Introduction of access control at the enterprise: how to organize everything? Instruction on access control, pass, mode, download instructions on Pass control on the vehicle.

The need to prevent the penetration of random persons is required for all enterprises and organizations, regardless of the type of activity. It can be a large plant or a small government structure, where a pass control has been introduced at the enterprise, which implies passage to the territory of a guarded object with special passes through a checkpoint (checkpoint). The security unit is engaged in controlling the admission of visitors, personnel and control of the export of material values.

What is access control at the enterprise

From a legal point of view, the access and intra-facility regime at an enterprise is a system of administrative and restrictive measures, engineering solutions and the work of the security service for admitting persons to a specific facility (plus - ensuring the protection of goods or equipment). At the same time, the administration establishes the rules for passing through the checkpoint for unauthorized persons or for admitting employees to individual structural units, in accordance with their job descriptions.


While there is a difference between sites that use similar controls and access, the goals and objectives of the application will be similar. The introduction of access control at the enterprise (PDP) is intended for:

  • ensuring the passage of employees, third-party visitors, import and export of goods using passes of the established form;
  • creation of conditions that prevent uncontrolled entry of unauthorized persons and vehicles into the protected area;
  • promptly identifying circumstances that may harm the interests of the enterprise (for example, theft or fire), creating a system to counter these dangers.


The basic goals of establishing a security checkpoint will be similar for most organizations. The main ones include the following target areas:

  • maintaining internal order taking into account the specifics of the enterprise;
  • increased profits by combating theft of property and other criminal and administrative offenses;
  • registration and accounting of visitors, time of arrival and departure of employees;
  • protection of intellectual property and trade secrets.


It should not be overlooked that the access system at the enterprise implies a number of restrictions, therefore, it must be impeccable from the point of view of regulatory legal acts and other legislative documents. The most important here will be the requirements for personnel and visitors, including employees of third-party organizations and seconded persons for one-time visits.

The administration, through the security service, monitors compliance with the access regime, the correct registration of temporary and permanent passes, and provides for cases when inspection of vehicles is possible. In accordance with the legislation, it is allowed to enter the territory of the enterprise with service certificates for police officers, prosecutors, labor inspectorates, and other regulatory authorities.

Pass system

The organization of access control at the enterprise implies the issuance and verification of access documents, the safety of which must be taken care of by the owner. The pass is a personal document, requires a photograph or the need for identification. Recently, impersonal electronic passes have become widespread, which are of a temporary nature (for example, they can be issued to a person staying at a hotel for access to a room or to business travelers).

Access system to the office

The creation of a PDP to control access to a workplace (office or industrial premises) implies the organization of a checkpoint. Sometimes it is supplemented with internal access control systems (ACS) to certain sectors. Electronic ACS can be:

  • audiovisual, transmitting images using special cameras;
  • working with plastic cards (including contactless);
  • based on entering identification codes from the keyboard;
  • biometric (scanning the iris or fingerprints).

The combination of the controller with the executing device can check the information in the electronic pass, providing the possibility of passage if the person has the right to access. It can be:

  • turnstiles;
  • gateways;
  • electromechanical locks;
  • growth cabins.

Entry to the territory

Special transport checkpoints are designed to monitor entry / exit from the territory of the enterprise. In addition to the office space for the dispatcher, there must necessarily be an inspection parking lot, which ensures control of the import or export of goods from the territory of the enterprise (for example, by means of inspection of vehicles). If a railway line passes through the territory of the enterprise, then the instruction on the PRP must reflect the order of travel of trains, admission to it of drivers or other personnel, as well as the rules for inspecting sealed cars.

Access mode at a guarded facility

The introduction of the PDP necessarily implies the presence of instructions for access and intra-facility regime. The approximate structure of this document might be as follows:

  1. General Provisions.
  2. The procedure for passing through the checkpoint.
  3. Admission to the company of vehicles, the procedure for the export of material values \u200b\u200bor documents.
  4. Types of admission accepted at the enterprise, the procedure for their accounting and use.
  5. Obligations of Officials to Maintain the PDP.

Organization of access control

The clear functioning of the PDP requires the division of objects into several categories, allowing you to vary the access rights. In this regard, objects can be:

  • public;
  • closed;
  • limited access.

Determining the category of access to a specific object (building, room) provides an opportunity to regulate in the service documentation the rights of different categories of employees or visitors. It also makes it easier to justify:

  • the best option for the admission to the object of persons, transport or removal of material values;
  • specific types of technical means to ensure security;
  • the required amount of physical security.

Material permits

The developed PDP instruction should define different types of gaps. As a rule, in large enterprises there can be several types of them. With the exception of material ones, all passes are issued at the pass bureau on the basis of a memo or an application. There are the following types of pass documents:

  • constant;
  • temporary;
  • one-time;
  • material pass.

Access control order

The transition to access control, in accordance with the current legislation (article 20 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), must be accompanied by the release of the corresponding order signed by the director (or an authorized person by power of attorney). With this order, which indicates the exact date of the introduction of the PDP, each employee gets acquainted with signature. Additionally, it is recommended to hold a team meeting, where the manager can explain the need for PDP in an intelligible form by answering the questions.

Regulation on access control at the enterprise

The Regulations on the PDP supplements the order by considering in detail some important aspects. There should be indicated:

  • method of obtaining passes by personnel, using them, responsibility for loss;
  • the procedure for bringing in and taking out material assets;
  • rules of passage for outside visitors (business travelers, guests, employees of regulatory authorities, etc.).

Gearbox equipment

The technical equipment of the checkpoint depends on many factors, for example, on the purpose. There are two main types - for the passage of people or transport, the equipment of these checkpoints will include:

  • Control equipment - video surveillance plus an access control and accounting system (ACS).
  • Engineering fortifications - depending on the situation, these can be turnstiles, barriers or gates.
  • Means of defense - depending on the object, this can be gas, traumatic or firearms.
  • Inspection equipment (only for transport checkpoints) - lights, probes, inspection mirrors.
  • Communication means - landline telephone and / or radio.

Access control instructions

In order to regulate the conditions for the passage of employees or other persons to the territory of the enterprise, an Instruction is drawn up on access and intra-facility regime. This document should be prepared taking into account the current legislation and the charter of the organization, approved by the director's signature and be mandatory for all members of the team (according to Article 21 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The instruction examines the rights and obligations of employees in the context of the PDP, for example, setting an acceptable limit for delay of 15 minutes, exceeding which will lead to punishment.

Types of passes at the enterprise

Passes are developed and issued in accordance with the internal documents of the enterprise on the PRP. The most demanded category is permanent passes, depending on the need it can be supplemented with temporary, one-time and other documents for entering the enterprise. In recent years, there has been a tendency to switch to the electronic form of this documentation.


A pass document of this type is issued to employees of the enterprise (its divisions), or to representatives of other structures that constantly serve the organization. These passes can be subdivided into different categories (depending on the admission to various objects, premises or buildings, if there is such a distinction, or the shift mode at the enterprise). The pass document can be permanently kept by the owner, or kept at the checkpoint while the person is working. When an employee is dismissed, his pass document is destroyed, which is formalized by an act.


This type of pass documents is intended for those who are in temporary work or work under a contract. Another category of temporary pass users is seconded employees. These passes can have a photo or be without it, depending on the norms of the internal instructions for access control (in the absence of a photo, you must present an identity document) and must be kept at the checkpoint. They are issued for a short period - from several days to several months.

Employee badges

The use of electronic passes at the enterprise simplifies the work of the security guard, but there is also a more significant advantage - the use of access control systems. In this case, the device not only allows workers to enter the territory, but also records delays and time of departure, that is, it provides the necessary information to the accounting department or personnel service. When using an electronic pass at the enterprise, you can program it individually, allowing or denying access to certain objects (buildings, production workshops, laboratories).

One-time pass-blank

Passes of this type are intended for a one-time visit to the organization (for example, for a job interview), do not have a photo, therefore, they are valid only upon presentation of an identity document. In this case, a one-time document issued to the driver can serve as a pass for his transport - a car or a truck, to enter the territory of the enterprise.

Security guards checking documents need to be aware that this one-time document is only valid for a certain time. For safety, the design of one-time passes (paper color, font, etc.) should be periodically changed. After checking the documents of the person passing by, the pass remains at the checkpoint, along with a mark of the time of entry and the signature of the accompanying person. After the visitor leaves, one more mark is made, then the pass document is handed back to the pass office.


Instructions for access and intra-facility modes. Example.

1. General Provisions.

1.1. This Instruction defines the basic requirements for the organization and implementation of access and intra-facility regimes at "Organization", which are the basis of the entire security system of the enterprise.

This Instruction is mandatory for all employees and officials. "Organization", all other persons located on the territory of the enterprise and protected objects, as well as employees of a security company that carries out access and intra-facility regimes and protection of objects "Organization".

This Instruction has been developed in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation and local regulations "Organization" taking into account the peculiarities of the security system and the protection of enterprise facilities

1.2. Definitions and accepted abbreviations.

1.2.1. In this Instruction, terms are used with the following definitions:

Bypass mode - the procedure established in accordance with local regulations and ensured by a set of measures and rules excluding the possibility of uncontrolled entry (exit) of persons, entry (exit) of vehicles, entry (removal), import (export) of any commodity and material values \u200b\u200bto protected objects and from guarded objects.

Intra-object mode - the procedure established in accordance with the requirements of the internal labor regulations, industrial, fire, gas safety, labor protection, the requirements for the movement of vehicles and pedestrians on the territory of facilities, parking and parking of vehicles, the requirements for the safety of inventories and official documents and provided a set of measures and rules carried out by persons at the guarded facilities.

Protected objects "Organization" - production equipment, buildings, structures, structures, adjacent territories, vehicles and other property subject to protection and provision of access and intra-facility regimes.

Security company - private security company that guards objects "Organization" on a contractual basis.

1.2.2. In this Instruction, the following abbreviations are adopted:

Company - "Organization"

Objects - guarded objects

Security - security company

Inventories - commodity and material values

SKD - access control system

UB - Security Department

PMO - Human Resources Department

OT, ZP and MP - Department of Labor, Wages and Personnel Motivation

Checkpoint - checkpoint

ATC - Department of Internal Affairs

Emergencies - emergencies

Ministry of Internal Affairs - Ministry of Internal Affairs

FSB - Federal Security Service

OT, PB, GB, PS - labor protection, fire safety, gas safety, industrial sanitation

TSB - commodity base

OPB, OT and PS - Department of Industrial Safety, Labor Protection and Industrial Sanitation

PO - Production department

OTN - Department of Technical Supervision

CSO and Emergencies - Civil Defense and Emergencies Division

OSS - Department of Special Communications

GR of Protection - Group of the regime of the security company.

1.3. Distribution of powers and responsibilities.

1.3.1. This Instruction is subject to approval by the Director General of the Enterprise and is put into effect by the Order of the Director General of the Enterprise.

1.3.2. The implementation of the access and intra-facility regimes and the protection of the facilities of the Enterprise is entrusted to the Security in accordance with the concluded agreement.

1.3.3. The Deputy Director General for Security directly supervises the access, intra-facility modes and organization of security at the Facilities of the Enterprise.

1.3.4. Control over the practical implementation of security, access and intra-facility regimes is assigned to the head of the Security Department.

1.3.5. The development of a system of necessary measures to ensure the safety of the Enterprise and the protection of each Object, taking into account their characteristics, is carried out by the UB.

1.3.6. The organization of systematic explanatory work among the employees of the Enterprise, third-party organizations and visitors on the observance of access and intra-facility regimes using a local computer network, means of visual agitation (stands, information boards) and mass media (press, radio) of the Enterprise is assigned to the UB.

1.3.7. Conducting introductory briefings with employees of the Enterprise, third-party organizations on health, safety, safety, security is organized by security, labor and substation, and training on access and on-site regimes is entrusted to employees of the Security Guard.

1.3.8. Responsibility for ensuring the intra-facility regime at production sites, in the buildings (premises) of workshops, services, departments, installations and sections rests with the heads of the relevant departments. Heads of structural divisions are obliged to fulfill the requirements established in order to ensure the safety of goods and materials at their facilities.

1.4. The head of the UO in the prescribed manner monitors the serviceable state of the ACS, video surveillance, burglar alarms and other engineering and technical security systems and, if necessary, submits applications for attracting the forces and funds of the relevant divisions of the Enterprise and third-party organizations for maintenance and troubleshooting.

1.5. In case of revealing the facts of violation of the requirements of this Instruction, the employees of the Guard draw up a protocol-act in the form established in Appendix No. 1 to this Instruction and send it to the Deputy General Director for Security.

The Security Department conducts a service check upon the revealed violation. After the inspection, the head of the UB sends the head of the structural unit, in which a violation was revealed, a notification with a copy of the protocol-act and an indication of the time frame for taking measures against violators and eliminating the identified deficiencies.

The head of the structural unit, to whom the notification was sent, is obliged, within the specified timeframe, to provide the UB with a report on the elimination of the violations identified and the measures taken to violators of the access and intra-facility regimes with a copy of the protocol-act attached. The head of UB sends a copy of the protocol-act to the PMO for control.

1.6. Familiarization with this Instruction of all employees of the Enterprise is provided by the heads of structural divisions.

The acquaintance of employees of third-party organizations and visitors (as far as they are concerned) with the requirements of this Instruction is carried out by the pass bureau of the GR Guard during an introductory briefing or directly when issuing one-time passes.

