The eSpring Water Treatment System is an investment in health. New technologies: eSpring - water purification system espring water filter manual

Members of every second family still drink and cook food using tap water. Scientists get tired of repeating that tap water contains substances and bacteria that are harmful to human health: pesticides, E. coli, sulfates, mercury, lead, and so on.

Special filters have been developed for water purification, they are:

  • primitive - jug type;
  • in the form of a tap attachment;
  • multifunctional cleaning systems.

The choice depends on the wishes. Pitcher filters are suitable for purifying small volumes of water, plus the cartridges are changed at least once a month. Faucet attachment - filters only large particles that are contained in tap water. It is ineffective in the fight against chemical compounds and microbes. Water quality and longevity will be ensured by a filter that is connected to the water tap.

A popular way to purify water among buyers - espring from amway

The US patented system is unique in combining a carbon filter, an ultraviolet lamp and an electronic monitor in a single device. Compact, easy to use and stylish, the filter is easy to connect to a tap and use.

How does espring work?

Tap water goes through 4 degrees of purification in the filter:

  1. Removable prefilter - made of synthetic material that purifies water from the main mechanical impurities and insoluble substances such as cement and sand.
  2. The prefilter of the cartridge is an additional layer of fiber that does not allow the smallest particles of rust, coal and other contaminants that are enough in the water to pass through.
  3. The coal block is responsible for water quality. At this stage, the maximum amount of possible pollutants and substances harmful to human health is removed. However, useful minerals - calcium, magnesium and iodine - remain in the water.
  4. UV lamp - kills up to 100% of germs and disinfects water.

Espring filter internals

Benefits of Amway Espring Compared to Other Filters

The filter contains an ultraviolet lamp, which kills nearly 100 percent of viruses and bacteria. Other filters without a UV lamp cannot cope with this task. eSpring is the only system on the market today that can significantly reduce radiation levels in water. The built-in electronic module shows how many liters are cleaned, what quality water is and when it is time to change cartridges Most filter manufacturers cannot boast of this. Despite the "sophistication" and versatility, everyone can independently connect the filter and use it in everyday life.

Filter disadvantages

In order to fully appreciate the system from Amway, we turn to the opinion of experts and buyers.

According to experienced sellers of household appliances, the electronic indicator of water quality in espring does not cope with the task declared by the manufacturer, since in fact it controls the turbidity of the water and the life of the cartridge.

And if you have rusty water in your region, the charcoal filter will not fully purify it, will not cope with lime deposits and solid minerals. Espring cannot be equipped with additional filters to soften, ionize and iodonize water, because the quality of the water is inferior to the market leaders - membrane filter and ozone purification.

However, experts agree on one thing, with its task - the purification of tap water from harmful substances and chemical contaminants - chlorine, bacteria, harmful sticks - espiring from Amway copes well.

Another advantage is that the system is designed for many years of use, more than 10 years from the date of installation. When you calculate how much each liter of purified water costs with an Espring filter versus using pitcher filters or buying bottled water, the benefits are clear.

Buying a filter from Amway is an investment in health, as well as a way to save money on buying botulized water

Buying a filter from Amway is a profitable investment in the future.

Espiring can be purchased in every corner of the world by ordering from an on-line store. The filter can be purchased abroad for $ 650. The average cost of a filter in Russia is 45-50 thousand rubles. True, for delivery to remote cities and towns, you will have to pay separately. Residents of central cities are more fortunate. For example, in Moscow and the Moscow region, you will buy a filter for this money, it will be delivered to you home or office free of charge, and even installed.


To obtain the optimal degree of purification, the water must be boiled for at least 5 minutes, and to kill the Hepatitis A virus - at least 25-30 minutes.

The cheapest way to disinfect water. Suppresses the viability of some microorganisms.

Water loses its beneficial properties and oxygen. With prolonged boiling, the structure of water is destroyed and the concentration of hazardous substances (salts of heavy metals, pesticides, etc.) increases. Continuous use of boiled water can lead to a decrease in immunity. When heated, chlorine compounds can be converted to dioxin poison.

Drinking bottled water

Clean and in some cases high quality water.

