Why was the head of somsh, Viktor Abakumov, shot? The Abakumov case. Why was the head of the legendary "somsh" shot? The assassination attempt on Abakumov in 1947

General Abakumov, a Soviet leader, is known for his difficult fate. To this day, his personality seems to many to be mysterious, although many books have been written in which the authors tried to reveal its features. Abakumov served as the second-rank State Security Commissioner. Some say that he was a man of surprisingly strong, direct and honest character. Many contemporaries characterized him as a courageous and unparalleled courageous, true hero of his time.

Covert and overt: everything intertwined

From the memoirs of other contemporaries, it seems that General Abakumov was cruel, laid down his whole life trying to eradicate the enemies of the people, and considered such both the guilty and the convicted groundlessly. Some say that there was simply no other equally ruthless person with high ranks in the Soviet state. There is also a third opinion - that this unique personality was distinguished by the strongest positive and negative qualities, the man was at the same time hot, confident that there were enemies and spies around, but courageous and ready to lay down his life for the sake of the Motherland. For some time he led SMERSH - the structure responsible for identifying spies and traitors - once he himself was a victim, was repressed, tortured, executed.

History at a glance

Viktor Semenovich Abakumov was born in 1908, died in 1954. In 45 he was promoted to colonel general. Replaced People's Commissar for Power Defense. Managed SMERSH NPO from 43rd to 46th years. From 46th to 51st he was the head of the ministry responsible for state security. The general was arrested in mid-1951, at the same time he was charged with treason. He was considered a participant in the Zionist conspiracy. Stalin's fate made its own adjustments, the charges were reformulated, accusing the general of the so-called "Leningrad affair". As the law enforcement agencies of that time suggested, Abakumov personally fabricated this situation. They tried in Leningrad. The process was organized in a closed form. The general was sentenced to death by firing squad. The verdict was put into effect in the second half of the last month of the 54th year. Territorially - Levashovo near Leningrad. Partial rehabilitation took place only in 1997.

How it all began

Victor Semenovich Abakumov was born in the capital in 1908 in a simple working-class family, studied at a four-year school. For a long time, the young man worked in enterprises as a simple worker, continuing the work of his father. In the 30th he became a member of the AUCPB, from the 32nd he worked in the state security. At first he was a trainee in the economic department, then he became an authorized representative of the same authority.

Continuing a career

Since the 34th, the future General Abakumov has been the authorized economic department of the GUGB NKVD. From that moment on, his career began in the central state security apparatus. Surprising for its time, high-speed career growth is due to personnel reshuffles against the background of Yagoda's rise, which replaced Menzhinsky. This figure was ill for a long time and could not work actively. As it turned out soon, Abakumov was not as good as he seemed from his primary reputation. Dodging his service obligations, he used safe houses to meet with members of the opposite sex. The future general was charged with moral decay and forced to change jobs. Now he worked in the GULAG system, holding the position of an operative in the third department. This position remained with him from 34th to 37th years. The department to which the future general was sent specialized in recruiting agents among those serving imprisonment.

As you can find out from the biographies of Viktor Abakumov, in the 37th he received the position of an operational commissioner in the fourth department of the same instance under the NKVD. This unit was responsible for secret political work. In the structure, he remained until the 38th year, then there he took the position of deputy head of the first department responsible for foreign intelligence. After some time, he was entrusted with the position of manager of the second department of the instance. The area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility was counterintelligence. A kind of career leaps are associated with repression within the NKVD. A few months after the start of their careers, many commanding persons were accused of offenses, followed by arrest, execution. Abakumov, however, with surprising dexterity avoided sharp corners, so at first such a sad fate avoided him.

Advance towards SMERSH

A new line appeared in the biography of Viktor Abakumov in the last month of the 38th - he happened to take a managerial position in the NKVD in Rostov. The place remained for him until the frosty February 41st. Abakumov was blamed for the massive repression. Testimonies of contemporaries have reached, proving that the future general was personally engaged in beating people under investigation.

In the 41st he managed to take a more high-ranking position - deputy people's commissar of the NKVD, then - head of the department of special departments. This period lasted until the spring of the 43rd. In April, he was entrusted with the post of chief of the counterintelligence department. We are talking about the very organization SMERSH, the very name of which caused shivers among contemporaries. At the same time, Abakumov became deputy commissar of defense. The new workplace allowed the man to show his remarkable organizational qualities and abilities. SMERSH, led by the general, organized several extremely effective operations against the intelligence services of Germany and other powers. Active work was carried out with rebel associations of anti-Soviet orientation. Such existed in the lands occupied by German forces.

New times - new opportunities

In the biography of Viktor Semenovich Abakumov, many milestones and successes are due to the war with Germany. When hostilities began in 1941, Stalin made the decision to entrust counterintelligence to this promising man. This position remained with Abakumov until the end of the fighting, although in 1943 the bodies were reorganized and changed their name to SMERSH, transferred to the People's Commissariat for Defense, whose head at that time was Stalin, who personally managed the work of the instance. The SMERSH headquarters was engaged in the fight against deserters and spies. It is noted that significant successes have been achieved through the efforts of Abakumov. At the same time, the authority controlled the political tuning of the generals, Red Army officers, was engaged in an agent network and operational work in all parts of the army.

When the war ended, this could not but affect the life of General Abakumov. The authority entrusted to him continued to check potentially dangerous people: prisoners of war, internees. The work was especially active in the first year after the victory. To make it easier, they organized filtration camps. Abakumov, in turn, worked in a special commission that prepared charges for a number of those accused of Nazi crimes. He helped the representatives of the Soviet Union invited to the International Tribunal.

Do not sit back!

In the biographies of Viktor Semenovich Abakumov, they must pay attention to the 44th year. Then the general organized the Ingush deportation. As a reward for his efforts, he received the Order of the Red Banner. In the same year he was awarded the Order of Kutuzov. From the first month of 1945 to the middle of this year, she was still managed by SMERSH, at the same time receiving at its disposal the NKVD department responsible for the third front in Belarus. It was then that he was awarded the rank of colonel-general. In the spring of 46, Abakumov became Deputy Minister for State Security. In May of this year, he got the post of minister for this profile, which he retained until the summer of 51.

Due to the peculiarities of the personality and activities of this famous person, the autobiography of Viktor Abakumov did not exist, but the works written by the researchers of his life path give an idea of \u200b\u200bhis fate from the outside. In such works, they definitely focus on the twists and turns of the 46th year. It was then that the Colonel-General came forward with an initiative to condemn some well-known figures in the Air Force and the aviation industry. Accusations were brought against Shakhurin, Novikov, Repin. As the analysis of the events showed, these persons supplied the army men with low-quality flying equipment, during the testing of which several pilots were killed, cars were lost. The accused, as the investigation showed, sought to overfulfill the plans, for which purpose unprepared machines were sent to production. At the same time, the persons engaged in forging reports and violated their duties in other ways. What is surprising: the accused were subsequently fully rehabilitated only on the basis of the fact that the charges were brought forward by Abakumov, although Shakhurin even wrote a memoir in which he admitted the crimes committed.

New cases and new problems

It is believed that the head of the main counterintelligence department SMERSH Viktor Abakumov had a hand in what was unofficially called the "Leningrad affair". Presumably, the colonel-general worked for Malenkov, who was interested in ridding his rivals. The general's reputation was significantly damaged by his participation in proceedings with the Anti-Fascist Jewish Committee. Its members were accused of addiction to "Joint", called American spies.

In the 51st, an active figure was engaged in the deportation of the Balts, Moldovans to Siberia. People from the Ukrainian SSR and the BSSR were also exiled there. The main reason was belonging to Jehovah's Witnesses, Innokentyevites, Old Believers, Adventists. The event was named by the code name "North". The general presided over the Collegium of the MGB, participated in the work of the Political Bureau, which dealt with litigation.

