tetyana did not want to take her right to the Lord. Under the hour of the black persecution of Christians, the maiden was shoplen and piddan to the highest tortours, on which the buildings were built for that hour.

Steadfastly knowing all the preparations for her testing, Tetyana not only did not move in her faith and was deprived of the blessing of Christ, but in the hour of hellish torment she asked the Lord to help, to shake the souls of the rolls. Znekrovlena, with virvanim hair, with beaten eyes, singed with fire, cut into thousands of shmatkiv, trichі vona stood before her hoaxers in full health and flurry, which even more called out the anger and creatures of the fierce martyrs, fought with strength, attacking misfortune. . And in the night the Angels flew in, healed again the wound of pain, which I took on myself for faith.

The trichis shied away the pagan priests to bow to Apollo, Diana and Zeus, the prote, the saint would come close to the idols so dearly loved, as if they were scattered into shmatkas, roaring budding, strangling the victims with their heads, which is so imagali bowing and saying in the face of the world.

As a result, having spent hope on the guidance of the indefatigable Tetyana to the pagan gods, his and her fathers brought a virok about the stratum through the head of the head. 25 Sichnya (12 Sichnya according to the old style) 226 fate, the great martyr at once from the father was strated. Formerly Christians, Tetyana, who left this world through torments for the faith, was insured to the face of the saints, and the date of her strata began to be named - Tetyana's Day according to the church calendar. On September 25, all the girls, named after Tetyana, mark the birthday.

Aunt's Day is the Student's Day.

The history of the Student's Day is cheerful, you carry in yourself the sense of the day of the beginning, without everyday church texts. If you want, skin podia, which is experienced in this world, does not appear on its own, but is turned on to a low level, being the lanks of one Lanciug. So it has become now. Empress Elizaveta Petrivna signed a decree on September 12 (Old Style) 1755 “On the founding of the Moscow University”. On the thought of a part of historians, the date of signing the decree was not chosen by choice, but dictated to the Empress by her favorite Ivan Shuvalov, on the occasion of the birthday of mother Tetyana Shuvalova.

According to the University, more than a dozen years ago, its Budin's church, the shards of Timchas's time were roztashovuvavsya in the building of the Head Pharmacy, and there such a dispute was not rebuffed. Ale until 1791 the church of St. Tatiana was still motivated in one of the outbuildings of the new future of the University, but having died at half-moon after 1812.

A new temple in honor of the Great Martyr was re-instigated in one of the outbuildings in 1836 roci and consecrated in 1837 by Filaret Drozdov in honor of St. Tatian and in honor of the foundation of the first Russian University. Since 1838, student festivities began in honor of the intercessor, as they celebrate Christmas and today.

However, the share of the temple and on tsimu zovsіm did not know peace. I history is holy Tetyana's day has not ended. The bіshoviki came to vlady. Vіdoma its love to scientific atheism and progressive thought, vlada gladly transformed the rich-suffering church into a magnificent reading room at the library. The veneration of the saints was appointed by the shafi with assistants for the Faculty of Law, and in 1958 the church was turned into the Students' Theatre.

Only in 1995 did historical Christian justice prevail over the roci nareshti, the church was reopened and consecrated. Two parts of the relics of St. Tatiani, like dbaily in the taєmnits, have been preserved to this day, the winds of turbots of unbelievable people.

Students dbaily take care of the memory of the great saint and rush to her for help in order to overcome difficulties in life. St. Tatiana for life was called forth by kindness and generosity, a pure soul, that worldless self-sacrifice, now the Day of St.

Practically everyone knows that among the number of winter saints, one of the most beloved students is not only, є Aunt's Day or Student's Day. Ale, few people can boast of knowledge about those, like viniklo is miraculously holy. Mabut, tse one of the poor is holy, as they respect their own and church ministers that student. With this, the skin side interprets the whole day. For some kind of clarification of the situation, let's go back to the history of the anniversary of this famous day.

The "Life of the Saints" describes the tragic fate of the daughter of the Roman consul Tatiana. Vaughn recognized the bitter ones for the faith in Christ, they slashed them with razors, they tried to burn, they scribbled their eyes, but God cared for the її retrials, and Tatiana granted healing. The court condemned the martyr to death, later Tatiana was insured to the face of saints. However, in the "Life of the Saints" there is no guessing about the connection of the great martyr Tatiana with them, who consecrated herself to science and knowledge. Then why is the day of remembrance of Tatiana, having become a pov'yazaniy, we rejoice that glorious people - students?

Vidpovid is known in the "History of the Russian Power": 12 (25) September 1755 Empress Elizaveta Petrivna signed a Decree on the admission of Moscow to the first Russian university. The project of breaking up Lomonosov and taking intercession by Adjutant General I. I. Shuvalov, a culturally enlightened person. I myself Shuvalov having formed the day of signing the Decree - a speech to those who want to make a gift to their mother Tetyana Petrivna on the day of the її immenny.

Mykola I later signed the Decree, which ordered the holy celebration as the day of opening the university itself on 12 (25) of September. The axis thus appeared to the holy student's fun - Tetyana's day, but the people's sensitivity gave St. Tatiana a grace to the students.

