How to remember the material. How to remember great information? Repetition Method I

« If you spend interest in everything, then you spend memory» Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (German poet, thinker and naturalist).

For the skin role of actors, it is necessary to memorize a large number of texts, moreover, on the authority of a TV presenter, the vikladach, it is not possible to look at the synopsis.

But, obviously, it’s not only for the actors to make a bad impression and develop their memory, but if it’s a human being, it’s less likely to slander the habits of remembering the great obsession with information.

Methods and rights in the development of human zdіbnosti іsnuє impersonal. So, the creator and founder of the 4brain lighting portal - Evgen Buyanov, on the sides of his project chose the most significant methods for the development of different mental skills in people, and all for the sake of one important point: "V our hour on the Internet is easy to know today: what you can read and then tell onuks in old age; what can you learn to grow the light of the best; scho rob us troch wise and tolerant". Having passed through, you can know a great number of brown, cіkavih priyomіv, rules and techniques, directing to the advancement of the development of memory and the possibility of directing the memory. The whole methodology for learning how to remember, presented on this site, is even simple and accessible to the skin.

The more you know about the building of memory, the easier it will be for you to talk to her alone, and it means that you will understand one of the same old fates, being left behind with your faithful friends.

Otzhe, do not hurry to get right to the right. For the cob, let's make it meaningful, what kind of memory, you yourself have the best excuses.

So, Napoleon, mav, motor memory(Usіm us miraculously remember yogo phenomenal memory for names). People, what a blessing acoustic memory just a little bit of those who blame. But it’s not worth talking about those that are the best option for a new one - to memorize out loud. Support of memory for people visual reflection, to serve as a thoughtful roztashuvannya of key words (rozfarbovuvannya, little ones, schemes).

It is also important to assign an hour to the choice of the method of memorization of the text:

  • What type of text (what kind of folding, topics)
  • Naskіlki report it is necessary to remember yoga
  • For the next year

So, let's test your memory type once and for all, we'll do one test for you. Named wine "Memory type assignment test". For which you need three arkush papers, numbered in obov'yazkovo.

Read the words out loud:

  • Lamp
  • Pear
  • Map
  • dosch
  • Gander
  • Hoop
  • Dog
  • Arkush
  • Newspaper

Write down what you remember on the first arch.

Now read the words to yourself and mentally imagine these objects:

  • Kettle
  • Litak
  • Metelik
  • Legs
  • Kin
  • Doshka
  • Candle
  • Khlib
  • Book
  • Bike
  • Month

I’ll write down again what they forgot, vikorist arkush No. 2.

And now read the words and “write down” them in front of you:

  • Zaєts
  • Lizhi
  • Samovar
  • Sokira
  • Chauvin
  • trip
  • Mystery
  • Stilec
  • Pechivo

Write down everything that could be memorized on the third arch.

The axis of the visnovka is now: there are more zbіgіv on archway No. 1 - you have an auditory memory. On archway No. 2 - Zorov's memory, on archway No. 3 - kinesthetic.

Take a Swedish memory of the text

« Remembrance - it’s all the same, scho to understand, and the more you understand, the more you get good" Maksim Gorky.

The skin professional of the “moving” profession has his own secrets, the secrets of the swedish memory of the majestic for obscure information or the text.

At the book "245 simple rights behind the system of Stanislavsky" Elvira Sarab'yan reveals to us the dependence of these mysteries.

I axis is only deaky fragments of a hoary book:

  • The text mittevo “splices” in memory, as if to take a pose, as if taken at the theater, at makeup and costumes ... so it is necessary to see the necessary image. Zagalom, you got the idea!
  • So the book is filled with all sorts of wild joys, among them reading the material out loud. And it’s more than necessary to repeat that part, as it is the least possible to remember the memory. Don't forget to work break, take a break.
  • Obov'yazkovo train figurative zdіbnostі (є such a method "Mnemotechnics (method of associations)") read everything about this technique at.

And now let's play with the group "Katena" for the development of creative thought, described in book Harry Lorraine "Supermemory". Grati can be like one, so the company. The rules are simpler. Take two words. It is necessary to take them in a lansy slіv-association (so that in the words you can either be more sleepy, or not the same way).

