Yes, every breath praises the Lord. The lyrics of the choir of the Valaam monastery brethren - let every breath praise the Lord

The Church remembers the commandment given by God to man: "Have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the beasts, and over the birds of the air, and over all cattle ..." (Gen. 1:28). Many Orthodox monasteries breed animals and birds, which serve not only to decorate the monastery, but also to comfort people. Deacon Fyodor Kotrelev gives details.

Novosibirsk: deer, peacock, squirrels ...
A sika deer, squirrels, a peacock, crayfish and fish live in the Novosibirsk monastery in the name of the holy martyr Eugene. As the abbot of the monastery, Hegumen Philip (Novikov), told the "NS", the living corner began with one squirrel, which was presented to him at the Novosibirsk Zoo when he brought orphans there from an orphanage on an excursion. A small house was built for the squirrel in the courtyard of the temple. Then one of the parishioners donated two more squirrels to the temple. The squirrel cage stands in the most prominent place of the churchyard, arousing constant interest among the parishioners and visitors of the monastery.

Seeing the popularity of the "living corner", rabbits and pigeons were brought in the monastery, a small pool was dug, where fish and crayfish live in summer. And at the end of last year, the monastery zoo was replenished with a sika deer. The deer brought from Altai was presented to the monastery by the Archbishop of Novosibirsk and Berdsk Tikhon. “At first we were very worried: after all, it's one thing to look after small animals, and another thing to take care of a deer. How to feed him, how to keep him - no one had any idea, - says the abbot of the monastery, Abbot Philip. “I had to send one of the novices to specially learn from specialists.” The deer was named Yasha - that was the decision of the Sunday school students. Yasha lives in an aviary specially built for him. The aviary is small, but, according to Father Philip, "if the aviary is made larger, he can run away, jump over the fence and run away." In the "living corner" of the monastery there are several more rabbits, budgerigars, pigeons and a peacock. According to the abbot, the presence of animals at the temple can play a missionary role: “Sometimes, after all, a person cannot immediately come to the temple. But then he comes here to the territory, sees how beautiful everything is here - squirrels, deer. And people think: how wonderful everything is, so why not go to the temple? "

They also live in Russian monasteries and ostriches (St. Nicholas Monastery in Kolomna). Photo by ITAR-TASS / Vladimir Smirnov

Serpukhov: peacocks
In the Introductory Vladyka Womans Monaco of the Underwater Serpykhova, they breed pawlins. This tradition has been going on for more than 300 years: at the end of the 17th century, the Vvedensky Monastery was presented with "... a nest of cranes, a peacock and a pava." Peacocks were bred not only as decorative birds, but also as an ancient Christian symbol of immortality. Breeding peacocks in the monastery turned out to be so successful that when at the end of the 18th century the question of the coat of arms of Serpukhov was being decided, it was decided to place an image of a peacock on it. Interestingly, even the Soviet version of the Serpukhov coat of arms contained a peacock - along with a tractor gear and an atomic ring. With the revival of the monastery, the pawnship returned. Now the monastery has a dozen peacocks.

Trinity-Sergius Lavra: cats are safe

Photo by Evgeny Poznyak

In late October last year, the online animal protection community was shocked by terrible news. According to one of the LiveJournal users, 30 cats living on the territory of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra were taken out of the city in sealed bags and allegedly thrown into a reservoir next to the landfill. Information began to rapidly acquire new "facts". It was as if the cats were with kittens, and activists of the "Cat and Dog" community, who urgently arrived at the site of the "tragedy", managed to save ten animals. Someone even reported that the kittens were gouged out (but later this information was denied on the same forum). Needless to say, all the messages literally blazed with righteous anger against the monastic brethren, but the speakers did not provide any facts confirming the killing of cats. What actually happened? As the "NS" was informed in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, a large number of stray cats accumulate on the territory during the year. Some animals are thrown up, others come on their own, they breed, and their numbers grow steadily in the absence of dogs. In addition, the compassionate people in the Lavra feed the animals, and the cats live quite well here. However, there is no veterinary clinic on the territory of the Lavra, and such an accumulation of homeless animals is unsafe. To protect the brethren and visitors of the monastery from possible diseases that can be spread by cats, every year at the end of October, homeless cats are collected and taken to the wasteland, beyond the territory of Sergiev Posad. There the animals are released (some of them, by the way, return to the Lavra again), and there can be no question of killing cats. Unfortunately, the monastery does not yet have any other means of solving the urgent problem of homeless animals.