Already in the first century of university life, it was sacredly celebrated with a great scope, in the traditions of Peter the Great, as if they were like that of Elizabeth. At the back of the urochist part of the liturgy, and then fireworks, illumination, theatrical performances, well, and, of course, frequent. Ash hour. Many students became lawyers, healers, writers, teachers. Ale Tetyana's day did not change and did not forget - for the first day the youth of that old, famous and unknown, all became good, well-known friends.

Day of all students buv one of the most glorious days of the city. The main event took place on Tverskoy Boulevard, Nikitsky, Trubny Square. Students in small groups and large NATOs, some of them pies, and some on vіzniki, filled the entire district with themselves. A little bit of freedom p'yanilo and changed the young souls. Nareshti, nature took the mountain over the mind. Young people spent months at work, poring over books, repeating again and again and again, richly adding some of them - but one day on the river of stench they could open up and work everything that was worth it. The demonstration of freedom and self-sufficiency was expressed in a rich voice - from the classic student anthem Gaudeamus igitur to the unfavorable politically "Dubinushki". The police on Tetyana's day was less active with a preventive method and smoothed out the hostile conflicts. It was strongly not recommended to zatrimuvat and them more to arrest students at their holy place.

Traditional for this bottom were cat concerts of the "Moscow News" concerts. In some editorial offices, they were hit. So students vyslovlyuvali their rights - tsya official newspaper if it was the only mіskoy newspaper, that її editors were professors of the university.

IN Aunt's day ranks and ranks were sung, ranks and ranks were sung, women and riches were vindicated - all became spivgromads of the “married republic”. Successful important people predicted their student fates and wonderful days of their youth. It’s easy for Tetyana’s day to become a saint, not only for Moscow University, but also for students in the Ukrainian country.

The students celebrated sacredly noisily at the numerous taverns, restaurants and pubs. The masters of these mortgages were carefully prepared until that day - at the famous restaurant "Ermitage" until that day, luxurious furniture was replaced with simple tables and benches, expensive mirrors were tidied up, and the pidlog was covered with the same ball of tirsi. The guests felt themselves magnanimous, and the masters felt calm.

Cold appetizers were served at the table, cheaper wine, beer and that burner. At once, all the leaders sat at one table - popular journalists, favorite professors, lawyers, students, officials. This meal brought together such different people with one sleeping sense of unity!

Just like that, following the Imperial Decrees and the blue kohanny of Shuvalov's favorite, the Great Martyr Tatiana became the patron of all students, and 25 September we all have fun Aunt's day.

September 25, at Tetyana's Day, is widely celebrated as a student's day at universities and colleges in our country. Why is the student's day celebrated by Tetyany's day on September 25?

The history of the student's saint Tetyana's day is like that. Student's Holy Day of the student officially appeared on the cob of the 19th century after the Decree of Mikoli I, punishing the saint of signing the act of voucher for the university.

Till September 25, 1755 (September 12, old style), Empress Elizabeth signed a decree “On the founding of the Moscow University”, and the day of September 25 became an official university day, at that time it was called Day of Sleeping Moscow University.

Prote, back before the decree of the Empress, in Russia celebrated the 25th day of Tetyana's day. This day of names is so in honor of the holy martyr Tetyana.

Historically, it so happened that on this same Tetyana’s day, in the distant 1755 25 September, Empress Elizaveta Petrivna signed a decree “On the founding of the Moscow University” and 12 (25) September became the official university day (at that hour and vin called "day of falling asleep "Moscow University").

From that very hour, St. Tatiana becomes the patron saint of all students. It should be noted that in the translation of the ancient Greek name "Tatiana" means "orderly".

Moscow students commemorated the martyr Tatiana with prayer services and parades of their choirs near churches. The first university church was consecrated in honor of Tetyana. Many generations of students and university professors prayed at this church at many times.

In Russia of the past century, Tetyana's Day (Student's Day) has become a joyful and belligerent holy student brotherhood. Lately the day of students was celebrated only in Moscow, and it was celebrated every other day.

According to eyewitnesses, the holy celebration of Aunt's Day was a great occasion for Moscow. It was formed from two parts: non-tribal official ceremonies at the future university and that loud folk festival, the fate of which was taken by the whole capital.

All day long, a group of students walked around Moscow with songs until late night, traveled around, getting drunk, in the morning and in the morning, they sang songs on one ticket. The gentleman of Hermitage, the Frenchman Olive, gave the students his restaurant for a party that day... They slept, talked, shouted... They lifted the professors on the tables... The promoters changed one by one.

Student's Day is gaily celebrated by all students throughout Russia. On the first day of the quarter (police) did not pick up superbly hard students. And when they approached, they sneered and were informed: “Which does not require a pan student for help?”.

So celebrated Tetyana's Day by students of pre-revolutionary Russia. After Zhovtnevy's coup, it was not often sacredly predicted. Ale 1995, the Church of St. Tetyana at the Moscow University was reopened. And in the assembly hall of the old budіvl, on the whole day, prizes were awarded, founded by part of the founders of the first Russian university - Count I.I. Shuvalova and the scientist M.V. Lomonosov. And again in Russia a merrily holy student appeared - Aunt's day.

In 2006, Tetyana's day is celebrated until the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, becoming a sovereign saint - the Day of Russian Students.