Butt: Yearbookі Khmara.

Solution: Yearbook - Hour - Day - Sun - Sky - Khmara.

Foresee your associations, develop creative ideas. I obov'yazkovo pass the lesson.

Possibly, see already chuli pro "The Cicero Method" otherwise yoga is called "road method" for memorizing the sequence of words. In order to speed up the method, it is necessary to prepare the road ahead (the matrix of images).

And the essence of yoga is in the attack: you are guilty, take the first word and create association with the first rank of your matrix. And so from the skin word. And the process of “making” is right for you, if you create an image in your thoughts that matches this word.

There are still a few different ways that allow you to clearly, but more importantly remember the material (something verse, role chi dopovid):

  • After reading the text, see a new main, head thought
  • Reading the text, pay attention to the details
  • Draw parallels with what you already know
  • Put obov'yazkovo vnutrishnі settings on the memory - actively pratsyyte as і out of myself, і s text. Read more s bajannyam
  • A small obligatory text, the most effective memorization before going to bed
  • I’ll cover (large) information to divide it into parts, don’t try to cover everything in one day
  • Link the memory of the material with the things you know (music, quotes, numbers)
  • Incentivize yourself, drink wine for your practice (with a savory insult, a final purchase)
  • As you need to remember the foreign text, obov'yazkovo in front of you to make an exact translation
  • Everything is collapsible, make yourself as easy as possible
  • Universally victorious different organs sensibly
  • Try to shove the yakomog more words (develop the peripheral sp). And that's why they wink, zokrema.
  • Read more with a fresh mind
  • Practice with the text in comfortable minds
  • Hang in there (meaningly increase the productivity of your memory)

Another effective method of quick memorization of the text - for help pictogram(Tobto, going into the help of graphic images). The principle of yoga is the same, like that of the method of roads. You have painted a picture and a way of making the necessary words or speech.

Axis i all the year. Build up your memory, even if you say Napoleon I: « A head without a memory is the same as a fort without a garrison». As a way to nourish the development of the mission globally - to bring respect to the course.

Dear friends, it will be our pleasure to share with us not only your disapproval of the material contributed by our team, but most of all the results of your efforts. Mi tsim once again perekonaєmosya, scho our work is not marna. Leave, be kind, your comments and comments in the row below.

Good luck to you and miraculous memory!

So far, after reading the paragraph, half of it was in the head ... Do you know? With this problem, all schoolchildren and students may be stuck. On the right, in the fact that the brain of a person is not programmed for cramming, but most of what is written in the handbook, they take it like noise - inappropriate information, so you can’t keep it in memory. But if you know how to practice these mechanisms, then you can learn to control the process and understand how to remember what you read the first time.

Science of memory

First of all, as information is taken to our Winchester, there is no way to go through the folding path and follow the bugatory processing. The first step is to describe the German teachings. Vіn saw 4 main processes of saving, creating and forgetting.

How better to remember to read? At this right, the key meaning may be the first two stages. To that same їх varto look at the report.

Memory- ce mimovilne vіdbitok those who poured into the organ pochuttіv. At this hour, the cortex of the brain picks up a trace of wakefulness called out by electric impulses. Speaking in simple terms, everything that we bachimo, we feel that is visceral, fills the physical traces of our brain.

Tse can be different. For early childhood, the process of mimicry memory is activated in the child. Everything is taken away from the moments and facts, so that we don’t make memories: a walk in the park at 5 o’clock, before we wake up, shots from a beloved movie ... The Cicavi phenomenon is attributed to the fact that we remember everything well. Why so vіdbuvaetsya?

To lay everything down due to the strength of electric impulses, it’s best to remember it only if you see the information:

  • those who can have a life of important significance (bіl, if you raise your hand to the fire);
  • non-violent, yaskravі podії ta image (yaskravі costume of an actor at the carnival);
  • information related to our interests and needs (recipe for savory passion);
  • valuable knowledge that is necessary for our activities and goals (correct test results).