If from the photos taken before the 51st Viktor Semenovich Abakumov looks proudly, the look expresses self-confidence, then this year has significantly changed his fate. In July, the general was removed from office and arrested as soon as possible. The reason was Ryumin's denunciation on Malenkov's initiative. The general was accused of a Zionist conspiracy, considered a treason and a man who interfered with the investigation of a number of state-significant cases. According to some historians who have studied this period, all accusations were invented and unfounded.

End of career

Viktor Abakumov, who previously ruled SMERSH, himself became a victim of the repressive system. The Lefortovo prison was appointed as his place of detention. One of the accusations was obstruction of the investigation of the so-called "Doctors' Case", the very existence of which the General stubbornly denied. In the meantime, Stalin died, power passed to Khrushchev, and the prisoner faced new problems and accusations - now he was ranked among the "Beria gang". Malenkov tried to whitewash himself from the "Leningrad affair", and Abakumov turned out to be a suitable person for shifting the blame. He was declared to have falsified the events and completely guilty of them.

It is known that the general had to endure arrest and torture. Viktor Abakumov was severely beaten, which led to disability. The man spent three years in prison chained and in shackles. He was kept in a cell, the height of which did not exceed half the height of a person, in constant cold. He never admitted his guilt. The general was shot in 54th in Lefortovo, and in 55th he was posthumously deprived of all awards, titles, deputy mandate. The latter is especially important, since in fact the person with the mandate was inviolable - and yet at the time of the execution he was still a deputy, whom no one had the right to arrest, let alone punish.

Where is the truth here?

Our contemporaries will never be able to personally meet a person who largely influenced the fate of the allied power - only the photos of Viktor Abakumov and the stories of his contemporaries, and quite contradictory ones, have come down to us. Based on well-known facts, in 97 the general was partially rehabilitated. As the commission dealing with the case considered, the general exceeded his official capabilities and powers, which provoked grave consequences. If earlier all the property was confiscated, now the decision was canceled.

Shortly before this event, in 1994, several figures who had actively collaborated with Abakumov were partially rehabilitated, for which they were punished with death in 55. Thus, the court decisions regarding Likhachev, Komarov, Leonov were changed. Two more citizens were fully rehabilitated: Broverman, Chernov, who in 55 were prepared for imprisonment for 25, 15 years, respectively.

About family

When the head of the SMERSH counterintelligence service, Colonel-General Abakumov, was arrested, when it became clear that he had no real prospects of returning to freedom, surviving and recovering, he made an appeal to higher officials, hoping for their mercy. In this note, he asked to finish the case, release him from Lefortovo, transfer him to the Sailor's prison and remove him from the spiteful critics. Then he convincingly asked to return home his wife and child, for which he promised eternal gratitude. He urged to recognize a woman as honest, faithful and innocent of anything.

It is known from history that at some point Abakumov had two apartments in the capital, of which he gave one to Tatyana Semyonova. Official information about this has not been preserved, but it is believed that it was she who was the first wife of the future general. The woman was a housewife, from a poor family - her father was a shoemaker.

Close: who else?

The second living space was twice as large. He lived in it himself, later - with Antonina Smirnova. The woman was the general's unofficial wife, but gave birth to a child from him. The next day after the arrest of her husband Antonina and the baby were taken by representatives of law enforcement agencies. The woman at that moment was 31 years old, her son was only two months old. Previously, Antonina worked at the MGB. Mother and son were sent to Sretensky prison, where they were kept in prison for three years, without finding any criminal acts behind them. The wife of Viktor Abakumov, Antonina Smirnova, was the daughter of a hypnotist who spoke under the name of Ornaldo. It is believed that the woman's father worked for the NKVD in the 1930s, but by the end of the decade no one had heard anything about him, all traces were lost.

Viktor Abakumov's wife Antonina Smirnova was released in 54th. All this time, the son was also in prison. No corpus delicti was revealed, which did not prevent the family from being exiled from the capital district for several years. There is little official information from that period, but there is evidence of the woman's imminent death.

As can be learned from the biography of General Abakumov, the son subsequently received a good education, built a scientific career and became an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He died in 2004. For science, Smirnov is an important figure who laid the foundation for computer psychotechnology as a scientific approach. There is a Smirnov Research Institute in the capital.

About memory

For a long time, no one knew where Colonel-General Abakumov was buried. Only in 2013 a gravestone with his name appeared. It can be seen at the Rokitki cemetery near Moscow, which is about a dozen kilometers away from the capital's ring road. It is believed that the remains of a prominent figure of the allied power were transported here from the Leningrad regions. Perhaps they were buried in a son's grave. Others believe that this is nothing more than a cenotaph. Perhaps the tombstone is symbolic, there is no dust in it. It is only a gesture of respect for the memory of the unjustly shot.

Chernov about Abakumov

Now it is difficult to understand who General Abakumov was - an executioner or a victim. Much information from that period is contradictory and ambiguous. It is extremely difficult to separate truth from false accusations. Some idea of \u200b\u200bthe personality of a person can be obtained by reading what colleagues said about him. In particular, the information provided by Chernov, who for some time worked side by side with the general, is curious.

As this person, personally acquainted with the state official, said, General Viktor Semenovich Abakumov was young, but authoritative, he was respected in the structure in which he worked. He focused on investigative activities, knew the specifics of the process perfectly and demanded active conduct of business. Abakumov strictly controlled the work of the chiefs, equally paying attention to both the central and front-line apparatus. Under him, no one could count on indulgence. The man was harsh in his manner of communication, but not snobby. If he offended someone, then he took measures to correct the situation.

These opinions are confirmed by a number of memoirs, which show respect for SMERSH.

Bright and expressive

General Abakumov - People's Commissar for SMERSH, a Soviet minister who made a strong impression on his contemporaries. Those who worked with him earlier recognized him as smart and quick-witted. The decisiveness of the man is noted. Many, comparing him to his predecessors in the post of minister, admitted that Abakumov was much more suitable for such a job. This was largely due to the excellent knowledge in the field of operational actions.

Abakumov attracted attention with his appearance. A tall man with handsome features, he had an excellent physique. He cared about his appearance, used a form that fit the figure. He liked fashionable suits, always had impeccable colognes at hand. The man was fond of tennis. He achieved considerable success in sambo, became a master of sports in this direction.

"Leningrad case"

Many believe that Abakumov paid with his life for possessing valuable information. The authorities feared that he might not behave in the way that would be beneficial to them - for this reason, they invented and fabricated a charge, convicted the man in a short time and shot him until the details came out. Perhaps the critical, turning point was the "Leningrad affair". In 1944, for the first time in many years, a plenum of the Central Committee was organized, for which a project was drawn up to eliminate the Communist Party. Party organs, as it follows from the documentation, are responsible for agitation, propaganda, personnel selection, while the economic sphere, education, scientific, agricultural and cultural fields must be given to the Soviet authorities, selected by the popular will. The Politburo refused to accept the offer.

Soon after the war, the country's leader fell ill for the first time, and the closest supporters realized that death was not far off. The power has split. During the period of hostilities, in fact, the administration of the country was entrusted to five - Beria and Malenkov, Mikoyan and Molotov, Stalin personally headed everything. When Kuznetsov and Voznesensky were transferred to the capital, there was simply no place for them. It is believed that they decided to join forces in order to eliminate the former ruling class, primarily Molotov, Beria, Malenkov. The conspiracy was soon discovered and it was decided to expel the guilty. However, they resisted and began to write letters to Stalin. Dissatisfied with the state of affairs, the authorities initiated a lawsuit against Kuznetsov and Voznesensky. Since both of them were from the northern capital, the whole situation was nicknamed the "Leningrad affair".