Monastery of cats in Cyprus
Ten kilometers from the Cypriot city of Limassol is the nunnery of St. Nicholas Koshatnik. By tradition, several dozen cats live within its walls. According to legend, in 327 AD Cyprus was visited by St. Queen Elena. Upon learning that an unprecedented number of snakes had bred on the island, which suffered from a terrible drought in those years, she ordered about a thousand cats to be brought here. A few years later, the snakes were finished. Not far from the place where Elena went ashore, the monastery of St. Nicholas was founded, which became a refuge for the cats brought to the island. The Venetian monk, who visited the island in 1484, recounted in his notes that the cats ran to dinner at the sound of the monastery bell. When they were full, they again began their direct duties - hunting for snakes. Sources say that when the adjacent lands were donated to the monastery in the 16th century, a condition was set: the brothers must take care of at least a hundred cats, providing them with food twice a day. After the capture of Cyprus by the Turks in the 16th century, the monastery fell into disrepair and was revived only in the 80s of the 20th century - already as a woman's. The nuns revived the tradition of keeping cats. Now the monastery has five nuns and about 70 cats. Each day of the nuns begins at about three in the morning: first they prepare food for the cats, then they go to the temple for services. After the service - breakfast, feeding the cats, cleaning the yard and other obediences. In addition to caring for cats, Orthodox nuns are engaged in icon painting.

Photo by Ekaterina Stepanova

Prot. Dimitri Smirnov: Actually, to be honest, there is “let him praise the Lord,” but the meaning does not change because of our Lord - our God. “Every breath” means every creation of God. All the creatures of God that breathe are birds, and amphibians, and animals, and plants, because everything that God created, He created for His glory. God for us, His creatures, is absolutely invisible and incomprehensible, which is expressed in these words: "God is nowhere in sight of God" (John 1:18)... But we can observe the greatness of God in His creation. We see the titmouse, its beauty - and we praise God. And the tit, chirping, praises God. And so is every living being. A beautiful shell glorifies its Creator, because the mollusk does not have a developed brain, he could not create such a structure himself. This is the Lord. Or build a hive - an insect, a bee, cannot create it, God created it. And the bee hive with its most intelligent design praises God. All fish and all animals praise God. Every breath glorifies the Lord by its existence. And God pleases that a person who is given the great gift of reason, word, marriage, the ability to know God, through religion, which God also gave to man, through shame and conscience, glorify God. This is a call to all creation. But, of course, not only creatures who are living beings are praising God. They praise God and the mountains, as it is said, and the rivers and the seas. So everything that God created praises Him. The universe especially praises God. Everyone who looks at the sky can feel it, seeing its bottomless magnitude and absolutely divine beauty - especially in our nature and the strip, this is the August night, which reveals to us the greatness of God the Creator. I remember me, a small child of about five years old, the sight of the sky brought me to such a state that I still remember this event when I paid attention to it. Since then I have been under this impression, and when I find myself in front of a clear sky dotted with stars, I remember this childhood impression, and it continues to affect me. Volcanoes also praise God, now Etna is erupting. What energetic power is concentrated inside our planet, and how the Lord arranged that the earth's crust retains this power in itself, and only at certain points shows us what is inside - such temperatures that we can only reproduce for some seconds with our help technology. And for God this is not something transcendental. Real plasma is very close, and the Lord keeps us safe.

Prot. Alexander Berezovsky: And the highest creation of God - man - falls out of this common orchestra.

Prot. Dimitri Smirnov: Yes, man has a way to go. He must use the precious gift of freedom in order to glorify God with his life. So that people see the good deeds of a person and glorify the Heavenly Father.
Answer: father Dimitry Smirnov

"Let every breath praise the Lord"