For 90% of those, as good as the information is fixed in memory, lie in the sight of our nest. We are friends with those who called out strong emotions (both positive and negative) or interest.

In addition, it is necessary to remember the memory - the very same process, in which case we are forced to "record" the same information, for example, give from the handbook of history or an important telephone number.

saving- the whole process of processing, converting and consolidating new information in the singing brains.

At the same time, all vіdomosti is used at the same time as a "buffer", operational memory. Here the material is collected for a short hour from the first sight. And the axis at the approaching stage, the information is being processed, it is connected with the old one, it will be asked to go over to the memory. Don't let things happen, don't let your brain add uncertain facts, or "find out" key moments. Knowing everything is easier to understand, like remembering to read it the first time.

We set the readings

Now, you read more respectfully and thoughtfully, having turned aside, you are unlikely to be able to report those who only recognized that.

Even in the 19th century, the Yugoslav psychologist P. Radossavlevich conducted an experiment. The manager, yak, stood in front of the sample, poked around in the memorized blind warehouses. Ring out for whom you need a sprat of repetition. Then the goal changed - now it was just necessary to read what was written. Trying out tse tsіlih 46 (!) times, but if the experimenter asked to repeat a series of reminders, he didn’t succeed. Then it was smart to understand what they needed to learn - it was necessary to take a look at the warehouses more than 6 times, so that they could tell them without mercy. What do you say?

There are also some tricks here. The main method needs to be broken down by more specialized tasks. Seemingly simpler, you choose what to focus on. In one view it is enough to see the main facts, in the other the sequence, and in the third remember the text verbatim. So the brain, while reading, is more likely to make checks, so that they will help memorize the information you need.

We create a comfortable environment

And we continue to discuss how to remember the readings of the text for the first time. Nasampered varto look around at all sides at the jokes of "podraznikiv". At the galaslivy audience, the respect of the public transport is growing, and in others you can’t see what is written by the assistant.

In order to get into the process again, to roam in a quiet room, or to know a place in nature in the Kremlin - there, where you are not welcome.

Take care of it at the early hour, if the head is as clear as possible and new information will be acquired more richly.

Discussable with friends

Wanting a lot of people not to like retellings at school literature lessons, this is one of the most effective ways, as it is better to remember reading. If you promote those that you have recently read, your brain will remember two channels of memorization and creation - visual and auditory (auditory).

Learn to read correctly

If you want to know, how to learn how to remember what you read the first time, first for everything, work on reading technique. Don't forget that memory has a great role to play: you "take a picture" of your thoughts, but if you can't guess - it's less likely to reveal it, and you need the information itself in your head. But how can I reach?

  1. Don't start reading the word at once, but try to take a look at the whole side.
  2. Promote the speed of reading. It is brought about that the more people read the text, the information will be more effectively acquired. Try to expand the area of ​​focus, so that you can wheeze with a glance not just one, but wanting 2-3 words. In addition, you can sign up for a quick reading course to teach you
  3. If you note that you thought you missed some fragment, at the same time do not turn around to re-read it. Such "haircuts" are worthy of a wholesome material. Rather, read the paragraph to the end, and then reread it again.
  4. Learn from the sounds of thought to promote the speech or steal with your lips. Through these children, the brain cannot focus on the texts, but spends part of the resources on the support of your "internal announcer".

In the first 3-4 years, it will be silent and important. Ale, just as you will peresevere, not only the speed of reading will increase, but a small amount of information, as you will remember it for the first time.

We write abstracts

One more option, how to remember to read it the first time. To not just go through the text, but to process the material and want to briefly write down the main points, using these signs you can easily find the information you need.

However, it is important to know what and how to take notes, even without a singing system, you will simply get lost in a bunch of urgent facts. Axis of a sprinkling of techniques, so you can cite:

  • Grouping. All material is broken up into small fragments, which we then follow for some signs (themes, time periods, associations, etc.).
  • Plan. For the skin part of the text (a paragraph, a division or a division of a paragraph), short signs are created, which act as support points and help to reinforce the change. The format can be as follows: key theses, name, apply or supply to the text.
  • Classification. It is designed as a scheme and tables. Allows you to share different objects, the manifestations of which are understood by groups and classes on the basis of global signs.
  • Schematization. For the help of text blocks, arrows and simple little ones, links between different objects, processes and podias are demonstrated.
  • Associations. The skin point of the plan or the thesis should be remembered zvichnym, we will understand or such that it is simply remembered, which helps to "resurrect" in memory otherwise.