1.7. For violation of the requirements of this Instruction, employees of the Company bear disciplinary and other responsibility in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Disciplinary penalties may be imposed on employees of an enterprise by the General Director with the issuance of an appropriate order for the Enterprise or by the head of a structural unit with an order for a structural unit. Reducing the amount of the bonus or non-payment of the bonus is fully formalized by order of the General Director on the basis of a memo from the head of the structural unit.

For violations falling under Art. 81 clause 6 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, before drawing up an administrative document on bringing the offender to disciplinary liability, the head of the structural unit who is interested in leaving this employee in the unit is obliged to submit a petition to the General Director to dismiss the employee with justification of the reasons.

1.8. Other persons who are not employees of the Enterprise, for violation of the requirements of this Instruction, bear material and other liability in accordance with this Instruction, an agreement concluded with the Enterprise and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

In order to prevent cases of violation of access and intra-facility regimes by employees of third-party organizations, when concluding contracts for the performance of work, the provision of services, the supply of goods and materials, the purchase of products, the use of the territory of the Enterprise for other purposes, the counterparty is liable in the form of penalties for violation of the requirements of this Instruction, allowed by their employees and non-return of passes after completion of work.

The amount of penalties is established by Appendix No. 2 to this Instruction.

1.9. Persons who have violated the access and intra-facility regimes, who do not have passes or other documents, whose identity cannot be established, are transferred by the Security personnel to the ATC on duty __________________________________ for verification and identification.

1.10. Persons suspected of theft or attempted theft are escorted to the Guard's office to draw up protocols-acts, take written explanations from them and conduct an official inspection of them by UB specialists, and, if necessary, for their transfer to the ATC __________________________________.

1.11. Persons detained on the territory of the Enterprise, as well as when entering and leaving the territory, on suspicion of using alcoholic beverages or narcotic and toxic substances, are escorted to the Guard's office to draw up protocols-acts of a special form (Appendix No. 3) and take written explanations, and then to the medical center of the Enterprise for a medical examination.

The protocol-act and the act of medical examination of the employee for the state of intoxication (Appendix No. 4) are transferred to the heads of departments for taking disciplinary measures. The alcoholic beverages confiscated from the detained persons are returned to the owners after the end of the official check.

1.12. The employees of the UB and the Security have the right, if necessary, to demand from the employees of the Enterprise, third-party organizations and visitors to provide personal belongings, vehicles for inspection, as well as hand over a pass and other identity documents in order to conduct an official check and establish identity.

The decision to return the pass to an employee who violated the access and intra-facility regimes is made by the head of the UO after an official check or clarification of the circumstances of the violation, and, if necessary, after he undergoes a second briefing on the access and intra-facility regimes.

1.13. All employees of the Company, third-party organizations and visitors prohibited:

Be on the Objects and move around the territory without a pass;

Transfer your personal passes to someone, mark someone else's pass in the SKD, or escort another person into the territory (release from the territory) with your personal pass;

Try to pass (drive) into the territory of the Facilities outside the checkpoint;

Carry and bring into the territory of the Facilities firearms and edged weapons, ammunition, explosive materials, explosive objects, highly active poisonous, radioactive, narcotic and psychotropic substances (except for persons entitled to do so in accordance with the procedure established by law), alcoholic beverages and other alcohol-containing liquids;

Without the written permission of the head of the UB, transport and bring into the territory of the Objects electronic computers, film, photo and video recording equipment and make film, photo or video filming, bring (carry) into the territory and take out (take out) information carriers;

To admit to the employees of the Security when performing their functions to ensure access and intra-facility regimes, statements and actions that offend and humiliate their human dignity;

To accompany children to the territory of the Facilities (with the exception of the summer camp and excursions);

To enter the territory of the Facilities in a state of alcoholic, toxic or drug intoxication;

Drink alcoholic beverages and take drugs on the premises of the Facilities;

Smoking in unidentified places, kindling fires, burning grass, as well as carrying out hot work without issuing an appropriate permit for their production;

Carry out earthworks without issuing an appropriate permit for their production;

To be on the territory of the Enterprise beyond the established working hours, without written permission;

Drive a vehicle to production sites and TSB without a spark arrester on the muffler and park it under overpasses and closer than 9 meters from overpasses, as well as outside of workshop parking lots;

Store goods and materials outside of warehouse or industrial premises, equipped storage areas, as well as in non-closed containers, cabins, cabins, mobile workshops;

To take out and take out products and goods and materials from the territory of the Facilities without registration of material passes and waybills;

Refuel vehicles at technological installations and in other unidentified places;

Without written permission, manufacture and repair for personal needs any products from the materials of the Company and contractors, and use their equipment and tools for this;

Block roads on the territory of the Objects, passages between rows at general plant parking lots and emergency exits from them;

To hold rallies, processions, demonstrations on the territory of the Facilities without the permission of the General Director of the Enterprise.

1.14. In case of emergency situations and emergencies at the Facilities of the Enterprise: fire, explosion, armed attack, hostage taking, etc. employees of the Enterprise and employees of third-party organizations at the Facilities and visitors must strictly comply with the requirements of the management and security personnel, managers of emergency response operations, managers of the Facility where these works are carried out.

1.15. When unauthorized persons appear on the territory of the Facility of the Enterprise, as well as when suspicious packages, packages, boxes, similar to improvised explosive devices are found, the personnel of the Facility must inform their supervisor about this, and at night - the head of the Guard.

2. Passage mode.

2.1. The security company carries out access control through the checkpoint (posts). The working hours of the security guards and their duties to ensure access control are established by job descriptions, and special duties at specific checkpoints (posts) are established by tables of posts, which are approved by the Deputy General Director of the Enterprise for Security.

Working hours of the GR Guard pass bureau: daily from 8:00 to 17:30 (lunch break - from 13:00 to 14:00). Weekends: Saturday, Sunday, holidays.

2.2. The passage of employees of the Enterprise, third-party organizations and visitors, import (export), deposit (take out) of goods and materials and other goods is carried out only through the checkpoint and with the presence of appropriate passes.

2.3. The following types of passes are installed at the Enterprise(Appendix No. 5):

2.3.1. By appointment:




2.3.2. By validity period:




2.3.3. By types:


Blank execution.

2.3.4. All types of passes are issued and issued to the recipient upon presentation of one of the documents at the GR Guard pass bureau,

proving identity:


Officer's ID or military ID;

Service certificate of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, the prosecutor's office and other law enforcement and supervisory authorities;

Driver's license.

2.3.5. All types of passes are issued, accounted for and issued in the pass bureau of the Security Guard at the rates determined by the Order of the General Director "On paid services for issuing passes".

2.4. Permanent personal passesissued on an electronic medium and issued to employees of the Enterprise, hired for permanent work, after issuing an order for admission.

The basis for issuing a permanent pass to the employees of the Enterprise is the direction cards of the PMO.

Permanent passes are issued to employees of the Enterprise after passing an introductory briefing on health, safety, security, security, access and on-site regimes and familiarization with this Instruction under personal signature in the direction card.

2.4.1. When issuing a pass, the inspector of the GR Guard pass bureau makes an entry in the direction card about the date of issue. In the future, all information about the loss of the pass, the issuance of a duplicate or the replacement of the pass in case of becoming unusable, changing the name, position, working hours, transfer to another division, etc., as well as the delivery of the pass in case of dismissal are entered into the card.

2.4.2. A permanent pass grants the employee the right to enter (exit) the territory of the Enterprise only at the set time in accordance with the work schedule established for him.

2.4.3. Changes in the work schedule of personnel are formalized by the Order of the General Director of the Enterprise on the basis of a memo from the head of the structural unit.

Upon receipt of this order, the inspector of the GR Guard pass bureau changes the access mode of a particular employee in the ACS and makes changes to the card-direction of the PMO.

2.4.4. In the event that the pass is out of service, the employee must contact the Pass Office of the GR Guard to find out the reasons for the malfunction.

Replacement of a pass, which has become unusable through no fault of the employee, is made in the pass bureau of the GR Guard after checking the operability (serviceability) of the pass. If the pass has become unusable due to the employee's fault (the integrity of the plastic card has been violated or it has mechanical damage, or is melted, etc.), then a new pass is issued to the employee, provided that he pays its full cost at the rate determined by the Order of the General Director "On paid services for registration of passes ".

2.4.5. In case of loss of a permanent pass, the employee is obliged to inform the head of the unit about it. On the basis of the employee's application with a petition from the head of the unit addressed to the head of the PMO and a written explanation about the circumstances of the loss of the pass, a referral card is issued to the PMO.

On the basis of the referral card to the pass office, a pass is issued - a duplicate and issued to the employee, provided that he pays the full cost of the pass.

2.4.6. When checking the pass, the Security employees have the right to detain the employee to establish his identity in cases where the bearer's appearance does not match the photo on the front of the pass (presence of a mustache, beard, other changes in appearance, age discrepancy, etc.), or when the sticker is on the pass has become unusable (faded, worn out, etc.) and the identity of the employee cannot be established.

In order to avoid such cases, the employee is obliged to monitor the state of his personal pass and, if necessary, immediately contact the pass office of the GR Guard for repeated photographing or replacing the sticker. In these cases, the replacement of the sticker is free of charge.

2.4.7. Upon dismissal, the employee is obliged to hand over the pass to the pass office of the GR Guard on the day of dismissal. After accepting the pass, the inspector of the pass bureau makes a note about the surrender of the pass in the "Certificate of not surrendered material values". For the final settlement, the dismissed employees go to the Facility with one-time passes.

2.5. Temporary personal passeson electronic media and in blank execution are issued for a certain period to persons:

Those performing temporary work at the facilities of the Enterprise on the cards-directions of the PMO (similar to clause 2.4.);

Those who arrived for practice or arrived on a long business trip on memoranda addressed to the head of the UB of the heads of the divisions in which the registered person undergoes practical training (sent on a business trip), indicating the reason for their stay at the Enterprise. The memo is agreed with the deputy general director, or the head of the department for the direction of activity. The service note is accompanied by lists indicating the last name, first name, patronymic, registered persons, organization, where they came from. This information can also be indicated directly in the memo. From the UB, a memo is sent by the applicant to the GR Guard pass bureau, no later than 3 days before the date of issue of passes;

Employees of contracting (subcontracting) organizations for the entire period of their work (but no more than until the end of the current calendar year with the possibility of subsequent extension) according to service letters-applications of the heads of contracting organizations, indicating in them the number and date of the conclusion of the contract on carrying out contract work, type works, the term of the work, as well as indicating the full details of the subcontractors, if any, will be involved in work at the facilities of the Enterprise. Lists indicating the surname, name and patronymic of the employees involved in the organization must be attached to the service letters of application of the heads of contractors.

2.5.1. Before transferring to the GR Guard pass bureau, service letters-applications for the issuance of passes to employees of contracting (subcontracting) organizations must be endorsed:

The head of the structural unit of the Enterprise - the responsible executor under the work contract in order to ensure control on the part of this head over the performance of work and compliance by contractors with the on-site regime;

Deputy General Director or Head of Department (Head of Service) for the areas of the Enterprise;

Head of the Enterprise Security Department.

Service letters-applications of contractors are sent by applicants to the GR Guard pass bureau no later than 3 working days before the date of issue of passes.

2.5.2. Temporary passes are issued only if the list of employees of the organization, a memo from the head of the department or a service letter-application from the head of a third-party organization of a mark on the conduct of briefing on labor protection, fire safety, safety and security, PS, access and intra-facility modes.

For persons who have entered temporary work at the Enterprise, temporary passes are issued and issued in an electronic medium at the pass bureau on the basis of the PMO referral cards after briefing on health, safety, safety, security, access and on-site regimes. These persons are subject to all procedures described in clause 2.4. of these Instructions, as for holders of permanent passes.

2.5.3. A temporary pass grants an employee of a third-party organization the right to enter (exit) the territory of the Enterprise only at a specified time in accordance with the operating mode established for him.

2.5.4. Employees of third-party organizations whose personal passes are not provided for, or who do not have photographs, in addition to passes, must also have identity documents with them.

2.5.5. In the event of being unusable, loss of a temporary pass on an electronic medium, a duplicate pass is issued in accordance with clauses 2.4.4. and 2.4.5. of this manual.

In the event of a loss or disabling of a temporary pass of a blank execution, a duplicate pass is issued according to service letters-applications of the heads of contractors in compliance with the procedures specified in paragraph 2.5.1.

If the pass of a blank execution has become unusable through the fault of the employee, or he has lost it, a duplicate is issued to the employee, provided that he pays the full cost at the tariff.

2.5.6. If it is necessary to carry out further work at the facilities of the Enterprise, the head of the contractor organization, at least 10 days before the expiration of the temporary passes, draws up an extension in the same sequence.

2.5.7. In case of completion of the work earlier than the period specified in the contract, or early termination of the contract, the managers - the responsible executors under the work contracts under which third-party organizations work, are obliged to inform the Security Department of the Enterprise about the planned completion date of work in advance.

2.6. One-time personal passesare a document giving the right to a single visit to the facility (structural unit) of the Enterprise per day per person.

During working hours, one-time passes are issued on electronic media by employees of the GR Guard pass bureau. When the pass bureau is not working, one-time passes on the forms are issued by the assistant to the head of the guard at the checkpoint - "Central checkpoint", which are subsequently handed over to the pass bureau.

2.6.1. A one-time pass to the visitor is issued on the basis of instructions from the General Director, his deputies (at the request of their secretaries) and heads of departments (heads of services).

The right to apply for a one-time pass was also granted to the heads of structural divisions on the basis of a service note submitted the day before to the head of the Security Department, or an application by phone at the pass bureau. After 17:30, an application for a one-time pass is submitted to the Assistant Chief of the Guard.