Dedicated to Starikova Valentina Yakovlevna

Light in the window

“God rest, Lord, the soul of Valentina's deceased slave and forgive her all the sins of free and involuntary ...” - I begin to read a prayer before the memorial candle in the church and remember my dear person: grandmother Valya, who has not been with us for three and a half years. But she remained to live in our hearts. For many, grandmother Valya was a landmark in life, a light in the window. My heart is filled with warmth and love for her, because she brought a lot of useful and interesting things into my life, but most importantly, she gave my soul the most priceless treasure. This treasure is love for God. Grandmother Valya was a beacon in the ocean of life for lost ships, showing them the right path so that they would not stray from the correct course. She was a well-read person. I remember when you come to visit her, she reads either the lives of the saints, or stories about Christ, or other Orthodox literature, ponders for a long time on what she read, then she will definitely give some book or give to read. And she was very strict and serious in everything that concerned the Orthodox faith. I remember myself as a student, when I studied at the institute and studied the works of Nietzsche and Spinoza in philosophy, how I contracted this delirium and did not notice that I began to move away from God. It began to seem to me that the world was not created by the Lord, but that the universe was born out of chaos. My views confused the spiritual state of my grandmother Vali, and we quarreled, did not communicate for a long time. The light in the window of her room went out for me at once. Now I remember this moment in my life as the stupidest one, because I could forever lose communication with a loved one. But the Lord had mercy on me, and I saw the light again in her window. And my soul yearned for this world, and I came to visit my grandmother with forgiveness. As in the parable of the prodigal son, God the Father hugs his lost son, so grandmother Valya hugged me, she was very happy about my return. I understand that the miracle of spiritual enlightenment did not happen without her help; now I know how much she prayed for me, especially for all her loved ones.

Song to God.

“… And grant them the Kingdom and the communion of Your eternal good and Your endless and blessed life pleasure…”, I continue to read, and bright moments from my life associated with grandmother Valentina float before me again. A person who comes to God tries to praise him as best he can. Grandma Valya told me that she used to be an unbeliever, but then the Lord opened her eyes to his existence, and her whole life was filled with bright colors, acquired meaning. There was no church in her native village, and so she and another grandmother walked to a neighboring village to pray, and the path was not easy ... I remember how I did not want to get up at 7 in the morning so as not to be late for the morning service, but grandmother Valya, already then she walked with a cane (her legs hurt badly), waited for me at the entrance, and we drove to the temple together. Most often in the Znamensky Monastery to St. Innocent of Irkutsk. I always tried to bless on the road, make the sign of the cross, taught me to pray, because I considered it the most important thing in life. Prayer is a song to God, without it you cannot go anywhere, or start any business, otherwise nothing will work out. If you start to do something on Sunday, I scolded, taught to honor the Lord's day. Now I am collecting these grains into one kind of picture and I understand how little I sing to God myself. After all, he needs to sing constantly, always praise and for everything that he sends down ...

Forgiveness Sunday

"What I will bring to Ty, or what I will repay, my generous Immortal King, more generous and more humane, Lord ..." I read the prayer of Macarius the Great and again remember the unforgettable thing that remained in my memory. I remember how grandma Valya puts a hearing aid on her ear and starts listening to me, and then she herself will tell something interesting. Once she told me how long ago, in her youth, she worked as a cashier in a store, and how some bandits committed a robbery on a store. Grandma Valya suffered greatly (Thank God she survived!), And since then she has gone deaf due to a head injury. Sometimes she didn’t hear, she didn’t understand, because of this some misunderstandings came out. But every time before Great Lent, on Forgiveness Sunday, he will come to visit us, embrace everyone, kiss and begin to ask everyone for forgiveness. This moment was perhaps the most touching in my life. And so we sit, cry and ask each other for forgiveness. Now I understand that it is in the Orthodox faith that everything that the Lord spoke about exists. The power of love and faith in the Lord lies in the forgiveness of each other's sins. This brings them together so much that each time you realize your insignificance and sinfulness and see the beauty of another person. The Lord Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross, for the sins of people, the son of God suffered, but his love for us was so great that he forgave us sins and every time we forgive them when we ask him for forgiveness. Likewise, grandmother Valya reminded us every time of the Power of the Lord's Love and often said that if you are offended, you should not harbor anger and revenge on your enemy. This lesson of life still stands before my eyes, and I am grateful to the Lord that through grandmother Valya He shed the Light of His Love on me.

Thank God for everything!

“Lord, our God, I thank you for everything that you have sent me, because you love me more than I love“ you ”...” Grandmother Valya taught me to thank God always, everywhere and in everything. I remember how she came to visit us after the morning service at the Znamensky Monastery ... And she told us that she had heard the singing of angels. She, almost deaf, managed to hear the Divine Song. And she also sang very beautifully one song, which I still like more than others:

1. Somewhere far away, once upon a time There lived a wise and experienced elder. He always spoke, constantly repeated: "Glory to God for the sorrow and for the joy." Chorus: Thank God for everything. Thank God for sorrow and joy.