With this, try not to choke. Remember that this is not a complete summary, but small demonstrators, like directing thoughts in the right direction.

5 Best Active Memory Techniques

And now let's move on to "savory" and talk about those, how to remember what you read the first time without preparation. Possibly, you have already stuck with the concepts of mnemotechnics - cere variously accepted, which allow you to take a great deal of information into the style of the term.

1. Visualization

When reading the guilt of the yakomoga, it will be easier to reveal all the signs that are described in the text. The more "alive" the pictures will be, the more beautiful.

2. Creative associations

Few people know, but vigaduvati їh whole mystotecstvo. Use 5 "golden" rules, which you need to take into account, so that you can easily remember any information:

  • Chi do not think. Victory the first image, which comes to mind.
  • Association of guilty mothers is strong emotional storage.
  • Identify yourself as the main hero (for example, like a lemon lying on the table - try "yes" yoga).
  • Bring on the absurd.
  • To create a "picture" is ridiculous.

How do you work? It is permissible that you see painting directly and want to remember what pointillism is. Briefly: this is one of the varieties of neo-impressionism, de paintings are composed of impersonal bright points of the correct form (the founder is Georges-P'єr Sirka). What kind of association can you see here? Show the ballerina, like wimazala pointy at the farbі i, circling in the dance, filling the stage with a picture of different-colored flecks. Rush far away and vipadkovo zachіpaє low jar with yellow syrka, which falls with thick gurkot. Axis and our associations: pointy with sparkling flames - pointillism, and mnst іz sirkoy - Georges-P'єr Sirka.

3. Method of repetition I. A. Korsakova

Tsey acceptance of foundations on the fact that most of the information we forget may be mittevo. However, if you repeat the material regularly, it will help to stick to your memory. About what next memory?

  1. It is necessary to repeat the new information for 20 seconds after її spriynyatya (like talking about a great fragment of the text - to the point of hvilini).
  2. On the first day, retell the material of a few times: after 15-20 quills, then after 8-9 years, then, after 24 years.
  3. In order to remember to read it for a long time, it is necessary to repeat the text again a few times a day - on the 4th and 7th day.

The technique is rather simple, but at the same time it is incredibly effective. Regular repetitions give the brain an understanding that it is not just informational noise, but important data, which is constantly victorious.

4. Method to Cicero

Korisny method for those who want to know how to remember information read in books. The point is simple. You choose the "base" - for example, the furnishings of your apartment. Guess what your wound starts from, what kind of succession you work for. If it is necessary to attach any fragment to the text - again, for additional associations. So you remember the essence, and the sequence of the information.

Let's say, vvchayuchi paragraph z istoriї, you can think of "painting" scenes of battles on the nightstands or "ruling" Columbus to roam the bathroom.

5. Pictogram method

Prepare a clean sheet and a pen. Once the process of reading, it is necessary to think about the key words and moments. Your task is to come up with a small little pictogram for the skin, as if guessing what was said about. It is not necessary to work schematically, otherwise, on the other hand, you need to report pictures, otherwise you will not be able to focus on the text and remember it normally. If you get to the end of the paragraph or expand it, try, marveling at the pictograms, retell the text well.

In one vhoo vlitaє, in another vlіtaє. Know the situation? Eh, it would be miraculous to take it and remember the information for the first time ... I virishila marveled at what I had to say Yogo Majesty the omniscient OK Google. How better to remember? And, unfortunately, in view of some joys, my eyebrows swelled in the face of a miracle. For example, loudly shout out the text that will be remembered. Or go fast for an hour of reading and memorizing. Or sit, meditating for years, to come into harmony with the omnipotence.