Ease of use

There are many counterfeits on the market (according to Rospotrebnadzor, out of 1557 brands of packaged drinking water, only 227 are of the highest category, which is less than 15% of the market). The plastic from which the bottles are made can release highly toxic substances (bisphenol, A, dibutyl phthalate) into the water, especially with prolonged contact and elevated temperatures.

Jug type filters

Water passes through the filter under the influence of gravity. Granular activated carbon and / or resins reduce their contaminant content.

Portability, independence from the water supply, low price. Improves the taste and clarity of water. If resins are present, they can reduce the water hardness.

Short filter life (about 1 month) and low productivity (0.05-0.25 l / min). Inability to use small sorbents for better cleaning. Passing through large granules, water forms channels and flows through them without proper cleaning.

Household water treatment devices based on the principle of reverse osmosis

Water purification using a reverse osmosis membrane, the pores of which allow water to pass through, but do not allow impurities dissolved in it.

Allows to obtain water of very high purity (even removes monovalent ions, such as sodium and chlorine).

It does not let through useful impurities - iron, calcium, magnesium, etc. Low productivity - up to 75% of the treated water is discharged into the drainage. Manufacturers of reverse osmosis systems artificially mineralize water, but the benefits of this process have not yet been proven. Installations are expensive and require professional maintenance.

Household water purification devices based on the ion exchange principle

Ion exchange is based on the sorption of charged particles (ions), and the retention of one ion (“polluting”) is accompanied by the release of another ion (“harmless”) into the water, which is part of the sorbent.

Ion exchange materials (most often synthetic resins) are used to remove heavy metal cations, nitrates from water, and also to soften water.

The water becomes tasteless because almost all chemical elements are retained. Devices using this technology are expensive, highly specialized and difficult to operate.

Ease of use

  • You do not need to guess whether it is time to change the cartridge or not: the device will inform you about it when the time comes.
  • Unlike most multi-stage water purifiers, replacing an eSpring cartridge takes about 5 minutes. The resource of the cartridge is 5000 liters of water or 1 year of use. During this time, you can be sure that you are drinking clean and healthy water.
  • The eSpring water purification system does not take up much space, because it is very compact compared to analogs on the market: its diameter is 17 cm, height - 32 cm, weight - 4.8 kg.
  • You can install the eSpring Water Treatment System yourself by following the instructions in the User Guide or by watching the training video.
  • There are 2 options for installing the eSpring Water Treatment System - on a countertop (connected to the main tap) or underneath (connected to an additional tap).

ESpring Water Treatment System with main tap connection

  • It is connected to your tap by means of a divertor and tubes (included with the device). The appliance is located next to the sink.
  • Very easy to install, no plumbing work required.
  • The system remains portable (for example, if necessary, you can move it to a dacha, to another apartment, etc.)
  • Ideal for people renting a home.

ESpring water purification system with connection to an additional tap

  • Purified water comes out of an additional tap, which cuts into the tabletop, and the device itself is out of sight under it.
  • Save space in your kitchen.
  • The installation is more complex and requires plumbing work.
  • The system is not portable.

ESpring Advanced Technology

The eSpring Water Treatment System incorporates cutting edge innovative technologies that combine to make our System unique.

ECoupled wireless (inductive) technology

This exclusive technology, patented by Amway, is the result of 10 years of scientific research. Its essence lies in the fact that the UV lamp is completely isolated from the energy source. Due to the absence of wires connected directly to the lamp, the process of installing and replacing the cartridge becomes very simple, and the absence of interaction of electrical contacts with water eliminates the risk of oxidation.

Instant on UV lamp

The UV lamp does not work all the time: it turns on only during the water purification process, which prevents it from heating up and saves energy. This is due to a sensor that turns on the UV lamp 1 second after turning the purified water supply valve and immediately brings it to operating power. Due to the fact that the lamp does not work all the time, the purified water always remains cold.

Smart chip technology

The essence of this exclusive technology, patented by Amway, is the following: a smart chip on the eSpring monitor monitors the life of the carbon filter and UV lamp by reading information from the cartridge, and the LED display informs about the need to replace the cartridge. After replacing the cartridge, a reboot and data reset automatically occurs.