2. If someone said something to you rudely Or treated you badly, Know this, my friend, the will of God is here, We must always put up with this. Chorus: Thank God for everything. Thank God for sorrow and joy.

3. If someone slandered and grumbled about you, then there is no need to be embarrassed in this. The Lord Himself gave you this for salvation, - We must love and humble everyone here. Chorus: Thank God for everything (2 times) Thank God for sorrow and for joy (2 times)

4. If you are sick, seriously ill And you cannot get out of bed, It means that it is destined to be so, for our sins it is given to us, And there is no need to murmur and be afraid. Chorus: Thank God for everything. Thank God for sorrow and joy.

5. If someone has offended you with something here, Do not try to justify yourself before him. But at the same time, for all that, humble yourself and know that the Lord helps to be saved. Chorus: Thank God for everything. Thank God for sorrow and joy.

6. If it may seem that your cross is heavy, It was not given to you here, Know! The Lord would not be able to send you, Do not grumble, but love and humble yourself. Chorus: Thank God for everything. Glory to God for sorrow and joy.

7. Learn to do the will of God always. Maybe we will be persecuted, And with a bag on our shoulders, with tears in our eyes, And we will not be loved by our relatives. Chorus: Thank God for everything. Thank God for sorrow and joy.

8. If there is sorrow and sickness, and sorrow, If we have to suffer in something, Never blame, but always say: "Everything from God is given to us sinners." Chorus: Thank God for everything. Thank God for sorrow and joy.

9. Teach me, O Lord, to praise Thee, Teach me, O God, to pray. Teach me to fulfill Your will in love, Give me the strength to work for the benefit.

10. Let me shake off my sinful burden, Let me cry all before You. Give me Your holy name to help me, Without You I cannot cope with myself. Chorus: Thank God for everything. Thank God for sorrow and joy.

11. Sweet Jesus, have mercy on me, As the Creator, you have mercy on the creation. As the Savior, save the fire from the hyena, And, as a Doctor, do not disdain my wounds. Chorus: Thank God for everything. Thank God for sorrow and joy.

12. Heal my soul, Jesus, hurry up, Accept repentance in sin. And hear, my God, I am here at the door of Your mercy waiting - alms. Chorus: Thank God for everything. Thank God for sorrow and joy.

And I remember when my grandmother already knew that the end of her life was near, she severely injured her leg and was sick with an incurable disease, in her sad eyes I did not see even a shadow of doubt and murmur. She spoke softly, with difficulty and was very calm. Her gaze was bright and clear. "Glory to God for grief and joy!" And just in July, a lot of irises bloomed in our garden as never before, we picked them all. A whole bunch was brought to grandmother Valya, they were standing in a vase on the windowsill, opposite her bed - grandmother deserved much more, but these flowers comforted her, because she always loved them. And I think that the gardener - the Lord with great joy took into his garden a wondrous flower, which was grandmother Valya ...

Saint Nicholas

“Rejoice, strong strengthening of Orthodoxy ... Rejoice, for the faith is confirmed by you; Rejoice, for by you heresy is being overthrown. Rejoice Nicholas, Great Miracle-worker! " I remember how grandmother Valya read these words from the akathist to St. Nicholas, vivid images float before me - here the saint helps lost ships find the right path, here he saves sailors during a storm, here he drives away adversity from the huntsman in the forest ... St. Nicholas was alone from the beloved saints and especially revered by grandmother Valya. The first icon she gave me was, of course, an icon depicting Nicholas the Wonderworker. Every year, on December 19 and May 22, my family glorifies the saint - we set the table, read the akathist to Nicholas the Wonderworker, but already without grandmother Vali. She used to set the table and wait for us to visit. She read the entire akathist herself (no one had the right to sit at the table), then cross the food, bless, and you can start treating. Most often it was delicious fried fish, because December 19 falls on Christmas fast. And in May it was already possible to set a richer table - the first fruits and herbs from the garden. They were sure to tell incredible true stories, difficult life situations, in which Nikolai the Wonderworker helped. We have kept this custom in our family. When grandmother Valya fell ill and it became difficult for her to cook, she came to visit us, and together we glorified the saint.

The road is a moment long.