I don't mind. I respect meditation with a miraculous instrument, and rightly help memorize. Ale... I am showing my own picture, as if you have slept for a few days, you are ready to sleep, you are a tutor from quantum physics or management for a day. So you can lose your voice without a voice. Meditation is also good, but as a possibility to build on the memory and give the brain an hour to master that memory of the forgotten. Prote, if you don’t remember, then nothing will be embarrassed.

Well, I want to tell you about the safety, how to remember the information better. My specialty is directed. Those that I have put into practice.

How to remember better: create your own incentive

Nothing beats the speed and correctness of the memory, as our special attention to the material that is being twisted. You, I think, often stuck together with him, what is it for you, then remember or remember the fact is not important.

This is the basic mechanism of our fleeting memory: what is hick, what is important. Those who are important, it is necessary to remember and the brain itself will remember.

How can you vikoristati?

It is necessary for you to remember those that, at first glance, are impossible to create your own motivation and interest. As a great block of information, primary discipline, then be sure to recognize it, but what is there in your gallery?

New developments, products, secrets, maybe secrets? For example, you can learn the tedious divisions of physics, so that you know the basics, for which the most complicated space launches of the most recent satellite can be built, or you will learn the basics, and then let you understand, like inducing sensitive sensors in the most intelligent autonomous robots.

Find out what practical interest those other studies can bring you. Moreover, at the nearest prospects. Possibly, it’s tedious to study legislation in the sphere of taxes to allow you to immediately start consulting well-known businessmen about taxes, which will allow you to create additional income. Pennies - one of the most found motivations.

It's easy to give a lot of joy, how to create your own motivation, even if we have our own powerful interests, motives. Shukayte tsіkave for yourself.

How to remember better: create a picture

Little liknep. On the right, in that our brain operates with images. Think: images. We think in images. Often zorovimi, trochi less auditory, tactile. Humanity has created impersonal symbolic information: texts, figures, diagrams, graphs. Everything is to become a greater part of our gifted intellectual activity. And the memory of naishvidsha is figurative. So, we can remember the numbers and the logical links, but it’s more important, the lesser obliges it more important, lower the image. Then why not hurry up with the best memory of the Yattu?

How to remember

Try everything that you need to remember, translate into images (pictures in your head). Before the opening, indicate the key points of your additional points with clear pictures from the plot.

Live the text of the initial material, represent it in real life. As you see biology, you reveal all the commas and targans, all the leaf veins. Like mathematics, then imagine the graphs with such objects, as they can collapse the trajectory of that graph. Imagine a parabola like a ball for an eel to fly. Sinusoidu like a kazhan. Visualize the law, formulas, principles, theorems - everything you can.

As you move to the right with the numbers, then you reveal the following objects behind the numbers: a box of oranges - 50, a vantage with oranges - 1000.

Guess your figurative meanings for symbols that are often victorious. For example, I am often brought to my mother on the right from chemical equanimity. I reveal all the cups of vaga. I'm running, how many vags are shifting in one beat, as if they were near the system. I know people who represent the stream at the wires, like rivers that flow in their own channels. Enshtey, showing himself a photon, to fly from the swidkistyu of light. Active biologists walk around the middle cells, walk with mitochondria, unravel DNA in the nucleus.

Accepting the axis so vivchati material, chi not so? So, the back of the head can be made invisible, it is necessary to destroy the brain.

I'll wait, don't just start on the cob. And if you press the button, then automatically the folded leather text will be painted like a film at your head. And the memory of memory will be on high.

How better to remember: tell someone

About this method, how good and fast to remember, you know richly someone. It is necessary to simply retell. Moreover, you need to know what needs to be told. An even greater effect is to be blamed, if you not only need to spread, but also cope with a friendly attack. For example, you speak about the presentation of a business idea, for the results of which it is believed that your project will be invested. And here the motivation to remember the facts is already high.

How to use the method in practice:

Create your own mind, in which it would be necessary for you to speak before the audience. Tse can buti your relatives and know. If you are a motivating official, then tell it to a little-known audience.