Power and destiny

And in 52nd and 53rd, the highest ranks of the Soviet regime continued to fight among themselves, trying to seize power over the state. That Malenkov and Beria did not behave too honestly, but this gave them the desired result. Abakumov became one of the first victims on the way of these people to power. Vlasik and Poskrebyshev were arrested after him. Stalin by this period was already seriously ill and practically did not deal with the country, lived in a dacha, prepared homemade wine. He was not worried about conflicts and vicissitudes. Already during his lifetime, a decree was issued in which the former ruler was dismissed. The medical history testified: death is not far off.

When, after a difficult term of imprisonment and numerous tortures, Abakumov appeared before the court, he refused to admit his guilt, despite everything he had experienced. He pointed to Beria and Ryumin as people who fabricated the whole process, and drew attention to the fact that he did nothing of what was recognized as corpus delicti, but only carried out direct orders from his superiors. However, at the same time Abakumov admitted that he had some shortcomings, but urged the investigation and the audience to be more logical. In particular, he was accused of using the resources of the Special Meeting, where the general was never chairman. However, the judges and followers of the ruling elite did not care about logic or objectivity. The Abakumov case was ordered to be investigated until the general's guilt was proven. This is what the adherents of the system did.


As Minister B.C. Abakumov, presumably, had the appropriate knowledge and qualifications, but, having not received a formal education in childhood, he probably experienced an inferiority complex, especially in cases when he needed to deal with a "cultured" society. And, apparently, he really wanted to face this society, since it was there in the USSR that accessible women were concentrated. They say that the epitaph is knocked out on the gravestone for the libertine: "The deceased loved life." Apparently, Abakumov was very fond of life in all its manifestations - both in the family and outside the family. On the eve of his arrest, he had just divorced his former wife and married a new one, and the investigators in his criminal case compiled a list of his mistresses, separately isolating Jewish women, which is no wonder - the "cultural" society of post-war Moscow consisted of Jews in many respects. In view of his thirst for life, the Minister of the MGB was in great need of a "cultured" society and, naturally, was afraid of being rejected by it. I would like you to note this, otherwise it will be difficult to understand Abakumov's steadfastness during interrogations.

Since Abakumov had become obsessed or was already an Animal by nature, he naturally had a huge craving for junk in a quantity meaningless for a person. Leaving his 5-room apartment to his abandoned wife, he ordered to equip himself a new one 300 meters away. The MGB spent 800 thousand rubles on this. and evicted from the premises allocated for Abakumov's apartment 16 families numbering 48 people. Already in this apartment, during the arrest, 1260 meters of various fabrics, 23 pairs of watches (8 - gold), etc., etc., including 100 pairs of shoes, a suitcase of suspenders, 65 pairs of cufflinks were seized from Abakumov.

Wanting to please the "cultured" society of Moscow, Abakumov fell into his dependence. And the Animals have their own laws, not Soviet ones. Specifically - in this society there is no worse nickname than "anti-Semite", this society rejects "anti-Semites". Abakumov, willy-nilly, had to maneuver between the laws of the Animals and the Soviet ones. And he was, after all, engraved.

In the summer of 1951, Lieutenant Colonel Ryumin, an MGB investigator, could not bear it and wrote a statement to Abakumov's chief, Malenkov. Ryumin did not like the "Jewish" oddities of Abakumov, and in particular: contrary to the law, the protocols of interrogation of Jews, at Abakumov's instructions, were not kept, only notes were made, and then Colonel Shvartsman, a Jew by nationality, wrote a protocol on these notes for sending to the Politburo for review ... Moreover, the criminal moments in the testimony were smoothed out.

Professor Etinger, a Jew who treated members of the government, was arrested for anti-Soviet propaganda; Ryumin was in charge of Etinger's case, but Abakumov forbade Etinger to ask questions about his possible terrorism. How can I understand?

Moreover, having once come to the service and demanding from the internal prison of the MGB Etinger to him for questioning, Ryumin suddenly learns that, on the orders of Abakumov, Etinger was urgently transferred to the prison in Lefortovo and there he hastily died.

And, finally, the MGB received information about the creation by a group of Jewish youth of the anti-Soviet organization SDR, which decided to kill Malenkov for anti-Semitism. But Abakumov forbade touching her!

I think that anyone, looking at these facts, will immediately ask the question - what happened? Why does Abakumov not touch criminals if they are Jews by nationality? This question was asked by the Politburo as well, as a result Abakumov was arrested on July 12, 1951, along with Shvartsman and a number of other MGB workers, and the prosecutor's office began to question them about this strange behavior.

Abakumov, naturally, made excuses, but his excuses can only convince Stolyarov. Abakumov disowned Shvartsman, who falsified the interrogation protocols, and he immediately "cut down" like a madman.

About Etinger, Abakumov replied as follows:

“The leadership of the 2nd Directorate reported to me that Etinger is hostile. I instructed to prepare a note to the Central Committee. The note contained data that convincingly proved that Etinger was a big bastard. It was in the first half of 1950, I don't remember the month. But we did not receive an arrest warrant ... And after the sanction was lowered from above, I asked to bring Etinger to me, as I knew that he was an active Jewish nationalist, a sharply anti-Soviet person. "Speak the truth, do not mislead", - i suggested to Etinger. To the questions I posed, he immediately replied that he was arrested in vain, that Jews were being oppressed in our country. When I started to press him, Etinger said that he is an honest man, he treated responsible people. He called the name of Selivanovsky, my deputy, and then Shcherbakov. Then I said that he would have to tell how he healed Shcherbakov. Then he began to prove in detail that Shcherbakov was a very sick, doomed person ...

During the interrogation, I realized that there was nothing, absolutely nothing connected with terror here. And then I was told that Etinger was not giving anything new and worthy of attention. "

However, by this time the investigators of the prosecutor's office found out that Abakumov was lying, since the deputy head of the Investigative Unit for Particularly Important Cases Likhachev testified during interrogation at the prosecutor's office that shortly before his transfer to Lefortovo, Etinger had testified about the deliberate improper treatment of Shcherbakov, which led to Etinger's transfer to Lefortovo and a hasty death.

In somewhat more detail about Shcherbakov.

It must be said that in the party hierarchy, after members of the Politburo and secretaries of the Central Committee, the most important were not the posts of the first secretaries of the republican communist parties, but the posts of the first secretary of the Moscow City Committee. Khrushchev held this position for four years until 1938, and then he was suddenly transferred to the acting First Secretary of the Central Committee in Ukraine, and a very young (37 years old) A.S. Shcherbakov. This aroused the hatred of Khrushchevak Shcherbakov, and subsequently Nikita Sergeevich profusely chafed Alexander Sergeevich, assuring him that he was a bitter drunkard, his character "Poisonous, serpentine", and he died, they say, from drunkenness. In fact, Shcherbakov had no time to drink, because during the war, Stalin loaded him with work, as few people loaded. If during the entire war Khrushchev was never needed in the central authorities, remaining a member of the military councils of the fronts, then Shcherbakov led not only Moscow, but also the Moscow region, was Stalin's deputy in the People's Commissariat of Defense, political commissar of the entire Red Army and head of military propaganda bodies. Drinking with such a load, and even working alongside Stalin, was unthinkable.