The heads of structural divisions who have submitted an application (memo) for the issuance of a one-time pass are personally responsible for meeting the visitor, observing the rules of the intra-facility regime.

2.6.2. When issuing a single pass, the inspector of the GR Guard pass bureau acquaints the visitor with a memo on the requirements for access and intra-facility regimes at the facilities of the Enterprise, printed on the front side (sticker) of an electronic one-time pass.

When issuing a one-time pass on the form, the assistant to the Chief of the Guard is obliged to conduct a short briefing on the requirements of the access and intra-facility regimes under the signature on the back of the pass and the tear-off spine.

2.6.3. A one-time personal pass issued on the basis of a driver's license and technical passport also serves as a one-time transport pass, because it indicates the brand (model) and state registration number of the vehicle.

2.6.4. After the visitor passes through the SKD turnstile, the Security employee must check for a pass. When the visitor leaves the territory of the Enterprise, the Security employee is obliged to control the delivery of the pass.

2.6.5. The passage of visitors to the territory of the Enterprise with one-time electronic passes is allowed from 08:00 to 17:00.

When leaving the Facility, one-time passes are handed over to the pass bureau or to the Security officer, who then hands it over to the pass bureau.

2.6.6. Visitors to the TSB to pass through the checkpoint - "checkpoint TSB" one-time passes are issued in the manner specified in clauses 2.6.1. and 2.6.2. of this manual.

2.6.7. The heads of the structural divisions of the Enterprise should take into account that an unreasonable industrial necessity of inviting visitors is contrary to the interests of ensuring the security of the Enterprise, and when drawing up service notes (filing applications) for issuing one-time passes in each specific case, carefully

determine their appropriateness.

2.7. The procedure for admitting the personnel of the Enterprise, employees of third-party organizations and visitors.

2.7.1. The admission of employees of the Enterprise, third-party organizations and visitors to the territory of the Enterprise and Objects is carried out only by passes of the established form.

Entry of employees to the territory of the Facilities is allowed 1 hour before the start of the working day (shift).

All entrances and exits of employees of the Enterprise, third-party organizations and visitors who have electronic passes must be registered in the ACS, regardless of the number of movements of the employee through the checkpoint during working hours.

2.7.2. In some cases, an employee of the Enterprise who arrived at work without a pass for a valid reason may be admitted to the facility with a one-time pass after filling out a written application form in the established form (Appendix No. 6) addressed to the head of the Security Department and after verifying his affiliation with a specific structural unit and coordination with the head of the department.

On weekdays, such a one-time electronic pass is issued by the employees of the GR Guard pass bureau, and on weekends and holidays, in the evening and at night, on a printed form by the assistant to the Chief of the Guard, after agreement with the dispatcher of the enterprise.

2.7.3. In the event of an industrial need to carry out repair and restoration, construction and other one-time overtime work on non-working days (weekends and holidays) or at night (after the end of the work shift), the admission of employees of the Enterprise and third-party organizations to the Facilities is permitted upon written requests from the heads of structural divisions and third-party organizations, coordinated with the deputy general directors and heads of departments of the Enterprise in the areas of activity.

Agreed applications for work at night, as well as on weekends and holidays are submitted to the head of the UB no later than 15:00 of the day preceding weekends and holidays.

The application must indicate the name of the object or place of work, the date, time of the beginning and end of work, positions, surnames and initials of the specialists involved in the work, brands and state registration numbers of vehicles and (or) other equipment, as well as surnames, initials and contact numbers

responsible persons (senior).

Persons indicated in the application, but not having passes, i.e. Those who have not passed the introductory briefing on safety, health and safety, access and on-site regimes for work on weekends (holidays) are not allowed.

In emergency cases, the right to permit the admission of personnel for overtime work on weekends (holidays) and after hours (night time) is given to the dispatcher of the enterprise.

Admission to the territory of the Enterprise of officials assigned to duty on holidays and weekends is carried out by passes on the basis of the duty schedule held by the dispatcher of the Enterprise.

The admission of personnel of units with a continuous cycle of work is carried out by passes in accordance with the established operating mode (12-hour rotational mode).

2.7.4. The exit of the employees of the Enterprise from the territory on official, public or personal matters during the working day (shift) is made on the basis of dismissal notes (Appendix No. 7) signed by the heads of departments. Leave notes are drawn up in 2 copies.

Forms of dismissal notes are kept in divisions by managers or authorized persons. On a letter of leave, an employee can leave the Facility only within the specified time.

When the employee leaves the Facility, one copy of the leave note is handed over to the Security employee at the checkpoint. Exit and entrance with a leave of absence is carried out only through SKD turnstiles. At the end of the working day, the leave notes are handed over by the Guard employees to the pass bureau of the Guard's GR for their subsequent transfer to OT, ZP and MP.

The second copy of the note remains with the head of the department for control.

If it is necessary to delay an employee for a good reason when going to work, a leave of absence must be issued the day before, or immediately upon arrival at the Enterprise.

2.7.5. Deputies general directors, heads of departments, heads of services and heads of structural divisions in case of departure from the Enterprise during the working day are required to obtain permission to leave from their immediate supervisors (by subordination), then make an entry in the "Journal of the arrival and departure of the heads of the Enterprise "(Appendix No. 8), which is located in the reception of the General Director at the Secretary.

At the end of the working day, the Secretary of the General Director transfers the sheet of the said Journal to the guard post to the head of the Guard.

Taking into account the entries in the Journal and on the basis of the marks about the entry (exit) of the leaders made by the guard at the checkpoint - "Central checkpoint", the head of the guard draws up "Information about the time of arrival and departure of managers who have the right to enter the territory of the Enterprise without a mark in the SKD" (Appendix No. 9), and the employees of the GR Guard pass bureau on the basis of the SKD data - "Information on the arrival and departure times of the heads of structural divisions" (Appendix No. 10).

By 12 o'clock the next day, the Chief of the Guard is obliged to transfer all three of these documents to the reception of the General Director to the Secretary.

If a delay is required upon entering work, the above officials must obtain permission to delay from their immediate supervisors and make an entry in the Journal the day before or upon arrival at the Enterprise.

2.7.6. The head of the PMO is obliged, within one working day, by a memo (notification) to inform the UB about the movements of the employees of the Enterprise when their positions are changed or transferred to another structural unit, as well as about the dismissed employees.

At the same time, the "Certificate of not surrendered material assets" of the dismissed employee is not closed without the signature of the inspector of the pass bureau of the GR Guard.

Control of the timely delivery of passes upon dismissal of employees is assigned to the PMO.

2.7.7. The list of managers of the Enterprise who have the right of passage (drive) to the territory of the Enterprise without registration in the SKD and without inspecting vehicles is established by the Director General of the Enterprise (Appendix No. 11)

2.7.8. On the territory of the facilities of the Enterprise without registration of passes and without inspection of vehicles, persons are allowed through, accompanied by the Director General of the Enterprise, his deputies and the chief accountant.

2.7.9. The General Director, his deputies, heads of departments, heads of services, deputy chief engineer, head of PO, employees of UB, OPB, OT and PS, OTN, CSO and emergency situations have the right to enter the territory of all facilities of the Enterprise at any time of the day.

The heads of production facilities, workshops, departments and their deputies have the right to enter at any time of the day only to the Facilities and to the premises of the subdivisions entrusted to them (except for cases where they are involved in emergency and urgent work in other departments).

In case of industrial necessity, the right to enter the territory of the Facilities at any time of the day may be granted to specific employees of the Enterprise by the head of the management department on an individual basis, and in emergency situations - by the dispatcher of the enterprise.

2.7.10. Representatives of third-party organizations and visitors arriving at the facilities of the Enterprise for a period of not more than 1 day are briefed on access and intra-facility regimes by an employee of the pass bureau or an assistant to the head of the Guard, and for a period of more than 1 day they are instructed on labor protection. PB, GB, PS, access and intra-facility modes in the training class of the Enterprise, which organizes OPB, OT and PS.

2.7.11. The admission of visitors to the premises of the plant management to the General Director, his deputies and heads of departments, services and departments is carried out in the presence of passes. In addition, the Security employee is obliged to enter the data from the identity documents of the visitor into the "Visitor registration log" (Appendix No. 12).

2.7.12. At the end of the working day, the inspector of the GR Guard passes bureau checks the issued and returned one-time passes. If a shortage is detected, it informs the head of the Guard for taking measures to search for visitors and return passes.

2.7.13. Employees of the GR Guard pass bureau daily, based on the ACS data, compile an electronic report on the time of arrival, departure and presence on the territory of all employees of the Company and by 10 o'clock send it to the server of the local network of the Company to the ACS data bank.

Access to this information is allowed only to representatives of the PMO, OT, ZP and MP and UB in accordance with the “List of employees admitted to complete information with an archived ACS data bank” (Appendix # 13).

2.7.14. The admission of representatives of state supervisory authorities is carried out with one-time passes in the following order:

Employees of the state fire supervision, with their certificates, are allowed on the instructions of the General Director, Deputy General Director for Production and Chief Engineer.

Employees of federal tax inspectorates, if they have certificates, are allowed into the territory of the Enterprise at the direction of the General Director, Deputy General Director for Economics and Finance or the Chief Accountant, accompanied by representatives of the accounting department or the treasury;

Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, the Prosecutor's Office, the Federal Service for the Control of Drug Trafficking, the State Customs Service, the Ministry of Justice are allowed into the territory of the Enterprise at the direction of the General Director, Deputy General Director for Security, Head of the UB, accompanied by an employee of the UB. To obtain a one-time pass, they present their IDs at the pass bureau.

Before the issuance of one-time passes to the specified persons, the employees of the GR Guard pass bureau inform the Deputy General Director for Corporate Development, the Deputy General Director for Security, the Head of the Security Office, as well as the Head of the Security about their arrival.

Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB and the Prosecutor's Office (in accordance with the current legislation) have the right to enter the territory and facilities of the Enterprise on official certificates without issuing passes and inspect them when pursuing persons suspected of committing crimes, or if there are sufficient grounds to believe that there was or a crime is committed, an accident has occurred, as well as to ensure the personal safety of citizens and public safety in natural disasters, catastrophes, accidents, epidemics and riots. In these cases, the employees of the pass bureau (Security department) are obliged to immediately report their arrival to the Deputy General Director for Corporate Development, Deputy General Director for Security, Head of the Security Office, as well as the Head of the Security, in order to organize escort of representatives of these departments on the territory of the Enterprise and Facilities.

Control and inspection functions on the territory of the Enterprise are carried out by employees of all the above federal supervisory authorities only on the basis of written instructions.

Employees of the GR Guard pass bureau, when issuing one-time passes to the specified persons, are obliged to check the instructions and personal service certificates and enter the necessary data in the "Book of records of inspections by the inspection bodies of the enterprise facilities" (Appendix No. 14), inform the Deputy General Director for Corporate Development, the head of the inspected service, management, department, division.

2.7.15. Employees of territorial authorities (regional and municipal) are admitted to the territory of the Enterprise at the direction of the General Director, Deputy General Director for Public Relations.

2.7.16. Media workers are allowed into the territory of the Facilities on a common basis for visitors, necessarily accompanied by representatives of the Enterprise appointed by the General Director or Deputy General Director for Public Relations with the obligatory notification of the head of the Security Department.

2.7.17. Entry-exit through the checkpoint - "Central checkpoint" of USS vehicles is carried out on the basis of the list approved by the head of the UB without issuing one-time passes and inspection. In this case, it is enough for the employees of the OSS to present their service certificates to the employee of the Security. The time of entry and exit and the state registration numbers of these vehicles are recorded by the security guard at the checkpoint - "Central checkpoint" in the workbook.

2.7.18. The crews of fire engines, gas rescue service, teams of emergency and medical services on special vehicles with included sound and light signals to eliminate fires, accidents and provide emergency assistance to victims are freely admitted to the territory of the Enterprise and to the Facilities.

2.7.19. In the event of an emergency at the facilities of the Enterprise during non-working hours, the repair teams and maintenance personnel of these facilities are admitted to the territory by the Security personnel with the permission of the head of the emergency response (in accordance with the Emergency Response Plan) or in agreement with the dispatcher of the Enterprise

2.7.20. The admission of personnel of third-party organizations engaged in independent production activities or other economic activities on the territory of the Enterprise is carried out according to permanent and temporary passes of the established form, issued on the basis of letters of application from the heads of the relevant organizations addressed to the head of the UB.

Passes to employees of these organizations are issued after they undergo an introductory briefing on health, safety, security, safety, access and on-site regimes and familiarization with this Instruction.

The admission of visitors to these organizations is carried out on one-time passes issued on the basis of applications (service notes) of heads of organizations in the manner described in clause 2.6. of this manual.

2.8. The procedure for admitting excursions to the facilities of the Enterprise.

2.8.1. Tours are only available during daytime and on weekdays.

2.8.2. The basis for admitting excursionists to the territory of the Facilities is the written permission of the General Director on the memo of the official organizing the excursion, agreed with the Deputy General Director for the affiliation of the visited units.

If, during the excursion, it is planned to carry out a film, photo or video filming, then the memo will indicate where and how the filming will be made. Such a memo is agreed with the head of the UB.

The memo should contain information about the senior group of excursionists (position, surname, name, patronymic), the number of excursionists, in which departments the excursion is organized, the date, time and duration of the excursion. A list of excursionists with surnames, names and patronymics is attached to the memo.

2.8.3. Sightseers are allowed to the sites in groups of up to 30 people under the guidance of a tour guide from among the engineering staff or managers of the Enterprise. The guide is appointed by the deputy general director for affiliation of the visited units, who has coordinated the memo.