Create your own video blog on a specific topic (Youtube for help) and regularly record videos of your tasks. It is necessary to regularly check the nutrition of your blog topics to get you the right expert.

Introduce favorable initial lectures for schoolchildren, open lectures for the population. There is no effective way to learn about topics and remember them, how to learn the topic of that mindfulness to children and grandmothers.

We picked up the topic - we recorded a video, we told it to people. It's lazy, right? Then you don’t show how much more memory you have. So it's up to you to choose.

How to remember the information more quickly: zastosovuvat

Tell me, would you learn to ride a bike or swim with books? I hesitate.

Hire me to remember those who work. To that, everything that you want to save from your memory, instill in life. Himself like this: zastosuvat schechat before, as if forgotten.

Tsej sposіb zastosovuєtsya, schob better memorize the words, read the text, algorithms dіy, navіt numerical data. And a lot of what we need.

  • If you need to remember the algorithm dіy, then just try it once again (Obviously, look, don't remember it yet). Let tse be smart, try it. Perhaps you need to memorize the robotic algorithm with a computer program. Go to the program i, while for hints, go through the algorithm.
  • As soon as you need to remember the route, mentally collapse with your stoney rocks, showing the road and turning the robles as it is necessary.
  • As you need to know the sequence of theses in oral speech, tell yoga nibi in front of the right audience.
  • If you need to know the method of solving problems, check the tasks for this method, with a hint and a hint. Just don't try to write off a schoolboy from yourself. Boldly marvel at the butt.
  • If you take part in the training, then stupidly remember it. Great masses of information that pour into you, fly out of your memory. Insert practically those that you want to remember. Training for the creation of the site - work once the site, training for the stosunka - zastosovyte practices.

Obviously? So. Alemie is often not zastosovuєmo їх, but it is less readable chi marveling. Remember what memory.

Once again: take and once again work those whom you read. Otherwise, you can't better remember what you read and feel.

Let the first dosvid not be far away, not a smut. Golovne robiti those that you want to remember.

How to remember better: create a base and a foundation

Can the base be zero or non-zero? Marvel at the yak ... Our brain is cunningly wielded. The basis of yoga physiological work is the neural network, and the cognitive legacy of the work is the associativity of thought and memory.

Tse means that the new can lie less at the sight of the old, chіplyatis for the given information.

Associates are like hacks: if you don’t know them, then you can’t hang on what. Like there are no gachkiv at the hanger, how about that?

If the subject of the wedding is absolutely not familiar to you, if it is based on a minimal basis, then remembering the material becomes very important.

Can you see an unknown place without a map and help passers-by? Do you go navmannya, while in practice you do not see the place? It’s a good strategy, but make your own (know the next day) and you will reach it in the shortest time for a few days, or maybe even months. How do we sound robimo in such a situation: maps, navigators, information.

Why are we trying to remember new things on the zero base? Is it easy to know the hotel without making maps for tourists?

How to better remember the new material:

1. Before learning and remembering something new and foldable, know it in other places (Google and Yandex will help you), in the simplest way, explain the basics by those who learn. Let it be an article from Wikipedia, a lecture for teapots and schoolchildren. It is important to understand the basics, key principles (nail a hanger with checks)

2. Read the book for the spiral algorithm (about the robotic method with the information I have), a few times. There will be a short glance at the back, then reading the key bells and whistles, further reading more.

As soon as you have a base of knowledge on this topic, you will read it skin-to-skin new ideas on the checkboxes.

3. Choose such materials (books, trainings, lectures, articles), where you see 20-50% of the material. The result of the memorization of the mastered information of such a distribution will be greater, lower in the form of 100% new information. It's amazing, isn't it?

Otzhe, we looked at 5 important principles, how to better remember any material. I’m sure I’m sure that you want to stop a part of it (we wonder more, why it’s important). And at the same time, take it and tell it to the principles of the coma, so that most of the information is lost in the memory, and for the first time (the first book, lectures, training) you should remember the materials so that the stink is remembered as much as possible.

Get rid of your indulgence, I love comments!