Shcherbakov did not win the love of the "Soviet intelligentsia" for the following reasons. With the beginning of the war, the best representatives of all the nationalities of the USSR renounced "armor", that is, exemption from conscription, and went to the front. Their posts were immediately filled with Jews, who were said to be fighting on the "Tashkent front". And the Jews have a property: having settled somewhere, they immediately begin to drag their compatriots to themselves, crushing and dismissing everyone else. A situation arose that could not even be called "internationalism" even conditionally. Here, for example, are the lines from a certificate issued in 1942 by the Office of Agitation and Propaganda concerning the situation in the Moscow Philharmonic:

“... All affairs are handled by a businessman who has nothing to do with music, the non-partisan Lokshin is a Jew, and a group of his close Jewish administrators: Ginzburg, Veksler, Arkanov, etc. As a result, almost all Russians were expelled from the staff of the Philharmonic Society: laureates of international competitions - Bryushkov, Kozolupova, Emelyanova; talented performers and vocalists - Sakharov, Korolev, Vyspreva, Yaroslavtsev, Yelchaninova and others.Almost all Jews remained on the staff of the Philharmonic: Fichtengolts, Liza Gilels, Goldstein, Flier, Emil Gilels, Tamarkina, Zak, M. Greenberg, Yampolsky, etc. ". This situation was everywhere - in science, education, cinema, journalism. If in the central press "internationalism" was still so and so supported by the adoption of Russian pseudonyms by Jews, then, say, in the little-known English-language "Moscow News" the editorial staff consisted of 1 Russian, 1 Armenian and 23 Jews. To endure this rampant Jewish racism was unthinkable; it would be an insult to all other peoples of the USSR. And the fight against Jewish racism was led by A.S. Shcherbakov. Therefore, there was nothing to love him with the Jewish Animals. Towards the end of the war, Shcherbakov began to complain of pain in his heart, he was admitted to the hospital, but on May 9, the attending doctors suddenly canceled his bed rest, he went to Moscow to watch the fireworks and the day after the Victory - May 10, 1945 - he died.

The aforementioned Professor Etinger, a Jew, advised his treatment and, according to Abakumov, as you just read, "Big bastard". Abakumov knew perfectly well that before the war, doctors - "Big bastards" - healed Gorky, Kuibyshev and others in about the same way - prescribing the wrong treatment. Then, in connection with what Abakumov did not allow the investigator to check the version of doctors' terrorism against Shcherbakov? Why, as soon as Etinger confessed to the medical murder of Shcherbakov, he was immediately killed?

About the terrorist organization SDR, Abakumov showed something so incomprehensible that Stolyarov interrupted the quotation and retold Abakumov's testimony in his own words:

“Slutsky, Gurevich and the rest of the SDR group, Abakumov explained, were students in grades 9-10 or first-year students, they were 15-17 years old, they are mostly children of the repressed, capable only of chatter. Once someone said to someone that it would be nice to kill Malenkov, since he is such an ardent anti-Semite, that's all. They had no serious terrorist intentions and could not have ”.

This is how it cannot be, because it can never be! And this answer comes against the backdrop of Zionist terrorist attacks around the world! And, by the way, not even an employee of the special services knows that terrorism is the lot of young people.

Let's compare. At the same time, at which data on the SDR was received, Abakumov arrested a group of Soviet generals, war heroes, Heroes of the Soviet Union, who are retired in their young years and, out of dissatisfaction with their position, are holding organizational negotiations among themselves about what would be good Replace Stalin with Zhukov. None of these generals spoke of any terror. Nevertheless, Abakumov organized an investigation, found evidence, and the court sentenced these generals, Slavs by nationality, to death.

An example of even younger prisoners. In the spring of 1943, an underground fascist organization was discovered among the children of the Kremlin residents. Her "Fuehrer" was the son of the People's Commissar of the Aviation Industry Shakhurin, a car lover, members of the organization were two sons of a Politburo member Mikoyan, the son of Major General Khmelnitsky, etc. The children studied Mein Kampf and had weapons. The organization was opened by the NKVD only because the "Fuhrer" from unhappy love shot his school passion and shot himself. I was 13-15 years old members of this organization. Nevertheless, all were arrested (criminal responsibility began at that time from the age of 12), spent six months in prison, and then were exiled to Siberia and Central Asia. Except V. Mikoyan, who asked the brothers to go to the front (two of Mikoyan's eldest sons were pilots).

What do we see? Abakumov established an order in the MGB under which Jews are not even touched for a crime for which both Russians and Armenians are punished! Why so?

The investigator did not have another version - Abakumov is either the center or an important link of some Zionist underground organization, but does not want to confess and betray all his accomplices. What kind of organization it was, how strong it was - it was all unclear. And Abakumov is made an exception - they start to beat him. In this case, I believe in it, so a little about torture.

This text is an introductory fragment. From the KGB book. Chairmen of the state security bodies. Declassified fates author Mlechin Leonid Mikhailovich

Chapter 7 VICTOR SEMENOVICH ABAKUMOV Minister of State Security Viktor Semenovich Abakumov loved to walk along Gorky Street in the evenings, he kindly greeted everyone and ordered the adjutants to hand out a hundred rubles to the old women. They were baptized and gave thanks.

From the book Rehabilitation: How It Was March 1953 - February 1956. author Artizov AN

From the book Alexander II. The Tragedy of the Reformer: People in the Fates of Reforms, Reforms in the Fates of People: Collection of Articles author Team of authors

Oleg Abakumov. REFORMERS FROM SECTION III: POLITICAL POLICE IN THE FIGHT FOR REFORM At the turn of 1850-1860. the brainchild of Nicholas I-III, the branch of His Imperial Majesty's Chancellery - enjoyed an extremely negative reputation and was perceived by Russian society

Material from Wikipedia

Abakumov, Victor Semyonovich
Born on April 11 (24), 1908 in Moscow in the family of a hospital stoker Semyon Semyonovich and a laundress Efrosinya Petrovna Abakumov. He graduated from a 4-grade city school. In 1920-1921 he was a worker at factories in Moscow. In 1921-1923 he served as a volunteer orderly in the 2nd Moscow brigade of special forces (CHON). From 1924 - a worker, in 1925-1927 - a packer of the Moscow Union of Industrial Cooperation, in 1927-1928 a shooter of the 1st detachment of the military-industrial protection of the Supreme Council of the National Economy of the USSR, in 1928-30 - a packer of warehouses of the Tsentrosoyuz. In 1930 he joined the All-Union Communist Party (b ). In January-September 1930, Abakumov was deputy head of the administrative department of the trade and parcel office of the RSFSR People's Commissariat of Trade, and in 1932 he switched to Komsomol work and was appointed secretary of the Komsomol cell at the Press stamping plant. In addition, in 1931-1932, Abakumov was the head of the military department of the Zamoskvoretsky district committee of the Komsomol.
Member of the CPSU (b) since 1930. In 1930 - deputy head of the administrative department of the trade and parcel office of the RSFSR People's Commissariat of Trade and secretary of the Komsomol cell. In 1931-1932 - head of the military department of the Zamoskvoretsky district committee of the Komsomol.
In the bodies of the OGPU-NKVD since January 1932: trainee in the economic department of the plenipotentiary representative of the OGPU in the Moscow region, authorized in the economic department of the plenipotentiary representative of the OGPU in the Moscow region. Since 1933 he was authorized by the economic department of the OGPU, then the economic department of the GUGB NKVD. But in 1934 it was revealed that Abakumov had met various women in safe houses. In this regard, he was transferred to the General Directorate of Forced Labor Camps and Labor Settlements (GULAG). In 1934-1937 he was an operational representative of the 3rd branch of the Operations Department of the GULAG. In 1937-1938 he was an operative of the 4th (secret-political) department of the GUGB NKVD, deputy head of the 4th department of the 1st NKVD department, head of the 2nd department of the NKVD GUGB.
After the arrival of L.P. Beria in the NKVD, since December 1938 - acting. about. chief, and after approval in office from April 27, 1939 to 1941 - head of the NKVD department for the Rostov region. He led the organization of mass repressions in the Rostov region. At the same time, Abakumov, possessing great physical strength, sometimes personally brutally beat those under investigation [source?]. In 1941-1943 - Deputy People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR (from February 1941) and head of the Department of Special Departments of the NKVD of the USSR, which later (from July 1941) was transformed into SMERSH. Since April 1943 - head of the Main Directorate of Counterintelligence "SMERSH" and Deputy People's Commissar of Defense. In 1944, Abakumov participated in the implementation of the deportation of some peoples of the North Caucasus. For this he was awarded 2 orders - the Red Banner and Kutuzov. And in January-July 1945, while remaining the head of SMERSH, he was at the same time authorized by the NKVD for the 3rd Belorussian Front.
Historian Nikita Petrov notes his participation in looting in Germany. From March 1946 - Deputy, from May 7, 1946 to July 14, 1951 - Minister of State Security of the USSR.
In 1945 he was awarded the rank of Colonel General. Deputy of the USSR Armed Forces of the 2nd convocation. In 1946, Abakumov fabricated materials on the basis of which the People's Commissar of the Aviation Industry A.I. Shakhurin, the Commander of the Air Force A.A.Novikov, the Chief Engineer of the Air Force A.K. Repin and a number of other generals were arrested and convicted (the convicts were accused of malfeasance, production and acceptance of low-quality aircraft were incriminated).
In June 1946, Viktor Semyonovich Abakumov was appointed Minister of State Security of the USSR instead of V.N. Merkulov. At the same time, SMERSH, in which Abakumov served before, entered the ministry as the 3rd Directorate. As Minister of State Security, he led political repression. Under the leadership of Abakumov, the Leningrad case was fabricated and the beginning of fabrication of the JAC case was laid.