In our life, we have passed many roads and paths, and there will be many more, but there is the most important one, along which we will pass only once and will never return here. This road is a moment long, but it is the most difficult, the most responsible, and you need to prepare for it for the rest of your life. After all, you can't go on a hike and forget, for example, a bowler hat, matches or a compass. The journey can turn into the most powerful test ... So you need to prepare for this road so that the All-Merciful Lord will welcome us into His arms with joy. At the memorial table, on August 10, 2010, Father Dimitriy (from the village of Urik, he served the funeral service for his grandmother) said very important words: “At the end, the whole life of a person is visible” Grandmother Valentina was rewarded with a good death: she took unction, confessed, took communion. She departed to the Lord quietly and calmly, despite the severe pains that she experienced due to an incurable illness.

May God grant us to be rewarded with such an end ...

With a low bow and with love Irina Mokova.

In detail: every breath so praises the gentlemen of the text - from all open sources and different parts of the world on the site site for our dear readers.

Table of Contents [Show] Let every breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord from heaven; praise Him in the highest. A song to God befits you. Praise Him, all His angels, praise Him with all His might. A song to God befits you. Psalm 148 Praise the Lord from heaven, praise Him in the highest. Praise Him, all His angels, praise Him, all His might. Praise Him, sun and moon, praise Him, all stars and light. Praise Him Heaven is heaven and water is even higher than heaven. May they praise the name of the Lord: as for that speech, and it was, that it commanded, and it was created. Put me in the age and in the age of the age, give the command, and it will not pass by. Praise the Lord from the earth, to the serpent and all the abyss: fire, hail, snow, golot, the stormy spirit, who does His word, mountains and all hills, fruitful trees and all cedars, beasts and all cattle, creepers and birds are feathered. The Tsar of the Zemstvo and all the people, the princes and all the judges of the Zemstvo, youths and virgins, elders with youths, may they praise the name of the Lord, as if they had lifted up the name of One One, His confession on earth and in heaven. And the horn of His people will lift up, a song to all His venerable ones, the sons of Israel, the people who draw near to Him. Psalm 149 Alleluia. Sing to the Lord a new song: his praise in the church of the holy ones. May Israel rejoice in him that made him, and the sons of Zion rejoice in their kings. Let them praise his name in the face, in the tympanum and psalteries, and sing to him. For the Lord delights in his people, and exalts the meek for salvation. They will praise veneration in glory and rejoice on their couches. The exaltation of God is in their throats, and swords are both sharp in their hands: create vengeance in the tongues, conviction in people: tie the kings with their fetters, and their glorious hand iron chains: create judgment in them is written. This glory will be to all his reverend. Psalm 150 Alleluia. Praise God in his saints, praise him in the confirmation of his strength: praise him according to his strength (in his strength), praise him according to the multitude of his majesty: ...\u003d1028

Prot. Dimitri Smirnov: Actually, to be honest, there is “let him praise the Lord,” but the meaning does not change because of our Lord - our God. “Every breath” means every creation of God. All the creatures of God that breathe are birds, and amphibians, and animals, and plants, because everything that God created, He created for His glory. God for us, His creatures, is absolutely invisible and incomprehensible, which is expressed in these words: "God is nowhere in sight of God" (John 1:18)... But we can observe the greatness of God in His creation. We see the titmouse, its beauty - and we praise God. And the tit, chirping, praises God. And so is every living being. A beautiful shell glorifies its Creator, because the mollusk does not have a developed brain, he could not create such a structure himself. This is the Lord. Or build a hive - an insect, a bee, cannot create it, it is God created. And the bee hive with its most intelligent design praises God. All fish and all animals praise God. Every breath by its existence glorifies the Lord. And God pleases that a person who is given the great gift of reason, word, marriage, the ability to know God, through religion, which God also gave to man, through shame and conscience, glorify God. This is a call to all creation. But, of course, not only creatures who are living beings are praising God. They praise God and the mountains, as it is said, and the rivers and the seas. So everything that God created praises Him. The universe especially praises God. Everyone who looks at the sky can feel it, seeing its bottomless magnitude and absolutely divine beauty - especially in our nature and the strip, this is the August night, which reveals to us the greatness of God the Creator. I remember me, a small child of about five years old, the sight of the sky brought me into such a state that I still remember this event when I paid attention to it. Since then I have been under this impression, and when I find myself in front of a clear sky dotted with stars, I remember this childhood impression, and it continues to affect me. Volcanoes also praise God, now Etna is erupting. What energetic power is concentrated inside our planet, and how the Lord arranged that the earth's crust retains this power in itself, and only at certain points shows us what is inside - such temperatures that we can only reproduce for some seconds with the help of our technology. And for God this is not something transcendental. Real plasma is very close, and the Lord keeps us safe.