Electronic monitoring

The eSpring Water Treatment System Monitor displays the status of the entire system by providing audible and visual alarms to warn of problems (for example, if the UV lamp stops working) or the end of cartridge life.

Efficiency proven by international standards

NSF International Certification

Water Quality Association Gold Seal (WQA Gold Seal)

The Water Quality Association (WQA) is a non-profit international trade association representing the water treatment industry. Its Gold Seal program allows consumers to identify the highest quality water treatment systems.

In order to receive the "Gold Seal", testing must confirm the ability of the water purification system to reduce the content of pollutants throughout its life, prove its resistance to pressure build-up and the safety of all materials.

Customs Union certification

The eSpring water treatment system has successfully passed certification for compliance with the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

Effectiveness confirmed by Russian standards

In 2015, the eSpring water purification system was successfully tested in Russia - at the Main Control and Testing Center for Drinking Water in Moscow (GIC PV).

The instrument was tested in a laboratory setting using pre-contaminated water samples by passing through the eSpring ™ system and measuring the results at 1000, 2500, 4000, 5000 and 6000 liters test points.

The most widespread and hazardous pollutants were selected to test the effectiveness: mercury, lead, phenol, heptachlor and others. The most common physicochemical parameters were also evaluated: turbidity, water color and dry residue.

Plus, only with the eSpring Water Treatment System you can always be sure of the quality of your water.


  • By not buying bottled water in favor of home cleaning with the eSpring System, you not only provide yourself and your family with clean, tasty and safe water, but also save the environment from a huge number of plastic bottles that cause irreparable damage to the environment.
  • Due to the fact that the UV lamp in the eSpring cartridge does not work all the time, but only directly as water passes through the system (see the Advanced eSpring Technologies section), the eSpring Water Treatment System is energy efficient. In operation mode, it consumes 60 W - like a regular light bulb, and in standby mode - 2 W. This allows you to save both your money and natural resources.
  • How do I dispose of the UV lamp in the eSpring cartridge?

Despite the fact that this is not regulated by legislation in Russia, there are a significant number of collection points for such lamps. You can view the addresses of such reception points in different cities of Russia by the following link

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Water purification system eSpring a filter consisting of a carbon block is used, it is able to remove various solid particles from the water and about 150 pollutants... Together with such a filter, an ultraviolet lamp is used in the purification system, which is capable of destroying up to 99.0% of known microorganisms and viruses that are transmitted along with water. Thus, you are provided with transparent, clean and high-quality water, which you initially take simply from the tap.

  1. You end up with clearer, cleaner water that tastes good. The most obvious advantage of such a water purification system is the improvement of smell, taste, transparency. This is what you can immediately taste and see with your own eyes.
  2. Excellent water quality. This eSpring system is effective in eliminating over 140 different contaminants that are potential health hazards.
  3. Proven performance and effectiveness. Water purification using filtration systems Amway eSpring has a certificate from NSF International, which received after a series of tests. The certificate establishes this purification system as a system that removes a sufficiently large amount of contaminants from the water, in comparison with other various purification systems operating on a carbon filter in combination with ultraviolet radiation, which were certified by the above organization.
  4. Process innovation. This eSpring water purification system is a water purification system that contains a US patented technology for using a carbon filter in conjunction with an ultraviolet lamp, while monitoring their operation by an electronic monitoring system.
  5. Good work result, proven over the years. The development of eSpring is nothing more than the result of 20 years of research in the field of water purification technologies. The scientists and engineers behind eSpring have received and are awaiting more than 270 patents for the water purification industry.
  6. Excellent usability. The eSpring Water Treatment System allows you to easily and simply meet all the needs of an ordinary family regarding the use of quality drinking water and water for cooking (as opposed to filter jugs). To do this, you just need to open the tap and draw water.
  7. Reduced maintenance requirements. Certain types of filtering and water purification units require a filter change process, almost every month, and even more often with diligent use. The eSpring system, in contrast to such devices, can provide water to a family of up to 6 people throughout the whole year (in total about 5000 liters) until the need to replace the cartridge arises.
  8. Increased value. Even though the eSpring Water Treatment System is characterized by good performance and ease of use, the total maintenance cost of such a device is lower than the general maintenance costs of other water treatment systems.