With regard to those arrested who stubbornly resist the demands of the investigation, behave provocatively and in every way try to delay the investigation or lead it astray, strict measures of the detention regime are applied. These measures include: a) transfer to a prison with a more rigid regime, where sleep hours are reduced and the detention of the arrested person is worsened in terms of food and other household needs; b) placement in solitary confinement; c) deprivation of walks, food parcels and the right to read books; d) placement in a punishment cell for up to 20 days. Note: in the punishment cell, except for a stool screwed to the floor and a bed without bedding, there is no other equipment; a bed for sleeping is provided for 6 hours a day; prisoners in the punishment cell are given only 300 grams per day. bread and boiling water and hot food once every 3 days; smoking in the punishment cell is prohibited. 8. With regard to the spies, saboteurs, terrorists and other active enemies of the Soviet people who have been exposed by the investigation, who brazenly refuse to betray their accomplices and do not give evidence of their criminal activities, the MGB authorities, in accordance with the instructions of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks dated January 10, 1939 , apply measures of physical influence. ..
On February 19, 1951, Abakumov sent a top secret memorandum to Stalin "On the need to evict from the western regions of Ukraine and Belarus, the Moldavian, Latvian, Lithuanian and Estonian SSR members of the anti-Soviet sect Jehovists and their families." The result of this note was the operation "North", organized by the Ministry of State Security and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, to evict Jehovah's Witnesses, as well as representatives of other religious associations (Adventist reformists, Innokentyevites, the True Orthodox Church); the operation began on April 1, 1951. The deportation was done within 24 hours.

From 12/31/1950 to 07/14/1951 Chairman of the board of the USSR Ministry of State Security. In 1946-1951 he was also a member of the Commission of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) on court cases.
During his tenure as Minister of State Security, Abakumov significantly increased the capabilities and strength of the MGB: he wore a carefully fitted uniform and fashionable suits, played tennis, was a master of sports in sambo.

Awards two Orders of the Red Banner (04/26/1940, 1944), the Order of Suvorov I degree (07/31/1944), the Order of Suvorov II degree (03/08/1944), the Order of Kutuzov I degree (04/21/1945), the Order of the Red Star (1944), medal "For the Defense of Moscow", medal "For the Defense of Stalingrad" medal "For the Defense of the Caucasus", badge "Honorary Worker of the Cheka-OGPU (XV)" (05/09/1938)

In accordance with the verdict of the court by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in 1955, he was deprived of all state awards. Together with Abakumov, the head of the investigative unit for especially important cases of the Ministry of State Security of the USSR A.G. Leonov, his deputies V.I.Komarov and M.T. Likhachev, investigators I. Ya. Chernov and Ya.M. Broveman, the first three were shot, Chernov was sentenced to 15 years, Broveman - to 25 years. In 1994, the sentence was replaced by 25 years without confiscation of property and re-qualified under the article "military crimes".

From official sources: Viktor Semenovich Abakumov. Colonel General. Was born in 1908 in Moscow. Member of the CPSU (b) since 1930. From the workers. Education is lower. During the war years - the head of the GUKR - the Main Directorate of Counterintelligence "SMERSH" - Deputy People's Commissar of Defense. In 1946-1951 - Minister of State Security of the USSR.

On July 4, 1951, he was removed from his post, and eight days later he was arrested. In the USSR Prosecutor's Office, he was familiarized with the decisions to initiate a criminal case on the grounds of becoming 58-1 "b" of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR (treason to the Motherland, committed by a serviceman) and on the election of a preventive measure in the form of detention in the Sokolykhich prison of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (the notorious "Matrosskaya Tishina ").

After the arrest of Abakumov, his wife, Antonina Abakumova, were arrested (together with her two-month-old son, she was placed in Matrosskaya Tishina), as well as the head of the Investigative Unit for Particularly Important Cases of the USSR Ministry of State Security, Major General A. Leonov, his deputies Colonels V. Komarov, M. Likhachev, L. Shvartsman, head of the MGB secretariat, Colonel I. Chernov, his deputy, Colonel Y. Broverman.

On December 14, 1954, in the building of the House of Officers of the Leningrad Military District, a court session of the visiting session of the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR opened under the chairmanship of Lieutenant General of Justice E.L. Zeidin. The state prosecutor at the trial was the Prosecutor General of the USSR, the current state counselor of justice

Abakumov Viktor Semenovich

Assistant to Marshal of the Soviet Union Beria Lavrenty Pavlovich

Over the personality of Viktor Semenovich Abakumov, fierce controversy continues to this day. Some argue that he was a wonderful person who headed the legendary department of SMERSH ("Death to spies!") During the war. Others argue that Abakumov was an ardent opponent of Stalin and Beria.

Abakumov was born in Moscow in 1908. Until 1921 he studied at the city school. At the end of 1921, as a boy, he volunteered for the Red Army, where he served in the Moscow Brigade of Special Forces (CHON). The period of his stay in CHON made him an honest and unyielding fighter for bright socialist ideals, ready for any sacrifices for the triumph of communism.

After demobilization "Unyielding fighter for bright socialist ideals" got a job as a packer and soon joined the party. The calculation was correct - from that moment on his career went uphill. “In 1932,” Abakumov continued in his autobiography, “I was mobilized by the Moscow Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and sent to work in the NKVD. Working in the organs of the NKVD, I was all the time at the grassroots work. Why was a tall, capable guy used only as a "stompbox"? The fact is that Abakumov was distinguished by one pernicious passion - he did not miss a single skirt. In 1934, he was even caught using safe houses to meet with women. It was at this time that an entry appeared in his personal file: “He has a desire for operational work. Gusty. Quickly draws conclusions, sometimes unfounded. Sometimes he ponders the consequences a little. He did not participate in investigative cases. Disciplined. Educational guidance is required. " And where in those years was the grandiose experiment on the education of a new person carried out? In the Main Directorate of Forced Labor Camps, that is, in the GULAG. Abakumov was transferred there, but, of course, as a warden, not a prisoner.

The upbringing process, apparently, was successful - already at the end of 1938, Viktor Abakumov was appointed head of the Rostov regional department of the NKVD. In this post, he became famous for personally knocking out the necessary confessions from those under investigation, without disdaining the most cruel methods. Abakumov's zeal was noticed, and on July 19, 1941 he was entrusted to head military counterintelligence - management of special departments of the NKVD. Somehow it so happened that almost all the leaders of the military counterintelligence turned out to be foreign spies.

In April 1942, Viktor Abakumov could well have been accused of espionage. It turned out that during the evacuation of Smolensk they forgot the party archives, which had gone to the Germans intact. The most unpleasant thing was that Abakumov, who was in charge of the evacuation, by that time had already reported on the successful completion of the mission. Stalin asked him only one question: "How do you feel when your subordinates lie to you?" And ten years later, when Abakumov remembered this, his hands were shaking with horror and his pupils dilated.