2.8.4. The guide must:

Submit a formalized permit to the Security;

Before entering the territory of the Enterprise, together with the assistant to the head of the Guard, check the excursionists according to the list, delete those who are absent from it;

He is constantly with tourists throughout the entire time of their presence on the territory of the Enterprise;

When leaving the territory of the Enterprise, make sure that all excursionists left the territory and make a mark on the permit about the time of the excursion in the territory;

Hand over the permit to the GR Guard pass bureau.

2.8.5. Before the start of the excursion, the representative of OPB, OT and PS is obliged to instruct the excursionists on OT, IS, GB, PS and the rules of conduct at the facility, make a note of the briefing in the list of excursionists.

2.8.6. Tourists are strictly forbidden to bring film, photo and video recording equipment into the territory of the Enterprise and to make films, photos or videos without the written permission of the Director General of the Enterprise.

The entrance (exit) of the group to the territory of the Objects is carried out only in full according to the list.

Latecomers to the start of the excursion to the territory of the Company are not allowed. An attempt to stay on the territory, as well as to arrive at the checkpoint in order to leave early outside the group, are violations of the established rules for conducting excursions.

If the excursionists violate the rules of conduct on the territory of the Enterprise, the manifestation of the facts of indiscipline, the guide has the right to remove the violators of discipline or the entire group from the object, making a mark on this on permission, and report this to the head of the UB and the deputy general director for public relations.

2.8.7. In some cases, an excursion on the territory of the Objects is possible with the use of vehicles, the entry permit of which is authorized when considering an application for an excursion.

2.9. The procedure for admitting vehicles to the territory of the Enterprise.

2.9.1. Entry (exit) of vehicles, regardless of their affiliation, to the territory of the Enterprise is carried out only through the entrance gates of the checkpoint.

All vehicles, both when entering the territory of the Enterprise and when leaving it, are subject to inspection by the Security staff (except for the vehicles of the heads of the Enterprise who have the right to enter the territory of the Enterprise without a mark in the SKD and without inspecting vehicles). Inspection of vehicles without the participation of the driver is prohibited.

Vehicle inspection is carried out in inspection area.The inspection area of \u200b\u200bthe checkpoint - "Central checkpoint" is defined by the boundary from the entrance gate equipped with a barrier to Artificial irregularities ("anti-speed shafts") in both directions Only one vehicle should be in the inspection area, both on one side and on the other.

The rest of the vehicles, while awaiting inspection, are not allowed to cross the artificial unevenness towards the gate until the inspection zone is cleared.

2.9.2. The order of movement of vehicles on the carriageway on the territory of the Enterprise is determined by road signs and markings in accordance with the "Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation" and local regulations of the Enterprise.

The speed of vehicles on the territory of the Enterprise on the central road should not exceed 40 km / h, and on all other adjacent roads - 20 km / h.

2.9.3. Entry of vehicles belonging to the Enterprise into the territory of the facilities and their exit is made only upon presentation by the driver of a permanent personal and transport pass. Drivers of vehicles of the Enterprise, upon repeated entry-exit during the working day, do not mark their personal passes in the SKD, but mark them only at the entrance to work and upon leaving work after the end of the working day Entry into the territory of the vehicles of the Enterprise that arrived with cargo to the address of the Enterprise outside of working hours , is made with personal and transport passes. The consignment note (or a copy thereof) is handed over to the Assistant Chief of the Guard (for subsequent delivery to the pass bureau).

The cargo is transferred to the guard in a sealed (sealed) form to the head of the Guard. The parking place for such vehicles is determined by the service of the Deputy General Director for Commerce and Transport and is agreed with the head of the UB, about which the Security management is notified. Control over the setting of vehicles in the established place is assigned to the head of the Guard.

2.9.4. Entry and exit of third-party vehicles to the territory of the Objects that arrived with cargo to the address of the Enterprise during working hours is allowed by a personal temporary pass of the driver issued by the Security Guard GR pass bureau indicating the brand and state registration number of the vehicle or by a one-time transport pass on an electronic medium , which is at the same time a personal pass for the driver. In this case, the consignment note for the cargo (or a copy thereof) is transferred to the pass bureau of the GR Guard. Entry of such vehicles is carried out by a regular driver, and representatives of the shipper, other passengers pass to the territory of the Facilities through the checkpoint on personal temporary passes or after registration

one-time passes.

The admission of vehicles of third-party organizations engaged in independent production or other economic activities on the territory of the Enterprise is carried out according to permanent and temporary transport passes of the established form, issued on the basis of letters of application from the heads of the relevant organizations addressed to the head of the UB.

The admission of vehicles of visitors to the indicated organizations is carried out using one-time transport passes issued by the pass bureau of the Security Guard on the basis of applications (service notes) of heads of organizations.

2.9.5. Visitors' motor transport is allowed only during working hours on a one-time transport pass on an electronic medium, which is also a personal pass for the driver.

The procedure for issuing temporary and one-time transport passes is fully consistent with the procedure for issuing temporary and one-time personal passes (clauses 2.5. And 2.6. Of this Instruction).

At the same time, the heads of the structural divisions of the Enterprise should take into account that the unreasonable industrial necessity of the passage of visitors by car contradicts the interests of ensuring the safety of the Enterprise, and when drawing up service notes (filing applications) for the registration of one-time transport passes, in each case, carefully determine their appropriateness.

2.9.6. Motor transport going to the territory of the TSB (through the checkpoint - "checkpoint TSB"), is allowed to the specified object with transport passes issued in the pass bureau of the GR Guard. The time of arrival and departure of vehicles is recorded by the security guard at the checkpoint in the Register of entry-exit of vehicles at post No. 25 (checkpoint - "checkpoint TSB").

2.9.7. Personal vehicles of the Company's employees are allowed only with personal transport passes.

The movement of personal vehicles on the territory of the Enterprise is allowed only for driving to the equipped workshop car parks. Parking in other areas of the enterprise is prohibited.

The basis for issuing a transport pass for the right to park vehicles at general plant parking lots or shop car parks in the GR Guard pass bureau is a personal statement of its owner with a petition from the head of the department addressed to the head of the UB and with a permit issued by the head of the UB to issue a pass.

The driver of a personal vehicle is not allowed to pass through the checkpoint without marking a personal pass in the SKD.

2.9.8. Control over the fulfillment of the schedule and intervals of the buses carrying the employees of the Enterprise is assigned to the head of the transport department.

The head of the railway department, in turn, is obliged to limit as much as possible the shunting operations of the rolling stock during the periods of entry and exit of buses transporting employees of the Enterprise.

2.9.9. Entry of any transport to production sites without a spark arrester on the car's muffler and parking in unmarked and not equipped places (i.e. outside workshop parking lots), as well as under overpasses and closer than 9 meters from them, in order to comply

fire safety is prohibited.

2.9.10. When driving through a checkpoint the driver of the vehicle is obliged:

Stop the car in the inspection area and get out of the car;

Present your personal and transport passes in the hands of the Security employee;

Disembark passengers and send them to the checkpoint building to pass through the SKD turnstiles;

Fulfill all the requirements of the Security or UB workers for the inspection of the vehicle: open the trunk, hood, raise the seats, present the body for inspection, etc .;

Make a mark of a personal pass in the SKD (except for regular drivers of vehicles belonging to the Company).

2.9.11. Special vehicles of the fire brigade, gas rescue service, ambulance, law enforcement agencies arriving at the facilities of the Enterprise in connection with emergencies or exercises, following with special signals turned on, are allowed through without hindrance, and when leaving the facilities, they are examined by the Guard in a general manner. Information about such vehicles is recorded by the guards at the checkpoint in a workbook with a report to the head of the Guard.

2.9.12. Any vehicle driven by a driver who is suspected of consuming alcoholic beverages or narcotic and toxic substances on the territory of the Enterprise is not allowed. The driver is escorted to the Security service premises to draw up a protocol-act and take a written explanation, and then to the Enterprise's health center for a medical examination.

A protocol-act of a special form and an act of medical examination for the state of intoxication of the person who drives the vehicle (Appendix No. 15) are transferred to the heads of divisions for taking disciplinary measures.

If a driver of a third-party organization is identified in a state of alcoholic, drug or toxic intoxication, penalties are applied to this organization in accordance with the concluded agreement.

In the case when the medical staff of the health center reveal the drunken state of the driver of the Enterprise during the pre-trip check, they are obliged to inform the dispatcher of the Enterprise and the head of the Security Department about this fact, then draw up a medical examination report for the state of intoxication of the person who drives the vehicle, which is subsequently transferred to the head of the structural units for taking disciplinary action.

2.9.13. In cases of temporary import into the territory of the Enterprise (transit) in cars of any goods and materials, the driver is obliged to inform about this at the entrance to the Security employee and personally make an appropriate entry in the "Register of temporarily imported property" (Appendix No. 16).

Exported goods and materials, not declared by the driver at the entrance to the territory of the Enterprise, are considered illegally exported and remain in custody in a special room of the Security until the end of the proceedings. At the same time, a protocol-act on the unauthorized export of property is drawn up for the driver of the vehicle.

2.9.14. The Administration of the Enterprise and employees of the Security are not responsible for the safety of vehicles in parking lots and car parks located on the territory of the Enterprise and the adjacent territory. They also do not bear material or other responsibility to the owners.

2.9.15. The employees of the UB and the Security have the right to control the order of the movement of vehicles on the territory of the facilities of the Enterprise and its parking, including in workshop car parks and general plant parking lots, and also have the right to check the documents of drivers and passengers following with them.

2.10. The procedure for the entry-exit of railway transport.

The railway gate must always be in the closed position. The opening of the gates is carried out by the Security personnel only at the direction of the train shop dispatcher.

Diesel locomotives are subject to inspection on a general basis before leaving and entering through the railway gates.

The members of the locomotive-composing brigade must always have a personal pass with them and present it in the hands of the Security officer at his request.

In diesel locomotives, it is prohibited to carry passengers through the railway gates of the Enterprise, except for the composition of the brigade, and the transportation of any goods and materials.

2.11. The procedure for exporting products, importing (exporting), bringing in (taking out) goods and materials. Material passes.

2.11.1. The organization of control over ensuring the order of import (export), introduction (removal) of products and goods and materials, as well as their movement is assigned to the UB.

Measures to control the movement of all goods and materials through the checkpoint of the Enterprise are directly carried out by the Security personnel.

2.11.2. The basis for the export (removal) of products and other material resources from the territory of the Enterprise are consignment notes of standard forms approved by the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation and material passEnterprises (Appendix No. 17).

When checking the correctness of the invoice for the export of products, the employees of the Security pay attention to the mandatory presence of the date on which it was issued in the invoice, check the signatures with the available samples of signatures, check the presence of all the necessary registration signatures and marks.

Waybills must be issued for each vehicle transporting the products of the Enterprise. Each consignment note must have its own separate registration number.

The waybill is a one-time document and after checking the conformity of the waybill to the quantitative composition of the exported products and the security employee's mark on the inspection, it is transferred to the security guard GR pass bureau.

The export invoice is valid for five calendar days from the date of issue. In case of exceeding the specified validity period of the consignment note, products are not subject to a pass through the checkpoint.

2.11.4. Removal (removal) of all other goods and materials from the territory of the Enterprise, regardless of the form and type of accompanying documents being drawn up, is allowed only if available, as specified in this Instruction material pass.

A material pass is issued in a structural unit. It contains the date of export (removal) of goods and materials, the name of the division, brand, state number, the name of the driver of the vehicle (in case the goods and materials are exported) and the purpose of the export (removal). Then all the information about the exported (carried out) goods and materials is entered there.

Only heads of departments and persons replacing them by order can authorize the export of goods and materials from the territory of the Enterprise. If necessary, the authorizing signature can be put by the direct chief of the head of the unit.

Immediately before the removal (removal) of goods and materials, the responsible person of the unit coordinates the material pass with the representative of the UB, who assigns him a serial registration number and certifies with the stamp "Security Department". The attached accompanying documents for goods and materials are signed by the heads of departments and materially responsible persons. They are provided to UB along with a material pass, but are not subject to registration.

The basis for the release from the territory of the Enterprise through the checkpoint of any goods and materials (except for products) for the employee of the Security is a material pass issued and registered in the UB. When checking the correctness of the registration of the material pass, the employees of the Security pay attention to the date on which it was issued, check the signatures with the available samples of signatures, check the presence of all the necessary records and details.

Material pass, invoice, permission are filled with only one handwriting and one ink, with any corrections they are considered invalid.

The material pass is also a one-time document and after checking the compliance of the goods and materials listed in it with the number and number of the exported goods and the security employee's mark on the inspection, it is transferred to the GR Guard pass bureau.

The material pass is valid on the day indicated on it. In case of an overdue date - goods and materials are not subject to passage through the checkpoint.

2.11.5. Return (exchange) to suppliers of goods and materials and spare parts that have not passed the incoming control, removal of equipment for verification, revision, warranty and post-warranty repairs is carried out on the basis of a material pass and a waybill of a typical inter-branch form No. M-15.

2.11.6. Garbage and other solid household waste is disposed of at the landfill on the basis of a material pass and a requirement signed by the head of the utility department, and the removal of construction and installation waste and construction waste is based on a material pass and a requirement signed by the Deputy General Director for Capital Construction and Investments.

2.11.7. Scrap metal removal is carried out on the basis of a material pass and a waybill signed by the deputy head of the procurement department, agreed by the deputy general director for commerce and transport, as well as a permit issued by the operator of the truck scales.