General principle of the Amway eSpring system:

  1. UV lamp. It is used to improve the safety and quality of water, destroys up to 99.99% of known bacteria and viruses that are in water and can potentially cause various kinds of diseases in humans.
  2. Charcoal filter. This multi-stage carbon filter, patented in the United States, is able to effectively eliminate chlorine flavors and odors and remove all particulate matter from the water, thus increasing its transparency and filtering out more than 140 different contaminants that pose a danger to human health.
  3. LED display panel. The process of this element is to use intuitive symbols and images to inform about the remaining operating time of this filter and the general state of the system.
  4. Electronic module of autonomous type. This is another type of innovative eSpring technology that is patented in the United States. This module is presented in the form of a wireless inductive interaction of an ultraviolet lamp and the device itself. By using this technology, the UV lamp is completely isolated from the power source, which is similar to some mobile phones (just like they can be charged without contact).
  5. Adjustable piping system. The length of the pipe connections can be easily adjusted to suit the needs of all users. Such connections can be shortened during installation.
  6. Control valve of compact type. This compact control valve can be easily connected to any tap.

ESpring Certification:

The eSpring Water Treatment System is the first water treatment system on the market to meet all of the three generally accepted water quality standards set forth by NSF International / ANSI. Passing the NSF International certification, the water purification system is tested not only for the ability to remove various types of pollution from the water composition. In addition to the above requirement, the water purification system must comply with five other criteria of the standards.

Today, residents of metropolitan areas rarely risk drinking tap water. It is of extremely low quality and can have a detrimental effect on the human body. Someone buys bottled water, but many have opted for home purification plants.

The eSpring water purification system has been on the market since 1984. The design takes up little space, but thanks to a unique filtration method, it destroys up to 99% of all dangerous microorganisms. The equipment also effectively removes harmful impurities.

After reading the article, you will learn:

Filter design

ESpring's patented technology uses multiple cleaning steps. The fluid passes through the following elements:

  • pleated pre-filter;
  • fibrous prefilter;
  • activated carbon block;
  • uV lamp.

Each of the stages allows you to neutralize various hazardous substances.

Removable pre-filter

This is the first block that retains the largest particles (sand, rust, etc.). It extends the life of the subsequent cleaning stages. Particles up to 1 micron are retained. The corrugated surface provides a wide area coverage.

Components will have to be changed periodically, especially in those settlements where the water is very dirty.

Cartridge prefilter

At the next stage, rather large elements are also delayed - those that remained after the first block. The cartridge has fibers, between which dirt particles remain.

Pressed activated carbon block

At this stage, harmful impurities are removed. Activated carbon is capable of trapping more than 145 types of pollution that pose a health hazard. After such treatment, the liquid becomes clean, transparent and will not have any foreign smell or taste. Thanks to a special technology, useful elements will not be removed from it along with hazardous ones.

Ultraviolet radiation

The last step provides protection against pathogens. After treatment with an ultraviolet lamp, almost 100% of all dangerous pathogens will be destroyed in the drink.

ESpring Advanced Technology

Filtration systems incorporate technologies that provide the filter wearer with maximum comfort and convenience. Built-in sensors report all changes in equipment operation. Replacing the cartridge is a simple manipulation that anyone can handle without the help of a specialist. Plus, eSpring is easy to install and doesn't require any special skills.

ECoupled wireless inductive coupling technology

A unique filter technique developed by Amway after ten years of experimentation. Scientists have empirically come to the conclusion that it is necessary to isolate the ultraviolet lamp from the energy source. This allows you to quickly install or replace the cassette.

The pluses include the fact that a separate wire does not lead to the lamp. In addition, this technology ensures that the elements will not oxidize.

Instant on UV lamp

An additional advantage of the installation is that the lamp does not consume energy all the time. It turns on at the moment when the filter starts the cleaning process. This saves energy and ensures a longer lamp life.