But, oddly enough, Stalin pardoned him. Maybe because Abakumov firmly learned his lesson and in the future was strictly guided by the principle: "it is better to overdo it than to miss it." It is possible, however, that there were simply no applicants for this position - special officers of the NKVD in caps with cornflower-blue tops in the army they fiercely hated and, when the war began, their began to shoot slowly. That is why, in April 1943, the military counterintelligence was transferred to the People's Commissariat of Defense, and its employees began to be recruited from front-line soldiers who had completed short-term retraining courses.

At first, the counterintelligence was supposed to be called SMERNESH (from the slogan “Death to German spies!”, Which was widespread during the war years), but Stalin objected: “Why should we have in mind only German spies? Aren't the intelligence services of other countries acting against our country? There is a proposal to call counterintelligence "Death to Spies!", i.e SMERSH ".

Many books are being published today, the authors of which praise the achievements of SMERSH and the personal qualities of the head of counterintelligence Viktor Abakumov to the skies. At the same time, they constantly refer to the figure - 30 thousand exposed German agents. The Abwehr, of course, could not boast of such achievements in sending his agents to the Soviet rear. But it must be borne in mind that the Abwehr had no right either to arrest suspects or conduct an investigation, this was done by the Gestapo. At the same time, SMERSH employees had the opportunity to detain, conduct an investigation and declare anyone and as much as they wanted as German spies.

However, there is another figure illustrating the work of SMERSH - in three years, with the participation of recruited German agents, over 250 radio games were held, during which Soviet counterintelligence officers successfully drove the Abwehr by the nose. It really is. But, as you know, during a radio game, the enemy is told not only false, but also true information so that he believes. And who during the war years could send the Germans real data on the operations of the Red Army with impunity? Only one person who was Abakumov's immediate superior was Stalin. For all others, including Abakumov himself, this would mean imminent execution. So who actually led the SMERSH counterintelligence service is still a question.

After the war, Stalin was concerned about the growing authority of the military, heroes who returned from the war. And who better than the military counterintelligence will be able to deal with them?

So Abakumov was appointed Minister of the MGB and enthusiastically continued to purge the army and defense industry from enemy agents.

Once Vasily Stalin complained to his father about the poor quality of the aircraft. Stalin entrusted the check to Abakumov. Abakumov set up a business and put the People's Commissar of the Aviation Industry Alexei Shakhurin, Chief Marshal of Aviation Alexander Novikov, officers of the Air Force headquarters. Air Marshal Khudyakov was sentenced to death. The leaders of the navy, including admirals Alafuzov, Stepanov and Haller, followed them through the stage.

Abakumov liked the leader and how skillfully he coped with the filtration of former prisoners of war. At the end of the war, Smersh dealt with the soldiers of the Red Army who were captured by the Germans, and Soviet citizens who were in Germany of their own free will or by force. Almost all of them (and we are talking about millions) went through filtration camps.

Former first deputy chairman of the KGB of the USSR, Philip Bobkov, recalled that in the ministry, Abakumov was first met well: a man of his own, he began with ordinary posts. They said: he is so close to Stalin that he even sews tunics from the same material. The minister could suddenly drop in to an ordinary operative, see how he was doing business, check how neatly the papers were filed. Viktor Semenovich seemed to many to be his own guy. He loved to walk along Gorky Street in the evening, greeted everyone with courtesy and ordered the adjutants to hand out a hundred rubles to the old women. They were baptized and gave thanks.

The idea to carry out mass cleansing in a planned manner according to the branches of the armed forces was, of course, wonderful, but Abakumov did not stop there. He began to typeset cases on a territorial basis. The first was the so-called Leningrad affair, during which the secretary of the Central Committee Kuznetsov, the deputy chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers Voznesensky, the chairman of the RSFSR Council of Ministers Rodionov, and the first secretary of the Leningrad regional party committee Popkov were allowed to spend. There was a lot of work ahead in the capitals of the union republics (the "case of the Georgian nationalists" was already nearing completion), but Abakumov did not stop there, and at the same time collected dirt on all some well-known persons.

Abakumov faithfully fulfilled all of Stalin's instructions, and for the time being, the leader was satisfied with this. Why did Stalin break up with him after all?

Generally speaking, Viktor Semenovich, like all his predecessors in the Lubyanka, could have considered himself doomed in advance, because sooner or later Stalin decided that he needed a new man. He didn’t like it when the heads of the state security sat up. I believed that they were losing their grip, zeal, and calming down. He feared that the owners of the Lubyanka would acquire connections and become too influential. The moment came when Stalin began to look for a replacement for Abakumov.

A letter from the senior investigator of the investigative unit for particularly important cases, Lieutenant Colonel Mikhail Ryumin, was used against Abakumov. The lieutenant colonel wrote to the Central Committee that Abakumov and his people were not investigating the activities of enemy agents, they were hiding their own mistakes from Stalin, that Abakumov had enriched himself at the expense of captured property and spent large state funds on equipping himself a new apartment in house No. 11 on Kolpachny Lane. Sixteen families were evicted from here so that the minister could accommodate comfortably.

Sure, ryumin's denunciation was not a personal initiative of the investigator. Exactly the same letter was used at one time to remove from the post of People's Commissar Nikolai Yezhov. This is the usual Stalinist method. Ryumin wrote his statement directly in his office by the head of the department of party, trade union and Komsomol personnel of the Central Committee, Semyon Ignatiev, who would become Abakumov's successor as minister.

Abakumov was accused of deceiving the Central Committee. On July 4, 1951, he was removed from the case, on July 12, he was summoned to the prosecutor's office. A case was opened against him on the grounds of a crime under article 58-1b of the Criminal Code (treason to the motherland committed by a serviceman) and was arrested. Placed alone and called "prisoner number 15". A search was conducted in his 300-meter apartment. Abakumov's recent subordinates described property unheard of for those times - furniture sets, refrigerators, radios, all in large quantities! The former minister had 1260 meters of various fabrics, a lot of silverware, 16 men's and 7 women's watches, 100 pairs of shoes, a suitcase of suspenders, 65 pairs of cufflinks ...

His wife Antonina Nikolaevna, who worked in the department of naval intelligence of the MGB, was also arrested, and with her two-month-old son was put in the Sretensky prison of the MGB.

Abakumov was accused of working for foreign intelligence services. The fact that he poorly investigated the "Leningrad case", because he was friends with the secretary of the Central Committee Kuznetsov. And even that he put together a criminal group of Jewish nationalists in the ministry. It is clear that the former minister of the MGB did not understand at all what kind of conspiracy they were talking about. On this basis, the Central Committee commission, which included his former boss Beria, concluded: “During interrogation, Abakumov tried to deceive the party again, did not find an understanding of the crimes he had committed and did not show any signs of readiness to repent of his crimes.”

Abakumov was beaten at Stalin's instructions. They entrusted this to the officers, who were promised vouchers to a rest home, a cash allowance and an extraordinary assignment of military ranks. They put him in shackles. They were kept in a punishment cell-refrigerator, given a piece of bread and two mugs of water a day. And they quickly turned into a complete invalid. The former minister could hardly stand on his feet, could not walk. But he held on stubbornly, did not plead guilty, therefore he survived Stalin, and Beria, and Ryumin, and other security officers. They were arrested later and shot earlier.

After Stalin's death, the indictment in the Abakumov case was corrected, and Viktor Semyonovich was accused of falsifying the “case of Georgian nationalists” and the “aviation case”.

The trial of Abakumov and his former subordinates opened on December 14, 1954 at the Officers' House in Leningrad. He pleaded not guilty, insisting that all decisions were made by the Central Committee.

It was absurd, of course, to accuse Abakumov of being an accomplice of Beria's criminal conspiratorial group. Abakumov did not like Beria and was afraid. But he faithfully and loyally served him, Stalin and the state, for this he committed crimes and condemned innocent people to death. They did not want to say this half a century ago, and many do not want to admit it today.