Prot. Alexander Berezovsky: And the highest creation of God - man - falls out of this common orchestra.

Prot. Dimitri Smirnov: Yes, man has a way to go. He must use the precious gift of freedom in order to glorify God with his life. So that people see the good deeds of a person and glorify the Heavenly Father.

Answer: Father Dimitry Smirnov



1 Praise God in His saints; praise Him in the establishment of His power.

1 Praise God in his saints; praise him in the firmament of his might:

2 Praise him for his might; praise him for the multitude of his majesty.

2 Praise him for his mightyness; praise him for the multitude of his greatness.

Alleluia, Alleluia. And this is a victory song; predicts the future for all people theology of God.

. Praise God in His holiness, praise Him in the firmament of His might.

"Praise God in His Saints"... This is enough motivation for chanting. If we are commanded to take plants, beasts, and reptiles as an occasion for thanksgiving; all the more justly to look at the Saints, and to sing songs of their God. For who, studying the deeds of Blessed Paul, or God-wise Peter, or divine John, or other Apostles, or virtuous martyrs, or those who are now struggling in virtue, will not move his tongue to the chant of such an abundance of blessings that has been given to people?

"Praise Him in establishing His power." And Symmachus translated this: Praise Him in His impregnable fortress; because one has a firm, infallible, eternal state.

. Praise Him according to His might, praise Him according to the multitude of His greatness.

"Praise Him in His Power"; because indescribable is the perpetuation of His Saints incessantly.

Praise Him according to the multitude of His majesty. This is similar to what we have already interpreted, namely: "His greatness has no end" (). His greatness, says the Prophet, is infinite, His strength is immeasurable. Therefore, do not cease to praise Him for everything.

. Praise Him with the sound of a trumpet; praise Him with psalteries and psaltery.

. Praise Him with tympanum and faces, praise Him on strings and organ.

. Praise Him with loud cymbals, praise Him with loud cymbals.

"Praise Him with a Trumpet"... This weapon was priestly; because the priests used trumpets, in remembrance of those trumpets that were heard on Mount Sinai.

"Praise Him in the psalteries and gusleh:" "Praise Him with the tympanum and face, praise Him with the strings and organ": "Praise Him in the cymbals of the good-hearted, praise Him in the cymbals of exclamation"... These instruments were used in ancient times by the Levites, in the divine temple of the song of God, not because God delighted in their sound, but because the intention with which this was done was pleasing to Him.

. All that breathes praise the Lord! Alleluia.

"Let every breath praise the Lord"... Let not the Jews only praise, but all the people; because, as the divine Apostle says, not "The Jews are only God, but also tongues" (). Therefore, in psalm 144, the Prophet said: "May all flesh bless His holy name" (), but here it says: "Let every breath praise the Lord"... But even there he understood not one flesh, and here he does not understand one breath, but, on the contrary, both with one and the other, both with body and soul, commanding the song of God of all. This end of the whole creation is worthy of surprise, and it agrees with the purpose of the prophecy. For prophecy preaches salvation to the Gentiles, and the end of prophecy commands those who have received salvation to sing the song of the Benefactor. But we not only hear words, but see the deeds themselves here. For in every city, in every country, in the fields, in seclusion, on the mountains and hills, in uninhabited and completely deserted places, the God of all is chanting.

And I ask those reading this book, if it seems that interpreted well and successfully, to reap the benefits, and if where we have not comprehended the secret mysteries of the Spirit, do not reproach us too much. For what they could find, they offered without stinginess to all; what they themselves learned from their fathers, they tried to tell the posterity. We have borne the work, and we bring the benefit to others without difficulty, and I implore them to reward this work with prayers, so that we, reinforced by them, add deeds to words and gain satisfaction for both. For it is said: "Whoever will do and teach, this great will be called in the Kingdom of Heaven" (). May God be worthy of this Kingdom for all of us in Christ Jesus our Lord, with whom glory befits the Father with the Holy Spirit forever! Amen.