The built-in sensor automatically signals the need to turn on. As a result, the radiation is immediately brought to the required power level. At the same time, the temperature of the liquid entering the tap remains comfortable. She does not have time to heat up.

Smart chip technology

Another way to conserve your eSpring system's life is to install an integrated sensor. The chip receives information directly from the cartridge and UV lamp, and then analyzes the data. As soon as the device detects a lack of resource, the sensor will signal the need to replace the component parts. After installing new elements, the system is automatically reset to zero.

Electronic monitoring

All processes occurring with the equipment are recorded by a special monitor. It can give the owner signals about any shortcomings in the operation of the device or the failure of some parts.

Connection methods

ESpring filters can be connected in two different ways:

  • to the main crane;
  • to an additional tap.

Depending on the method chosen, the device will be static or portable.

ESpring Water Treatment System with main tap connection

This is the easiest way to install. No plumbing connection required. The filter is connected to the main tap using pipes and is placed directly under the sink.

A similar device can be used in an apartment, private house. If necessary, simply detach it and install it elsewhere.

ESpring water purification system with connection to an additional tap

The method provides additional steps. A separate crane cuts into the table top and is removed from the main one. The appliance is installed under the sink. After mounting, the filter cannot be easily installed in another place, it is stationary. But a person gets the opportunity, if necessary, to use purified or untreated water. Separate taps help save on replacement parts.

Compliance with international standards

Liquid filtration equipment has numerous certificates confirming compliance with international standards.

NSF International Certification

Amway filters comply with international standards and can be sold in most world countries. This is confirmed by the certificate of the US National Sanitary Fund (NSF International). The equipment was tested in the laboratory of the foundation. The results have confirmed the high quality of the water that has passed all degrees of purification.

NSF International is considered an independent organization whose results are not contested. It is a world expert in wastewater treatment systems The foundation was established more than 50 years ago to develop fluid quality standards and carry out inspections of existing treatment equipment.

It is not so easy to obtain a certificate of conformity of qualities from an independent laboratory. The refined beverage is checked according to the following parameters:

  • the research results obtained by the company must correspond to the truth;
  • during filtration, no other harmful substances should enter the liquid;
  • the installation must be strong enough;
  • only reliable information can be used in product advertising;
  • the release procedure is audited annually and is uniform.

During research conducted with the eSpring system, the laboratory verified which impurities and microorganisms were removed by the filter. The results were impressive - 145 harmful substances and almost 100% of viruses and bacteria. After the verification, the Amway technology received a certificate of conformity for several standards of an international organization:

  • the aesthetic characteristics of the liquid have been confirmed. After filtration, it has a neutral color, smell, no foreign taste;
  • the cleaning method complies with the sanitary characteristics. Most of the harmful compounds are removed from the solution;
  • additional standard - purification from pathogens using ultraviolet radiation;
  • the technology allows you to avoid the presence of residues of harmful substances after filtration (refers to medicines, pesticides, chemicals, etc.).

Customs Union Certificate

The patented eSpring method was highly appreciated by experts and has a certificate of compliance with the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

"Gold seal" of the Association for Water Quality

The Association for Water Quality gave positive feedback on the company's products. It is a global organization that provides consumers with reliable information.

Samples of the filtered drink showed that the equipment performs the main function - during the entire life of the components, it cleans the liquid from harmful elements and microorganisms. In this case, only safe technologies are used that are resistant to wear. All this allowed the Amway company to earn the long-awaited "Golden Seal".

Tested at the Main Control and Testing Center for Drinking Water in Moscow

Several years ago, the device received another quality certificate from the main testing laboratory of the capital for the study of water quality. Several different samples were taken at once. The research concerned the removal of impurities such as mercury, lead, chlorine, etc. In addition, the organoleptic properties of the beverage obtained after filtration were determined.

Experiments have shown that eSpring filters efficiently remove all of these substances, and the level of wear of the cassettes does not affect the degree of cleaning.

ESpring's patented cleaning technology is designed for people who value comfort, convenience and safety. Filtration systems are unique in that they guarantee protection against common contaminants. The ultraviolet lamp kills almost 100% of the pathogens in the water.