By stretching the life of a person, one can get a good grasp of it. And the learning process, apparently, often reasons for the need to remember a great deal of information in a short hour. For some people, this is not a problem, at that hour, as others recognize some difficulties, especially as unknown words, terms, difficult phrases are used in the text.

Obviously, today we have impersonal fittings that we write down, we can’t stop them. And the information in the world of today is such a quantity that it is best to empathize with the last place, and for yourself - at your own head.

Enough to get it once How to memorize a great deal of information in a short hour, and I'll remember you in any situation. For example, at school chi іnstitutі, pіd іn the hour of prіvіshchennya kіlіfіkatsії na roboі, before іspit і dаі. Here, it’s more important to focus on the result, read a copy of the blue recommendations and put them into practice. It is suggested to you to recognize it right away, as if to memorize the great obsession of information.

How do you know the situation, if it is necessary to remember a great deal of information, and an hour is not enough? What do you see with whom? Are you starting to panic? You feel like a student, having skipped classes for a while, and now you have taken up your mind and mastered all the passages of the material.

Don't be embarrassed. Remember that your memory is not perfect, develop special techniques that allow you to learn a great deal of information in a short hour, tse voluminous paragraph of the assistant, the text of your public presentation or a hundred examination papers.

Memorization can be mechanical, which means memorization or logical, so we comprehend.

Let's take a look at the main ways of receiving that information.

  • Method of cramming. Vіn go far not to everyone, although it helps to remember the information. However, there it is swishing around our heads overwhelmed by the acceptance of the garnished assessment, or by the praise.
  • Reorder method. Everything is even simpler: you read the text and prepare a report. With whom best to put in front of you a vdyachnoy hearer. In this manner, you will not allow yourself to relax and, if necessary, pick up the necessary words and read the formula.
  • Write method. Kindly students write notes. And do you know why? Tse duzhe a good way to organize and systematize information. If you missed the lecture, don't hesitate to copy and write a short summary. In the first place, all the necessary information will be at your fingertips, but in a different way, you will know for a clearly laid out plan, which is visualized at your head. Until then, the recording should be saved to the best memory.
  • repetition method. Thoughts, repeat the passage of the material, complete or complete the examination papers.
  • reading out loud. Dekom is assisted by the method itself. important read the text of the kіlka once, comprehend yoga. You can split the reading into a paragraph and stop the retelling method.
  • The method of "remembering the place". Try guess the situation If you have taken the information, you may need to focus on smells, objects of interest, landscapes.

How to memorize information quickly for additional visual images?

The technique of meaningful memorization of information is called a mnemonic. Use sprat of secrets of mnemonics, to help memorize information better:

  1. Try to transform the information into images. Moreover, lively pictures can be called as verses - with additional images, you can remember dates, tables, graphs and type formulas. For whom, obviously, it is necessary to choose the best and most distant image. Here you can win the method of associations, which is based on the variety of color, form, selection of abbreviations, creating small stories.
  2. Paint bright pictures at the head. Do not be afraid to stop your fantasy - let your images crumble, mutually, chic into lancelets. So one piece of information step by step comes out of the other, creating a completed picture.
  3. Focus on the details. Try to reportly describe the subject you are talking about. Guess yoga features and characteristic signs. For example, you need to tell about a mobile phone. Check out the details: display, keys, charging socket, speaker, microphone.

Video lessons: how to remember the great communication of information?

The skin of a person in his life went through a singing stage, if it was necessary to read it. Begin at all from a child's garden, then a school, an institute, a course for advanced qualifications and a lot more. Let's take a look at these articles, how to correctly write the abstracts of whether or not other tasks.

It's not a secret for anyone that at the beginning of the hour, everyone will be able to learn the information, and then we will add up to sleep and sleep. But the problem is that far from being able to remember the singing material. Let's talk about those who are more beautiful than ever. Adzhe, like in other areas, here it is also necessary to know the rules of action. I do not only know, but follow them.