2.11.8. Tools, consumables in small quantities, which, due to the specifics of the division's production activities, are constantly used at various facilities of the Enterprise, as well as overalls sent for washing (dry cleaning) can be moved through the checkpoint of the Enterprise only with material passes, without other accompanying documents.

2.11.9. Removal and removal from the territory of the Enterprise of products, materials, scrap metal, sold waste, containers and other goods and materials purchased by employees of the Enterprise for non-cash payment is carried out on the basis of a material pass and invoice form No. M-15, agreed with the Deputy General Director for Commerce and Transport or deputy general director for belonging of the sold


2.11.10. Documents for the export (take-out) of goods and materials are issued only for such a quantity of cargo (pieces, weight, volume, etc.) that can be taken out (taken out) by one flight, and are valid only on the date specified in the permitting document.

2.11.11. When taking out (taking out) goods and materials, the employees of the Security at the checkpoint must verify the actual availability of material resources with the name and quantity indicated in the material pass. In case of export of sealed goods, check the seals for their compliance with the available samples.

If the taken out (exported) goods and materials presented for inspection with the data specified in the material pass, the Security employee makes a mark in this pass indicating the time of issue, his surname and signs.

All documents for the export (take-out) of goods and materials at the end of the working day are handed over by the assistant to the chief of the Guard at the pass bureau of the GR Guard according to the register.

2.11.12. In cases where it is not possible to identify the cargo intended for export during the inspection at the checkpoint, the person responsible for the removal of the goods is obligedthrough the Chief of the Guard of the Guard, invite a representative of the Guard to control the loading.

After checking the goods and materials loaded into the car for compliance with the presented material pass and the invoice, the representative of the Guard accompanies the car to the checkpoint, where he marks the date and time of the check on the material pass, and puts a signature, thereby allowing the car to leave with the checked cargo.

2.11.13. The basis for the export (removal) of technical and other documentation with the stamps "Commercial secret" and "Confidential" is the material pass agreed in the UB. A material pass is issued only if there is a memo from the head of the structural unit, agreed with the head of the UB of the Enterprise.

2.11.14. Registration of a material pass for the export (take-out) through the checkpoint of any information carriers and computers is also carried out on the basis of a memo of the head of the structural unit, agreed with the head of the UB.

2.11.15. On weekends and holidays, in case of an urgent need to take out (take out) goods and materials, the material pass has the right to register and coordinate the dispatcher of the Enterprise.

In this case, the UB representative responsible for registering and accounting for material passes before leaving work on the eve of weekends (holidays) informs the dispatcher of the Enterprise the next registration number.

The dispatcher of the Enterprise after registration and approval of the material pass is obliged to make a mark in the dispatch list for the subsequent transfer of information to the responsible representative of the UB.

2.11.16. The list of positions with samples of signatures of officials who have been granted the right to sign documents for the release of products and goods and materials is annually developed by the service of the Deputy General Director for Commerce and Transport and approved by the General Director.

The approved lists for the next year are submitted to the UB and the Security Guard before the end of the current year.

If necessary, these lists can be supplemented and changed during the calendar year.

2.11.17. All movements of goods and materials through the checkpoint for import are carried out according to consignment notes of standard forms approved by the State Statistics Committee. In this case, one copy of the accompanying document is handed over to the pass office of the GR Guard, and on weekends (holidays) - to the Security employee for subsequent transfer to the pass bureau according to the register.

The import of tools, consumables, property of individuals in small quantities, as well as goods and materials that are not the property of the Enterprise for a short period of time (from 1 to 30 days) and their export by employees of the Enterprise and third-party organizations is carried out on the basis of an entry in the "Log temporarily imported property ".

When third-party organizations import equipment, tools and materials for the production of construction, installation, repair work for a long period, on the basis of a letter agreed in the UB, the representative of the organization compiles an inventory of the imported property in 2 copies.

After checking the availability and compliance of the property entered in the inventory, copies of the inventories are signed by representatives of the contractor and the Security staff. One copy of the inventory is transferred to the organization, and the other is kept by the assistant chief of the guard at the checkpoint in a separate folder. Subsequently, the export of the specified property is carried out in accordance with the inventory.

2.11.18. Persons who illegally take out (take out) goods and materials from the territory of the Objects, i.e. without a material pass and other accompanying documents, as well as those detained on the territory adjacent to the Facilities of the Enterprise on suspicion of theft of material values \u200b\u200bof the Enterprise, are escorted to the Security premises. Discrepancies in the amount of exported products, goods and materials with the data of the material pass, the invoice upward, are also considered theft.

The Security officers draw up a protocol-act on the detainees, take written explanations, and the material resources remain in custody in a special room of the Security until the end of the proceedings. The head of the Security Guard immediately verbally informs the head of the security department about the fact of detention, with the subsequent transfer to him of the original protocol of detention, passes and written explanations.

2.11.19. The material values \u200b\u200bseized from the detainees due to improper execution of documents for export (take-out) are returned to the owner (responsible person) against signature in the protocol-act of detention after he has completed the documents properly.

2.11.20. Export-import of products and other goods and materials by rail is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the organization standard STO SMK 22 "Management of railway transport" and "Instruction on the procedure for servicing and organizing traffic on the path of non-public use "Organization".

To control the movement and timely opening of the railway gates, the time of entry and exit is communicated by the dispatcher of the railway department to the assistant to the head of the Guard.

3. Intra-object mode.

3.1. On the territory of the Enterprise, only persons working in this shift, who have passes of the established form, and persons who have one-time passes - at the time set for them can be.

If it is necessary to visit industrial training, meetings, offices of the administration of the Enterprise not on his shift, the employee of the Enterprise must coordinate the visit with the head of his structural unit.

Control over the timely start and end of the working day, over the correct use of working time and lunch break is carried out by the heads of structural divisions.

Employees of the Enterprise and visitors who are on the territory of the Enterprise without permission beyond the established time (with the exception of the persons specified in clause 2.7.11. Of this Instruction) are detained by the Guard employees with the drawing up of a protocol - an act and released from the territory of the Enterprise by the head of the Guard after finding out the reasons delays.

3.2. OT, ZP and MP, according to the ACS, check the time of arrival and departure of workers to and from the territory of the Enterprise in order to identify violations of the start and end times of work established by clause 5.2. Internal labor regulations.

In case of revealing the fact of violation of labor protection, salary and MT, together with the PMO and the head of the structural unit in which the employee who committed the violation works, they check the cause of the violation.

Based on the results of the audit, the head of the structural unit for control provides information on the measures taken to the OT, ZP and MP and PMO.

In the event of a disciplinary sanction, a copy of the order is provided in the OUP.

3.3. Persons who are at the Facilities or trying to enter the territory or leave the territory of the Enterprise in a state of alcoholic, drug or toxic intoxication are subject to detention.

The procedure for action in these cases by the employees of the Security, the health center of the Enterprise and other officials is defined in clauses 1.11. and 2.9.12. of this manual.

3.4. In case of revealing (detecting) the fact of theft of material assets at any of the Facilities of the Enterprise, the employee of the Enterprise who discovered the theft is obligednotify the management of this Facility, UB and Security about this.

3.5. If material values \u200b\u200bare found at the industrial site and the adjacent territory of the Enterprise, stored outside the warehouse or production premises, equipped storage areas, as well as if uncovered containers, cabins, cabins, mobile workshops with goods and materials center are found, the Security employees report this to the head of the Guard, make up protocol-act on improper storage of goods and materials and

take possible measures to ensure their safety until the establishment of their owner.

If it is impossible to establish the owners of the discovered material values, the Security employees document the fact of discovery (a detailed description of objects or things, location with a diagram attached, an act of weighing or measurements) and, together with a protocol-act, transfer the material to the chief of the guard.

The Chief of the Guard of the Security shall immediately report this fact to the leadership of the Security to inform the head of the Enterprise's Department of Management with the subsequent sending to the Department of Management documents on this fact.

UB, upon receipt of information, conducts an official investigation to establish the owner who owns these material values, or unclosed containers, cabins, change houses, mobile workshops and require action on the facts of improper storage of goods and materials. If the owner is not identified, the discovered material assets are handed over to the OMTS warehouse for posting.

3.6. Upon receiving a signal about the occurrence of an emergency (fire, explosion, natural disaster, etc.), the Mobile Security Group, upon arrival at the scene, cordons it in cooperation with the head of the emergency response, or with the dispatcher of the enterprise.

Travel (passage) directly to the scene of the accident is allowed only to service personnel, managers of the Facility and the Enterprise, as well as persons, vehicles participating in the elimination of emergency situations and establishing the cause of its occurrence.

The responsibility for monitoring the timely and complete evacuation of personnel, property and documentation rests with the heads of departments and those responsible for the fire condition.

3.7. The procedure for carrying out work in security zone.

3.7.1. The security zone is the territory strips adjacent to the perimeter fence of the Objects 5 meters wide, both from the outer and inner sides of the fence.

3.7.2. Carrying out repair work in the security zone, impact (in case of industrial necessity) on the perimeter fence is subject to prior agreement with the Deputy General Director for Security.

3.7.3. Warehousing of building materials, equipment, containers, other items, planting trees and bushes, construction of structures in the security zone is prohibited.

3.7.4. Persons who are in the security zone without permission are violators of the access and intra-facility regimes and are escorted to the security office to establish the identity and purpose of being in the security zone, and draw up a protocol-act.

3.8. All premises of the Enterprise upon completion of work are inspected by persons responsible for their fire-fighting condition.

Electric lighting, electric heating equipment, as well as office equipment are de-energized, windows and vents are closed, doors are locked.

The premises to be sealed are sealed.

3.9. Closing (opening) of premises equipped with burglar alarms, the procedure for handing over objects (premises) under protection is defined in the "Instructions on the procedure for putting under protection and receiving from under protection of office premises and objects. "Organization" to the control panel of the centralized supervision of the Guard. "

3.10. When committing theft of personal property of employees of the Enterprise and third-party organizations, as well as goods and materials of the Enterprise, committed from unclosed office premises, locker rooms during working hours, or from those left open during non-working hours, the employees of the Security Guard do not bear material responsibility.

For each case of theft of personal property and material valuables from unsecured premises, the heads of structural units conduct an official investigation with the involvement, if necessary, of employees of the Enterprise's Department of Management. The proceedings are reported to the Deputy General Director for Security.

3.11. Employees of the Enterprise, third parties and visitors must comply with:

Internal labor regulations of the Enterprise;

Routes and rules for pedestrian and transport traffic on the territory of the Enterprise, as well as the procedure and rules for parking vehicles;

Requirements of legal regulations and other documents in the field of labor protection, industrial and fire safety, environmental legislation.

Failure to comply with the above requirements is qualified as a violation of the on-site regime.

3.12. All movements on the territory by employees and visitors of the Enterprise are carried out only with passes.

3.13. Smoking on the territory of the enterprise is allowed only in specially designated areas equipped with waste bins, boxes of sand and containers with water.

The list of smoking areas must be agreed with the head of the fire safety department, labor protection and fire department and the fire department, approved by the chief engineer - head of the Department for supervision and development, and the places themselves are marked with signs.

3.14. Persons detained for violation of the on-site regime are taken to the office of the Guard to give a written explanation and draw up a report-act on the violation. These materials are transferred to the UB, and from there they are sent to the heads of departments for taking disciplinary action.

3.15. Potentially hazardous (critical) Objects of the Enterprise are fenced off from the common territory by engineering and technical structures and are equipped with security alarm and video surveillance systems. The order of access to these Facilities is established by the Deputy General Director for Security.

This is a complex of organizational and legal restrictions and rules that establish the procedure for passing through checkpoints to individual buildings (premises) of the company of employees of the facility, visitors, transport and material resources, which excludes the possibility of uncontrolled passage (passage), entry (removal) of material values ...

The admission regime regulates:

Installation and equipment of certain places (checkpoint) for passage (passage) to the territory (from the territory) of the protected object;

The procedure for admitting workers and employees of this object and visitors to the territory of the object;

Control over the export (removal), import (export) of products and material values;

The list of officials who have the right to issue and sign all types of passes for passage (entry-exit) to the territory of the protected facility;

The procedure for issuing material passes;

The procedure for admission to a guarded object on weekends and holidays;

Equipment of lockers for personal belongings and areas for personal vehicles.

All responsibility for organizing access control in the company rests with the management of the security service. The practical implementation of the access control is entrusted to the security personnel, who must know the access control rules established at the facility, the valid documents on the procedure for admitting employees and visitors to the facility (from the facility), import (export) of commodities and material values. The access control can be set both for the whole object and in separate buildings, buildings, departments, storage facilities and other special rooms.

In order to implement access control on the territory of the object and in its structural divisions, by order of the director of the enterprise, a list of categorized divisions (premises) is approved.

In these premises, a special regime and increased responsibility for its observance by employees of these departments are established. Admission to these premises is carried out strictly according to the list agreed with the security service. Reception of visitors from third-party organizations and enterprises, as a rule, is as limited as possible.

In all premises of categorized units, lists of employees who have access to these premises should be posted. At the end of the work, all premises are inspected by officers on duty in departments and by persons responsible for their fire safety.

At the end of the working day, the categorized rooms are locked, sealed and handed over to security. a security representative checks the alarm in the presence of employees who rent out the premises.

Keys to these premises in sealed cases are handed over against receipt to the chief of the guard.

Obtaining keys, opening rooms equipped with burglar alarms is carried out by persons entitled to open these rooms with the presentation of a permanent pass. Lists of persons entitled to open (close) the indicated premises, indicating the numbers of the stamps with which the premises are sealed, and the service telephone numbers are signed by the head of the unit and approved by the head of the security service.