Regardless of the level of wear of the components, the filter will effectively purify water. Smart technology will signal in time that it is time to change elements. This will allow the owner of the equipment to always enjoy a clean, high-quality drink that will not harm health.

The problem of clean drinking water is acute both in the lagging regions of the planet and in developed megalopolises. Normal human activity is impossible without it. But not all purified water is suitable for drinking. Distilled liquid without admixtures of useful minerals will only worsen the condition of the body. Therefore, the problems of proper filtration are given special attention in many. The result of this work was the Amway eSpring water purification system.

An innovative approach

More than 120 patents have been registered for this development by American scientists. Thanks to their research, it was possible to achieve the most useful filtration system.

At first glance, it might seem that eSpring water) is just an expensive gadget that performs the functions of an ordinary kitchen filter. In fact, 4 degrees of purification are used in it, which allows you to get healthy and tasty water from any water supply at the outlet.

Filtration management is automated. The user does not need to monitor the condition of the filter elements or record the deadlines for their replacement. The system has a built-in sensor that will signal that it is time to replace the worn out cartridge.

The benefits of filtered water

After careful research, eSpring (water purification system) received only positive reviews from specialists. And all because in it it was possible to achieve the most useful drink for the body.

As you know, pure water practically does not exist in nature. All living organisms consume its solutions. Thanks to this, an optimal balance of micro and macro elements is maintained. Most household filters are aimed at complete filtration of water from all impurities. As a result, a person consumes a purified and not useful substance that contributes to the disruption of the mineral balance.

The eSpring Water Filter leaves behind a percentage of nutrients such as zinc and magnesium, making the purified water suitable for human consumption.

The second side of household cleaning systems is bacteria and other microorganisms. Most of them, even after filtration, thrive in drinking water. The Amway filter has also solved this problem. It destroys up to 99.99% of bacteria, viruses, algae and fungi that may be found in tap water.

Bottled water is worse

Some skeptics will say that it is not profitable to buy filters: it is cheaper to take bottled water. This argument is dubious when it comes to eSpring. The system of this brand produces approximately 5000 liters of water per year. This is enough for the needs of a family of 6.

The second negative aspect of bottled water is antibiotics. The fact is that in a plastic container, it is prone to flowering and reproduction of pathogens. To avoid such a nuisance, manufacturers generously sprinkle their product with antibiotics, which subsequently enter our body. Needless to say, bottled water easily becomes the cause of dysbiosis and problems with

4 stages of water purification

From ordinary consumers of eSpring, the water purification system has the most positive reviews. And all thanks to the unique multi-level filtration and disinfection, which make any water drinkable.

The system works as follows. First, the water is filtered through two nonwoven pre-filters. This cleans it from small particles of sand, dirt, algae, and rust.

The third stage is cleaning through an activated carbon filter element. The filter is made using a special technology from coconut shells. This stage of cleaning allows you to remove all toxic and harmful impurities. At the same time, trace elements necessary for a person and a pleasant taste remain in the solution.

In the last stage, the water is irradiated with an ultraviolet lamp. This is a powerful disinfection that kills almost all bacteria that can harm a person.

Ease of use of cleaning systems

Despite the apparent complexity, even an inexperienced user can easily connect to their eSpring tap. The water purification system, the instructions for which are always included in the kit, can be connected in two ways: to the main tap or to an additional one.

The additional tap allows the water to be used only for drinking and cooking, while connecting the filtration system to the main tap will require more resource savings in the kitchen.

It is the choice of connection method provided by eSpring (water treatment system) that captivates users. Depending on the purpose of installing the filter and the volume of its future operation, you can choose the most profitable and economical option for the family.

Caring for the environment

The ecological state of the planet leaves much to be desired. Of course, in order to see cardinal shifts in the positive direction, it is necessary to change the entire system of human life. But even using one device can have a beneficial effect on the environment. This device is eSpring. The Amway Water Treatment System is approved by most environmental organizations in the world.

The very rejection of bottled water means that there will be fewer PET containers. And this is a serious factor polluting the planet. They use oil, a limited resource on Earth.

Consequently, even one family can affect the improvement of the ecological state of our planet.