Ways to memorize

  • Nasampered, create your own motivation. You need to come up with your own as a city, as a check on you at the time of successful completion. Paint the situation with your thoughts, as you stand in front of the examiners, and with an inspiring voice, you answer all questions.
  • Choose a singing hour for the beginning and try not to question. Let's go special life, the problems that turboti go to another plane. Focus less on the set goal. Do not give in to everyday spokus.
  • After all the necessary preparations are accepted, you can proceed to the training.
  • In order to remember the information, it is necessary to comprehend and understand. Remember, you don't need to cram. Rather, just understand and reshape all the assignments material. If you tell the speakers all the material in your own words, then you will understand that you didn’t crammed the topic of pivnoch, but actually sorted it out and understood it.
  • Vrahuyte, which material is the best at the evening hour or in the morning. Ale, do not forget about interrupting my training. For an hour, you can listen to music, watch a comedy film, read a magazine.
  • Remember, what is the most important part of the information is seen on the other side, it is better. For transparency, you can see all the important aspects with a marker of a different color.
  • Bagatyokh schoolchildren tsіkavit, how to correctly win the exam papers. Nasampered, it is necessary to acquire one simple truth, do not take it for granted, but start from the first side and go to the end. Read the back of nutrition, then the theory and so on. A day later, after you have received the song ticket, try the new one. Like you wrote cheat sheets, write. Since all the material cannot be placed on small papiers, then you will need to see the worst ones. In this rank, you want chi ni, but all the same, remember those who wrote.

Decilka of minds of successful memory

  • It seems to a lot of people that the stench is simply filthy to remember, and that the stench can remember that chi other material, but it’s not good. It is just necessary to show interest before what you need to learn.
  • Although they “penetrate” into the materials a little, they are easily remembered. For example, verses about the unfortunate and undivided kokhannya, funny ballad, etc.
  • Even an important intellectual successful memorization is, insanely, lucid information, as you need to acquire. If the thought didn’t make you understand, if you were carrying the material, you won’t master it, but memorize it. As a result, you won’t learn anything new, like it will be remembered, but you will forget everything that you learned by heart in just a couple of days.
  • It is necessary to put oneself for the metaphor of the given material. Change your mind, what is important for you, and you will need in life. Then everything is remembered obov'yazkovo. Well, if you read it only in order not to take away the two, then the information will not be acquired.
  • To better remember the rules, you need to independently sort them out and come up with examples. If a person keeps on remembering the work, then the result is richly shortening.
  • Even more important is napoleglivist. Having shown the commitment and having done more often to the end, you will reach the mіtsnogo and total memory.
  • When preparing to sleep, it is necessary to unify the bison. Best knowledge to systematize. Nasampered, try to retell the text in your own words and remember the most important moments. On іspitі itself for them and "chip" your memory. Aja, having guessed the date, tell me about all the contingent podії, as if she were pulling along.
  • Do not miss any pre-examination consultation.
  • Even more important is the role played and balanced that povnotsіnne eating. Sleep, scho nasuvayutsya, not pereskoda sieve resentment. Right off the bat. Seeing hunger, you won’t be able to focus on the training again and you will be constantly indulging. Not varto is the same for an hour of drinking, sitting on a diet. Sleep and so stress for your body, and here comes the diet. Fakhіvtsі also recommend turning on the living of power engineers. The stench is not only ineffective, but even worse for a slug. Tim is bigger, because after them there is a slump of forces.
  • It is not varto to lead a sedentary way of life. Better go in for sports. Work on a choranka exercise, go to the pool or go for a run. In this order, you know the tension. Fakhіvtsі have established that physical activity is already pouring into the mental state of the whole.
  • Before іspitami it is not necessary to lash out at yourself in the trash. If you are boasting, then do not feed from your classmates, as if they were already building, as everything passed. So you are more nervous. It is better to repeat the material. Go to the auditorium with the best of your ability. Having pulled out a ticket, do not panic to go ahead, if you have forgotten everything. Just sit down and get ready to work. Rewrite the question and try to answer them from memory. Begin to rely on those meals, as you are given the lightest. Throw out the scheme of vіdpovidі. Let's go to such meals.

Now you know how better to see the material. Some are exam papers, some are just verses about kokhannya. Tse allow you to open up knowledge, not to spend time at the same hour. We wish you good luck!