All persons trying to pass through the checkpoint without presenting a pass, using someone else's or incorrectly issued pass, to bring prohibited items to the facility (from the facility) are detained by the security guards.

For each fact of detention, the head of the guard or the person on duty at the facility draws up a memo on violation of the access control.

Pass documents

When developing instructions on the access control, the types and groups of passes that will be valid for a given firm (enterprise) are determined. Currently, in addition to cardboard passes, plastic electronic passes are widely used at enterprises.

At large enterprises, as a rule, several types of passes are installed, which give the right of passage of employees and visitors to the territory of the company, entry (removal), import (export) of inventory items - identity cards, passes.

Passes can be permanent, temporary and one-time for employees and visitors, as well as material for the import (export) of material values.

Permanent passes are issued to employees of the facility who are employed on a permanent basis, as well as to employees of other organizations that constantly serve the facility. Permanent passes can be divided into groups, their number and purpose are determined by the instruction on access control. Permanent passes can be stored both in the hands of the facility employees and in the cabins at the checkpoint.

Permanent passes of persons leaving the facility for a long time (vacation, illness, business trip, etc.) are deposited in the pass bureau (personnel department), and when such passes are stored in the checkpoint booth, a corresponding mark is made in the cell (where the pass is stored).

In case of loss of permanent or temporary passes, the person who has lost the pass is obliged to inform the head of the facility or the head of security, who takes urgent measures to prevent unauthorized persons from entering the protected facility using someone else's document. In order to strengthen discipline, those responsible for the loss of a badge may be subject to disciplinary or social action.

When calculating with them, the passes are taken away from persons dismissed from work, about which a note is made in the register and issuance of passes, and destroyed in the prescribed manner.

The seals provided for by the rules of the regime and digital signs that determine the zone of availability, the period of their validity, the right to carry portfolios (cases, folders, etc.) to the territory are affixed on the certificates and passes. The period of stay of employees on the territory of the company during working and non-working hours is determined by the management with a digital sign on the certificate or pass. Samples of identity cards and passes are developed by the security service and approved by the company's management.

Complete replacement of identity cards and permanent passes is made, as a rule, after 3-5 years. After 2-3 years, re-registration is carried out with a corresponding mark.

Samples of pass forms are developed by the administration of the facility, in their appearance and content of the pass must be different from each other and have some degrees of protection. All types of passes, with the exception of material ones, are issued and issued by the pass bureau (or other department) upon written request. The types of passes are determined depending on the specifics of the enterprise.

Approved samples of identity cards, passes, imprints of digital signs, seals (stamps) affixed on certificates and passes, lists with samples of signatures of management or authorized persons entitled to sign certificates and allowances are transferred to the head of the regime and security department on receipt.

For re-registration, replacement or change of pass documents, annually as of January 1, the personnel department sends lists of employees to the security service, indicating the position, surname, first name, patronymic and name of the document with the appropriate notes (around the clock, working hours from ___ to ___, with a portfolio, which zone, etc.).

Identity cards and permanent passes can be issued to persons who do not work for this company, according to a separate list approved by the management, indicating the institution, position, last name, first name, patronymic and accompanying notes. These documents must be kept permanently at the Pass Office (or by an authorized person) and issued to the visitor at the time of his arrival. Upon completion of the work, these persons submit documents to the pass office.

Certificates and permanent passes are issued to these individuals on the basis of written requests from the heads of the institutions where they are in the state.

Temporary passes with photographs for up to three months are issued to persons working temporarily or seconded. Temporary passes without a photo for up to one month are valid upon presentation of a passport (identity card).

Prolongation of validity of temporary passes is allowed for a period not exceeding two months.

Certificates or permanent passes are issued to employees upon admission to work on the basis of an order for admission to the staff.

One-time and material passes.

One-time passes (for visitors and clients) are issued for one person and only for a one-time visit to the enterprise and its divisions. One-time passes are issued at the pass office if the visitor has an identity document. One-time passes are withdrawn from circulation by the security officer at the checkpoint when leaving the site.

When a group of persons enters the facility, a one-time pass is issued to the group leader indicating in the pass the number of persons following with him.

Foreign delegations can be admitted to the territory with the permission of the head of the facility without passes, but accompanied by a responsible person.

One-time passes should be periodically changed according to the color of the letterhead and other features.

A one-time pass issued to the driver of a vehicle can simultaneously serve as a one-time pass for transport.

A one-time pass is valid for entering the territory of the object or its subdivision for a certain time. So it is valid for 30 minutes from the moment of issue to the entrance to the building, and also within 15 minutes after the mark on the pass on the time of the visitor's departure from the company.

Control over those who have visited the enterprise on a one-time pass is carried out using a mark on the back of the pass, which indicates the time of the visit, certified by the signature of the person who received the visitor. A single pass is withdrawn at the checkpoint by the controller when the visitor leaves the facility and is handed over to the pass office. On persons who did not leave the facility after the expiration of the validity of the pass, the guard reports to the chief of the guard (duty at the checkpoint) to take measures to find out the reasons for the delay. The names of persons who have visited the facility on a one-time admission can be recorded in a special ledger.

Material passes for export (removal) of inventory items are issued by the person responsible for the safety of material assets. The validity of the pass is determined by the instruction on the access control. the document for the right to export (take out) material assets must indicate the name of the exported items, their number, weight, footage, type of packaging and the number of places (in words).

The admission of persons and vehicles from the territory of the object with material values \u200b\u200b\\ u200b \\ u200bon oral instructions, notes and other unforeseen documents is strictly prohibited.

Material passes do not give the right to pass (travel) through the checkpoint and are valid only with a permanent, temporary or one-time pass. Material passes should be confiscated at the checkpoint and returned to the pass bureau.

Stanislav Fedotkin

I approve

Deputy Minister

food industry of the USSR



Deputy Minister

internal affairs of the USSR







1. This Instruction establishes the procedure for organizing the access and intra-facility regime at enterprises and organizations of the system of the USSR Ministry of Food Industry.

2. The throughput and intra-facility regime is introduced at all enterprises and organizations whose activities are related to the production, storage or sale of material assets, including in workshops, at sites, procurement points, bases, warehouses and other places of storage of agricultural and industrial raw materials, materials, products, containers, inventory, equipment located outside the main territory of these enterprises and organizations.

3. Objects where access and intra-facility regimes are introduced must be appropriately fenced and equipped with the necessary technical and fire-fighting means and weighing devices.

Responsibility for organizing the access and intra-facility regime, providing the facility with weighing devices, technical, fire-fighting and other security means rests with the managers of the facilities, and for the implementation of the access and intra-facility regime - with the corresponding security units. The management of the facility, together with the security guards, bears full responsibility for the safety of the facility, the material assets located on it and the implementation of measures that ensure reliable security.

4. Persons who violate the access and intra-facility regime are held accountable in the prescribed manner.


A. Checkpoint (checkpoint)

5. The admission to the territory and from the territory of the protected object of workers, employees of enterprises, visitors, vehicles and cargo is made through specially equipped checkpoints at the time specified by the administration.

Checkpoints are located isolated from production facilities and other services that are not related to security, and should be convenient for the passage of people, vehicle passage, checking passes and control over the import and export (removal and deposit) of inventory items. They are equipped with burglar alarms, internal and city telephone communications, special metal boxes (safes) for storing keys, stamps, documents and other means that ensure the implementation of the duties assigned to the protection, as well as stands with samples of permanent, temporary, one-time, material passes and travel sheets for the admission of vehicles to the site and back.

If necessary, car weights should be installed at checkpoints.

B. Pass of citizens to and from the territory

protected object

6. Workers, employees and visitors are allowed into the territory of the facility only with passes of the established form.

A one-time pass (see Appendix 1) from the moment of issue and until the moment of entry to the enterprise is valid for 30 minutes, after which it becomes invalid.

7. Security personnel of an enterprise (organization) enter the territory of the facility with permanent (see Appendix 2) or temporary (see Appendix 3) passes.

8. Admission to special production facilities: design bureaus, laboratories, cash desks, etc. - assigned to the heads of the protected object. These rooms are equipped with locks, alarms and viewing windows. Such premises should have a telephone or other connection with the guard.

9. On weekends and holidays (non-working days), the admission of persons to the territory of the facility is carried out only with the special permission of the head of the facility or his deputies.

10. The right of access to the facility without a pass on presentation of an identity card (service card) is enjoyed by:

a) members of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Union republics, members of the government of the USSR, union and autonomous republics, secretaries of territorial, regional, city and district committees of the CPSU, chairmen of krai (oblast) executive committees and mountains (rayon) executive committees;

b) prosecutors of union and autonomous republics, territories and regions, cities and districts and their deputies;

c) deputy ministers of the food industry of the USSR, deputy ministers of the food industry of the union republics and deputy heads of other governing bodies of the food industry of union and autonomous republics, krai (oblast) executive committees, as well as heads of sectoral departments and departments of ministries, their deputies, heads of central administrations, trusts directors of firms, associations, enterprises and their deputies for all enterprises subordinate to them;

d) chiefs of the Department of Internal Affairs of the krai (oblast) executive committees and their deputies, heads of directorates - departments of the KGB for krai and oblasts and their deputies, operational commanding personnel of state security bodies and the police, investigators in connection with the investigation of a crime, management and inspectors of directorates, departments (branches) of non-departmental security by territoriality;

e) employees of the people's control committees, labor inspectors, boiler inspection, energy inspection, state fire inspection, as well as employees of the bodies for the regulation, use and protection of the water system of the USSR Ministry of Land Reclamation and Water Management;

f) employees of intradepartmental control of institutions and organizations of the system of the Ministry of the Food Industry of the USSR, heads of control and auditing directorates, departments and their deputies, as well as chief, senior auditors and auditors, if they are entrusted with conducting an audit or inspection, employees of the inspection under the Minister of the Food Industry of the USSR, the ministers of the food industry of the union republics and the heads of other governing bodies of the food industry of the union republics.

11. Persons who are intoxicated are not allowed on the territory of the protected object. If such persons are found on the territory, they must be immediately removed from there by representatives of the administration and security personnel.

B. Pass to and from the site

vehicles without cargo

12. Autocarriage (without cargo) of the protected enterprise (organization) is allowed to the territory of the object and back upon presentation by the driver of his pass and waybill.

13. Autocarts (without cargo) of other enterprises and organizations are allowed into the territory of the facility upon presentation by the driver of a pass indicating the type of transport, license plate and identity card (passport).

In the event that there are items (cylinders, barrels, tarpaulins, etc.) on the carriage transport of other enterprises (organizations) that are subject to re-export, then they are indicated in the one-time pass of the driver or person accompanying the cargo.

Railway transport without cargo is allowed to the territory of the facility and back in the manner established by the head of the enterprise (organization).

14. Fire-fighting and emergency vehicles with the calculation in case of fires, explosions and other accidents, as well as police vehicles in case of accidents, are allowed into the territory of the facility without hindrance, and in the absence of any incidents - on a general basis.

15. Ambulances together with medical workers are allowed into the territory of the facility in case of accidents without hindrance. The guard is notified of the call of the ambulance. When leaving, control is carried out at the discretion of the guard.

16. Emergency teams of workers and employees of enterprises in case of emergencies (fire, accident, etc.) are admitted to the scene in accordance with the procedure established by the head of the facility.

D. The procedure for importation (introduction) into the territory and exportation (removal)

from the territory of the protected object of material values

17. Export (removal) from the territory and import (bringing) into the territory of the protected object of agricultural and industrial raw materials, materials, products, inventory, equipment and other valuables (including products returned to the enterprise) is allowed only if there are properly registered goods for these goods. consignment notes, invoices and other accompanying documents of the established form.

It is prohibited to import and export (bring in and take out) from the object of values \u200b\u200baccording to oral instructions, notes and other documents not provided for by this Instruction.

18. Accompanying documents must be written on forms of the established form, have a number, date and contain information about the name of material assets, their quantity, weight (volume), type of packaging and the number of pieces.

Documents for the right to export (take out) material values \u200b\u200bare signed by the head of the facility (deputy head) or a person authorized to do so by order for the facility, as well as by the chief accountant or his deputy and persons who released and received the values.

Material assets (except for those arriving at the facility by rail and water transport), according to these documents, can be exported or imported (brought in, taken out) only once a day of their discharge.

19. At the checkpoint, the correspondence of the name and quantity of imported and exported values \u200b\u200bto the name and quantity specified in the document is checked, and if they match, both copies are canceled with the stamp "Canceled" (see Appendices 4 and 5 (Appendices 5 - 18 are not shown) ) and are registered in the books of registration of imported or exported material values \u200b\u200b(see Appendices 6 and 7). One copy of the document is handed over to the person accompanying the cargo, and the other - to the accounting department against receipt in the books of registration of imported (exported) material values \u200b\u200bor to the pass bureau for subsequent transfer to the accounting department.

Note. In cases where it is difficult to check inventory items at a checkpoint, their loading should be carried out under the supervision of a security officer assigned for this purpose.

20. Security workers are given the right to inspect railway wagons, tanks, containers, cars and other means of transport passing into and from the territory of the facility with and without cargo, to open boxes, packages, barrels and other containers with material values, to require re-laying, if necessary. or unloading them from vehicles.

21. In case of inconsistency of the cargo that appeared during the check of the cargo with the records in the accompanying document, the security workers:

indicate this in the registration book of violations of access control (see Appendix 8);

together with the administration, representatives of public organizations of the facility and persons accompanying the cargo, draw up an act of identified discrepancies in triplicate (see Appendix 9).