During his trial, talking about mass repression in general no one has dared yet. He was found guilty of treason, sabotage, terrorist acts, participation in a counter-revolutionary organization.


Abakumov Viktor Semenovich (11 (24) .4.1908, Moscow, - 19.12.1954, ibid.), Soviet statesman and military leader, colonel general (1945). He graduated from the 4th grade of the city school. In 1920-22, 1925-26, 1928-30. worked at factories and enterprises in Moscow. In 1922-25. served as a Red Army soldier in a special brigade. In 1927-28. gunner of the paramilitary guard. In 1931, at the Komsomol work. Since 1932, in operational work in the organs of the OGPU - NKVD. He held a number of management positions in the Moscow region. management and in the central office of the Main Department of the state. security of the NKVD of the USSR. Since December 1938, head of the NKVD department for the Rostov region. From February 1941, deputy. People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR. Since July 1941, head of the department of the Special Departments of the NKVD of the USSR, deputy. People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR. From April 1943, deputy. People's Commissar of Defense and the head of the Main Directorate of Counterintelligence ("Smersh") of the NKO of the USSR, which prevented the penetration of enemy agents into units and formations of the active army, fought against the subversive activities of the enemy's intelligence agencies, organized intelligence and counterintelligence work behind enemy lines. In 1946-51. Minister of State Security. Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 2nd convocation.

In the course of his activity, Abakumov embarked on the path of adventures and political provocations, fabricated cases against innocent people, then arrested them and, using criminal methods of investigation prohibited by law, sought fictitious testimony with a confession of guilt in grave state crimes. In this way, Abakumov fabricated the so-called "Leningrad case", according to which a number of Soviet citizens were unreasonably arrested. For violations of the law Abakumov was removed from his post and in 1951 was arrested. By the verdict of the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR he was shot on 19.12.1954. By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR he was deprived of all awards and titles.

This text is an introductory fragment.

ABAKUMOV ". Joseph Vissarionovich made a remark to comrade Abakumov and, as a punishment, ordered him to coordinate all his proposals on the Vlasov case with the secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) A.A. Zhdanov. Only then did V.S. Abakumov all the mystical depth of the plan

ABAKUMOV ". Abakumov was in a hurry to justify himself and again got into a mess. Stalin ordered to hang all the leaders of the Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia, and their number should have been twelve. Twelve people should have been hanged for real, and not in absentia. However, Comrade Zhdanov

Oleg Smyslov General Abakumov. The omnipotent master of SMERSH Alexander Alexandrovich Lobov and military counterintelligence officers is dedicated From the author In Soviet history, B.C. Abakumov will never be rehabilitated, just as no one will succeed

B.C. Smyslov General Abakumov Executioner or victim? Military secrets XX

Abakumov and SMERSH In August 1954, in a conversation with the investigator Eliseev B.C. Abakumov allegedly said: “A very cruel organization SMERSH, which I led during the war. A monstrous principle reigned there: it is better to shoot three innocents than to leave alive

BS Abakumov VIEW FROM THE CAB OF "MiG" This wonderful man and pilot, as they say from God, no longer exists. In 1995, one of the veterans of the "unknown" Korean War, Boris Sergeevich Abakumov, died. Master of air combat tactics on the first Soviet jet

VYGOTSKY LEV SEMENOVICH. Lev Semenovich Vygotsky is called the "Mozart of Psychology", and yet we can say that this man came to psychology "from the outside." Lev Semenovich did not have a special psychological education, and it is quite possible that this fact and

BERIA AND ABAKUMOV Two colleagues, who had been in the ranks of chief and subordinate for a long time, suddenly from April 19, 1943, when Lavrentiy Pavlovich Beria's deputy for the NKVD of the USSR Viktor Semenovich Abakumov became the head of an independent counterintelligence body,

Korsun Victor Semenovich Great Patriotic War, China, Afghanistan I was born in 1925 in the village of Elizavetpolsk (now the village of Shaumyan, Tuapse region). In 1931, at the age of six, I entered school. Despite my age (I was admitted to the first grade from the age of eight),

Semyon Semyonovich Almost a year has passed since the day when our radio operators first received from the mainland the joyful news of the great victory of the Red Army at Stalingrad, and we still continued to live with the events of that time. Whatever they started talking about, they invariably returned to

CHERNYSHENKO Viktor Semenovich Viktor Semenovich Chernyshenko was born in 1925 in the village of Aleksandrovka, Knyazhnolimansky District, Donetsk Region, into a peasant family. Ukrainian. In February 1943 he was drafted into the Soviet Army. He studied at a school at a training tank regiment in Ulyanovsk. FROM

Andrey Semenovich Older people remember these words - computing center (abbreviated as CC). Before the advent of personal computers, they were in all self-respecting institutions. One or two large machines serviced by a team of engineers, operators, programmers. Andrei Semenovich

Geraskin Dmitry Semenovich Born in 1911 in the village of Monastyrshchina, Kimovsky District, Tula Region. He worked on a collective farm. In 1941 he was drafted into the Soviet Army. Non-partisan. In October 1943, being in the rank of sergeant, he died a heroic death in the battles for the Motherland. Title of Hero

Kupriyanov Semyon Semenovich Born in 1924 in the village of Lukino, Shchekino District, Tula Region. He studied at the Lapotkovo eight-year school. In 1942 he was drafted into the ranks of the Soviet Army. Participated in the crossing of the Dnieper in 1943. He died on October 10 of the same year. Title of Hero

Nikolaev Dmitry Semenovich Born in 1919 in the village of Danilovka, Kurkinsky District, Tula Region. Until 1933, he studied and worked in the countryside, then moved to Moscow, where he graduated from high school and FZO school. He worked at the Kalibr plant, graduated from the glider school and the flying club

Abakumov Viktor Semenovich, one of the heads of the state security agencies, the 2nd rank state security commissar (4.2.1943), colonel general (07.9.1945). Son of a stoker. Educated in a 4-grade city school (1921). In 1921-23 he served as an orderly in the 2nd Moscow brigade of special forces (CHON). From 1924 - a worker; in 1925-27, a packer of the Moscow Union of Industrial Cooperation, in 1927-28, a shooter of the 1st detachment of the military-industrial security of the Supreme Council of the National Economy of the USSR, in 1928-30, a packer of warehouses of the Tsentrosoyuz. In 1930 he joined the CPSU (b). In January-September 1930 Abakumov was deputy. early administrative department of the trade and parcel office of the RSFSR People's Commissariat of Trade, and in 1932 he switched to Komsomol work and was appointed secretary of the Komsomol cell at the Press stamping plant. In 1931-32. head of the military department of the Zamoskvoretsky district committee of the Komsomol.

In 1932, among other Komsomol workers, he was transferred to the OGPU "for strengthening", during the constant purges of organs he made a quick career: in 1932-33 he was a trainee in the economic department of the plenipotentiary representative office of the OGPU in the Moscow region, in 1933-34 he was an operative 3 -th department of the economic management of the OGPU (since 1934 - the NKVD of the USSR). In 1934 Abakumov's violations were revealed, expressed in the fact that he used safe houses to meet with women, and he was transferred to the Main Directorate of Correctional Labor Camps and Labor Settlements, where he worked, the position of an authorized officer and operative of the 3rd branch of the Operations Department ... In 1937-38 he was an operative of the 4th (secret-political) department of the GUGB NKVD of the USSR. From 1938 to the beginning. branches of the 4th (secret-political) department of the 1st directorate of the NKVD, the 2nd branch of the 2nd (secret-political) department of the GUGB. After joining the NKVD, L.P. Beria Abakumov from 5.12.1938 began to perform duties of the beginning. Directorate of the NKVD in the Rostov region. 04/27/1939 approved. He led the organization of mass repressions in Rostov-on-Don. Abakumov's methods became widely known primarily due to his extreme cruelty, even for the investigators of the GUGB. Subsequently, already occupying the posts of deputy. People's Commissar (minister) and minister, Abakumov, who was distinguished by great physical strength, continued to personally conduct interrogations, during which he personally beat those under investigation.