One copy of the act is transferred to the administration of the protected object, the second - to the supplier, and the third copy is attached to the security documentation.

22. On all cases of import and export of material values \u200b\u200bwithout accompanying documents, as well as in larger or smaller quantities than indicated in these documents, security officers are obliged to notify the head of the facility and local internal affairs bodies.

23. Import, export (bring, take out) of material assets from one workshop to another, which are located in different territories of one enterprise, as well as for the production of work outside the territory of the facility is carried out in the manner prescribed by paragraph 19 of Section II of this Instruction.

24. Accompanying documents for imported or exported goods do not give the right to pass and travel through the checkpoint of citizens and are valid only if they have a permanent, temporary or one-time pass.

25. In the presence of signals about the theft of commodity and material values, security workers, at the direction of the head of the enterprise, conduct searches of individual workers of enterprises and visitors. The suspect is invited to a separate room, where he is invited to return the stolen. After the detainee's categorical refusal to comply with this security requirement, an inspection is carried out in the presence of two attesting witnesses. Searches are carried out by persons of the same sex as those who are being searched. If the abducted person is found, an act is drawn up (see Appendix 10), and the case of theft is recorded in the book of detentions (see Appendix 11).

The stolen material values \u200b\u200bconfiscated from the detainees are taken into account in the guard and are handed over to the warehouse under a slip, one copy of which is transferred to the accounting department of the enterprise, the second remains in the affairs of the guard. The invoice form and the procedure for the delivery of confiscated values \u200b\u200bto the warehouse are established by the administration of the facility.

The manager and chief accountant of the protected object must monthly report to the superior economic organization about all cases of detention and measures taken to prevent violations of the access control.


26. The manager of the facility is obliged to determine the working time schedule for all workshops and sections, routes and rules for the movement of transport and pedestrians on the territory of the facility; to provide fencing, lighting and marking of places dangerous to human life, equipment of special places for smoking, storage of raw materials, finished products, personal belongings of workers, employees and visitors; equip objects with technical means (communications, alarm systems, fencing, locks, checkpoints for guard dogs, weighing facilities, etc.); to establish the personal responsibility of the heads of shops and departments for the safety of material assets, the state of fire safety, emergency safety and compliance with the established regime in the shops and departments entrusted to them.

27. Only persons working in this shift and persons with one-time passes at the time set for them can be on the territory of the facility.

28. It is prohibited to store cars, motorcycles, bicycles, household and other property belonging to the employees of the enterprise and other persons on the territory of the protected object.

Personal belongings of workers, employees and visitors (parcels, briefcases, shopping bags, suitcases and other items), with the exception of overalls, must be handed over to the storage room.

29. Cultural and educational and other premises (clubs, hostels, residential buildings, shops, stalls, stalls, etc.) should be located outside the facility.

30. Windows of the lower floors of production and storage facilities should be equipped with metal bars or nets. The protection of window openings of these buildings and premises with metal gratings is carried out in agreement with the state fire supervision authorities.


31. Blanks for passes, books and other documents specified in this Instruction are produced by printing at the expense of the enterprise. All types of passes must be different from each other.

Accounting, storage and destruction of pass forms is carried out in accordance with the procedure established for strict reporting forms.

All passes, with the exception of material passes (see Appendix 12), are accounted for, issued and issued at the pass bureau, and where they are not provided, accounting, registration and issuance of passes are assigned to the personnel departments of enterprises.

Material passes (consignment notes) are recorded, stored and issued by the company's accounting department. These passes are kept at the cash desk of the enterprise, and their issuance is recorded in the accounting book of issued passes and in the card.

32. Permits are subdivided into permanent, temporary and one-time passes by validity period, and by appointment - into personal and material ones.

33. Permanent passes are issued to workers, employees and engineers and technicians hired for permanent work. The basis for the issuance is the order (order) of the head of the facility to hire this person. The period of validity of permanent passes is set by the head of the facility.

Temporary passes are issued to persons hired at enterprises temporarily for up to 6 months.

If the pass is lost, the person who lost it is obliged to notify the manager of the facility or the pass bureau. Issuance of a pass to replace the lost one is made after investigation of the fact of loss.

From persons dismissed from work, passes are taken away when making payments with them, about which a note is made in the book of registration and issuance of passes.

34. A one-time pass is issued to individuals or to a group of people by order of the head of the enterprise (organization) or persons authorized by him for that, for a single visit to the facility on the day of issue and at the time specified in the pass. One-time passes are issued if the visitor has a document proving his identity.

The head of the pass bureau, and in his absence, the administration representative, who is entrusted with the issuance of one-time passes, keeps a register of the issued one-time passes. The book must contain the last name, first name, patronymic, place of work, number and date of issue of the service certificate, identity card, passport of the visitor, on whose application a one-time pass is issued, its number, date and time of issue.

Foreign delegations can be admitted to the facility with the permission of the head without passes, accompanied by a representative of the administration of the enterprise.

One-time passes are selected by the security officer at the checkpoint when the visitor leaves the site. The back of the pass must contain the signature of the person who received the visitor, and a time stamp of the visit, certified by the seal of the enterprise (workshop).

At the end of the working day, one-time passes are handed over to the pass bureau or to the personnel department, where they are stored for 3 months, after which they are destroyed by the commission according to the act.

35. A copy of a consignment note with a colored diagonal print is a pass for export (take-out) from the territory of the object of material values.

Material passes received from security workers (consignment notes with a color imprint on a diagonal) are checked in the accounting department with other copies of these documents and stored with them for the period established for storing material and financial documents.

36. At the checkpoint there must be samples of all types of passes, imprints of seals, stamps, as well as signatures of persons who have been granted the right to sign passes, consignment notes, invoices - material claims and other documents subject to verification by security when entering the territory and from the territory of the protected object of persons and vehicles.



37. A pass bureau can be created in enterprises with more than 500 employees.

The head of the pass bureau reports to the head of the facility guard or the head of the paramilitary unit. The duty officers are subordinate directly to the head of the pass bureau.

38. The head of the pass bureau is personally responsible for the work of the bureau and is obliged:

know the protected object, its management, heads of shops and services;

to follow the instructions, instructions and orders in force at the facility on the issues of the internal facility and access control;

together with the head and the head of the facility security, develop and implement measures to improve the access control and security of the enterprise;

keep a record of violators of the access regime and persons detained with stolen material values;

timely make orders for the production of blanks of all types of passes, seals, stamps, books for registering imported and exported valuables, organize accounting and storage of these documents.

39. Attendant of the pass office:

is responsible for the safety of stamps, seals, keys, passes and other documents, as well as property located in the premises of the pass bureau;

keeps a daily record of passes and their forms;

in accordance with the orders and orders of the head of the enterprise, issues permanent or temporary passes for the employees of the facility and one-time passes for visitors. Before issuing passes, checks the documents presented as the basis for issuing a pass, and documents proving the identity or official position of the pass recipient;

when issuing a pass, explains to the owner the procedure for storing and presenting a pass and responsibility for its loss or transfer to another person;

daily accepts used one-time passes from security workers, checks the correctness of the marks made in them about the presence of visitors at the facility and compares them with the registration book of the issue (see Appendix 13) and at the end of the working day hands them over to the head of the pass bureau;

daily accepts used passes for import (bring in) and export (take out) material assets from the security officer, checks the correctness of entries and marks in the passes, the presence of stamps on them and hands them over to the chief accountant of the facility against receipt in the books of registration of imported (exported) material assets;

at the end of the watch, reports to the head of the pass bureau about the work done and the incidents that have taken place;

during the mass admission of workers, as well as vehicles, the head and the officer on duty of the pass bureau assist the guards in organizing the service at the checkpoint.

40. A guard while performing service at a checkpoint is obliged:

when taking up the post, take the service documentation, as well as inventory, according to the inventory, check the serviceability of seals, locks, constipations, lighting, communications and alarms. If any malfunctions are found, report this to the head of the object (guard) security, the foreman or the security department (section);

accurately and in a timely manner to comply with this Instruction on the access and intra-facility regime, orders and orders of the chief of the guard (brigadier), heads of security of the enterprise and departments (divisions) of departmental or non-departmental security of local bodies of internal affairs;

show vigilance and adherence to principles, prevent the facts of theft and abuse, detain persons trying to illegally export or import (withdraw, bring in) material values, as well as violators of public order and access control. Immediately report this to the head of the facility, the head of the facility's security, paramilitary unit, foreman, departmental (non-departmental) security bodies;

be able to use fire-fighting equipment, ensure compliance with fire safety rules at the post and the adjacent territory. In the event of a fire, immediately inform the head of the facility, the nearest fire brigade, the head of the guard (foreman), the police station officer and take measures to eliminate the fire, save people and property.

Forms of other required documents are given in Appendices 14 - 17.




41. In order to prevent and implement effective control over the import and export (entry and removal) of material values, the foreman, the head of the object's security, the head of the detachment (team, group), the service inspector, the leadership of the security department (department), together with the leadership of the protected object, periodically conduct control checks with preponderance, measurement and recalculation of the amount of products passing through the checkpoint.

Control checks should be planned and provided for in the work plans of the security units. They should be carried out in a qualified manner, with the participation of specialists in the quality of raw materials and products, with broad involvement of the public and the asset of the enterprise (organization).

The deviations revealed by the control check are drawn up by an act (see Appendix 18), which is transferred to the administration or to the police for taking appropriate measures.

In the event of a discrepancy in the mass or number of places indicated in the document, a new expense document is issued. In this case, the original document is canceled as invalid and is attached to the act of control verification of goods, which is reported to the accounting department.

42. When conducting documentary audits, higher economic organizations check at subordinate enterprises the implementation of the Instruction on the access and intra-facility regime at enterprises and organizations of the system of the USSR Ministry of Food Industry, the state of fire safety and security of the facility, and also check material receipts and expenditures and compare them with passes and books of registration of imported and exported (brought in and out) from the object of material values.

Where necessary, such checks should be carried out at any time.

43. This Instruction applies to all organizations, enterprises, institutions of the system of the USSR Ministry of Food Industry and, in accordance with the Model Regulations on Non-departmental Security under the Internal Affairs Bodies and the Model Agreement on the Protection of Facilities, is also obligatory for employees of non-departmental security.

Appendix 1


Application stub N ___ One-time pass N ___ Control coupon to

On "__" On "__" pass N ________

19__ 19__ on "__"

Time of issue _____ h Time of issue ______ h 19__

min. min.

Surname ____________ Surname ________________

Name ________________ Name ____________________

Patronymic ___________ Patronymic _______________

Who declared _________ To the shop, department ___________

Type and N of the document ______

Signature ________________

M.P. M.P.

Pass size 15 x 12 cm

Departed __________ h ___ min.


Date _____________ 19__

Signature ______________

Appendix 2


Place of photo N ______________________ Surname _________________

3 x 4 cm Passage _________________ Name _____________________

Validity __________ Patronymic ________________

M.P. Personal signature _________ Facility manager ____

Signature _________________


Notes: 1. The size of the pass is 18 x 6 cm.

2. The form is made of thick cardboard covered with calico or leatherine.

3. The photo card is fastened with a relief metal seal.

Appendix 3


Place of photo N __________________ Surname ______________

3 x 4 cm Passage _____________ Name __________________

Middle name _____________

valid until "__" _________ 19__ Personal signature _____________________

Facility manager ______________________________________________________



Extended by "__" __________ 19__


Notes: 1. The size of the pass is 18 x 7 cm.

2. The form is made of thick cardboard.

3. The procedure for registration and accounting, as well as a permanent pass.

Appendix 4

(Company name,



For the import (deposit) of material values

All material values \u200b\u200blisted in this accompanying

document, verified in kind and imported (entered) into the territory of the enterprise

by car (in a carriage) series ____________________________________________



19__ min.

The Association assists in the provision of services in the sale of timber: at competitive prices on an ongoing basis. Timber products are of excellent quality.


about access control

  1. General Provisions

    1. This Regulation has been developed in order to ensure the safety of students and school employees, to strengthen anti-terrorist security in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the Convention on the Rights of the Child, Law of the Russian Federation dated 05.03.1992 No. 2446-1 "On Security" , Federal Law of 24.07.98 No. 124 FZ “On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation”, Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 15.09.1999 No. 1040 “On Measures to Counter Terrorism, in accordance with the requirements set forth in the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 13.09. 04 No. 1167 “On urgent measures to increase the effectiveness of the fight against terrorism”, Federal Law of March 06, 2006 No. 35-FZ “On Countering Terrorism”.

    2. This manual developed in order to ensure the safe stay of students in MBOU "Secondary School No. 60" (hereinafter referred to as the school) and regulates the procedure for organizing the access control and security of the school, determines the procedure for entry (exit) of employees and visitors of the school, as well as the entry (removal) of material values ...

    3. PR at the school is carried out by an employee of a private security company (hereinafter - PSC), a watchman and an administrator on duty.

    4. PR at school is carried out on the basis of an identity document: passport, military ID, passport, driver's license.

    5. This instruction applies to school staff, students and visitors;

    6. For the implementation of PR, the school is equipped with a checkpoint (hereinafter - the checkpoint), equipped with video surveillance.

    7. Responsibility for organizing and ensuring security and access control, for fire safety in the school building rests with the school director.

    8. Responsibility for compliance with the access control requirements by school employees is assigned to the Deputy Director for HR and Deputy Directors for SD.

    9. Employees on duty at the checkpoint (watchmen), in their activities to ensure security and PR are guided by this Regulation.

    10. The requirements of the employees on duty at the checkpoint, aimed at fulfilling the procedure established by this Regulation, are binding on all persons in the building and on its territory.

    11. All cases (facts) of violations of the access control and fire safety rules are reported by the officer on duty at the school checkpoint to the school principal, deputy school directors and the security guard to take the necessary measures.

    12. Disciplinary sanctions are imposed on employees who have violated the access control requirements established by this Regulation.

    13. School deputies are obliged to inform and periodically remind subordinate employees of the requirements of this Regulation, in part related to them.

    14. Control over the order of duty at the checkpoint of the school, in terms of the implementation of the access control and security of the building, is carried out by the school administration.

    15. Deputy directors have the right to make proposals for improving and strengthening security, access control, fire safety.

  1. Tasks and organization of building security

    1. Security tasks:

      1. Providing reliable security for the school building.

      2. Prevention of penetration of unauthorized persons into the building and the protected area.

      3. Implementation of access control.

      4. Taking urgent measures to ensure the safety of the building and the people in it in case of emergencies (penetration of unauthorized persons, fire, accident, natural disaster, terrorist act).

      5. Control over the fire condition of the building, premises, protected area, compliance with fire safety standards and taking necessary measures to eliminate fires, extinguish fires before the arrival of the fire department.

  1. The procedure for admitting students, teachers, visitors to school

    1. In the lobby of the school, a checkpoint is installed with a control unit for CCTV cameras, telephone communication, and a systemAPS installed in the school reception.

    2. The admission of employees, students, visitors to the school building is carried out through the main (front) entrance, where the checkpoint is located. If necessary, the checkpoint can be moved to an emergency entrance.

    3. The school has 10 (ten) evacuation exits, which have the right to open: administrator, administrator on duty, deputy director for HR, deputy directors for SD, responsible for emergencies.

    4. Responsibility for opening the emergency exit rests with the person who opens and supervises the administrator and / or the deputy director for XP.

    5. The school starts working at 07.00 am; the administrator on duty and the class teacher on duty arrive at 07.20; the duty class arrives at the line at 07.25, then takes duty posts at 07.30; admission of students in school is carried out in 07.35 daily except Sunday.

    6. In bad weather admission of students to recreation at the entrance to the school is carried out from 07.00.

    7. Classes start at 08.00.

    8. If a student is late, then he must be admitted to school, having previously recorded his name in the latecomers' log.

    9. The exit of students from the walls of the school occurs after the end of lessons or by a note from the parents of the established form, or by a note from the class teacher, or from the duty administrator of the established form.

    10. School teachers and students are required to arrive at school no later than 07.50 at 07 .50 morning exercises begin.

    11. In the event of a violation of discipline or rules of conduct, students can be taken by security personnel to the teacher on duty, class teacher, deputy director for educational work or the administrator on duty.

    12. In some cases, in accordance with the schedule approved by the school director, lessons from a particular teacher may not start from the first lesson (in all cases, the teacher must come to school no later than 15 minutes before the start of classes);

    13. A security officer monitors the arrival and departure of students at the school. The duty administrator ensures the passage of students to the school, generates reports on latecomers, absent and present students.

    14. The rest of the school staff works according to the schedule approved by the school principal;

    15. A pass for parents (legal representatives) is an identity document.

    16. After the end of classes parents are expecting their children at the entrance to the school.

    17. The arrival of children attending circles, sections, additional education courses is also carried out on the basis of an identity document.

    18. The student can leave the school territory before the end of the lessons in the following cases:

      1. Accompanied by a parent or official guardian, a close relative, whose identity is certified (the child is called by a security guard, administrator on duty or class teacher).

      2. At the written request of a parent or official guardian, which explicitly indicates the impossibility of personal accompaniment of the student.

    19. The entrance of visitors is carried out with the presentation of an identity document and an entry in the register of visitors from 08.00 to 18.30 hours.

    20. Pedagogical (engineering and pedagogical) workers and technical staff of the school are allowed to enter the school territory without a document and without an entry in the visitor register.

    21. Visitors (unauthorized persons) are admitted on the basis of a passport or other identity document, with the obligatory fixation of the document data in the visitor registration log (passport data, time of arrival, time of departure, to whom they arrived, the purpose of visiting the facility).

    22. When performing construction and repair work, the admission of workers is carried out according to the list of the contracting organization, agreed with the management of the institution. The work is carried out under the supervision of the Deputy Director for HR.

    23. The visitor, after recording his data in the register of visitors, moves through the territory, accompanied by the teacher on duty or the teacher to whom the visitor arrived.

    24. Visits to school staff by outside visitors are carried out by prior arrangement, which the employee notifies the checkpoint employee.

    25. Visits to teachers by third-party visitors are carried out only after school hours. In emergency cases, admission of third-party visitors is carried out on the basis of the permission of the administrator on duty. In this case, the journal records the time of arrival, departure, passport data of visitors and the name of the teacher or other school employee to whom the visitor came.

    26. An identity document serves as a pass for visitors.

    27. The director, deputy director for HR, deputy directors for SD, workers for complex building maintenance have round-the-clock access to the school.

    28. On holidays, weekends and non-working days, the following have the right to unimpeded school attendance: director, administration, deputy director for HR; the rest are by memo addressed to the director and signed by him.

    29. Taking out material valuables without the written permission of the XP deputy director or school director is prohibited.

    30. Without the personal permission of the deputy director for HR, the school director or the written permission of the duty administrator, it is prohibited to bring (take out) any subjects to the school.

    31. It is prohibited to bring (import) hazardous substances and objects with hazardous properties (toxic, explosive, fire hazardous, high radiation capacity) into the school territory, as well as special technical means for unauthorized obtaining of information.

    32. Visitors who refuse to present an identity document, brought things for inspection, are not allowed into the territory of the object, about which a corresponding entry is made in the Visitor Registration Book and reported to the school administration indicating the details of the visitor who is denied a pass.

    33. If a person is found on the school territory without documents giving the right to enter, or with documents that have expired, they must be removed from the school territory.

  1. Organization of security:

    1. Security of the building, provision of access control and fire safety is carried out by an officer on duty (watchman) at the checkpoint.

    2. Building security is organized in shifts in accordance with the schedule developed by the Deputy Director for XP.

    3. The employees on duty at the checkpoint perform their duties at the guard post in accordance with the requirements set forth in this Regulation and job descriptions.

    4. At the end of the working day, the school premises are locked by the persons in charge.

    5. The keys to the premises by the persons responsible for them are handed over to the checkpoint duty officer against receipt in the appropriate journal and stored in a closet.

    6. Before starting work, the keys to the premises are issued against the signature of the school staff. Duties of security personnel

    7. The security guard (watchman, watchman) must know:

  • job description;

  • features of the protected object and the surrounding area, the location and procedure for the operation of security, fire and alarm systems, communications, fire extinguishing, rules for their use and maintenance;

  • general conditions and measures to ensure the safety of the facility, its vulnerabilities;

  • the procedure for interaction with law enforcement agencies, the conditions and rules for the use of weapons and special equipment, the internal regulations of the facility, the rules for inspecting hand luggage and vehicles.

    1. The guard post should be:

  • telephone set, alarm system;

  • instructions on how to use the alarm device;

  • phones of duty services of law enforcement agencies, FSB, Ministry of Emergency Situations, emergency services, administration of the facility;

  • control systems for technical means of monitoring the situation.

    1. The security officer is obliged:

  • before entering the post, bypass the territory of the object, check the presence and serviceability of the equipment (according to the inventory) and the absence of damage to the external fence, windows, doors;

  • check the serviceability of the technical means of monitoring the situation, communications, the availability of fire extinguishing equipment, post documentation. Make an entry about the identified shortcomings and violations in the register of reception and delivery of duty;

  • report on the change made and the identified deficiencies to the administrator on duty, the head of the institution;

  • to carry out access control in accordance with this Regulation;

  • ensure control over the emerging situation on the territory of the facility and the surrounding area;

  • identify persons trying to enter the territory of the facility in violation of the established rules, commit illegal actions against students, teaching and technical personnel, property and equipment of the facility and suppress their actions within their competence. If necessary, with the help of alarms, send a signal to law enforcement agencies, call a group of detention of private security guards, etc.;

  • to make a tour of the territory of the object according to the established schedule of walks, but at least 3 times a day: before the start of the educational process, during shift changes and after the end of classes, about which to make appropriate entries in the journal "On the operational situation and measures taken". If necessary, carry out an additional inspection of the territory and premises;

  • upon detection of suspicious persons, explosive or suspicious objects and other possible prerequisites for emergency situations, call the police and act in accordance with the official instructions;

  • in the event of the arrival of persons to check the performance of the service, the guard, making sure that they have the right to do so, admits them to the facility and answers the questions posed.

    1. The guard has the right:

  • require students, facility personnel and visitors to comply with this provision, internal regulations;

  • demand the immediate elimination of identified deficiencies, stop attempts to violate the daily routine and access control;

  • to perform their official duties, use communication facilities and other equipment belonging to the school;

  • use physical force and arrest the offender (in accordance with the provisions of the "Law on Private Security and Detective Activities") and call the police.

    1. The guard is prohibited from:

  • leave the post without the permission of the head of the security department or the management of the facility:

  • admit unauthorized persons to the object in violation of the established rules;

  • disclose to unauthorized persons information about the protected object and the procedure for organizing its protection;

  • at the workplace to consume alcoholic beverages, low-alcohol cocktails, beer, narcotic substances, psychotropic and toxic substances.

  1. The order of entry into the building for groups of visitors:

    1. When a group of visitors (more than 5 people) visits the building, the pass is carried out according to the list signed by the school director.

    2. The list is compiled in alphabetical order, submitted to the checkpoint and is valid for the duration of the event.

    3. Lists of participants in meetings, seminars or other events permitted by the school administration held in the school building are compiled in alphabetical order, indicating the surname, first name, patronymic, position and place of work of the event participants and signed by the deputy directors for SD responsible for holding these events. These lists are endorsed by the school principal.

    4. Persons entering the building as part of a group present an identity document (passport, serviceman's identity card, service card of an employee of the federal executive body).

    5. Visitor data is recorded in Visitor log.

    6. The register of visitors starts from September 01 and is kept until August 31 of the current academic year.

    7. The magazine must be stitched, numbered page by page. On the first page, a record is made about the date of the journal's establishment.

    8. Replacement, removal of pages from the visitor registration log are prohibited.

  1. Inspection of visitors' belongings

    1. If visitors have carry-on luggage, the guard or watchman responsible for the access control offer to voluntarily present the contents of the carry-on luggage.

    2. In case of refusal, the administrator on duty is called, the visitor is asked to wait at the entrance. If you refuse to present the contents of your hand luggage to the administrator on duty, the visitor is not allowed to enter the school.

    3. In the event that a visitor who has not presented hand luggage for inspection refuses to leave the school building, the person in charge of the access control or the administrator on duty, having assessed the situation, informs the school principal (deputy school principal) and acts on his instructions, calls the police squad, if necessary, applies alarm means.

  2. The procedure for admitting media representatives to the school territory

    1. Representatives of the media are allowed into the territory of the facility, according to memos signed by the school director, or his deputy upon presentation of an official ID.

    2. When carrying out the planned events at the school, representatives of the media are allowed through only after checking the equipment they are carrying and personal examination with the help of technical means. The check ends ten minutes before the start of the event. Persons who have not passed the check and inspection are not allowed to the events.

  1. The procedure for taking out material assets:

    1. The removal of material values \u200b\u200bfrom the school building is carried out in the presence of the school director or by material pass (Appendix No. 1) signed by the school director.

    2. Taking out material assets by verbal orders is not allowed.

    3. The removal of personal belongings by the school staff (communications, audio, video, photographic equipment, household appliances) is allowed according to memos signed by the deputy directors of the school and signed by the school director.

  1. Duties of employees (watchmen) on duty of the checkpoint

    1. Employees on duty at the checkpoint are obliged to know and clearly fulfill their duties, to be vigilant on duty, to be demanding and courteous in dealing with school employees, students and visitors; strictly observe this Regulation.

    2. When checking identity documents, compare the photo on the document with the bearer's identity, the presence of a signature, seal and the validity period of the documents, if such is indicated in the document. Record information about the visitor in the Visitor Registration Book. At the same time, the person on duty at the checkpoint has the right to inspect visitors (employees, civil servants, workers), inspect the things they have with them, inspect vehicles when entering and leaving the facility.

    3. When checking material passes, establish its belonging to the bearer and the correspondence of the goods and material values \u200b\u200bbeing taken out indicated in the pass; make a note of the time of removal, which must be certified with a signature and, at the end of the shift, handed over to the Deputy Director for XP.

    4. In case of revealing illegally taken out material values, draw up an act. The seized items and belongings are transferred as belonging.

    5. From 23-00 o'clock to carry out a floor-by-floor inspection of the building. Subsequent inspections at night, weekends and holidays should be carried out every 3 hours. The results of the inspection should be reflected in the appropriate journal; report any deficiencies found to the Deputy Director for XP.

    6. In the event of a fire, water supply, sewerage, heating or power supply failures, immediately inform the appropriate city service, the deputy director for HR, the administrator on duty and the school director. Take an active part in the elimination of the accident.

  1. The procedure for admitting vehicles to the school territory

    1. Vehicles are allowed on the school grounds on the basis of previously submitted vehicle data (these are vehicles that bring food for the canteen, take out garbage, etc.).

    2. The admission of special vehicles to the school territory is carried out in case of emergency

    3. In the event of an emergency, the security or administrator must meet special vehicles and escort them to the emergency site.

    4. The entry of employees' vehicles into the school grounds is prohibited.

    5. Clogging up the access roads to the school grounds is prohibited.