From 25.2.1941, deputy. People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR and the simultaneous 19.7.1941, the beginning. Administration of special departments. The department headed by Abakumov supervised the activities of state security agencies in the Soviet army and navy, as well as within all armed formations in general (militia, internal troops, border troops). On April 19, 1943, special departments were withdrawn from the NKVD of the USSR and under the leadership of Abakumov, the Main Directorate of Counterintelligence SMERSH was created, at the same time Abakumov became deputy. People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR, thus passing into the direct subordination of I.V. Stalin. SMERSH, which stands for "Death to Spies", was in charge of counterintelligence in the army and navy, incl. it was his employees who carried out the "filtering" of the Soviet soldiers released from captivity, as well as the identification of unreliable elements in the territories liberated by the Soviet army. By order of Abakumov, Swedish diplomat R. Wallenberg was arrested in Budapest, who saved thousands of lives during the time of fascism. In 1944 he took part in organizing the deportations of some peoples of the North Caucasus, for which he received the Orders of Kutuzov and the Red Banner. In January-July 1945 he was at the same time authorized by the NKVD for the 3rd Belorussian Front. In 1946 he was elected to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. In apr. 1946 prepared materials on which the leaders of the aviation industry A.I. Shakhurin, A.A. Novikov, etc. 4.5.1946 was replaced by V.N. Merkulov as the Minister of State Security of the USSR, and SMERSH became part of the ministry as the 3rd department. In 1946-51 he was also a member of the Commission of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks on court cases. In 1950-51, under the direct leadership of Abakumov, the ministry falsified the so-called. "The Leningrad affair", as a result of which numerous arrests and executions were carried out, primarily of the party and economic activists - immigrants from Leningrad. " During these years, Abakumov's influence increased sharply and he began to be seen as one of Beria's main rivals, whose personal enemy Abakumov became. Gradually, all the most important units were transferred from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the MGB, incl. police, criminal investigation department, paramilitary guards. However, in May 1947, intelligence was withdrawn from Abakumov's jurisdiction. In 1948, on behalf of Stalin, he organized the murder of S.M. Mikhoels. In life, a great life-lover, Abakumov loved foxtrot, football and kebabs, which were brought to him from the Aragvi restaurant.

He did not show sufficient activity in the deployment of the so-called. "Doctors' files", for which he was removed from office in July 1951. To check his activities, a commission was formed, which included his enemies G.M. Malenkov, Beria, M.F. Shkiryatov, S.D. Ignatiev. On 7/12/1951 he was arrested on charges of concealing a "Zionist conspiracy" in the USSR Ministry of State Security, the immediate reason for which was the denunciation of M.D. Ryumin. During the investigation, Abakumov was actively tortured and beaten, and soon he became a complete invalid. After Stalin's death and Beria's arrest, Abakumov was never released. At a visiting session of the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR in Leningrad on December 12-19. 1954 Abakumov was accused of fabricating court cases, incl. "Leningrad case", and other malfeasance, named "member of Beria's gang." He pleaded not guilty, saying: "Stalin gave instructions, I followed them." The court found Abakumov guilty of treason, sabotage, terrorist attacks, participation in a counter-revolutionary organization and sentenced him to death.

Immediately after the trial, the USSR Prosecutor General Rudenko informed Khrushchev by telephone in Moscow "about the completion of the assignment and asked if it was possible to round off." Having received an affirmative answer, Rudenko did not hesitate. Abakumov was shot on the same day. He would hardly have humbled himself to a petition for clemency, but the fact that he was deprived of this opportunity. - an established fact.

In 1994, by the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR, Abakumov was partially rehabilitated: he was cleared of the charge of treason, that is, he is no longer a state criminal.

For services to the country and the people, Abakumov was awarded the Orders of the Red Banner, Suvorov 1 and II degrees, Kutuzov I degrees, Red Star, medals for the defense of Moscow, Stalingrad, the Caucasus.

Best of the day

uss 13.07.2006 02:51:50

murderer who executed hundreds of thousands of innocent people

Valery 24.11.2009 11:39:10

I believe that a person like Viktor Semyonovich is worthy of imitation!

response about the shooting of the USSR Ministry of State Security Abakumov
YURA VOLGIN 17.01.2011 04:14:08

Abakumov V.S., I believe, like many other state security officers, was convicted and the sentence was not canceled unlawfully because he followed the orders of Joseph Dzhugashvili - Stalin, who committed crimes against humanity for which there is no statute of limitations. Therefore, the sentence to Abakumov should be canceled, all the more, those who tortured and tortured Abakumov were not liable. Ulyanov V.I. - Lenin and Dzhugashvili I.V. - Stalin, the tsars of Russia, who used aggressive wars, genocides and massacres - executions of innocent people, should be convicted of crimes against peace and humanity, and the soldiers, including Abakumov - are innocent.
January 17, 2011

member of the Communist Party since 1905
14.02.2012 01:03:14

nurgoliev current abokumov

Regarding Abakumov
14.10.2012 11:31:20

In the American film The Godfather, there is a scene where the protagonist is talking to his bride. She tells him that his father is the head of the mafia and a criminal. And he, in response, said that his father is the same as all those who are responsible for people, like senators, for example. She told him - how naive you are, senators don't kill people. He looked at her and said - you are naive Kate.
In May 1941, the design bureau under the leadership of V.G. Grabin was designed 57 mm anti-tank gun ZIS-2. And then its release began. It pierced through German tanks at a distance of one and a half kilometers. They were released before the fall somewhere 370 pieces. And in October, Lieutenant General Govorov L.A., an artilleryman by the way, and at that time the commander of the army, wrote a memo that the gun was too powerful and there were no worthy targets for it. The issue must be stopped. He was supported by General Voronov, commander of the Red Army artillery. As an anti-tank, 45-ku was driven almost until 1944. They shot from it no further than 500 meters, and usually from two hundred. It did not penetrate the forehead of German tanks with additional armor plates attached. Several shots and the tank crushed both the gun and the crew. The question is how many gunners' lives were deprived of Govorov and Ravens. One must think that there are more than one thousand. But having broken through, the tank crushed the rest of the positions and in our rear. And our big military men were seduced by Tukhachevsky's theories of a continuous offensive and pulled the country's strategic reserves to the border. We took nothing at all from 50 warehouses, and managed to take something from the remaining half. Only 8 million pairs of boots were burned, the population was taken away and captured by the Germans. And it happened that our grandfathers fought with one rifle for five, they gave ten cartridges each. How many extra killed and what chunks of territory did it cost? And comrade Zhukov, who pulled all the reserves under himself and as a result, Tymoshenko's successful offensive near Kharkov in 1942, due to the lack of reserves, fell through and we rolled to Stalingrad. But the Germans near Kharkov were already beginning to panic. This is how many lives it cost. And the Seelow heights in the forehead - it's like. And as the Minister of Defense, he sent troops to an atomic explosion at the Totsk test site. But Zhukov is a national hero, savior of the fatherland, etc. he can.
How many lives could an operative in 1937-38, who was Abakumov, have ruined? Even a few hundred won't be enough. He went up when the repressions were already curtailing, the main contingent of victims was in 1936, 1937 and in the first half of 1938.
The fact that Abakumov personally tortured and encouraged this business certainly does not paint him, but he also tried it on himself, reaching the state of a cripple. And the modernized and organized by him military counterintelligence that beat the Germans on all counts. The Germans had more than 150 intelligence schools and in each of them we had from one to several people working for the state security and SMERSH. And this is how many lives saved by our soldiers and civilians?
My opinion - there was a time, there were people who corresponded to it, there were actions.